randompic · 2 years
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the-bagira · 2 years
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🎅 Mikulás csomag Mamától
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macskasbacsi · 10 months
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should i buy this?? ive been looking at it every year its so cute, but also.. its expensive
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 years
i cant believe The gay hungarian tumblr blog reblogged my post 🍬 have another szaloncukor
omg thank you for the extra szaloncukor! <33 here i'm gifting you a szaloncukor of preferred flavor too: 🍬
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multicarinata · 2 years
I wanna take someone to the beach...
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kokusfluffyhair · 9 months
Headcanons on how Muzan and Kokushibo (separately) would celebrate Christmas with their human soulmate? ;) 🎄
Christmas🎄 with Kokushibou and Muzan (Headcanons)
In these headcanons, reader is in a relationship with their preferred demon😁
Kokushibou + First things first, he would cook a lot + He loves to cook and you'll have so much food that you don't know what to do with it + He's taken the time to know what you like so everything will be a mixture of your favourite foods and his + He'll make dishes that are customary for your culture and country, especially sweets + Considering the time period and culture he's from, he'll follow your lead most of the time + He figures that it's more your holiday than his, so he wants to respect the way you do things and make it enjoyable/special for you + He'd wear a santa hat and look adorably goofy in it + When it comes to a Christmas tree, he's kind of a perfectionist. The two of you decorated it together but he's always changing his mind on where he wants things or what ornaments he wants to be more visible + He may accidentally knock down the tree while adjusting something😅 and he'd get really embarrassed + If you have chocolate candies on the tree (in Hungary we have these wrapped up chocolates called szaloncukor that you can hang on the tree) he would eat them when passing by. He thinks he's sneaky but he really is very obvious about it + He would want to surprise you with something he knew that you were looking at during the year. But, it wasn't much of a surprise because in recent months when he saw you looking at something at a store, he'd ask you "Hmm ... so, do you like that?" + It became pretty clear of what he might get for you, but you know that he was trying to surprise you, so you act surprised and it makes him smile and blush + At the end of the night, you end up cuddling together and falling asleep on the couch with the Christmas lights on
Muzan + Can you say "imports"? + He buys all this stuff from all over the world to have around -- decorations, foods, liquors + He's obsessed with panettone and gets some really expensive kind that he orders online + He wants to have a fancy party type of event, but with just the two of you + You both dress up really nice and elegantly, and Muzan sets up the house in candlelight so that it's extra intimate and romantic + He doesn't cook, but he orders various deliveries from different fine restaurants in the area + You end up getting a lot of designer items from him, however a good portion of them are more along the lines of "what he thinks you should like" rather than what you would have chosen for yourself + His taste isn't bad, though, so you're pretty satisfied + He would take a lot of pictures and videos of the two of you that he'd keep private for himself + He really enjoys having a little party because he didn't get to do that kind of stuff when he was human + He laughs and smiles a lot + There's always music playing in the background -- not necessarily Christmas music but classical music or jazz that adds to the atmosphere + He gets more touchy and affectionate as the night goes on + It definitely ends in some good sex
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korhazavaroskozepen · 9 months
Így év végén annak azért örülök, hogy a Kórháztól kapott ajándék csomagban (persze csak akkor lehet így hívni, ha nem hasonlítjuk össze a más munkahelyeken osztogatott ajándékokkal) a három szem szaloncukor zselés volt. És idei.
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oldmacykerenew · 10 months
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Iden ismet adakoznek a csaladnak, akiknek szoktam 🫣🫣🫣 es iden meg nagyobb szukseg lenne a segitsegetekre, mert sajnos rajtam kivul meg 1 ember ajanlott fel barmit is…
“…Az alabbi szuksegletek lennenek, barmit adtok, mindenert halas a csalad! Egyetlen keresunk van, kerlek ne legyenek az adomanyok agyonhasznalt, szakadt darabok, mert sajnos tavaly az egyik adomanyozo kb. a szemetet is oda adta… (nem ismerosom, nem is innen volt az illeto… de na :() Tudom, hogy Ti ennel jobbak vagytok, de szeretnem ezt jelezni!
“ Édes kis védenceink bizony cseperednek, és már nem babák, meg barbie-k kellenek, neeeeem csajos cuccok is felkerültek a kívánság listára 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Íme, amire idén nagy szükségünk van:
- körömlakk (10 év körüli kislány részére)
- fürdőbomba!! bármilyen alakban és mennyiségben (Eszti, mielőtt megkérdezed, ezt Ő❤ kérte)
- ékszerek, ékszer készlet (7-10 éves kislányok részére)
- hajazos cuccok
- szaloncukor
- és persze puzzle, társasjáték (7-10 éves kislányok részére)
Megkérek mindenkit, hogy a tiszteljük meg ezeket a kisgyermekeket lehetőség szerint vadiúj ajándékokkal karácsony alkalmából.
És az örök slágerek, amikből sosem elég:
- mosó-, mosogatószer
- tisztálkodási termékek teljes skál��ja
- kislány ruha 140-146-os méretben
- kisfiú ruha 98-104-110-es méretben
A családjaikért végletekig küzdő apukák örömére:
- borotválkozáshoz szükséges minden motyó
- férfi tisztálkodási szerek
- illetve bármi, aminek egy férfi örülhet (mert halvány fogalmam sincs, hogy az mi lehet 😶)
És persze négylábúakkal is tele vagyunk, így mindenféle finomságot elfogadunk a nevükben.
Ami fontos, ÉLELMISZERRE (humán) nincs szükség!! Most az ajándékozásé és a tiszta rendezett körülményeké a főszerep 😇😇
Határidő: December második hetében tervezem célba juttatni az adományokat ❤
Hálásan köszönöm a segítségedet és azt is, ha megosztasz 🥰🥰😍😍😍
Forró ölelés, Brigi “
Na meg akkor a vegere magamat is oda adom, en is olelek mindenkit, aki segit!
Forro oleles es puszik: Melinda ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ahalal-uralma · 10 months
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Krampusz Éjszakán
(Krampus Night)
Depictions of Krampusz alongside St. Mikulás in Hungary (Magyaroszag) for December 5th.
Examples of Presents on December 6th for well behaved children from St. Mikulás can typically include fresh fruit, nuts and candies:
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Some popular candies/chocolates in Hungary, include Szaloncukor (which can include fillings of coffee cream, rum jelly, marzipan, etc), Balaton (wafer candy), Sport (rum chocolate), Duna Kavics (candy covered peanuts), etc.
Some parents may go a step further to include toys and clothes as gifts. Gifts are delivered on a doorstep usually in a stocking or shoe, but not always. It’ll depend on what parents prefer.
Many Hungarian parents may favor gift giving on St. Mikulás Day (or alternatively/additionally Christmas Eve) over doing so on Christmas Day out of religious respect and tradition.
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Szaloncukor is also a popular treat typically hung from the Christmas Tree.
Examples of a “present” from Krampusz on December 5th for the naughty children:
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Other presents can include coal and I’ve read someplace that there’s the rare possibility of extremely bad children getting horse shit? I did not ever hear of that from my parents. It sounds extremely traumatic if you ask me.
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fagcrisis · 9 months
best szaloncukor flavor. there is a correct answer
ZSELÉS. mindenki más megbaszhatja
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randompic · 2 years
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bobszter · 9 months
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nem szaloncukor van ám benne
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funkfuck · 2 years
🍬 szaloncukor be upon ye bestie
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csoori · 8 months
Tűz árnya, semmiség
Földrészem ez az idegen szoba; hazám, mert veled alszom el benne. Nyugodt vagyok: az ágy halotti ágyam is lehetne. Tűz árnya, semmiség, szaloncukor-babák s ottkint az elhagyott tél karácsonyfái – szeretlek, mert eljöttél ide csomagokkal, sírni és fázni, enni velem húst, kenyeret, kalácsot s eláztatni ünnepi hajadat a hóban – szeretlek, mert itt múlt el az év, mint a szerelmek egy szobasarokban, mert faágak durrogtak kint a szélben, mint a pezsgősüvegek s láncos botok valahol messze, közeledve, majd távolodva.
— Csoóri Sándor (Párbeszéd, sötétben, 1973)
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fintorafelesekben · 9 months
Majd egyszer vicces lesz…
…ha valaha elerjuk a kivant versenysulyt de addig is, annyira jol megy az ujevi dieta plusz edzes kombo, hogy szombat delutan fel 5kor meg mindig Marko es Barna sikideget nezek, annyi kulonbseggel az egy oraval ezelotti allapothoz kepest, hogy mostmar lement 3 szelet(ke) marcipankenyer es 4 lejart mezeskalacsos szaloncukor. De ELSETALOK mindjart a rantott husomert a sramliba.
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budapestbug · 9 months
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Why do Hungarians hang bonbons on their Christmas tree?
It is easy to give an answer to the question of whether 'szaloncukor', the characteristic Hungarian Christmas bonbon is a Hungaricum: technically no, because it is not included in the official list of Hungaricums in the Hungarian Heritage Repository. (The discussion on what the point of having a list of Hungaricums is and whether it even makes sense at all shall be figuratively wrapped in tissue paper and coloured foil and will not be opened up in this article.)
However, if the question of whether these Christmas bonbons are a Hungarian invention is brought up, we can find a viewpoint from which the answer is yes. As an ornament on a Christmas tree to be consumed (sometimes secretly at the expense of family members), Christmas bonbons are almost certainly a Hungarian custom. Still, all the elements of this custom can be found in other nations, too, from much earlier times.
Candy cooked from sugar
Let's start with the candy itself! The ancestor of the Hungarian Christmas bonbons is fondant and is French in origin, where it was already known in the 14th century. In fact, fondant is a more attractive form of plain sugar: it's a sugar paste that has been oversaturated by cooking and then cooled. At this point, it is necessary to recall a statement from primary school science lessons that is difficult to remember: a solution is oversaturated if, at a given temperature, it contains more solute than the solvent can dissolve. In this case, the solvent is water and the solute is sugar. The water is boiled, a lot of sugar is poured in, and the sugar dissolves at a high temperature. The solution is then cooled until the sugar in it begins to crystallise, but the cooling liquid is continuously stirred during the process to prevent the crystals from forming bigger pieces. The end result is a thick sugar paste with a pleasant (microcrystalline) texture, which of course still has a net taste of sugar, but can be packaged as a sweet after the addition of flavouring and once it has hardened. The Christmas tree also arrived in Hungary in the 19th century, sometime in the 1820s. According to the memoirs of Baron Frigyes Podmaniczky, one of his aunts put up the first Christmas tree in 1825, other sources say that it was Teréz Brunszvik who did it in 1828, and the third wife of Emperor Joseph the Great, Maria Dorottya, was also among the first to do so. The trees were decorated with paper ornaments, fruit, nuts, cookies and other snacks, as was the German custom.
Up to the tree!
Thus, the fondant and the bow-like wrapping are French, and the Christmas tree and the idea of hanging food on it came from the Germans, but it was probably the Hungarians who put it all together in a formula. So if it makes you feel any better, you can call the Christmas bonbo
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