#t4t cod
izgnanik-a · 4 months
Kicking off Pride month with some Ghoap?? 🫣
cw: mutual pining, light smut, heavy grinding, a bit of aftercare, ftm!Simon
// MDNII // Don’t like? Don’t read. //
The bar had been something of a hole in the wall for the lgbt+ youth for some time until it actually became something. Once a week, the event turned into something fruity, something to cater to the “gay youth”, but it was all just some sad excuse to get in more income.
Despite knowing that, they still showed up because it was a single day they could connect with their people.
So, having been a frequent to the club on the usual days, Simon decided to pay the door fee to get in on said youth days. The music had been playing unusually loud, spotlights and a disco ball on the dj booth swirling, the smell of vodka was pungent as he passed a group of drag kings laughing it up against the pinball machine.
A single slot machine sat against a wall of ceiling-to-floor mirrors, and the local winner of the mega-bux was scribbled on a piece of paper above it.
If you’d had sneezed, anyone would’ve passed by the building if it weren’t for the music and piercing lights through the blackout windows.
Simon didn’t know where to stand at the usual dead bar top, having to wait by the ATM by the bathrooms to get a drink. He wasn’t a heavy drinker, but being overwhelmed by something that wasn’t his usual Friday night — he was considering leaving.
He should’ve brought a friend, he thought to himself. But what good would that do him?
The whole point of him coming out was to make nice with someone he could take home. The last time he’d been able to have a clear enough mind to woo someone was months previous, his toys and hands had been enough but he missed physical contact, even from a stranger.
He couldn’t take home a stranger if there was a friend there he’d recognized.
So, he found himself sitting by the wall of mirrors where drag royalty were fixing their lashes, looking at their teeth to make sure there were no smudges of lipstick, and the crowd progressively grew past fire code violations.
The crowds gave wails when their favorite iconic songs had come on, moving to the dance floor to form crowd around themselves.
Simon didn’t think he was that kind of person. He enjoyed being spotlights in small groups; lunch dates with friends, movie nights, and even going to the fair. He sunk further in his seat as the liquor in his drink got thinner, ice cubes melting it down.
He returned his glass to the bar to grab another. Eyes flitting to the drink menu above the bar, he missed the body hovering to his right, a hair’s distance from his shoulder.
The stumble of the crowd brought them together, and Simon’s ribs meshed with the high bar top.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Said the stranger, patting Simon’s back softly before stepping off.
Simon looked up at the brute, and good god — he was beautiful. Blue eyes, pierced brow, lean, tanned, and tall. Everything Simon could want to be, and to be with.
He must’ve caught Simon’s blatant stare, because he was looking back. Giving a polite smile, and swayed in his step. “I hope you didn’t think I shoved into you on purpose.” Said the Scotsman. “I’d think up a better pick-up line than trying to spill a drink on you.”
Hitting on me? Simon blinked. All he could think of was TV static. The guy probably thought he was stupid for just staring at him, not saying a thing.
The bartender approached, and if Simon had been staring at the board instead of this man’s face, he’d know what he wanted.
“I’ll have the Regina, and whatever else this one wants,” he gestured towards Simon, “I owe it for bumping into you.”
Simon collected enough brain cells to look up at the menu, and utter the words of some gay icon gospel drink they’d had, the Leslie, or something. It was put before him with a pineapple and tropical umbrella.
The man smiled as he paid for the tab, and collected his drink with a sip. “Mm. Have a good night bud.” Patting Simon once more on the back, he turned for the crowd and walked towards the patio doors.
Simon grabbed his drink, having no interest in actually drinking it, and slinking in the direction of the patio doors. He hadn’t talked to a single person all night, and this beautiful man had shown him an ounce of attention. He heeled like a dog, watching through the blackout windows as the man came to the side of a group of smokers, giving them a smile and sipping his drink.
Of course he’d come with people, Simon thought. Someone like that would.
Left to cradle his drink alone again, Simon slumped to the cushioned seats across from the dance floor, sitting with his elbows on the table under the low light.
Simon wondered if he should’ve just gone home. At the bottom of his second cup, he twiddled the tropical umbrella in his fingers as the music picked up again.
When wandering eyes had glazed over his, he looked down in avoidance. He didn’t want just anyone coming up to him. Though there were few, none compared to the beauty who’d bumped into him and bought him a drink. He was left high and dry, and still wanted to know his name at least.
Simon contemplated it, and he was going home. It was final. He collected his empty glass, umbrella between his lips, and left his glass on the bar top. When he turned for the door, he watched the patio doors come open and the crowd shuffle in. That blue eyed devil following.
Simon watched in awe as the crinkles by his eyes only made him more attractive, he couldn’t have been much older than Simon; late 20’s? Simon thought. With his hand on the door handle to head out, his eyes caught those blue ones, and Simon felt all giddy again.
The man paused as he passed, arm’s reach from Simon. “Leaving so soon?” He asked.
Say something cool. Simon thought to himself. He leaned his elbow up against the push doors, “Not my cup of tea.” He shrugged.
The man nodded. “It was good to see you.” He held up his hand to fist bump.
Who was this man to treat Simon like an old pal? Simon bumped his fist and gained a smile out of it.
“Get home safe.” The man said to him, pointing, and turning for the bar with his friends.
Simon, gobsmacked, was taken by the door opening and excused himself as he walked past the people in the doorway.
He came with a task at hand and left with nothing. Completely outwitted by a pretty man with blue eyes.
The following week, when Simon didn’t have luck with the usual cis crowd, he headed back to the gay youth event at the bar. His eyes searching the dance floor and patio for that same blue eyes man who’d been sent for him, and didn’t find him. He sat at the bar this time, looking at each customer who approached, and none of them were him.
Simon had rum and coke in hand when a gentle pat against his back jostled him. He looked up to the recipient, that blue eyed man had walked up on him while he was lost in thought.
“Hey. Didn’t think I’d see you again.” He said, giving Simon’s nape a squeeze before releasing him. “How are you?”
Chills ran down Simon’s spine where his warm palm had grazed him.
“Get anything good?” He pulled himself into the stool beside Simon, leaned up against the sticky bar top with no hesitation.
Simon needed to play it cool, despite the red in his ears growing hotter. “Rum and coke.”
The man grimaced. “That’s it?” He withheld a chuckle.
Simon puffed his chest up. “Is that a problem?“
He put his sizable hands up, thick fingers and manicured nails drawing themselves into Simon’s memory. “No problem. I’m just a whiskey man myself.”
The heaviest drink Simon could get without any consequences was a 13% alcoholic wine that was near half a take-away meal’s cost. But even one drink was testing it. The coke and watered down rum was nothing.
“Well, whiskey-man, surely you can enjoy it quietly.” Simon quipped.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Pushed back the man.
Simon watched him lean up in his chair to speak to the bartender, reading their lips to confirm, and sat back in his seat. He had a cool aura about him as he spread himself out while Simon kept tightly in his seat.
The man held his hand out, palm up, towards Simon finally. “John MacTavish. My friends call me Johnny.”
Simon didn’t think he looked like a Johnny, didn’t think he even looked like a John. But he wanted to paint a pretty picture of this man, so Johnny would have to do. “And where are your friends, John?”
Johnny smiled, hand still extended out. “I could introduce them to you, if you’d like. Do you smoke?”
Simon had a few puffs of a smoke once or twice when he was in uni, and some endless day when he couldn’t sleep during bootcamp, but he wasn’t a social smoker. So he had no idea why he said “yeah.”
He was following Johnny out to the patio like a pup on a leash, holding the door for passing people, and coming to stand at the patio table by a collection of people.
Johnny introduced them singularly, and in pairs. He’s hers, they’re his, and they’re together — all those things. When it came time to introduce Simon, however, Johnny was at a loss.
“What’s your friend’s name again?” Asked one of Johnny’s mates, holding a cigarette between his fingers.
Johnny turned to Simon, and raised his brow. “He’s very secretive, actually.” He teased.
Simon looked to his friends who ooh’ed and ahh’ed.
“We love a good mystery.” Said one of Johnny’s non-binary friends, leaned up against their partner.
Johnny straddled the bench as he sat, gazing up at Simon from the promising height. “Sit, join us.”
Simon felt his nerves fire again when Johnny smiled. He sat in the bench, like a normal person, while Johnny remained facing him, practically bracketing Simon between his massive thighs.
Johnny was all types of fit, just enough for Simon to bite onto his skin and pull at it with his teeth, like a dog with a toy.
While Johnny’s friends were immersed in conversation, Johnny wasn’t one to butt in and speak. He just sat, admiring his friends, sipping his drink, and occasionally glancing towards Simon.
Simon’s knee began to hop just thinking about this man beside him. How he’d greet him kindly every time, give him flirty little gazed and smirks. Comments that were deliberately provocative, pushing back when Simon would be bratty. He was all kinds of hot.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” Johnny’s whisper in his ear made him turn his head, realizing he’d leaned in until his chest was up against Simon’s shoulder. His head turned behind Simon’s so he’d have to turn cheek to cheek to hear him proper.
Meeting Johnny gaze was a mistake, because the Brit was nodding blindly, following to stand.
“Going for a walk.” Johnny gestured for a smoke, and one of his buddies gave him their cigarette box and lighter.
Johnny and Simon abandoned their drinks in favor of walking through the lot. Simon didn’t know what he was doing, what was originally supposed to be him finding someone to bring home and fuck turned out to be yearning for this man. This stranger.
Johnny took a cigarette from the box before holding one out to Simon. Compelled, Simon watched Johnny light his first, watching the coveted glow of flames light his face under the night sky. He took the offered lighter from Johnny, finger tips grazing his, and lit his own smoke.
They leaned up against unknown cars, taking puffs between silenced stares.
Johnny took a puff before speaking. “You alright?”
Simon furrowed his brow around the filter, fingers touching his lips.
“You anxious?” Johnny asked, and when the bewilderment grew, he spiked again. “Leg bouncing, and lip chewing. I’ve seen enough people to know when your heads too full on thoughts.”
Simon sighed smoke through his nose. “It’s nothing.”
Johnny hummed. His eyes panned to the starlit sky, and back towards Simon. “You know, I didn’t think you’d be back. I thought maybe it’s the drinks, but they’re shit. No one really likes them unless they’re plastered.”
“Are you saying I have other motives of being here?” Simon’s nerves kicked in again. He felt himself shaking with adrenaline. He wanted this man on him.
“You said it’s not your cup of tea. So what are you doing here?”
Simon regretted even trying to be cool. Surely this man didn’t think he was a cis guy just trying to get a few free drinks, he wasn’t that pretty.
Johnny eyed him, almost at the end of his cigarette.
Simon wished it would go in forever, that they could stray from the club and stay in this spot alone. Even in silence, despite Simon burning inside. He couldn’t spend another week waiting to see this man again.
“You know,” he pinched his cigarette between his fingers. “You’re one to talk. I mean, really. You greet me like we’re old pals, and buy me drinks. I’d say you have anterior motives, MacTavish.” Simon pointed at him briefly, a coy smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he stepped closer. “Even thought to share a smoke with me, all alone in this lot, where no one but the drivers can see.” He tut his tongue at the taller man. “Do you think you’re so well kept?”
Johnny only stared at him with lowered lids, taking a puff before putting it out under his boot. “I was actually quite transparent with you from the start. You were too focused on the drink menu to even notice me crossing the bar for you.”
Simon sputtered, all functions lost, traction making him lose his focus on the race. He stared at Johnny’s smug face.
“I didn’t think you even wanted anything to do with me, considering you didn’t interact with anyone that first night.” Johnny put his hands on his buckle, leaning back against the car. “Just sat down with your drink most of the night.”
When Simon had thought he was being perceptive, he was just plain blind. He blinked at Johnny, near eye level with him leaned down now, and his cigarette had burned down to near filter.
Johnny cleared his throat, pinching the cigarette from between his fingers, bringing it to his own lips. He took a drag as he stared into Simon’s eyes, and huffed it aside. “If that’s not your cup of tea, then I apologize for even saying so.”
Simon kickstarted from his shock to take the cigarette from Johnny’s lips, bringing it to his own to finish, and stomped it under his heel. With his exhale, he blew it over Johnny’s face softly.
Johnny shut his eyes and relished in the whisper of breath over his face. He reopened his eyes and Simon leaned his palms against the car, bracketing Johnny in. “Yeah?” Johnny gave a teasing smirk. “You wanna be a big man now?”
Simon’s face hovered over Johnny’s, forehead grazing Johnny’s Mohawk as he stared into his eyes. He felt Johnny’s hands circle his hips, massive hands stroking up his waist to his ribs. He was rippling with chills, sighing a breath over Johnny’s lips.
“Come on, big man,” Johnny teased. “Show me what you’ve got.”
When Simon’s mouth met Johnny’s, he tasted like smoke and bourbon with a hint of vanilla. He was rough with his hands as he lapped at Simon’s tongue with care, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth before dragging Simon into his body.
Simon felt the heat overtake him as Johnny groped his ass, mouthing along his chin to his jaw and throat. Simon didn’t realize he was relinquishing his position of power until he was gasping against Johnny’s tongue on his throat. Sucking soft bruises along his pulse and ear, Simon collected himself by pulling Johnny’s hair back.
He gained a hiss of pain from Johnny, lips reflecting with spit under the starlit sky. Simon wanted on him again. “Are you going to just keep kissing me or are you going to actually fuck me?” Simon huffed.
Johnny only smiled. “I thought the kissing was pretty hot. I didn’t know we were going to fuck. I would’ve brought protection.”
Simon nearly died to those words.
“I could eat you out.” Johnny offered. “But I’m not doing it in a car.”
The front door to Simon’s apartment was sticky and had to be shouldered open sometimes, but Johnny didn’t seem to care as he was tonguing Simon down against the door. They’d finally gotten in and nearly slammed the door off its hinges.
Johnny kissed Simon’s neck again, grinding against him as he brought his leg up to his hip. “God. Where do you want-“
“The couch.” Simon uttered between tears of Johnny’s teeth against his lips.
They dragged each other to the worn couch, and Johnny was tugging Simon over him. With his hands tight in his clothes, Simon didn’t realize he was grinding into the man’s stomach until he was practically giggling against his mouth.
Simon looked down at him in confusion, and Johnny waved his hand at him. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He insisted as he rubbed his hands up and down Simon’s thighs. “This is nice.”
Nice? Nice?? Simon was spiraling. This man was shoving his tongue down Simon’s throat, holding his thigh the entire drive over to his house, and this was nice??
Johnny smiled up at Simon, hot hands resting on his thighs. “Did I ruin it?”
Simon pressed his palms into the couch at his sides. “Yeah.”
Johnny blew a breath from his lips. “Smooth.” He told himself. “I was just thinking how we shared a cigarette and then had our first kiss.”
“Is that what you were thinking?”
Johnny hummed.
“Getting hung up on the first kiss?”
He smirked as he hummed again.
“That’s a new low.”
“Lowest bar you’ve ever seen?”
“Hard yes.”
Johnny hummed as he walked his hands up Simon’s thighs to his hips. “I liked that grind we had going before.”
“Yeah?” Simon leaned over Johnny’s face, holding the couch above his head.
“Yeah.” Johnny sighed against his mouth as he kissed him, softly this time as Johnny maneuvered his hips how he liked.
The grind of Simon’s hips against Johnny wasn’t scratching the itch that he needed. Needing just an edge to get that right spot. Simon shifted his hips towards Johnny’s hip, catching against his hip bone, and practically breaking the moment his jeans pressed against him in the most delightful ways.
Simon hummed and whined into Johnny’s mouth, rubbing until he felt faint, like he could cum in his pants right there. But that wasn’t the point of bringing Johnny back — no. Johnny said he wanted to eat him out since he didn’t bring a condom to fuck him.
But there was an obstacle to be hurdled.
Johnny’s wandering hands clasped themselves to Simon’s ass, grinding him a little firmer against his side, and all thoughts left Simon.
Simon trembled in his grip, gasping in his ear as Johnny pressed their cheeks together. He groaned and moaned, desperately writhing under Johnny’s direction. Shushing him sweetly when his hips stuttered against him.
“That’s it. Good boy. Cum for me, won’t you?” Johnny gazed down at Simon drooling against his shoulder, combing a hand over his cheek. “Nice and slow for me. Of course you needed something to grind up against. To make you feel better. Poor thing.” He cooed softly. “Cum for me. Be sweet for me and cum, using me as a toy to get off.”
His words amplified Simon’s bubbling orgasm, and he wanted his hands in his pants already. But his orgasm was climbing, and he needed an out. He shoved his face deeper into Johnny’s neck as a ghastly grunt escaped him, chills running down his body as he came in his briefs, followed by heavy panting.
Johnny’s soft assuring strokes through his hair made him float off in consciousness. “Good boy. You did so well. Good boy.” He soothed kisses along Simon’s shoulder that had him making soft pleased noises with every breath.
Simon could fall asleep like this. In another person’s arms, cradled by warmth and softness. He should be embarrassed for cumming so easily in his pants to just grinding against someone’s hip. God. He could feel the shame rising slowly in him.
Did Johnny want to leave? Was he only comforting Simon because he was crushing him to the couch? Did he think Simon owed him because of it? Was this awkward now?
Johnny’s hand cupped the back of his neck, gently scratching his nape, and his tension eased. “I’ll leave if you want me to, but for now, we can just lay here like this. Don’t even have to say a word.”
The reassurance was nice, and Simon didn’t know if he wanted the man to leave him. He was comfortable and warm, but Simon feared looking him in the eyes again and having to relieve such a horrible sexual situation.
Simon’s whole plan was to use someone to get off, to have a fraction of time with someone again. So why did this feel off?
Simon opened his eyes abruptly, not realizing he’d fallen asleep from the languished touched to the back of his neck to the warmth Johnny’s body gave off. His panic ebbed when he realized he was alone in his apartment, and the lights had been shut off.
Sitting up in the dark, he sighed as he searched for his phone to find that it was well past midnight. He didn’t remember when he’d left the club, but it must’ve been early night considering the moon hadn’t even crossed the middle of the sky yet.
A sticky note bumped his fingers as he glanced at his phone, and he stared in confusion. Reaching for the light switch behind the couch, he blinked at the pack of sticky notes on the coffee table with a pen from his knitted basket.
xxx xxxx -Johnny, thank you for tonight, call me ;)
Simon was livid.
This man had a heavy make-out session with him, let him grind against his body like some horny teenager, and soothed him to sleep by scratching and kissing his body. Only to shuffle away in the night, leaving a note like a lovesick Cinderella who had to return to his life.
Simon sat up, feeling the moisture from his briefs clinging to him. Sticky note left to haunt him, he wiped himself clean and fell back into bed.
Next chapter
Fic masterlist
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gavramous · 3 months
t4t ghoap.... t4t ghoap *punches the wall so hard my entire fist shatters*
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8-rae-rae-8 · 1 month
Price doing Simon's T-shot. That's all.
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prettyboyformasks · 1 year
If your requests are still open, possible t4t ftm soap x ftm reader or t4t 141 in general?
my horny trans ass :p
soap would literally be a ball of horniness 24/7 and nobody could change my mind.
like, getting briefed for a mission and johnny just starts rubbing your cunt through your pants. you can see that he's rubbing himself too, the horny bastard. his eyes are focused on price, but you can see the smirk on his lips.
or while you're showering, he sneaks in and hugs your waist. you don't even flinch, you're used to it by now. johnny can't keep his hands off you. he kisses your neck, rubs your clit, kisses your lips. he's begging for you to hurry up with your shower because he's so wet, he just wants to cum.
when he finally gets you in bed, he doesn't hesitate to rub his cunt against yours. your juices mixing together, leaking down your thighs and making a big puddle on the sheets. he whimpers at the friction against his clit, and his hips move like his life depends on it. he's clearly been craving the feeling of your pussy against his.
"wanna eat you out, baby, please," he mutters, rubbing his fingers against your soaked pussy. you coo and pull him in for a kiss, "of course, pup," you whisper against his lips. he thanks you over and over while he gets between your legs, burying his tongue in your cunt. his arms are hooked around your thighs, pulling you closer while he tastes you. "taste so good," he whines, looking into your eyes as he tongue-fucks you.
he eats you out for hours. making you cum over and over again, sucking your t-dick while he fingers you. making you feel good. that's all he wants. that's all he needs.
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wrylu · 6 months
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i miss drawing them </3
psst.. @andyslefttoe
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lyraa-kill · 18 days
T4T ghoap scissoring. You understand the vision.
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crowflesh · 7 months
The real reason ghost wears a mask is because he has patchy eyebrows. He tells people that he got caught in a fire and burned them off but the real reason is that when he was 16, in an attempt to be a "normal teenage girl", he followed popular makeup trends and plucked/thinned his eyebrows and they never grew back quite right. The only person he has ever admitted this to is soap, who promised to take this information to his grave (and also fell victim to the same trend)
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klwl-truck · 8 months
There is an untapped market of butch lesbians Ghost and Soap being incredibly in love with each other. I just wanted to mention that, I think that we could find an incredible profit here and I think we would make a lot of money and I think that they would be cute and and
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gofishygo · 5 months
guys …. grglgrgl i need more m! or tm! reader requests please !!! ofc i don’t mind writing fem reader but please ….. gays …. PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!
(make sure 2 check my pinned b4 requesting!!)
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random-lil-illing · 4 months
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happy pride month!
yes, i headcanon mitchell as transmasc non-binary, because what better way to celebrate pride month than project your gender identity onto fictional characters? /hj
also, i apologise if the progress flag is wrong, i drew this in class without access to a reference of the flag 💔
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circusinthewalls · 5 months
Having evil T4T Ghost x Reader thoughts tonight
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nevertoforgive · 5 months
Something about Soap who's been living as a boy since he was old enough to know that's what he wanted.
Soap keeping his fuck ass mohawk, even though he gets hell for it, because when he was just a little girl in Glasglow he was jealous of his best friend for getting one when he couldnt.
Soap who has been going stealth since highschool and keeps everything so lowkey that nobody knows besides Gaz. (Gaz helps him with his t shots because I said so)
Soap who's only as jacked as he is because he obsessed over passing when he was young and used to work out like crazy. (He's calmed it down a lot and mostly works out because he enjoys it but the feeling still sort of lingers)
Soap who's really hesitant when he and Ghost finally get their shit together and start dating because he'd rather die than tell him.
Soap who's not embarassed of who he is but who still can't bring himself to tell Ghost until they're already 3 months into their relationship.
Ghosts hand is sliding up Soaps shirt and all of a sudden he's jerking away with a panicked look because god he just likes Ghost so fucking much he won't let himself ruin this.
Soap who finally says it and it simultaneously feels like a weight off his shoulders and a pit in his stomach.
Soap who gasps quietly when Ghost is suddenly tugging him against him in a gentle hug and telling him "it's okay. I understand.,"
Soap who's been too defensive for too long, getting ready to spit back a comment about Ghost not understanding jack shit but pausing when Ghost sits back and tugs his own shirt up.
Soap who sits there, dumbfounded, because holy fuck are those top surgery scars wait what.
Soap who starts giggling softly because jesus h christ he's stupid.
Soap who yanks Ghost into a kiss and tugs at his wrists until Ghost's hands are back under Soap's shirt.
Soap who lays in bed that night with Ghost snoring quietly on his chest thinking about how he never thought it'd be this easy.
Just Soap who's happy.
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kyngsnake · 2 years
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ghost with the most…. tattoos
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prettyboyformasks · 1 year
Please more T4T 141 I‘m so obsessed 🙏🙏🙏
GAZ. because i'm obsessed with him.
just like soap. a whore nice boy.
he loves when the two of you go to the gym, wearing tight shorts. can't keep his beautiful brown eyes off of you while you workout, his eyes on your arms, thighs, your ass. he wants you so bad—his cunt is soaked just at the sight of you working out.
when gaz finally gets you all alone, he doesn't bother taking his—or your—shorts off. you can feel the wetness of his slick cunt through both layers of thin fabric as he grinds his pussy against yours, praising your body.
"so fuckin' sexy, babe," he groans as he holds your legs apart, finding just the right angle where his clit can press against yours. laughing each time you moan or shudder beneath him.
finally takes his shorts off just to sit on your face, not holding back a single noise he makes while your tongue easily slides between his slick folds. pushing the hood of his t dick back with your lips/tongue to suck on it, feel his thighs shake and clench around your head.
when he's finally done riding your face, he's panting heavily and kissing you so he can taste himself. "thank you, thank you," over and over again, he loves how good you can make him feel.
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actuallyacat · 9 months
I'm ngl sometimes I read 141 as t4t and get way too excited 💔
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mothsgotghosts · 2 years
Hello call of duty fandom. I fear you guys LMAO
Anyway I posted this on Instagram first but. Let's be honest the cod fandom on Instagram consuming this content is near non-existent so. I present to you, soapghost with Simon in a very pretty dresss
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Is this gonna get any traction? Probably not lmao but I don't care
I also have. No idea what else to say about this tbh uh. Gay rights? Yeah gay rights
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