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randompic · 1 year ago
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m-smomentsnow-blog · 5 years ago
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martondora · 8 years ago
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icesalamander · 8 years ago
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It’s a good day to pretend that Sirius Black didn’t die.
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v-o-i-d-p-u-n-k · 4 years ago
✨When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity✨
My only sentence i remember in hungarien
The lamp my mom got me today
Talking to my friends
Listening to music i enjoy and play music
Walking around and just talking to myself
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randompic · 2 years ago
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invisible-alien-blog · 8 years ago
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weirdjvs · 6 years ago
Stonedirt - Hungarien stoner/groove/trash metal band formed in 2004. Has released 3 albums and this is from their third album Backlash-Zone (2018) 👍
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feuerfresser08 · 4 years ago
Street Food Leipzig und ich bin dabei. Lecker essen auf Hungarien Streits. 🥰 Street Food Festival Leipzig Street Food Festival Leipzig #streetfood #streetfoods #streetfoodfestival #dtreetfoodinahmedabad #essen #lecker #köstlich #köstlichkeitenfürdieseele #asia #asiafood #asiafoodporn #delicious #deliciousfoods #hipsterstyle #hipster #macandcheese #hungarianfood (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1abriIUuV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hungarien food 2021.
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emoka-thruth · 4 years ago
when we’ll anyone take me seriously?
since adults insist on the world being so serious, why is it that we dont take mental illness seriously? wy is it that for the first time in my 20 yeras of life tonight i’ve heard my dad, my cool ‘enlightened’ dad, tell me ‘your generation is just looking for every opportunity to get out of work.
My dad lost a daughter from a previous marriage to suicide(it was ruled an accident though). and still, he still doesn’t get that just because he grew up in communism and saw the tanks in the hungarien revolution of ‘56... it doesn’t mean that this generations struggles arent just as real, especially in what most would consider eastern europe.
A thought that just got formed in to words in this night of corona and wine-o stuppor this: Do i really completely have to lose my shit before you take me seriously?
For i good few years i was so greatful to be this priviledged and have all this financial support and a rrof over my head, food on the tabel, that i was even reluctant to express if a dress my mom though was cute i thought unbearable. After a while I was done being greatful with the help of a proffesional, but even then i was exhausted to have to fight over every single small, insignificant, decisoon i made or whenever i disagreed about their choice for me. To this they i hate conflict im a sun and moon leo who hates conflict.. how much do you have to push a person who was once strong, confident, difient, nd proud to be exhausted from the smallest things?
I am actually very thankful for and cherish my parents for the most part. It’s just that i got forced into yet another decision by them, uni, because i was to tired to stand up for my self. we’ve been sweeping my mental health problems under the rug for years, about 6, at this point.
i just want my problems to have a name so that i know what to do with it you know?
I’m going to a psychiatrist now, which is a huge step, but she only ever mentioned me having depression and possibly going on meds. i agree i certainly have traits of depression, but i’ve always had a hesitation to go on meds, not sure what im gonna do about that yet. But she hasn’t said a word about what i actually went to see her for, ADHD/ADD, since the first session. she’s a wonderful person, one of the most experienced in the country, i can’t do better than her and that honestly starts to scare me, I also misseda session with her because my mental state is once again declining, irragular sleeping patterns, late awakening, forgetfulness, motivationlessness, anxiety to the brim... you know just the usual.
Anyway this felt good to think through, i already wrote an unposted very detailed symptom story from childhood with 960 words,,,, so thanks for reading i guess
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icesalamander · 7 years ago
I love your art, especially way you drew people. They are so cute! I just wanted to ask if you had any other shows/books/series that you like?
Thank you!!! :D Under read-more because it’s not that short:
Well that’s a bit difficult question actually. I definitely like other books and series but for me being a fan of a series, drawing fan art of the series, and being interested in the fandom of the series has nothing to do with each other.
For example I draw a lot of Asoiaf comics but I’ve never finished the books properly, the only one I read more than once was the first one, and after the Red Wedding I skipped more chapters than I actually read. (I might not even gonna read the Winds of Winter) And I definitely didn’t watch the Tv show. Tv shows are just not really my thing, that’s why.
I love Harry Potter and I’ve read it at least ten times, probably more. And I never have any interest in the Harry Potter fandom. I didn’t even draw that much fanart. I still believe that the four Hogwarts house is the good guys, slightly less cool good guys, the bad guys and the ones nobody cares about. Sad but true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just to be clear, when I say I’m not interested in a fandom it means exactly just that! The Harry Potter fandom are full of great people and amazing stuff, but I’ve my own interpretations and I don’t really need anything more. (I don’t even check out what is on Pottermore)
I really like Tolkien’s work, and I’m usually pretty happy to talk about it. I would consider myself a much bigger Tolkien fan than an Asoiaf fan actually. (It was a subtle reminder that you can ask me about this too, seriously I never got a single Tolkien ask)
Now that I’ve written this much, which you probably weren’t very interested in, I will actually answer your original question with a list of books/series/things I like :D
With no particular order:
Good Omens
everything Agatha Christie
Percy Jackson (only the first series)
A kőszívű ember fiai (all two three of my hungarien followers will know what is this)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Soul Eater
Grimm (the tv series)
Gergő és az álomfogók (even hungarien followers might not know what is this)
Avatar the last airbender
X-men (mostly movies, sorry)
Star Wars
everything from Miyazaki Hayao
everything from Tomm Moore
The Mortal Instruments (kind of? I guess)
Pokemon (childhood favorite but I don’t know much about the newer stuff)
Jane Austin
I’m sure there is more, but I just can’t remember :/ If the answer sounds a bit negativ it’s because I’m very tired, but also really happy that you asked this :D
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randompic · 2 years ago
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bestof-fassbender · 7 years ago
New clip
sadly its hungarien, i hate the hungarien  dubs, so bad.
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Makkabi Sport exebutions New York Hungarien Consulate https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnF5PunsqK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dm5cbnc20ckv
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pychotic-love-hetalia · 8 years ago
Yo dude honestly I gotta kno how the austrian fucking whore and his hungarien h o e do with someone that's literally impossible to break. "Nobody is gonna find u" "bitch pls"
Austria would most likely just kill the s/o when Hungary isn't around. He's a yangire after all, and am impatient one at that.
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