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Okay, first before I do anything, I need to blame @omegamanrp for inspiring me. He is hardly on here anymore, but we do stuff on Discord.
And I want to absolutely thank @artofreni for taking my commissions. I appreciate it a lot and these were a big project because holy shit look at these details (to me these are big!)
To give a bit of a lore dump here, and I will poke my friend to see if I got this right. Valkyries in this form as they are made are guides for souls to the afterlife. Bellum is a part of the Guardian. He is not a direct descendant or anything like that. His soul simply took the form that fit him the best. Guardians were defenders, protectors of the weak, and protectors of the colony. The legend goes that the lest line of Guardians died protecting the colony from predators, or so the old legends go.
Xossa is apart of the Judge line. They were tasked to purify souls to make it an easier journey to send them back to the cycle, to purify of any lingering regrets or shackles to the mortal realm. The Matron of that line went mad, ending up feeling she was the only true Judge of who was worthy to be purified, and who was not. In the end, she had to be sealed away as she broke the ultimate taboo of the Valkrai (how Reni puts it here) of killing souls.
The best comparison I got when I sprung up the idea was that I compared them to the Husuian Typhlosions in Arceus, and that was how it got the idea rolling on my end.
But to explain a bit about Xossa. He is an innocent soul. Naive in many ways as he's relatively new. For now, he shares a body with Bellum. He and Bell are one, but when one takes over, the other falls asleep until summoned (for now. That will be until Xossa gets his new body. Which might be soon)
And these forms are for now, not permanent, but there might be later a choice of changing back. Though expect for Xossa its a permanent state, more so due to comfort and feeling where he belongs.
Also before I end this post. Please, please do hit up Reni on commissions! She is a very talented artist and deserves all the moolah!
Alright, thank you for the read on the lore dump that I am honestly getting into myself.
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aresite · 3 years
How could she put this delicately? That she went to the past and watched his previous incarnation die? No, she’d sound crazy. Well, she was known to embellish the truth but this was just weird.
After a few seconds of silence, she finally cleared her throat.
“I...I watched...That is...” She took a deep breath. “I found your previous self in his final moments.”
Oh yeah. Not awkward at all.
“Oh...“ was all he could bring himself to say. He had not been expecting that.
For a moment, Ares broke eye contact with her, and looked down at the ground. Even he barely remembered his ‘death’ anymore, other than the vague images thinking about it brought up. He remembered he had been in pain, and he swore he could still remember the feel of the cold cement under him as he bled out onto it... and well, he remembered his girlfriend leaning over him with a tear-stained face... but time had faded her features. He couldn’t remember what her face looked like, or even... if it really was her, or if he had hallucinated it all near the end.
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He sucked in a deep breath, and looked back up at her, “Uh... how? I mean... sorry? I mean... uh...” Words wouldn’t come to him. He just looked up at Ruby as if he could find the words on her face.  
Oh yeah, awkward was one way to put it.
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refractment · 4 years
@omegamanrp​ answered here
They see papers. The papers look fancy. They like fancy. Cosmog lifts the papers up with their pom-poms.
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“Pew pew!” They wave the pages like a flag.
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consacro · 4 years
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* 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 : Valentin Richter * 𝙰𝙶𝙴 : 4000+ * 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 : 6′6″ * 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙴𝚂 : Darkrai * 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 : Male * 𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : Unknown * 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚈 : Unknown * 𝚂𝚄𝙽 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽 : Unknown * 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 : Santalune City, Kalos // Sovereign Temple * 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 : Single * 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 : Lawful Neutral * 𝙳𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙺 : Caffe Mocha * 𝙵𝙾𝙾𝙳 : Chocolate Almond Croissant * 𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙾𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 : Night * 𝚂𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂 : Anything Carbon won’t eat * 𝙿𝙴𝚃 : Carbon, italian greyhound houndoom given by Cyan @ex-rockxtgrunt * 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁 : Black * 𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 : Cymbidium Orchids - White and Pink Overnight * 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : ??? * 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 : Broad, fit, lots of leg * 𝙴𝚈𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 : Bright Maya Blue * 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 : Silver-white, appears pearlescent under direct light
Tagged by @distorted-gathering
Tagging @ex-rockxtgrunt @son-of-skarmory @bladedwingsandclaws @xauramoon @riegastrung @lostlorns​ @omegamanrp @zelotae @iinauras​ and idk who else lol
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lostwolfprince · 5 years
Dinner... Date? [closed]
closed starter for @omegamanrp!
Kas had asked for the number from Levi a while back. While there was no need for the brothers to be dating the same people, especially since Levi was gay and Kas very pan, it didn’t stop them from having similar tastes. Which was why, when he came home from his surprise dinner shopping run to no one home, he decided to give Ben a text.
[txt: Ben] Hey, Ben! It’s Kas!
[txt: Ben] I just got home with some dinner plans and discovered no one was here, so I was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner and some nice conversation? I promise I’m a good cook!
[txt: Ben] I got a gorgeous pair of steaks that I just can’t let go to waste! <3
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icratheimp · 5 years
@omegamanrp��� 💗ed for a starter!
Being a creature as ancient as she was, having a jumbled memory was... understandable. But was she going to let it bother her, or was she going to clear things up? Answering her own questions involved doing something rather rude though, but was she opposed to that? Absolutely not!
From where she perched, the fluffy end of her tail would suddenly flick into Taal’s face. Not hard though, just to get his attention.
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“Do I know you? I feel like I know you...”
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mor-ryoghain · 6 years
It wasn’t often that Morrigan left her Territory... and even less often that she willingly walked into the home of another Yveltal. However, she was bored, and she had heard this Yveltal was more reasonable than some, so she figured a flight across the sea, and a walk in a foreign land to learn more about the present day life of humans would be a fun way to kill a boring afternoon. 
Still, the very first thing she was going to do, was introduce herself to the Yveltal of this area, and announce her intent. Last thing she wanted was for this Legend to think she was here for a fight. 
Hidden within her Human disguise, she followed his scent to a large fortress, and stared up on it. Even if she couldn’t smell the Yveltal inside, she would’ve guessed this is where his nest lay. 
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So, without wasting any time, she walked towards the front doors, and called out, “I request an audience with the Yveltal Taal!” Rumors had it that this Yveltal used his own methods of hiding within a human form. If so, perhaps she’ll question him on what that method was? That is, if he was as reasonable as the rumors said he was.
(( @omegamanrp ))
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hel-angelos · 6 years
"Such a curious fusion you are~" A voice, soft, female, and echoing all around Chi. "Offspring of two legends, of which the pair normally have little do to with each other. I wonder what strength you have gained from both of them~" @omegamanrp
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The sudden voice startled Chi, and she visibly jumped. She clenched her hands to her chest, and spun around - looking for the source of the voice, “W-who are you? I-... and how do you know what I am?!” 
It wasn’t often people saw past the human facade to her true being. Whoever, or whatever it was.... were they a Pokemon too? Was that how they could tell? She wasn’t sure if it was the stranger’s voice, or her own thoughts though, that spiked a wave of anxiety that started to build up in her stomach.
“W-where are you?“ She hesitated, before adding.
(( @omegamanrp ))
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murarius-omniba · 6 years
A Drink with God(s) [closed with Lex]
Minerva wasn’t sure when the mood struck her, but after a couple of hours of book hunting, she had the intense desire for something to drink. Preferably, of the alcoholic nature. She had a few Pokes saved up from selling off a few books she had copies of (as much as it pained her to do so). A drink seemed like a proper way to treat herself today.
It was about an hour later when the Arceus found herself wandering down the alley. She wasn’t sure what had drawn her down this way. Her hands traced the edge of the door before pushing it open and walking inside.
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Remnants & the meaning of survival (drabble)
To first start, this is after an event that happened in a private roleplay with a friend of mine on Discord.
This is Bellum doing his best to help a remnant of Valkyrai (or Valkyries) that are a species made by @thelonereni
Characters that I reference are owned by me and @omegamanrp
To give a little background of what happened; A demon had found itself through an object that belonged to the physical world found itself to the world of dreams and possibilities that the Valkyrai called home. In that object lay a demon, a demon that wasn't supposed to be there, as the object had been meant for another.
The demon though, didn't care, and laid its roots in the minds of the vulnerable and gullible Valkyrai.
Xossa, when visiting with Fenris, saw the damage that the demon had made over what could only be weeks or months in the souls of the Valkyrai, and traced its origins.
There they found the demon, and the demon, when found out, fought them. Bellum was summoned, and as he took over, he fought the demon as best he could, but those that had been too affected for far too long came back as husks of themselves. As puppets coming to defend their puppeteer.
As Bellum defeated the demon, It in a vindictive streak killed those that were far too effected, dragging its victims with it to the ether.
Of a thousand lives, only a group of 20 or so remained.
Bellum looked at the piss poor excuses of what was the last remnant of the colony that Fenris belonged to.
Out of a thousand inhabitants, only 20 or so survived. And they looked horrible.
They looked malnourished and exhausted. Like they hadn’t had any sleep. The worst part, they were all female.
The only male of the colony that survived was Fenris.
That left himself and Xossa, well himself by proxy, as the only living males.
He had managed to find them finally, and it looked like they had tried, oh so very much tried to seclude themselves. It had taken a lot of time because of how they had managed to scatter at first, then find each other, somehow. They looked lost, afraid and angry. Angry at him.
He was in his Valkyrie form, and they had at first been happy to see him, thinking him another survivor. But then glared at him when they recognized him, at least somewhat. They only knew that he was there, fighting and protecting the lot of them.
“You were there, with Fenris.” One of them finally blurted, her angry eyes looking at Bellum with so much hate, that he could almost nearly cut his armor on her ferocity. Good, maybe there would be a chance for one of them at least.
“I was.” Bellum said, keeping it simple and to the point.
The muttering of 20 voices could be surprisingly loud, and none of it good. Bellum didn’t care.
He could hear they all blamed Fenris on what had happened.
“If only Fenris didn’t go out into the world,” he heard, “if Fenris hadn’t opened the door,” he heard more.
Again, and again he heard something similar to that. They all blamed Fenris for a lot.
Because he was a convenient target.
He was so glad he had made Fenris and Xossa stay away from this. They didn’t even know he had found this lot. Because he felt like this was a task that only he could do.
“Quiet.” Bellum ordered. His voice even, but reverberating around the poorly made clearing in a forest that was okay in its density, but piss poor in camouflage. It was alright, sure. But it nowhere near any resources the group needed to survive.
No berry bushes, no-where to drink really. Well there was a stream, but it was a good way back. It would be a long way to go for any source of water. They didn’t even know of ways to gather water safely.
How they had managed to survive for this long was by all means a miracle.
“Alright you little shits, listen up.” Bellum said as he made sure to tower over all of them, making them all see him as he got the axe he used before. The form of the axe that they could recognize. It wasn’t to attack them. An axe had a dual purpose, both in peace and in war. So, he would use it how it could be used in this case.
“You all have a choice. A choice if you don’t want Fenris, Xossa, and me by proxy to be the last remnants of your kin.” He started slowly, his voice edged with a quiet fury that made them all whimper and cower. Good. They were listening and they were scared. Good. He would use it.
“You have a choice to survive. No, you don’t have a choice actually. You now gotta survive. So shut yer yaps. It's time to buck up and adapt. Because if you don’t, you’ll be footnotes in history that very, very few will remember, if at all. Besides, all of you were dying a slow death anyway.” He growled at them all, poking at them, making fun of them.
It stoked the anger he needed, he saw most glare, a few cower.
“What happened was a tragedy, But tragedies have a way to open the eyes of the sheeple that follow orders and don't ask questions. You followed your matron blindly, and got fucked for it. You followed your codes and your way of life blindly, and you got yourselves killed for it. So chose. Live. Or die. Adapt. Or be remembered as fools that buried themselves 6 feet under."
Bellum wasn’t an orator by any means, but he had his moments at times. Because his speech got the reaction he wanted.
The group of 20 nearly all grabbed the nearest things, sticks, stones, dirt even and threw it at him. He took it all in stride, they cursed him, they cursed Fenris. They blamed it all on them.
“At least all of you are alive.” He barked at them all finally. The thrown objects were getting annoying.
“You are alive enough to feel that way, aren’t you? You are alive to speak your damned minds, to speak ill of the only one that actually cared about you all enough, right?” He barked at them, and that made the crowd wince. Even those that were trying to flee away.
He had seen them trying to slink into the background, and he stomped his leg, making a wall in front of them made out of a dark stone to show that he was watching.
They all feared him. They didn’t like him. They absolutely hated him for that. Because he spoke the truth. Spoke it in such a way that it cut deeper than any wounds they could get. Gnawed at them deeper than any hunger pang could.
It hurt, because he said what they needed to hear.
That was alright. He didn’t want them to like him. Just fear him enough to listen.
“All done? No? Too bad. Shut up and come on. You can’t survive and eat on empty words you worthless louts.” He commanded as he made them follow him.
There were a few that tried to resist, tried to make empty excuses. But he did drag them by the foot or the hair. Pulling them like children. Showing that he had no damned patience for them as he taught them how to survive.
And oh how he put them through the grinder.
He made them learn how to gather food, track food, how to grab food from humans or where they could find it in the wild and what was edible.
He drilled into them the facts and common sense of this world. What to look out for, and what to trust.
But most of all, he taught them how to hunt.
Bellum wasn’t perhaps the best when it came to survival, but he knew enough. Knew enough to teach. And teaching had a way to broaden his horizons on it too. Made him realize things that he hadn’t before.
He was.. Well, he wasn’t kind about it. He was actually rough, cruel even in many ways.
He made them all work with everything on their own. He didn’t teach them. He guided, and that was it.
The only time he helped them was him bringing a dead stag for them to butcher.
All of them had gone green and picked their corners to puke.
He made them clean that up too. All of them. And participate in skinning the buck to boot.
They all whined, complained, and made ugly noises of complaint when they had to dig out the foul, the organs and toss them where the scavengers could eat.
He made them dig latrines, make their own tools.
He only showed them how to do things. How to hide, how to make homes.
It took days, weeks to months. He always had to go for a while, and if the survivors didn’t do as he wanted, or tried to slack off? He made them carry a pack of rocks or carry stacks of logs, sticks, everything. He made them go to get water in crudely made buckets of water with rope that was poorly made and frayed. It hurt their hands, hurt their shins, even as the weight dragged them down so much they had to carry on the ground and walk bit by bit.
If they got used to it, more weight. More buckets.
He made sure they learned how to make salves, how to perform first aid.
He made them bleed on the altar of his training grounds of survival, so they wouldn’t bleed when they got tested.
Then, atop of all of that. He made them fight him. And there, he showed no mercy. They weren’t to use any moves. They were to fight him with pure physical brutality.
They all limped away, crying and cursing him the first time. And even the next time, he forced them all to participate, even when they were bruised, hungry and tired.
That was how he worked them over. They got used to it, got used to the cruel and unforgiving work.
He treated them like survivors of a post apocalyptic event, which this was in their case.
He forced them to adapt. To learn. To have the tools in hand so they could do their best.
One night, one of them got severely ill. She was bedridden, sweating and barely able to get up.
She was fading.
He made one of them that was very good at identifying herbs and medicinal fruits on the fly and to get what she needed from the wild. The Valkyrie that this one needed to save had a horrible infection that was killing her.
“If you don’t get the medicine she needs, she won’t make the night! So move!” He barked at her, and it lit a fire under her ass as she flew like she had never flown before.
Bellum sat, and waited for her to return.
He was left alone there with the victim. The poor Valkyrie looked at him with bleary eyes, pained whimpers escaping her. The infection was internal. Something she had eaten, or something that had gone wrong in her work. He wasn’t sure. He knew he could help her, but he didn’t.
Not right away. He would if the Valkyrie he had sent from the makeshift compound that he had made the survivors make in the real world wouldn’t return.
He wasn’t going to let them die.
But he had to make them believe that there would be no safety net.
Would be no hope of him stepping in to save their asses.
Only this way, would they survive.
Relying on a higher power had made them weak. Had made them compliant and meek.
Now though, there was no luxury for such things.
Either they adapted, or they died.
It took the Valkyrie he had sent out hours. She had come at the 11th hour so to speak, when Bellum thought that she wouldn’t make it, now that it was dark and the stars in the sky. The others having made a fire to cook the night's food, she had come. She came hurling down at the dry muddy ground, choking on the dust, but holding in a poorly made bag, fruits and herbs that would help to reduce the infection and inflammation, and even help with the pain.
She was gasping and gagging, her body shaking with exhaustion as she crawled her way to her friend, and to him.
He didn’t move. He only judged.
She in return, gave him a heated snarl that held defiance. Good.
He left after that, giving her the chance to make the medicine that her friend would need.
Even exhausted, and unable to stand. She had worked on the medicine on a mortar and pestle, made her friend drink it, then collapsed.
Her friend had survived.
The makeshift colony, all celebrated. Good.
They should celebrate the life they could get.
The training he had in mind for them was almost done. There was a topic that he was… Loathed to approach, but had too.
“Mates.” Bellum began finally on a winter morning that made the Valkyrie all there stand with their arms around them, in fur coats that had been better made thus far after months of them needing to make everything by hand.
But they still didn’t have it perfect just yet.
“You will all need to find mates. And no, you can’t see Fenris. And no, not Xossa either. If you do, I will beat you all enough that you will be bedridden for days.” He threatened, and one of them in the front, a harsh tone in her voice spoke out at him in defiance.
“We’ll try anyway.”
That got a good laugh out of the few that had gotten better at fighting him. They couldn’t defeat him yet, but they were getting good enough. He wasn’t perfect, nor a damned master. But what he had was raw strength and street cruelty with a few tricks. Even that was enough for now. But they were getting better.
“Then I welcome your ass whooping.” Bellum growled. His tone disapproving, but his eyes glimmering with silent approval. If they had the balls to challenge him openly, he had hope for them yet.
“But back to the topic. Mates. You need to find mates. And not just because you can’t go to Xossa or Fenris. But because it will kill you.” He said seriously, and that made them all listen intently.
“And I won’t kill you. But in the future, your choices will. I will admit, I don’t know jack or shit about your biology. But I know inbreeding will kill you. Maybe it won’t kill you right away, but it will kill you all eventually. Your kids will be malformed, perhaps have flaws that will prevent your survival. Even stillborns will be a regular thing.” He said, and that made all of them gasp and clutch at their stomachs.
“Mhm.” Bellum agreed, his tone serious.
“So, a new rule for your own survival. Diversify.” Bellum stated bluntly. “If you can breed, you can survive. Pokemon are a plenty. Even humans may be willing to give you the time of day, but I don’t have to tell you that you all have to be cautious there.” He told them firmly. He had gone over how humans were more a threat than a boon in many ways for Pokemon. Especially for them since they resembled a group of Darkrai, and they were rare as shit out there.
“I have taught you how to defend yourselves, even if you didn’t want to. I have taught you to survive the harshest things I could think of, and you came out okay.” Bellum said, giving another grunt.
“What I can’t help you with, is this. I can’t give you what you want either way if you want it or not and I refuse to to boot.” He grunted, and that got them at least laughing a little.
“So, fuck who you can. But don’t be dicks about it. Find someone you like, or you can stomach at least, and maybe try it. To some in the wild, love need not apply. But that is the exception. Not the rule.
So, be careful you idiots.” He said, finding himself rising to the air, the dogtags around his neck jangling with the movement.
It was clear to them all that Bellum had taught them everything he could. How to tan hides, how to survive on their own. Everything he could think of.
They were all glad to see him go. They didn’t like him. They hated his guts. And they had to suck it up that he was there because he was the only thing keeping them alive, if not healthy up to this point.
He had been a cruel bastard in their new life.
But he had also taught them so much. Made them better than they were. Now, they weren’t remnants of a colony. Now they were.. Well a band of survivors in a world that was cruel and would stay cruel.
But together, they would have a little bit of home.
As he left, they all watched him go. Watched his figure fade in the distance.
A few had regrets, feeling like he could’ve done more, or they could’ve gotten more out of him, if they tried.
One or two wanted him as a leader. Even if they hated him, he had been a surprising rock in their budding community.
The rest were just glad that he had bothered to teach them at all.
After a while, they stopped milling about and went back to work.
There was still so much to do, and all of them had their jobs to do.
There was no rest for the weary after all.
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aresite · 3 years
@omegaman255​ SAID: 
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“Well, I guess that works.“ He opened his arms to hug her. Now he wouldn’t have to give a secret after all!
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refractment · 3 years
Tenebre would cuddle. Because warm.
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“... have we met before?”
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consacro · 4 years
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NAME: Homura Hoemaru ALIAS: Homura AGE: 472 FAMILY: Empress, Sirocco, Lyre (surrogate “Parents”), Valentin (”parent”), Rahi, Reika, Archel, Epoch, Hibiki, Kyouma (”children”), Ageha (”child” deceased) SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Kisumi (not on tumbles)
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: Buddhist SINS: greed  / gluttony /  sloth  / lust / pride / envy / wrath VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  / diligence / humility /  kindness  / patience  / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: What KNOWN LANGUAGES: Old Johto (I use traditional chinese to depict this) (fluent), modern johto, modern common SECRETS: –
BUILD: scrawny  / bony  / slender / fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average. HEIGHT: 6′1″ SCARS / MARKS: cut on outer top corner of left eye, “branded” gouges on right outer thigh   ABILITIES / POWERS: Resurrection/rebirth from fatal injuries, holy fire RESTRICTIONS: Unable to swim (is not bouyant, no waterproof feathers), unable to fly when downy coat is wet, will not go near deep waters, poor vision in right eye, dulled sense of touch/taste
FOOD: Apricorns, bones, raw meat DRINK: rahi’s sake PIZZA TOPPING: Has never had pizza, actually lol COLOUR: White MUSIC GENRE: instrumental BOOK GENRE: idk he’s mostly just read old war reports lol MOVIE GENRE: Hasn’t seen movies before SEASON: Spring CURSE WORD: Tries not to curse too much since Rahi’s very impressionable. Will still say fuck every once in a while SCENT(S): Vanilla, lotus
Tagged by @iinauras​ Tagging UHHHH @bxstiae​ @ex-rockxtgrunt​ @son-of-skarmory​ @swordsandfeathers​ @omegamanrp​
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necro-divine · 3 years
     Left, to right -- where Tenebres’ gaze might search, nothing is found. Until it is.
    ‘Pon a lonely, crooked branch, the light-wyvern remains perched, an idle, wry smile cast across its features in its affair of watching the chimera in silence.
     Until it is no longer.
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       " YOᑌᖇ ᗰIᑎᗪ ᖴᖇᕮTS ᑌᑎᑭᖇOᐯOKᕮᗪ. 
        IT ISᑎ'T ᖴITTIᑎG Oᖴ Oᑎᕮ ᗰᗩᗪᕮ Iᑎ Tᕼᕮ IᗰᗩGᕮ Oᖴ ᗩ ᗪᕮITY, ᑕᕼIᗰᕮᖇᗩ. " The small dragon claims, wings close to its form as they serve themselves to their gaze.
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mayaku-inu · 5 years
The Princess’ Little Pet [closed]
@omegamanrp​ just stepped into the wrong neighborhood
Well, it used to be here, an antique bookshop recommended by a number of older locals in the area. But it seems that this storefront hidden down the alleyway had long since closed. It also seemed that Ben’s way out was being closed off as well.
The tall man gave off a menacing aura and he walked with that kind of gait you’d attribute to some anime-style yakuza. Hands stuffed in pockets, cigarette burning slowly between his lips.
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“Seems like you’ve gotten yourself a little lost, pretty boy,” he called out as his footsteps echoed against the concrete. It would just barely cover the soft, droning sensation in your mind of a Psychic-Type leering just too close for comfort, “It’s too beautiful of a day out to be wandering around alone, could you use a little company?”
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icratheimp · 5 years
"Finally!" Sarah had been training on her own ever since she got permission to leave Taal's Fortress. She'd been working on controlling her new powers for awhile, with some success. This latest feat being the growth of a tree from a sapling in about an hour. "This Xerneas stuff is harder than it looks." She stretched out, enjoying the shade that the tree provided. "I can't imagine what it's like for some of the other Legends." She said as she looked up the branches. @omegamanrp
Up in the branches of the newly formed tree, the strange cat now rested. Her long tail flicked and coiled around the limbs of the tree as she dangled upside down like a strange possum, hanging right above Sarah.
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“Legend has it that the moss grows on the north side of the tree. Is that true?”
Seemed she was no stranger to... talking to strangers.
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