#table 12
trexalicious · 9 months
The DOWNFALL of Tyler Perry courtesy of Meghan & Harry...
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She's Capable of Anything 😬
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We Know...
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that1notetaker · 2 months
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Planning something. Maybe
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yeoubi-i · 2 months
Was thinking of Split and other aus involving Marvel being perceived as a dad and immediately my mind went to ‘Billy claims to be the dad instead’, since Marvel being created or born from his idea of a hero, technically being older, and being the new wizard giving him a higher status then Marvel
Or the shazamily just randomly claim to be Billy’s kids so they don’t get give away to much about themselves that eventually it becomes a inside joke between them
JL seeing Billy and Captain Marvel: oh is this you son?
CM panicking with gods screaming in his head and no host: oh um no uh he’s
Billy w/ no hesitation: Yes, this is my son.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 134
One of the young justice members is complaining about how their parents or mentors benched them after getting injured. 
And Marvel snorting and saying that that reminds him of Phantom. And of course, the YJ crew, ask who that is. 
“Oh Phantoms my big brother, pops never really understood our human halves or limits so…” and he just shrugs like he didn’t just drop Lore. And the teens smell blood in the water, they want to know more. 
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mikakuna · 7 months
and what happens when willis todd finds out his little boy died. he knows billionaire bruce wayne adopted jay-- the whole damn country knew.
so why. why did his baby boy get a better chance at life than willis could provide, just for him to still die before him, before he became an adult?
how could willis give up his parental rights to bruce wayne, the most privileged man on earth, expecting this man to keep his baby safe and happy and healthy-- when his little jay still died alone and scared.
bruce wayne had everything he could ever ask for. he had all the means to keep his son safe from any harm. and yet jason still died before he even reached his sweet sixteen.
willis thinks that maybe it's a family curse-- a curse he has to live with, knowing that he's failed everyone he's ever loved.
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brian-in-finance · 2 months
Video 📹 from Instagram
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Remember… every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. — Semisonic, Closing Time, 1998
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a-fangirltrash · 29 days
Fiddleauthor nation when i put Bill third wheeling in my fiddauthor fanart is because i like to see Bill losing and Fidd winning!!! 😔 is like a revenge for all that fanart of Fidd being cucked
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bengiyo · 4 months
I’ve just finished my rewatch of Go Ahead, a cdrama you will probably never watch because it’s het and mostly about family trauma. But it’s one of my all time favs and one of the best things about it is the strong found family theme—it’s essentially about three broken families and how they join together as one to support each other. It got me thinking about my fav found family narratives, and especially those that are explicitly queer, because there’s often added life or death stakes in those stories. What are your favorite found family stories in queer media?
This is an interesting question, and I think you qualified appropriately right away by bringing up the life or death stakes of this kind of narrative. I think I want to make a distinction between "finding your people" and "found family" because I think these things often get blurred in romance stories.
Favorite Queer Found Family Stories
For me, a good found family story has to be about the found family component of it. Romance can be a significant portion of the story, but the primary driving relationships need to be about the queers being each other's primary network. I think estrangement from your bio family is a critical component, because knowing you are all each other has is a big part of it.
POSE (2018-2021)
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It's really impossible to establish what found family looks like without referring to a show about ballroom culture in NYC in the 90s. We were dying. We were being abandoned. The houses gave people a place to be and a sense of purpose. These kids called their leaders Mother for a reason. Every single queer character in this show was saved by another character in this show before going onto save another character in this show. No show has ever done it like POSE.
Despite their fighting and bickering, Elektra saved Blanca. Blanca would go on to form her own house and provide shelter and support for multiple kids. There is a desperation to queer found family for me that makes it so important. Pray Tell's final choices still resonate with me to this day.
Queer as Folk (2000-2005)
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We remember all of the fucking in this show, but this is another show where the queers are their primary support network. Their families aren't really there for them. Justin is kicked out of the house and lives with Debbie for a while, and is nursed by his community after being bashed. Michael and Ben adopt Hunter. Brian donates for Lindsey and Melanie. Debbie housed Brian in the past. Emmett's family disowned him, so his friends are all he's got. The community rallies constantly to protect each other.
Part of what makes this show so special as found family, like with POSE, is how often these folks piss each other off and get into huge fights. They fall out repeatedly in this show over fundamental disagreements that are not easily solved. Some of those fights are ugly in a way only people who know you best can hurt you.
The Fosters (2013-2018)
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There's no way I'm not including my favorite TV lesbians of all time raising all them kids on this post. These two public servants found each other, made the difficult choices to be together, and keep expanding their family with more fosters and adoptees over time because there's always more love to go around. This show tackled how important it is to be able to call people family, and what it means for that to be a choice over an obligation. These two always found a way to make it work for their complex family and gave a budding queer the space to grow and be a brat of a teenager after saving him from having the shit beaten out of him for wearing a dress.
Sense8 (2015-2018)
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From the directors of The Matrix (1999) and the creator of Babylon 5 (1993-1998), few shows are as queer as Sense8. Eight strangers suddenly become connected to each other and cannot turn it off. Half of them are queer in some way, and it's about their adaptation to each other and looking out for each other as they're literally being hunted. This is one of my favorite sci-fi concepts of all time, and I love the way their relationships outside of their cluster play into their dynamics.
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat (2022- )
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This is a recent favorite for this, particularly because of Season 2. In Season 1, we know that Nomoto puts a distance between herself and her family because of the pressure to become a wife. In season 2, we learn that Kasuga has severed ties with her family because of the expectation that she surrender her own life to take care of her family. When she tells Nomoto this, Nomoto gets angry on Kasuga's behalf and they decide to commit to living together. They are also building their community around them, and I better see everyone in their new apartment in season 3.
Gameboys 2 (2022)
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So much of what's going wrong for Gav in this season is that he doesn't feel connected to the rest of his bio family after his grandmother passed, and he's desperately holding onto all of the friendships he has because he's so lonely. It's why he's still close with both of his exes (Pearl and Terrence), and why he won't let them go. Also, he's falling apart and Pearl is the one making sure his bills get paid on time.
The Shape of Water (2017)
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Shout out to my man Doug Jones for always playing creatures that everyone is attracted to. The way this movie is so much about undesirables choosing to love each other and saving each other. Go watch it if you haven't. This film is not about a sexual awakening. It's about loving inside of a white capitalist structure.
Not Queer But Good
Shout outs for my faves. Some have queer characters in them, but aren't inherently or explicitly queer.
The Golden Girls (1985-1992)
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No one did it like them. A bunch of aging women living together and making the most of their lives still resonates almost 40 years later.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008)
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All of these kids are estranged from their families, and are building out something that works over the course of the show.
The Good Place (2016-2020)
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I really love that this is a show about people who didn't get it together in life getting it together in the afterlife because they decided to work together, and then to care about each other. When you're literally being tortured by devils, you're all you've got.
What Doesn't Fit?
This is where things can get a little bit wiggly, but why I want to draw a line on this. I think that shows about queer friendship are important, but I also think that there's a difference between "we are all we've got" and "these people are the most important to me." So we end up with shows like the following.
Noah's Arc (2005-2006)
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I often call this the Black answer to Queer as Folk, but I don't think it had time to fully-develop the found family themes in a way that QaF did with its much-longer runtime. Noah and his friends are super codependent and absolutely there for each other, but I don't think the absence of their families is explicitly attributed to their queerness but rather a byproduct of the focus on their gay life dynamics in LA. I love this show dearly, but there isn't a desperation to this that belies the family angst necessary for found family.
For The Boys (2021)
In many ways a spiritual successor to Noah's Arc, this show falls into the same place. The friend trio at the core of this is the most important relationship in their lives, but this show doesn't have the necessary found family angst.
What about QL?
For me, the biggest problem with doing found family in QL is that the primary genre is romance. These shows prioritize the way these relationships will turn romantic in a way that detracts from the found family component even when it's present. Also, because QL focuses so hard on coming of age plotlines, there's an element more of "finding your people" that supercedes any found family dynamics.
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I Promised You the Moon (2021) is a good example of this. The primary drama of this show is about the romance between Teh and Oh-aew and the complications they face once they leave Phuket. Oh finds his people there and blossoms from it, but this is a story about how he and Teh can't get over each other.
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As much as I love What Did You Eat Yesterday? (2019- ), the only real component of that is in Wataru's character. Kenji gets along with his mom and sisters, and Shiro is working on repairing the relationship with his family the entire time.
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With Thai BL especially, I feel like they're big on friend groups, but not as big on found family. New Siwaj loves big friend groups that love each other, evinced by Love Sick (2014-2015), Make It Right (2016-2017), Until We Meet Again (2019), EN of Love (202), My Only 12% (2022), etc. He's done some great work in the space with queer friends, but not really queer found family.
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Cheewin, a former collaborator of New's, also loves friend groups that have each other's backs. Probably his best example of that is Secret Crush On You (2022) with that friend quartet. The closest I think he came to found family was Uea in Bed Friend.
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Another example that comes close is the unit that forms on their road trip in The End of the World With You (2023). I often think about this group of queers and the kid they adopted screaming to the heavens that they want to live.
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Something I love, but which doesn't count for me is Our Dining Table (2023). There are powerful family dynamics here, but like in WDYEY they're adding Yutaka to their family and Yutaka reconciles with his adoptive family. I don't generally think that adding a romantic partner to your family counts as found family. Besides, Yutaka has a stable job and housing.
Final Thoughts
For me, the stakes are pretty high with queer found family, and it really needs to have a queer basis for me to feel strongly about it. Going back to their bio family is not an option, and often times the terms we use for traditional relationships don't always fit properly (yet another reason why Unknown got so much right). I don't think it's queer found family when they're students in college whose families just aren't around because they're paying for their kids to go to school. Finding your queer community as an adult is a huge part of growing up, but a queer found family is there for the really ugly and desperate parts of existence that your friends might not see.
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mooncalf87 · 7 months
Just a reminder: when Snakes shed their skin, they go blind for a couple days.
Be free my fanfic writers be free
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trexalicious · 9 months
Interesting that Rachel kind of confirms the rumor about her and then Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin in this interview...🤔
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curioscurio · 6 months
Not that I expected anything different but episode 12 of Dungeon Meshi was SOOOO GOOOOOOD the BATH SCENE the SENSHI COCKSHOT and marcilles DARK MAGICS all of it just made for an incredible episode it did NOT dissapoint
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iloveacronix · 5 months
Why is drawing people so hard brooo
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nicnacsnonsense · 8 months
You know, I think Clark and Lex’s relationship really could have benefited from a safe word. Something either of them could have said to the other to communicate “your current line of inquiry is infringing on my privacy in a way I cannot elaborate on without further compromising my privacy, so I need you to redirect or drop it.”
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vincentbriggs · 10 months
Do you think it might be the oil/heat of your hands thats making the dye leak as opposed to Water?
I don't think so, there wasn't any oil involved when they got wet from the snow, and not much heat.
A whole bunch of people are suggesting different things in the comments, and the one that sounds the most likely to me is that it's a dye that bond specifically to protein. And maybe they used too much of it? I don't know much about leather dye, but I've got a fair bit of experience with acid dyes, and they work just like that. They don't bond with the water at all, and they barely stain cellulose fibres, but they stick to wool and silk so well that (unless you've used too much dye) the fibres suck all the dye out of the pot and leave you with mostly clear water.
Also, when I got home that day, one little corner of the wet purple glove accidentally touched one of my ivory coloured ones and left a tiny purple spot.
It would be interesting to try some experiments on more scraps, but that'll have to wait a while because I'm getting ready to move and have just packed up all my leather.
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macaroniducks · 2 months
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oceans 11 has taken over my brain (and fight club too of course)
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