ofallingstar · 4 years
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The Wicker Man (1973)
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
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@swordsandfeathers​ said:
  It's real bird hours, a huge hawk is nearby preening herself. She's just as big as Edward is, feathers of dark brown, tips ending in red. A well kept feather crest hangs off to the side, and as she pulls out a loose primary feather, she senses him. Intelligent eyes of red and gold observe him, discarding the feather as she shifts her weight on the branch, steel clad claws adjusting their grip.
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Don’t fucking look up.  
Don’t fucking make eye contact. 
Don’t fucking acknowledge it. 
Keep fucking walking Edward, just keep fucking walking, and don’t fucking run. 
His mind is racing as he notices an extremely large animal out of his peripheral vision.  He’s out - at night - again despite Alphonse’s words to him warning against it. He told him he’d be back before sundown but Edward’s complete and utter lack of any sense of time has thwarted him again and made him out into a liar.  He said he’d be only gone for so long and what could happen in this backwater little town? 
They’re staying in a little house up the way that a man of the village told them they could crash in in his son lives there and his family was out of town for the next week or so. They’re staying off the beaten path but hey - he’ll take when he can get for a couple of teenagers anyway.  
It’s hard not to notice the creature that’s looking at him from above with the moon high in the sky and near completely full. It helps to light his way but it also helps to light up all the lurks in the dark. His skin is crawling; his mind his screaming; his every is standing on end as his body begs him to run but showing fear was not something he needed to do right now.  He needed to remain as calm as possible as to not make a scene and maybe just maybe he’d get lucky and it’d leave him alone. 
He’s never seen a bird so big before in all of his life. He’s not seen much that large before in all his life unless he wanted to count the chimeras he was forced to fight at the hands of Cornello.  He knows there’s sweat slicking his brow - there has to be with as nervous as he felt. 
Don’t fucking run Edward. 
Don’t fucking run.  Just keep walking. You’ll be fine. 
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Would he be though? He didn’t know.  Getting taken out by a bird was kinda a lame way ta go but shit he’s heard of worse.... Al would never believe him when he told him. 
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deathleadsarc · 4 years
@swordsandfeathers | starter call
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    “ And just who are you supposed to be, then, walking around like that out in the open? ” She had paused in the middle of her light walk through town and couldn’t stop her thoughts from spilling out. 
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trollishh · 4 years
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ishvalanfaithful · 4 years
@swordsandfeathers liked for a starter:
Layla knew how to keep attention off her when the military police were on higher alert. They were more focused on something else lately, so it helped. As long as she was disguised, she knew they wouldn’t touch her. The same went for the other citizens, but not everyone had the same luck.
As she was passing by the city’s local park, she could hear the jeering of others and naturally, she couldn’t help but turn her attention to it.
“What the hell is that?” some kid mumbled to another.
There was another one, about her age tossing stones at something, a big bird? She had never seen any bird that big before... But, that wasn’t important. How long had those kids been at this?!
“Get lost!” she finally yelled as she ran over to shoo them away. “It hasn’t done anything to you!”
She went to stand between them and the bird and was nearly hit by a rock herself.
“Whatever, let’s go,” one of the kids spoke, motioning to the others.
Once the kids had left, Layla carefully approached the bird. It was already hurt, so not spooking it probably wasn’t going to be the easiest thing.
“It’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” she said, but it wasn’t like she could be sure it would understand her.
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cromwellharvests-a · 4 years
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@swordsandfeathers​ said:  She may know a lot about birds, but can she identify this incredibly large hawk? It may be hard to tell, but the bird may be the size of a person, the dark brown feathers of her wings ending in crimson. There's a reflective light by her talons, claws clad in steel as she looks for an easy meal from her perch. Although, she does spot the woman staring. Scarlet shifts her weight, observing the human.
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She certainly can’t, which is no doubt why she’s so transfixed. At first, the farmgirl was convinced it had to be a trick of the eyes, some skewed issue of perspective from the distance, but no, this— bird? doesn’t seem like quite the right word— is really that... big. 
There’s no way such a creature is naturally occurring. It must be a chimera, then? Alchemically spliced from... something, surely. but who would have made such a thing and not boasted their feat very publicly? What was it doing out here? So many questions rattle around in her head, but at least, she can manage to parse out an answer for the last. however huge and unusual the bird may be, it still carried itself like the normal sized fowl Easy was better accustomed to, with an unmistakable meaning in it’s hardened gaze. hungry.
Gods be merciful, what was it hunting? Oh no— no. no, it’s fine— she started a bit, a jolt moving through her body when the bird finally returned her gaze, but the slight shift in its stance didn’t convey the ‘aha’ of a raptor finding it’s prey, only a curiosity similar to her own. and for a moment, they’re locked as such; just... observing from both ends. 
what was there to do? what’s the appropriate response in this situation?.. well, when all else fails, politeness never hurts. 
hence why the alchemist slowly raises one hand to wave. at the “bird.” yeah, that’ll do.
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@swordsandfeathers | s.c
Amestris was usually a busy place; and Dublith was no exception. The lake in the town was what drew many, but what drew Anger was the peace Dublith offered. Yes, it was busy and sometimes loud, but that let her blend in. Nobody would focus on her-she hopes so, at the least. 
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Ducking into an alley, she sighed at the relief that the shade brought from the sun. It was hot, like usual, but today seemed especially unbearable. Anger couldn’t help but want to remove her sleeves-though, she had to keep them on if she wanted to hide her tattoo. She didn’t have much of a choice, after all...
Maybe she would just try to tie her hair back up more. It was practically glued to her neck right now...Or maybe she would head to the lake to try and cool off.
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chimaexcubitor-a · 4 years
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“Uh--I don’t--”
Wow. That was supposed to be a joke (well, half-and-half, but regardless), but Sangir taking it seriously isn’t surprising either. 02 scratches the back of his neck and shrugs.
“I don’t. Uh. I don’t know. I didn’t think I would get this far.”
Nice. Nailed it. Nailed it, 02.
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avarice-inclined · 4 years
🍯 for a food headcanon 🥛for a drink headcanon ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
🍯 Greed doesn’t have a favorite food, but he tends to gravitate toward things he can eat with his hands just because it’s more fun that way
🥛 all of the mixed beverages at the bar are Greed’s concoctions, learned on his own through a lot of trial and error. he’s got a knack for what flavors go well together when creating an interesting and unique alcoholic cocktail or chaser or shot, what have you, and he’s always trying to come up with new ideas
⛈️ none of the nest members know that Greed fell in love once before. it happened long before he ever met any of them and he’s never brought it up or mentioned it. unless he falls in love again he probably won’t ever mention it
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holds-the-universe · 5 years
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Just want to thank everybody who decided to interact with me this evening, so I just drew everyone lol
@rainbowsadism​ @fracturedhues​
@swordsandfeathers​ @galacticgather​
Lmao, art style? Don’t know her.
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swordsandfeathers replied to your post: “If you get me a chunk of coal, or whatever rock...
“Oooh I want to see that.” She pushes a couple chunks of coal to him
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“Here lemme actually see if I have enough pressure for it.” He’d of course take one of the donated chunks. Just to put it in his palm, rolling it around within his grasp. Before giving it a rather... full powered grip on it. So much to the point, you’d probably think he’d break his fingers after holding the clench on his fist for so long. Especially so hard. But, after giving it sometime. He’d inevitably let the chunk go, to show that he’d created a nice sprinkling of diamonds, albeit on the smaller size, more than likely from the chunk shattering in his grasp at first. “Oh, huh--”
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puzzlebones · 4 years
swordsandfeathers replied to your post: “OF COURSE I SCORED HIGHER ON THIS TEST THEN MY...
Sans just breaks into laughter in the distance
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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This is getting posted as one giant post because today is exhausting and I don’t have the energy to post more than one post right now. I’m sorry. 
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So let me talk about these fine people. 
@swordsandfeathers​ said: 🍓 only if you want lmao
Sorin and I haven’t really been talking for a very long time and we’ve been writing together relatively short as of recent but I already adore their muse and they seem like a lovely person too. We seem to click well and our muses mesh well together too. I’m glad to have them as a friend now and I look forward for our relationship to grow. 
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@creepiitus​ said: 🍓 :^)
Hello dear sweet wonderful person you. Jay is fantastic. Let me just say that. I can’t tell you how wide my lips pulled into a smile when I warned them “Ed’s about to get nasty” and all I got back was “FUCKING!!!! GO!!! OFF!!!!”  My eyes lit with sparkles. I had seen another universe. I was in heaven. 
What’s this? Someone not scared of my son’s rage? Someone not afraid of his anger? Someone willing to weather the storm?! Hello darling, I am forever yours. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.  Also did I mention how easy Jay is to talk to? Like I followed them, and here I am in my shy ass bubble trying to figure out how to talk to them and their muse because I knew Ed would go straight for the throat and I know most people don’t like fighting in RP so I’m all nervous and shit trying to figure out what to do.  
And then Kimblee “Lol your coat’s tacky” and now we’re here because Ed lost his shit because “That’s my FAVORITE coat you fucking asshole!”  It’s a wonderful relationship and it makes me excited to write it. Please, fight with my son forever. 
his psychotic psychiatrist as we already discussed. 
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@dap-brown​ said: 🍓
Daphne, sweetie, darling, how I love you so. Snowdrop loves you very much. You’ve been on my blog for so damn long and I appreciate the asks, memes, and throwing your muses at my son. You have so many muses like shit it’s a feat just that you can juggle them all, my hat’s off to you on that one. 
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gladionsgrownup · 5 years
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He’s being as quiet as he can as he tries to sneak off of Scarlet’s ship, still injured.
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consacro · 4 years
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NAME: Homura Hoemaru ALIAS: Homura AGE: 472 FAMILY: Empress, Sirocco, Lyre (surrogate “Parents”), Valentin (”parent”), Rahi, Reika, Archel, Epoch, Hibiki, Kyouma (”children”), Ageha (”child” deceased) SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Kisumi (not on tumbles)
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: Buddhist SINS: greed  / gluttony /  sloth  / lust / pride / envy / wrath VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  / diligence / humility /  kindness  / patience  / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: What KNOWN LANGUAGES: Old Johto (I use traditional chinese to depict this) (fluent), modern johto, modern common SECRETS: –
BUILD: scrawny  / bony  / slender / fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average. HEIGHT: 6′1″ SCARS / MARKS: cut on outer top corner of left eye, “branded” gouges on right outer thigh   ABILITIES / POWERS: Resurrection/rebirth from fatal injuries, holy fire RESTRICTIONS: Unable to swim (is not bouyant, no waterproof feathers), unable to fly when downy coat is wet, will not go near deep waters, poor vision in right eye, dulled sense of touch/taste
FOOD: Apricorns, bones, raw meat DRINK: rahi’s sake PIZZA TOPPING: Has never had pizza, actually lol COLOUR: White MUSIC GENRE: instrumental BOOK GENRE: idk he’s mostly just read old war reports lol MOVIE GENRE: Hasn’t seen movies before SEASON: Spring CURSE WORD: Tries not to curse too much since Rahi’s very impressionable. Will still say fuck every once in a while SCENT(S): Vanilla, lotus
Tagged by @iinauras​ Tagging UHHHH @bxstiae​ @ex-rockxtgrunt​ @son-of-skarmory​ @swordsandfeathers​ @omegamanrp​
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dolcetters · 4 years
06. — wings
send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. send 🌀 for a random number instead.
06. — wings
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when dolcetto was a young teenager ( 13 - 15ish ), he had a bit of a rivalry with a family of mockingbirds nesting on the boarder of their property. 
for anyone who’s not had the wonderful opportunity to have mockingbirds nest within the radius of your living space: those little punks are territorial to shit.
it would start in the early spring and go on until late summer, happening multiple times, where he’d be walking one of the cows or herding the chickens back in. out of nowhere, he’d hear the ruffle of wings and find himself getting dive-bombed in the back of the head. and while mockingbird “attacks” aren’t as vicious as a magpie’s, they sure were annoying. 
though it was kind of worth it when he’d look up and see josephine cackling on the front porch.
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