#swtor oc ask!
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sunderedazem · 2 years ago
What is Corrian’s relationship like with Koth?
Corrain's relationship with Koth is....tense, especially at first. Because while on one hand he's grateful to Koth for risking his life to help Lana rescue him from being Cor-bonite (i'm so sorry XD) - and doubly grateful to Koth for helping Lana care for him after the carbonite poisoning took it's toll (Corrain reacts the cure badly and ends up pretty sick for a few days while it slowly works its way out of his system) - he's REALLY not fond of Koth implying that Valkorion was. a good guy, in any way. So he's...civil, but it's very strained.
This comes to a head when the Scions lure Corrain and Senya into their little test to try and see why they can't foretell Corrain's future, and it's revealed that he's got Valkorion in his head. Both Koth and Senya are- excited by this, they think it's a *good* thing, and Corrain has suffered SO much at Vitiate's hands. He's seen first-hand how this man has destroyed the galaxy for his own gain, (Uphrades, Ziost) seen how Zakuul's prosperity was built on Valkorion funneling shit away from the Sith - and he snaps.
And it's not like- he just loses his temper. Because he does - but by this point in the plot he's strong enough in the Force that when he loses his temper he also loses grip on the Force, and he accidentally drags everyone present into an extremely vivid hallucination of a series of moments from his past - his torment on the Fortress, Uphrades burning, Ziost's death and Vitiate taunting him there, Orgus's death and the murder of his entire creche, that sort of thing. It's kind of a forced reverse-psychometry, and he's not in control of it. (This is where Valkorion has the opportunity to snatch a few of Corrain's memories as well, and from the memories of Corrain's mother, he realizes that Corrain is his son)
Lana has to calm Corrain down to get the whirlwind hallucinations to stop, he's managed to accidentally do some structural damage, Koth and Senya are both in utter shock both at Corrain's raw strength in the Force and the scale of devastation that Valkorion/Vitiate was able to invoke upon the galaxy - Koth doesn't say shit about Valkorion being good for Zakuul after this. Neither does Senya. Neither of them are willing to risk that kind of wrath again.
After this incident, Corrain and Koth get on alright. They're not close, but they're not necessarily antagonistic either, and Koth respects Corrain's dedication to trying to preserve Zakuul as well as he can. And they kind of maintain that distant-colleagues attitude for their entire 'partnership'
Thank you for the ask!!! :DDDD
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reigrace-keyboardjam · 1 month ago
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Introducing my Sith Inquisitor OC: Aresyl Kallig!
A bit about her:
-Aresyl Kallig (known as Syl by those close to her) was at constant battle with her freedom. Even after being released from slavery, she had to fight for survival. After earning an apprenticeship, she continued needing to prove her worth, all while fighting off the consuming dark side. Aresyl fought and squirmed her way up the hierarchy until she earned a spot on the Dark Council, and still she seemed to be chained by fate to serve her oppressors.
-Aresyl *hates* the sith and everything they stand for. She was at constant war with the fear of becoming like those who abused her for so long. Despising herself and her position, she sat on the dark council, the highest symbol of the sith order.
-The thing that kept Aresyl going was the people of the empire. Although she didn't have a name for it at the time, she had a deep love and compassion for the people in need of protection. She might have been bound to servitude for the empire, but that was all right as long as she did it for love. She sat on the dark council not for her own pleasure, but because she felt obliged to advocate for those who couldn't for themselves. Someone had to do it.
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I could go on forever and ever, but I better not if I want anyone to ever actually read any of this lol. I've had her bouncing around my head for years now and have been so excited to share her story.
If you're interested, I'd love it if you'd drop an ask!
Lot's more to come soon (about her, other OC's, and lots of art), but I'll let what that includes be shaped by interest!
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lanabenikosdoormat · 5 months ago
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i’ve had this sitting in my ask box for ages but i finally got around to it. rest in peace sweet prince. they’ll find a cure one day (british)
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frauleiiin · 17 days ago
NPC Sunday. NPCunday? (we're no longer Sunday but that's alright)
I'll do this for Maverik'a! Thank you for the tag! @cinlat
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What kind of NPC would your character be? Where could you find them?
Morally grey Jedi with authority, helping the MC in her own special way. I kinda imagine this as an AU where she never became the main character, she'd probably be on her own after the KOTFE stuff. You could find her anywhere, but probably more near Jedi interest zones.
Merchant - what would they sell?
Probably lightsabers, a few Jedi armors and at the very end a speeder 👀 as a treat lol
Quest Giver - what's the quest? One off or chain? The reward?
I could see her having a similar role to Satele Shan, like a Jedi with authority giving insight on the MCs missions. Even temporarily becoming a companion to help out. The reward is either a lightsaber or a special companion's gift
Companion - How do you unlock them? Do they have a specific companion quest line?
Honestly it would be like Jolee Bindo in KOTOR (or Senya now that I come to think about it), you randomly come across her, not thinking much of her but then you discover she's actually one of strongest force users in history. She'd probably want to join you cuz she's been in a hiatus and wants to help out again.
Rrrrrrromanceable? 😘😍💘💌⚘️🥀 What's the reward?
There would be like two [Flirt] options but she wouldn't be romanceable, she'd mostly ignore you or laugh at your attempts to seduce her. Kinda like trying to flirt with Senya, she's more mature than you, had more experience than you and finds it cute you think you've got what it takes to date her lol.
Regular NPC - what's their dialog?
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oops forgot to tag (no pressure) : @aeskanera @fernfrond-inks @reigrace-keyboardjam @nekorinnie
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ebitenpura · 12 days ago
Eight's status as the "reserve" Cipher of the bunch means he mostly gets called in to finish what others started if they're left unable to or are incapacitated, but as a consequence of it almost never leaves Dromund Kaas because he spends so much time waiting for those potential orders, which, usually don't arrive considering the skill level of his counterparts. So, he's left to do busywork that doesn't require him to commit and can be abandoned fairly quickly on a whim in case of emergency, but most of these consist of one-off assassinations that take at most a handful of days to complete.
As the backup of the bunch, he's fairly forgotten, if not seen as secondhand leftovers-- there's arguably others with more refined skillsets than his, and he lacks the prestige that comes with commissioning a shinier, newer potentially sacrificial Cipher who actually does fieldwork instead of wetwork. He's not desirable in his in-between state, and he's earned his share of ire from the Dark Council simply for his long career and continued use. But it's these things that make him a unique footnote in Intelligence's roster, if not more privy to the secrets of his fellows than most others.
His shadiness certainly doesn't help him make allies in his own division though, and other agents are downright hostile for having him "steal" their missions; if it's not your own incompetence you should blame it on, there's always a strawman. ...One in a bloodied coat with a bad reputation.
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cryo-lily · 3 months ago
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I know I've said it in discord convos and such but all things considered I think Issie made it out pretty well from the update.
She got some much needed skin & hair texture updates. Even some of her facial features & scars seem a tad more defined.
(I know I know, in terms of being a miraluka main the character updates didn't have much to f-up on them, so I'm not really one to talk on the update)
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spitzobsessed · 1 month ago
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Baby jedi with overprotective mama sith
Ashara Zavros knew her Padawan won't have a simple life - what with his heritage - but having a Sith ghost hurling all its half formed yet entity at every presumed danger to her son was not a problem she was expecting.
How does one pacify the restless spirit of one's best friend?
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year ago
every personal conversation my agent has with vector just feels like
vector, with gentle genuine concern: ...bitch you live like this??
and it's cracking me up so much. yes. caringly drag him bug boy he deserves it
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rapunziedameron · 1 month ago
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this scene, and specifically this hug, shows so much character/relationship development that I'm actually losing my mind about it.
Theron spends so much time uncertain about their relationship (seeming to think it's just a fling after SoR, then doubting whether or not she wants to continue a relationship after being trapped in carbonite for so long, and again after infiltrating the Order of Zildrog) - and there's plenty of moments in KOTET and Fractured Alliances where he's terrified of losing Luci, which of course comes to a head when he reminds her that he made a promise to do anything to protect her/why he's such a workaholic, etc.
So, the fact that once they're engaged (married? unclear?), Theron can say goodbye to her simply with a quick hug and a cheek kiss, with complete and utter certainty that she'll be okay and come back - come back to him - says so much about how stable their relationship is, especially in the wake of Nathema. No dramatic "I love you" or promises to come back, no passionate kiss - just a casual, but incredibly intimate hug and cheek kiss that says "see you in a little bit"? I'm chewing drywall.
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hhyesunn · 10 months ago
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Basic info
Name: Aubin Arye Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Species: Twi'lek Homeworld: Ryloth Age: 34 Affiliation: Sith Empire (formerly Darth Nox), Galactic Alliance (Commander) Partner: Talos Drellik (husband) Family Tree:
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Personality: Always calm and collected, Aubin may seem aloof and intimidating for others. He is set on his personal goals, but compared to other Sith, he's not clawing his way up ruthlessly, relying more on his cunning and connections. Is ambitious, bordering on workaholic. Due to his upbringing and background, he always insists on doing things himself, rather than relying on the work of others or droids. Has a firm belief that he's always right (up to debate), but doesn't have to always say it out loud. Aubin was always fascinated with history and archaeology, especially Twi'lek and alien heritage. Loves doing acts of service for people he appreciates. Questions authority and despises other Sith, with a few exceptions. Additional info:
Knows Ryl and Basic, sometimes his Ryl accent is more noticeable,
Is a vegetarian,
Has ear piercings (simple studs) made by his sister,
Has tooth gems,
Has slave collar scars that faded over time,
Has to wear glasses, but does that occasionally,
He's a Capricorn -- Links: Aubin + Talos age through story Update 5.10.24 Ship chart OC relationships&affiliations chart
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reigrace-keyboardjam · 17 days ago
NPC Sunday. NPCunday? (Any day can be NPC Sunday when you really put your mind to it)
Thanks @frauleiiin for the tag!
Today I will be turning my beloved Aresyl Kallig into an NPC
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^Wack screenshot of my girl because I'm working off a business laptop
((imagining the expansions haven't happened and Aresyl is on the Dark Council))
--What kind of NPC would your character be? Where could you find them?
I can see Aresyl being either the mentor figure or character you have to go to for help. I mean, she has girl bossing to do, she's not going to be the NPC to idly stand around or follow the MC around. You could find Aresyl on Dromund Kaas in her office or on Nar Shaddaa with her cult, but you have to catch her at the right time!
--Merchant - what would they sell?
Artifacts, antiques, and information. To be honest Aresyl gives away more money than she asks for (she has more credits than she would ever want), but she could give you some exclusive items in exchange for your service.
--Quest Giver - what's the quest? One off or chain? The reward?
Remember the cult the Sith Inquisitor acquires during the class story? Aresyl used the cult at first as a kind of side hustle- she'd have the members make credits from the underworld/black market for a cut of the pay. Later, once the cult grew, she used it as more of a charity. She'd use the profits to fund rescue missions for escaping slaves and help them reach stability. Eventually, a large chunk of the "cult" (she kept the title as not to raise suspicion) was freed slaves given employment.
All that to say! If you're visiting Aresyl because of Nar Shaddaa connections, she would be a side quest giver, assigning you to help her operations. She'd give you a cut of any money you make, but the MC would be most interested in the exclusive items she'd give in exchange.
--Companion - How do you unlock them? Do they have a specific companion quest line?
Honestly, I can't imagine Aresyl being anything more than a temporary companion like Darth Marr. An essential part of her arc is being a leader, so I just don't think she'd join a random crew unless the situation really demanded it.
--Rrrrrrromanceable? 😘😍💘💌⚘️🥀 What's the reward?
No way, haha! Before she was officially with Theron, Aresyl was a big flirt, but unfortunately that's only because she also has a habit of messing with people. If you tried to flirt with her, she'd either scoff you off, laugh in your face, or subtly make fun of you by flirting back. Aresyl might lead the MC on if they don't recognize her sarcasm, but there's no way she'd ever actually commit to anything.
--Regular NPC - what's their dialog?
*Ambient soft chuckling* *Ambient scoffs*
(She's not very talkative haha)
Very casually tagging (if you're interested) @califrey, @swtorpadawan, @blackberry-command-cap, @serenxanthe, @fernfrond-inks, @veil-nebula, and anyone else who wants to join!
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lanabenikosdoormat · 6 months ago
HI MARS. THESE TWO FOR BOTH SOLARIAN AND JUNTER PLS 🥺 29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart 30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Ata I’m going to CRY these are about to be so good thank you pookems.
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29. The whole Nathema arc. Aside from Lana of course, Theron and Jed were as close as can be. It’d been years since they’d been a thing by that point. And losing him was a pain like no other. Jed put on a face about it, he’d say he knew Theron was going to come back. But deep down he wasn’t even sure that was true. He’s lost everything before, of course it would happen again.
They don’t sleep in the same bed for like three months after. Not because they don’t want to, but because of Jed’s own fear.
30. I have so many! Jed and Theron both taking time to recalibrate each others cybernetics — because they’re the best at helping each other. Theron kisses Jed’s knuckles every time they say goodbye. Jed being taller than Theron and picking his ass up to carry him to bed when he’s being too much of a workaholic. SHARING CLOTHES. Holding each other at night when the nightmares get to be too much. When Theron starts to get his grays, teasingly calling him a “Silver Fox” and using that as a codename.
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29. Literally everything about them. The fact they’re rabidly obsessed with one another to the point of delusion. That secretly they both wish they could leave behind their respective organizations but they’ll never actually act upon that. They’ll nearly kill each other and then make out sloppy afterwards. But they’ll never address it. Everything regarding Onomonophobia. At this point in Jed’s life he isn’t built for stability, and Hunter is anything but reliable. They’re both crashing into each other, destroying themselves from the inside out and it’s horrifying and beautiful to watch.
30. While posing as Legate, they’d spar a lot. It was always hate fueled from Jed’s perspective whereas Hunter thought it was a ball. But afterwards, they’d quietly slump side by side and sit in silence. They could just get up and storm away. But when neither of them are talking (and boy that’s a rarity) there’s something oddly familiar about it all. They’ll even help each other up, before going back to their terrible ways.
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eggydraws14 · 21 days ago
any particular significance to Eurydice's name?
Short answer? I've got an MA in Classics and anything Greco-Roman related makes me starting biting and seeps into every aspect of my life, including what I often name my ocs.
Long answer, if you don't already know the story of Eurydice, she's a nymph who married Orpheus, shortly after their marriage she was bit by a snake and died. Orpheus traveled into the underworld to get her back and sang a song so beautiful Persephone was moved and pleaded on behalf of them to her husband, Hades who then released Eurydice under the condition that Orpheus doesn't turn back. Well, he does and Eurydice is lost forever.
When naming Eury I wasn't as focused on the tragic love story aspect of the myth (which don't get me wrong I absolutely love) more on the tragedy of a character being forever lost and being so close the end but fate is a horrible and dangerous thing. She's ultimately a tragic character forever stuck in her duty and her past who despite being physically alive, feels so much closer to death because of the nature of her profession.
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(A quick redrawing of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot "Wounded Eurydice" using my oc)
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shynmighty · 7 months ago
New Agent Infodump incoming!
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This is Aeija Silverblade, another redhead by Shynmighty, no big surprise there. 😂
I'm still sorting out where she officially falls on my legacy's family tree, but so far...I think she might be an illegitimate daughter of Rhyxus (My m!SW who I really need to play more/get into because he's a delightful bastard) which would make her the half-sister of Aeiryss, Aecenith, and Vhespasian. But I think she exists on a timeline all her own that doesn't include the others. Because I have plans for her...
For this infodump, I'll be focusing on her background, personality, and her progression through the story thus far...
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Aeija was born on an Imperial world (I'm still deciding whether to make it somewhere official, like Ziost or DK, or somewhere I just make up) and is fully indoctrinated into the Imperial way of life. Her mother is Imperial, and all she knows of her father is that he is a Sith. She grew up as a commoner, which gave her a drive to surpass expectations. She enlisted with the military at the first opportunity, and her dedication and skill got her noticed by Imperial Intelligence.
Despite the coldness and discipline in her upbringing, Aeija was always a bit of a softie. She spared lives when she could, helped the unfortunate, and tried never to sacrifice innocents, even to further Imperial aims. Upon her first debriefing as an agent, Keeper pointed out that she would never survive in the business if she didn't grow a thicker skin...and he was mostly right.
Her encounters with Jadus and Zhorrid shook her belief system that the Sith were infallible. The Imperial doctrine that she grew up believing in so staunchly was flawed. Rather than become disillusioned, however, Aeija became convinced that what the Empire needed most was reform, and for Imperials to have an equal seat at the table. This was coupled with a distrust of Sith in general.
Things...changed...when Aeija was sent undercover with the SIS. The first use of the control code set off something very dark, deep inside her. (I came up with the term "Rampaeija" for her subsequent rampage, which made me chuckle) Her mission to Taris was bloody, and she gleefully took out her vengeance on the Republic when the opportunity arose. In the end, although her knee-jerk reaction was to help Chance, her fury that he used her code word outweighed her usual mercy and she left him to perish. The voice inside her urging her to help people and show mercy dimmed to little more than a whisper.
The demise of Ardun Kothe and the rest of his team was swift and ruthless. Although she discovered that the Sith were responsible for her programming, her anger remained focused on the Republic. Her reasoning being that although the Sith programmed her, it was the SIS who USED the programming. Even so, she became more convinced of the need for the Empire to reform. Until it did, she was not sure she could serve with the same patriotism as she possessed at the start of her career. Her mistrust of the Sith and her hatred of the Republic were both left to fester.
Now Aeija has arrived on Belsavis. Will the Rampaeija continue? Or will she rediscover her inner light?
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(TLDR, I played this girl as full light side, with very few exceptions. Then "keyword onomatophobia" happened.)
(Also as a final note, I have more info I can potentially dump for Aeija regarding where I see her story going, particularly with her future LI...) (Hint: It's not Vector! heehee) (So hopefully you all aren't bored yet!) 😁
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thelealinhypehouse · 9 months ago
fear/breaking point or coughing up blood for the whump prompts? if you're accepting :) any oc!
Ok this is great to practise expresion soo
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Fresh with collar maybe meet some familiar face at Dark Council? *cough* Darth Vistasis *cough* Soo...Ain'res is not having good time
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I alwyas loved the blood on characters in white outfits : D
Thanks for ask! I need more prompts ;u;
Whumperless Whump Event of July!
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ebitenpura · 15 days ago
remembers lore I had of Eight being one of the original test subjects for the Castellans, but was saddled with a faulty prototype that only takes effect half the time. he willingly stays in Intelligence even after that-- there's nothing and nowhere else he can go, and who's to say that having that edge of unpredictability on your masters isn't a secret boon? is the man taking orders like a droid before you actually under your control, or doing so out of his own free will?
it's a waste of an operative to axe him for retaining only half of his autonomy. yet he seems even more dangerous to be on your side to begin with, and you don't know what scares you more: that he puts up with this at all, or if he's compliant in the first place. it's a gamble whether that drug works, and he knows it. a guinea pig for control. an example for the rest. a weapon asking to be used. living evidence of a crime, and perfectly fine with it. his continued existence is his own leverage against the empire, he says, with a smile that drowns in the dark of his eyes.
whatever the reason, you think you understand why the enigma of Cipher Eight is left well alone.
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