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dingoat · 2 months ago
OC asks 8 and 12 from Appearance, 14 from Community, and 9 from hobbies for Ulfran?
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8: Does your character have a physical trait that they’re known for?
Oooh! Once was, it would have been his eyes. Originally deep, soft brown, at some point during his career of living undercover as a Sith they changed, but not in the typical way. He had to do some fairly sketchy things and use the Force in cruel and damaging ways to maintain his cover more than once, but because he always managed to keep his purpose and intentions pure, the Force left its mark on him a little differently. Rather than winding up with yellowed Sith eyes, his became an odd, reflective silver-white; he always passed it off as a side effect of one of the more dangerous arcane artifacts he'd been investigating.
12: Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
Well this goes very nicely hand-in-hand with the first question hahaha! Ulfran has wound up having a reasonably significant role in both of Ahuska's canons, and his path has diverged enough in each to become physically distinct. In the original, he wound up finally abandoning his undercover post, and though he couldn't find it in himself to rejoin the Jedi Order proper, he has made a conscious effort to atone for the compromises he had to make in his decades posing as a Sith and reconnect with everything he was raised to believe. He's become a mentor to Nela (Crow and Ahuska's kid), and in the process discovered a new lightsaber crystal for himself (silver-white), started dressing in more humble robes, and most significantly, some of his original colour returning to his eyes.
In werewolf au, meanwhile, heeee's sort of fallen off the deep end, abandoned the Order in full and become a fully fledged Sith Lord. He's never exactly been a man of fashion but he definitely leans into the aesthetic a little more and the way he carries himself is completely different; fierce and arrogant. His eyes took on the yellow Sith glow when he slayed his Sith 'master' in a fit of passion, and recently has become even more visibly marked by the dark. He thought he could own his choices completely and never look back, but recent events have him struggling and he pretty desperately needs some help. (Unfortunately Ahuska would much rather just bite his face off at the moment.)
14: Who would your character say knows them best?
Ooof, for original mode Ulfran this would probably go to Lyrisal (written by @koboldgirl) - aka, his best friend from his youth to early adulthood, who he's finally reunited with after abandoning his post. They still almost certainly have a lot to catch up on, but he trusts her above anyone else and would confide in her with ease. For Evil Ulfran though, this is a tough one. ( @askshivanulegacy 's) Cipher Thirteen has probably been around for more of Ulfran's pivotal moments than anyone else in recent years, but between Ulfran's 'I don't have to explain myself to you' attitude, and Thirteen's combination of Sith-worship and refusal to so much as think about anything to do with the Force, there's a lot between them that gets missed. Ulfran's original Jedi Master, Antinea Zau, who's just shown up to get her arm bitten off by a werewolf make things complicated and a little extra angsty, might still be the one who knows him better than any other.
9: What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about?
Aaaahhhahaa, actually, genuinely excited? Tombs. Tombs containing ancient, mysterious, forbidden things. Shared stories about tomb-raiding and underground exploits and ghosts. Appeasing and outsmarting spirits. Unlocking old puzzles, deciphering ancient texts, piecing together maps, rediscovery. From a very early age this was his passion, it became his life's work, even if the Order trained him and carefully positioned him to be able to root out and contain/destroy the absolute worst items before the Empire could get their hands on them. He still adores this stuff, but has a flat total of zero people he can share it with these days, and it would probably do him a great big giant world of good if he had even a single someone.
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horns-n-jams · 2 years ago
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Art fight attack for the awesome @horns-n-jams , or the beautiful Ulfran!
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askshivanulegacy · 2 months ago
THIRTEEN: What are your character's opinion on scars? Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes? What is something your character is proud to own? Does your character prefer restaurant food or home cooked food? Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character? Is there a creature that scares your character? Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help? Who is your character most honest with? What scents does your character find comforting? Is your character good at practicing self-care?
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What are your character's opinion on scars?
Thirteen has his own fair share of scars, though they're all (usually? maybe not) covered by his shirt, namely the ones he received from The Flagpole Incident. He's probably been swayed enough by Five that any other scars that might have marred his face are removed. Generally speaking, he doesn't mind them and has no real opinion of them. They're simply a natural consequence of injuries.
Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
Thirteen normally wears hugely bright-colored clothing and obnoxious patterns and pairings (though he can also definitely pull off extremely hot suits and other dressy fashion, and it's probably a real toss up which he wears more). But he did have a solid black and white phase, which was just for the shock value. The initial expression on his Watcher's face when he came back, not in angry yellows and greens with patterns in violent disagreement, but in monochrome, was everything he could have hoped for. Also, he just looks hot in black and white.
Prior to all of that (becoming a Cipher), he stuck to the typical grays and blacks of the standard Imperial agent uniform, or whatever made sense for undercover agent work.
Then there was that time he cut all his lovely long hair off and went short - for mourning his home planet Ziost and his family.
What is something your character is proud to own?
Thirteen doesn't own much, because he hasn't really had to. Of his most prized possessions is an extremely rare, extremely ancient hardbound book of real paper, with real hand-inked text and illustrations - The Hydian Odyssey, currently in ludicrous demand by both the Kaas Museum of Ancient History and the Sith Purity Council, who are each offering true fortunes for Five to part with it. Five did part with it, but he gave it to Thirteen.
There's also a certain ball gown he was given by a certain Bothan, during a certain vacation to a certain planet. Also a certain wrist chrono, though for Thirteen it's more of temporary custodianship rather than true ownership.
Does your character prefer restaurant food or home cooked food?
Since Thirteen's Watcher is nothing less than a 5-star chef in his own right (and Crow has a talent with the BBQ), he massively prefers home cooked food. But of course, he has nothing against restaurant life either, from the greasiest flying disks to the most upscale 12-course cuisine.
Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
WOW. Yes. How dare.
Lightning and the associated thunder. He's been struck by lighting once (thanks, Ahuska) and broiled by hardcore Sith lightning once (thanks, Ulfran). Both events stopped his heart and nearly killed him! The first gave him an enormously healthy dose of PTSD, and the second one definitely didn't help it, even though no one's yet told him he died about it.
He does not like thinking about it. He's not even acknowledging it, in fact. It never happened. What?
Is there a creature that scares your character?
Nnnnnooooooo. No, I don't think there is. Well, other than maybe the monoliths on Ziost. Thirteen spent some time stranded as the only survivor of the Emperor's destruction, and he encountered a few of the beasts. Wisely, he stayed away, but they left their mark on him.
Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
I guess it DEPENDS on the context, but generally Thirteen goes right straight back to his Watcher, which is something he's conditioned to do, and he simply trusts his Watcher with all of his needs. Except, of course, whenever he's trying to hide anything, and then he picks whatever medical professional is available. In Kotfe times, he goes to Ahuska first. They're busting Star Fortresses together anyway, and that way Five never has to know.
Up until he learns that it takes Ahuska's life force, and then he just doesn't bother with anybody. <_<
Who is your character most honest with?
Nobody. When Thirteen keeps secrets, he keeps them from everybody, if only because he's been bestowed with a Watcher who knows him like the back of his hand and is also extraordinarily good at what he does, which is tending to his Cipher. I suppose that means that Five is generally the person Thirteen is most honest with, especially in his early Cipher life when Five helped him to navigate through all the werebeast changes. But things have gotten complicated lately, and Thirteen is less and less able to be forthcoming about a great many things.
What scents does your character find comforting?
Five's cologne and Crow's cologne and also their unique scents. Probably expected, since scent is such a big part of his werebeast life.
Ahuska and Ulfran are maybe sort of also moving up the scale. <_<
Is your character good at practicing self-care?
In terms of daily hygiene? Yes. In terms of personal entertainment and avoiding responsibilities? Yes. In terms of maintaining the health of his werebeast forms? He relies on Five for that. In no way has he ever mastered "preening" his own feathers or oiling his reptavian skin. Ridiculous.
In terms of not spiralling and crashing and burning when everything is falling apart? Lol, not at all.
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art-by-moosie · 10 months ago
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Over on Instagram, I put forth a request for mutuals to send me their ocs as well as pick a color palette that I would then use to draw said oc in. Only three people answered 🥲
But the first person to answer was @hornsda with their lovely httyd oc, Ulfran~
Art tags: @estethellwashere @sotwk @lathalea @ilovedainironfoot
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Brythonic deities, The Elder Scrolls' Breton and Redguard names, and Old English forenames, excluding the letter "C"
Abadail Ablababarl Abondeh Abyne Adaber Adwind Agalastora Agreld Ahminak Alanel Alate Alborht Aldainekin Aldezhah Alhatia Alierazak Aluin Alvel Amastin Amina Aminer Andele Aneta Anethadda Anque Anwal Apouse Ariamelida Arine Asurallai Atmamja Aulin Aumiuse Avira Azhemo Aziana...
Baber Bahdanak Balatamund Balienne Banyr Barleh Baroft Batals Bauld Bayva Bearel Bedwi Beend Begrenhe Belinet Beling Bellette Belræd Belsky Bemsa Beoreyr Beras Beregynan Bereh Berem Bersondam Berstedair Betinal Bhabis Biliannah Bizdine Bloiss Blonte Blumor Bolah Brildnoth Brone Bruzouffe Bryah Burah Buurd Danakeh Danitte Daris Deadno Deedi Deldgyd Denada Derna Desht Dimer Doreh Doria Drarid Drenn Drobie Dulfrayyan Duliel Dunlie Eanyrane Earmaroft Earnime Ebenbere Edair Eifir Eirus Elaudashal Ellah Ellenvia Ellin Elodoryr Elolannius Emaleziden Emgine Eminer Emsamm Enadon Enakeelory Enhemeque Eodrah Eophershea Eorwin Epadwulf Ermint Esala Eugnorwig Evirarn Evvya Fadreder Fahar Fanisty Fardearl Farlan Farnand Farvitint Fasht Felanielle Fertorelle Fewal Finadiel Firse Flouse Frefavane Fridra Frosse Frundet Gabane Gaeed Gaida Gaigsta Galilin Gameadini Gamill Ganahahd Ganunde Garart Garjerie Gaveu Genvar Geode Gerenneaus Ghart Ginai Goldeh Gorston Gotusim Grashed Grodyr Grogelinna Groura Grunneliya Gusaris Guyllon Haduah Haffalles Halant Hallia Hamalellin Hamassal Hamatine Hamunila Hanton Hanvaux Harun Hassalat Hawaymar Hazar Hedmær Heelimeory Hellene Helrane Helyn Henazdana Henis Herah Hervoa Hinel Hiquada Hiwar Hiwoodel Houild Hrannou Huuzinessa Ihale Illes Imausaynah Imrarie Imtinna Inebel Innan Iondre Irnawyna Isamor Isharian Jahilmingh Jamira Janin Jathodh Javzoua Jealana Jeanie Jefsiel Jegne Jelievenna Jeston Joemiel Juldilla Junvien Kadebaharz Kalianse Kalta Kamirine Kamlyris Karoen Karth Kavie Khakenne Khamet Kharand Kharrel Kheraymare Khisan Kimeardoks Kinedore Kinius Kippe Kouse Kriena Laand Labywyne Ladard Lahaston Laneh Lanet Lanyne Lardræd Larle Layeq Leelina Lenrya Lesold Ligmeena Llexanakey Loryan Lotte Lourjon Luisre Lyrik Lyses Madim Madon Maeenioure Maela Maerronia Magari Magni Magre Mahah Mahithel Mahygew Maine Mairane Majholine Manda Marel Mashamin Masht Mastynd Matiq Matte Mauzor Mavritle Mazhuys Mellet Metere Miber Mieng Mihdandard Mihidendra Mirholwila Mitte Modhele Mokslyze Morde Morgewar Moriann Moringsly Mosamar Moumennand Mourair Mylven Naboin Naelle Nahhous Nariya Naryvang Natrind Nebete Nehte Niare Ninerlig Noyna Nuron Nusseen Odynn Odyssah Ofmærie Ohswigend Olette Omese Orend Orvan Osannina Osbar Ounette Ourald Palahim Panielysse Parque Patmuan Paudelyr Pelwine Penneaurre Peray Perendt Pette Peyne Phinabinse Phine Pierhte Piert Pondsh Prieliya Proquben Punde Quettausah Quilasie Qymal Rainesad Ralimir Razhafinia Razhanyir Redundyn Reeshswena Relmellie Retais Rhamrineh Riont Rodrees Rodyvyr Rolde Rolyzarael Ronvel Rotiendbet Ruhta Sahmud Saizara Salierhtah Samerare Selan Sephealia Setten Shandivir Shashuyeh Shtant Shuqua Sille Sineh Skinah Sonen Sudinese Suhayvald Tavri Tayas Tayther Telibria Tenazzin Theon Thille Thyras Tlanasari Toine Tores Torle Troine Ulfran Urennel Uthalhih Uthmim Uthude Valandirg Vandazirah Vekwadr Velah Viene Vinet Virente Vyruuzabar Waldwear Waliya Warnavo Warof Wigneth Winettere Wingsladya Winlya Wisuq Wooded Wouling Wulaud Wulinadst Wyrand Xaisard Xannie Xheodyna Yadelar Yagang Yanie Ysafix Ysert Ysesayna Yvarieudh Zaberiele Zahrya Zarry Zianna Zidrad Zuzon
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dingoat · 1 year ago
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I see you @askshivanulegacy and I say not just 13 >.>
"hawaiian shirt covered in blood" is a look
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empire-at-war · 3 years ago
Kissing prompts 03
for @starrealis and @dingoat
DRAKE (@starrealis) and VAR'LOCK - kiss on the cheek
Drake stood in front of the painting, unable to look away from the huge canvas that decorated an entire wall in the dining room. Like most of her other paintings it was done in blood and other organic substances he didn't even want to inspect too closely. The composition was eerie, the almost three dimensional effect of the painting somehow deeply unsettling.
The man depicted in the painting was clearly supposed to be him, painted in full frontal nudity, his body twisting in something that could be agony or bliss, arching gracefully towards the viewer. The expression on the handsome face made Drake's skin crawl.
He shuddered as slender, long-fingered hands squeezed his shoulders, and his lover pressed a quick kiss against his cheek. He took a deep breath and sighed. “I'm deeply honored, but...” he hesitated, checking if his lover's wife had crept up to stand behind them.
Just to make sure, he whispered the next words. “Did you have to put it up in the dining room?”
ULFRAN (@dingoat) and Sith!Silvass - kiss on the hand
Silvass took one of the drinks from the silvery tray, downed it and grimaced. Even the drinks were dreadfully boring. Oh, how he hated these kind of events. Everything was dreadfully boring and dreadfully formal tonight. There was no entertainment whatsoever, and the music was almost as tedious and dull as the other guests.
He looked around and sighed, almost ready to commandeer the entire tray of drinks in the hopes of numbing his boredom with alcohol, when he saw something from the corner of his eyes. Or rather someone. Someone he hadn't noticed before, as if the man was trying not to be noticed. Interesting.
The newcomer was obviously Sith, human, the first streaks of gray in his hair clearly visible. He didn't seem to enjoy his time here any more than Silvass did. The thing that stood out most about him were his striking eyes, so different from most other Sith. Like molten silver...
“Well, hello there...” Silvass leaned into the human's personal space, enjoying the sharp intake of breath and the almost instantaneous hostility the man kept hiding so well.
He grabbed his hand and lifted it to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss on the knuckles. “I don't think we have been introduced. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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dingoat · 1 year ago
🔞 Ulfran in something sexy. (might be from a tipsy Chandra)
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I think maybe 'new robes' might be the sexiest you can expect from Ulfran? But I mean, I think there's something to be said for new robes, too, if he can be convinced to get out of his usual drab browns and greys.
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hansuart · 5 years ago
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A few commissions I got from one of my dearest friends @hornsda drawing two of her lovely ladies ❤
Friendly reminder that there's still a week left on my commissions sale, so be quick if you wanna get 50% off :3
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askshivanulegacy · 1 year ago
@dingoat <_<
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Prequels: Incorrect Quotes
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urbanknightart · 2 years ago
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Art fight attack for the awesome @horns-n-jams , or the beautiful Ulfran!
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horns-n-jams · 3 years ago
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Take a dunk of some unfinished (and one finished) stuff of Viggo and Ulfran as I love them way too much and I want to show them to every one even tho I am super insecure to do so
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askshivanulegacy · 9 months ago
Tagged by @dingoat !!
1. Ahuska and Thirteen! I don't even know how we got here honestly, but between the duo getting murder-happy on the Star Fortresses, and a sudden pile of shows which are so them, I CANNOT get enough. They're not even SUPPOSED to be together, 13 is MARRIED NOW jfc, and Ahuska is SUPPOSED to be hopelessly smitten by her fox, but ... oops I guess. :') They're terrible. They're terrible for each other. It's a train wreck in slow motion and they're still running along it holding hands. Ahuska dear, stop being attracted to the stupidly hot enemy agent who played a role in your horrible traumatic imprisonment. He bought you steak dinner ONCE.
2. Thirteen/Five/Crow + Ulfran. There's no toxic power imbalance if that's your kink, is there? 8) Throw in some wholesome and genuine love and kindness, spice it up with the occasional kinky patron Sith, and you have the perfect Imperial agent romance recipe. 13, 5, and Crow are married ... with bonus content. I LOVE how this crazy relationship mess just organically arose as a side plot to the main plot, but OOPS it's 13 unintentionally driving everyone involved to upend their entire lives. He dragged Crow to the Empire, pulled Ulfran to the Dark Side, and forced Five to actually care about something other than himself.
3. Blakk and all his romances! Ofc he's still ... supposedly ... Ahuska's main flame. <_<;;; But anyway, he's also been responsible for years of favorite ships and RPs which I still absolutely LOVE and haven't forgotten.
First Ship
I've been trying to remember if I CARED about shipping as a kid, and whether I appreciated Gambit/Rogue, or whether it was really all just about Gambit. 😂 Either way, in my early fanfiction days, I was a fan of the FF7 Zack Fair/Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth/Cloud Strife in various combinations. Depending.
First ship I ever actually WROTE was Blakk/Saare, a Sith from my agent's canon timeline.
Last Song
Uhhhh. Does the X-Men theme song count? 😂
Currently Reading
Other than my own RPs? <_< X-Men fanfiction lol.
Last Film
In theatres: THE FALL GUY. SO good. It's super funny that I never would have given this movie the time of day, once upon a time. 8) At home: X-Men Origins Wolverine, for the only movie cameo of Gambit, ofc.
Currently Craving
Banana juice, hehehe. Think I'll get some RIGHT NOW. 8)
Tagging: @kaosstar @empire-at-war @lhunuial @gaithe-guy IF YOU WANT.
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askshivanulegacy · 8 months ago
Hey @dingoat . It 13. 😂😂😂
I need to eat my next charcuterie plate while lying down and pretending I'm an acolyte of a hedonistic god. I think it would fix me
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southsuns · 5 years ago
mods are asleep quick ask me abt my ocs
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cinlat · 4 years ago
Element Aesthetic: Kadu Jadon
I was called out by @kunoichi-ume​ for her Jurr post, so naturally I have to do Kadu.
Soooo....I’mma tag Ume back, because my next one will be Ma’at. ;) Also, @starknstarwars​ I know I’ve already tagged you, but from what I saw of your page, you’ve got more that you might want to share? And @dingoat​ because tbh, I want to know the answers for Ulfran (did I spell that right?). Also @humanrevolt​ because any of your toons in this would be fun (I can’t choose between Crow and Nines). 
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i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped and torn styles of clothing / i play a sport / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy traveling / summer is my favorite season (Because SURFING) / my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world/universe / i sleep past midday most days / i love candle light /  i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
Basically, Kadu is the most chill Cathar ever. He has to be to deal with his forgetful little soldier.
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