#swtfa imagines
Injured!reader x Poe headcanons?
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If you were to get injured in battle, Poe wouldn’t think, he’d just run
The battle around him wouldn’t matter.  He just needs to get to you.
Once he’s by your side he’d let his training take over.  He knows he can’t afford to be emotional.  Your life depends on him thinking things through one step at a time.
Chances are the squad would be pulling out by then and Poe doesn’t have it in him to argue
He’d start to patch you up enough to move you, all the while talking to you, partly on the chance you’re awake, and partly to settle his own fears
He’d pick you up himself and carry you to the nearest ship
Once you’re back at base, he doesn’t leave you side
He tells the medical droids what happened in every detail that might be needed to save you
The only reason he doesn’t sit in on the operation is because Leia ordered him not to
As you’re recovering he sits in the med bay the entire time
He gives his report to BB-8 who then gives it to Leia
It’s only after you wake up does he finally smile again, and relief washes over him
He doesn’t give you a lecture about being careful, or tell you how worried he’s been. He’s just happy you’re alright.
Poe is willing to sacrifice just about everything for the Resistance, but the absolute last thing he’s willing to lose, is you
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xfandomseverywherex · 7 years
*le gasp* Kylo Ren having never seen reader's face because she always has a mask on as one of his Knights he can hear her mind at times, without even trying and after a comment from Hux, some jest about having seen her face and it's fascinating. This makes Ren mad. Makes him start learning her whereabouts and so he follows her and waits for her to enter her quarters and follows her inside to try and see her face but ends up walking in on her completely naked and shocked, but he sees her face
….this post is great on its own, so I think I’m just going to share this work of art to the rest of the world….
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heliads · 3 years
Radio Silence Chapter Four: I Verify
Poe Dameron has been assigned to work as an intel receiver to Acer, a Resistance recon agent. They’ve only ever talked through the comms, so when she’s captured by First Order troops he assumes she’s lost forever. When Poe accidentally rescues the absolutely infuriating Resistance spy Y/N L/N from a First Order Star Destroyer, he knows she’s got nothing do with with Acer. Right?
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Poe waits. Y/N does not show up. To be honest, he’s not sure why he cares. He’s only met her a few hours ago, and they’ve been clashing ever since. Yet there was still something strange about seeing that brief flash of unease in her eyes, the waver in her voice when she was questioning Leia. Stormtroopers and the threat of torture back in her First Order cell were never enough to shake her, yet something at the base had washed all of that away. Isn’t that something to be concerned about?
Poe watches the corridors, the rooms, the training centers, but Y/N is conspicuously absent from all of them. It’s not like he’s actively trying to search her out, he just keeps noticing that she isn’t there. If he went to all of the trouble of breaking her out of a First Order Star Destroyer, he should at least know that she’s alright, right? He sounds like a lunatic.
After a couple of days, Poe finally sees her. She’s walking purposefully through the corridors of the base, listening to some coworker yammer on next to her. When Y/N’s eyes catch on him, she seems to hesitate for a second, then she raises a hand in greeting. Poe smiles in return, and just like that, the moment is over. Poe isn’t sure what he was expecting- he and Y/N had been fighting almost all of the time they spent on the Needle. So what if they had been civil on the base- did he really expect that they would trade insults in front of Leia? Nothing’s changed except the location, and Poe shouldn’t find himself disappointed that it hasn’t.
Life on the base goes on as normal. Poe sees rebels sent out on missions, they return with more scars and tales of high-stakes chases through the stars. Eventually, Poe gets tired of sitting around and politicking with Leia’s advisors, so he puts in a request for an off-base mission. He doesn’t know how long he’ll have to wait, but at least the prospect of leaving this system is somewhere in reach. 
The mission ends up coming around sooner than he’d expected- barely a week goes by before Poe finds himself packing for another expedition. He’ll be taking his trusty X-Wing this time, no more sublight cruises or Mandalorian Needles. To be honest, Poe is okay with this- if there’s only room for him, there’s no chance that he’s bringing back snarky mechanic spy officers who can rival his knowledge of ship parts or be able to bother him with a single smirk and step.
As Poe is tossing his gear into his X-Wing, he notices someone walking up behind him. He turns to see Y/N, arms swinging casually at her sides as she takes in the ship. “Have you been downgraded from the Needle?” She asks, grinning. Poe ignores the sarcastic grin. “The Needle was temporary, the X-Wing is my favorite. If you say anything bad about her I’ll kick your ass myself.” Y/N raises her eyebrows. “Defensive, I see. Does that mean a lot of people have said bad things about your X-Wing or are you just very prepared?”
Poe turns to look at her, folding his arms across his chest. “Are you always this exasperating or is it just for me?” Y/N grins like a lynx. “What, are you asking if you’re special to me? Not a chance. I just wanted to see if Finn was going with you or not.” Poe leans up against the metal fuselage of his ship. “That’s a good excuse, but I’m pretty sure that you came all the way out to the hanger just to see me off.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I was so excited to see you leave that I couldn’t help myself. Don’t take it too seriously.” Poe flashes her a grin. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you’ll miss me.” With that, he jumps up into the X-Wing, holding back a laugh at the sound of Y/N’s outraged retorts. Yet when he checks one last time over his shoulder as he flies out of the hanger, he notices that Y/N is still watching him go, a soft smile on her lips. Maybe she wasn’t so unfeeling after all.
The mission itself is nothing major. He’s not going into the Kinoss system or anywhere near Starkiller Base, just treading lightly on the outskirts of the Unknown Regions. There’s a backup copy of Resistance data files that needs to be collected and brought back to base. It contains lists of recon officers and spies, their assigned locations, and everything they’ve been able to find out over the last month. To put it simply, it is imperative that Poe finds this data file and brings it back before the First Order catches wind of its presence.
BB-8 whistles at him from over his shoulder, and Poe grins. “No, I’m not worried. This isn’t like Kinoss, we shouldn’t have to get anywhere near a Star Destroyer. Nothing’s going to happen.” There’s a whirring and clicking, and Poe shoots the droid a look over his shoulder. “Will you stop talking about her? She was just there to get in one final jibe in case I died, and I’m not going to die, so it’s no big deal.” He pauses for a second, listening to the series of beeps, then speaks again. “If you don’t drop this I’m going to send you over to Finn and get a new droid that doesn’t bother me all the time. Yes, I’m joking, stop your chatter.”
Poe touches down just outside of some backwater town. It’s not so different from the planet D’Qar, where the Resistance base is currently hidden, or even Yavin 4. Manageable gravity, only one sun, except there are significantly fewer forests and more of these massive stone outcroppings that block off the sun to create areas of shadow on the ground that are miles long. Farms have to be built on moving bases so that they can constantly stay in the sun as the sun passes overhead, forever shifting back and forth to avoid the shade of the stone cliffs.
Poe received intel that the data files were stored in a cave on the northeastern part of the planet, in a hollow in a rock face. He’s been sent the exact coordinates, and he makes his way deliberately along the surface of the planet, dodging behind large crags of rock whenever stormtroopers or civilians pass his way. He doesn’t want to be spotted, because he won’t be able to talk his way out of this one. A Resistance officer getting caught on a city planet is understandable, but here? He would obviously be hiding something.
After about half a standard hour of walking, Poe finds the cave entrance. He flicks on a lightstick from his multitool, shining it around. His eyes quickly catch on a plasteel crate tucked away under a rock ledge, and he hurries over to it, picking it up and carrying it out of the cave. Once he gets out into the light once more, Poe can recognize the faded Resistance insignia, and he knows he has the right box. Just to be careful, though, he opens up the box once he’s back inside his X-Wing, telling BB-8 to pilot him back so that Poe can direct his full attention to the crate.
The box is empty except for one datapad. Curious, Poe lifts it from the box, flicking it on and allowing a wash of bluish white light to cascade over his face in the dark of space. BB-8 whistles something from behind him, and Poe waves a hand dismissively at the small droid. “I’m sure it’s fine that I look at this. I have to make sure it isn’t a First Order decoy, right?” Besides, Poe makes knowing things a habit in the Resistance, and he’d like to make sure he stays on top of things. Even without his pride, however, there’s still a fairly good reason to check the files: they might contain something on Acer.
This is wrong, yes. He shouldn’t be checking it, shouldn’t know anything about her at all. But he isn't interested in finding out the name, only the status. If she’s dead or still considered missing, the file will state it. After a few minutes of paging through the data sets, Poe finds the entry he’s looking for: Sender code name: Acer. Receiver code name: Bravo. This is her. At first, Poe’s eyes flick over to the status bar, and he feels his chest fill with silent, overwhelming gratitude when he reads the few words labeled there: Alive. Returned to base. But then he keeps reading, and Poe feels a sudden piercing shock drive through him like a vibroblade.
His real name is there as the receiver: Poe Dameron. Next to that, though, is her name. Acer’s real name. Sender: Y/N L/N. Poe leans his head back, letting it thunk against the seat. For a second, he can’t think about anything at all. His eyes watch as the stars flick past behind him, but he isn’t taking in a thing. Then all of the emotions hit him at once. Acer is Y/N. Y/N is Acer. This must be what she was talking about that day, wasn’t it? Poe had told her that he was Bravo, that he was Acer’s receiver. Of course she had seemed stunned, she was going through the same revelation that Poe is undertaking right now.
But it’s different for Poe. Y/N had only had to realize that the man in front of her was Bravo, and she had chosen to not say anything. She had kept it entirely to herself, except for a frenzy of questions delivered to Leia. Why hadn’t she said anything? Yes, they’d been arguing for a while back on the Needle, but that wasn’t enough for her to damn him to never knowing if she was dead or alive. Why would she have lied to him?
By the time Poe is docking at the Resistance hanger once more, his anger and betrayal have faded into an overwhelming numbness. He walks over to Leia at the command center, handing her the box with the data files still securely inside. He doesn’t say anything more than he has to, and then he leaves the room once more. Poe has scarcely gone ten paces from the room when Y/N rounds the corner, and a cocky smile lights up her face at the sight of him. Poe can’t bring himself to return it, even when she hurries over to him.
“Look who it is, the returning hero! I thought I’d have a little longer until you came back. I think I might be disappointed.” On any other day, Poe would have scoffed, and said something about how every minute in that ship away from her was a blessing, but he stays silent today. Instead, he looks over at her, starting to veer away from the hallway and towards a door leading to an empty room. “I need to talk to you.” Y/N’s grin falters at the look on his face, at the stiffness of his words.
“Sure, Dameron. I’m a little worried now.” She follows him into the room and Poe closes the door behind him once he makes sure that they’re alone. When he turns back from the door, Y/N is facing him, the soft light of the room hanging over her eyes in a gentle wash of brightness. “What’s wrong?” She asks. Poe just looks at her coolly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He doesn’t have to say anything more- Y/N knows what he’s talking about. Her gaze falls away, and when she speaks again, her voice is quiet. “You know.”
Poe feels a surge of anger starting to twist up in him once more. “Of course I know. How long were you planning on keeping this from me? A month, a year? What, you thought you could never tell me and it would be okay? I would have spent the rest of my life thinking that my Acer, my best friend, was dead or tortured, and you were fine with that.” He breaks off, shaking his head. “I would never have done that to you.”
Guilt is spun around Y/N’s every feature, but it hurts too much to look at her. “I wanted to tell you, but I know you wouldn’t want to hear it. Not from me.” She laughs, the sound twisted and broken in the quiet room. “You would never have wanted to find out like that. What, that ‘your Acer’ was the girl you’d spent the last few hours hating and arguing with on that ship? If I had told you, you would have wished I kept it to myself. When you told me you were Bravo I realized that Leia had never told you, and I figured it would be best if I went along with it. You would never have wanted it to be me, not in a million years.”
Poe just stares at her. “What, you thought that this was you doing the right thing? Maybe I would have been surprised, but you don’t get to decide how I would have felt. You don’t know what I would have said, so you made the choice for me.” Poe rakes a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Stars, I don’t know anything about you.” Y/N’s gaze turns cold. “No, you really don’t.” With that, she turns and walks from the room. Were it not for the hunch in her shoulders, Poe would have thought she was fine. Yet he can still see it in her stance, in the rhythm of her steps as she walks away. He’s really done it now.
Poe waits until he can no more, slipping away from his quarters to go find Y/N. He’s not sure what he would say to her- apologize? Promise he’s not going to leave? But it doesn’t look like he’ll get the chance- no matter where he goes, Poe cannot find her. Eventually, some comms officer notices him walking back and forth down the halls and offers to help him out. When Poe explains that he’s looking for Y/N, the officer visibly winces.
“I’m sorry, Dameron, but Recon Agent L/N left on a mission two standard hours ago. It was really hush-hush, almost nobody knew except Leia and a few others. All I can tell you is that she was in a team with two other soldiers, and they were going somewhere in the Core Worlds.” Poe starts. “But that’s in the middle of First Order territory. That’s practically suicide.” The officer nods sympathetically. “It’s dangerous, that’s for sure. It’s a shame you didn’t get to see her off, I thought I saw her looking for you. Well, keep your hopes up. I’m sure she’ll be back here before we know it.”
The officer continues on down the corridor, leaving Poe reeling in his head. That was why Y/N wanted to see him- to tell him about the mission. And how had he left her, minutes before she left on what would probably be the most dangerous mission of her life? With angry words and accusations of betrayal. He wishes he could take it back, redo that moment. Even his anger from before seems dull and pale now. 
What if Poe never sees her again? What if that was his last moment with Y/N, with Acer, and he just left a broken memory with the most important girl in his life?
radio silence tag list: @kesskirata​, @ubri812​, @itsnottilly​, @20th-centu-fairy-girl​, @imabeautifulbutterfly​, @cp11​, @chocolitelady​
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: May the Fourth be with you all! Request from anon. Enjoy, everyone! ♥
Words: 1778 Warnings: smut
‘Boyfriend’ was such a ridiculous term. ‘Boyfriend’ would indicate that Kylo Ren was yours, no? Ha, he most definitely was not. Kylo Ren was an emotionally unstable mess with powers beyond our comprehension. He was dangerous and he was not to be provoked—something you had not wanted to believe General Hux when he first told you.
Yet here you were now, meeting at night when only a few cleaning droids roamed the hallways to train together, talk and fuck. Naturally, the latter hadn’t initially been the plan. But his face… the first time he had shown himself to you without that intimidating mask and locked his brown eyes with yours, your heart had jumped like an electricity shock rippling right through it. You had seen his pain, his innermost thoughts and sorrows.
And you probably loved him. Certainly though, you would never admit that—not even under torture.
As of late, you had not seen him around often. Kylo was busy finding this oddly talented Rey girl he sought to recruit for his cause and he rarely took the time for you to meet him in his quarters; and you would be lying if you kept telling yourself that it didn’t bother you.
You knew about his Force bond with Rey. You knew that they seemed to understand each other in a way you never would. You were not Force sensitive. You never would be. You were a regular employee fixing things around the Finalizer. Nothing special. And you were bloody jealous.
Gnashing your teeth indignantly, you marched down one of the vast metal hallways on the way back to your own quarters—ten times smaller than Kylo’s but cosy nonetheless. You spent most of your time wandering around when you were upset. Tonight was one of those nights you’d probably end up doing so until the next morning.
The hallway was dimly lit. Emergency lights illuminated the metal ground to your feet, your shoes creating clinking sounds with every step. Gosh, how you hated this! He was on your mind, twenty-four-seven. You had, perhaps, made a grave mistake by falling in love with this man.
You cursed when you tripped over an opened floorboard revealing some complicated electricity and countless wires. Whoever had been working on this today had obviously been too dull to close it again overnight. You gasped when you fell, face-forward, your hands coming up on reflex to cushion your fall when suddenly, you stopped mid-air, only inches before the ground and, unceremoniously, were hoisted back on your feet.
Looking up both in confusion and realisation, you found Kylo standing right in front of you, a few feet away from where you had tripped, his expression unreadable. Almost. There was a hint of anger in his eyes—and for whatever reason, it had you fuming.
“Thank you, Commander… or should I say Supreme Leader now?”
Kylo frowned, stepping closer.
“I was in your quarters. You were not there.” He responded reproachfully. You clenched yours fists. Oh, was it your fault now you had not been available when he finally remembered your existence? You took a deep breath. Remember. He’s not your ‘boyfriend’, that’s not the correct term for whatever he was to you.
“What a shame. Did you leave a note? Good night, Supreme Leader.”
His fists clenched, a low growl escaping his lips. Kylo grabbed your arm the moment you attempted to strut past him, almost smashing you against the nearest wall. You gasped.
“I was looking for you.” He choked out through gritted teeth.
“Well, here I am.” Why now, why tonight? He was clearly frustrated. Perhaps he had come to you to talk. You were the only person around whom he could trust when it came to his dark thoughts and destructive emotions. Swallowing thickly, you shoved your bad conscience away along with him, resulting in Kylo pressing you against the metal with his whole body and leaving you no room to escape.
You flinched when rammed his fist into the wall right next to your head, his whole body shaking with anger and devastation all the while facing the ground. When he looked back up to you, his eyes were glowing yellow.
Anxiously, you took a deep breath. This was not good. This was not good at all. “What happened?”
“What happened?” He repeated mockingly. “It’s her. It’s always her.” Another blow followed his words, leaving a dent in the wall. A faint similarity to what his words did to your heart.
“Then what do you want from me?”
Kylo had no need to ask. He knew what you were thinking. Sleeping with him repeatedly had enabled him to do one thing—he could read your mind so effortlessly you felt no pain whenever he elected to invade it.
Right now, he was holding back. Whether it was hard-earned composure that kept him from hurting or fucking you though, you could not decide. Either way you knew he was not going to answer your question—not directly.
“How was your day?” He forced out instead. Snorting, you raised an eyebrow. Kylo sucked at small talk and casual conversations. You believed by now he actually cared when he asked for your well-being, yet you could tell it was irrelevant to him. Naturally. He had more important matters to attend to.
“Horrible. Hux is making my life here a living hell, as usual. You would know that if you bothered to check on me every now and then. You promised, remember?”
Kylo’s eyes were still a dangerous yellow when they locked with yours again. Noticing your lack of resistance, he placed his right hand on your hip, travelling upwards ever so slowly—over your waist, your stomach, your breasts—until he could wrap his gloved fingers around your neck to squeeze it lightly.
“He will change his ways soon if he wants me to keep him alive.”
You snorted. Kylo squeezed your neck a little harder, causing you to tense up.
“Hux is an arsehole. He demands respect for nothing. Respect is earned.” You spat furiously.
Kylo tilted his head slightly. “But you respect me. I can sense that.”
“Yes. You. Because you could choke me to death without even touching me.”
“That’s not the reason.” It was only the weakest hint of a smirk. Kylo rarely ever smiled genuinely, you were proud to be one of the few people coaxing a little happiness out of him—even when he was furious.
“I’ve told you to stay out of my head, repeatedly.”
“Well, you make it too easy.” Rolling your eyes, you attempted to wriggle away. You longed to be angry at him but the more aware you got of his obvious arousal pressing against your thighs, the more you felt your indignant emotions melting away. You should get away from him now.
“Let me go.”
But instead, Kylo’s grip around your neck tightened even more, almost cutting off your air supply.
“No,” he breathed. “I need you.”
You gasped when he lifted you up and forcefully pried your legs apart, knowing you could never refuse him. Your own excitement betrayed you. Your heart was beating like a steam hammer, your already wet cunt pulsing with need. Moaning, you allowed Kylo to impatiently fiddle around with your one-piece uniform, almost breaking the zipper to reveal your naked body to his yellow eyes.
Was it strange not to feel any fear? It probably was.
Carelessly, he peeled it off until it hung from your ankles until all there was left for him in the way was your knickers. Groaning, he tore them apart and dropped them to the ground.
Kylo was lost, trapped in a headspace you could not quite grasp. Over and over, he mumbled your name as he freed his throbbing cock from under his black armour, aligning it with your soaking entrance.
You dug your fingernails into his shoulders when sheathed himself inside you, the impact of his hard length impaling you knocking all air from your lungs. His hand was still wrapped tightly around your neck. It was an illusion, gave him power over you, to control you. He always did it. He controlled your thoughts, your dreams, your arousal, even your orgasms. Which of all those was it going to be tonight?
You had missed him. Oh, you had missed him so much. Being near him, taking in his scent, resting your forehead against his, kissing him. Your eyes fell shut when he picked up his pace and rutted into you like a possessed animal, hunting his own pleasure like a starving wolf in heat. He knew exactly how to thrust into you to make you squirm and scream, tonight was no different. And right now, you did not care if somebody could hear you. If somebody would catch you fucking the Supreme Leader in the hallway.
“You belong… to me…” He growled in response, removing his hand from your neck to bury his face in your hair, inhaling your scent. Sharp pain rippled through you when he bit down on the sensitive skin, suckling violently to leave a love bite that would remind you of his words. This was all about him. Kylo sped up even more, shuddering and breathing heavily when he neared his climax.
He was fucking you so relentlessly you feared he would lose his mind. With but a few more, agitated thrusts, he tossed himself over the edge, burying himself as deep inside you as he possibly could as he came, his hard member coating your tight walls with his warm cum, throbbing and pulsing inside you.
Carnal satisfaction spread in your entire body even though you had not experienced the peak of pleasure yourself. Kylo stilled, his softening length still inside of you, and rested his forehead against yours.
Was this what he had wanted? Why he had gone out of his way in the middle of the night to visit you in your quarters? A quick fuck to get rid of all his built-up frustration? You swallowed, ignoring the painful stings in your chest. And you were not going to say no, of course, not as long as you got to be close to him. You belong to me… it sounded incredibly erotic, like a promise. But you wanted it to be more than just a naughty and filthy threat.
“Let me go now?” You whispered with defeat in your voice.
“No. I want you in my quarters tonight.” Surprised, you looked up and met his eyes—his irises finally having returned to their natural colour. “And that’s where I want you to stay with me from now on.”
A/N: If you liked this story, I would be flattered if you supported me on KoFi! ko-fi.com/sserpente
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envisionpoedameron · 7 years
Would like to start picking the pieces of this blog up again and write! Have some things in the works, but you're more than welcome to send me prompts!
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imagining-imagines · 4 years
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pluto-parker · 6 years
Temptation *Kylo Ren x Reader*
Summary: The one where a heated argument dissolves into violent sexual tension. 
Warnings: No smut but it gets QUITE suggestive. 18+ just to be safe. I don’t usually write stuff like this lmao I don’t know what happened. BDSM/choking kink reference.
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: I haven’t posted in so long it’s a crime
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You are walking through the sleek halls of The Dreadnought, carrying out orders from General Hux and dishing out some of your own to the lower ranks. The rebels have been more active than usual and The First Order has had to expend many resources and soldiers trying to take them down. With Rey on their side, their hope is blazing as passionate as ever, making taking them down that much harder. Tensions are high throughout the base. They have been for the past couple of weeks. Ren is even more volatile and Hux is even more on edge. You’ve been doing everything in your power to maintain order and keep the violence to a minimum, especially from Kylo.
His temper has gotten many soldiers killed as of late, and you need as many of your troops alive as possible.
The robotic beeps and whirs of the ship’s mechanics resound in your ears and the sound of your footsteps echo throughout the hall as you walk. Not a single storm trooper is to be seen. The silence and isolation is almost therapeutic. You feel as if you haven’t gotten a moment to yourself for days.
Slowing your pace to a crawl, you train your eyes on the vast expanse of space existing just behind the large glass window that lies only a few feet away. The beauty of the galaxy has never ceased to take your breath away.
A shaky voice interrupts your thoughts. “Sir, I’m afraid we were unable to take down the rebel fleet.”
A pause.
Then a much more sinister voice replies, “You were... unable... to fulfill your mission?”
The hair on the back of your neck stiffens and you pick up your pace. You know that voice. The anger that resides in every word. Like poison. 
A sharp turn to the left reveals your suspicions to be true. A quivering soldier and a seething Kylo Ren stand alone in the vast darkness of the hall.
You can see the sweat reflect the light on the cadet’s brow. “Y-yes, sir.”
Kylo clenches his fist before extending his opposite arm, throwing the soldier against the wall.
Your feet launch you forward, “Sir, that’s enough! I cannot stand by and watch as you thoughtlessly torture my men!”
Kylo turns his head toward you, his arm still outstretched, pinning the helpless man against the wall. After a moment’s pause, he drops his arm, releasing the cadet who scampers away in terror.
You become dangerously aware that you’re alone with him. A cold shiver runs up the center of your spine. A hard lump forms in the pit of your throat. A cold damp cloaks the skin of your palms.
He approaches you in long, heavy strides, each step emphasized by a thud. You fight the instinct to run, keeping your feet planted and your eyes trained on his mask as he stops just in front you, towering over you, casting a shadow over you.
You feel so small.
“What makes you think you can talk to me that way?”
His voice is menacingly calm. You clasp your hands behind your back to avoid fiddling with them and giving away your weakness.
“We cannot afford to lose men outside of the battlefield.”
His chest rises and falls as he sucks in a deep breath, “Incompetent soldiers do not deserve the valiance of a death earned fighting for The Order.”
“It is not up to you to decide upon their incompetence.”
You can see a trembling rage begin to swell within his shoulders, “I can do what I want.”
Your brow twitches ever so slightly, irritation bubbling in your throat as you speak, “Not to my soldiers.”
His masked face lowers ever so slowly until you are eye-to-eye with his jet black visor. “It is below me to take orders from a lowly First Order pawn.”
“How ironic coming from Supreme Leader Snoke’s little pet,” you seethe. With fists clenched tight, you can feel a rage of your own build in your stomach. So sick of the mistreatment and stress and pressure. You are so swept up in emotion you have no room to regret your hasty, insulting words.
You stand, defiant, waiting for his outburst. But, it never comes. 
Silence fills the small space between the both of you.
The air is still.
And then his head tilts ever so slightly to the left--observing, conniving, and... alluring.
“You know... I could kill you if I wanted to.” 
Something new weaves its way through his voice. The air about him shifts. You feel as if his gaze is tearing you apart.
“It’d be as easy as snapping my fingers. I know you know this. You’ve seen it.” He trails a teasing finger from your right temple, down your jawline, and pausing just under your chin, tilting your head up. His touch leaves a burning trail in its wake. He pauses for just a second before continuing his finger further down your skin and wrapping his large, gloved hand around your vulnerable neck. In one swift motion, he roughly pushes you back against the glass wall, pressing his body against your own.
Confusion and terror are overpowered by something white-hot that flashes through your entire being as you stare, wide-eyed, at Kylo in front of you.
“And, yet, you’re not afraid.” With fingers still pressed firmly around your neck, his other hand slowly removes the mask from his face, revealing the ruggedly-handsome man underneath.
His long locks frame his face as he searches yours. You can feel his presence prodding at your conscience but you don’t care. His onyx eyes feel as if they have captured your soul so looking away was out of the question. You want to see as much of him as you can. You never thought in a million years that the hateful man under the mask could be so handsome, so young. You always thought that hate makes people ugly, but Kylo is a devilish exception.
His grip on your neck tightens and his face grows closer to yours. His lips are a mere centimeter away. You can feel his hot breath fan over your face as his free hand travels under your shirt, clawing at the soft skin of your waist.
“Sir,” you barely manage to exhale.
“Kylo. Call me Kylo. You say it in your mind, so say it allowed. I want to hear it,” his voice is low and gravelly like the deep hum of a double bass, drawing a sharp breath from your lungs as another flash of white-hot courses through your body.
“Kylo,” you whisper, removing one hand from his wrist and ghosting your thumb over the soft flesh of his bottom lip.
He revels in your choked tone, practically melting into your feathery touches that so contrast his damaging ones. 
With a sharp inhale through his nose, Kylo violently closes the distance between your lips. His hand grapples with the skin of your body, his parched lips and forceful tongue drink in the taste of you as you wind your fingers through his hair, pulling and tugging with lustful ferocity and desperation. His entire being envelops your senses, his toned body is flush against yours, your knee wedges itself between the crevice of his legs when-- 
the heat of his body is replaced by freezing air.
Catching your breath and clutching at your bruised throat, you stare--disheveled, hurting, and hungry for more--at the once again masked Kylo when the familiar tempo of marching soldiers grows louder and louder in your ears. Overwhelmed, you don’t bother to clean yourself up before the wall of soldiers come down the hall, filling the space between you and Kylo. You don’t take your eyes off of him for a second and his gaze remains intently fixed on yours. What feels like hours pass before the soldiers disappear down the hall and Kylo whisks toward you, yanking your arm toward him and leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Meet me in my quarters at midnight. Don’t be late,” before sharply releasing his hold and exiting the hall, power and enticing menace radiating from his authoritative form.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
The Rebel Queen (x)
Chapter Ten: Metal Boneyard
Pairing: Poe Dameron x (OFC) Princess Calista Ordell
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | A03
Taglist is open
Epilogue | About Thesmora
Note: The concept art used for the tower in the moodboard is by Ross Tran
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Read Ch. X Here!
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thedailyimagines · 6 years
Imagine protecting Hux from Kylo’s latest tantrum.
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Anon requested: “Could you maybe write fem!reader protecting Hux from another Kylo tantrum? Ty!”
Kylo was on the verge of slicing Hux in half when y/n entered. Several crew members were cowering in their seats as the yelling match between the two became more intense. Y/n decided now would be a good time to intervene. Walking up to the two men, y/n interrupted them with a polite cough.
“Commander Ren, there’s a situation that needs your immediate attention in the hanger.” Kylo turned to the woman, about to say something, but stopped himself. He turned back to Hux.
“We will continue this talk later.”
“Of course.” Kylo left the command center, and Hux turned to y/n. “Admiral L/N. I need to speak with you in private.”
The two left and walked until they reached an empty corridor. Hux pulled y/n off to the side.
“You should have stayed out of it.”
“And let you be the next thing he takes his anger out on? No. I love you too much for that.”
“Thank you. Next time-“ He was interrupted by screaming and the sound of machinery being destroyed.
“I suppose we should just...walk away?”
“That sounds like a terrific idea.”
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putinthepenguin · 6 years
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imkylotrash · 7 years
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Requested Imagine: Adam Driver where the reader is his co-star and they're together since the beginning of filming Star Wars. There is morning in hotel. Just cuddles and sweet moments. They talk about him meeting her mother and sister. @myimaginesyourimagines
“It’s like you’re carved out of marble,” Channing Tatum says from the TV and you laugh. 
“It’s true. You really are carved out of marble,” you whisper placing a kiss on Adam’s shoulder. He chuckles squeezing you a little tighter. It’s only 6am but you wanted to see Adam’s new interview. You love seeing interviews with him because he’s always so adorable. 
“I could stay here forever,” he whispers kissing you on the forehead. You can’t help but smile because you were thinking the exact thing. You’ve never been the cheesy type but being with Adam just brings it out in you. It’s like all those clichés suddenly makes sense. 
“Maybe we should. No one would find us,” you say tracing circles on his bare stomach. He’s so warm and cozy to cuddle with so you really wouldn’t complain if you were to stay here forever. 
“Our agents probably would thought,” he says pouting a little. 
“My sister probably would too. Her stalker skills are better than the FBI. I’m not even kidding,” you say and then add, “but you’d like her. And my mom too. You would love my mom. She always cooks way more than anyone can eat and then we have food for days. And she constantly bakes cookies. It’s the best cookies ever and no one can make them like her.” You smile as you remember back home. Adam has yet to meet your family because of your busy schedules. 
“She sounds lovely,” he says quietly and you hum in appreciation.
“She is. Probably the greatest woman you’ll ever meet. She single-handedly raised me and my sister,” you explain feeling a warmth in your chest. 
“I hope your sister turned out better then,” he laughs and you’re quick to playfully slap him on the arm.
“Be nice,” you say looking into his eyes. 
“Always am,” he whispers and you lean in for a kiss. 
“It’s scary how in love I am with you.” Suddenly you feel all nervous and serious. Adam looks down at you and you feel yourself blush. 
“I love you too. More than I’ll ever be able to explain.”
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I Mean It
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(Not My Gif)
Poe Dameron x Reader, Gender Neutral, Drunken Shenanigans, FLUFF
AO3 Link/ Support Me on Ko-fi
Requested by Anonymous
Sentence Prompts: “I might have had a few shots.”, “Kiss me.”,  and “Those things you said yesterday…Did you mean them?”
A/N: Please leave me a comment and reblog if you like this. I NEED THEM TO LIVE!!!
Word Count: 3.4 K
           Tonight, was a celebration.
           Black Squadron had landed a serious blow against the First Order, taking out one of its major weapon’s manufacturing facilities hidden on one of the moons of the outer rim planets.
          It had been a long time coming, comprising of multiple spy missions, briberies, and more than one close call, but it was done. The facility was blown to kingdom come with absolutely no hope of recovery.
          Everyone gathered in the mess hall pulling out bottles and bottles of beer, vodka, wine, and any other form of alcohol they could find; including a suspicious bottle of something green which seemed to smoke as soon as it was placed in a cool glass.
          You opted to keep away from the more dangerous stuff, and stuck to your beer as you made your way around the party.  The atmosphere was contagious.  Everyone was smiling, and laughing. You couldn’t help but get caught up in it yourself.  You knew perfectly well tomorrow morning it would be back to the grindstone, but for the moment, things were looking up.
          “Y/N!” a voice called.
          You turned to see your friend, Poe Dameron, smiling like an idiot waving you over.
          You could tell, even at a distance, he was defiantly buzzed and well on his way to being drunk off his ass.  The rest of Black Squadron wasn’t in much better shape.  You smiled, shaking your head slightly at his antics.
          Everyone gave a round of “yays” as you came over, before each going back to their drinks. You took a seat beside Poe as he slid you over another beer.
           “Cheers Dameron,” you said raising your glass. “Well done.”
           “High praise,” he said smiling as you clinked your glasses.  You each took a drink, but you couldn’t help but notice how Poe had nearly missed your glass completely a moment before.
           “Quick questions before we get completely plastered,” you said, setting down your drink.  “How bad of shape is your ship in?”
           Poe let out a small groan of frustration, setting down his drink as well.
           “C’mon Y/N, let’s not think about work right now.”
           “That’s all well and good for you.  You can sleep off your hangover. I’m the one who’s going to have to fix it in the morning.”
           “It’s fine,” he assured. “Doesn’t even need a new paint job.  Have some faith in me.”
           “Commander Dameron I will go on record saying I have complete faith in you as a flyer,” you said professionally.  “But you downright abusive to your ship.”
           He gave you a lopsided smile, bringing his glass to his lips.
           “Well, how else can I find the time for us to hang out?”
           “You could always not trash your ship so I have less work to do,” you said simply.
           He took a moment to think over your words, before nodding his head from side to side in reluctant agreement.  
           “You know what? Touché.”
           You let out a small laugh causing him to laugh as well. You were happy to see him like this.  The last few weeks had been hard on him, as the stress of the mission weighed him down.
           You had to partially drag him away from the hanger and his ship a few days before the mission, promising over and over again you would run diagnostics on every single X-Wing before take-off.  Had it been anyone else, you knew he would had ignored them, but after years of working together, he knew you wouldn’t let him down.
           Just then, Snap came up behind Poe, with a huge goofy smile on his face.
           “C’mon guys, Jessika’s got shots lined up.”
           You opted out on shots, deciding instead just to keep yourself at a light buzz rather than going full drunk.  Even if Poe wasn’t lying to you about his ship, you still had repairs to do in the morning. Besides that, it was clear Poe would need someone sober to get him back to his bunk. You didn’t mind that it was you.
           The night went on and slowly, but surely the crowd seemed to disperse as everyone staggered back to their quarters. Eventually it was just you, Poe, and a couple of other communication officers slumped over the bar besides Snap.
           “How you feeling flyboy?” you asked, giving Poe’s shoulder a light nudge.  
           A big lazy smile spread across his face as he looked at you.
           ���Flyboy,” he said, only slightly slurring his words. “I like it when you call me flyboy. Most people say it in a mean way, but you make it sound nice.  You’re just really nice.”  
           You tried you best to suppress a smile, but you were failing miserably.
           “How drunk are you right now?”
           His face formed a small pout as he sat a little straighter in his seat.
           “I’m not drunk.”
           You gave him a raised eyebrow making it very clear you weren’t buying it.
            His facade quickly faltered as he took on a slightly guilty look.
           “I might have had a few shots,” he admitted lamely.
           You let out a small laugh, shaking your head as you slung his arm around your shoulders and guided him away from the bar.
           “Alright Commander, time to get to bed.”
           “But I’m not tired,” he protested, stumbling beside you.
           You wrapped your arm around his waist to keep him steady as you started to walk.  
           “Trust me, you will be soon.”
           “You’re bossy.”
           “I know.”
           “It’s kind of sexy.”
           You felt a hot flash go straight to your cheeks. Luckily at the angle you were holding him, Poe didn’t notice.
           “Whatever you say Dameron,” you mumbled.
           The cool night air seemed to help Poe sober up a bit as you made you way across the base, making it a little easier on you. To your surprise, even as his steps became less wobbly, he never moved his arm from around your shoulders.
           You got him to his door, but quickly realized you needed his key card.  He wasn’t making any moves to get it though.  He only leaned slightly more against you, his faced buried in your hair.
           You tried to ignore just how fast your heart was beating as you reached around him to dig through his pockets.
           “That tickles,” he mumbled.
           “Sorry,” you said, switching to the other side.
           He nuzzled his nose further into your hair, sighing in contentment.
           “You smell nice.”
           The blush was back in full force and your hands started to shake with nerves.  Luckily, you found his key card before any further embarrassment and pulled him inside.
           You helped him to his bed, sitting him down right on the edge. You pulled off his jacket, helping him get his arms out of the sleeves.
           “You’re amazing,” he said, looking at you in complete awe.
           You tried to ignore him as you knelt down and started pulling off his boots.
           “I thought I was bossy,” you countered.
           “That too,” he said, smiling. “And sexy.  Don’t forget sexy.”
           You didn’t have anything smart to say as you jumped quickly to your feet.  You stepped into the refresher and quickly found a glass and a bottle of headache pills.
           You came back out and placed the pills on Poe’s bedside table and handed him a full glass of water.
           “Drink this.”
           Poe took it and downed the whole thing in one go without a second thought and handed it back to you.  You placed it beside the bottle of pills before turning back to him.  
           “Will you be okay?”
           He didn’t say anything right away.  He looked up at you, the gears of his mind turning a little slower than normal behind his eyes.  Suddenly, a grin spread across his face.  Before you could react, he grabbed your waist and pulled you down onto the bed beside him.
           He just laughed, tightening his hold around just enough so you couldn’t slip away.
           “Stay a bit?” he asked.
           You turned over on your side looking him right in the face.
           “You need to get some sleep,” you said sternly.
           He gave a small shrug.
           “Just until I fall asleep then.”
           You didn’t want to admit just how temping the offer really was.  You liked the feeling of his warm hands gripping your waist.  You liked being so close you could make out the dark rim of black around his eyes.  You only wished it was under different circumstances.
           In an attempted to save face, you let out an exasperated sigh.
           “Fine,” you said, rolling your eyes.
           A triumphant smile spread across his face that was the perfect balance between obnoxious and endearing.
           “You’re pretty crafty Dameron,” you said, letting out a small laugh. “I’ll give you that.”
           “And you’re pretty…pretty,” he said, his smile shifting into a look you could only describe as wistful.  
           You felt the words drive straight into your heart, making your stomach turn in a not completely unpleasant way.
           “You must be drunker than I thought,” you joked, pushing away the feeling.
           To your surprise, he didn’t smile or laugh or anything else.  Instead he gave a small frown, scanning your face carefully.
           “Why don’t you ever believe me?”
           Your brows furrowed in confusion.
           “What do you mean?”
           “When I tell you you’re amazing or pretty or well anything really,” he said. “You always think I’m joking.”
           You considered lying to him, but there was something so honest and vulnerable in his eyes that you couldn’t shake.  You supposed it didn’t really matter.  He probably wasn’t going to remember any of it in the morning.
           “I don’t know,” you said softly. “I guess it’s because I can’t imagine someone like you ever liking someone like me. At least in the same way I do.”  
           Poe’s frown only grew as he held your gaze.  
           “Well you should,” he said seriously, “cause I mean it.  Every word.”
           You felt your heart beat pick up speed in your chest.  For a brief moment, you believed him, but it faded quickly as the alcohol on his breath reminded you of his intoxicated state. You looked away from him, trying to hide the disappointment on your face.
           “I really want to kiss you,” he cut off.
           You stared at him, eyes wide in shock.
           He didn’t look put off by it, instead glancing between your eyes and your lips and back again.
 “Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked.
This man was going to be the death of you.  Even when drunk he still managed to ask permission.  
           “More than you know,” you said with a sigh.
           A small smile spread across his face as he pulled you closer to him and leaned in for the kiss.
           Despite everything in your heart telling you to let him, you placed a hand on his chest keeping him from following through.
           “Not right now,” you said quietly.
           He was so close now, you could feel his nose lightly brush against yours, but he didn’t pull away.  His eyes remained closed and his hold on you only tightened as if struggling to keep some kind of restraint.  
           “Then when?” he asked.
           You felt your heart ache at his words, put you pushed it down, giving him a sad smile.
           “Tell you what,” you said. “If you remember any of this in the morning, then you can kiss me.”
           He opened his eyes, looking at you with new hope.
           “First thing?” he asked.
           You gave a small nod.
           “Yeah, promise.”
           He seemed to consider your words carefully before nodding in agreement.
           “Okay, but you also got to promise you’ll remember too.”
           You weren’t sure if you whether to laugh or cry at his words.  You wouldn’t be able to forget this night no matter how hard you tried.
           “I promise,” you said.
           He finally pulled away enough for you to get a full view of his face as a smile returned to his lips.
           “Good,” he said, just as a yawn escaped him. “I’m getting sleepy.”
           “Then you should sleep.”
           He shook your head in a definite no while simultaneously nuzzling his head further into his pillow.
           “But then you’ll leave.”
           You wished he hadn’t said that.  Every wall you had been trying to build came crashing down. Despite you better judgement, you reached out your hand and gently caressed his cheek.
           “I’m right here Poe,” you whispered softly. “Just close your eyes.”
           He placed his hand on top of your squeezing it lightly as he looked at you with tired eyes.  With a slow nod, he did as he was told and in a matter of minutes his breath became slow and steady as sleep over took him.
           You didn’t move from the bed right away, taking a moment of indulgence to admire him.  He hadn’t meant it of course, any of it. He wouldn’t remember a thing come morning and life would go on as it once was.  
           Your heart ached at the thought, but it was for the best.  With reluctance, you pulled away from him and slipped off the bed.  You took the empty glass and filled it once again with water, placing it back on the bed side table just before pulling two pills out of the bottle and placing it next it.
           Poe laid still the entire time, his arm reaching out to where you once were.
           You walked out the door, not having it in you to look back.
           Poe woke up slowly, and with a pounding headache. He let out a groan of frustration, not even bothering to open his eyes and he willed his body to let him sleep.  Unfortunately for him, the steady ache on his skull was making that option impossible.  There was no fighting it. Despite his body telling him otherwise, he slowly opened his eyes.
           To his surprise, it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.  It was by no means pleasant, but he had worse hangovers.
           He rolled over in bed, rubbing his hand over his face as he tried to get a bearing on the situation.  
           He couldn’t remember anything from the night before.  The last thing he remembered was he and Snap getting into some sort of drinking contest at some point in the evening and you standing close by with a bemused expression on your face.  
           He smiled slightly at the memory.  He had a feeling he was in for a huge “I told you so” speech once he got out of bed. He didn’t mind so much.  He wouldn’t admit it, but you were cute when you got bossy.
           He rolled his head to the side, noticing a glass of water and two headache pills waiting for him on his bedside table.
           He frowned slightly in confusion.  There was no way he did that.  Judging from his headache, he doubted he was capable of anything besides falling straight into bed.
           It was then he noticed he wasn’t wearing any shoes and his jacket was draped across his desk chair.  He must had gotten help getting back, and if he was remembering the night correctly, it was probably you.
           He let out a small sigh.  He owed you big time.  He had heard enough stories about him getting drunk to know he could be a bit of a handful.  
           He felt his stomach tighten involuntarily as if from embarrassment for something he couldn’t quite remember.  His brow furrowed as he tried to think about what exactly happened.
           He looked over to the other side of the bed, noting something else strange.  He was sleeping on the edge.  There wasn’t much room for more than one person and he normally slept right in the middle of the mattress.
           He rolled over back on his stomach and reached his arm out to the empty space.  A familiar sent filled his nose.  His heart began to race as all the memories of the night before came flooding back to him.
           He sat bolt upright in bed, ignoring the sharp pain in his skull as he did so.
           He knew what he had to do.
           You sat on the wing of one of the X-Wings, looking over your data pad as it ran diagnostics on the ship.  
           Much to your joy, none of the ships had sustained that much damage.  Some scratches here and there and a few lose wires, but nothing that would take too much of your time.  And considering almost every other mechanic on base was sporting a hangover, that was probably for the best.
           “Looks like we’re all good here,” you yelled down to one of the droid helping you.  “Ready for the next one?”
           The droid gave you a few beeps of confirmation as you slid down the ladder to the ground.
           “Y/N!” a voice called, earning multiple groans of pain from some of your fellow mechanics.
           You turned, surprised to see Poe up and about. And, you thought it was more than a little unfair that despite him clearly having a hangover, he still looked good.
           “Hey Poe,” you said with a smile. “Still alive?”
           “More or less,” he shrugged, before giving you nervous look. “Can we talk for a sec, somewhere quiet?”
           A spike of panic shot through your chest causing your heart to start racing, but you were able to keep the look off your face.
           “Yeah sure.”
           He followed you to one of the side offices away from the hangers and the sound of clashing metal.
          You stood straight, careful to keep a discreet distance between the two of you. He was probably just going to ask you what happened last night.  All you had to do was tell him a couple of half-truths and you could go about your day.  It would be easy enough.    
           “So, what did you want to talk about?” you asked lightly.
           “I remember last night,” Poe said simply. “All of it.”
           You couldn’t keep the panic off your face this time as your eyes went wide and your whole body froze.
           Poe looked at you uncertainly, before taking a breath and a small step toward you.
          “Look, Y/N…”
           “It’s fine,” you cut off.
           He stopped in his tracks as confusion took over his features.
           You took a deep breath, pushing down the heart ache and put on an easy smile.
           “It’s fine,” you repeated. “You don’t have to explain.  It was the alcohol talking.  I know you didn’t mean it.”
           “But I did mean it,” Poe said softly.
           You stared at him, once again at a complete loss for words.  He wasn’t drunk now.  All the normal playfulness gone from his voice.  He was speaking to you as honestly as you ever heard in your life.
          “Y/N, I meant every word I said to you,” he continued. “You are the most brilliant, funny, beautiful, amazing person I’ve ever met. And I’m sorry that I didn’t make that clear from the moment I met you. I guess, I always said those things the way I said them because if you didn’t feel the same way I could play it off as a joke and it wouldn’t hurt as much. But, I need you to believe me now. I don’t know what I’ve got to do to make you believe me, but I’ll do it.”
          You felt the pressure of tears start to build behind your eyes, but you didn’t let them fall.  He was telling you the truth.  You felt it in every word he spoke to you.  
           “I believe you,” you said, as you felt your heart bursting at the seams.  
           A look of pure relief took over his face.
           “Well then,” he said, stepping towards you. “I guess, the only question I have is, those things you said yesterday…did you mean them?”
           He looked a little nervous as he asked, causing your throat to tighten with emotion.
           “Every word,” you said softly.
           His eyes lit up in pure joy as he gazed down at you, the space between you practically nonexistent.
           “Including your promise?” he asked. “About me, being able to kiss you?”
           You felt a teasing l smile spread across your lips as you tilted your head up slightly to meet his gaze.
           His eyes flickered between your lips and your eyes before settling back on your lips, giving you a playful look.  
           “So, can I?  I brushed my teeth and everything.”
           You let out a small laugh shaking your head.
           “Just kiss me, you idiot.”
           He did and it was perfect.
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xfandomseverywherex · 8 years
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Imagine playing around with BB-8.
*random beeps and boops* “you wish buddy”
*gif not mine credit to the owner ^-^*
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sserpente · 7 years
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A/N: Request from anon. I needed another Kylo Imagine for my Halloween special, so thank you for the input! xD Who else is hyped for the new movie? 🙋‍
17th October: Pain. 💍 | feat. Kylo Ren
Words: 1519 Warnings: forced marriage
They feared you.  Not only did they do so because of what you were capable of, your powers and the rare gift of being force-sensitive. Kylo Ren had all of that too but whenever you entered a room, people hastily attempted to leave and stay away from you at any cost.
It should have been impossible, Supreme Leader Snoke introducing relatives to the First Order and yet, here you were. The granddaughter of the most evil and powerful being in the galaxy. You did not know your mother, nor did you know you father, Snoke had made sure of that but as long as you served his purposes, you were about as safe as Kylo Ren was as his apprentice.
You were training together a lot, you and him. Every single day, you took it as a challenge as to who would be the stronger forcer-user. Truth was, however, you were equal and together, you were capable of achieving remarkable things. Only you didn’t. Except for your training sessions, when you were practically forced to spend time with the intimidating Commander, you made sure not to meet the man too often.
He was confusing, both scary and fascinating. How often already had you wondered what face he hid under that expressionless black mask of his?
“You called for me, Supreme Leader?” You asked loudly, your voice echoing through the empty room on Starkiller Base. The huge throne made of stone was empty too and for just a moment it appeared like you were in fact, alone. That was until suddenly, a cloaked and pale figure appeared. Snoke materialised in front of you, making you gasp.
“Step closer, child. I have come to an important decision.” His eerie voice sent shivers up and down your spine. Even if it was only some kind of hologram, it was creepy to stand this close to him.
Whatever “decision” he had come up with, it couldn’t be good. Snoke didn’t care about anyone’s well-being and a lot of people had ended up getting killed because of his disgusting schemes already.
“Supreme Leader, you wished to speak with me.” You flinched when the metal door opened for a second time, revealing another cloaked figure wearing a dark helmet. Kylo Ren stepped into the room, greeting you with a court nod before coming to a halt by your side.
You feared the worst.
“Yes,” Snoke hissed. He dived right into it. “Listen closely. You are both very powerful. You, (Y/N), my granddaughter and you, Master of Ren, have proven your skill and perseverance. Together, you would produce invincible heirs.”
Heirs? Now, he could not mean… please… no… you already had no friends, you at least wanted to be with the love of your life… if you ever met it, that was.
“I have decided that you two are to be wed. There shall be a ceremony to take place tonight. Combining your gifts will make us strong enough to wipe out the Resistance once and for all.”
You said nothing at first; way too present was the shock spreading in your guts. It felt like someone had knocked all air out of your body with a single thrust. You had stopped breathing. Your fists were clenching in a vengeful manner and yet, you chose not to act on your feelings. You might upset him and you certainly couldn’t have that.
“So… what do you say?” Snoke continued. Suppressing a scoff, you bit your lower lip. As if he would ask for your approval. If there was to be marriage, there was to be a marriage, no matter if you agreed with it or not.
“I accept, Supreme Leader.” Kylo murmured submissively from under his mask, his voice electronic and fake. Of course he would accept. He was a bloody man.
Kylo focused way too much on his training. Now that a more or less willing woman was put into his arms, he naturally would accept. If only you could see his face. You were sure to see no less than what you saw in the few man who dared being near you on Starkiller. Longing and disgustingly lustful glares, men undressing you with their greedy eyes. All they wanted was your body… surely, it was no different for the Commander.
“Yes.” You finally chirped barely audible, resisting the urge to burst into tears.
The ceremony included the both of you naming a star, a symbol for your “love”.  It was unromantic and short, accompanied by General Hux, Captain Phasma and a few other important Troopers only. After, you all met for a drink to “celebrate” your marriage, sealing your dreadful fate.
Being bound to this intimidating and crude man for the rest of your life… it must have been a nightmare.
“I expect you to meet me in my quarters tonight. You will have your things brought to my place as well.”
Silently, you nodded, swallowing the spiteful remark you wanted to spit at him. At least he was unable to hear your thoughts, given you were skilled with the Force as well. Oh, screw it.
“You expect me to arrive there naked, I assume?”
Kylo tilted his head. Without being able to see his face, you noticed his interest in you.
“We don’t have to share our bed tonight, if you don’t wish to.” He replied quietly.
Oh? This was not what you had expected. Why would he care about what you wanted? He was the Commander of the First Order, he belonged you now like his custom-made lightsaber, Snoke had said so himself before dismissing you both.
Frowning, you opened your mouth to reply, however, Hux, who was approaching you in this very moment, was faster to speak. Quickly, you retreated, eavesdropping from behind two troopers and Phasma. You took no interest in being congratulated as well.
“Congratulations on your engagement… and marriage then, Commander.” He forced out ruefully, twisting his mouth.
“Thank you, General.” Kylo’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“I guess I know now why you have been so oddly distracted this whole day. When will you impregnate her, I wonder?”
“Don’t you dare speak like that.”
A dark chuckle escaped his lips.
“One could think you have actual feelings for this peculiar girl, Ren.” He mocked.
“I have. I have had them for a long time, General. Is it not irksome, knowing that the girl you wanted to have in your bed now belongs to your superior?”
I have. What did he mean by that? Your heart skipped a beat when Hux stormed off in a rage, leaving you behind all dumb folded and surprised. Your jaw had dropped when Kylo turned around to face you once more. Did he know you had listened to their conversation? No, no, no that was impossible.
“We’ve celebrated enough. It’s time to leave.” He ordered sternly.
You didn’t dare to contradict so instead you simply nodded, still pondering over his words. I have. I have had them for a long time. Was there a possibility Kylo wanted more than just… your body like everyone else on this godforsaken planet? Was there a possibility you could be… happy with him one day? Come to like him as well?
Now you didn’t know if you reciprocated his feelings. You felt comfortable around him during training but other than that… you painstakingly tried to avoid him; and still… you decided to try.
When the door to his quarters hissed and slid shut, covering you both in stifling darkness, your heart was in your mouth. Painfully slowly, the Commander reached up to remove his helmet and once more, a gentle hiss echoed through his quarters as he took it off and put it aside.
He looked… stunning. A beautiful young man with dark locks framing his face, his brown eyes sparkling with innocence. Those eyes couldn’t possibly belong to a murderer, one of Snoke’s supporters and yet… it felt like he was caressing your heart by simply looking at you.
“Will you not kiss me?” You whispered, wetting your lips before daring to step closer to him.
He did nothing, whatsoever.
Instead, he allowed you to stand on your toes to cup his face, looking him directly in the eye. Nervously, you leaned forward to press a gentle kiss on his lips, tasting if there was any passion or magic between the two of you.
And there was. Jolts of electricity cursed through your body when your lips met, causing him to wrap his arms around you and pull you even closer. Soon, your mouths were fighting a relentless battle, your tongues playing eagerly with each other.
“We… should go to sleep.” You suggested shyly when, after what seemed like hours, you ran out of breath and recoiled from him.
Kylo only nodded. There was something else you had done when you had kissed him. You had opened your mind to him, let him know you were aware of his feelings for you—and that you were willing to see where it would take you, for somehow, so it appeared, you only had each other, after all.
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