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leo-fie-handarbeiten · 1 year ago
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Dies ist mein Schäfchenband. Basierend auf einem Band, das ich irgendwo in Pinterest gefunden hab. Ein einfaches 4 vor, 4 zurück Muster, also für Anfänger gut geeignet.
Ich hab es schon mehrmals gemacht, mit Variationen in den Farben der Blumen (hier rot), mit braun statt schwarz oder mit zweierlei grün statt nur einem.
Außerdem mache ich bei allen meinen Bändern gern die Ränder etwas einheitlicher, indem ich die äußersten 4 Brettchen (hier schwarz) immer in die gleiche Richtung drehe. Nach 30 cm Band oder so wechsle ich dann und drehe immer in die andere Richtung. Macht es unnötig kompliziert und wiederspricht dem eigentlichen Sinn dieses Musters, ein einfaches 4/4 zu sein, aber ich machs trotzdem oft.
Webbrief erstellt mit Guntram's Tablev Weaving Thingy (GTT), freeware, download here
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scheinysca · 2 years ago
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I'm honored to be an out of kingdom teacher this Saturday, March 4, as part of the @scakingdomofatlantia Arts and Sciences Festival in the barony of Bright Hills! In teaching a finger loop braid class at 12:30. BYO string or I'll have kits available for a $1-$3 donation. https://facebook.com/events/557680249624107 https://kasf.atlantia.sca.org/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTD4e8u8NN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= #SCA #MySCA #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCALife #LARPGirl #LARPersOfInstagram #QueerWeaver #Dalhraidia #reenactor #reenactors #FingerLoop #FingerLoopBraid #FingerLoopBraiding #HistoricalCostume #HistoricalTextiles #HeritageCraft #TraditionalWeaving #TraditionalCraft #WeaversOfIG #TabletWeaving #TabletWeave #CardWeave #CardWeaving #CardWeaversOfInstagram #aethelmearc #Æthelmearc #BMDL #BaronyMarcheOfTheDebatableLands #KingdomOfAtlantia #Atlantia https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTGpBduJTH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thoridsgewandung · 2 years ago
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Auftragsarbeit mach Kundenwunsch ✂️ #thoridsgewandschneiderei #order #wikingerkleidung #mittelalterkleidung #handgenäht #wikinger #vikingtunic #vikingclothing #gewandung #handmadewithlove #vikingmen #norse #historyvikings #historyclothing #linentunic #medievalclothing #tabletweaving #médiéval #medievalart #earlymedieval #medievaltimes #vikingtid (hier: Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7xNxfLkc3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainpiratequeen · 3 years ago
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I tried my hand at tablet weaving #tabletweaving #rpqtabletweaving #cardweaving https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc68ZQZLgDL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nymla · 5 years ago
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Just wanted to show ya part of my yarn and wool collection. I need to find more white and grey yarn that I can dye! And my gorgeous weaving shuttle made by hluthvik! Go and check out his work, it's amazing. And my first finished little tablet weave :D And my precious plant dyed yarns. I need to make something with them. Tablet weave something new maybe? I wanna weave things for the yule goat, and for viking clothing. But then I need to know what colors will fit hmmm. And also, some gloves I recently finished needlebinding!
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dhyngetal · 5 years ago
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NOVIDADE!!! Tiara feita pela @lynae.crafts disponível em minha loja virtual, ela é feita com uma técnica muito conhecida no recriacionismo viking, tablet weaving(tecelagem com cartões) 🍃 tenho só 2 dessas no estoque! Link: http://dhyngetal.iluria.com/pd-76def0-tiara-lynae.html?ct=c9b8e&p=1&s=1 #dhyngetal #cardweaving #tabletweaving #vikingrenactment #recriacionismoviking #vikingstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CBi5vINjBnb/?igshid=oecqjl0wbg72
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mrribbonworkshop · 5 years ago
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200 fili di cotone indaco 30/2 in ordito . 4 fili di lana Alpaca 100% verde oliva in trama. Il disegno con 18 trame per 4 licci. Ho calcolato che per una sciarpa lunga 2,10 mt ci impiegherò 18 ore di lavoro manuale a telaio . Penso che la massima qualità – non c’è successo senza di essa – è amare davvero quello che fai. Se lo ami, lo fai bene. (Malcolm Forbes) 200 threads of 30/2 indigo cotton in the warp. 4 strands of 100% olive green Alpaca wool. The design with 18 textures for 4 healds. I calculated that for a 2.10 m long scarf it will take me 18 hours of manual loom work. I think the highest quality - it hasn't happened without it - is to really love what you do. If you love it, you do it well. (Malcolm Forbes). #mrribbon. #mrribbonworkshop #weaving #handweaving #handloom #handmade #uniquepieces #handwoven #handcrafted #craftsmanship #madeinitaly #brand #tabletweaving #tabletloom #research #creativity #inspiration #innovation (presso Thiene) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7RWT3Jouhi/?igshid=xyfk4z2qqo5t
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clueless-walrus · 6 years ago
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Tablet weaving for a Christmas present!
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shantheviking · 6 years ago
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leo-fie-handarbeiten · 1 year ago
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Dieses Muster nenne ich Pattern of Doom, also Muster des Schreckens. Es basiert auf diesem Pin, aber hat den einen Strang umgedreht, sodass es keine Richtung mehr hat. Macht das Sinn? Jedenfalls was es erstaunlich schwer, den Webbrief dahingehend zu ändern. Dass ich zum ersten Mal GTT benutzt hab, hat nicht geholfen.
Dieses Band ist mittlere Schwierigkeit. Es wiederholt sich nach 8 Drehungen und man muss alle zwei Drehungen alle Brettchen neu anordnen. Ok, vielleicht ist es hohe Schwierigkeit. Es hat auch keinen Rand, weil ich es nicht breiter machen wollte als es schon ist.
Ich mache es für einen Freund, wenn alles klappt, kann ich vielleicht mal Bilder vom fertigen Projekt teilen.
Muster erstellt mit GTT
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danishheathen · 7 years ago
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Finished the small drum I did for my cousin! #fenrirfolk #drum #dotwork #pyrography #viking #heathen #tabletweaving #mine
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scheinysca · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @leastweaselweaving Today is my birthday! As my gift, I would love it if you would send me pictures I can repost of you wearing my weaving! Or pictures of people you see wearing my weaving! And tag me in pictures with people wearing my weaving. Or Share a picture I've posted on your social media platform of choice! We all want to feel the things we do matter. That's what I ask for my birthday. I hope everyone has a great day! I'll see some of you at #BattleOnTheBay in @scakingdomofatlantia this weekend. I don't think I'll be set up to merchant, but I'll have all my weaving with me if you want something or want to see what I have. Thanks so much! Now eat some punkin roll and drink some cider for me, it's Autumn! #SCA #larp #LARPGirl #VikingAge #HistoricalCostume #reenactor #QueerWeaver #brettchenweben #HistoricalCostume #HistoricalTextiles #TabletWeaving #TabletWeave #CardWeave #CardWeaving #CardWeaversOfInstagram #WeaversOfIG #TraditionalWeaving #HeritageCraft #SCAatHome #mySCA #aethelmearc #Dagorhir #LarpersOfInstagram #amtgard #belegarth #Hearthlight #Dalhraidia #boglodyte #MOFAMofo https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1Chl7LkBa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thoridsgewandung · 3 years ago
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Auftragsarbeit nach Kundenwunsch ✂️ Wunderschönes Kleid aus reinem Leinen mit handgewebter Brettchenborte. Das Kleid habe ich mit einer Kleeblatt im Borre-Stil und einer Perlenkette von @skata_perlenmaid behübscht #thoridsgewandschneiderei #linendress #handgefertigt #vikingdress #vikingstyle #medievalart #medieval #vikingsofinstagram #dresshistory #larp #dressmaking #vikingwoman #vikinggirl #vikingfashion #fashion #tabletweaving #vikingjewelry #vikingreenacting #reenactment #livinghistory #vikinglife #vikinglove #vikinglovers #norse #norsemythology #pagan #history #pagansofinstagram #medievaltimes #heathenwoman (hier: Thorids Gewandungen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaU4bUIrV5F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rainpiratequeen · 3 years ago
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"Hey ellen, what did you do on your week off?" "Oh, well, I spent most of the time making, essentially, a 10.5 ft friendship bracelet" "uh. why?" *blank stare* 🐉 #rpqtabletweaving #tabletweaving #weaving #dublindragons pattern copied from Elewys of Finchingefeld on YouTube. Warp weighted loom set up inside a box loom. Cotton pearl size 10 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdj7iLur2Cx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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valkyrjacom · 7 years ago
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Beautiful tablet weaving, at Hafrsfjordkaupangen ✨ #tabletweaving #hafrsfjordkaupangen #viking #vikings #norse #vikinglife #vikingblog #valkyrie #valkyrja @tktrevland
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symppisdesign · 2 years ago
Lautanauhavyö // Tablet woven belt
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[Eng below]
Syyskuussa tehty lautanauhavyö. Oltiin harjoiteltu lautanauhoja ensimmäisenä vuonna, joten päätin tehdä asustetehtävään samalla tekniikalla vyön. Yleensä lautanauhoissa on nelikulmaisia lautoja, mutta haasteen vuoksi käytinkin kuusikulmaisia lautoja! Lankoina erillaiset villalangat joita koulun varastosta löytyi. Oli tosi hauskaa kutoa tätä!!
Tablet woven belt made in september. We had practiced the tablet weaving technique last year, and I loved it. So, I decided to use it for this belt. Usually the tablets are squares, but I wanted some challenge, thus hexagons was the next step! I used different kinds of wool yarns that I found at school. It was really fun to make this!!
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