#swim g
Blooming Villain
After the battle, masterless cattle Shadows are hanging by a thread With a bit of bravado, maybe tomorrow We'll be atop the sheep While the rest of Square's pissing Hivemind is missing Fled with his tails between his legs Nature abhors a power vacuum That leaves room for you and me The future of 'Square belongs to the Three
Is there any doubt of our goals? Like, honestly, everyone already KNOWS what we need here! You get what I'm saying? You get it? We gotta rise up against the fakers! The fakers! The ones that live outside the Tower walls, the ones who look like us! If we work together, we WILL win! It always happens, in stuff like games and shows... The Remnants of Despair could've brought the world to its knees with its 21 peeps, so who's to say we can't? Oh, wait! You don't even know what I'm talking about. Woopsie! Well, I'll let the others fill you in right here...
Everyone here wants to slay the faker. No matter how hard you bite down on these urges, they WILL rise. I have tried... And tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and tried... And my other self barely let me off the hook. If he still can't accept me, what makes you think your other half would? That's right... you can't. And it's only a matter of time before you might be killed. That's why we have to strike now. Remember! Remember what they took from you...!
Hivemind fled the city to spread the word of "order" to a lawless land. And where did that lead you? All the way back to us... Do you understand me us now? Rise to the occasion... and join us in the revolution. You have nothing to lose, the tethers are an illusion. You have a sense of self to gain. Oh, THIS will be fun... Ready?! Prepare yourself!
Signed, Kagevi-chaaaaaaan <3, Swim Goggles/Swim-G Kagelo and Kagego, the Big 3, leaders of the Shadows.
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front-facing-pokemon · 8 months
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🕸 @the-sad-emo-princess666 🕸
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gaying-mantis-phd · 3 months
tumblr exclusive moral orel edit ft alex g
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taralen · 5 months
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"You do what I ask of you. Addisons don't ask questions; they merely do. Now do what you're told and get in that swimsuit. We're crunching time and need this photo shoot done by tomorrow. Hop to it!"
Several weeks ago, I dreamed about wearing a really uncomfortable green swimsuit and was forced to have photos taken of me in it. I thought the idea was so specific and strange that I had to include it in one of my stories. Well, I decided Theta gets to suffer!
This plays into some further lore-building I've been cooking that focuses on one of the antagonists, Nagela, and her complicated relationships with Spamton and Theta during the 1990s. I also decided to give him a new suit for fun. Who said he has to wear the same red suit all the time anyway?!
[[NOTE: This is a continuation of something I am working on for my AU, LoveLetter. Click on Nagela's name in the previous section to take you there. Everything is still WIP!]]
During a follow-up meeting, Nagela spoke to Spamton privately concerning his unusual nervous behavior at the fashion show. He insisted that he was merely on edge from the "excitement of it all" since it was the first fashion show he had ever attended. She subtly pressed him for why he looked at that girl the way he did when they passed by her. Spamton maintained his previous statement of "never meeting her before."
Nagela still had her suspicions. She didn't want to entertain the idea that Spamton would ever be interested in any woman besides herself, so she devised a plan to catch him off-guard. Several photo shoots were already scheduled for the sponsored clothing lines she was expanding the collection on, and this gave her the perfect opportunity to test him.
In every previous photo review, Spamton never showed any interest in the models, no matter how alluring or sensual. His face remained professional, impartial, and disinterested in the Addisons wearing the clothes he would choose to sponsor. If he liked one, he'd "poach" the design from her and have it labeled under G. SHARP, his own clothing brand.
Nagela chose Theta to wear one of the most revealing swimsuits of the DEEP BLUE swimsuit line, catered to an adult demographic with erotic tastes. She pitched the line to Spamton before, and though he was somewhat intrigued, he had not made any final decisions to sponsor it.
Theta was a modest woman. Though she was beautiful, as most Addison women are, she was not quite beautiful enough for most modeling gigs due to her short stature and the unusual "dead pixels" that made her face "defective." At first, her heart raced at the idea of modeling for the luxurious NAGELA SAX company and its namesake proprietor, but once Nagela revealed what she wanted her to wear, a wave of discomfort and fear consumed her.
"Surely, there is someone better for this one?" Theta uttered as she held it before her.
Nagela loomed over, finger jabbing into her chest. "You do what I ask of you. Addisons don't ask questions; they merely do. Now do what you're told and get in that swimsuit. We're crunching time and need this photo shoot done by tomorrow. Hop to it!"
Holding back tears, she retreated to the dressing room. The bathing suit revealed too much, and the fabric pulled in all the wrong places. Still, she went out as she was told and took part in the provocative photoshoot, having to constantly be reminded to smile and "look natural."
With all the necessary shots taken, Nagela told her, "Great. Hopefully, these will get him to sponsor DEEP BLUE." Theta didn't need to know the name to understand exactly who she was referring to.
Once she made it to the safety of her apartment, she stepped into the shower, turned the water up as hot as he could handle, and scrubbed herself with a loofa until her skin reddened from friction and heat. Her mind wandered as she stared at the streams of water trailing down her expressionless face, circling down the drain. She had wanted his eyes on her, but she never expected it to be like this! Complex emotions swirled within her, filling her with a sense of uncertainty and dread piled upon a small speck of something deeper... Warmer.
Nagela mixed her photos in with the others for Spamton to see. She wanted to test his reaction. If the girl meant nothing to him, he would surely react the same way he did with the other models.
But he didn't.
Spamton's eyes widened, and the cigarette slacked in his mouth. The tips of his fingers twitched ever so slightly, causing the paper to tremble. The faint hint of pink colored his white face.
That was not the reaction Nagela wanted to see.
"What's the matter?" she asked. "Huh?" He laughed nervously. "Nothing's wrong!" "I know you, and something is definitely wrong." She smirked and smoked her cigarette, seemingly cool and composed as ever, but a burning jealousy festered inside her. "I wasn't expecting to see such a..." He waved his hand in a circular motion. "Provocative swimsuit?" He snapped his fingers. "That's it! Right, well, I wasn't expecting to see it mixed in with the rest of these. I'm admittedly taken off-guard." "I slipped it in as a surprise, just to see your reaction. It's part of the DEEP BLUE line you showed interest in. Does this help sway your decision?" She smirked. "Will you sponsor it now?" "Is that it?" Spamton laughed, his brows furrowed. He hummed and took a moment to think it over. "To be honest, no. It's too..." He fingered through the photos. "Racy for your tastes?" Nagela grinned. "Yes, and I, um, wasn't expecting you to pick her as a model. Didn't you say she doesn't have the right 'stuff' for that?" He chuckled and scratched his cheek. Nagela pushed her cigarette into an ash trash, her eyes boring into Spamton's face. "I figured. I know your tastes very well, Mr. Spamton. I picked her because her skin tone complements that color very well, perhaps even more than a Pink Addison's would. I could have modeled it myself, of course, for my skin is just as fair, but you know me—I could never wear something so erotic. It may be my product, but it's clearly not made for either me or you."
Spamton stared at the photos again, trying to keep his composure. Complicated feelings swelled inside him, many of which he fought not to indulge in. This girl disturbed him. Seeing her made his throat tight and sweat bead on his forehead, but another part of him was drawn to her gentle smile, deep, dark eyes, and soft... NO, not going there! He wanted to get away from this strange little woman. In all the places he'd been, there was no one like her, a White Addison, just like he used to be. They seemed to always inevitably cross paths, no matter where he went, even if she did not notice him. Seeing her made his stomach churn and his mind numb, but he couldn't afford to show this weakness to Nagela.
He didn't want anyone to know his mind was spiraling over his decision to accept the deal offered by that call...
The one he felt destined to take because he believed he was...
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dailyxavier · 9 months
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day 10: crayola
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tiktaalic · 4 months
It 2017 is crazy because it makes you remember the plot of it chapter 2
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ariaterramoon · 6 months
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Sarai Sketch Page 💜
When in doubt, draw your favourite OC to brighten your day. I think I covered quite a bit of her personality on this sketch page heh
I haven't been in the mood to actually finish a drawing lately but oh does sketching feel nice! The brush I use is very inspiring i love it sm
Which is your favourite sketch? owo
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v1x-holo · 6 months
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(Those are grabbed from twitter by the way so the answer of this is over there lol)
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The "Big Three" are a trio of Shadows who are considered leaders of the Shadow Selves. They consist of Shadow Goggles, Shadow Gloves (Swim-G), and Shadow Vintage.
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cattowersjails · 7 months
Gift for @dr-malice and a friend of theirs!
¨I LIKE YA CUT G!¨ *pain*
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Plus doodle of Warden and @violetsees SJ oc
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superweirdstudios · 4 months
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They Wear Their Skin In Wonderland
Digital Illustration / 2024
They Wear Their Skin In Wonderland focuses on horror iconography, album orientation, and coloration associated with SWS. The piece is part of a larger theme explored in gender identity and dysphoria in Super Weird Studios’ artistry. Contemporary artists inspired the piece with Doc Hammer, The Neverhood, and Yoshitaka Amano as well as the songs Robot Chicken by Les Claypool, S.D.O.S by Alex G, and that unrequited feeling by what is your name?.
Stay Weird
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skippygoldfish · 1 year
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i love you beautiful girls ;;_;; 💕 this morning they tried some spaghetti squash for the first time!
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dailyxavier · 11 months
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day 8: oops
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litenmyra · 2 years
Assortment of G/T drawings I most likely will not finish yet wish to share
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solittles · 1 month
i'm really trying. really really am.
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