#t.w violence
ivyprism · 7 months
Angels Fall AU: Revamp (Info Dump)
Warnings: Death, violence, angels, demons, gods, etc.
I've decided to sever this more from religion and stuff! So let me go ahead and fix this up.
Angels Fall is basically an unveiling of two separate races that remained hidden until they reintegrated into society. The races are demons and angels.
To be clear, none of these are changed into what they are, they are born this way. This basically puts the typical views of Angels and Demons into an entirely different lens.
The places you'd mostly find where they hid are Cartos and Erebus (which are NOT Heaven and Hell.)
Places you should know:
Cartos and Erebus: The Two Kingdoms that many people who seek power and knowledge search for. These two kingdoms were once one and were part of a continent/country Vexus. Both these two kingdoms were originally four, known as Chrono, Interis, Spiris, and Demis. Since the war, the country/continent was split into two, with Erebus going Underground, while Cartos remained in the sky.
Other Various Places to be known:
The Country/Continent of Vividus: It's a large and huge continent and country. Known for their prosperous trading and beautiful land. The Country/Continent is ruled by two very wonderful monarchs. They are also known for their notorious pirate crew, which is extremely well-liked. 
Vitalus: A beautiful kingdom that seems to loom over the others. It is one of the largest kingdoms and is very sought after.
Malefis: Vitalus's sister kingdom. Another large kingdom like Vitalus. A prosperous and very sought-after kingdom.
Illumine: The main kingdom of Vividus. Ruled by a queen and her ex-husband. A prosperous and large kingdom that is close to its sister kingdoms, Malefis and Vitalus. Most of the time, the rulers of the kingdoms meet here.
Cerulis: The fourth largest kingdom. In comparison to their sister kingdoms, they are more closed off and less sought after. They currently have no ruler due to a civil war in the kingdom. The king and his sons are missing.
Sigmis: Another large kingdom on par with Cerulis. Ruled by a benevolent king with his sons as heirs. It is a kingdom with a strong trade route as it's near a coast.
Millenis: A Kingdom lost to time. Only known by rumors and old tales.
Smaller but important places!
The Lovers' Cavern: The cavern is decorated in beautiful, special jewels. In the center of the cavern is a lake with a flower field around it. The flower field can emphasize romantic feelings if you're with someone you love (romantically). In the lake, you can pull out beautiful gems that are, supposedly, related to the SOUL of your soulmate (this depends on who you're in love with and believe is your soulmate). Rumor has it that if you try to swim in the lake and swim to the bottom, you enter a different universe.
The Moonlight Forest: It looks like any normal forest in the daytime. However, if you enter it at night with a moon, rumor has it you enter a different world, and the forest seems completely different at night than it does in the day. 
The Field of Flowers: A beautiful field with all types of flowers in it. Yet, poisonous flowers do not harm the people who enter. Rumor has it that if you fall asleep in a flower field and wake up, you'll be in a different universe. 
The Lake of Memories: A lake in the center of a beautiful forest. Rumor has it, that if you look into the lake, you will see someone you didn't know you missed or didn't remember, but in general, you just see someone you miss.
There are churches around that can be investigated, where they depend on what deities are worshipped there.
So what are Angels and Demons?
Angels: They are beings from Cartos. They are near-immortal beings who exist to help assist deities. They typically take on roles that will be explained. They are typically are known to have wings. They are typically shapeshifters, but they mostly come out looking similar to a monster. They have a magic called "Divine Magic".
Demons: They are beings from Erebus. They are near-immortal beings who exist to help assist deities. They are known to have horns and tails (occasionally wings).They are typically shapeshifters, but they mostly come out looking similar to a monster. They have a magic called "Demonic Magic".
Roles of Angels:
Executioners: Executioners are angels versed in violence and death. They are often the ones who are more promptly in the fray of battle. They are often more closely related to Isaac as he makes their weapons. They are considered a big part of justice in Cartos.
Saviors: These are angels who take on roles like doctors and firefighters. They help and assist in dangerous, disastrous situations. They often are the ones who help in search parties and rescue missions.
Reapers: These are angels hand-picked by Pele to help her guide souls back to the afterlife. They often are the ones who find them and take them to her, but they cannot physically guide them to the afterlife like Pele can since they are not dead.
Guardians: These are considered as teachers and protectors of the Deities. While anyone can be one, most often, executioners can become Guardians. They are charged with looking over and teaching students and often are the right-hand people of the Deities.
Roles of Demons:
Gatekeeper: Gatekeepers protect a variety of things, more often than not, they protect the archives of certain Gods when they are not in presence. They also are the ones who guard the gates of Erebus and Cartos. There are quite a few who protect sacred or otherwise lands. They are trained to work with Guardians.
Judge: Judges are the ones in charge of passing judgment on people who break angel or demon law. They work closely with executioners and oftentimes, they are not as hands on, but they do make sure the executioner knows what the person did and their judgment should they not improve.
Warden: Wardens are in charge of protecting jails and prisons. They make sure everything is up to date and working with rehabilitating certain criminals. They are to make sure criminals and the like do not escape. They are trained with Executioners and Judges. They work closely with both.
Guide: Reapers most often collect souls, but Guides are the ones who lead them. Sometimes, reapers and guides work together to get a more resistant soul down to the afterlife. Guides often handle children and scared souls. They are often a lot less intimidating than Reapers.
Additional Facts:
An angel's wings are both their blessing and their weakness. An angel's wings are directly connected to their SOUL so injuring their wings does a number on an angel's health.
Demons can, albeit rarely, have wings, and, like angels, their wings are their greatest weakness and blessing. Since wings are connected to their SOUL so harming their wings takes a good chunk of health.
Angels and Demons have a special spell that occurs when their wings or horns and tails are out. (Since allowing them to be seen allows a pure flow of their divine and demonic magic.)
The amount of wings an angel has represents how powerful they are and how old they are.
Angels and Demons formed small communities and queens were appointed. However, one day, the kingdoms fell to war and the queens were never seen again.
Rogue Demons, Corrupted Angels, Angel Hunters, and Demon Slayers
What are Rogue Demons? These are demons that have gone “rogue”. They tend to kill people indiscriminately and never makes deals and steals SOULs that way. In demon law, this is forbidden and is punishable by death.
What are Corrupted Angels? These are angels that have been "corrupted". They are cunning, and manipulative, and can hide in plain sight. They tend to kill people indiscriminately and have the ability to make it seem as though the innocent people they have killed were deserving of it. In angel law, this is forbidden and is punishable by death.
What are Demon Slayers? Demon Slayers are commonly humans (but can be angels, other demons, monsters, etc.) who deal with rogue demons. They tend to either kill or incapacitate them long enough for judgment. They have to be authorized by others before they are able to. They are usually assigned to a specific rogue demon that matches their skills. Like, amateur Demon Slayers hunt small-time rogue demons. While expert Demon Slayers hunt rogue demons that are wanted and/or too dangerous to be hunted by others.
What are Angel Hunters? Angel Hunters are commonly humans (but can be other angels, demons, monsters, etc.) who deal with corrupt angels. They tend to either kill or incapacitate them long enough for judgment. However, they are incredibly rare as Corrupted Angels are very hard to spot. They have to be authorized by others before they are able to. However, they are very rare to be found and oftentimes, they go off of rumors and investigate the angel in question. Similar to Demon Slayers, they are required to kill or apprehend the Corrupt Angel for trial. Some amateur Angel Hunters hunt Corrupt Angels who are easy to spot. Expert Angel Hunters go deep into investigating the Corrupt Angel and make sure there aren't mass casualties when dealing with them.
The Fae and Beast Tamers:
This is when the Fae started to make small appearances and made themselves known as the fifth race, so some history is unreliable as it has no real knowledge about them. However, they are often defined as what you'd consider fairies, mermaids, etc. There are Beast Tamers, too, but those are more of a sub-species of Humans, so I'll explain them here real quick.
Beast tamers are a human subspecies. Beast Tamers are usually genetically modified humans who are stronger than natural humans, monsters, etc. because their SOUL is a mix of Monster SOUL magic and human SOUL magic. They have physical characteristics that make them stand out more than humans, such as wings, fangs, claws, and unnatural strength. Beast Tamers with fangs can eat raw meat. Beast Tamers with wings can fly. Beast Tamers with claws can use them as they are made to be used. 
What are deities? How are they defined in this AU?
The deities are deities. They are powerful immortal beings. However, it is important to say that many of them were once just normal while others were born. They have a set few rules that a couple of them have broken before.
Who are the deities?
Life and Death Family: Iyla (Goddess of Life), Pele (Goddess of Death), Ila (Goddess of Souls), Issac (God of the Forge), and Faye (Pele’s Adoptive Daughter and the Goddess of Mercy)
Galaxy: Andromeda (Goddess of the Galaxy), Boronia (Goddess of the Deep Galaxy), and Browallia (Goddess of Young Galaxies)
War and Healing: Tyr (God of War and Justice) and Sarafina (Goddess of Peace and Healing)
Big Water Places Family: Bourne (God of the Ocean), Dydite (Goddess of the Rivers), Caysus (God of the Sea), and Onera (Goddess of the Sea).
Time Deities: Signe (God of the Past), Aeturnus (Deity of the Present), and Oriana (Goddess of the Future)
Order/Chaos: Myana (Goddess of Chaos) and Aona (Goddess of Order).
Secrets/Lies/Truth: Ethos (God of Secrets), Yros (God of Lies), and Kova (Goddess of Truth).
Elemental: Zitia (Goddess of Water), Alios (God of Fire), Iphine (Goddess of Earth), and Nohlios (God of Wind).
Seasonal: Kinera (Goddess of Winter), Fedmir (God of Autumn), Nylena (Goddess of Spring), and Azion (God of Summer).
Storms: Driris (Goddess of Winter/Ice Storms), Phias (Deity of Wind Storms), Alteus (God of Rain storms), and Dytrix (Goddess of Thunder/Lightning Storms).
Light, Dark, Sun, and Moon: Griella (Goddess of Dark), Kyana (Goddess of Light), Ynir (God of Night/Moon), and Lotar (God of Day/Sun)
Love and Hate: Davina (Goddess of Love), Keres (Goddess of Hate), Lev (God of Love), and Reinhardt (God of Hate)
Magic: Fleur (Goddess of Light Magic), Ione (Late Goddess of Dark Magic), Helvina (Goddess of Light Magic), and Bellona (Current Goddess of Dark Magic)
Potions and Magical Objects: Olearia (Goddess of Potions) and Wisteria (Goddess of Magical Objects)
Fate: Emersyn (Deity of Fate), Evangeline (Goddess of Fate), and Edmund (God of Fate)
Deep Sea and Sky: Archemoros (Elder God of the Deep Seas), Myrsky (Elder God of the Sky), Tynan (Younger God of the Deep Seas), and Neifion (Younger God of the Sky)
Animals: Nerine (Goddess of Animals)
Dreams and Miscellaneous: Joldewin (God of Sleep), Elio (God of Wishes and Dreams), Hellebore (God of Poison), Grimoire (God of Curses and Nightmares), Ilarion (God of Joy) and Cyfrin (God of Mischief and Daydreams)
"Evil": Adros (Evil: God of Revenge), Deirdre (Evil: Goddess of Misfortune), and Renen (Evil: Deity of Mountains)
Miscellaneous: Daella (Goddess of Resistance) and Izelia (Goddess of Forgiveness)
A bit of History on the AU:
“Long ago, Four Races ruled over the Earth. Humans, Monsters, Angels, and Demons. The Four Races lived in peace working together to keep order. Angels and Demons helped guide the monsters and humans. The Four Races worshipped two Gods. A woman named [redacted] and a man named [redacted]. The Goddess would bless the good deeds of the beings who worshipped her. Her gift was a fertile harvest and blessed the hunts. She was Life. She would gift the life of all the living beings. The God would shield the Races from the War of other Gods. His gifts were a bountiful amount of wealth and ore being easily found. He was Death. He leads the past beings to a peaceful afterlife… If they deserved it. One day, a selfish, greedy Human had slaughtered the Goddess and gained her abilities… But instead of being kind and benevolent, they were cruel and harsh. They would let families die of starvation and watch as families suffered. The God, enraged by the actions of this human, declared war on them. The Four Races joined his side in a war that lasted years… Unfortunately, the God had fallen and no one was able to take his place. The world fell into disarray. The Four Races continued to fight the remaining Deity until the Demons were sentenced away. The Angels were the only Celestial Beings remaining to protect the Humans and the Monsters. Unfortunately, the Angels began to dwindle and fade. The Deity was cruel. They killed, they cursed, and they were unmerciful. The Monsters and the Humans cried for another Deity. Someone, anyone to SAVE them… Thus a miracle birth of twins had fallen onto them. It was as if the Goddess blessed them with a chance of Life. The Deity that had taken her place was enraged. "This is impossible!” They cried. “I am Life!” They were ready to tear the world apart to kill these two young twins. The Twins were taken by the community with their family. The Angel had blessed these half-monster children with Angelic Powers... Unaware they were already blessed. As the two grew, one would gain the ambition to take down the Deity as the Deity once did with the Goddess. The Younger Twin had convinced her twin to allow her to try.The Older Twin agreed as she prayed for her sister’s safety to the deceased Goddess and God. The Younger Twin was gravely injured as she faced the Deity, but emerged victoriously! She was given the privilege of being the new Life Goddess. The Older Twin was going to accept that she would die sooner than her twin, but then, she was given the privilege of being the new Death God. The Twins ruled together and had brought peace back to the Four Races as the Angels began to reappear as well as the Demons, but the story of their triumph and the existence of Demons and Angels would fade into obscurity. This tale is but a fairy tale to tell children when they sleep… No one but the remaining people of their time, recalls the truth of this tale.“
Some Cultural stuff to be known:
Angels have a “fledgling ceremony”. It’s basically when a fledgling (or fledglings) gets their wings. Anyone is really invited to see it, but you're definitely going to see Deities, Angels, and others. (Angels celebrate the fledglings with a short, or long depending on the fledglings, ceremony before a party. This usually includes freshly made food depending on the fledgling. They have a form of bird (chicken, turkey, etc.) or just meat of the choosing of the fledgling, or they don’t have meat at all. Deities and adults get drinks of wine or alcohol. Children get a choice of a child-safe drink (water, milk, etc.)
There is also the “Wings Ceremony”. This ceremony is to celebrate an adult angel getting another set of wings. (The limit is tending to be 4 pairs of wings. Very rarely do they get to five or six pair of wings.) They have any form of food the angel wants, but traditionally it’s either streak, ham, turkey, or chicken. Wings Ceremonies are basically like birthdays. However, angels do celebrate the day they got their wings as an anniversary and birthdays if they remember them.
The next is the “Role Ceremony”. This is basically when they decide their roles. There is always a huge feast full of meat, drinks, and vegetables. The Deities and their people usually come to see what they decide their role is..not that they have to choose one..some angels just choose to not pick a role and take on a job like a musician, chef, etc.
There are “Tamer Ceremonies”. When an angel, human, demon, etc. shows signs of being a tamer and tame their first creature. Their parents celebrate it.
A constant in all these ceremonies is… Angel Food cake or white cake of any kind.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
Muggle au where Sirius leaves at 16 and doesn't see Regulus for ten years. They meet again after their parents have been dead for a while and Regulus in in charge of the family fortune. So Regulus finds and contacts Sirius, thinking they could reconnect and be brothers again, and Sirius goes to the old family house expecting the same.
Only to discover the brother he remembered, quiet but sweet and caring, is now the exact image of their late father. Regulus sits at his desk, upright and hardened, and in a lifeless voice asks Sirius to be part of the family again- just them two, to leave behind his freedom they're not used to, his apartment, his friends, his boyfriend, and a proper Black again.
Sirius refuses, of course he does. and Regulus then becomes their late mother, screaming and throwing things, telling Sirius he can't be alone in this house any longer, that he needs him. And Sirius can't handle this again.
Regulus throws a glass and it cuts Sirius' cheek. Regulus doesn't even notice, screaming that Sirius has to come back home and be his brother again. Sirius runs away for the second time.
And Regulus kills himself that night.
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formulawolff · 3 months
xix. when time stood still - t.w.
pairing: female driver!reader x toto wolff
word count: 3.4k
warnings: ANGST, so much angst, yearning, mutual pining, cursing, mentions of injury, mild violence, sexual innuendos, light smut (you'd have to squint to see it), age gap relationships, banter, yadayadayada
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“have you seen this?”
“seen what?” you arch a brow, shoving a bite into your mouth.
“toto did an interview with sky sports,” alex scoots closer to you on the couch. you were to his right, lily cuddled up on his left, “should we all watch it together? it already has almost one million views.”
you pick at your food, “that’s unusual. sky sports typically rakes in only thousands of views per video.”
“well we’ll just have to watch and see!” lily chirps, leaning forward so that she can drum along your arm with her hands, “chin up, buttercup! we’re about to watch your mans!”
alex presses play, holding the phone at an angle where the three of you could see clearly. the moment he appears on screen, your heart skips a beat.
he’s disheveled, his fluffy brunette locks sticking up on all ends, the first few buttons of his crisp mercedes polo undone, the fabric slightly wrinkled from the stressful events of qualifying. 
although it was cooling down significantly as the sun had set, he wore no jacket. the sleeves of his polo were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his toned forearms, the veins prominent in the low light. there was an emotion in his gaze you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
lewis and george linger in the background, both of them waving fervently to the camera as rachel brooks begins the interview, clearing her throat. 
she begins with her introduction, your jaw going slack the second she mentions your relationship. she continues, pressing on with a flurry of invasive questions. toto appears just as shocked, remaining silent for nearly thirty seconds before speaking. 
“i initiated our relationship,” he starts, pausing briefly once more, “i approached her a few months ago in bahrain. if we’re being honest here, i had been crushing on her for quite some time. since the news broke of her signing to williams in december of 2022.”
alex’s thumb locates the pause button with lighting speed, stopping the video, “no. fucking. way.”
“that is so romantic!” lily squeals, kicking her feet, “alex, what are you doing? press play! i want to watch more.”
as the video resumes, you can’t help but notice lewis and george’s reactions, how their eyes are widened, lips parted as toto shifts in place, slightly swaying back and forth as rachel clarifies exactly how long he had been interested in you. he responds, focusing his attention directly to the camera, his eyes almost piercing through the lens. 
he mentions susie, quenching the blazing rumors that the two you were involved in an affair. he defends her name, stating that she is not the bitter ex-wife that the headlines claim she is. he affirms that she is the founder and helm of the f1 academy, the mother of their children, and an exceptional co-parent and business partner. 
you find yourself almost too invested in the words, leaning over a few more inches so that you can savor the way his voice is brimmed with passion, bursting with nothing but adoration as he catches his breath. 
that’s when he mentions you.
your heart flutters, a dizzying sensation taking hold as he utters the words i love that american girl.
“oh shit,” alex murmurs under his breath, “you have that man in a chokehold.”
“shhh!” lily hushes him, putting a finger to his lips, “there’s still more!”
rachel glances towards the camera as toto spins on his heel, starting to walk away. she calls out him, eager to dissect his previous sentiment. 
“you said that you loved that american driver. do you mind elaborating on that?”
toto turns, now in the center of the frame, “yes, i did. i love her. there are many whispers that i am just using her, that she is just a little pawn in my game to ultimately sign her to mercedes. that is not the case. it is complete and utter bullshit. she is my entire world. i would never take advantage of her in that manner. i respect her too much to do that. 
now that all of your pressing questions are answered, i have one thing to ask. will you all just leave us be? no more hot gossip. no more lies. let me love my american girl. that’s all. i will not be elaborating further, ms. brooks. thank you.”
that’s when rachel blinks, the hand holding the microphone quivering. 
was it from excitement? from a rush of adrenaline because she was able to pry more information out of him? the exhilaration of knowing that this was going to create a media frenzy?
the camera pans to her, the reporter bearing a smug, shit-eating grin. 
“well, now we know how the illustrious mercedes team principal really feels about the williams driver. perhaps tomorrow we will be able to reach her for an exclusive, one-on-one interview. perhaps will we see another post-race kiss? stay tuned to sky sports f1 for more updates here in montreal, canada! have a great evening! we will see you on the race track bright and early for more coverage!” 
the video cuts out, suggestions popping up on the screen for more related content. for a minute, you sit there, completely and utterly in disbelief at what you just witnessed. alex elbows you, bringing you back to earth. 
“you okay?”
“yeah,” you nod, heat burning in your cheeks, “i wasn’t expecting that.”
“and neither were we!” lily springs up from the couch, making her way over to you. 
she knees alex gently, “move, move, move! i need to talk to my girl.”
“am i included in girl talk?” he teases, obliging to her request, “i want to know all of the tea! she never told me about her time in monte carlo.”
“why not?” lily’s lip juts out as she settles next to you, “hey, what’s on your mind?”
your lower lip trembles, tears blurring your vision, “i-i just miss him.”
“oh lovebug,” lily coos, wrapping tender arms around your frame, “is james still being weird about everything?”
“weird is an understatement,” alex whistles, shaking his head, “he’s on insane levels of a strict father figure at the moment. he almost took her phone yesterday because he was under the impression that she was texting toto.”
“nuh uh!” lily’s eyes widen in shock, disgust painting her features, “alex told me that part of it was due to the team’s reputation? the pr teams want you guys to maintain your distance?”
there’s now a steady stream falling down your cheeks, “y-yeah.”
“oh honey,” lily rubs your back as wails bubble up in the back of your throat, “alex, get her phone for me?”
“why?” he inquires, yet hands her your phone, “her passcode is zero-three-zero-nine-two-four.”
“isn’t that the date you won your first grand prix?” lily’s fingers fly across the screen. 
“yes,” alex answers for you, placing a box of tissues on your lap, “lily, what are you doing?”
“calling toto wolff,” her chin tilts upward, towards alex, “duh! who else would i be calling?”
a few paddocks down, toto wolff paces in his office, his drivers situated in the two plush chairs, scrolling away on their phones. 
there is a thick layer of frustration lingering in the air, clouding around the team principal. 
it was not the heated, fiery rage of losing a race or a car malfunctioning. it was more like the fury of wanting something you cannot have. the desperation of it, the way it tugged and pulled at his weary heart. resentment for the mercedes pr team was accumulating by the second, the team principal firing blazing strings of curses under his breath. 
“everyone is going bonkers over that interview, mate,” lewis’ lips are curled into a devious smirk, the driver flashing his screen, “you should see what they’re saying about you.”
“all good things i hope,” toto snorts, rolling his eyes, “in retrospect, i should have just kept my mouth shut.”
on his desk, the inbox of his work email was flooded with furious messages from the pr team, demanding that he keep his lips sealed for the remainder of the weekend. the team principal was to shoot down any pressing inquiries regarding the williams driver. they even went so far to create scenarios that provided examples of the “proper responses.” answers that he was required to give since he only “embarrassed the team and mercedes brand even further.”
“they’re loving every single second,” george tuts, skimming over the comments, “someone said, ‘well now i get it. that man really put his job on the line to admit how much he loves her. w for the american girl, and w interview.’”
“someone by the user ‘mercedesgirl’ posted,” lewis snickers, suppressing his laughter, “‘you know what? good for them. she gets to be railed by the one and only toto wolff. he probably fucks her so hard she can’t see straight. also, no man talks about a woman like that in front of a camera without being absolutely whipped. he loves that girl.’”
“oh really?” toto raises a brow, folding his arms over his chest, “i mean, they’re not–”
a vibration in his pocket interrupts him, lewis and george both setting their phones on their laps, intrigued by the potential caller. 
pulling it out of his pocket, he quickly glances at the screen. 
my golden girl 
swiping across the cool surface, he brings the phone to his ear, “hallo, baby.”
“oh!” the voice on the other end is not familiar, “hi! um, it’s lily he, one of your girlfriend’s close friends.”
hmm. this was odd.
“i was wondering if there was any possible way we could get her over to the mercedes paddock? or your hotel room? she’s in shambles right now over that interview and i think she really could use some of your snuggles or something.”
“is she crying?” toto could pick out the quiet cries in the background, his heart sinking, “do you know why she’s so upset?”
“not really. i think she might be stressed out with everything going on with james and your pr teams,” the voice is light, airy and delicate, “but i think she could really use some time with you. in private. are you busy?” 
that prick. 
what else could he have possibly done or said?
“no,” toto’s eyes dart towards his drivers, “i’m not busy at all, actually. does she want to spend the night with me? i can tell you which things to pack in an overnight bag.”
lewis leans back in the chair, hands on his head as george puckers his lips, making kissy faces. 
“just text me!” lily chirps, “i’ll get her ass in the shower. maybe if she knows she’s going to see you, she’ll perk up. see you soon!”
the line clicks dead, toto pointing a finger at both of his drivers, “you two! out!”
“come on,” lewis groans, “we don’t get to see your precious baby? what if i want to say hi?”
“unfortunately for you,” toto scoffs, crossing over to his desk, “i have places to be.”
“do you want me to call theodore?” george offers, rising to his feet, “i can get the car arranged so no one notices the two of you together.”
“that’s not a terrible idea,” toto dips his head, turning to lewis, “are you going to be helpful or are you going to just sit there and continue to terrorize me?”
“i can help, i can help,” the driver waves a hand, “what do you need me to do?”
“i need you to escort her over here to the paddock or to the car,” shoving an arm into his jacket, the team principal scoops his keys off the desk, frantically gathering his belongings, “will you be able to do that for me?”
“aye aye, captain!” lewis salutes, “you need me to text her?”
“please,” toto whirls around, searching the space, ensuring nothing important was left behind. 
who knew that a simple rendezvous would require such meticulous planning?
well, it seemed when your pr teams desperately tried to keep the two of you apart, your friends would be the ones to step in. 
especially when the two of you were two desperate, yearning messes. 
and when it came to that, toto was eternally grateful. 
“i missed you.”
one hand rests on the small of your back, the other kneading into your shoulder blade as your head is nuzzled into his chest, traces of his cologne flooding your nostrils. a simple heather gray t-shirt clings to his top half, boxers hanging on his hips. 
you’re in one of his crewnecks, the garment nearly framing your figure effortlessly. your lashes flutter as tender kisses pepper all over your face, covering your nose, apples of your cheeks, jawline, temple, and forehead. 
“i missed you more, schatzi,” he murmurs, “do you feel better now?”
you had reunited with the team principal in his lavish hotel room approximately an hour ago, lewis hitching a ride with you so that it didn’t raise any eyebrows. george was the one who coordinated theodore’s arrival to your motorhome, meticulously choosing a time in which you wouldn’t be stopped by any lingering members of the williams crew. 
it was quite ridiculous, really. the hoops you had to leap through in order to spend just a few hours with your beloved team principal. 
yet, it was worth it.
so beyond worth it.
the embrace you were greeted with was unlike one you had ever encountered before. toto’s arms nearly swept you off your feet, lifting you a few inches above the ground as he held you tightly against his chest, squeezing with so much force you couldn’t breathe. strings of german filled your ears, bursting with nothing but love and adoration. 
it was like he hadn’t seen you in weeks. 
yet, you were on the same wavelength, nearly erupting into tears once again as he whisked you into his room. 
there was a coziness that rippled in your heart as the two of you laid together, oh so joyful to be reunited once more. 
“so much better,” your lashes flutter, eyelids heavy with exhaustion, “this probably isn’t our smartest idea.”
“i think we’ve made plenty of dumb decisions,” a chuckle rumbles in his chest as he drapes the comforter over you, fluffing it so that it covered any exposed area, “are you nervous for the race tomorrow? the bottom half of the grid is not where i expected you to be.”
“it is what it is,” you exhale, “i could barely get any grip on my tires.”
“it was pretty slick out there. were you distracted by other things?”
“maybe,” you mutter, burying your head into the fabric, “i don’t really want to talk about racing right now.”
“i understand,” he hand drifts, wandering to your rib-cage, “lily mentioned something about james earlier. i just want to know if he had anything to do with your qualifying lap, that’s all.”
his touch his light, nearly feathery as his fingertips drag along, “i mean, i did get into it with him a few times. nothing serious, really.”
“let me know if it’s anything that i need to address, all right?” his hands envelops your breast, his palm radiating warmth as he squeezes, “i want to ensure that you’re not being harassed or anything. i can handle it, but it would destroy me if you were mistreated over something like this.”
“you worry too much,” your breath hitches in your throat as he rolls your nipple between two fingers.
“it’s my job,” his mouth hovers by your ear, “if anything happened to you? oh god. i don’t know what i would do. lately, every time you step foot onto that track, i think my heart rate elevates. i just get so nervous that you may get hurt or something even far wo–”
tilting your chin, you glance upward, pressing a finger to his lips, “i’ll be okay, baby. that’s why the safety regulations are in place. to protect me.”
in the dim light, you notice the glossiness in his gaze, misty even as he responds, the words barely audible. 
“that is true. but you mean everything to me. the safety regulations aren’t enough. i need to be the one protecting you. from everything. i hope you know i’m counting down the days.”
“counting down the days till what exactly?” the pad of your thumb wipes away a tear as it falls. 
“i’m counting down the days until you’re at mercedes. the day when we’ll be able to be together for the rest of our lives. the day where i’ll finally be able to go forward with our future.”
“our future?” your heart swells as he leans in.
“yes, our future. the future in which i’ll be able to make you my wife.” 
“and it’s lights out here in montreal! the canadian grand prix is underway!”
“push, push.” the command floods in, “you should be able to overtake magnussen.” 
“got it,” you swallow thickly, adrenaline coursing through your veins, “let’s fucking do this.”
as george flew out from the pole position, max hot on his tail, your mind hones in from the chaos of the starting stretch, focusing on the task at hand. 
if you were able to overtake kevin magnussen, then you would more than likely be able to do the same to the ferrari boys as well. that would prove to be a challenge, as both of them were vastly competitive, but the determination set your heart ablaze, goading you to step on that pedal. 
this was it, the canadian grand prix. 
one of the crucial races. just another rung up the ladder to that final destination. 
the world driver’s championship.
and by god, you were going to get there by any means possible. 
yet, kevin was hellbent on maintaining his position, veering in your path. 
on the track, every inch was necessary in order to overtake another car. if you miscalculated the distance by even a hair, the results could be catastrophic. 
cursing under your breath, you alleviate the pressure on the pedal, “he’s not giving me any fucking room guys.”
“you’ll have your opportunity,” james’ voice chimes in, “just be patient, american girl.”
“well i want it now,” you counter, gritting your teeth, “how the fuck am i supposed to be the world champion if i can’t even manage a fucking pod–”
that’s when a horrific crunching noise cuts you off, the world around you slowing as you’re propelled several feet into the air, the wind whistling. 
it was like everything all around was frozen, your car rolling, barreling towards the barrier. blood roars in your ears as you gasp for breath, the panic crashing over you like a tidal wave.
oh god. 
this was it. 
squeezing your eyes shut, you brace for impact, one last image flashing across your mind as the car collides against the rigid surface.
toto and his beautiful eyes, the mocha depths glittering like stars as he dimples form, bearing a wide, radiant grin as his nose scrunches.
that damn smile. 
it was going to be the death of you. 
i love you. 
you hear a voice. his voice. so rich and brassy, thick with the accent you had grown to absolutely adore.
that’s was the last thing you hear before everything goes dark. 
in the stands, fans jump to their feet, their attention lasered in on the scene before them. alex albon of williams racing screeches to a halt, scrambling out of his car.
he stumbles slightly the first few steps, desperate to reach his fellow driver, buried among the wreckage. he shouts across the track, his field of vision blurred as his voice falters. 
“fuck, fuck, fuck! i’m coming! i’m coming for you! hold on!”
calls come buzzing across the radio waves. 
“red flag! we need the fucking red flag!”
“red flag! fuck! where is the safety car?”
“where is the fucking safety car?”
“hello! we need a red flag!”
“where is the medic? we need a fucking medic!”
in the mercedes paddock, a team principal rips off his headphones, his chest heaving as he frantically makes his way towards the entrance of the garage, scanning the track. 
he makes out the outline of alex albon, desperately tugging you out of a pile of crumpled metal and tires. 
as his line of sight falls on you, all he can see is the way your head rolls, limbs lolling as he lays you on the ground, his pleas crying out.
“where the fuck is the medic? she needs help!”
taglist: @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010 @sinners-98-world @statuewoman @laura-naruto-fan1998 @nebarious @joalslibrary @swifth0lic @strangegirl974 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @msbyjackal @annaaepf1 @paigelouise @bborra @bblouifford @s-awturn @upsteadsstuff @omgsuperstarg @younxii @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower @gisellesprettylies @wonderwolffs @xxforeverinadayxx @theseerbetweenus @simply-the-best23 @ringdingdingdingx @leilanixx @marknolee @rylieverstappen-sargent @whoisss @ajthefujoshi @m-1234 @ihateyougunthersteiner @racecardilfs @nicaeno @5sospenguinqueen @hookhausenschips @ashy-kit @totowolfffcheco
let me know if you would like to be added for chapters xx. & xxi! as always, thank you all for the endless support on this series! the compliments, comments, and asks i have received over the course of the past month or so have meant the world to me! i love you all so much! <3
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adhdduckie · 5 months
CATS AND WITCHES; sam winchester x fem!witch!reader
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irl moots pls dni, i'll actually die if you mention this irl.
on the radio; at last by etta james
word count: 7.4k
synopsis; early seasons sam and dean were passing through a small town, where they see an ad about an unnatural disappearance of a girl, there were reports of large feline mammals around the victim's house before the disappearance, and the girl who disappeared mentioned having strange visions. sam and dean decide to check it out because of the large reward for any information. SOULMATESSSS
t.w; swearing, violence, supernatural stuff
sam has spent the last 3 days in the car, and he's bored out of his mind. the Winchester brothers had just finished a vampire hunt the week before, and were travelling around north of texas to find their father.
they were sitting in a small diner booth, going through some newspapers to see if there were any supernatural reports. sam was sipping a mug of some pretty bad coffee, but he had no other alternatives.
"here's one." dean says, turning around the newspaper he was looking at. sam sets down his coffee, picking it up and his eyes are caught by the red circle around the missing advert.
"the disappearance of a girl." sam reads aloud. he looks up from the paper, looking at dean with a raised eyebrow.
"keep reading." dean replies, nodding his head.
"reward of twelve thousand dollars if you can find her, and bring her home. come to * address, **** town, north texas for more information, regarding before her disappearance." he finishes.
dean whistles. "that's a lot of money. is she special or something? or is her family just rich?"
"how do we know it's a supernatural disappearance and not a kidnapping or something like that?" sam asks, setting the paper down as he speaks to dean.
"well, they wouldn't be offering such a large sum if it was a kidnapping. but it's probably worth checking out anyway, with that large of a sum. plus, i checked the map, it's only an hour's drive from here." dean replies, swallowing the rest of his breakfast.
"we could use the money anyway." dean says, as a way to convince sam.
"fine." is sam's response, and they both get up from their breakfast, throwing cash onto the table, before heading back to baby.
sam steps out of the car, looking up at the large mansion before him.
"damn." dean whistles, shutting baby's door.
"this better be worth our time." sam says as they stride towards the large mahogany door.
Sam noticed that the closer they got to your house, there was a pull at his stomach. Something seemed so familiar but so alienating at the same time. The closer he got, the stronger the pull in his stomach got as well. maybe it was something bad he had at the diner. he knew it looked way too suspicious for such a cheap meal.
Sam’s knocked out of his reverie, his hand clutching his abdomen as dean knocks quite aggressively, and a "coming!" is heard from the other side of the door.
seconds later, a small woman stands in front of the door, and dean and sam both have to crane their necks down to look at her properly. she's wearing a pair of old jeans and a large shirt, and she looks like your typical old auntie that you'd find at a market, bartering for cheaper prices.
"how can i help you?" she asks them.
dean holds up the newspaper advert, showing it to her. "we're here to hear more about the disappearance of a girl? we think we might be able to help." he responds.
the old auntie looks them up and down, sizing them up. she huffs, and opens the door further for both of them to come in. "My name is Miss jones. Would you like tea or coffee? Mrs. L/N will see you soon."
"coffee would be good, thanks." sam responds, and dean chimes the same. miss jones gestures towards one of the pristine white couches, as she goes to make the coffee, with a teeter in her step.
"mrs l/n! there's someone at the door who thinks they can help with Miss Y/n's disappearance." miss jones yells up the large swirling stairs, which are both dark and elegant.
"alright alright. I'll be down soon, make sure they're comfortable!" is the response from the top of the spiral staircase. The seemingly disembodied voice is regal and smooth, sounding as if it seems to curl around the brain.
the couch is plush and comfortable, the room is majestic and comforting, some soft classical music seems to slither into the room from a study, and there are loads of what they assume to be family pictures everywhere.
heels clack against marble staircases as a woman walks down the stairs, her eyes seeming to dim when they look at sam and dean.
"hello, my name is mrs l/n. I do hope that you're comfortable." she asks them, reaching out to sam and dean in a handshake. her hand is soft to the touch, but it's a very firm handshake.
mrs l/n sits in front of them both, her legs crossed over the other at the thigh. She's dressed in a smart suit and pants, as if she's ready for a photoshoot. ms jones comes in from the kitchen, placing down two hot mugs of the best smelling coffee in front of the boys, with a wide assortment of finger sandwiches.
sam and dean share a look, picking up a small sandwich each.
"we're sam and dean. we saw your advert in the paper, mrs. we thought we might be able to help. you see, we specialise in a sort of detective work." dean says, instantly switching on the charisma.
Mrs. L/N sighs. "at this point, i would accept anyone's help for this. the best P.Is we hired were unable to find anything." she pulls out a handkerchief from her suit front pocket, dabbing at her wet eyes, ever the picture of regality.
"i suppose you'd like to hear more about it, right?" She asks.
the boys both nod, picking up some more of the sandwiches. ms jones takes the already empty plate back to the kitchen, filling it up with more assortments for the boys.
"it started last month. my daughter, who i believe is about your age, maybe a couple years younger, she's twenty. a wonderful soul." she sobs, her regal and composed demeanour cracking before them.
the boys wait for her to compose herself before continuing.
"she came home from university, and she was so shaken up. it was easter break, so i was very excited to see her again. she only visits every school break, you know? she seemed so off. i asked her what was wrong, but she kept saying that she was fine, and she was just upset about not obtaining 100% on her end of term exam. i didn't believe her, of course, i could tell it was something more than that."
the boys lean forward, only subconsciously reaching for the delicious small finger sandwiches. mrs l/n cracks a small smile at that, and continues on.
"I persisted, and she finally told me that it was because she kept seeing things. she told me that one night when walking back to her apartment after a late class, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She didn't think too much of it at first, before she realised it was a large feline. she said she didn't really react, as she was with a large group of her friends, and it was unlikely that it would attack. but every night that week, she said she saw it again.”
“on the final night before she came home, she saw it again while she was getting out of a cab after a night out with friends. she finally saw it properly. she described it as a dark hulking mass that seemed to be made entirely of shadows and horrors. she said she couldn't sleep that night."
at this, the brothers share an interesting look, like a demon or something. or perhaps a familiar of a witch that she had angered.
"She chalked it up to her inebriated state, but it kept eating at her. after she told me, she broke down in tears. i told her she was fine, and she didn't have to worry about it. she was safe in our house. you know, we've always believed in the paranormal, as her father was a very cautious man. we have salt and iron rock brigades in the walls of the house and the marble floors."
sam and dean look surprised at this, having a quick glance around the room. mrs l/n laughs. "i know. i found it silly at first, but my husband has had this house in his family for generations."
"that night when she finally came home, after telling me everything, she retired to her room. the next morning i had gone into her bedroom to look for her to tell her breakfast was ready, and she-" mrs l/n sobs.
"she?" sam supplies. dean's too busy stuffing his face with the plate of cakes that were just set in front of him.
"she wasn't there! there were scratch marks, so deep and etched as if there was something trying to ruin the walls." mrs l/n wails. flailing her arms about. "i'm so-" she hiccups. "i'm so sorry. i'm not usually like this. i miss my daughter, i'm so worried about her."
"we understand. we'll do everything we can to help you. is it possible for us to inspect the scratch marks, and also check out ms y/n's room?"
"of course." is mrs' l/n's response. "you both look so hungry, you must need a lot of food to help you. take up the cake plates with you. and if you want anything else, just yell for either miss jones or i. her room is the one on the third floor, with the flowers and vines on the door." she gives them a watery smile, picking up the plates from the table, holding it up to them.
"thank you mrs. l/n." sam and dean respond, taking the plates, standing up from the couch, as ms jones shows them the way.
'be careful. there's a dark energy in that room." Ms jones whispers to them, as they follow behind her teetering form as she hobbles up the stairs.
"oh don't worry, we're used to it." dean responds, as she points out the room to them, before hobbling back down the stairs to mrs. l/n.
"i hope the winchester brothers are careful." mrs l/n says to ms jones. "I wouldn't want john to get mad at me if they're horribly injured." she turns to the small woman beside her.
"they've grown quite big. especially sam. he's so much bigger now." mrs l/n states.
"why didn't you tell them you know them?" ms jones responds.
"they would probably ask me to tell them where john is, and i can't do that." mrs l/n sighs.
"mrs l/n is not as snobby as i expected her to be. she's quite nice." dean says to sam, as they stand outside of your room's door.
"i know. what do you think happened to her daughter?" sam asks as he pushes open your door.
dean takes in a deep breath at the sight before him.
"shit." he whispers out. "what happened here?"
your (normally) tidy room is in shambles. cupboards are on the floor, clothes spilling out of them. there's money strewn across the floor, making it look like a robbery scene. there's glass shards on the floor of your room, meaning your room has been broken into. which is strange, considering your room is on the third floor.
the only thing that makes it not look like a robbery and a kidnapping, is the deep scratches on the marble floor, in the solid walls, and in your bed bannisters.
"fuck, man." dean muffles out through a large bite of cake. "that's some really awesome cake." he says.
"seriously? shouldn't we focus on this instead?" sam says, rolling his eyes.
"i can eat cake at the same time."
sam sets down his plates, shrugging off his heavy bag full of iron salt and iron chains.
it seems as if your mother had left it the way she found it, to help with any investigations made into your disappearance.
sam walks closer to the large claw marks on your bed bannisters. the sheets are intact, and it seems like whatever took you woke you up from the glass shattering.
the sheets are a mess, and your pillow is on the floor. there's a bat beside your bed, which seems to be smeared with some blood on the handle.
"shit. what kind of princess has a bat beside her bed?" dean says, noticing Sam's gaze.
"her mom told us she was really freaked out. she probably put it there for her own protection." sam responds, rolling his eyes.
sam runs his fingers over the deep etches in the bedframe, pausing when he feels a pulse of energy.
"that's weird." he states absentmindedly to himself, not noticing dean standing behind him, still holding onto what must be his third plate of chocolate cake.
"what?" He mumbles around the cake.
sam turns his head, still crouching low as he runs his fingers to the next deep scratch. there's something pulling at him, so he follows it, but he stoops low to pick up his bag, beckoning dean behind him.
sam's followed it into a deep, dark forest. it's a couple of miles from your house, a large secluded forest.
dean complains about the temperature as he walks, but the deeper they go into the forest, the more they realise that something is wrong.
well, not wrong, but it feels, heavy. not temperature wise, but an aura that seems lonely and sad. it settles on the shoulders, causing the walk to get harder and slower.
dean's lugging the bags, complaining of the weight as he hobbles. He's still injured from their last hunt, and he's been slow and in pain recently.
a couple of branches snaps in the distance, and they both pause. It's not an animal. they're silent there on out, and walk towards the sound. The pull is getting stronger.
there's a figure hooded in the dark, and sam and dean share a look. what is it this time, a demon, a cold maiden or a wailing banshee?
the closer they get, they realise it's not any of the aforementioned. the figure is small, human-like. their hands are corporeal, foraging in the grass for herbs. the pull he feels is getting stronger. in sam's haste to get closer, to see what they're looking at, he steps on a branch, and it cracks loudly.
In the forest, you’ve been foraging, the entire day, you had been feeling a light tug on your stomach, and you just thought it was because your familiar had been away. You had been feeling a pull in your stomach, but just as the branch cracks, it gets stronger. your head shoots up, and you freeze.
what you first think you see is a moose, but the longer you look, it's a pair of two boys. the one who's startled you is taller than the other, and he's the one that you thought was a moose. but what scares you the most is the fact they're both carrying two large heavy bags, not knowing what they might hold inside. so you do the first thing that comes to your mind, you run.
sam recognizes you from the images, and just as he realises the look in your eyes is fear, it's too late. you're already running.
sam sprints after you, wanting to talk and understand why you've seemed to stage your own abduction, but when dean catches up to sam, he tells him to stop, and the more he chases, the more likely you're to run.
"why is she here? why is she okay?" sam asks dean. dean just shrugs, and thinks for a second.
"she was probably sick of her home life or something." dean finally responds, picking up the bags that sam had dropped. dean frowns before finishing. "but you said that you felt a pulse of dark energy, right?"
sam nods in response. curiosity gets the best of him, and he wants to know why you were running. and for the large bounty, they have to bring you back.
they follow the pull that sam feels, the force pulling him closer to you.
"what. the fuck." you're thinking as you sprint through the forest. you're wondering how they found you, and what were they going to do to you?
you make it back to the small cottage you found in the woods years ago, having made it more habitable as time had passed.
slamming the door behind you, you lean against it, sliding down until you're sitting.
"fuck. who were they?" you ask yourself, praying that they won't be coming after you.
you stand, setting down the basket you had used to collect the mushrooms on the sink, petting the maine coon that sits next to you, he purrs, rubbing his head against your hand, you’re glad that he’s back.
suddenly, you hear the front door creak open, and the moose boy and what seems to be his brother now that you have had a proper look, are standing there.
you freeze, standing up and immediately picking up the large knife on the counter. "what do you want?" you demand, brandishing it at them.
the moose boy, who's broad and tall, drops the bags they were carrying on the threshold of your house. his hands, which are large like the rest of him, are held up in a sign of surrender, a sign that they weren't going to hurt you.
"we don't wanna hurt you. we just wanna talk." he says to you. his voice is deep, and if he wasn't a total stranger who barged into your house, you'd describe it as soothing.
"the fuck you mean you wanna talk? who are you? how did you find me?" you grumble, whirring the knife around and around your hand.
dean laughs, scoffing a little. "she's not as princess as I thought. How is she mrs. l/n's daughter?" he says to sam.
you overhear him, pausing. "what do you mean? how do you know my mother?" you demand, holding the knife further up.
"she's the one who hired us to find you. she thinks you've been taken." sam states slowly, approaching you as if you're an easily startled deer.
you lower your knife, setting it down. you'll trust these boys for now. they don't seem so bad. your maine coon, ares, however, disagrees. he snarls, shifting into his larger form. he's the size of a tiger in that form. the whiteness of his fur melting into a dark, staticky one.
dean lets out a yell in surprise, and hits sam in the face. the whisps of darkness of ares's fur are tinted with a red, and they float towards you.
"no! ares. stop." you demand, and he turns his head to your side, baring his teeth. "it's fine for now." you state.
dean and sam know what you are now. a witch, with a rare familiar. "fuck." sam whispers. "yeah." dean agrees.
ares snarls again, before shifting back into his original form.
a few minutes later, your door is closed, and the three of you are settled around your small kitchen, steaming cups of herbal tea set up in all of their hands.
your mug is small in sam's hand, and it would be funny how out of place he looks in the small hut if you weren't so worried. he really does remind you of a moose.
"okay, moose. tell me everything." you state, pointing at sam.
"first of all, moose? what the hell is that?" he asks, bewildered. dean laughs, smacking him on the back.
"i dunno. you remind me of one." you shrug, but you point at him again.
"okay, your mom hired us to look for you since she's super worried. you just up and disappeared. " dean interjects.
"but the real question is, what the hell are you doing?" sam finishes.
you let out a deep sigh. In the last couple of days, you've felt so stressed about this. whatever these powers are, they're so annoying. what have you done to deserve this?
"the cat you saw, ares, he's supposed to be my familiar." you tell them everything, about how your powers manifested, how ares had found you to help you control your powers better, how you ran away because you were scared of hurting your friends and your loved ones.
"ares did the scratching for me, in the wood. he broke the glass for me, to make it look like a burglary. i did my best." you finish, and you're feeling tears well up in your eyes.
"hey." sam soothes you, resting a hand on your shoulder. his palm is warm and heavy, and you briefly wonder what it would be like to hold it.
"i'm learning to control my powers too, we should work together." he suggest and dean sends him a funny look.
your mom cries and hugs when she sees you, and gives the money that was promised to the two boys.
"why did you leave?" she begs you for answer, her arms still wrapped around you.
dean and sam, you now know their names, are sat on your couch again, eating some food.
"i was scared. I didn't want to hurt you." you tell her, mumbling into her hair.
"you could never. I should have warned you that it was coming." your mom tells you, patting your head softly. this gets everyone's attention.
"you knew?" sam, dean and you all say at the same time. you catch the eyes of sam, and he smiles at you supportively. Is it weird that it's supportive, even though you've only known him a couple hours?
"yeah. it's been passed down through generations, but it skipped me." she shrugs, telling everyone. "it's funny, because when we were younger, john-" she slaps a hand over her own mouth.
"fuck." she whispers out, but it's muffled.
"you knew our father?" sam asks your mum, standing up from his seat. she sighs, and shakes her head.
"i knew him, but i don't know where he is." she says sadly.
your mom tells you all of how she grew up with him, and that they were neighbours. Her father and john’s, were good friends. You even spent some time with sam and dean when you were younger, but just didn’t remember as you were too young.
Everyone nods in understanding, and you finally feel better.
“Mom?” you ask quietly, dragging her to the side. Unknown to you, sam’s watching you with a small smile, but dean notices.
“You whipped already, moose?” dean teases sam. “What-? No.” sam responds, but he feels his face heat up.
“I’m just wondering what led me to her before.” he says, trying to change the topic.
“Who knows. You could be soulmates.” dean jokes, thinking about their shared demon blood.
“Maybe.” he mumbles halfheartedly, not really listening.
“Mum?” you ask as you pull your mom to the side to talk to her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” she responds.
“Uhm, i want to go with them.” you say.
“What?” your mom panics. “Are you sure? It’s not going to be safe.” she says.
“I know. But i want to learn how to control the powers properly. There are some things I want to learn, some things i need to see that if i don’t leave, i’ll never see.” you tell her, trying your best to convince her.
“I see.” she responds. She’s got her poker face on, the one that won her 10 thousand dollars at a casino in las vegas when you were 11. You don’t know what she’s going to say, but you hope that she’ll let you go. “What’s something you want to learn?” she finally asks you.
You stare at her in bewilderment, your ears reddening before you speak. “Before sam and dean found me, i felt this pull in my stomach. I feel it now, and it only seems to be slacker when i’m with the two of them. I want to learn what that is.”
Your mom laughs so hard, she ends up wiping tears from her eyes. “I see.” she wheezes.
“What?” you ask her.
“Nothing, nothing. You’ll figure it out eventually.” she says, giggling to herself again.
You groan, “but can i go? I want your blessing.” you beg.
“Yes you can. But you must be safe, and remember to call me at least once a week, so that i know you’re still alive and safe. I’ll kill the both of them if they even let you get hurt.” she says, threatening loud enough that sam and dean stop whispering between themselves enough to look up at you both.
Sam’s got a sheepish grin on his face, and dean’s got a smirk, as if he’s saying that he knows something you don’t.
The next year is a mess.
You spend all of your time with the boys, getting close enough to both of them to consider them both your best friends.
Dean’s like a brother to you. And Sam, well sam-… he’s different.
Everytime you see him, you can’t help but smile. Every room he’s in with you seems brighter than it was before he went in, and you love every single second of your life that you spend with him.
The bond isn’t so strong when you’re together, but it’s only quiet when you’re touching him. If it’s hands pressed together, his arm resting on your shoulder, you tucked into his side, as long as you’re touching, it’s restful.
It’s hard sometimes, the life of a hunter. Your witch abilities help them on the hunt, and the added protection of ares is really good too.
You’re in a pickle, a couple of times. The work is dangerous, and not many make it to an older age.
This last hunting trip is going to kill you, you decide as soon as dean describes what’s going on.
A small rickety sports bar has been popping up all over the country, a popular couple’s bar named ‘hearts aligned.’ the story is that everytime a couple walks in, the chances are that the couples don’t come back out.
It seems to be this strangeness that is attracting all these couples to keep coming anyway. It’s ridiculous how people think that it’s cool because of that, and instead of staying away, they keep coming back.
So this is what leads you to now. Your smaller hand wrapped around sam’s larger one, as you entered the bar. you swear you can hear dean sniggering miles away back at the hotel rooms at the mere thought of your forced proximity with his baby brother.
Of course, dean found out that you liked sam, he became annoying to the point where he found numerous excuses for why he couldn’t do hunts, preferring to stay at the bunker than go out.
“Oh, my back hurts. Since you’re younger, you and moose can go do this one.” he’ll say, as he pushes you and sam out the door. He always sends you a wink.
Moose has now become a nickname for sam. It wasn’t on purpose, no matter how many times sam accuses you of finding the least suitable nickname for him.
Sam and you, wrapped up together as you wait in the lobby of the bar. The smell of sweat and love hangs heavy in the air, sticking to your skin like honey.
You don’t like it. You don’t like how natural it feels to be tucked into sam’s side, his hand resting on your waist. You don’t like how it feels so natural that he’s pressing light kisses to your hairline, like you’re something precious that he’s afraid to be away from for even a second.
You really hate how he’s playing the role of an affectionate boyfriend so well, and you know as soon as this is over, you’re never going to be able to get over it. You’re gonna get addicted if this keeps going on.
Not to mention, you hate how because of your short dress, you're cold, and somehow without you even saying anything, Sam's noticed. You didn’t even say anything, and he wrapped himself around you with the sole goal to warm you up.
And it works, he does. The body heat he emits is more than enough to warm you up, without being too warm. His hand, resting on your hip, is warm even through the fabric of your dress.
And most of all, you hate how the pull that you’ve felt in the pit of your stomach that’s been there since you’ve met the brothers, isn’t tight, for once. It feels as if that the closer you are to him, the more relaxed you feel.
“You okay?” sam whispers into your ear, playing the role of the beloved concerned boyfriend well. You shiver slightly, the warmth of his voice does that to you. It’s impressive how as soon as you feel the slightest bit off, that he notices. It’s as if he’s fine tuned himself into all the subtle shifts of your moods.
“Yeah.” you whisper in response. He does notice the shiver, but he chalks it up to the aircon vent blowing cold air at your back. He moves so that he’s in the way of the aircon’s cold blast, his warm front pressing into your back.
You let out a small huff of air, comfortable with his proximity and his warmth. “How long do you think this’ll take, moose? I’m getting tired.” You whisper to him, the music strangely quiet for a bar. To make sure he hears you better, you turn your face to him, bringing your lips closer to his ear.
He fights a difficult battle, trying everything in his willpower not to blush. That damn nickname, you… Everything, it’s killing him. “Dunno, shouldn’t be that much longer.” he responds in what he hopes is a confident, strong tone.
The longer you stay at the bar, the quieter it gets. Some couples leave giggling and laughing, dragging their partner’s hand with a mischievous smile.
You feel the bar getting colder, and a quick glance at the thermostat proves you right. “Anytime now.” he whispers again.
Suddenly, there’s a guttural screech, and the rest of the bar goers flee the premises, leaving you and sam alone in the bar. He steps away from you, pulling out the revolver supplied with rock salt, and bares it at the source of the screech.
As you unclasp the thigh guard, you pull out your own gun, similar to his. It was a gift from him on your birthday, engraved with your initials and a small cat.
You point it where sam is pointing his gun. You feel goosebumps raising on your arms, the hairs standing up as you hear a little scuttle. If you weren’t so fine tuned into sam, you wouldn’t have noticed how the hairs on the back on his neck stick up as well.
You want to smooth them down, but it really isn’t the time for that.
The scuttling gets louder, the sound of nails on a blackboard screeches through the bar as the music abruptly stops. The screeching gets louder, scuttling like a beetle as it gets closer, so loud that you think it’s right next to you, but you can’t see anything at all.
You pause, feeling your heart momentarily stop. Slowly craning your neck up to the ceiling, you almost scream. A year into the business, and you’re still not prepared.
▷ —-------------------- (crack)
The sound of the chair being knocked over as you scramble away from- from- whatever that thing is.
It’s got long dark hair, which is dangling. A feminine shape, with a covered face, but you can feel eyes staring at you with a glowering menace even without seeing it. Even no longer directly below it, you can feel it staring at you.
Sam gets in a protective stance, blocking its view of you by stepping in front of it.
‘Well…what have we click click here?” it rasps, voice disoriented and deep, clicking, sounding at the back of its dry throat, reminding you of the sounds the velociraptors in Jurassic world made.
You raise the gun, pointing it right between where the eyes would be on a normal person. Sam reaches out behind him, just checking to see if you’re behind him still, making sure you’re still safe.
“awww. such a cute hunter couple.” it snarls, dropping from the ceiling. its bones crack as it moves, body bending backwards as it stalks towards you.
suddenly it pauses. “you don't see that often, anymore.” it mumbles to itself, one grotesque finger drawing a line connecting the two of you, and the next thing you know, you're thrown together against the wall as it stalks closer.
“fuck.” sam groans as his back hits the wall, and you let out a hiss of pain, tied to his chest as you flail around, trying to move.
something invisible is pinning you in place. you're embarrassed to say that even in such a dangerous position, your heart is thumping aggressively in your chest, practically bursting out.
the thing is drawing close, and it's enough to get you to snap out of your reverie, and you remember that it's neither the time nor the place for this.
“Hmm. soulmates? So rare. You both can’t be human then.” it grumbles, its finger bending back with an unnatural crack.
‘What the fuck.’ you’re thinking as you both are struggling. Using your powers, you send a blast, making the thing fall back, scuttling its old bones as it regains its stance, prowling towards you.
In the time that it loses its balance, you and sam find yours. He pulls you up to his feet quickly, retrieving both of your guns as he points it at the thing, his other hand behind him, ensuring that you’re behind him.
In the end, you end up taking it out, sending it back to a demon dimension, and dragging your sorry asses back to your hotel rooms, where dean, is lying comfortably on the bed, with a beer in his hand.
You glare at him, beaten up and bloody, cuts all over your face from falling face first into a window. You’ve healed all the serious injuries, but don’t have enough energy to do the rest.
“I take it went well?” dean asks smugly, stretching out his limbs as if he’s done anything remotely productive. (spoiler alert. He hasn’t. He’s just gotten back from the bar)
“She was an elder-being. Thanks for the warning, dean.” sam growls, eyebrows furrowed as he hobbles over to lie on the bed.
“Hey! Don’t get the bedsheets bloody, we’ll be charged more.” you say, hitting him lightly, wincing when you hear him let out a hiss of pain.
“Shit.” sam whimpers, holding his arm, slightly above the slash in his arm. It’s not bleeding heavily anymore, but you bet it’s painful as hell, especially with those long ass nails raking at him.
“I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean to. Wait, I'll help patch you up. ” you tell him pushing him down so he sits on the edge of his bed in dean and his’ room.
Dean lets out a grunt as he jumps to his feet, already having enough of whatever flirting will happen soon.
“Right, i’m heading down to the bar, gonna check out the ladies.” he says, striding over to the door.
“Weren’t you just at the bar?” you ask him with a raised brow.
“Yeah, but they’re probably already missing me.” he responds, winking at ya. You can hear sam groaning slightly from the pain, turning your eyes away from dean to watch sam, you hear the door click closed behind you
You roll your eyes, pulling out the medical kit to pay attention to how injured sam might be.
“That was really stupid of you, moose. Jumping out a window?” you chastise him, a worried furrow in your brows as you pull out the necessary ointments.
Sam stares at you, his fingers itching at his side, wanting to smooth out the furrow in your brows. He thinks about what the demon thing said, and wants to talk about it, but he wants you to be comfortable first.
“Are you injured anywhere?” he asks, his hand reaching up and doing what he wants. His touch is gentle and soft, and even as he smooths the furrow out of your brow, his thumb lingers, before he pulls back. You miss his touch instantly, skin tingling where his thumb rested.
“Just a couple of scratches. Nothing as serious as your arm.” you respond, grimacing slightly as you really look at his cut.
“Yeah, but i’m still worried about you.” he responds, frowning.
“Don’t. Be more worried about yourself, since you’re the one in pain right now.” you chastise him, trying to pull the edges of his shirt away from the cut, letting out a sigh when he
“You gotta take off your overshirt, sam. I don’t wanna have the fabric sticking to the cut, or infecting it.” you tell him, stepping back while you wait for him to do as you ask.
He winces as he pulls it over his head, his white undershirt stained from the blood only on one side.
“You see? And you’re still telling me that you’re worried about me.” you say, pointing to the cut.
As you end up cleaning it up first, you’re in a comfortable silence. You keep thinking about the eldritch woman, and what she said about a soulmate bond. It would make a lot of sense, how for all this time, you’ve always been drawn to him.
Not just physically, but what seems to be mentally too, you notice all of his quirks, his hobbies, his preferences, and what he would deem his faults. They’re not faults to you, they’re just him, and you love him.
Unknown to you, he’s thinking the same. Maybe not to the same extent of what you're thinking, but to a similar extent. He’s curious about what happened, and he wants to know more, to know if you feel the same pull he does.
You end up stitching the rest of his cut up, and when you’re done, you collapse onto the bed in exhaustion. Letting out a deep, tired sigh, you throw your arm over your eyes, blocking out the light.
Sam’s still sitting on the edge of his bed, but he’s turned to stare at you. He watches the way your chest rises and falls with each breath you take, and even with the sound of music drifting into the room from the bar downstairs, he can hear the little puffs of air you let out.
He calls your name, and you shift your arm upwards, resting against your forehead as you stare down at him.
“Yeah?” you ask.
“..what do you think she meant about the soulmate bond?” sam asks. He’s probably the most nervous he’s ever been right now, but it’s a kind of nervousness that is elating, making his heart race in his chest.
You blink at him, just assuming that that was just going to be something else swept under the carpet of your friendship if you didn’t bring it up. Like lingering stares, touches that are wayyyy too long to just be friendly, and the way he’s just too fine tuned into you.
“Uh. Maybe what it quite literally means?” You finish, trying not to show just exactly how terrified you are right now, since this is a topic you thought you’d never talk about. Like how dean really really needs a love life, not just one night stands.
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes, and he feels slightly less stressed about bringing this topic up now, since you sound to him as if you’ve been thinking about it too.
You really want to talk about it, but you really don’t want to sound too desperate.
“You know that’s not what I mean, y/n.” he tells you, shifting so that his legs are no longer hanging off the edge of the bed, and he’s looking right at you. His arm is tender, and the little movement is enough to make him wince.
Sitting up to look at him properly, you sigh. You don’t know what to say, really.
“Do you feel it?” he asks, shyly. “The soulmate bond?” He thinks of all the times he’s even thought that you might have reciprocate his feelings, and he thinks he has a solid chance right now.
You don’t think you’re gonna get rejected, but it’s still slightly unnerving to bring something as serious as this up, because if it doesn’t work out, your entire dynamic will be destroyed, and you will not only lose the love of your life, but your best friend, and in the process, you could lose dean, too.
“Yeah. i just didn’t know what it was before.” you tell him, scratching the back of your neck nervously, wincing when you scratch at a injury you didn’t notice before.
Sam lightens up obviously, the physical embodiment of puppy eyes. He looks at you now, and he laughs.
“What?” you ask him, slightly nervous.
“I feel it too, you know?” he tells you. “I felt it that day in the woods, i felt it when you left my side for even a moment, I felt it when we were together. I just thought it was some kind of overattachment to you.”
This makes you laugh, and he pulls you closer by your arm.
“I felt it in the woods, that day when I thought you were a moose, I felt it when I sat in the passenger seat of baby, I felt it when you were injured in the hospital.” you respond, thinking of all the times where the bond vexed you, and made you happy.
Sam stares down at you, pulling you into his side properly. You’re tucked into under his arm as he presses a chaste kiss to the tips of your fingers, to the palm of your hand, your forearm, as he slowly makes his way up to your face.
In between each kiss, he whispers out to you; “I've felt you everywhere in my life since the first day I met you. In my head, my lungs, in my space. You are the air I breathe, and without you, I'm scared I’ll die.”
he pauses when he reaches your jaw, pausing, giving you time to push him away if you don’t want this.
“yeah? “ you respond smugly, gloating now that you’re aware of just how much you affect him. You’re breathless, waiting for the kiss that you feel you’ve been missing your entire life.
This is the only moment that matters, the part where you finally come together. With that, he kisses you. The kiss is sweet and soft, a promise of more to come.
He pulls back, forehead resting against yours and your breaths mingle together, but it isn’t enough. You need more for all the times you’ve been afraid he’s hurt or worse, dead.
You pull him closer by the collar of his undershirt, and kiss him. You kiss him like crazy, and he reciprocates, kissing you harder. This kiss is everything you’ve lost, come back to you.
When you finally pull apart, you’re giggling, and he chuckles, pressing another chaste kiss to your forehead, whispering how much he loves you.
You fall asleep entangled together, ankles crossed over his as he rests his arm over your waist, your head tucked between his neck and his shoulder.
Dean comes back from the bar, switching on the light of the room, and he quite literally does a double take when he sees the two of you entangled together, even in sleep.
He does everything in his power not to wake you up with screams of “i knew it” and “it’s about damn time”. He’s happy to see his brother so content, even in sleep, there’s a smile on sam’s face.
Dean pulls out his phone, sending a quick text to mrs l/n; who’s number he got to stay in touch with updates of his father.
‘You owe me ten bucks.’ he types out.
The screen lights up with a response from mrs l/n.
‘What!? Already? I thought it would be later.’ is the reply, and he laughs at that.
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league-of-sam · 6 months
Don't Be Shy | Konig x Reader
Kӧnig x TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: Transferred against your will to a new task force to calm a troubled soldier, you felt way in over your head - especially when you came face to face with a 6'10" mountain of Austria. 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, human trafficking, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
You’d been banished to your dorm since returning from the mission.
A week of being practically locked in there since being released from the hospital wing, the stitches from the bullet graze in your thigh long disintegrated. All that remained now was a sore, red, angry scar.
Your first one.
You caught yourself laughing as you looked at it; Ghost would be so proud of your first battle scar.
Thankfully, the rescued women were as healthy and safe as they could possibly be and were already being placed in safe houses or returned to their loved ones.
But you…you’d already been on the receiving end of a mouthful from Price, Ghost, and Fender for not following orders and almost getting yourself killed.
It was frustrating that they couldn’t see why you did what you did.
Even more so that after saving his life, König still wasn’t giving you the time of day. Little did you know, it wasn’t because he was mad at you, it was because he was mad at himself.
He always hated how people wouldn’t give him a chance to explain himself, and that’s exactly what he did to you that night at the range. You tried, but he wouldn’t allow it. He pushed you away, and you still jumped in front of a bullet for him. You still threw yourself between a deadly weapon and an innocent young girl.
You were the selfless among the selfish.
And when he saw the way you fell, blood pouring from your thigh, he almost threw up.
He thought you were dead…he thought he’d lost you. And it was all his fault. Too occupied in trying to get the job done.
He had to see you.
Once again, you found yourself on the end of a video call, but this time, the entirety of the 141 and Laswell was present, making sure you were okay.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, pet, you know that?”
“What, like you’ve never thrown yourself at a crazy man with a gun? You can’t fool me, MacTavish.”
“Uh- no, that is- that’s irrelevant!”
“She’s got ya there, Johnny.”
“Yeah, Johnny, listen to your man.” You teased.
“Watch it, little one.” Ghost threatened, and you held up your hands in surrender. “Seriously though, ya did good. Just come ‘ome safe, yeah?”
“I will. Night guys, I love you.”
They copied your words, Gaz blowing you few kisses as their laptop closed, and the call ended.
Huffing, you began getting ready for bed, slipping into your fluffy pyjama shorts and the matching top.
Then, you let out a scream as your door flung open, and a mammoth of a man adorned in a black shirt and black sweatpants barged in, slamming the door behind him.
“Kӧnig what the fuck?! You scared the absolute shit out of me! You didn’t even knock! I could’ve been-”
“Bitte, I’m sorry.” He cut you off, but his voice was barely above a whisper.
Your hand rested over your chest, trying to calm your heart, “What the hell are you doing here?”
He didn’t speak right away, his lacking social skills surfacing as he faltered under your gaze. Your brow was raised, awaiting his answer. His eyes raked over your body, and he found himself blushing as he took in the way your little shorts hugged your thighs so lusciously, your little top showing off your midriff.
Du sahst so wunderschön aus. (You looked so gorgeous.)
“Kӧnig,” you spoke again, “What are you doing here?”
He cleared his throat, stepping into the room a little more, “I wanted to see if you were alright.”
“I’m fine.”
He nodded, and his gaze landed onto the scar on your thigh. His chest tightened at the sight of the evidence – the reminder that you almost weren’t here.
Because of him.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” He spoke, nodding towards your leg.
“What? Save your life?”
“Are you crazy?”
“Nein. You shouldn’t try and sacrifice yourself for someone like me.”
You scoffed, folding your arms across your chest, “You know, this is a really fucked up way of thanking me, König.”
“Why didn’t you just let me die?”
Tears clouded your vision, “What?”
“I’d rather it have been me than you.” His voice started to raise.
“That’s not- you don’t leave your teammate to die! I acted in the moment; I did what was right!”
“You acted like a dummkopf! (idiot)” he shouted.
“Excuse me?”
“Why would you jump in front of a bullet for me?! You could have died! That was so stupid and so fucking-”
“Because I’m falling in love with you!” you yelled back, hand running through your hair as you panted.
Something snapped within him.
Something changed.
Your words ignited a fire within him, blazing furiously, burning the blood in his veins until it bubbled, his skin tingling.
You noticed too, as those gorgeous blue eyes darkened under the sniper hood, backing up until the back of your knees hit your bed as he stalked towards you.
The moment he reached you, he yanked the hood from his head, revealing his face.
That’s what he had hiding under there?
Beautiful auburn hair, wild and messy from his hood. Pale, freckled skin, adorned with multiple silvered scars. One in particular ran from his chin, through his plump lips, up to his cheek bone. You wanted to reach out and touch it, feel him under your fingertips.
Your entire body was shaking.
His tongue ran over his lips, making them shine in the dim light coming from your tiny lamp. He watched you as your eyes flicked over his face, mouth opening slightly as you marvelled at the sight.
Despite his blushing, he smirked, and it made your eyes widen.
“What was that you just said, liebling? (darling)”
He towered over you, hands moving to rest against your hips, dragging your body flush against his.
You looked everywhere but at him.
“Kӧnig-” you stuttered out.
He lowered you down onto the mattress, one hand pinning both of your wrists above your head while the other gripped your chin softly, forcing you to look at him.
“What’s a matter, mein schatz? (my love) Don’t be shy.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out. Considering his size, he was being so soft, so gentle, and it was turning your brain to mush.
His thumb rubbed over your lips, pulling them apart slightly as his other hand kept your arms firmly above your head.
Your breathing was heavy, and the heat growing in the pit of your stomach was getting more and more prominent.
“Ich will dich…so sehr. (I want you…so much)” He whispered, his hands shaking slightly.
His forehead pressed to yours as he released your arms, and you wasted no time in placing your hands on his body. Your fingers grazed his cheek, running over the scar as you took his face into your hands.
“Ich will dich auch. (I want you too)” You whispered back, eyes burning into his.
He let out a noise, somewhere between a growl and a moan, before the grip on your chin tightened, and he smashed his lips to yours.
You kissed him back with the same need, the same desperation, his own whimpers matching yours as they escaped through his nose.
The feeling of his lips on yours was divine…ethereal.
This shy, socially anxious, mammoth of a man had taken full control of the situation, shifting you up the bed and wrapping your legs around his waist. You gasped at the movement, and he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into your mouth.
A deep, animal-like growl bubbled from his chest, spilling over into your mouth as he dove deeper, desperate to chase the taste of you. Your hips bucked; your body not willing to wait any longer for the heat in your groin to be satisfied.
“Eager, mein liebe?” he chuckled, before ducking his face into your neck, nipping, sucking, biting.
He was marking you.
Making sure every man knew who you truly belonged to.
“Kӧnig, please-” you whimpered, fingers threading through his hair, tugging softly.
He groaned at the sensation, head dropping into your nape as his eyes rolled. His fingers dug into your skin as they roamed your body, no doubt leaving small bruises. He was holding back, and you knew it.
“Please,” you moaned, “Please, Kӧnig…berühre mich. (touch me)”
“God, baby-” he grunted, “You have no idea what you do to me, speak my language so pretty, so well.”
He smashed his lips to yours, only parting to pull your shirt over your head, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room. But you didn’t care, you were burning hot, just for him. You followed his actions, tugging on the hem of his shirt.
Timidly, he pulled it off, tossing it onto the floor. Your eyes widened as you took in his physique. Christ, it was like this man had been sculpted by the Gods personally. Your fingers delicately traced along his abs, bumping over raised scars, making him shiver.
They dipped lower, grazing over the unmissable bulge fighting to be freed from the confines of his sweatpants.
Everything about him was big.
He sucked in a breath, letting out a shaky moan as you stroked him until he snapped, pinning your wrists back above your head.
“You know how much I wanted this? How many times I wanted to have you right there? Those lessons were the highlight of my weeks, sweetheart.” He purred, hands roaming your bare flesh.
“Y-you should h-have, would’ve l-let you.” You stuttered out, breath choppy as he took your breast, his fingertips squeezing the nipple harshly.
He smiled shyly, eyes meeting yours, “You’re a good girl, ja?”
You nodded, words failing you as praise rolled off his tongue, letting out noises that sounded almost angelic to him.
Kӧnig then shifted, tugging your little shorts from your body, his giant hand running slowly up your leg. He dipped down, placing a delicate kiss to your scar. His hands then continued their journey until they reached your cunt, a long finger slipping slowly between your slick-covered folds.
“I would die for you.” He whispered, “Would you let me die for you, hübsches mädchen? (pretty girl) Protect your body with my own? Let me worship you?”
You were babbling incoherent nonsense at this point, the sensation of him touching you completely overwhelming, “God, yes…Kӧnig please, please touch- oh, f-fuck-”
“You’re so good, (Y/N), so good.” He spoke as he slipped a finger inside of you, curling to reach that spot with every thrust.
You bit your lip hard to keep from screaming, the metal taste of blood flooding your mouth, allowing the sounds to slip.
“You sound so beautiful, angel.” He cooed, continuing to finger you at a blistering pace.
He was relentless, desperate to make you cum before he got his cock anywhere near you, desperate to make you feel good – make up for what a mess he’d made of everything.
Your moans and whimpers spurred him on, showing him that he was doing the right thing.
The way your nails dug into his back as you clung to him almost made him finish right there in his pants.
You were magnificent.
Especially when your back arched, your breasts bouncing right in front of his face as his name slipped out of your mouth like some foul chant, ramming you into ecstasy.
Kӧnig, Kӧnig, Kӧnig, Kӧnig…
The way his name rolled off your tongue unlocked something deep within him.
He pulled his fingers from you, lapping up every drop of your release, before slamming his lips to yours, making you taste yourself. Hoisting you up, he locked your legs over his hips, lining himself up with your entrance.
“Bitte, can I?” he whimpered as his tip rubbed between your folds, “Please, Schatz, let me-”
Tears sprung in his eyes, his desperation to feel you becoming too much.
“Fuck me, Kӧnig. Don’t hold back.”
He let out a sob of relief, before he slid his cock into you, inch by glorious inch. He was huge, the biggest you’d ever been with, and he filled you up as if your pussy was made just for him. The minute he bottomed out, he let out a cry, one hand fisting handfuls of your hair as the other gripped the bedsheet in a hopeless effort to control himself.
Then, with a rhythm that sent white hot pleasure coursing through you, he rocked his hips, snapping against yours with every thrust. Your hands clawed and grabbed at his flesh as you mewled out a mess of words, barely able to string a sentence together.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he repeated, his pace quickening.
You whined, tears from the pain of him stretching you falling from your eyes, “Feels so good-”
“Oh, don’t cry, liebling.” He spoke, thumb padding your wet cheeks, “It’s okay, you’re doing so well, taking me so well…such a good girl…”
Grunts fell from his lips as he couldn’t control himself any longer, his pace speeding up as he chased his release. The pressure built for you again, and he could feel the walls of your cunt squeeze, making him whimper.
“That’s it, schnuckie, cum for me- please, scheiße (fuck) cum for me.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement, and with a scream of his name, your body arched, your climax completely obscuring your vision to the point you saw stars.
With a few more agonisingly rough snaps with his hips, profanities falling from his mouth, Kӧnig erupted inside of you, his cock pulsing over and over as his seed spilled out, white and dripping.
His arms gave out, heavy breaths from both of you as his body lay on yours.
Your fingers ran through his dampened hair as you clung to him, his arms locking you in place beneath him.
He lifted his head, rubbing his nose on your temple as he placed a chaste kiss to your cheek, then your forehead, then your nose.
“Meine schöne, kleine prinzessin...(my beautiful, tiny princess)” he mumbled before he finally pressed his lips to yours.
It took a good twenty minutes for the two of you to calm down, the thin layer of sweat sticking your skin together, not allowing you to part. Finally, your breathing had returned to a somewhat normal level, as good as can be as Kӧnig peppered tiny kisses along your shoulder.
You blushed furiously, trying to hide away from his gaze.
“Don’t be shy,” he whispered as he held you to his chest, arms tight around your waist, “Not around me. Du bist zu schön, um schüchtern zu sein. (you’re too beautiful to be shy)”
You sighed softly, turning in his arms to face him, your hands dancing along his scar, “Also bist du. (so are you)”
Kӧnig groaned as his eyes fell shut, trying to conceal it, but your constant reassurances and praise of him made his heart wild - it made that primal, instinctive urge within him burst out like a feral beast.
It made him want you, need you in every way possible.
And you were more than willing to oblige.
König marvelled as the truck pulled up on base.
It was so different to KorTac, so much smaller and less grand, hidden, and private, but it was home to you.
Finally, you were home.
You hadn’t even gotten out of the truck before you heard Soap’s yelling as he came bounding across the tarmac toward you.
Jumping out, you yelled something to him, making him freeze in place as the others caught up. They watched on, confused, but desperate to hold you in their arms again now that you were home.
You moved around to the other side of the truck, opening the door to see König looking at you, his leg bouncing nervously as his thumbs twiddled in his lap.
“You ready, big guy?” you smiled to him, taking his hand.
“As long as I have you next to me, I’m ready for anything, schnucki.”
You blushed furiously at the nickname, and he leaned forward, lifting his sniper hood just enough to reveal his lips, placing them on yours for a soft kiss.
Giggling as you pulled away, you dragged him from the vehicle, pulling him around to where the boys of the 141 saw him for the first time.
Just imagine their faces as you came from the side of the vehicle, an absolute behemoth of a man attached to your side.
Imagine the way Soap faltered as you reached them, König’s giant shoulders casting one huge shadow over them all.
Imagine Price’s initial horror as he clocked onto your fingers being woven tightly with those of the crazy, mammoth killer.
Imagine the way Ghost puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger as he squared up to König, having also noticed the way the big man kept you close;
“Now, you may be bigger-”
“A lot bigger!”Soap had yelled from somewhere.
“Yes- thank you, Johnny. A lot bigger, but make no mistake, soldier. You hurt my (Y/N); I’ll make sure no one even remembers you existed. Capeesh?”
“Y-yes, sir.” König had stuttered out, shaking in his boots.
Then there was you, fingers pressed to your nose as you looked to the floor, “Jesus fuck, Simon, leave him alone!”
Imagine König coming to your room after his first day with the 141, exhausted from the training he’d endured.
“I like them…like it here.” He’d speak, fingers running through your hair as you laid on his chest.
“They spent all day trying to kick the shit out of you.”
They had tried, each and every one of them completely underestimating the sheer strength that Kӧnig possessed. He was a super soldier, a battering ram. A fucking force.
He’d laugh, dropping his head to kiss your lips, “Ja. But only because they love you, schatz. They protect you…and so will I.”
“Bis zum ende der zeile. (until the end of the line)”
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Don’t Fuck with Dad
A platonic Tim! X Reader
T.W. : Mentions of blood and violence, reader is really tired and just needs a break, slender is kinda a bitch tbh, Jeff is a bitch, fighting, kinda angsty? Not proof read :/
Summary : Mission after mission, you’re exhausted. You haven’t had a break in weeks and you’re constantly on the go. When you finally do get a moment of peace, someone ruins it.
You open your eyes, the rising sun visible through your windows. Half asleep, you throw your arm over and slam it down on your phone, the alarm too loud. What time was it? Fuck, what day was it? You let out a loud groan, taking a few deep breaths.
You hadn’t had a break in weeks. The Slenderman giving you missions every night, not to mention the shit load of paperwork that came with it. Most of the missions had been a bitch too, difficult missions that typically took multiple proxies. Normally, you, Kate, and Cody would work as a team, but occasionally it would be changed. Sometimes you were alone, sometimes with only one partner, sometimes two. The missions you had been given recently needed multiple people, and yet here you were, slaving away.
Throwing your legs off the bed, you hissed at the cold floor. Yawning, you began the morning ritual, grabbing a hoodie off the floor and you’re phone, you made your way downstairs for coffee. Glancing at the bright screen, it was Tuesday, July 16th. No mission today, just had to finish up some paperwork. Once you were done, you made a mental plan to take a hot shower, get in the comfiest clothes you could find, and watch a comfort movie. Downstairs, Tim and Brian stood by the island, acknowledging your presence.
“Mornin’ kiddo,” Brian spoke first, “you look rough, Whatcha’ doing up so early?” “I have a shit load of paperwork today,” you groaned, shuffling toward the coffee machine.
“Ohhhhh, day off huh?” Brian smiled. He knew that you had been slammed recently, silently questioning Slender on why he was giving you so much.
“Yeah, finally,” you yawned, sitting at the island with the two. They were here long before you, they knew what it was like to have something every single damn day. It was exhausting, and you were running on such little sleep. Bags heavy under your eyes, you took a sip of the drink and sighed.
“Hey, I’ll catch you later, k? I’ve got to head out, mission two towns over. Gotta’ set up some cameras or something,” Brian said, getting up and waving as he walked away. That left just you and Tim in the kitchen.
For a little while, silence. You and Tim had an understanding, being a proxy sucked and was tiring beyond belief. But Tim had his own opinions, you were just a kid. He knew the kind of missions you had recently been on, violent missions. He knew you had killed a lot recently, and the paper work with it was insane.
“Leave your paperwork in my office, I’ll get it done,” Tim spoke, leaving no room for debate.
You looked to him, confusion ever present, “It’s my work, I can do it ya’ know?”
“I’m well aware kiddo,” and with that, silence. You didn’t ask for this, any of this. The stalking, killing, everything. You didn’t deserve to be dragged into this mess, you were at the wrong place in the wrong time. Tim didn’t know what it was, but he felt a connection to you. He was protective, he wanted the best for you, he wanted you to be happy. But most of all, he was proud of you.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” you mumbled.”
“The back to back for weeks on end is hard. It’s the least I can do for ya’,” Tim took another sip of his coffee. You nodded, getting up and making your way to your room. Passing Eyeless Jack on the way back, you smiled and waved. You and the demon actually got along really well, you spent lots of the little free time you had in the lab, learning from him. Anything from anatomy to some chemicals, you learned a lot of Jack. He waved back at you, offering a visit and teaching session later if you weren’t busy. You gave him a maybe, explaining how busy you’ve been recently. He understood, and then continued on to wherever he was going.
You made it to your room, grabbing the large stacks of paper. You felt awful giving it to Tim, but he didn’t exactly leave much room for debate. You made your way to his and Brian’s office. Walking over to Tim’s desk, the large stacks of paper on his desk ever present. Jeez, you felt terrible giving him all this.
“Just set it down,” it was Brian, standing at the door. He made his way past you and grabbed a file off his desk, “trust me. That guy would do any amount of paper work for you.”
“But he already has so much, I don’t want to just add more on,” you looked to him, a sad look in your eyes. It made his heart melt, you really hated to do this.
“Set them down and get some rest, you need it. And Tim agrees, plus he would much rather you go have fun with EJ or Nina or someone, not sit and do paperwork,” you sat the paper down, looking away from him and to a framed photo t on Tim’s desk. It was you and him, the first mission you two had together.
“Let me tell you,” Brian started, slowly making his way toward the door, “Tim would kill a man for you. He cares about you like your his own kid, so just let him take all this,” and with that, Brian made his way out. You smiled, following him out the door. You wanted to get back to your room, take a nice hot shower, and maybe go hangout with EJ. Turning a hallway, you bumped into someone.
“Hey-! Fucking, watch it!” It was Jeff, of course. Nobody else would be this loud in the morning.
“Fucking move, prick,” you mumbled, shoving your way past him. It’s not that you and Jeff didn’t get along, you just wouldn’t hang out with him at all.
“Excuse me? Want to say that again?!” Jeff’s volume rose as he grabbed you shirt and threw you against the wall.
“You stupid bitch,” glaring at him, you gathered yourself and tried to walk away. It was way too early to deal with his shit.
“Oh hell no, you aren’t fucking walking away-“ Jeff was cut off, a firm hand placed on his shoulder. He whipped around, only to find Tim standing there.
“Fuck you think you’re doing?” Tim asked, voice low.
“This little bitch started it-“ Jeff didn’t get to finish before Tim punched him square in the nose. You stood back in awe, watching the two.
“Better go see Jack, wouldn’t want to get blood everywhere,” Tim shoved Jeff in the direction of the medical lab, giving him a solid middle finger. Jeff grunted and walked off, holding his nose.
“You good?” He turned to you.
“Uhh, yeah.”
“He ever bothers you again, just come find me, ok?”
“Uhh, right, yes sir,” you looked at him, not many words forming. What the hell were you supposed to say? Oh yeah, thanks for breaking Jeff’s nose for me dad.
“Go, shower. You stink,” Tim turned and walked off. You caught a glimpse of a small smirk on his face and you smiled back. “Whatever old man.”
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Clementina pt2
A/n: thank you for the support in the likes and comments on pt1, it means so much to me.it looks like this series will have three or four parts. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR YOU TO REPOST THIS ON OTHER WEBSITES AND TRANSLATION OF THIS FIC.
Pt1: pt3: pt4
T.W: violence, blood, details of child abuse, nun being misogynistic.
Summery: The Shelby family are in for a shock when they find out they have a sister hiding in plain sight.
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Word count: 1,567
The sound of two cars racing up the makeshift road that leads to St Hilda’s orphanage catches the attention of a group of older girls, ordered by the mother superior to get the milk that was left by the milkman, who delivers twenty boxes of milk to the orphanage weekly. The youngest girl in the group watched as the two black cars swerve around the corner, the grounds keeper barely having enough time to open the gates for the speeding cars.
The elderly grounds keepers eyes widen as he watches the cars pass by him “Bloody hell, it's Thomas Shelby” he states, his fragile legs beginning to run in the opposite direction. He knew that wherever Tommy Shelby goes, there is trouble.
The cars park outside of the double doors of the orphanage, the girls still stood there holding some of the boxes of milk, watching the man in a long black coat and a peaked cap step out of the first car with an older woman wearing a long red coat and a black hat climbing out after him. The oldest out of the girls gasp quietly “ it’s the peaky blinders” she whispers, the other girls look towards her then back at Tommy and Polly “ sister Wilson” the girls call out as they rush into the building. Leaving most of the boxes of milk outside.
Tommy grabs a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it, looking up at the building, blowing out some smoke before Polly starts to talk “ there are children around Thomas, be mindful” she warns. The sound of a car door slamming shut ,Arthur getting out of the other car, makes Tommy glance at Arthur then back towards the double doors , not answering Polly back but starts to walk towards the doors.
Just before Tommy could knock on the old oak doors, a youngish nun opens it quickly. She looks up at Tommy and her eyes immediately take on a haunted look “ Mr Shelby” she gulps “ we weren’t expecting another meeting quite so soon” she fretted.
“ nor was I, but you and your mother superior kept something from us” he answered, his eyebrows raising slightly as he spoke.
Polly hums beside Tommy “ may we come in?” She asked, her voice indicating that it was more of a demand than a question.
The young nun nods “ of course, how rude of me” her hands shake as she slides open the door wider to let them in “ mother superior is in her office, I’ll go inform her that you are here” the nun announced before tilting her head down and quickly walking away, turning the corner to the corridor that presumably holds the offices of the nuns.
Polly looks around at the foyer of the orphanage, a large stair case to the left of them most likely leads to the school rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms of the children that live here “ your sister lives in a fuckin shithole” she grumbles. Before anyone could reply, mother superior walks around the corner, she stops for a second as she glances between the three people she least wanted to see today.
“ Mr Shelby, Mrs Gray” she greets them, smiling slightly and wipes her hands on her black habit “ what may we do for you..again” she asks, her voice laced with annoyance.
Tommy casually blows a cloud of smoke from his mouth into the nuns face, causing her to cough slightly and waft the smoke away with her hand “ you have a secret and I would like to know why you kept it to yourself ” he retorted, Arthur walks around the foyer, looking around to make sure that nothing seemed suspicious.
Mother superior glances at Arthur before she continues to speak “ everyone has secrets Mr Shelby, i don't see why it is of importance for you to disturb breakfast hour” she bespoke, her shoulders raising slightly as she lets out a quiet huff.
Tommy was getting more irritated the more the nun spoke, he rubs his eyes with his thumb and index finger. he looks up at the ceiling then back at the nurse “this secret that i speak of has the name clementina” Tommy declares, his eyes turning ice cold as the nun immediately tenses. He throws his half smoked cigarette onto the floor and squashed it with his foot.
Arthur had disappeared down the hall that had no candles light and looked the most unused, his hand in his pocket holding his gun in case someone ambushes him, back at the foyer Polly began to argue with the nun.
“ why would you keep a child away from her family, unless you are a cruel hag that enjoys the pain and emotional torture of children” Polly squawked, her hands and arms moved as she argued.
“ her mother was a whore, Mr Shelby paid good money to keep her here in secret, she does not deserve to be in the world, she is born a bastard who disobeys my every word and goes against god, she is a sinner just like how her mother was” she snaps, finally showing her true colours. Polly slaps her, the sound of skin hitting skin penetrates the atmosphere.
Before Polly or Tommy could say anything more to mother superior, Arthurs' bellowing voice reacts them “ Tommy, you better get here”.
Tommy points at mother superior “we are not finished here” he warns, turning around and stalks down the corridor, in the direction of where Arthur disappeared too, as Tommy and Polly got closer to Arthur the sounds of a little girl crying and the sound of something sharp hitting her could be heard from the room at the end of the hallway.
Polly immediately performs the sign of the cross, praying that the child is okay. Tommy stands in front of the door and holds the door handle whilst getting his gun from his holster with his other hand. Tommy signals towards Arthur that he'll open the door on the count of three, Polly steps back, grabbing her rosemary from around her neck and kisses the cross as the sound of the child crying and screaming for help gets louder.
After the count of three, Tommy opens the door and points the gun at the nun that was standing behind the girl who was kneeling on the floor and bent over a chair, her undergarment shirt pulled up so her back was on display. the nun looks towards the door, her eyebrows rise in shock as her arm holds a leather whip in the air as she was in the middle of whipping the girl.
“ drop the whip now” Tommy bawled, his eyes filling with a murderous rage, Polly pushes past Tommy and rushes over to the young girl as the nun drops the whip and holds her hands up. her hands shaking from the mixture of adrenaline and fear as she looks towards Tommy.
“ its unlawful to hurt a nun Mr Shelby, we are the property of the lord” she states, trying to sound confident but failing as her voice wobbles.
“and it is unlawful to hurt the innocent, but you do, you fucking do” Polly interrupts, kneeling beside the quivering girl, who curled herself up onto the floor in the fetal position.
Arthur stops mother superior as she rushes down the corridor, pointing his gun at her face, the barrel pointing between her eyes. Tommy kicks the whip away from the nun so she was unable to pick it up again.
“ you made a big mistake prioress” Tommy used his index finger to turn off the safety on the gun, the clicking noise making the nun flinch.
“ it was an order, from mother superior, the lord told us to punish her to clean her of her sins” the nun defends her actions, which only made Tommy more angry.
“ she is an innocent girl, unluckily for you she is a Shelby” Tommy proclaimed, not breaking eye contact with the nun. “ i demand you, to leave this building and go as far as possible” Tommy begins to declare, moving out of the door frame “ if i find you, and i promise i will, you will have a bullet with you name on” he threatens, nudging his gun towards the door “ now” he suddenly yells.
the nun runs out of the room, mother superior following. just as the nuns ran to collect their items, the arranged collection for the other orphan girls began to arrive. Tommy got someone to get into contact with esme, to arrange for the lees to allow them to use their carriages for the groups of girls going to be placed together.
Tommy puts his gun back into his holster, adjusting his cap on his head, pulling out a cigarette then gives it to Tommy, he was about to light another cigarette for himself when the sound of pollys panicked voice grabs his attention.
“ Tommy, she needs a doctor” she declares as she holds her scalf against clementina's wounds, it seemed this wasn't the first time the young girl was whipped, as the old scars had reopened, causing deep lacerations on her back.
“ Arthur, get the car ready” Tommy demands as he takes his coat off to wrap around the girl.
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liyuee-qixing · 10 months
"In fact; I'm fucking terrified."
Scenarios: Characters with GN! MC freezing as a trauma response.
Characters:Satan, Leviathan
C.W/T.W: Trauma, implied abuse, implied abandonment issues. might be ooc
DISCLAIMER!!:i DO NOT romanticize depression,trauma,or any mental health in any ways,as I suffer from it too for the past year. This fic was made with no intentions to insult any person or community.
Author Note:my head is so dizzy I'm might pass out
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Gehenna,a country with more violence tendencies than the other,a cruel country with it's people fist made of iron. Not to mention the nation streets were filled with Angels and bodies decay,the smell of old blood fill in your lungs in just any seconds you step in the alleys and streets.
You should've used to it by now,you better be used to it. But you didn't,when Satan or Sitri killed an angel right Infront of you, usually you shut your eyes tight,but this time.. it was different.
The angel blood splattered right Infront your eyes,the gory scene you were forced to see is enough to make you feel like puking,just enough for the past experiences to play back in your mind.
You cannot hear Satan or Sitri words,hells,or shout,you freeze there,the now broken,gory description of the angel body were right Infront of you,the smell hit your nostrils,inhaling,exhaling,your eyes started watering.
"maybe if I was a better child.."your trains of thought were quickly read by Satan,he immediately know that your actions was a trauma response.
He jumped Infront of you,taking your hand in his,as he wipe your tears away,not with panic.
"look, we're in this together, it's all will be alright"
He made sure from the day on, you'll never feel something such as bad to yourself,to never remember the shady blood tainted past of your,to forgot an old scars.
"how are you?" "I believe you" "take it slow" sweet affirmation pouring from his mouth just ensure your comfort,his hand finding your hair to stroke in a meanwhile.
You've heard worse; useless,ugly, undeserving,was nothing new to you, it's a daily things you receive everyday on your plate,you always gulp them down without fighting back, without any words, without telling anybody; because you have no one. Your body slowly reduced into a jar of unstable emotions with passing days.
Why are you surprised when Leviathan words were stabbed into you at right that moment,you thought you were used to it by now? Did you seriously thought Leviathan is going to protect you,just as he said? How dumb,in the end you'll have no one,again,nobody,your breath hitched as more of his insult fell down from his serpent tongue
You? The descendants of Solomon? The oh so great king of kings? Crying because you thought somebody is truly your friend and now insult are seeping through his mouth? How immature,you reflect no great ruler of all kings,your eyes twitching trying to suppress your tears
Say something,but your lips quiver and tongue back away, desperation is eating you alive,the results of not having any friends and being bullied come rushing stabbing at your heart,that sure to bleeds, without realizing, you're already crying Infront of the great leviathan,silently, without any sounds,you just stood there,in middle of the room,hands reaching out for him,but not moving.
You wanted to scream,yell,beg for him to not leave you,the look of concerning did not fit his handsome face,his insults stopped for a seconds,as he stare at you blankly,you wanted nothing more than to scratch your skin,tear it apart and disappear,you want nothing more than to not feel the way you feel right now.
"I need to do better for you"
Levi might not know how to immediately deal with you suddenly freezing,he'll let one of the nobles deal with it having to put his envy down for a moment just for your own sake
Though it seem dumb and childish for him,he tries to ensure that he is your friend from your point of view,he tries to not insults or say things that he doesn't mean or know wouldn't end good,doesn't mean you can have another friend though
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"ermmememrmrm this is ooc as shit" how do you feel if I shove 60 tennis balls down your throat>_<
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flufffilleddonut · 1 month
Mischievous Moth
Summary - When Velvette’s actions threaten to interfere with Valentino’s good mood, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
Word Count - 900
T.W. - Slight moderate violence.
Valentino was at the V Tower, resting on a couch in the Vees’ shared lounge. He idly scrolled through his phone, smiling to himself. As of late, things had been going well for the Overlord. Business was booming, his employees were staying in line, and Valentino found himself filled with an unusual sense of contentment. It was as if nothing could spoil this moment in time for him.
That is, until loud thudding was heard approaching the room.
Velvette stormed in, her expression bitter and steps heavy. She plunked herself down on the couch adjacent to Valentino, crossing her arms in a huff.
“I can’t deal with them anymore! They’re all a bunch of useless idiots!” She declared.
Valentino sighed. “Who is it this time?” He questioned, looking up from his phone.
“My employees! I can’t remember the last time one of them came up with an outfit that wasn’t absolute GARBAGE!” Velvette shouted, before letting her body fall against the back of the couch with a groan. “This show is going to be a disaster.”
Valentino frowned. This was his time to enjoy his current good fortune, and Velvette just had to come in and try to ruin it with her negativity.
“Well, things couldn’t possibly be going any better for me. Do you think you could find somewhere else to rant about your issues? Somewhere that I’m not? You’re bringing down the mood.” He suggested, returning his gaze to his phone.
Velvette shot up, her head snapping around to face Valentino.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that everything was going so perfectly for you! How dare I bother you with my personal issues! Shame on me.”
Valentino narrowed his eyes at Velvette as she fell back down against the couch. Clearly she didn’t intend on moving. 
The moth demon considered his options as to how to get rid of her. He didn’t want to argue, as that would further sour his mood. Trying to physically remove her would likely result in bodily harm. Valentino sighed. If only he could just make her act happy…
Valentino’s eyes suddenly lit up, a devious smirk creeping onto his face. He had an idea.
Setting down his phone, Valentino stood, walking over to the backside of the couch where Velvette was laying.
“Whatever you’re planning, quit while you’re ahead.” She warned. Her eyes were closed, but she had heard Valentino move closer. She knew he was likely up to no good.
Velvette’s suspicions were confirmed when her wrists were suddenly seized, her body then lifted into the air. Valentino was behind her, holding her up just above the surface of the couch with his top set of hands. She opened her eyes but didn’t struggle.
“Valentino, let go of me right this inst- eEK!” She squeaked, feeling light tracing against her sides.
“Come now, how about we turn that frown upside-down, hmm?” Valentino purred.
The light tracing turned to scritching as Velvette fought the sounds threatening to leave her mouth.
“Don’t y-you dare…” She cautioned, aware of where this was headed.
“Do what? This~?” Valentino suddenly started roughly scratching against Velvette’s sides. She finally broke.
“Nahaha! Stohohop!” She giggled, wildly kicking her legs.
“No can do~” Valentino chimed. “You wouldn’t take your brooding elsewhere, so now I have to help you lighten up.”
Valentino slowly moved his hands forward to Velvette’s stomach, spidering his fingers against the surface. Her giggles turned to laughter.
“Oho, have I found a bad spot? I may just have to stay here a while. Tickle, tickle~” He purred once more.
Velvette flailed, kicking violently as she tried to evade Valentino’s hands. Valentino grinned as he continued tickling one of his business partners to pieces. As his fingers raked across Velvette’s stomach, he couldn’t help but notice how her laughter got more intense each time he moved closer to her hips. He snickered, halting his hands.
Velvette greedily gulped in air, taking advantage of the momentary break.
“Let. Go.” She hissed.
“Still have an attitude, I see. Don’t worry. I can fix that.”
Without warning, Valentino latched onto Velvette’s hips, rapidly squeezing them.
Velvette was moved to hysterics. She was no longer able to utter threats through her laughter, as it had become too all-consuming. She squirmed in every possible direction, but Valentino had a firm hold, and showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. After a good minute of enduring every nerve in her hips lighting up, Velvette decided that she couldn’t take it anymore.
Winding up, Velvette spun her right leg in a circle before thrusting herself upwards, delivering a swift kick to Valentino’s top-right hand.
“GAH-!” He shrieked, instantly releasing Velvette’s right wrist.
With her hand free, Velvette balled her fist, swinging herself and bluntly punching Valentino’s top-left hand.
“AAH!” He yelped again, letting go of her left wrist. She fell onto the couch below with an oomph.
Valentino rubbed his injured hands with his lower pair, as Velvette stood.
“Don’t try that again.” She asserted, a slight blush visible on her face. “I’d better go check up on my employees. Make sure they haven’t burnt the place down.”
Valentino watched as Velvette left the room, still cradling his hands. He made a mental note not to mess with her, or at least to be more careful when doing so.
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crystaljade22 · 10 months
Batboys with a sister who was cheated on. This is slightly rushed and comes from the confines of my brain, and you can blame my sister's playlist for this. User is between Tim and Damian in age. (~17-18 years old)
T.W: Mentions of cheating, Jason being Jason, Damian being a sweet child, brief mentions of violence (not abuse), swearing.
Dick is instantly by your side when you come home from your "date". He notices your red eyes, which you thought you had managed to hide, and envelopes you in a hug. Jason walks in sees this, and is instantly in protective mode. He walks over, placing a grounding hand on your shoulder as he asks what's wrong. He already knows it was your douche of a boyfriend, but he wants to hear it from you. Once it's confirmed it was your now ex who cheated on you, Jason and Dick are instantly on the way to ruin his day, and possibly his life for hurting their baby sister. Tim has already gotten him fired, has updated all his social media with proof of his cheating, and updated his status to "A cheating bastard". He's also drained any semblance of money from his bank account. Tim and Jason are ultimately the ones who are let out because they are the most comfortable with burying a body. (Which Alfred doesn't let happen) Dick and Damian are left home to comfort you. Dick has you wrapped in a warm blanket, and Damian is resting against you, which is an extremely rare sign of affection from him. You end up watching your favorite TV show or movie until you end up falling asleep. Dick carries you to your bedroom while Damian stays with you, muttering curses in Arabic under his breath at the man you had trusted so closely. As Dick leaves you in your room, Damian refuses to leave your side, not wanting you to feel abandoned by your family after you had already been betrayed by the ass of an ex.
The next day you completely forget about him as Bruce takes you out for a day to yourself after hearing about the situation. Needless to say, you never heard from or saw your ex ever again.
(Sorry it was rushed, it's different than I had in my head. Let me know if you want me to go down the original route I had in mind)
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sandeoki · 2 years
His to protect pt. 2
summary: Y/N a hero, loved and respected by all. Seonghwa a villain, feared and frowned upon by all. both have been enemies ever since they can remember but what happens if Y/N appears at Seonghwa's doorstep at the middle of the night, all bloody and bruised?
t.w: swearing, mentions of death, violence, slight yandere vibes, rude!hwa, sassy!hwa, mention of blood etc.
< pt. 3 >
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she was tired, her lungs were on fire and her feet were numb. her pace was getting slower and the people following her were getting faster. they were catching up. she couldn't run anymore.
she wanted to give up, to stop, take a breath and to rest. but she doubted the people following her would allow her to take a 'time out' and alas, she was right.
just as her pace slowed due to exhaustion, a large hand roughly pulled her shoulder, making her face a man clad in a black coat and pants. he looked like an agent straight out of a science fiction novel.
Y/n didnt have much time to judge his appearence before she was harshly pushed again. her back hit the stone wall and she realized just how doomed she was.
she was trapped between the stone wall and the man who looked as if he was about to kill her. she had nowhere to hide, nowhere to run off to. she had no escape.
tears starting rolling down her cheeks as she saw the man take a knife out of his pocket. just as she went to shout, her mouth were covered by the man's dirty hand. it made her shudder with fear and disgust.
all she could do was watch in fear as he bought the knife down to kill her, waiting for the pain to come. just as the knife was about to rip her apart, a bright light filled her vision.
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she felt a striking pain fill her head as she sat up with a gasp. she looked around the unfamiliar surrounding. she was in a room, but it wasnt hers.
the room was well decorated and organized. the walls were a mixture of shades of beige, cream and white while the floor was carpeted. it certainly looked like it belonged to some kind of royalty.
she was laying on a king sized bed in the middle of the room, all tucked up and warm. she was still in her dirty and bloody hero costume but her wounds had been bandaged.
she tried to get up but failed, it was as if her legs had forgotten how to work. after a few minutes which seemed like an eternity to her, she managed to stand. just to stumble over thin air. right as she was about to break her nose, a gentle hand caught her.
"i thought you were better than this, you gremlin. falling over nothing? really? tch, shouldn't have underestimated your clumsiness" a voice all to familiar to her teased.
she pulled herself out of the the arms of her captor or well savior and straightened up. "why am i here?"
Seonghwa couldn't help but roll his eyes. "i dont know, you tell me? what the hell were you doing at my front door at 3 in the morning, looking as if you just escaped death?"
Y/n stiffened, she couldnt tell him how she ended up like this. she knew he could find many ways to use that information against her. telling him would be a dumb move.
"what's it to you?" she grumbled out with her jaw clenched and anger visible on her face. "stop right there princess, if it hadn't been me, you would have been dead by now. dont you dare get smart with me. you know i dont like brats, little hero"
"as if i care about your liking. why am i here? why am i still alive? aren't we like, i dont know, enemies? shouldn't you have like, you know, killed me..?"
"calm down tiger, we may be enemies but i'm not a monster. i would never try to harm you when i know you cant fight back. now if you are done with your interrogation, i have some questions for you too. and you know how much i hate dishonesty, so you better answer them properly."
the 'otherwise' was left unsaid but y/n got the hint. all she could do was nod her head like an obedient child. "are your wounds still hurting?"
her head snapped up, she was expecting him to ask something like 'why she was being chased' or 'what information was she hiding'. this was a shock to her.
"uhh no...?"
"are you telling me or asking me?"
"why does it matter anyways?" she snapped. it was after she saw his glare that she realized how big of a hole she had dug for herself.
"lister here and listen well, you puny hero. if you think you can run that cute little mouth of yours around me, then think again. if i want to know how you are feeling, you will tell me how you are feeling, understood?"
all she could do was nod as tears filled her eyes. the same hand which had stopped her fall now came to rest under her chin as he sighed.
"shush now, i didnt mean to be so harsh, calm down little dove. save those preety tears for some other occasion, hmm? clean up while i make some soup for you, why dont you? and after you are done, you are going to tell me who did this to you so that i can track that bastard down and crush his neck myself."
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miabebe · 1 year
I Am What I Am (II)
A man of the shadows and a woman who belonged in the skies - fate could not have brought two more different people together. But was this fate or was this a choice?
Pairing - Im Changkyun x OC, OC x Surprise Seventeen member hehe
Word Count - 7.7K
Warnings - Nothing too explicit but mentions of blood, guns, knives, violence, (t.w) references to suicide, murder, making out again cause why not
Chapter summary - As secrets of the dark begin to come to light, Na bi has to fight the desires clouding her mind. More so that ever when red starts to stain the black.
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“I need to sit.”
Na bi peered into the darkness and her eyes fell on a couch at the far end of the room. Changkyun simply watched, buttoning his sleeves as she pushed with all her might, bringing it to the centre and plopping down on it. Her legs sure thanked her, but the fire in the pits of her stomach had reignited as she looked at him from a considerably lower and painstaking angle, standing before the table.  
“Why are you here Ms. Baek?”  
Na bi pursed her lips in thought. Honestly, she forgot. The sight of him had blown every ounce of reasoning out of her head. Sure, driving the car down an empty freeway at 140 kmh had adrenaline coursing through every inch of her body and yeah, maybe her ‘interaction’ earlier with that gentleman in the club had gotten her to some kind of high but she didn’t think she would ever find it this hard to get it together. There was nothing she could really process except him and the slender yet sculpted build of his body. He didn’t look very menacing but he didn’t seem like he was gentle either. Na bi wondered if he was the kind who liked it slow and teasing or hard and fast, not that she would have a problem with either-  
Crossing her legs to keep it all in, she leaned back into the softness of the couch, mentally and physically pushing herself to the maximum possible distance away from this man.
“Who are you?”  
“You already asked me that.” The corners of his lips curled into a smile. “And I already answered.”  
“And I heard you.” She tilted her head in question. “But I’ve never heard of you before.”  
“Not many have.” He tucked his hands into his pockets. “I am a myth Ms. Baek. The knowledge of my existence is a privilege.” 
Na bi let her eyes scan him down then up. Recalling the way he stayed concealed in the shadows the first time she met him, she scoffed. “Privilege or liability?” 
When he didn’t clarify, she clicked her tongue, shaking her head dramatically. “So you are hiding.” She sighed. “That's sad; you were a lot more interesting when you didn’t admit to being a coward.”  
Changkyun smiled, unaffected. “I don’t expect or need you to understand Ms. Baek. Ignorance is a luxury people like you can afford.” 
Maybe if Na bi was less drunk, she would have been sensible enough to be offended by that but she simply pouted. “Enlighten me then.” 
“What you call cowardice is gameplay Ms. Baek.” He leaned against the desk behind him. “My identity is irrelevant, so I choose anonymity. I let my work speak for itself.” 
“So who gets, as you call it, the privilege of knowing who you are?”    
“The few who have business with me, my men” He cocked his head, looking at her. “And you.”  
Na bi felt a strange combination of fear, exhilaration and curiosity grip her all at once.  
“No one else?”  
Changkyun shook his head.  
She took a minute to take it all in. She should have been more afraid. She really should.
“Sounds a little unfortunate if you ask me.” He raised an eyebrow as she leaned towards him, half whispering. “Having all this power and no one afraid of it.”
“I don’t seek fear because I don’t thrive on it Ms. Baek.” He mirrored her, leaning too. “Imagine what I could have done to you if fear was what I wanted.”
Na bi felt a single bead of sweat roll down her neck.
“Then what do you want from me? Why are your men stalking me?” When Changkyun looked at her expressionlessly, she rolled her eyes. “Don’t deny it. They haven’t been subtle and I’m not blind.”
“No, you’re not.” She could practically hear the amusement in his voice, like he had observed the way her eyes were all over him.
He walked around his desk, pulled open the drawer, taking out a familiar picture and threw it onto the wooden surface of the table. Na bi got up, walking closer to it, picking the photo of Ana in her hands, the same one Wonho had shown her that night.
“That’s from the cctv of my headquarters a few days ago. Your friend Ana, turned up at a location that no one other than me and my men know of, asking for me, by my name."
Na bi frowned. “How did she know where to find you?”
“Your skipping sequence Ms. Baek” Changkyun walked past her, sitting down on her chair. “How did she even know of my existence in the first place? The range of my business acquaintances does not extend to people like her.”
“How do you suppose she knew?”
He hummed. “Assumption is judgement’s biggest enemy Ms. Baek. I was hoping to have a conversation with her to let her explain herself, but that was the last time anyone had seen or heard from her.” Na bi didn’t even realise when he got hold of the lighter he began playing with. “And incidentally, while looking for her-”
“-your men kidnapped me.”
He nodded. “It was a mistake and it is my fault you got roped in this mess and so, it’s only fair that until all this gets over, I look out for you.” Changkyun watched her face scrunched in confusion. “Ms. Baek, there are a lot of dark and dangerous things hidden in the shadows of Seoul. My identity holds a higher value than you can imagine. Should anyone get the idea that you might have even the slightest clue as to who I am, they would hunt you down for answers.”
“So, all these days, your men were…” Na bi blinked at a loss of words. “Protecting me?"
He gave a small nod.  
Na bi stared at him. Of all the reasons she had imagined for his men stalking her, this was nowhere on the list. 
“You’re telling me that rather than eliminating someone who might be a threat to your identity which you apparently so carefully safeguard, you chose to employ your men to work round the clock to protect her? All because she was a mistake?” Na bi stared at him incredulously before letting out a surprising short laugh. “Oh, you absolute asshole.” 
For the first time, Changkyun’s expression betrayed his thoughts – it was a mixture of annoyance, confusion and amusement all in one.
“Either you habitually don’t think twice before you talk,” His voice was suddenly a lot deeper. “Or you’re not afraid of much when you’re drunk Ms. Baek.” 
“Please,” She scoffed. “I’m not afraid of much when I’m sober either. There is not much to fear if you’re not afraid of death, and I see death every day.”
Na bi walked up to him, her shadow falling on his darkening expression.
“You’re not protecting me and this is not just about Ana. Someone like her cannot possibly be a threat to you.”
The image of those armed men in Ana’s house flashed in Na bi’s head. The only reason another group of dangerous people were after Ana had to be for Changkyun.
“Someone else is looking for you. Someone who is a part of those dark and dangerous things you claim are in the shadows of Seoul. Evidently, they are aware that Ana has you all figured it out and they knowing getting to her means getting to you, but you....You don’t know who they are, do you?”  
She walked around the chair, her fingers tracing it.  
“Ana was your only link to them but she’s missing. You knew, whoever they are, if they learn of me, they will come after me instead. That’s why I’m alive, that’s why I’m being monitored. I’m bait, aren’t I?”  
She leaned down, meeting him eye to eye. 
“Or did I misjudge the depth of your character?” 
Now that she was much closer to him, her eyes once again began wandering across his face and she wondered why she was not more annoyed or aggravated at the realisation of how she was being recklessly played around by him. Changkyun on the other hand was silent for a whole minute, looking right back into her eyes before his lips curled into a smile.  
“I think I misjudged the level of your intelligence Ms. Baek.”  
Na bi pulled herself back feeling victorious but he got up, on his feet, eliminating the little distance she put between them. “But you are transparent and lack depth so you think everyone is as one dimensional as you are.” This time she felt her fists ball in anger. “Had you not given in to your saviour complex and unnecessarily curious nature, you wouldn’t have become the potential target that you are now. It’s not me but you who brought you to where you are,” He took the picture from her, freeing her hands. “But just because there were other reasons to keep my eye on you, doesn’t mean I wasn’t looking out for you.”  
Na bi knew those were empty words from him but she couldn’t help but feel a weight drop in her stomach. It didn’t help that he was standing so close, and it helped even less when Na bi took a step closer to him, doing the top button of his vest that he had missed.  
“Prove it then.” She smoothened the fabric on his chest nonchalantly before looking up at him. “Take me home.”  
“Wonho will drop you- “  
“Not him. You.”  
He sighed. “Ms. Baek. If you haven’t figured out already, I don’t come out in the open.” 
“You said you wanted to protect me, didn’t you?” She licked her drying lips. “So, it’s you or no one.”
Changkyun’s eyes flickered down there, just for a second before he met her eyes again. “I’m inviting trouble keeping you around, aren’t I?” 
Na bi smiled as she walked out, knowing he would follow.
The ride to her house was pretty silent.  
In that half an hour, Na bi understood Changkyun wasn’t much of a talker. If she had nothing to say, neither did he. Conveniently enough though, he would at least answer her questions when she had any and she had very few questions.  
Okay, she only had one question.  
“Are you getting married?”  
Changkyun momentarily took his eyes off the road to throw her a glance, clearly not expecting that of all things. Well, he for starters, he was all suited up - not a crease in sight, not a hair out of place, smelling like a very distracting combination of whiskey and roses but the watch on his hand, it looked old, like a choice of sentiment rather than style.   
“You look very marry-able right now.”  
“Why Ms. Baek,” His voice was laced with amusement. “Would you like to?”  
“Hell no.” Na bi scoffed, looking out of the window at all the buildings whizzing by. Sure, she was attracted to him, hormones and alcohol clearly amplifying it all but that was about it. “You and I can’t possibly be meant to be.”  
Changkyun hummed. In thought? In agreement? She had no idea. But that was the only conversation they had the whole way home. She wanted to ask more; of course, she wanted to. Curiosity was Na bi’s fatal flaw but either this really expensive BMW’s smooth navigation was lulling her to sleep or Seoul’s air was laced with some sort of sedative tonight – whatever it was, she was progressively losing grip over herself, so uncharacteristically, she shut up.  
When the car came to a stop in front of her building, Na bi rolled her head over to look at Changkyun – he was already looking at her. She definitely wanted to say something, either a thank you or goodnight, but whatever it was, under his gaze, yet again, she forgot. Not a word was exchanged, neither was any emotion - there was no sadness over a goodbye, no longing to see each him again. But in the silence of the night and the small space that held them at an arm’s distance from each other, there was one thing that was definitely there – a meaningless craving. A desire so electrifying that she could practically taste it in the air and feel it in the way every cell in her body was fighting the idea of just pulling him closer. Na bi wondered if he felt that too; she couldn’t tell.   
When Changkyun made the slightest movement towards her Na bi immediately felt her breath get stuck in her throat and her heart race in her chest. At first, he simply unbuckled her seat belt and she had begun to get disappointed but then she felt him lean closer. Though this was exactly what she wanted, though he was what her body was so desperately seeking, Na bi felt her eyes close reflexively, her hands gripping whatever it could on the seat.  
“The lights are on.”  
Frowning, her eyes flew open to see Changkyun still a considerable distance from her, his eyes fixed on something else entirely, far behind her. Following his line of vision, she realised he was staring at the windows of her house, the only one with lights on at 3am.  
“Yeah well,” She hoped to god he didn’t notice her reaction earlier. “I don’t live in the dark.”  
“Did you leave them on before you left?”  
She shrugged unable to remember. Changkyun’s expression darkened as he unbuckled his own seatbelt and stepped out of his car, making her hurriedly mirror his actions.  
“Wait,” Na bi pointlessly lowered her voice. “You think they found me?”   
He continued staring at the window for a moment before he quickly made his way into her building and up the stairs. Swearing under her breath and barely able to balance herself, Na bi followed, stupidly trying to keep up with a man who seemed to move at the speed of light. By the time they climbed four floors and had reached her house, she was a panting mess but he was still perfect, not a crease, not a hair out of place.  
“9963.” She blurted, giving him the password to her door, only belatedly realising what she had done. Before she could fully comprehend the consequences of her actions, he opened her door and stepped in. Standing by the frame, Na bi watched, still out of breath and in awe as he moved around so cautiously and so quietly, like he was made of a gas or something. It took a good five minutes of looking around before the tightness in his shoulders finally relaxed and he turned to her.  
“Looks like you’re safe.” 
“And of course you sound disappointed.” Na bi mumbled under her breath.  
The trap they were using her to set up still hadn’t led them to their prey. If only he had managed to get his hands on someone tonight, if only he got the answers he was looking for, a lot of her problems could have been solved. Kicking off her shoes, she walked in, sinking into the couch. Changkyun’s eyes followed her across the room.  
“Are you going to leave now?”  
Na bi looked up at the man, pushing her urges down yet again for the nth time now. Earlier today, when he called her transparent, he was right. There was nothing hidden in the way she looked at him – the desire in her eyes was as clear as day.
But his gaze was as dark as the night. He seemed so layered and unreadable and as much as she wanted to unravel all that he kept hidden away in the shadows, she didn’t think she should. Some things were meant to hold on to, and some weren’t and as Na bi herself had claimed earlier, this wasn’t meant to be. She had to let him go.  
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“Dr. Baek, are you listening to me?”  
Instantly snapping out of her trip down the memory lane, Na bi looked up at her attending and the entire team looking at her, waiting. Realising that she had in fact, not been listening, her eyes quickly flickered between the patient’s vitals on the screen and the paper in her hand. Swallowing on nothing, she took a shot in the dark, praying to whatever gods were out there that she had analysed the situation right.  
“Yeah, yeah, I shall uh… do a head CT and set him up for an LP?”  
That eyebrow of her attending raised in question, lowered a little. “And get his fever under control.” 
Na bi quickly nodded, taking notes and sighing inwardly with relief as the team continued the morning rounds. Close. She had been letting her mind wander a bit too much. Not only was the horrible hangover headache making it hard to stay grounded to reality, her thoughts too were all over the place, mostly trying recollect the events of last night which she had navigated drunk off her face. Now was neither the time nor the place for it but clearly, self-control was not one of Na bi’s virtues. It was only when the patient next to her violently retched and threw up onto the floor that she finally got it together and put her thoughts behind her.  
An hour and three separate crises-es later, Na bi found herself catching a short break as she walked down the corridor from the pantry, looking out of the window at the greying sky. Seoul was uncharacteristically gloomy today. Peeling the orange in her hand, she popped a piece in her mouth, eyes scouring through the crowd of people scattered around, looking at their feet in particular. No combat shoes.  
When Na bi woke up that morning, the sun was already way up in the sky, giving her just enough time to quickly change into a fresh pair of clothes, grab her bag and run out of her house. It was only when she had finished gobbling her breakfast and finally had some substantial energy in her that she noticed the absence of Changkyun’s men - There was no one in combat boots.  
She didn’t know how to feel about that. It was evident from last night that Changkyun’s enemy, whoever that was, hadn’t identified her yet so she was in no immediate danger but she didn’t still understand the sudden disappearance of her apparent protection squad. The voice of reason in her head told her that she was merely a pawn in whatever game Changkyun was playing and this was probably just another one of his moves. Her gut feeling though, begged to differ – it said something had to have gone wrong.  
It was when both voices that were battling it out in her head that she felt a tap on her shoulder and the orange peel in her hand was replaced by a small bottle.  
“Drink up.”  
Na bi turned to see Seokmin, her closest friend at work handing her the hangover tonic he frequently used.  
“Hell no, that’s bitter as fuck.”  
“Get it together Baek.” He crossed his arms. “This is a hospital; you’re a doctor and you look like shit.”  
“Thanks.” She murmured, cracking the seal open, trying not to taste the horrible liquid as she drank it.   
“What happened last night?”  
Na bi drank slower to avoid answering. He did kindly invite her out last night and so she did owe him some sort of explanation but what even was she supposed to say? I shot a man in the leg, stole his car, met up with a mafia leader, insisted he drive me home and then we…. It sounded absolutely insane even in her head, who would even believe her?  
First off, mafia supposedly didn’t even exist in Seoul. After the famous Crime WipeOut operation back in 2011, the streets were declared ‘crime free’ – the cops had been advertising their success with that phrase for years now. But everyone knew that was not true. Working in the emergency room, Na bi especially knew that was not true. Every other day, people would walk in with all sorts of injuries, claiming they “fell down the stairs” or “got hit by a car” when their wounds clearly told another story. No one would dare question them though, not when they could feel the outline of a weapon in their pockets.  
And now Na bi’s encounter last night had confirmed facts. Mafia very much did exist in Seoul and somehow suddenly, thanks to one man, she found herself deep, right in the middle of it all. It would be unfair to Seokmin to drag him into it too.  
“I wish I remembered it all.” That was as honest as she could get with him - there was indeed a big gap in her memory of last night's events that she just couldn't recollect no matter how hard she tried.
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“I need my blue pajamas.” Na bi put down the seat of the toilet and sat on it, crossing her legs, feeling much better having thrown up. She was definitely talking to Changkyun about something before she felt her stomach turn and ran to bathroom - she tried hard to remember what exactly that conversation was about again but it was pointless, she had no idea. The earlier suited man who now somehow only had his white shirt on, appeared by the door, holding out a navy-blue set of pajamas but she shook her head. “Not these ones.” 
“Nearly everything in there is blue.” 
“I like blue.” 
“This is blue.” 
“But this is not the blue I like.” 
Changkyun didn't reply but his silence was loud.  
“What? Didn’t you say you wanted to make sure I’m safe?” 
“And safety includes a specific blue pajama?” 
Na bi slid off the toilet and walked past him to her wardrobe, pouting. “I feel safe in those blue pajamas.” 
She scoured through her clothes while he stood behind her, not too close but perhaps close enough to catch her if she stumbled. 
“These.” She held up an old, faded pair of sky-blue pajamas. “These belong to my sister but this is me.” She pointed at the print of small white butterflies on the fabric then to herself. “Baek Na bi. White butterfly.” 
And then without a warning to herself or him, Na bi pulled her shirt over her head, stripping out of her clothes. At that point, Changkyun who’s eyes were focused on her all this while, looked away, making her suddenly very conscious of her actions. Actions she didn’t seem to put much thought into; which wasn’t very unlike her but something felt different today - it was almost like she was made of two minds. Unfortunately, the second one was hell bent on being honest and irrational.
“I think…” She pulled up her pants, adjusting the elastic, looking him up then down. “I think I’m really attracted to you.” 
He turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow, looking amused. “I think you should sleep Ms. Baek.” 
Something did a somersault in Na bi’s chest. “With you?” 
“Would you like to?” He leaned against her dresser, crossing his arms.  
She mimicked him, leaning back against her wardrobe.  “Very much.” 
When those words left her mouth, Na bi had no idea what she expected the consequences to be. She had no idea what exactly transpired between them after that either.
As far she remembered, they were on opposite ends of the room and she was looking into his unreadable eyes for just one clue about what he wanted. Then, suddenly, somehow, they were standing right across each other, inches apart in a loud silence where she could only hear her heart race in her chest. She didn't know if Changkyun felt even an ounce of what she was feeling, or if he too wanted her as much as she craved him and there was only one way to find out.  
Lord knows where Na bi got the courage, or why she gave into the stupidity but impulsively, she got on her tiptoes, hands grabbing his shirt to pull him closer and let her lips softly brush his, which to her surprise, parted. Na bi saw a hundred different things flash in his eyes, but none of them seemed like a no, so she kissed him again, more certain this time, closing the gap till there was nothing between them. His hands grabbed her waist as she stumbled, setting off something hot in her chest. 
And just like that they walked back entwined, lips not leaving each other till the back of his knees hit her bed, prompting her to push him onto it, finally giving them the space to breathe. Changkyun looked up at her with his hooded eyes, his hands sinking into the comforter behind him. There was something undeniably hot about him just sitting on her bed like that, doing nothing but watching her. He was letting her make the moves. 
And so she did, standing between his thighs, taking his face into her hands, leaning forward to kiss him once again. She didn’t know if his arm wrapped around her, pulling her into his lap, or if she climbed on the bed, straddling him, but here they were, just mouths moving, tongues roaming and hearts beating real fast. Na bi felt herself getting lost in that pleasure, her hips naturally finding a rhythm against him but his arm around her held her in place. He lifted her and with a swift motion, her back hit the bed and he was hovering above her, exploring her face with his eyes. She pushed the strand of his hair which escaped its place, before she noticed the small healed wound on his eyebrows, her fingers tracing them. 
“What happened here?” 
One breath.
Then two.  
“Hit the corner of the table when I was running away.” 
“Running away from what?” 
“The people who killed my family.” 
Na bi blinked – she did not expect that candor. Or his lack of hesitation.  
She stroked it softly, “Does it still hurt?” 
What a pointless question. The wound looked old, like it had been years since he got it. Na bi realised with a pang in her chest that he must’ve been young when this happened. It must hurt like hell. 
She propped herself on her elbows and reached up, planting a small kiss on it, obviously a very apt medical solution. “Better?” 
For the first time, he let out a soft laugh, a genuine one.  
Na bi kissed it again and again and again, slowly making her way down his face, finding his lips with hers once more. Yet again, time was lost on her. She just felt an undeniable, craving need for him, to feel him, to own him. This is what it must feel like to burn from within. 
She let herself sink into the softness of her comforter, freeing her hands to unbutton his shirt when his arm under her tightened pushing her up her bed, neither action hindering their mouths on each other. Na bi had her fair share of experience with men but nothing ever felt like this and they weren't even doing much. The attraction she felt towards him was like never before, it didn't even allow her to think rationally. She knew they should stop - she was drunk and he was a stranger, a dangerous one at that, but she couldn't bring herself to. And just as she wondered if he too could not stop himself, she felt him pull back. 
“Na bi….” His voice was so soft? “You should sleep.” 
“Don’t want to….” She muttered, pulling him closer, but he didn’t give in. 
He rolled off her as she groaned, pulling herself together, curling up into a comfortable position. He was right - even though she wanted him, her body needed sleep. And to stop this madness. She tucked her palm under her head and watched him by the frame of her bedroom door, buttoning his shirt, looking back at her.
She had expected him to be gone before she knew it. 
“Aren’t you going to go?”   
“I’ll leave when you sleep.” 
The stomach somersaults were back.  
“Will I ever see you again?” 
He didn’t answer her question.   
“Don’t go around doing something stupid.”  
She chuckled, pulling her sheets closer, feeling her eyes flutter shut under the warmth of the covers. “You don’t mean that." She yawned. "Because if I don’t then your enemies won’t find me. And if they don’t find me, you won’t find them.”  
“Ms. Baek,” Na bi looked at him one last time as sleep finally took her in. “Please don’t do anything stupid.”  
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Trying to ignore Changkyun’s last words still ringing in her mind, Na bi pulled herself back to reality, continuing the conservation. “I should’ve let you know before I left Min-ah, sorry.”
“Yeah, you should’ve.” Seokmin leaned against the window. “I worry about safety. It can get crazy out there.”
Na bi nodded. He had no idea.  
She had no idea about a lot of things either.
She had no idea what Changkyn’s actions last night meant. Or his words. Was he attracted to her? If he was then why did he stop? And if he wasn’t, didn’t that mean he was using her, just like she suspected he was? And if he was using her then why did he ask her not to do anything crazy? How was she of any use to him if she wasn’t an efficient trap? Or was she wrong? Was she not a bait? And he truly mean what he said about looking out for her? But if he did mean that then where were all his men today??  
Na bi felt like she could crush the bottle she was holding with her bare hands. All these questions were just turning into a never-ending loop that she was stuck right in the middle of with no answers and no escape. She needed to get her mind off all this.  
“Crazy workload today?” She pointed at all the case files in her friend's hand, desperate for a change of topic. He shook his head, looking down at the corridor as a patient was wheeled out, white sheet covering their face. When a hand slipped from under the covers from the inertia, Na bi noticed the cut across the wrist.  
“There was nothing I could do.” Seokmin sighed. “He bled out.”  
“Cut that deep?”  
“Two cuts. One on each wrist.”  
Na bi felt the bile rise in her throat.  
“Let me guess, family doesn’t suspect any foul play?”  
“The usual.”  
Seokmin handed the files to the intern who meekly walked up to him before she took them and rushed off.
Everyone in the ER knew of these cases, Na bi had seen a couple of them up close before – cases determined as self-inflicted injury, completely ignoring the fact that it was not one but two clean cuts on both wrists. Anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain could tell that was clearly not self inflicted but somehow, these cases would never reach the point of investigation. The family didn't dare push them and medical staff did not have the authority to – they just went on to become yet another record on paper.  
The mere thought of such cruelty made Na bi's stomach turn. She wondered how anyone believed that evil did not exist in Seoul when she saw evidence of it in every corner, at every given moment - even the very next one.  
Ambulance sirens.  
Both her and Seokmin immediately looked at each other, ears perking at the sound of not one, not two but sirens of seven ambulances getting increasingly loud. 
True to her training, Na bi immediately flung the bottle in her hand into a nearby trashcan and rushed to the entrance with Seokmin right behind her, pulling her hair into a higher and tighter ponytail. The rest of the doctors and nurses had already assembled, prepping to take on the load of cases that was about to walk in. But given that 'smooth-sailing' was just not a part of the emergency department's vocabulary, the head nurse ran up to her, a worried look on her face. “Dr. Baek, Dr. Yoo isn’t here.”  
Fuck, she forgot - the attending had left right after morning rounds for a conference in Busan which meant-  
“Jaehyun is in charge.” Seokmin concluded, voicing her thoughts as the three of them turned and looked across the corridor.
Jaehyun's face was as white as the wall behind him, hands shaking. Shit. Sure he was two years her senior which theoretically meant he was the most experienced person here to lead the room but Na bi knew he didn't have the stomach for what was coming; especially when the hospital doors opened and all she saw was blood. Blood, blood, blood, everywhere. 
“Who’s in charge?” A paramedic looked around urgently while Na bi continued looking at a frozen Jaehyun. “Who’s in charge???” 
There was no time for incompetence. Not right now. 
“I’m taking over.” She whispered to Seokmin before she stepped up. “Me, Dr. Baek. What happened?” 
“Traffic accident.” He panted. “That’s what they said on the call but I don’t think so. Seems more like a…..” 
Na bi looked around the room, her vision tunneling on the details. There were almost 40 men, most of them were severely injured, but it was definitely not a traffic accident. They had massive gashes, wounds that looked like they were cut by something sharp, like a knife. The bruises on their eyes and mouth, those were obviously landed from a fist and the way some of their ribs and arms seemed broken, this was definitely a - 
“Gang fight.” They said at the same time.  
“They’re criminals.” Seokmin whispered, his voice laced with hesitancy.  
Na bi took a deep breath and slipped on her gloves. “And we’re doctors.”
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Na bi closed the door of the storage room behind her, finally getting away from it all. 
It had been 3 hours. 3 intensive hours but to be honest, it wasn’t as bad as she expected; she had seen far worse days. While there was copious amounts of blood, the wounds weren’t so deep or severe that a few stitches and dressing couldn’t handle. About five of them had to be sent for emergency surgery and were now being monitored in the intensive care. Those who had fractures were scanned and appropriately bandaged and those who had rushed here accompanying their companions were detained in a separate room till the cops arrived.  
Na bi had no choice but to ask Seokmin to call for law enforcement. Given how they were taking their own sweet time to come, maybe she was mistaken about the gravity of the situation but she had assumed that she couldn’t just brush 40 people injured by violence under the rug – it was necessary to get the police involved. Regardless of the fact that every single one of those brought in was wearing combat boots. 
Cracking the joints of her neck, she gripped the metal bars of the shelf before her and briefly shut her eyes.
The faces of those who were brought in today flashed before her– she didn’t recognise any of them. None of those who used to follow her were there, neither was Wonho and neither was Changkyun. Na bi didn’t know why it was necessary for her to find out but the moment she noticed the combat boots, her first instinct was to look for Changkyun. It wasn’t like she deeply cared for him or anything; it was more because of curiosity. Of course, it was plain old curiosity, what else could it be-  
Her eyes flew open at the subtle sound of the carboard boxes - Someone was in the room.  
Pretending not to notice, yet extremely cautiously, she looked around for the spare supplies she came for and true to her intuition, just as she tried to reach for the gauzes at the back of the shelf, she felt a presence press against her back and something sharp and cold pricking her neck. 
“Where is he?” 
Na bi wouldn’t have screamed, she recognised that voice but she felt a hand cover her mouth anyway. She tried to struggle free from it but the tip of the knife against her skin inched deeper. 
“Where is he?” Wonho whispered harshly again. 
She pried his hand from her mouth, whispering back loudly. “How am I supposed to say anything with your hand on my mouth?” 
Na bi felt a sting and the blood trickle down her neck. She had encountered this man so many times but this was the first time he was hurting her. Frankly, it sort of annoyed her, making her snap in retaliation. “How would I know where Changkyun is?” 
Wonho’s grip on her softened and she took the opportunity to set herself free and face him. He looked tensed. 
“How do you know his name?” 
Na bi held a piece of gauze against the burning cut on her throat. Fuck.
“.....he told me.” 
“He told you?” Wonho looked at her in absolute disbelief but eventually shook it off like he had other more important things to deal with. He pointed his knife at her. “I don't care why he decided to disclose it to someone like you, but don’t you ever dare take his name. Not before me, not before anyone, do you understand?”
Na bi nodded slowly. She had forgotten the dangerous weight his name carried. Was that how comfortable she had gotten with all this?
“And I’m asking you for the last time. Where is I.M?” 
Ignoring how silly the name 'I.M' sounded, Na bi sighed. “I swear, I have no idea; I was drunk remember?” 
“He dropped you home.” 
“He was wearing a suit.”  
“Are we not playing state-the-obvious?”  
Wonho’s confused face turned into exasperation. “He didn’t return after that; you were the last one who saw him!” 
Na bi scoffed. “What, you think I tied him up and put him in my basement?” 
“Of course not. I already checked your house-“ 
“Wait, what-“ 
“I don’t think you are really understanding the gravity of the situation Ms. Baek.” Wonho moved closer to her, urgently. “He is a very important man and things can go very wrong without him around.” 
Why was everyone around her suddenly going missing? 
“I swear to god, I have no idea. Last night we….. I mean, I fell asleep and he left, I don’t know where he went after that or what might have happened-“  
“Na bi!” Both her and Wonho jumped apart, turning at the sound of Seokmin knocking the door. “The cops are here.” 
Wonho placed a finger on his mouth warning her, as though Na bi didn’t know she had to keep quiet. Fishing something out of his pocket, he handed it to her as he took a step back into the darkness of the room – her phone. Recalling what she had done with it last night, she wanted to ask Wonho if the person she shot was okay but when she looked up, he had already melted into the shadows he came from. 
Adjusting her scrubs, still looking over her shoulder, she walked over and opened the door to see Seokmin waiting for her and next to him, in uniform, was her next problem for today who also happened to be a very, very familiar face. 
“Na bi, this is Officer Kim Mingyu.”  
Seokmin introduced her to a man who didn’t really need an introduction because if she hadn't left him without an explanation last night, she would have been introduced to him anyways.
He seemed to have recognised her too, his eyes widening, expression changing from confusion to surprise.  
“Officer Kim, this is Dr. Baek, she was the one in charge today.” 
“Dr. Baek Na bi.” Mingyu pieced together her name, shaking her hand with a slightly cocky smile dancing on his face. “Fate works in funny ways.” 
As Seokmin frowned looking back and forth between the two of them, Na bi turned to him. “Min-ah, help me go check if everything is okay in the wards, please?” When he didn’t move, still suspiciously staring them down, she emphasised on the please once more, with a look of promise in her eyes to tell him the details later and he finally left, leaving them alone. When Na bi turned her attention back to Mingyu, he still hadn’t let her hand go and his eyes were on her lips, making her cheeks flush red.  
“I’m so sorry about last night-” Na bi began when he extended his other hand towards her, making her reflexively take a step back. “Woah.”  
He immediately looked apologetic, pointing at her neck. "You're bleeding."
"Oh, that's nothing." She pressed the gauze onto her wound again, pulling her hand out of his grip. "Again about last night, I'm sorry. It was rude of me, I should have said something before I left like that….” 
“The way you ran out, I was worried if everything was okay with you.” And he genuinely looked concerned. Sweet. 
“Everything was fine, I just had something personal to take care of.” 
He nodded slowly pursing his lips, and two tiny dimples appeared on his cheeks, making Na bi smile.
“I’m glad I found you again.” He put his hands his pockets, his shoulders scrunching up. “Now I just need to meet you one more time to confirm my theory.”  
“Your theory?” 
Mingyu nodded. “I believe a first meeting happens by chance. The second one may be a coincidence, but a third time?” He looked around before whispering. “That’s fate.”  
Na bi chuckled. “I don’t believe in fate officer.”  
“Give it a chance doctor. Third time’s a charm.”  
“And why do you think we will run into each other once again?”  
“Because I would like to take you out for dinner tomorrow.”  
Na bi crossed her arms, trying hard not to smile. “Setting up a third meeting? Well that’s cheating.”  
“I don’t just leave things to fate Dr. Baek.” He leaned in so close, Na bi could smell that familiar scent of him, the same one he had on in the bar, the memory of his mouth on hers coming back. “I work for what I want.” 
It would be a lie to say Na bi was not impressed. Usually, these kind of words didn't have much effect on her, she would have just laughed it off. But the first time she met him, she had judged him to be a lot more amateur and inexperienced and now clearly, he knew what he was doing and he was doing well. So, when he put his hand out looking pointedly at her phone, she gave it to him and watched as he gave himself a call and saved her contact on his phone with the emoticon of a butterfly.  
She laughed. “My 8th grade boyfriend used to save my name like that.”  
“I like butterflies.” He looked at her with captivated eyes. “I think they’re really beautiful.”   
Their wings might be but what about the ugly creature they hide under all that colour? 
Na bi took back her phone, saving his number with an emoji of her own – a dog.  
Mingyu pouted, dimples popping up again and she laughed, pointing at him, “There you go! I knew you were the golden retriever kind- “ 
“Na bi!” She startled, turning towards the sound as Seokmin ran up to her, bending over and coughing to catch his breath before he finally found his voice. “They’re…they’re all gone.” 
“What?” Na bi and Mingyu blurted together, shocked. 
“The ones in the ward, ICU, the ones detained, all, every single one of them is missing.” 
Na bi immediately ran towards the wards, both men following her. There were dozens of officers everywhere, talking to the staff, taking notes, walkie talkies going off but the beds – they were empty. All of them.  
They checked everywhere, they checked everything but there were no traces of Changkyun’s men.  
It was like they were never there. 
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Na bi opened the door of her house, kicking off her shoes, tired to the bone.  
After hours of questioning by the cops, Na bi began to understand the meticulousness with which Changkyun’s men worked.  
While the hospital had called the police immediately after the ambulances arrived, it turned out they received no such call – Changkyun’s men had somehow intercepted it. It was only hours later when Seokmin called again to check on the delay that the cops received the information, arriving within 20 minutes with a full task force but their culprits had already cleared the scene by then. They didn’t even leave any clues behind – all their belongings had disappeared with them; the security cam footage was wiped clean, any and all records made for medical reasons were shredded – they had even taken their medical waste away. No one stopped them through all this – no one dared to.  
Na bi threw her bag on the couch, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. But just as she hurriedly chugged it, there was an unexpected knock on her door, prompting her to glance at the clock – it was 11pm. Who would come by now?  
Had Changkyun’s enemies finally found her?
Na bi felt a chill run down her spine. As though she bad timing was the highlight of her fate, just today of all days, none of Changkyun’s men were around. She was all alone, there really was no one to help.
When another knock followed, she immediately grabbed her phone and texted Seokmin, asking him to come over immediately, then scoured through the kitchen drawers and grabbed a knife. Heart thumping in her chest, she slowly made her way to the door, first looking through the peephole to see just how many people were threatening to break down her door but there was only one. Just one man in a spotless white shirt, standing with his head down and palms on the door and without even looking at his face, Na bi knew who it was. 
Sighing in relief, she threw the knife onto the dining table and quickly opened the door, as he lazily lifted his head giving her a small, familiar smile. 
He seemed like he was struggling to stand straight. Was he drunk?  
“You’ve been gone for hours. Do you always work this late…..”  
As his eyes trailed down her face, his smile vanished, hand slowly reaching for her neck, his finger smearing with blood as he ran it across a painful spot – the wound from Wonho’s knife seemed to have opened up again. 
“You’re bleeding.” He rubbed the blood between his fingers, looking at it. “What happened?” 
Was he slurring? 
"Wonho came to the hospital and-"
Before she could finish, his heavy eyes fluttered shut and he stumbled forward but Na bi quickly caught him, just as his knees gave away. She could feel something warm and sticky on his back making her look over his shoulder at her hand, a sight that nearly made her heart stop. Blood.  
For the first time ever, her hands shook as they were drenched in blood, his blood and as though he finally gave up, Changkyun went limp in her arms. 
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Next chapter
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could u write a fic where nancy fully finds out what happened to robin and steve under starcourt
here u go, beloved anon. thank u for waiting so long and so patiently <3
so much braver (than i credit u for) (2,029 words)
T.W. implications of sexual assault, canon violence
The wear and tear were hardly visible in the summer sunlight - that's where Steve thrived, with his tan skin and admittedly nice chest and excellent swimming skill - but now, sat in front of his parents’ campfire with his head against his fist, he looked decades older than he really was. Nancy held her roasting stick tentatively, the marshmallow threatening to collapse into the fiery pit below as she distracted herself in tracing the shadows that fell underneath his eyes. In the harsh light he looked almost in a constant state of grief, with heavy eye bags and lines along his forehead, lips pressed in a thin line and hair limp from the heat.
Robin sat beside Nancy, the two having commandeered the foldout loveseat upon arriving in his backyard. She was expertly placing two roasted marshmallows onto their respective graham crackers - one burnt to all hell and one barely cooked. She passed one to Steve, who had his hand open and waiting as if second nature to accept food from Robin. He liked his barely cooked, apparently.
Eddie was nearly passed out in the lawn chair across the fire from them, a few purposeful feet from Steve after a day spent trying and failing to get a summer job. Surprisingly, nobody wanted to hire the assumed leader of a deadly cult. Robin suggested using it as a resume builder. Nancy suggested changing his name and trying out the next town over. He had his arms folded across his chest, a bit of marshmallow stuck to a long curled strand that Nancy didn’t have the heart to bother him about picking off.
Steve seemed to be contemplating shoving the entire smore in his mouth in one go. 
“You alright?” Nancy asked, immediately wincing at both the lack of tact and impersonality of her question - they’d known each other long enough to forgo conversation starters like that. “You look, um.”
“You look like shit,” Robin helpfully interrupted, sucking off a bit of marshmallow from her finger and generally being the bane of Nancy’s existence. Steve looked up from the smore as if he’d forgotten they were there completely, a little look of shock on his face.
“I’m fine,” He said, but his tone of voice was anything besides reassuring. “I’m, uh, just not getting much sleep lately.” Nancy nodded, fully prepared to drop the whole awkward thing anyway. Clearly, Steve didn’t want to talk about himself or his well-being - he hardly ever did.
“Me neither,” Robin agreed. She took a bite of her burnt-as-hell smore, wordlessly taking Nancy’s stick from out of her loose grip and holding it patiently over the fire for her.
“Thank you,” Nancy whispered to her side. Robin knocked their feet together in acknowledgment.
“I haven’t slept since 1983, honestly,” Steve added, and while he was laughing as he said it Nancy didn’t take it as a joke.
“I have trouble sleeping too,” Nancy admitted to the both of them, hoping to coax them out into the open. Steve and Robin were a bit like frightened animals - make them talk about their feelings too much and they’d scurry away. Deer in headlights type. She had to be gentle. “I dream about - Barb. And Fred.” Just saying their names still made her choked up. Nancy ducked her head into her sweater, prepared to blame her watery eyes on the heavy smoke from the campfire. As she sniffled into the fabric, Steve hummed in neutral agreement.
“I dream about the mall,” Steve said. Beside her, Nancy felt Robin move her whole body to nod.
“You saved my life,” Nancy said, smiling wetly as she remembered both t-boning Billy’s precious sports car seconds before he flattened Nancy into the concrete. “With Toddfather.”
“That was, actually, a highlight of the night,” Steve said, laughing a little in reply as he bit into his smore. “Perfect, Rob.”
“Did you expect anything less?” She asked, pulling back Nancy’s stick just as it was beginning to catch fire. If smore-making could be a job, Robin would be making six figures, no doubt. It was little things like that that made Nancy love her so heartbreakingly. Even watching her do something as simple as making her a smore with the correct amount of chocolate and graham made her heart try to pull itself out of her chest. 
“In most of my dreams,” Steve said, face grounding itself as he tapped a careful thumb against the top of his smore. “I’m - um. I’m back in that room.” Nancy frowned in confusion, taking Robin’s offered smore robotically as she looked at him.
“That room?” She asked. “What room?”
“We never told you?” Robin replied, a little surprised and a little cautious - Nancy’s heart began a steady descent down to her sneakers. What the hell had they not told her? 
It was hard to check in on everybody, especially after that night. She and Jon had been so in the dark about everything else - and the hospital, god. She hadn’t allowed space in her brain for anything else, which she could admit now was a little selfish. Still, Nancy had never asked. And Robin had never said. Certainly, Steve hadn’t. She hardly knew a thing about his childhood, despite dating him for two years and being one of his closest friends for another.
“I know you guys got messed up by some Russians,” Nancy said quietly, surveying both Steve's and Robin’s faces. In the firelight, they looked eerily similar - almost haunted. “But I don’t know the details. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Robin reassured her, hand coming to pull her waist in close and squeeze the outer pocket of her jacket. “We forgot to tell you. I guess it never came up.”
“Who wants to talk about it, anyway?” Steve said, mostly to himself. He took another bite of his smore as uneasy silence fell on the group. Nancy felt terrible to push, but her journalist curiosity got the better of her.
“So - what did happen?” She asked. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine,” Robin replied. Nancy watched her make eye contact with Steve, and they proceeded to have a conversation with only slight twitches on their faces. It was the innate ability that came with being best friends the way they were. “You know about the elevator, right?” Nancy racked her brain, then: yes, a hazy recollection of Erica explaining how they’d ended up in the underground base in the first place.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Well, after they set off the alarms and figured out we’d broken in, we all rushed into a backroom,” Robin began, eyes firmly set on the fire. As if she were embarrassed to tell Nancy - or nervous to see her reaction. “Dustin and Erica managed to get themselves into the vent system, to try to get out - but Steve and I had to hold the door to give them enough time. We were grabbed by a bunch of Russian guards and spilt up for interrogation. They kept us there for hours.”
“They beat me so bad I nearly died,” Steve cut in, teeth gritting against each other as if the words were forcing themselves out. Nancy noticed his empty hand, the one not holding his smore, was balling into a tight fist against his leg. “They didn’t believe me when I said I wasn’t working for anybody - they just kept hitting me over and over and over again. I couldn’t breathe, it hurt so bad.” That’s why his face was messed up so badly. Nancy couldn’t help her mouth from dropping open.
“When they brought us back together, I thought he-” Robin cut herself off, gasping as she suddenly realized she was crying. “Jesus, I. I’m sorry. I thought Steve was dead.” The last three words were mere whispers as if saying them to the air made it all more real. Nancy took her hand. Steve’s fist immediately unfurled to take her other, stretched beside the fire to grip with a fury she had never seen before. Robin continued to stare into the fire, unseeing.
“Did they beat you up, too?” Nancy asked. Robin let out a little breath through her nose in careful excess at the question.
“No,” She said quietly. “Well - they did. But not as bad as Steve. It was only in reaction to - when they dragged me in there, I was wearing my Scoops uniform. You know, it’s a pretty shitty outfit for espionage, yeah? And - my skirt - I thought they were going to - so kicked one of the guards in the face, and that’s when they beat me up. But they mostly left me alone.”
It was difficult to pin down exactly what Nancy felt at that exact moment. At first, it was cold horror at the steady, small implication of what Robin was saying; what those guards would’ve done to her, had she not been as ready to fight back or them not as lenient in letting her alone. But horror gave way quickly to a tidal wave of fierce, untamable anger. One that roared in Nancy’s chest and took over her whole being, face reddening with intensity and hand gripping Robin’s with white knuckles.
“Nance,” Robin chided. She looked away from the fire finally to make eye contact with Nancy. “It’s okay. I’m okay. You don’t need to break my hand.”
“Sorry,” Nancy choked out, releasing her grip only slightly. She was worried if she let go, Robin would float away - or worse, be dragged back down to the depths of the mall.
Steve’s face, in comparison, was a steady, heated anger - just as angry as Nancy, but none of the surprise. He’d known about this. Perhaps the entire time. Nancy desperately wished he’d said something, but on the same thought acknowledged it was all within Robin’s jurisdiction. At least she was telling her now.
“And then they drugged us,” Steve said. “And almost took off one of my fingers as a torture tactic.”
“Luckily Dustin and Erica came in then,” Robin finished, shaking her head and smiling despite the tears in her eyes. “The fucking idiots. I could’ve killed them if I had been able to stand up.”
“Horse tranquilizers,” Steve told Nancy, a similar smile on his face. The silence returned for a second or two before Steve was all but collapsing into Robin, pulling her into a tight hug that she returned whole cloth. Nancy stayed on the loveseat as the two best friends stood up for a better angle, gripping each other as if holding each other together. She rested a careful hand on Robin’s back and let her girlfriend fall against her shoulder, emotionally and physically exhausted, when the hug finally broke.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy said, because there was nothing else to say. Steve finished the rest of his smore and looked back into the fire. It seemed some of the shadows, while not entirely going away, had gotten a little lighter. As if the words they had spoken were floating off in the smoke. Robin looked about ready to fall asleep. “I wish I had been there.”
“I am so fucking glad you weren’t,” Robin said, voice muffled. She tucked her head against Nancy’s shoulder and shut her eyes. When Nancy managed to stop looking at the beauty that was her girlfriend in the firelight, she looked back at Steve.
“You can fall asleep, too,” Nancy offered. “I’ll keep watch.” Steve gave her a wiry grin and suddenly he was sixteen again, and the butterflies in her stomach awakened just enough for her to give him one in return.
“Thanks, Nance,” He finally decided, leaning back into his chair and tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. “It’s over, yeah? Like Rob said, it’s okay. We’re okay.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Nancy admitted, carding a careful hand through Robin’s choppy bangs. Steve’s smile grew as the fire winked. 
“You’re already doing something,” He said, gesturing to Robin and her prone position against Nancy’s shoulder. “You’re something, Nance. That’s enough. That’s more than enough.”
Nancy, once again, blamed her tears on the fire. Steve didn’t say a word about it.
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league-of-sam · 6 months
Don't Be Shy | Konig x Reader
Kӧnig x TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: Transferred against your will to a new task force to calm a troubled soldier, you felt way in over your head - especially when you came face to face with a 6'10" mountain of Austria. 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, human trafficking, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
2 / 3 / 4 / 5
You'd been the new kid on the block, over and over again.
Late to training, late into the 141, and now, late into Task Force KorTac with a very special, and very specific mission.
A mission that was built for you.
A mission that required the utmost professionalism.
A mission that required somehow pulling a 6’10” brick shithouse out of his own head and into a team - but you didn’t know that, yet.
Oh, and fuck, did you protest it. Over and over and over again. It had taken you months to settle with the 141 boys, and now you were being shipped off, away from your family.
“You’re really good at that, uh, the empathy shit.” Price had said, placing a warming hand on your shoulder.
“I’m a soldier, Price. And you know how much I struggle around new people.” You spoke, the latter half of the sentence said in a hushed tone.
“Yes, but you’re good at, ya know, feeling." He replied, fingers lifted to place air quotes around the word, "You got Ghost to come out of his shell!”
At that moment, your lieutenant entered the room, making his way over at the mention of his callsign.
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, so send him! Lord knows he needs the practise.”
“Watch ya mouth, little one.” Ghost said, stepping next to you.
“Just because you’re a foot taller than me does not mean you get to bully me for it, Simon.”
Despite what people thought about the giant, skull-mask-wearing man, he was soft and caring; the relationship you had built together was that of siblings, and he had your back more than any ordinary brother would.
Ghost’s eyes were dark under his mask, but you knew he was smirking, “Not my fault you’re a short arse.”
“Yet I’m still a better sniper than you.”
“No, you bloody well aren’t-”
“Children! Please…” Price interrupted the sibling-like bickering; fingers pinched on the bridge of his nose. “If we could focus on the task at hand?”
Ghost poked your side, mumbling, “Yeah, (Y/L/N), focus on your task.”
“Go have Soap suck your dick some more, sounds like you need to relax.” You mumbled back.
Your retort had Ghost choking, the sharp intake of air he made as his head whipped to look at you causing him to cough relentlessly. Price shook his head, waving him off to sort himself out.
It wasn’t exactly a secret within the team that there was something a little less savoury going on with your lieutenant and Sergeant MacTavish, especially when the latter would constantly confide in you about his crush.
Especially, after what had happened with Hassan and the missiles.
But, thanks to your meddling, you had been able to get Ghost to open up, and it seemed like the two were much happier.
Not that you’d dare make a comment about it in front of anyone but Price and Ghost himself.
You valued your life, thank you very much.
And as much as Ghost loved you like a sister; he would absolutely kill you.
As Ghost walked away, you shot him the sweetest smile you could muster, resulting in him throwing you the finger.
“Look, you’re the only one I think can get through to him, kid. The task force needs you.” Price continued.
“I applied to be here, sir. I worked damn hard to make it onto the 141.”
He sat you down, taking your hands in his, “This isn’t permanent. I promise, we’ll be here waiting when ya get back, because I want to work with this guy. He’s bloody good, so I need you to make sure he can play well with others."
You sighed heavily, the weight of responsibility and leaving your family crushing your shoulders, "And you are my best sniper., Karma.”
Price had whispered that last part, for your ears only, a smirk across his bearded lips. You smiled widely, a giggle falling from your mouth.
It felt good to get that recognition from your superior.
He wasn’t wrong; the reason you made it onto the 141 in the first place was your incredible skill as a marksman…well, markswoman. You’d earned the call sign Karma from Soap, who watched you in a training drill he ran.
You’d been perched up high, completely hidden, and any enemy that your team missed in combat, you cleaned up, never missing a shot. Like the saying goes, if you can’t get ‘em, karma will.
It was also suitable for those who underestimated you. Every person you’d gone up against in hand-to-hand training doubted your abilities due to your smaller frame, but fuck, did you prove them wrong every time.
Broken noses here.
Fractured limbs there.
You were Karma, and no one messed with you.
“So, think you can do this for me?” Price said.
“Affirmative, sir.”
“That’s my girl.”
With that, you walked, albeit with a little sadness, back to your quarters, packing a duffle of your things. Price had said you’d only be away for a couple of months tops, depending on how the mission went.
At the car, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and the rest of the 141 were there to say goodbye, all of them giving you a squeeze as they wrapped you in their arms.
“You be good, alright?” Ghost had whispered in your ear, “See you when ya come home.”
“It almost sounds like you’re gonna miss me, Lt.” You quipped, and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure you’d like to believe that.”
“He’ll miss ye, bonnie.” Soap cut in, lifting you off the ground, “As will I. Don’t forget me in the excitement of the big bad KorTac boys, will ya?”
“I could never, Soap. You’re my number one!”
With one final wave and various counts of love you’s, you were stuffed into the car with Price and Laswell, the two of them escorting you personally.
Your heart hung low as your team got smaller and smaller behind you, but you were honoured to have been sought out by another team.
Didn’t quite have the same ring to it as 141, but it’d do.
The journey was short from the training camp in London, as you were dropped off at Heathrow, where a private chopper awaited you. From there, you were shipped off to a covert facility in the mountains of Hungary.
The scenery was beautiful, but your nerves bubbled up inside you.
With a silent nudge from the pilot, you were shoved out of the chopper, greeted by several members of your new team.
“Sergeant (Y/L/N), yes?” the man said, a heavy Hungarian accent lacing his words.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me. Sergeant (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” You stuck your hand out, “But you can call me Karma, whatever suits.”
“Fender.” the man said, shaking your hand, “I run things here at KorTac. This is my second in command, Roze.”
A woman stepped forward from behind him, also taking your hand in hers, “We’re honoured to have you here, Karma. Heard a lot about you.”
“Well, I’m honoured that you guys wanted me.”
The pleasantries continued until you were being guided to their facilities, being allowed to drop off your bags before rushing to the tactical room, where the rest of the team was waiting for your arrival.
You were introduced swiftly, barely remembering anyone’s names before you were guided once again to another place, ending up in Fender’s office. He offered you a seat, sitting opposite at his desk.
“So, what exactly did Captain Price tell you of your purpose here?”
“Not a lot, really. He mentioned that I was needed because you have a soldier here that needs…help? And that there was a mission coming that required my particular skill.”
“Ahh, yes. That would be Kӧnig…” he sighed, pulling out a file and dropping it in front of you.
You opened the file, to find a picture of a man, a sniper hood that you recognised adorning his face. Scanning the information, you found that he was Austrian, joining the task force here through the KSK, basically being used as a front man for the teams on-ground.
“Kӧnig has…issues. He came here wanting to be a sniper, but, as you’ll see when you meet him, his physical attributes do not allow it. He didn’t take that well, but he excels as part of the contact team.”
“So, what exactly is the problem?”
Fender sighed, leaning forward in his chair, “He seems to have some problems with anxiety. I was informed that you used to suffer with such issues but were able to overcome them.”
You scoffed a little, “So, I’m here to be a glorified babysitter?”
You felt bad for this Kӧnig.
You couldn’t imagine wanting nothing more than to be a sniper and then have it taken away from you because of your physicality.
That would fucking suck.
“We just need someone to calm him, teach him control. A lot of the other team members are so scared of him they can barely stand being in the same room.”
“Arseholes…” you whispered under your breath, “That’s hardly fair, sir. By the looks of things, he is an essential member of this team.”
“That maybe so, but I can’t have my soldiers acting that way off the field. Unfortunately, if you cannot help him, he will no longer be welcome on any task force.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
How fucking unfair.
Before you could say anything, the office door opened. You stood to greet Roze but gasped slightly at the giant shadow behind her.
Stood in front of you, was a complete mountain of a man.
He had to duck down considerably to make it through the doorframe. Every single inch of him was huge. Ghost used to make you feel intimidated and tiny, but this…this was fucking ridiculous. Kӧnig had to have been at least 6’10”, and the size of his muscles would put both Ghost and Soap to shame.
Truly, this was a big, big man.
Oh, you thought, the sniper hood stayed on?
“Ah, Kӧnig, there you are. Thank you, Roze, you may go.”
“Sir.” She nodded, smiling to you before leaving the room and shutting it behind her.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” Kӧnig spoke, barely sparing you a glance as he addressed his superior. A thick accent tainted his English, but he was well-spoken.
Fender stood, moving around the desk to the two of you, “Yes. This is Karma, she’s the new addition to the team, and will be your new…partner, as such.”
“Uh, p-partner, sir?”
Fender nodded.
“Hi.” You spoke, a soft smile on your features as you stuck out your hand for him to shake. “I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), but you can call me (Y/N/N), or Karma, whatever you like really.”
Your hands shook from nervousness as you rambled on.
New people always made you anxious, but this…this was intense.
Was it the accent?
The sheer size of him?
You couldn’t tell if you were intimidated, anxious, or frankly, maybe even a little turned on.
“Kӧnig.” He grunted but refused to meet your hand.
It hung in the air for an embarrassing amount of time, causing you to clear your throat as you lowered it, heat rising to your cheeks.
Yeah, this guy’s people skills were shite.
“Uh, right. Pleasure to meet you.” You finally said in an effort to shake off the awkwardness.
With that, Fender led the two of you back out, and towards the training centre. As you passed various soldiers, many of them looked to you, whispering.
By now, stares and such were just water off a duck’s back for you. Being part of the infamous 141 always brought a lot of unwanted attention. But that didn’t mean it didn’t make you uncomfortable, nonetheless.
Kӧnig, on the other hand, walked slightly behind you and Fender, his eyes not leaving the back of your body. He was used to the stares and whispers, the team never failing to make him feel like a freak of nature on the daily.
But he didn’t care at this moment.
He was fascinated by you.
The bright pink slivers of colour that peaked out from beneath the rest of your hair intrigued him; he was sure that went against regulation. You were also so sweet and tiny, the sniper rifle strapped to your back was almost as big as you were.
So, you were a sniper.
Why the fuck would Fender pair him with a sniper? Like he didn’t get mocked enough!
And now here you were, walking around with your head held high, like you fucking owned the place.
His own personal fucking babysitter.
The more he looked at you, the more his heart filled with rage, gloved fists balling at his sides.
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 6 months
hello!! I absolutely adore your writing and I wanted to request masky/tim x reader who’s having a bad mental health day. (feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to lol <3)
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
I didn’t know if you wanted romantic or platonic; but I took it as platonic? I had a vision for a platonic reader, I hope that’s ok :)
We All Have Bad Days
Platonic Tim / Masky x Reader
T.W. Depression, mentions of self harm, smoking, mentions of past abuse, reader had a shit life before b coming a proxy, violence
Sliding through the now open window, you carefully landed on the floor. A simple home invasion, should be a piece of cake. Slender needed some files from the mother of the family, you didn’t know what exactly they were about, but you couldn’t care. He said you could kill them if you wanted, didn’t matter if they lived as long as you weren’t caught. With the week you had, you wanted to blow off some steam.
Quietly walking through the house, you poked around and attempted to find an office. People keep files in there, right? Or maybe some kind of study. Slender hadn’t given you much information, just where the house was, who would be in it, and your objective. Finding nothing on the first floor other than the kitchen, living room, laundry, and a home gym, you started your way upstairs.
The first room on the right was an empty room, looked like a teenage boys room. Messy, posters and flags lining the walls, dirty dishes everywhere. Nobody seemed to be in the room, so you shut the door and moved on. The room across the hall was a bathroom, which you didn’t bother with. The next room on the right was exactly what you were looking for.
The office was smaller, but neat and tidy. A dark pine desk was in the corner, bookshelf above it, with a computer, notepad, pens and pencils thrown around. Three large filing cabinets sat beside it. Grinning, you opened the one closest to the desk and began looking. Slender said that you would know it when you saw it, a dirty file case that was marked “1994” in large red ink.
You guessed it was some kind of evidence of slender or another creep, it needed to be destroyed. Not finding anything in the top, you searched the rest. Coming up empty handed, you looked around the room for anything else. Opening the desk draws, through some of the books, nothing was found. Panic slowly filled you, where was it? You shot a quick text to Tim, anxiety rising as you realized that the objective wasn’t there and you couldn’t complete the mission.
You set your phone down for a moment, re-checking the desk draws. You heard the phone buzz, but a gun clocking sound made you freeze. You looked toward the door as a women stood there, a small hunting rifle pointed at you. You had a hunting knife on you, but it wouldn’t do much good against a gun. Your baseball bat was downstairs and handgun was left at the cabin. You figured you wouldn’t need it, but fate would say otherwise.
As your phone buzzed once more, the women let loose, firing at you. You swore and ducked, trying to find your bearings. She let out a cry and turned on her heels, sprinting away. You sprung up, knife in hand, and chased her down the hall, to the last room. The master bedroom was large, with a walk-in closet and large bathroom connecting to it. The women, now yelling at you in a language you weren’t familiar with, pointed the gun at you once more.
“Jeez, will you shut up?!” You yelled, lunging at her. You grabbed the gun and threw it to the side as she shot, taking your knife in the other hand and quickly slitting her throat. As you glanced around the room, a file caught your eye. Old and dusty, the number “1994” in big red in. Bingo. Curious, you opened the file.
You stopped breathing. Panic and terrible memories flooded you. It was a picture of you, standing next to your mother. This picture was taken in 1994, it was of you in a Chucky costume on Halloween. A month before your father had been caught cheating and kicked out. A month before your mother had started drinking. A month before the hell of your life started. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, you wanted to just burn the picture. Not being able to go through the rest of it, you closed it with tears in your eyes, and turned back.
You stopped by the office, grabbing your phone. Tim had texted you several times, mostly asking if you had found it and if you were ok. You replied shortly “got it.” Back downstairs you grabbed the bat you had and left the house, walking back toward the mansion. Thoughts filled your head as you walked. Who was that women? How did she have that photo? How did she know you? Why would slender send you on this mission? You began to slightly cry, you just wanted an easy mission to blow off some steam after a rough week. Not be brought back to a life of abuse and suffering.
You quickly entered the mansion, bee-lining it for Slender’s office. You opened the door, not bothering to knock, and Slender’s attention snapped to you. You laid the file on his desk, nodding to him. He grabbed it, thumbing through the inside of it. He dismissed you without another word, opening the file and looking through its contents. You lingered for a moment, tempted to ask him why he had sent you on the mission. You decided against it, walking away and back to the woods. Now, the make it to the cabin without breaking down.
When you arrived, Tim was on the porch, smoking a cigarette. He looked at you, an uncertain look in his eyes.
“Mission go ok?” He raised a brow, sensing your off attitude.
“Yeah, fine,” you brushed past him, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
He watched you walk inside, something telling him that something was seriously wrong. Toby was on the couch, eyes glued to some show. Brian was put on a mission with Cody and Kate, some surveillance mission. You quickly walked to your room, Toby glancing over their shoulder to catch a quick glance. They shrugged before turning their attention back to the show as Tim walked in.
You made it to your room and let out a shaky breath. You needed a hot shower, just to calm down and breathe. Making your way to the bathroom, you started the water and took off the bloodstained shirt. Scars littered your body, most were just from missions. But, you glanced to your arms. Long marks up and down your arms, you looked away and got in the shower. Once in, you broke down, your sobs being drowned out by the running water.
You were able to pull yourself together to finish showering and get out. Putting on comfy sweat pants and a oversized sweatshirt you stole from a victim, you flipped on the bed. Tear stained cheeks, you sniffled once more. Memories and thoughts flooding your mind, you felt your breath hitch as another wave of tears hit you. You began to cry again, tears soaking the pillow below you. A knock of the door snapped you out of your sob session.
“Who is it?” You shakily asked.
“Just Tim,” his gruff voice called. How long had he been there?
You opened the door, looking anywhere but his eyes. He pushed his way past you, shutting the door behind him and sitting on the bed. Seconds that felt like hours pasted as you finally looked at him. He noticed the puffy eyes, tear marks, red cheeks, and stuffy nose almost instantly.
“You ok?”
Tim stood and walked over, pulling you into a tight hug. You stayed like that for a long while, in his arms sobbing. For fucks sake, you hated being like this. Weak in front of others, especially Tim. Eventually, you pushed away.
“My mom,” you started, “a picture of me and my mom were in that file. Before everything went to shit? When we were still happy,” you explained. Tim knew of your past and the shit-show your mother had put you through.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s fine, it’s gone now. Slender has it, out of sight out of mind.”
“How about,” Tim started to change the subject, “we head to the store yeah? We need some new food anyway.”
You looked at him a little confused but agreed anyways. Getting up, you threw on your shoes and left, Tim yelling at Toby that you were leaving. You hoped in the passenger seat of the old pick up truck as Tim started it up. The drive to the store was long and quiet.
When you arrived, you and Tim started shopping. At first, it was quiet and to a list. However, as you passed the candy isle, Tim took a turn. He grabbed some chocolate and looked at you.
“How mad do you think Brian would be if we spent a lot of money on candy?” He smirked, a small chuckle leaving him.
“Oh, he’d be very pissed, especially if we didn’t share,” you grinned, grabbing a pack of sour gummy worms.
From that point, you and Tim had eveything you actually needed, you both started to grab junk food. Chips, candy, and eventually you hit the bakery section. Cake, brownies, cookies, and more piled up in the cart as you both laughed. Brian would be so pissed, but the look on his face would be worth it. Paying, you walked out and started loading the back of the truck.
Unexpectedly, Tim grabbed you and threw you into the cart. He pushed you across the parking lot, you screaming and laughing the entire way. Putting the cart up, he pretend to leave you there, getting in and staring up the truck. You scrambled out of the cart and to the truck, yelling at him not to leave you. Both of you laughed and started your way home. It fell silent soon after, but it was comfortable.
“So, we don’t tell Brian about half of this, ok?” Tim spoke.
“Well duh,” you rolled your eyes, smiling at all the sweets.
“We deserve them, especially after this week. That mission Tuesday? We cannot let that happen again,” he explained, letting out a long breath.
“Real,” you responded, “thank you Tim.” You smiled at him.
“Of course,” he began, “listen kiddo, we all have bad days and bad weeks. It’s normal. Us proxies tend to have worse weeks than normal people,” he chuckled slightly. “But listen, it’ll be alright, ok? I know it was shit then, and sometimes it still is shit, but that’s ok. ‘Cuz after we have a shit week, we can go blow 50$ on sweets,” Tim smiled at you and you nearly lost it again.
“Thank you Tim,” you smiled back, a warm feeling spreading over your body. Although it was fucked up, you had a family. A family of murderers who lived in the forest and served a supernatural cryptid thing, but a family nonetheless. You would never trade it for the world.
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pop-goes-the-weasel · 2 years
T.W. Violence, discussion of neurological damage
Time to rant about the old-timey sciencey stuff. About the injuries and treatment of Renfield
The right side limbs immobilised- Good job here Bram! The spine is ipsilateral, with nerves on a particular side serving that side only. So a quite plausible scenario.
Trephining- commonly known as trepaunning, it involves making holes in the skull to release evil spirits, or in this case, blood. With us from the Stone Age. Seen in Europe and MesoAmericam
Motor area- Cerebellum. Though not the seat of origin of voluntary movement, this region situated at the base of the neck, making this more likely to be the part in question. It too is ipsilateral...so a damage to the side of the cerebellum can affect a single side
Suffusion- blood seepage through broken vessels. Can lead to haematoma or blood accumulation and clotting in blood
Also...the brain is normally never in direct contact with blood ....the body has a special barrier to prevent that. If blood comes into the brain...it is very, very bad
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