#sweet rosekiller
lulublack90 · 5 days
Prompt 30 - Rely
@rosekillermicrofic September 30, word count 739
Final part, everyone. Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has read this little series over the last few months, I enjoyed writing it so much. I will be putting it up on Ao3 all together if anyone wants to read it all through again. Thank you all again for reading. Love you. Lulu xxx
Previous part First Jegulus part
Evan didn’t even give him a chance to get his shoes off before he was slamming him against the closed door and devouring his mouth.
“You. Bed. Now!” Evan growled at him between kisses. Barty obeyed entirely. 
The leather cuffs were already attached to the bed. He wondered when Evan had done that because those were the special ones. Normally, they had the soft ones attached all the time. It must have been right before they left because they definitely hadn’t been there when he’d got changed. 
He quickly stripped out of his clothes, tossed them in the corner out of the way and got onto the bed. Evan straddled him, reaching above him and quickly securing the hard leather cuffs around Barty’s wrists. He tugged at the cuffs, a bolt of pleasure shot right to Barty’s cock, making him tug again. Evan moved down Barty’s body, biting marks into his skin as he went, all the way down to his ankles, where he looped the matching ankle cuffs up from under the bed. Barty gasped, Evan wasn’t messing around; he’d come to play, and Barty couldn’t be more ready. 
Finished restraining Barty, Evan went over to the bottom drawer of their dresser and pulled it open. He took out the toys he wanted and returned to the bed, laying them out neatly between Barty’s stretched legs. 
His cock was fully erect at this point, just seeing Evan’s blown pupils had him nearly cuming. Evan noticed and teasingly slowly pushed the cock ring down Barty’s engorged cock. Barty flung his head back and moaned as the ring bit into his skin, the near orgasm fading away. Evan must want him to last awhile if he’d put that on. Barty tried to calm his racing heart, but then Evan opened the bottle of lube, and he was yanking at his bonds, needing to be touched immediately. “Tut, tut, darling. You know the rules. Patience or nothing happens,” Evan chided. Barty huffed like a spoilt brat but spent a moment collecting himself. “Good boy,” Evan crooned and slipped a lube-covered finger inside him. 
Barty let his thoughts wander, trying to take his mind off the insanely good feeling of Evan’s fingers deep inside him. He thought of Regulus and how happy that spiky little git was with his sunshine boyfriend. He still found it insane that he and Sirius were now almost friends, and that boyfriend of his, damn, he was something else. Barty’s cock twitched, and he quickly turned his thoughts to James’s parents and how, after barely meeting them for five minutes, they’d dragged them into their patchwork family, and Barty absolutely loved it. Plus, he got that shiny van out of it, not that it was a dealbreaker or anything. He couldn’t wait to go out in it again. And to think none of this would have happened, including Regulus finally getting out of that damn house, if Regulus hadn't thrown his apple core at James before falling out of a tree—
“Barty!” Evan snapped. 
“Huh? Oh, sorry, I was miles away,” Barty admitted sheepishly. 
“Am I boring you?” Evan asked, a brow arching upwards.
“No, no, the opposite, actually, I was trying not to cum, sorry,” Evan snorted. 
“Alright, I’ll forgive you,” He said, leaning forward and kissing Barty, nipping his bottom lip hard. The second Barty gasped, Evan removed his fingers and pushed himself inside. Barty let out a truly dirty moan. He and Evan just fit together so well. He looked up at the man he loved with all his heart as he began to move in and out of him and felt his chest bursting with adoration. 
“Marry me,” He blurted out as Evan thrust back into him. Evan stilled. 
“What?!” He asked, shock covering his face. 
“Evan, will you marry me?” Barty repeated, lifting himself off the bed as much as his restraints would let him. Evan’s eyes widened as his breath hitched. 
“Yes. Yes, Barty Crouch, I will marry you,” Evan sobbed as tears fell from his eyes. He reached up and released the cuffs around Barty’s wrists, and Barty wrapped his arms around him. Holding him against his chest. The one person he could always rely on. His Evan. 
“I love you,” He murmured. 
“I love you too,” Evan said, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
The sex turned into something softer, unhurried as they made love long into the night.   
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ecstarry · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic / forever / 183 words / @fromagony
Barty and Evan were 14 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty hesitantly asked. 
“Are you?” Evan countered in a tone that lacked as much certainty as Barty’s.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other once last time as they walked through the doors that were sure to change everything: High School. 
Then, Barty and Evan were 18 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, a little eager this time. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with a smirk.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
Once again, they looked at each other once last time as they walked through new doors: College. 
And then, Barty and Evan were 27 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, excitement all over his body. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with something reserved only for Barty: tenderness.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other again, as they had been doing all their lives. Two boys that grew up with nothing to care for but each other. They were on the other side of a new door, placing a ring in each other’s fingers. A forever. 
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heaven4lostgirls · 3 months
hi!! i was curious if you would write something that starts out with barty x reader and evan is just friends with both of them before feeling like he’s impeding on their relationship (a little bit angsty if you’re comfortable with that) but barty and reader tell him that he’s not impeding at all and they’re actually very interested in him joining their relationship (totes no worries if not!!)
pairing: poly!rosekiller x reader
summary: request above!
word count: 1.8k
a/n: thank you for your your request, this somehow came much easier to me than i thought it would? (i’m blaming the fact that they have been consuming my every thought since last week) not proofread btw
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evan’s not sure when it started, when it started feeling less like evan hanging out with two of his close friends and more like evan third wheeling two of his closest friends.
he dislikes it, the change. it makes him feel silly, why does he want to spend this much time with two people who obviously have no obligation to him outside of friendship? (and why does he wish that would change?)
he watches you and barty stroll ahead of him in the streets of hogsmeade, inhibiting himself from increasing his walking speed to catch up to the two of you, to join in the boisterous laughter that you two share.
instead, he lets himself watch longingly of what he so wishes was his future. his eyes travel along the landscape of the small town, always finding his eyes making their way back to your shared figures ahead of him.
your hair catching the orange glare of the setting sun, comparable in brightness to the smile on barty’s face as he listens to you babble nonsensically about a novel you had been reading.
evan allows himself only a single moment to mourn, mourn a love he had never really had in the first place, but nonetheless mourn the loss.
he knew he could never tell either of you of his feelings, he had watched the both of you fall in love, the shared glances, lingering touches and lovesick gazes.
all of which he longed to experience yet knew that neither of you would ever reciprocate his feelings. so he tortured himself in spending his free time with you both, to limit suspicion, but ever so slightly, pulling away, tending to walk behind the both of you, instead of with, sitting behind the two of you in class but always paired with another classmate for projects. studying with the two of you in the library, but always leaving early with one or more excuses.
barty and you had noticed, of course you had, but chalked it up to evan only adjusting to the shift in dynamic between your trio. you both missed him dearly but never asked for him to stay in fear of pushing him further away.
and thus, in a viscious cycle, the three of you drifted further apart than ever before, each party too afraid of admitting that they missed the other and impeaching on unconscious boundaries.
however, as you and barty walk down hogsmeade, evan trailing behind the two of you like a glorified guard dog rather than your best friend, you murmur to your lover, “we need to talk to him” with a sad look.
barty turns to you with furrowed eyebrows, “what if he doesn’t want to talk?” he says and you can’t help but turn and pitifully look back at evan’s bored yet slightly sad expression.
“we have to try, i-we can’t lose him” you emphasize and barty nods in understanding before placing a hand on your cheek.
“we’ll talk with him when we reach the castle, okay angel?” he says with a soft murmur, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. you hum in acknowledgement before closing your eyes.
evan’s heart clenches at the sight of the two of you, so perfectly fit together, how could he ever compete? not that he wanted to, but he knew deep down that he would never be what either of you wanted nor needed and it was better to cut his losses than to have his heart broken unexpectedly.
as you reach the castle, you all make your way to the slytherin common room and up to barty and evan’s shared dorm. evan is about to make an excuse about studying in the library to avoid being alone with you two but before he can make his escape, your voice breaks the silence in the empty dorm.
“evan.” your tone is soft and calming, yet evan’s heart drops to his stomach, clenching painfully as he closes his eyes in an “oh fuck” moment.
he turns to you with a fake smile, beckoning you to continue, hoping whatever you’re going to say, it isn’t what he thinks it is.
“what’s going on?” so it’s exactly what he thinks it is, he doesn’t have to play into this, he doesn’t have to give you the answers you seek- “what’s what?” he asks as he shrugs, faking nonchalance at the situation.
you and barty share a look that has evan clenching his jaw, “you’re pulling away from us!” you accuse him. the silence that follows is defeaning, the only sound is evan’s sharp intake of breath.
“we don’t have to talk about this-“ evan says quickly as he looks alarmed at the both of you before barty scoffs.
“yes we fucking do” and there’s a ‘don’t argue with me’ tone in his voice. evan only avoids his gaze as he looks at his shoes and shrugs once again.
“it doesn’t matter-“ he says again with an avoidant tone, barty only growls in annoyance. “yes it fucking does evan! we miss you!” barty states loudly and evan can’t help but flinch as he meekly looks up and meets barty’s gaze.
you clench your jaw in hope that it stops the tears from welling in your eyes. “did we do something? to-make you uncomfortable?” your voice breaks midway and evan’s wide eyed gaze jumps to yours in alarm and worry at the tears in your eyes.
“no!-no.” he shakes his head with wide eyes, “fuck.” he says as he looks down again and blows out a breath as he rakes a hand through his messy blonde hair.
“it’s just-“ he blows out a frustrated breath. “i can’t do this” he shakes his head as his voice wobbles, you look at barty whose gaze is swimming in worry.
“evan” barty starts softly, in the same tone he uses just for you, evan flinches as he hears it and shakes his head again, this time more frantically as he pulls at his roots.
he looks at barty in an almost manic movement, looking comparably to a rabid animal backed into a corner. “don’t-“ he starts as he chokes up, “don’t use that fucking tone” he says as he wraps his arms around himself. “not-not when you use it with her, not when i know it doesn’t mean the same as thing” he stammers out as he backs himself more into the wall.
“evan” barty’s eyes soften and you look at him again before deciding to walk closer to evan, “is that what this is about?” you ask softly, your heart clenching as he withdraws from you further, not letting you come any further towards him.
“what else could it possibly be about!” he cries out and looks at the two of you, gaze jumping from both of your figures as tears fall steadily past his pale cheeks.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did-”
“-and i tried to pull away but it just kept getting worse and you guys started noticing but didn’t say anything-”
“-i was trying to get over it, it was only a small crush! i would have never broken that boundary between the two of you-”
“EVAN!” the yell breaks evan out of his rambling as he looks at barty in shock.
“why didn’t you tell us?” you ask softly as your lip wobbles, your arms finding their way around your midsection in an attempt to self soothe your anxiety.
“tell you?!” evan cries incredulously as if the idea was implausible. “yes” barty says stiffly. “because you two are together?! and you don’t feel the same! which is understandable because i’m not really anything you should want but!-”
“who said we didn’t like you?” barty asks sternly and evan’s almost ramble is cut short as he looks at barty dumbfounded before turning his gaze to look at you as if to ask ‘did you just hear what your boyfriend just said or am i going insane?’ to which you look pointedly at him.
“well?” you prompt with a quirked brow, still somewhat shaking from the fear bubbling under your skin.
“well- i mean- nobody? but it’s implied when two people are in a committed relationship that they’re not really on the market anymore-“ evan starts before you butt in,“we’re not.”
you say helpfully before evan nods in acquiescence, “see!-so you would never-!”
“that doesn’t include you love” barty says with a huff, but you can tell by his voice there’s a small smile on his face as he watches evan struggle to come to terms with what your boyfriend is saying.
“you-? you two- want me?!” he asks, eyes widening and posture tensing. barty and you turn to each other with shared smiles before you turn to evan with a small shrug with a grin blooming over your face, “always have” you admit shyly and watch as evan blanches.
“uh-“ evan looks between the two of you, speechless.
“i’m going to walk up to you now love, i’d appreciate it if you’d let me hug you love, because if you don’t it might just break my heart” barty jokes with smirk before taking slow and cautious steps towards evan’s figure in the corner of the dorm.
evan allows himself to be comforted by the familiarity of barty’s arms around him, he melts into the hug as he exhales a breath of relief. he opens his eyes to meet your gaze behind barty’s back as you watch the two of them with a gentle smile on your face.
evan taps barty’s shoulder in a gentle touch to ask if he can let him go, barty pulls away slowly before looking into evan’s gaze, “i’m not good with communicating what i want, for that i’m sorry, but as far as i’ve been concerned, you’ve been mine since fourth year.” barty admits with heat in his gaze and evan’s mouth drops open as the other boy pulls away nonchalantly and walks back over to his bed on the other side of the dorm.
“you like me” evan states dumbly as he looks at you and you can’t help but have a small laugh at his expense before walking over to him in less cautious steps in comparison to barty, “seems so” you murmur as you stand in front of him with a small smile, letting him have the freedom to make the first move, should he choose to.
he blows out a breath before nodding and placing a hand on your cheek as he gazes into your eyes with adoration, leaning down and pressing his forehead to yours. he closes his eyes and breathes in deeply before you’re pulled into a comforting embrace. you slowly wrap your arms around his waist.
you both stand in a comfortable silence before barty’s voice breaks the silence, “can you two come and do that on the bed before i go and complain to regulus about being neglected?” he complains from the middle of his bed.
you two pull away and share a humorous glance before you walk hand in hand to his bed.
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morsmortish · 3 months
“toxic rosekiller this” “toxic rosekiller that” they’re not toxic. they’re both just fucking insane.
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aithusarosekiller · 8 months
Barty gives Evan the princess treatment but in the most deranged, wierdy possessive way possible
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terymlxyrstdus · 8 months
I love murderous rosekiller, don’t get me wrong, but I live for them when they’re sweet a cute and just aksjdnwlsl.
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03junkie · 11 months
I believe in toxic rosekiller because there is no way those two arent the most codependent, jealous and possessive shits ever
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bri-cheeses · 5 months
| @gilded-love this is for you <3 | Word count: 308 | A follow up to this microfic |
“You never did show me what was in your notebook,” Barty said absentmindedly as he brushed a hand through Evan’s hair.
They were laying in Barty’s bed together, hopelessly tangled in one big pile of limbs, soft smiles, and loving kisses.
“Huh?” Evan asked.
“Your notebook,” Barty insisted, “the one that I made you give me a kiss for.”
Evan smiled. “Oh, yeah. I guess I owe a lot to that notebook.”
“But what’s in it? You were so desperate for me to not look through it, and I’m curious.”
Evan groaned. “It’s so embarrassing, though. Besides, I’d have to get up and walk all the way to my own bed to get it.”
“I’m sure you’ll manage,” Barty teased, and Evan groaned again before standing to retrieve the notebook.
Padding back to Barty’s bed, he warned, “You can’t make fun of me. You’re my boyfriend now, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.”
The corner of Barty’s mouth quirked up and he reached for the book, opening it as Evan got settled next to him.
Evan would be worried about what Barty’s reaction might be, but Barty was just as obsessed with him and he was with Barty. So he simply crossed his fingers and hoped for the best.
“Evs,” Barty breathed, flipping reverently through the pages, “these are lovely.”
“Well,” Evan coughed. “They’re drawings of you, so…”
Barty shook his head insistently. “No, I— they’re beautiful.”
“Oh,” Evan said, and felt a blush spread over his cheeks.
Then Barty was turning towards him, fisting a hand in his shirt and pulling him in for a hungry kiss.
When they pulled apart, Barty was looking at him with an adoring expression.
“I love you,” he said, and Evan’s world stopped, just for a bit.
Then he came back to himself, and smiling wide, he confessed, “I love you, too.”
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
what if there was fic that is just Barty Crouch Jr in his time as Mad eye moody where he spend alot of time with Luna lovegood because she reminds him of one of his best friends and sister in law,
spending time with who should have called him uncle-Barty and it’s him keep telling luna about her mum and uncle.
Barty going mad stuck in the body of his soulmate’s killer. and they spend time together and it’s sweet but also heartbreaking with a bunch if flashbacks.
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userlupin · 8 days
Favourite rosekiller headcanons/takes?? Love hearing people’s thoughts on them chdncjfnc
i have to think hard in this very moment thank you for asking i am GLAD someone wants to hear my yapping (^◡^ )
i’m such a defender of evan being equally as insane as barty or WORSE. like i have this scenario in my head when people characterize barty as jealous and aggressive (I AM GUILTY OF THIS…) i truly think evan it’s fucking worse… like matching their freaks to the next level of freaky?
next… i do like slytherin ! barty, but ravenclaw ! barty it’s such an interesting thing for me with rosekiller…. the interactions….. cocky barty with a mean streak because he’s the smartest mf alive and evan it’s just drooling over this asshole???????????
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star4daisy · 10 months
Tattoo Your Name Across My Heart
"What are you doing?" Barty tried to hide what he had on his hands behind his back. "Nothing." Regulus insisted, practically fighting him for the object. "Is that a doll?" "No?"  "Yes, it is." Regulus's tone was accusing. "So what if it is? Can't a grown man play with dolls anymore?" Regulus paused, his eyes narrowing on the doll. "Is that Evan?" Barty tried to play it off. "Maybe." "Why do you have an Evan doll?" "I'm manifesting," he admitted, finally turning the doll to Regulus, showing him where he had tattoed his name across where Evan's heart was. Regulus's mouth dropped open. "Did you perform any type of magic on that?" He asked fearfully. "There was a ritual," Barty shrugged. "Why?" "What type of magic? Merlin, Barty. You shouldn't mess around with shit you don't know. Is that Evan's hair?" He pointed to the doll's hair which Barty had taken a lock of Evan's hair to be able to do. "It was necessary for the spell." "That's not how spells work," Regulus said frustratedly. "Whatever you did, it was something else." "I'm pretty sure I did everything right," Barty reassured him, if there was one thing Barty was confident in was his abilities when it came to magic. "What were you trying to do? Evan already loves you." "Make sure death can't make us part." Regulus froze, "What?" "You were all saying some morbid shit about dying and then I read somewhere that if I tattooed my name across his heart not even death could make us part." Regulus's mouth opened and closed twice before he could come up with something to say, "Let's hope that doesn't mean you linked your lives." "What do you mean?" "That when one of you dies, so does the other." "I don't see what's wrong with that. I don't want to live in a world where I don't have Evan." "What if you die first? Would you want him to die too?" Regulus challenged. "Why should he live if I'm dead?" Barty frowned. He didn't like the thought of Evan moving on after he was dead. Regulus looked at him like he was insane, but Barty was sure Evan would agree with him.
this was supposed to be a microfic but I liked the concept so now it's a snippet that I'll make something of in the future lol
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cheekyboybeth · 1 month
the song is regulus talking to lily but the music video is evan and barty
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royalthorned · 16 days
rosekiller but it’s evan who brings barty food back from his trips home that he would never eat himself. he goes home for the weekend and comes back with a trunk full of sweets he would not touch with a ten feet pole to watch barty eat them
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Maurader ships as Short N' Sweet songs:
Taste -- Lilyrosekiller from Evan's perspective
Please Please Please -- Bartylily from Lily's perspective
Good graces -- Jegulus from Regulus's perspective
Sharpest tool -- Wolfstar from Remus's perspective
Coincidence -- Jegulily from Regulus's persepctive
Bed chem -- Jegulus from James's perspective
Espresso -- Bartylus from Barty's perspective
Dumb & Poetic -- Bartylus from Regulus's perspective
Slim pickins -- Jily from Lily's perspective
Juno -- Wolfstar from Sirius's perspective
Lie to girls -- Dorlene from Dorcas's perspective
Don't smile -- Dorlene from Marlene's perspective
Yes, I am filled to the brim with angst 😮‍💨🤌 It's hard out here being a multishipper -- Thoughts on corresponding oneshots?
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starchasersunseeker · 8 months
I just need everyone to know how much fun it is to constantly come up with new sex positions for a polyamorous relationship of 4
Like where and how am I gonna position James, Barty, Reg and Evan this time? 😂😂
Not sure if it's as fun writting it tho, thats a question for my beloved @beautyoftheships who has to actually write my visions lol {sorry if its difficult!!}
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lupiinist · 3 months
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i was almost falling asleep, it's 2 am and i need to wake up at 7, but this like, just took my brain's place and i wouldn't have known peace if i didn't write it
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