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Plant & Low impact dyes— inspiration & results 🌿 ~ A little glimpse into our recent colours development. It has been a long time coming and soon will launch on the website (earliest spring/May). New colours: pink, teal and yellow. OPEN FOR COLOUR NAME CONSIDERATIONS 💞 — ‘These dyes are achieved by manual labour essentially— meaning that I am present while the fabrics are streaming away, constantly checking on the results. For this reason, It is a little difficult to achieve exactly the same shade everytime (except red and black) but perhaps, this shall the beauty of our naturally dyed pieces.’ 💞 ~ #plantdye #plantdyedlingerie #sustainablelingerie #experiment #development #sustainablefashion #handmadelingerie #inspiration #smallbusinessuk #qrucifix (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1E7yQMTlo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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STAGE 1 : meet the babies
Mid-May 2024
I started many dye plants from seed this year and have been working hard to clear the invasive grass from my beds so I can plant my dye plants. I will be using most of these plants to dye cotton fabric, and to make ink for drawing and painting. Some of these plants are native to America, while others are european.
Plants I started from seed:
Madder (the roots can be dug up and dyed with, after a few years)
Scabiosa (black pin-cushion)
Safflower (makes pink or orange dye)
Marigolds (classic from mexico, so fun and beautiful)
Black Hollyhock (might take a year or two)
indigo (japanese variety)
weld (bright yellowy green)
woad (native UK blue dye plant, not at potent at indigo)
red hat coneflower
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A4-kollektiivi (E. Eilittä & Anni Haunia): Värikarttoja, yksityisnäyttely, 2023.
A4-kollektiivin Värikarttoja-yksityisnäyttely oli esillä Asbestos Art Spacessa, Helsingissä, tammikuussa 2023. A4-kollektiivi oli koko näyttelyn ajan paikalla hämmentämässä tuoksuvaa kuusenkuori-värjäyslientä. Kävijät saivat istua puupenkeillä ja hypistellä kasvivärjättyjä lankavyyhtejä.
“Galleriaan on koottu värjätyistä lankavyyhdeistä ja valokuvavedoksista rihmastoinen värikartta, joka esittelee erilaisia paikkoja ja niissä piileviä värejä. A4-kollektiivi on valinnut Värikarttoihin joutavan oloisia ja helposti ohitettavia paikkoja, kuten maantien piennar, radiomaston vierus ja umpeenkasvanut piha, joihin ei tyypillisesti mennä nauttimaan maisemasta. Näissä paikoissa korostuu, miten ihmisen jäljet sekoittuvat monien muiden tekijöiden aikaansaamien jälkien joukkoon.
Jokaisesta Värikarttojen paikasta on kerätty talteen kasvinosia, roskia ja muuta ainesta. Niiden avulla paikoissa piilevät värit on tallennettu kasvivärjäyksen keinoin lankavyyhteihin ja kierrätystekstiileihin. Värjäysprosessi on monivaiheinen ja hidas, mikä mahdollistaa paikkojen monimuotoisuuden äärelle pysähtymisen. Värjättyjen vyyhtien ja tekstiilien lisäksi näyttelyssä nähdään väläyksiä paikoista kierrätyskankaalle tulostetuissa mustavalkokuvissa.
Näyttelyn aikana tilassa tekeytyy Värikarttoja-näyttelyn värikartta, johon saa osallistua tuomalla mukanaan (tai vaikka poimimalla gallerian lähistöltä) jonkun pienen väriainetta sisältävän objektin, kuten kasvin palan tai biojätteen.
Näyttely on osa A4-kollektiivin jatkuvaa projektia, jossa etsitään taiteen keinoin uusia tapoja katsoa elinympäristöä uteliaasti ja arvostaen, ja tarkastellaan kriittisesti ihmisen toimijuutta osana ekosysteemejä.”
A4 collective (E. Eilittä & Anni Haunia): Värikarttoja (’Colour Maps’), solo exhibition, 2023.
The Colour Maps exhibition by A4 collective took place in Asbestos Art Space in Helsinki in January 2023. A4 collective was present during the whole exhibition, cooking a fragrant pigment soup made of spruce bark. The visitors were welcomed to sit on the wooden benches and fiddle the plant dyed ravels of thread.
“The exhibition is a rhizomey colour map installation made of hand-dyed ravels of thread and photographs. This colour map presents different places and the pigments hiding in them. A4 collective has chosen places that are somehow idle and easy to dismiss, e.g. the surroundings of a radio mast or an overgrown courtyard - spots that one doesn’t usually visit to enjoy the beauty of nature. In these places it’s visible how traces of human actions blend with traces of other(-than-human) agents.
Pieces of plants, litter and other small objects have been collected from every spot represented in the colour map. These have been used in traditional plant dyeing process, capturing the pigments from every spot on ravels of thread and recycled fabrics. The process of plant dyeing is slow and contains several steps, which gives one time and space to contemplate over the polymorphism of the places. In addition to the ravels and fabrics the spots are also presented in the exhibition through black and white photographs printed on recycled fabrics.
The colour map of the ‘Colour maps’ exhibition is brewing in the gallery during the exhibition. You are welcome to participate by bringing with you a small object that contains pigment, for example a piece of a plant (sticks, leaves etc.) or a biowaste.
The exhibition is part of A4 collective’s on-going project, in which the collective uses artistic practices for seeking for new ways of seeing our habitat curiously and respectfully and re-examining critically the agency of human in ecosystems.”
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Freshness and newness is a property of nature that's why natural dyes gives a unique and fresh look to textile always.
Natural Dye KIT www.vrittidesigns.com #naturaldyed#naturaldyes#ecodye#ecodyeing#naturaldye#sustainabledyes#responsiblefashion#naturalcolours#naturaldyedtextiles#handmadetextiles #naturaldyekit #doityourself #naturaldyekitdiy #diycolours #textilediynaturalcolours #sustainableclothing#ethicalfashion#ethicalmanufacturing#plantdyes#vegetabledyeing#naturaldyedfabric#naturaldyestuff#conciousfashion#sustainability#dyewithnature#madeinindia #vrittidesigns
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Mushroom and lichen dyeing!
Last week I learned how to dye with mushrooms and lichens and it's amazing and I think I'm addicted. There are so many types of plants you can dye with! 🍄 Follow this link to see my latest public Patreon post. It kind of describes how it was done, and has many photos for your eyeballs to enjoy! https://www.patreon.com/posts/30759839
PLEASE BEWARE! Lichen grows extremely slowly, be respectful and only pick lichen from fallen branches and such. Do not pick lichen that is still rooted and growing!
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Szövő szakkör 4. nap Ma ki-ki az addigi kedvenc technikájával kezdett. Várt ránk néhány batikolt/lécezett anyag bontása, újabb érdekes minták kerültek elő. Volt, aki ma a tegnap festett, kimosott trikójában jelent meg! A dió továbbra is növényi festő legkedvesebb barátja és a birs levél újabb meglepetést okozott. Mivel mára a festőlevek és mi is kissé kimerültünk, a fazekak mellett ácsorgás helyett a bíbelődősebb kártyaszövéssel ismerkedtünk. Mértünk vágtunk, lukasztottunk, feliratoztunk, majd rajzot értelmeztünk, fűztünk, újrafűztünk... Talán ennek a technikának a megértése okozta a legtöbb fejtörést, de a lassan alakuló minták alapján elmondhatjuk, nagyon megérte belekóstolni! A négy nap végére Barbara színköre is egész szépen összeállt, melyet majd hosszabb távon is szeretnénk a szakkörben felhasználni. Zárásul levontunk néhány tanulságot és döbbenten számolgattuk, mennyi mindenre nem jutott idő. Sebaj, jövőre ugyanitt folytatjuk! :) #workshop #szakkör #kártyaszövés #cardweaving #plantdyeing #batik #növényifestés (helyszín: Biatorbágy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjgcbuplKE/?igshid=l4sq4qy8g5de
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lichen liquor
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Considering our Fragile Environment and our own Skin… Eco printed and Dyed Clothes 👚 is the need of the hour and a must… Ecoprinting is a technique that transfers plant color and shape onto cloth. ... With eco printing, not only does the color of the plant, but also the shape and many times, quite a bit of detail of the plant itself is printed onto the fabric. The key to creating a long-term sustainable fashion industry, reducing waste and limiting unnecessary environmental damage is: eco-printing and eco-dyeing. With clever application, natural elements are used to create visually new garments, either by dyeing or by printing processes. Let us know your feedback.. in comment section… much Love ❤ #cottonyarns #shiboriaturaldye #handmade # #handspuncotton #handdyed #plantdyeing #naturaldye #naturaldyeing #indigodyedfabric #handmadegifts #natural #indigovat #plantdyed #plantdyes #naturaldyed #indigodyedcotton #indigodyeingworkshop (at Kolkata - The City of Joy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaWSt0dvu9a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Thankful to showcase a few garments along with some fellow natural dyers in the latest exhibition @centralartsanctuary . . . . #textileartist #southerndesigner #southernartist #alabamamaker #southernmaker #naturaldyersofinstagram #naturaldyersofig #naturaldyeing #upcycledfashion #garmentdesigner #textileart #plantdyeing #naturaldyeing #marigolddye #logwood #oniondye #livingcolor (at Mobile, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW9d3IaslRX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I’ve just finish a bar of Martha’s homegrown and homemade Indigo dyed soap. And to those folks who got a bar for Christmas; You’re welcome. #homegrown #homemade #plantdyeing @orchardhillfarmca (at Sparta, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NAsFdH2RS/?igshid=s1aquzuzx9hj
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Acacia farnesiana , known as "gazia" in Greek. So many uses for this plant: the flowers are used in perfumes, the bark is used in tanning leather, dyeing and inks, and the seeds can be eaten. Learn more in our online course on natural dyeing - available in Greek through jointheflow.net #acacia #acaciafarnesiana #vachellia #mimosa #naturaldye #tanning #tanningleather #leathertanning #plantdye #naturaldyeing #plantdyed #plantdyes #plantdyeing #botany #primitiveskills #foraging #dyersofinstagram #herbalism #herbnerd #plantallies #myherbalstudies (at Áno Kypséli) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GG-dmlHCH/?igshid=1egsbe9eogq2x
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This is Bertha. She's gonna be living in my windowsill for the next three weeks and I'm just super excited about her and needed to share. She's my second ever attempt at plantdying and first attempt at colddying. Hopefully she'll become green and maybe one day she'll become a pair of socks or gloves.
#like if u wanna hear more about Bertha#I read a book on plantdying over easter and am now obsessed#plantdye#plantdying#colddying#needlebinding
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2021/12/11 Onion tie-and-dye on cotton Thāi-tshung-thêu ngiām-pù 大蔥頭染布 Tshang-thâu ní-pòo 蔥頭染布 洋蔥染
#shibori#plant dye#plantdyes#plantdye#natural dye#naturaldye#dye#dyeing#tieanddye#植物染#handmade#handicraft#france#teinture#手作り#teinture naturelle#手作#taiwan#ocre#colors#colours#couleurs
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Just wanted to show ya part of my yarn and wool collection. I need to find more white and grey yarn that I can dye! And my gorgeous weaving shuttle made by hluthvik! Go and check out his work, it's amazing. And my first finished little tablet weave :D And my precious plant dyed yarns. I need to make something with them. Tablet weave something new maybe? I wanna weave things for the yule goat, and for viking clothing. But then I need to know what colors will fit hmmm. And also, some gloves I recently finished needlebinding!
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Szövös szakkör 3. nap Ma az előző napokon elkészült festőleveket hasznosítottuk tovább. Landgráf Kata először a léces és a batik technika rejtelmeibe avatott be bennünket. Készültek különféle anyagminták, amiből patchwork p��rna lesz és bontáskor a kisebb darabok mellett egy csodásan sikerült asztalterítőnek is örülhettünk. Délután a kártyaszövéssel ismerkedtünk, illetve volt olyan is, aki máris elkészült az első szövött szalagjával és máris egy újabba kezdett. Mindenki egyszerre az őt leginkább érdeklő dologgal foglalkozott, néha csak kapkodtuk a fejünket a sok-sok csodás mintadarab és elsajátítható technika között :) Holnap újabb textileket bontunk a festőedényekből és tovább gyakoroljuk az újonnan tanultakat. #worshop #szakkör #szalagszövés #ribbonweave #kártyaszövés #cardweaving #batik #növényifestés #plantdyeing (helyszín: Biatorbágy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCg8Hd5JlQ1/?igshid=1pd92i5pu7lv5
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