#syscourse t
the-alarm-system · 1 month
tbh I can empathize with how miserable sysmedicalist are, even if they’re all horrible and really stupid, but I can’t with transmedicalist. It’s 2024 get over it, cis people won’t love you because you’re hating on catgender people. You’re still just a dirty tranny in their eyes! I’ve been in your place, but you know what happened? I stopped being 14
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a-dragons-journal · 7 months
hello! this is about your recent post where you mention in the tags that it’s okay to ask you about syscourse? sorry if that’s not what you meant, you can ignore this if you want.
for context, i don’t really have an opinion on endogenic systems, since i don’t think i have a place to. i’m a singlet — i once asked several (traumagenic) systems that i knew what their opinions on endos were, and, of course, they all gave different answers. (ranging from “it’s ridiculous and offensive” to “i don’t know, some have their reasons [gives list of reasons]” to “they exist and are harmless.”)
the problem is, i can see the arguments on both sides. like, yes, i agree that psychologists don’t know everything and could be overlooking some systems who really actually exist without a traumamatic origin. but at the same time, how likely is it that they’d totally have missed all these endo systems? but psychologists do miss a lot of things, like how autistic women are just now starting to get diagnosed. then again, is that situation really comparable? are there reputable studies published about endos that i just don’t know of?
i agree with what you said about not doubting others’ experiences of their own selves. but that raises the question of whether you should believe the reasons for what they’re experiencing. for example, i don’t believe in every religion. but if someone told me that they prayed to their god and their god comforted them, i wouldn’t doubt the fact that they were comforted — i just don’t think [insert example god here] exists. that’s just a thing that will happen when people have different beliefs. i wouldn’t say that to them, not unless they directly asked me my beliefs, but i just don’t believe in some religions. that’s just part of living, it would be pretty difficult to believe in every religion and philosophy at the same time. i wouldn’t expect anything different for other people regarding my beliefs, either — if i tell someone with different religious beliefs about a religious experience i had, i won’t be mad if they have a different explanation. (for clarification: i’m not trying to say this to be all “look at me, i don’t get mad but you people do!” i really hope it doesn’t come off that way. i try not to think i’m better than anyone, genuinely. i think i’m right about some things, of course, but who doesn’t think they’re right about some things? i can’t believe anything unless i think some things are correct and some things aren’t.)
it’s similar (though not the same) for systems, i feel like. for endo systems who are spiritual in origin especially. i don’t doubt their experiences, but i just can’t believe that some explanations are correct if my belief system is contradictory to it. does this mean i think all endos are secretly traumagenic, or, the opposite, that they’re all faking their experiences of being plural? very likely not. i haven’t seen everyone’s lives or brains.
i wouldn’t cut someone off solely for being endo, and i wouldn’t cut someone off solely for being anti-endo. i don’t know, i feel like i’m supposed to with tumblr culture being like it is. i understand that there’s many traumagenic systems who believe endos are wrong, or faking, because by modern medical knowledge, endos shouldn’t be a thing. they don’t want to be around people who they truly believe are co-opting their hardships for fun or completely misunderstanding what being plural is actually like. and i know they do truly believe that, they’re not being mean for the sake of it or trying to be ableist — as you’re probably aware, they believe that many endos are the ableists. but i don’t have the negative reaction some traumagenic systems have, because i’m a singlet. i can’t say for-sure-for-sure that endos are all super wrong about everything or that they’re all fakers, because i can’t read minds and i’m not omnipresent. i’m skeptical, but not so skeptical that i’ll dismiss it out of hand. i’m floundering around trying not to offend anybody unduly while wondering which people are the ones i actually shouldn’t mind offending.
i’m realizing i don’t have an actual question here. i guess i want someone to talk to about this, since my friend group (containing several of the traumagenic systems i mentioned earlier, the ones i asked their opinions on) has turned decidedly anti-endo. i don’t know when everyone decided to do this, as last year there were still multiple opinions spinning around, but i guess i missed out on a conversation or something. maybe some do still hold their former opinions, or anti-endo alters are the ones fronting more often when the topic comes up. i think they would be fine if i brought the topic up and told them how i felt — my friends are pretty reasonable when people have genuine questions, i highly doubt they’d kick me out or mock me or anything — but still.
i think i just want alternate opinions to consider, and to learn facts about endos i might not know of. i’ll probably stay pretty ambivalent no matter what people say on the topic (and i don’t say this to discourage anyone from telling me stuff, just trying to be honest about what will likely happen). i can imagine myself taking either stance, which means that i can’t in good faith take ANY stance. i have no clue which is objectively correct. i guess the important thing is just that i try to understand everyone’s perspective and be kind to everyone no matter how my beliefs change.
keeping this anonymous because i don’t want anyone i know to find this, at least not yet.
Hey anon, thanks for sending this and I think you're being very reasonable and handling this very well. I have a pretty strong opinion on this, but I don't want that to come off as me trying to bully you for making sure that you do your due diligence before taking up a stance on it; I think the world would be a better place if more people did that more consistently.
First, I really don't believe in the "singlets shouldn't have opinions on syscourse" thing. There's not really a neutral on this one; being neutral on whether or not to believe people about their lived experiences almost invariably just means you're willing to let the antis fakeclaim and often harass people. If you're existing in spaces with systems, you kind of have to have some sort of opinion on it. (And "I don't know enough to know what I think about this yet" is a valid opinion, and one I think more people should be willing to say!)
A major thing here is that science absolutely does recognize the existence of systems outside of DID and OSDD - which is usually what anti-endo people really mean when they say "traumagenic systems," despite the fact that technically it's possible for a system to be traumagenic without meeting the diagnostic criteria for DID or OSDD, and (and this is the controversial one) it's at least theoretically possible for a system to be DID or OSDD and never have experienced trauma - trauma is not part of the diagnostic criteria, and contrary to what anti-endos often say, DID and OSDD are not classified as trauma disorders in the DSM-V, they're classified as dissociative disorders. The theory of structural dissociation is not the be-all-end-all of theorizing on why DID and OSDD happen, and there's no objectively proving that it is.
Anyway. Tangent aside - even the diagnostic criteria for DID acknowledge that there are plural experiences that are not pathological when it makes an exception for possessions and plurality linked to cultural and religious practices. Outside of that, there are indeed papers and articles focusing on non-traumagenic and/or non-pathological plurality, and doubtless more of them mention it offhandedly - here's one short list which I've at least glanced at each of the entries in, and a longer list I unfortunately haven't had the time to read through and thus can't vouch for the links in yet (but it's there for your reading if you like). I'm certain there's more out there; my resources on this are limited.
Even aside from that, I feel like people forget that in psychology, studies and articles "proving" the existence of a phenomenon are just... recording the experiences of people in a mass format. There's no objective test you can do to tell if someone's plural. It's just large groups of people self-reporting their subjective experiences, instead of people doing it one at a time like you see on Tumblr or wherever else. Should I need a study to tell me that my experience of nonhumanity is real? Why is someone's experience of plurality different?
A pathological form of something existing doesn't mean that a non-pathological form of that thing can't also exist. The non-pathological form existing, likewise, doesn't mean that the pathological form suddenly isn't pathological anymore. Normal anxiety existing doesn't mean a clinical anxiety disorder suddenly isn't pathological anymore, and someone having a clinical anxiety disorder doesn't mean other people can't experience normal levels of anxiety about things without it being either faking or secretly a disorder. I mean, obviously this isn't a perfect comparison, but - do you see what I mean?
Re: not having to believe people on why, this is true and fair, but: I don't need to believe a given system's specific explanation for why they're plural, but I do need to defend their right to believe it, and I need to not insist that my explanation or experiences are universal. I also need to raise the point that if you (general you, not you specifically) are insisting that the why must be trauma, you are doing more harm than good - people's brains can and do make up traumatic pseudo-memories under pressure to remember something traumatic that never actually happened, and that has real effects on them even though those events didn't actually happen.
I do take your point about some anti-endos genuinely believing endogenic systems are either misunderstanding or co-opting their experiences. However, I personally hold to the opinion that frankly, this is solidly a them problem. If you can't understand someone else's experiences, and you decide that because of that they must be either wrong or lying, that is a you problem and you need to work on that. If you see someone having fun with (or just having a normal time with) something that's painful and traumatic for you, and you decide that because of that they must be faking or mocking you, that is a you problem and you need to work on that. It is an understandable you problem, because I get where the gut reaction is coming from, but it is still a you problem.
(Note that this is the same thing we say to transmeds, for the same reason we say it to sysmeds - and no, I don't call them "sysmeds" because I'm basing it on "transmed," I call them that because that's what they are, system medicalists, people insisting that the only way to be a system is for it to be a medical, pathological thing.)
Hopefully that helps give you some thoughts to chew on; I'm more than happy to continue this if you like, of course.
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livseses · 3 months
Gotta love the shithead posers out there.
"Omg like, pro-endos are posers. They're all out here being little ableists by defining their own existence. It's so not punk to buck at the medical system and society's demands to treat you like a crazy freak. Real poser shit to call yourself what you want and flip the bird to cops."
You gonna kick us out of the dive cause I called myself a faggot, dyke, or tranny too?
Let's just make it real clear here:
Society has a certain way it looks at us. We're poor broken victims at best, dangerous crazy people at worse. You ain't "fighting the establishment" if you're agreeing wholesale with that line. If you're tellin' kids out here that you gotta fit in with these real narrow ideas, you're lickin the boot. If you have a problem with anyone buckin' that narrative, usin' words to call themself, sayin' what's true to them, you just flat out ain't punk.
Don't fuck around policin' people's identity. Fuck cops.
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The tiresome way of existing sure is something sometimes.
Dealing with things that end up triggering us, but we're not even sure what that is, and when the trigger happens, we dissociate so fucking much.
It's awful, feeling all confused and like you're not even sure if you're real, as if in a daze.
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do you know the context for this? I can't DM OP because im shadowbanned and asks are off, but OP says someone "put a spin on a white supremacy flag for systems" and i want to know what happened https://www.tumblr.com/xx-hyper-cryptid-xx/750476612307386368/what-the-heck-is-going-on-in-the-plural-gang
Nope, and I frankly don't think I wanna know at this point. I'm just gonna assume it's sysmeds being sysmeds and deciding that that would somehow be btter than actual system flags? Idk
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
you don't need to post this but I just want to rant
people assuming you can't use the word tranny because you identify as cis in headspace even though you've had transphobic comments towards you (i recall at least one) and yall collectively count as gender fluid... like how is that not inherently trans?
ofc i understand not wanting to use it since it's quite a heavy word (being a slur and all) but also... idk seeing so many people saying you can't say it is so weird. like are they trying to respect your inner cis identity? (which wouldn't make sense for all of them especially with that one user claiming we're all cis on the inside, even tho thats untrue and weird to say)
idk it's... makes me sad. like i know some of it ws before you came out and directly confirmed that you are afab in headspace but the body is amab and gender fluid, but.. also....
Yeah, this discourse is weird to me too.
Personally, it's not a term I feel comfortable reclaiming. Not only do I not identify as transgender, while I have had transphobic comments sent my way and been intentionally misgendered multiple times to hurt me, I've never been called that slur and neither has anyone else in my system.
For that reason, I stand by my apology and regret what I said.
(Although, for the record, I did reference considering the body being genderfluid at least as early as August. Obviously, not everyone on here is going to read and remember every post I make so I don't blame them for missing it, but I do want it on the record that I already identified the body as such. Also, pretty much every post where I identified as a cis woman mentioned in that the body was AMAB so there's no way they missed that.)
But... there's also an acknowledgement I need to make that many systems will be out publicly. That cis headmates may dress in ways that don't conform to gender standards and be called this particular slur because transphobes don't care whether you identify on the internally as "trans."
It seems wrong to me to say victims of transphobia who have been called this slur shouldn't be allowed to reclaim it.
Not only that, many transgender headmates share systems with cisgendered ones. So where is the line then? Does who has a right to reclaim a slur depend on the individual headmate? Should you not be allowed to reclaim a slur that's been used against other headmates in your system?
And if the inner-identity is more important than the body, where does this leave racial slurs in systems who are bodily that race, but individual headmates identify as different races?
I can't remember if it was an ask I deleted or in a reblog, but shortly after I made that post from before, someone asked rhetorically if it would be okay for a white person to say the N-word. And obviously, the answer to that is a strong no.
But there ARE systems with headmates who identify as other races, separate from the body. I remember reading an article written by a black-bodied system made up of many white-identifying headmates on the inside with only one black-identifying headmate. So would we say that the white-identifying headmates don't have a right to reclaim the N-word unless they explicitly identify as the race of the body first? Even if they've been called that slur themselves? Even if it was used to oppress them and their ancestors?
This, to me, feels like the logical conclusion of this line of discourse. And it feels wrong.
In my opinion, if the body is a certain thing, it seems that's what should determine if you can reclaim a slur.
I, personally, don't feel comfortable reclaiming the T-slur based on my life experience, and so I regret using it.
But I also don't want to support a hardline view that says "no cis-identifying headmates with different genders from their AGAB, even if they or their headmates have personally been called this slur and have been victims of transphobia, have the right to reclaim it."
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
Been seeing quite a few of y'all showing your true colors when it comes to trans people, especially trans systems
Implying someone is lying about their identity because their whole-system identity gender wise is more complicated than that of alters on an individual level is really fucking weird and transphobic and is not suddenly justified when the person makes an argument you disagree with. People of any gender identity can have a variety of beliefs and mindsets. Their argument doesn't erase their identity.
Especially considering, with many systems, literally one of the main things being a system commonly affects is sense of self. Of fucking course there are going to be systems who have a complicated gender identity, especially when it comes to a whole system level.
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helios-co · 1 year
If ur gonna put "[demographic of people] dni" on ur posts can you put it in your fucking tags and not just in red at the bottom so that it doesn't fucking show up for the ppl who are TRYING NOT TO INTERACT by blocking those tags??? Thanks.
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sillysystems · 3 months
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Welcome to the silly systems, a blog for all the systems who are silly to be as silly they want
What's allowed in this blog? Any kind of silliness related to being a system!!!
Submissions are always open to share how silly you are, and will do some silly post that talk about ourselves and general silly system things :3 Thinking about the "Silly system culture is..." posible section tbh
We'll love to see you around and be the silly system you know you are freely, no one's gonna judge you, all the hate and anti-silliness things will be deleted, we don't want that here
To clarify, this blog doesn't glorify or minimize CDDs, this is just a blog t have some fun and things like that because we all know having a CDD is horrible hard, so please don't say we claim being a pwCDD is silly or funny, is not, we just want to make a place to have fun or see the good things about a real mental disorder
This is a more silly aligned blog, if you want to be a cringe system better go to the sibling blog @cringesys for all the systems who are cringe!!
Edit: /pf means playful, is a tonetag, please don't ask it again guys 😭
Edit 2: WE HAVE AN OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER!! THE SILLYCORD, if you want to join here's a link to the post talking about it that also has the link of the server
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Anon claims!!
See the list of claims here!!
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This blog isn't a syscourse one, if you're a syscourse blog or wanna talk about syscourse I'll block and delete, this isn't a place for syscourse talk, all syscourse will be deleted
Submissions are always open, but please have in mind this rules before using it:
If is necessary add the corresponding TW/CW above the submission
No slurs, attacks, mockery or any kind of bad behavior to anyone in the submissions (And if you're gonna mention someone censor and give a nicknames, don't reveal information)
Specify if you want a submission to be published with the message or if you want a separate post with no submission attached
Our DNI:
Syscourse blogs
People without CDD
System without system accountability
Closed mind people
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About us
We're a polyfrag DID system who really loves doing side blogs
Our main blog is: @persmo and there you can see a little bit more about ourselves, for simplicity reasons in this blog we won't be putting a lot of info because it's unnecesary
Also, in our main account you can find almost all of our side blogs connected to our pinned post!!
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[Pt: intro post for chronicallyqueercoining end pt]
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Reblog/like/follow/comment if you wish <33
Promo appreciated :3 /nf
I'm trying to find as many MOGAI community members as possible!!!
(Pt: Requests I'll do + what is closed end pt)
Free blocklist
Want just my terms (no banners, pfp edits, etc)? Check out @cqc-terms-archive
I do image descriptions as often as I am able! I try to go back and add them if I didn't!
[Pt: intro beneath cut end pt]
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What I Do/Requests (Anon or Not Anon!):
☆ Coin Xenogenders and Make Flags
☆ Help Find Pre-Existing Terms
☆ DNI Banners
☆ Other Banners
☆ Profile Pictures (Edits/Flags)
☆I have the right to refuse ANY request for ANY reason☆
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[Pt: abt me end pt]
Name/Names: Chronic, Luna, Pix, Gem
Pronouns: ANY! I love neos and xenos as well!
Identities: queer, polyam, trans, xenic, lesbian sapphillean, +more
Abt me: I'm disabled (physically and mentally), I am VERY queer, I'm autistic, I have OSDD, I have a lovely partner
I am 18
I've been a part of the MOGAI coining community for a couple of years now :3
This account is 13+ only!!!
Interests/Hyperfix/Spinterest: MLP, YTTD/YTTS, Bojack Horseman, LPS, OMORI, FNaF, Gravity Falls, Etymology, Law, Psychology, MOGAI, Sexuality/Gender/Romantic Identities, Stardew Valley, Card and Board Games, DDLC, NomNomNami, The Owl House, House M.D., Moral Orel, TMVTM, 10TIHAY, Poetry, and Music
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BMF (be my friend):
PS these are just suggestions for people who may be interested in my content but, as long as you're a kind person who interacts in good faith, or even just someone who's not spreading hate, <3 you're welcome here <33
Gender Coiner, Xenogender User, Neo/Xenopronoun User, System, Therians, Nerds, Cringe People /positive, MOGAI Community Members, 2SLGBTQIAP+, Furries, Cosplayers, Similar Interests As Me, Age/Pet Regressors or Dreamers (SFW.), Otherkins, Respectful Cishet People Wanting To Learn/Have Another Cool, Diverse Community, Scene Kid, Blog With Similar Content
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BYF(before you friend): I ACCEPT ALL GOOD FAITH QUEER IDENTITIES! (Zoos, maps, and troll "terms" are NOT GOOD FAITH, DNI if you think that they are.)
I am disabled and have a dissociative disorder!
I do not care if you find me cringe.
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DNI(do not interact):
Transmed, T(w)erf/Swerf,
Under 13 (13+ is all okay!),
'MAP' or their supporters, DDLG+MDLG+Any Variants, 'Zoos',
Blogs that are solely NSFW,
Transid “Transabled”, "transracial" (not in the adoption sense!)
CringeXDCoric, -ponyic genders
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-take your meds if you have any
-eat and drink (if able!)
-you’re loved and amazing
-your identity is valid
-you're cool.
-you deserve to feel good and happy
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Ps: any of my past blogs do not necessarily represent my current views, I have grown as a person and will continue to grow, my point on here is to spread love and MOGAI!!!!!
Dividers and blinkies from:
PLEASE do not start discourse on my page, whether that be syscourse or identity discourse or any other sort of discourse. It is draining. I do have my opinions on all of these things, but this blog is not about that.
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angelic-supernova · 2 months
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writing-plurals · 3 months
This isn't specifically a writing question, but what is an endo system? I see people talking about it a lot and it seems to be a fairly contentious topic, but I haven;t been able to find good information on what an endo system actually is.
Hihi, endogenic systems are systems whose origins do not stem explicitly from traumatic events. There are many subsets of endogenic systems, like parogenic/tulpamancy systems whose members are created through acts of willpower— the existing members quite literally just think the member into existence— or pariogenic (with an i)— also known as gateway systems— whose members come from elsewhere. Some systems believe their origins are spiritual, while others believe they are entirely caused by the brain, and even further some believe a combination of those.
The reason why it appears to be a contentious subject— especially here on tumblr and on twitter— is because there are a small but loud group of people who believe that plurality (as a whole) can only be caused by trauma, and an even smaller group among them further believe that the trauma must happen at a certain age in order for Dissociative Identity Disorder to occur. Many people call these people “system medicalists” or “sysmeds” for short, but please do not go and harass them for their beliefs, they are just angry, hurting and confused, traumatized individuals.
On this blog, we are explicitly pro-endogenic systems— see the blog’s pinned post— but before that, we are completely against harassment and fake-claiming. That goes both ways.
Thanks for reading my rambling.
TL;DR: syscourse; endogenic systems are systems formed without trauma. Don’t harass people on the internet.
-mod birdie
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starfallsystemblog2 · 3 months
Got deleted my brother deleted my whole Tumblr even my base account so I'm rebuilding
20yrs old bodily
Userbox blog -> @userbabies2
Agere(dre) / petre(dre) blog -> @babiesbabiespace
Shopping blog -> @shopping4u2
Songs I listen to with lyrics -> @s0nge-0ff-th33-d4y
True crime copied from Wikipedia -> @t-r-u-3-c-r-1-m-3-j-u-n-k-i-e
Intro post 1 (link)
My coined terms (link)
Typing quirk that I made up (link)
Byf / dni / about us (link) ((working on it))
click here for the debunking of r/systemcringe(link)
Studies and Research Into Endogenic and Non-Disordered Plurality (link)
AI "artist" and supporters DNI
fakeclaimers dni (that includes anti endos)
Have to rebuild my following Occasional typing quirks
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more about us under the cut
syscourse stances under the cut but this only applies to the main fronters
learning disability
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antiendovents · 3 months
i fucking H A T E endos and their supporters and the high horses they are all on! ESPECIALLY ones that cross tag into anti endo tags then get uppity when you tell them to not do that! and when they say some holier than thou bs like people who are legally adults arent old enough to know what theyre talking about in syscourse! whats their fucking problem?
oh yeah, like when they act as if anti endos are the problem despite them being the instigators 90% of the time. Like what? Just leave actual systems alone, we don't want you here 😭
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sawyer-is-eepy · 3 months
an Actual pinned™️
I have been avoiding writing an actual pinned but I can no longer put it off. my time has come
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hi!! I'm sawyer, i'm E/INFP-T if that matters, and a member of the timeloop collective! we are pro endo, pro sysconversation, and anti psych! (our syscourse code: 👍/♥️/📘/🔸/🟢/🌗🌘/🟧/🌲/🌥/🍞/🐊/🐌/🐬)
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I use ze/ae/they pronouns primarily, but i use any pronouns except it/its! I am a minor!
I/we interchangeably but mostly it'll be first person. refer to us however you'd like.
I love outer wilds, it's my special interest/hyperfixation at the moment! please talk to me about it! ::D
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other interests include-
guilty gear games, risk of rain 2, lethal company, tloz series, cowboy bebop, full metal alchemist brotherhood, FLCL, sailor moon, TF2, half life, portal, your turn to die, sonic the hedgehog, journey(tgc), 2018 r&bw, b&pc, omori, ddlc, and many other things.
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things to watch out for-
I frequently reblog posts about syscourse
I frequently reblog things with outer wilds spoilers.
everything about outer wilds that has ANY spoiler, however big or small, gets tagged #outer wilds spoilers. if you have not finished the base game, please block this tag and do so ^^
if the post is about echoes of the eye -the dlc- spoilers, it will be tagged as #echoes of the eye spoilers as well as the one above. if you have not finished the dlc, please block this tag and do so ^^
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our dni-
basic dni + hateful anti endos, radqueer, pro-contact paras
please don't spoil:
I saw the TV glow, buffy the vampire slayer, trigun(original), samurai champloo, naruto shippuden, yume nikki, rain world, in stars and time, subnautica
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tagging system - (feel free to block any of them that make you uncomfortable!)
#sawyer arts : drawings, paintings, art stuffs
#sawyer has thoughts : my thoughts/observations on things, like games or plurality or something, but not syscourse related
#sawyer is a syscourser : syscourse thoughts and posts. anything that is syscoursey will be tagged this but #sawyer has thoughts can include non syscourse-y plurality posts
#sawyer is upset : vent tag. probably won't be used often but just in case
then of course i already talked about the outer wilds tags, but just to reiterate- if you have not finished outer wilds please block #outer wilds spoilers and if you haven't finished the dlc please block #echoes of the eye spoilers! i will tag EVERY SINGLE REBLOG OR POST that has spoilers this, so you can browse my blog without that worry!
if youre a mutual and you want to, you can ask for a "don't look" tag if there's anything in specific that I post or reblog that you don't wanna see!!
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relevant blogs -
@agate-rambles sideblog for tulpa-related shenanigans! frequently reblogs outer wilds stuff as well! same tags
i might add more to this later ^^
( also I am not good at making long intro posts like these, so apologies if I'm missing anything! I used to @ / jellyfish-grave 's pinned as a reference )
the future is plural!
Some friendos of mine that you should totally follow
@remithenoaitall - cousin. nothing else is interesting about them at all ever they're only here out of obligation /j
@jellyfish-grave - wooo close close friend of mine
@spacestationsystem - are pretty cool ^^ and SWEET TYSM y'all
@feychildfangs - wowow cool person. !!!
@nxva-blogz - coolio person!!! they do cool art and stuff
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tontoemojis · 3 months
hi guys ! I'm k9 !!! timóns friend , I am completely anti endo and I'm verbal about it alot ! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE MY BELIEFS, NOT EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE EVEN AN OPINION.
instead of focusing your everyday life on making sure every living being has the same opinion as u . go spread the word on REAL issues like the genocide in Palestine or the Starving children in Cuba/Africa/ etc.
leave timón alone !
ily mónmón :]
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THANK YOU 湊 SILLY 🙏🧡☮️ , our most loyal soldier .
Thank you for this ask , you guys are the only good thing in our askbox right now & also our dear friends & their emoji requests . People should focus more on real issues going around the world . Don ’ t make stupid Tumblr discourse your only focus on life & be nice to other people !!! ,
please guys girls , people & non people , kindly ask you to stop the syscourse in our askbox , we as a system do not care at ALL , we only laugh .
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