#swtor meme asks
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frauleiiin · 20 days ago
NPC Sunday. NPCunday? (we're no longer Sunday but that's alright)
I'll do this for Maverik'a! Thank you for the tag! @cinlat
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What kind of NPC would your character be? Where could you find them?
Morally grey Jedi with authority, helping the MC in her own special way. I kinda imagine this as an AU where she never became the main character, she'd probably be on her own after the KOTFE stuff. You could find her anywhere, but probably more near Jedi interest zones.
Merchant - what would they sell?
Probably lightsabers, a few Jedi armors and at the very end a speeder 👀 as a treat lol
Quest Giver - what's the quest? One off or chain? The reward?
I could see her having a similar role to Satele Shan, like a Jedi with authority giving insight on the MCs missions. Even temporarily becoming a companion to help out. The reward is either a lightsaber or a special companion's gift
Companion - How do you unlock them? Do they have a specific companion quest line?
Honestly it would be like Jolee Bindo in KOTOR (or Senya now that I come to think about it), you randomly come across her, not thinking much of her but then you discover she's actually one of strongest force users in history. She'd probably want to join you cuz she's been in a hiatus and wants to help out again.
Rrrrrrromanceable? 😘😍💘💌⚘️🥀 What's the reward?
There would be like two [Flirt] options but she wouldn't be romanceable, she'd mostly ignore you or laugh at your attempts to seduce her. Kinda like trying to flirt with Senya, she's more mature than you, had more experience than you and finds it cute you think you've got what it takes to date her lol.
Regular NPC - what's their dialog?
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oops forgot to tag (no pressure) : @aeskanera @fernfrond-inks @reigrace-keyboardjam @nekorinnie
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lanabenikosdoormat · 9 months ago
in honour of pride month,, do you have any sexuality headcanons for some of the swtor companions?? god i have companion brainrot
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Semi /hj but I have specific hcs too,
For example:
- darth vowrawn is everyone’s gay uncle
- agender revan
- hunter canon gay evil trans masc (we knew this alr)
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ainyan · 15 days ago
do your muses get along with each other?
Kal'istae and Ciprys do, whenever they share an AU. Maybe Kali doesn't quite get Ciprys's... predilections. And maybe Ciprys thinks Kali's just a little too sweet. But they both know it would be boring if everyone was the same.
Kal'istae and Shiala haven't yet interacted, but I have a feeling when they do, they'll both be incredibly wary of each other. Kali's married to Thancred, so she can't scruple at Shiala's choice of profession - but she can question the woman's morals, and would. Shiala, on the other hand, would be wary of Kal'istae's reputation, especially regarding Ishgard and Garlemald, and she'd be doubly-wary of the woman who killed her former master.
They'd probably agree to be civil for Kabniel's sake, since Shiala's relationship to Iskra means she'll probably be popping up now and again just to keep an eye on her protege and protege's family. Shiala has no desire to draw the ire of the Warrior of Light, and Kal'istae has no desire to earn the distrust of Emet-Selch's personal assassin.
And Miurani'kal'istae wouldn't trust the lot of them, though she'd probably make friends more easily with Shiala, being in the same business, than with Kal'istae, whom she would view as far too Jedi-like for comfort. (Though she would absolutely approve of her choice of husband, seeing how alike Theron and Thancred are)
Thank you for the ask!
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Multi-Muse Asks for the asking!
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ebitenpura · 2 years ago
“i hate how you put yourself in situations like these.”
"I hate how you put yourself in situations like these."
Eight crushed his cheek into the palm of his hand further at the sound of Ain'res' breaking voice, making a point not to turn around as the Chiss tended to his wounds.
"...I couldn't leave you alone." He answered, voice just above a whisper.
The other agent's own expression remained sharp with professionalism-- but Eight could sense the rawness of his emotions without even looking at him. For all his purposeful gentleness, Ain'res' frustrations betrayed him, his fingernails digging so tightly into the kolto-soaked rag that it bubbled with foam beneath his cuticles.
The sting of it against his open skin did little to relieve either of them. Still, dutiful as ever, Ain'res scrubbed at his scars. The repetition was a calming tactic, mere routine in a time of constant threat. It didn't stop tears from blooming at the edges of his crimson eyes.
Saying nothing, Eight reached past his shoulder to interlace his bandaged fingers with his.
Ain'res latched onto him. His forehead came to rest between Eight's shoulderblades, just beneath the shock collar that mirrored his own.
Eight pretended not to hear the sobs muffled into his skin, nor feel the wetness that trailed down his back. He held onto him tighter. Yet his gaze remained fixated on the wall in front of him, refusing to bear witness to his suffering.
This was his fault, after all.
It was his decision to follow him right into Rivix's trap. It had been his choice not to sacrifice Ain'res when he was a step away from landing the finishing blow, and it was now his responsibility to be with him beneath a new master's thumb.
Even if it made them both pawns. Even if he hated him for it.
From now on, he would have to be stronger for both of them.
Eye of the Empire AU
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reconstructionlegacy · 2 years ago
SWTOR Character Ask Meme
There are a few of these around, and they're wonderful, but they also seem to be specific to either game mechanics or non-setting-specific things, so I thought I'd throw in a bit of both-and-bonus!
What is [character]'s favourite event, & what do they like about it?
What companions from other class stories do they know or have connections to, pre-Zakuul/Alliance?
What Forbidden Romance — i.e., one not permitted by the game — would or do they embark on? (If they're a romance sort of person, of course.)
Do they have nicknames for other characters (NPC or OC), & if so, what are they?
Do they have nicknames from other characters, & if so, what are they?
Are there any biological quirks they have that aren't shown in-game (e.g. tails on Cathar, cybernetics in non-Human species), & if so, what are they?
What else about their appearance (e.g. hairstyle, body shape) isn't shown in-game?
Is their voice different to the voice of the character in-game, and if so, how?
What do they regard as their culture, & do they distinguish between their culture and heritage?
Are they left-handed, right-handed, or something else? What foot do they lead with when they take off at a run (if applicable)?
What's something they'd really like as a companion gift that isn't available as one in-game?
If they had something named after them, what would they like it to be, and what would it really be?
If there were a Commemorative Statue released of them, what pose would they be in?
What's their dream mount, & have they ever ridden it?
If they had a career that wasn't one of the class options, what would it be (e.g. vet or nerf-herder)?
Who are their Forbidden Companions — i.e., characters who aren't companions in-game — if they have any?
Are they a willing participant in their narrative?
If they could have saved anyone the game didn't give them a chance to, who would it have been?
If they could have killed anyone the game didn't give them a chance to, who would it have been?
What's happening in their Heroic Moments?
What ability or abilities in their spec do they struggle with?
What abilities do they use that aren't in their in-game spec?
What's their opinion on taxi droids, & how do they treat them?
If they could have a stronghold on any world, where would it be, how large would it be, & what would the architecture be like?
What title do they use, & why?
What about their ship is different to the ship they're given in-game (e.g. different paint job, mods, different ship altogether)?
They need to choose two of their companions to work together on a mission. Who, & with what reasoning?
What kind of ambient sound would appear around them?
What kind of music would appear around them?
As a boss, what special mechanics or attacks would they have, & would certain strategies be needed to defeat them?
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dingoat · 2 years ago
🔞 Ulfran in something sexy. (might be from a tipsy Chandra)
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I think maybe 'new robes' might be the sexiest you can expect from Ulfran? But I mean, I think there's something to be said for new robes, too, if he can be convinced to get out of his usual drab browns and greys.
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cryo-lily · 10 months ago
For the swtor ask game 3, 17, 26 & 34 for Issie!
Thank you Thank you for the ask! [ask prompt]
(Adding a read more because I got carried away with some of the answers)
3. Do they fit in with their faction or were they sort of born into it?
Honestly? Not really. Isadola was born to an exiled/former sith lord and rouge cipher agent, in neutral space. Only to be eventually found by the republic after the latter tried (and succeeded) to kill the former due to some old grudges. So Issie is almost literally a daughter of Imperials found by the republic and taken in by the republic by sheer chance they found her first after her mother's death. She survived and lived in the republic for decades but never really felt she belonged anywhere amongst the republic anywhere she went.
For Issie's Sith AU; it's not too much different for Issie (or Atteia as she took on a different name) where the Empire found her first instead of the republic. Different timelines, same result more or less. Except Issie tried to make herself belong even if it meant suppressing a lot of herself to do so and losing parts of herself along the way that took her a long time to regain when she eventually left the empire. Like mother like daughter on that account huh?
17. Do they have family? Silbings, parents, children?
Yes she does! Her mother is Tilera Colet Shir (said former sith lord), and Donovan Teiner (The former cipher agent gone rouge due to his own ambitions). That dynamic is a whole other rabbithole, but to sum it up, Donovan views Issie as a mistake that needs to rectified (for the mere crime of existing outside of his sphere of control). And Tilera viewed her as more or less a blessing after everything she's done, "A light born from my darkness" as she used to say in confidence to her droid R3-M1.
No siblings, maybe a few half-siblings that share their father's distaste of their half-sister (haven't too far in writing Issie's personal arc that starts when the Nul plot ends to name them or flesh them out more beyond their existence).
She does have (or eventually has) children, at least when this whole Nul plot ends anyway, with her wife Lana. They eventually have 3 biological daughters (little human/miraluka hybrids), and adopted another. First born was/is Kelsa Tilera (named after both of her grandmothers), then a month or two after she was born Issie & Lana ended up adopting an orphaned (force sensitive) chiss girl, Orla Cevrus, that had stowed away on an Alliance supply ship and ended up more or less on their doorstep to only then quickly steal their hearts. A few years after that they later rounded out their chaotic brood with Katarina Lina and Anira Candora
So their order, by age at least, would be Orla, then Kelsa, then Katarina, then Anira being the baby of her sisters. They were all given Lana's surname, as Issie didn't want them to bear the stigma that came with her surname.
26. Do they have any vices?
Oh boy does she! I mean... Yes she does. Issie is hot mess before she slowly starts to clean up her act. One that hasn't changed is she 100% drinks. She used to use some illicit substances and smoke, which she slowly began to give up as her personal life began to stabilize, which now is a once in a blue moon kinda thing.
Before when meditation wasn't really working for her she would turn to such in a heartbeat for some stress relief or to take her mind off of things. Now during her Alliance days, she's picked up some healthier habits, but when her old childhood friend turned smuggler throws some wild parties... well... she still likes to enjoy herself. That's not crime right?
34. Any major flaws?
To be honest? Only one comes to mind. Which is the attachments Issie develops with those closest to her. It's one of the reasons she started to drift away from the Jedi order the closer KOTFE rolled around, and she eventually left the order. Issie lost almost everything in her life before the Jedi found her, she doesn't want to repeat that past of hers again. She watched her family droid, R3-M1, fatally throwing his self at the pirates attacking their village to allow Tilera & her to escape, only to then watch her mother die at her father's hands (if by proxy) after rescuing and protecting her in their escape attempt from the same pirates a few days later.
Issie can't handle going through that loss again, especially not with those that have managed to get past the walls, masks, and facades she's built up over the years. So it's one of the reasons she throws herself into danger to even at least try to protect the ones she loves. Whether she's learned the right lessons from it all is still very much in the air before she gets closure on that chapter of her early life.
Heck it's probably one of the reasons Issie sustained the latest major injury that she has. Just before the Nul plot starts during a mission that went to hell, Issie, in probably an desperate act of protection or reflex, pushed Lana out of the way of an attack that led to Issie breaking her spine. Issie had for a couple of months lost the ability to walk before her new spinal implant was able to take, and recovery was tough as some of the very same of those closest to her had to help her out of her own head to begin to recover properly. Now she partially wears the new outfit she does to hide the spinal implant and back brace she wears.
She's still yet to confront the very issue that causes her to throw herself aimlessly in harms way for everyone close to her.
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monocytogenes · 3 months ago
First line challenge
Tagged by @nirikeehan! Currently have the longfic featuring Pravin and Theron on hold for a shorter piece that'll feature in my agent series:
He’d made initial contact with a consular officer in the Corellian Sector, Chance is told, with a datapad of classified documents.
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rajakaen · 1 year ago
@frauleiiin tagged me to tell you a bit about what I'm working on at the moment...
There's not much to tell - the old projects like the ref of Tahr'rys itself still have to be finished - overall, it depends on what I want to work on at the moment :) Recently I've been writing quite a lot, but I don't feel comfy about sharing those stories ^^; Besides that, I was invited to a cozy little Discord and am now allowed to spam the members with my headcanon >:D mwahahahaaa Blablabla - have some WIPs featuring T (who else should it be)
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No pressure tags (don't mind them if you were already tagged) @generouspicklesaladhumanoid @stellorc @kemendin @baraste-legacy @serenofroses
post a paragraph, snippet, screenshot, or drawing layer of your current project! (✿◕‿◕✿) tag 5 people to post teasers of their wips too
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selenescantina · 7 months ago
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Trying to get some more questions into my inbox, so let's give this a shot! All I ask is that you specify the character you're asking. Send in a number!
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dirthara-dalen · 10 months ago
14, 23, & 27 for Vilkas for the swtor oc asks?
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TY so much for the ask! The questions are from here would love some more!
14. Who is/are their favorite companion(s)?
For the main story its vector hands down. 
Kofte/Kotet onwards it’s theron, he likes going out with his boyfriend/husband.
23. Do they like their role in their current situation? ei: if they are a Sith do they like being in the Sith order?
He hates it. He never wanted to be an intelligence agent. Prior to certain events in his life he was going to be in the diplomatic core. The moment he has the chance he becomes a double agent which in his story actually happens shortly before Hutta.
27. Do they have any regrets?
He has quite a few. The first major one comes to mind is not defecting to the republic sooner. It was actually extremely difficult post iokath to work against his husbands (Ligastar & Theron). His time with the alliance made him realize just how much he actually hated the empire. He officially defects during Ruhnck as he was torrid with the empire.
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frauleiiin · 2 days ago
4 and 10 for Yuthuura from the love asks? <3
hihi thank you for the ask! <3 these are very interesting.
4. Does your OC consider themselves to be attractive? Do they put much effort into achieving this?
I have yet to see an ugly Twi'lek but she does perceive herself differently from reality. For a long time, she thought she could never be loved, that she'd always be seen as a lesser being.. A slave. And she thought that if she couldn't be loved, then she would be feared. Despite her undeniable beauty, her tattoos and scars definitely make her look intimidating. As for her own perception of her physique, she doesn't hate what she sees but doesn't love it either, she definitely doesn't stand infront of mirrors often. In terms of effort, she doesn't actively make herself "prettier" but she does dress herself well! She often prefers robes and dresses because she's kinda self-conscious about her legs (she's quite skinny). With time she does battle her insecurities and start seeing herself as the beautiful woman she is <3
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10. Does your OC have a type? Have they ever been surprised by their feelings for someone who doesn't fit this?
Due to her past as a slave she built a lot of distrust for humans (men specifically), so for a while she was mainly attracted to aliens or Twi'leks. I guess she does have a thing for complicated men lol, she's complicated herself so she needs someone who's unapologetically flawed too. "Have they ever been surprised by their feelings for someone who doesn't fit this?" Yes, Mr. Nikos wins that prize LMAO. He does fit the complicated man category, however he does NOT fit into the alien one. She 100% never thought she'd be able to be loved, at all, but even less by a human. Falling in love with him was unexpected but after getting to know him better, she had no doubt he was the right person for her 🥹 (I'm like so normal about them)
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voidendron · 1 year ago
Azan D4 and/or Veira A7
[Outfit Meme]
Thank you, Pauletta! 💚💜 I can Totally see her wearing something like this to like a party or something 👀
two versions again, because I couldn't help myself
(working on the one for Veira next <3333)
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ainyan · 14 days ago
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
It's a toss up between Kal'istae and Miurani'kal'istae. I absolutely love writing for them both, and mostly it's just a case of 'am I in a fantasy or science-fiction mood' when it comes to deciding which I'm going to work on.
Despite sharing a name, the two Kalis are actually very different, and so writing for one isn't like writing for the other. Kali-XIV is a generally happy, helpful girl who is accounted a big hero and works very much in the open. She is generous with her time and her affection, though she only lets a select few see beneath the cheerful exterior to see the doubts that lurk beneath.
Kali-SWTOR, on the other hand, is an imperial agent who prefers to work from the shadows, doesn't scruple to get her hands dirty, and whose only motivation is to ensure the survival of her people, whether that means the Chiss or her allies and companions. She actively works against the Empire as a double-agent for the Republic, but she's not terribly fond of them either. She has no doubt about her role or that she's done exactly what she's needed to in order to get things done.
They're both incredibly fun to write!
Thank you for the ask!
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Multi-Muse Asks for the asking!
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ebitenpura · 1 year ago
Hey! I saw a post where you said Eight and Koth dated. *shocked* So I was wondering if you could do a post on Eight's love life 👀
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Looks like everyone's got similar questions on their minds. XD @magicallulu7 Koth's relationship will be in the middle if you want to skip to it, but I've decided to summarize a few more to answer the full question (excluding the more questionable villains with which he's had dalliances with this time since I feel they've gotten enough spotlight). Without further ado....
Eight's (Not-So) Complicated Love Life:
Shara Jenn/Watcher 2
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Shara, Shara, Shara. What agent doesn't share some sort of relationship with her, working or otherwise? For Eight, she might've been his first bout of feelings--feelings that he never acted on or acknowledged deeply enough, but ones that did make both of them realize that he admired her. She would've called it a compromise of a good agent. He would've pretended not to hear her. The thrilling part was that he was never ashamed or unabashed about his affection, and would never forget to show it to her either, whether in the workplace or somewhere more intimate. One could call him attached, but she knew better. Someone like Eight could never hold such a weakness, or so she falsely assumed. Perhaps the truth of it was too bitter a pill to swallow.
Time and time again, he's come at her request or her aid without really examining why; all he knows is that she's someone he always wants to look out for, the same way he does the Minister. Her and Keeper were Intelligence to him, and Intelligence was his family. He sold his soul to Jadus to keep her safe, even when she saw it as a betrayal of what she'd fought for, and that was the turning point in their relationship. Though Eight's care for her is unconditional and deeply loyal, the things they've left unsaid between each other--and themselves-- have slowly fractured the relationship they once had.
2. Koth Vortena
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Excitement and a whirlwind romance sum up these two. Freshly out of carbonite and curious about Zakuulan culture, Koth was a whole new world to Eight, and the gentle, roguish touch that he'd seemed to been sorely lacking his whole life. The Alliance brought them closer together on more than one occasion, but it was the introduction of Koth being....Koth, a new element in a sea of familiar faces, that pulled Eight into his arms. It was sweet, young, fresh, and wide open. Things that being an agent just didn't ever bring to the table. People like Koth weren't a dime a dozen, and even rarer did they ever cross Eight's path. One could call him a bit shallow for gaining interest purely out of the need to gather intel on Zakuul from their resident Zakuulan, but it was done with genuine, honest intent from Eight. The smooching and cute pet names were....an unintended consequence of that.
In some ways, they were both innocent and a bit naive in certain ways to one another. Eight with his eccentric and antisocial habits, and Koth with his lack of exposure to others from other worlds. The other was a big adventure to them, and it showed, with the two often sneaking out to eat Zakuulan night market foods without notifying Alliance personnel. Though an unlikely pair at first glance, Eight's quiet nature contrasted strongly with Koth's vibrancy, and it was as they say: opposites attract. Koth loved him for his strength and bravery among other "adorable" traits that Eight denied existed, and Eight adored Koth's warmth and adventurous, open nature that seemed like everything he wasn't.
Alas, the latter sentiment spelled misfortune for the lovers, as Eight's hands grew bloodier from the war with Zakuul and their relationship began to feel the strain of it. Eight's thoughts that Koth came from another world entirely--a normal life with light and love and honesty--began to weigh him down heavily the more the fighting progressed, as he'd done nothing but kill his people and escalate the violence in service of the Alliance. Eight would never deny that he was a weapon made to kill, and that the world he hailed from was one that Koth and their relationship could not survive. He feared that Koth would see his true colors as unbending, bloodied steel made to cut down enemies and allies alike, and that Koth would reject him in disgust, as the Alliance had begun to. Day by day, their relationship descended into cold silence, as Eight slowly shut him out.
Koth tried to understand, pleaded for him to stay, that they could work it out together if he only let him help him--but Eight was not ready, and his heart trembled at the thought of such vulnerability. They left with incensed words and half-assed goodbyes that only left Koth with confused thoughts and dark emotions.
That's not to say their breakup ended their friendship entirely. Koth, to this day, retains his affections for Eight and calls him those silly petnames, if just to see the smile on his face again. Not being together hardly stops them from sharing the same close touch they had when they were and the occasional lingering glances, but hey, Koth is confident he doesn't need to be kissing Eight to show how much he cares. Just the way the world works, as he might say.
3. Rass Ordo
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The newest in the line of Eight's love interests is the stunning Mandalorian, Rass. In some ways, he reminds Eight of Koth--playful and witty, with the addition of being a strong warrior, something an Echani such as he is privy to. Strength of character and heart are big factors when it comes to Eight's attraction, and it's just a bonus that he's quite nice on the eyes as well. Their relationship is still in the early budding stages, but they've shared more than a few moments in the heat of battle--or as they call it, the Echani and Mando love language.
Rass is attentive and sweet. Eight doesn't feel as if he has to hide anything from him, and their similar cultures makes him feel at home when he's by his side. Strangely enough, he feels compelled to fire back when the other flirts, like they're in one big battle dance with one another. Only time will tell where it takes them, and whether they're more than bursts of adrenaline in each other's veins.
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mercurypilgrim · 1 year ago
Ven for 1. ?
1. Think of your three closest friends - would you have sex with any of them? Have you already?
Ven grins, bouncing his leg.
"Ohh, I like this question!" He says, a little too loud. "Well, Malavai is already one of my best friends and I married him. We definitely have sex. We have great sex."
He seems utterly happy to inform you of this.
"I definitely thought about what it would be like to sleep with Vette, but we never did anything. Wrong timing, and all that.
Lana and Theron... I would love to spend some naked time with Lana, I bet we could have some great fun." He sighs, wistful.
"Theron... well, suffice to say that he walked around the base a bit shell-shocked for a few days. He couldn't look Malavai in the eye.
I think Mal and I blew his mind a bit, among other things." He laughs, shameless.
He pauses for a moment, thinking.
"Wait, that was more than three. Does Malavai count if I married him?"
He flaps a hand.
"Whatever. You get a free one."
He looks at you, devilish.
"Say, if we become friends, we could work on expanding the list." He says, winking at you.
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