#sweeping romance
thehangeddemon · 6 months
Sweeping Romance, Cont. || Abel, MJ, & Xavier || December, 2023
MJ: Abel was swiftly and easily caught, locking his hand and wrist to swing the familiar about without accidentally flying off.
"Sweeping music?! What fuckin' movie ya think this is?!"
Abel: "I haven't seen you in ages! We've gotta do this right!" Since MJ was holding him, Abel was able to free his arms to get his phone out of his pocket.
"Or what, is your kissing game not good enough for some sweeping music?"
MJ: "Fuck you and suck my face already! Ya keep this up you're gonna get plowed, too."
Abel: Abel laughed and took MJ’s face in both hands, still smiling as he planted a long, noisy kiss on his lips.
“You say that like it’s a threat.”
MJ: Noisy! Good! He'd get some noise back, and a growl for good measure.
"It is a fuckin' threat," he grinned, finally dropping Abel back on his feet. "Merry fuckin' Christmas."
Abel: “Oh, please, you couldn’t handle me.”
Perfect, now that he was back on the ground he could hug MJ with all of his might. “Merry Christmas,” he said, voice softening just a bit. He’d missed him, dammit.
“Things good? You good?”
MJ: "Who said? You? Fuck you." But where were his arms? Around Abel's waist, and his eyes to the ground. That gentle tone was not lost on him, and made his clothes just a little too warm.
"Ya gonna believe me when I tell ya I just got back from Japan? A fae queen kidnapped me n'took me to a hot spring."
Abel: Abel just beamed. He’d missed this vampire and he’d missed teasing him so he planned to do it as much as possible.
“MJ!” Abel smacked his shoulder. “You’re lucky she didn’t drag you to the bottom of that hot spring and keep you there! You need to be careful. Which came first, going to Japan or getting kidnapped?”
MJ: "Totally gettin' kidnapped. Lucky she knows time zones or I woulda been fucked." He could do this, smile earnestly in Abel's presence. One of the few people in his life that made it effortless.
Abel: “Oh well, at least she’s a considerate kidnapper.” Abel shook his head and gave MJ another smack and hug, in that order.
“I’m glad you’re not at the bottom of a hot spring. How’d you meet a faerie queen? Did she just see you somewhere and think you were hot?”
MJ: Smacks were as welcome as hugs. At least Abel's strength didn't send him flying.
"Met her years ago when I fuckin' fell in a goddamn fairie ring. I didn't think that shit was real!" He would have told them before. Another wild, outrageous response when asked where he'd been. They were almost always the truth, but oh well.
"Yeah, she thinks I'm hot shit. Thought if I didn't bow low enough she'd take my head that first night."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. Just a little bit. “Brother, you’ve got Xavier’s luck with faeries and that ain’t saying anything good. Now you know to stay away from those things.”
He shook his head fondly and yanked MJ down to sit, plopping himself in the vampire’s lap. He was feeling clingy today. “That’s why I told you that you’re lucky you’re not at the bottom of the hot spring. Should’ve called when you were in Japan, we were there too recently. Could’ve seen each other sooner.”
MJ: "Stay away?" He scoffed. "I'm in love!" Whether true or not, that was his story and he was sticking to it, but his smile wasn't up for debate.
Yanked, but not forced. Having Abel in his lap was nothing new, but usually there was a reason. Something on Abel's mind.
"The hell were y'all doin' in Japan? He changin' places again?"
Abel: “Nuh-uh,” said Abel, shaking his head. “We just went on holiday. Devy wanted to see the capybaras that bathe in the hot springs and Xavier wanted fancy sake. Oh! And he got approached to buy a host club.”
MJ: "Sounds exactly like the kinda shit he'd be into. Just for appearances, ya know?"
Abel was finally given a good look. Felt the strength of his hands.
"Ya missed me, didn't ya?"
Abel: “You’d think so, but he turned it down. Guess he didn’t want to be going back and forth all the time to manage it. Could see him buying one in Bangkok now that the idea is in his head though.”
Abel smiled and squished MJ’s cheeks. “Of course I missed you! We live on opposite ends of the planet and you don’t call, you don’t write.”
MJ: He has nothing to say about Xavier living in Bangkok. Not out loud. Then people might have shit to say about his own lifestyle. To each their own, but boy howdy did Rohan need to be a co-owner.
But he did have one thing to say.
"I didn't put ya in Timbuktu."
Abel: He wouldn’t have taken it personally if MJ had said something. He was well aware how the move looked from the outside and that almost no one agreed with it.
The comment was case in point.
MJ’s cheeks were squished some more. “Feeling some kind of way about the living arrangement, are we?”
MJ: "Ow," he frowned. "Ya said yourself ya don't see shit."
Abel: “Yeah, I meant I don’t see you. I live in a giant city, I see lots of shit. Just not a certain vampire who’s off getting kidnapped by faerie queens and being a courier.” Part of it was on him, there was no denying that. But still!
MJ: "Ya can come with me. Travel 'round, get into trouble with me." He raised a brow, waiting for what he knew in his heart of hearts would be a refusal.
Abel: Abel’s face suddenly lit up as he remembered something. He squeezed MJ’s face with renewed vigor.
“Do you remember that clown motel we went to in the desert that one Halloween? I found something just as creepy!”
MJ: Ok, hand privilege was being taken away. Abel's wrists belonged to him now.
"Yeah? Where?"
Abel: “It’s this grocery store full of weird, creepy animatronics!”
MJ: "Why does that exist?"
Abel: “Why does Chuck E. Cheese exist? Who knows! But it does and it’s called…fuck, what was it called?”
He shook his right arm. “Let me look on my phone, I have pictures.”
MJ: "Look, I'mma take you to Chuck E. Cheese for your next birthday."
Abel: “Only if it’s abandoned and haunted. Promise?”
MJ: "What, don't want pizza?"
Abel: “Going to Chuck E. Cheese for good pizza is like washing your hair with dish soap. Sure it technically gets the job done but you’re gonna feel like crap afterward.”
MJ: "Hate to break it to you, but you missed out on the nostalgia."
Abel: “That’s purely American nostalgia, babes. I’m Thai, I feel nostalgic about things like Doraemon and fish snacks.”
MJ: "What happened to the Norwegian?"
Abel: “I didn’t grow up there. I fled there to save my own skin.”
MJ: "I think ya got some shit t'tell me. Or don't. That's fine."
Abel: Abel gave MJ a giant kiss to his cheek. “I’d be glad to. How’s about this? Come with me to Xavier’s resort when it gets dark over there. We’ll sit on the beach and talk about life.”
MJ: "Sounds..." He didn't want to say something potentially ruining, but his instinct was to make a face. So he grinned instead.
Abel: “You’ll see that it’s not so bad over there. You can even talk Xavier into letting you take his fancy racing bike for a spin.”
MJ: "Don't call a bike fancy. Come on, man."
Abel: “It is though! It’s all sleek and fast and pretty.” Abel grinned. “You should see him in a racing suit, feels like a fever dream.”
MJ: "I dunno if I should pay money or never wanna see that. Xavier in a fuckin' racin' suit."
Abel: “Trust me, you do.”
The familiar’s face and smile softened with a deep breath. “He’s smiling again, MJ. Both of them. They’re healing.”
MJ: "Who's both?"
Abel: “Him and Devy. They’re both getting better.”
MJ: "He still got the same school at least? Familiar faces?"
Abel: “The school in Colleen’s village?” Abel shook his head. “X enrolled him in school in Bangkok. We’ve gone back for visits though. Dev talks to Colleen every day.”
MJ: "He's lettin' a demon-fae kid learn the times table with a bunch of humans?"
Abel: “I know how it sounds but Dev isn’t a baby anymore. He’s learning how to use his magic and he’s old enough to know not to bust it out in the middle of class.”
MJ: "Whatever, man. When ya wanna head out?"
Abel: “What time is it?”
MJ: "I dunno." He looked out the window, hoping maybe that would give him an answer.
Abel: Although the sky was yet dark, it was late enough into the night to be called morning and dawn was approaching. On the other side of the planet, the opposite was true; day was turning into night and the sun would be setting soon.
“We should head out soon. Won’t be long until dark. Do you need to eat or anything first?”
MJ: "What, 'fore ya magic me away?" He looked off into space a moment. "Guess feed my babies."
Abel: “Oooh yes, I wanna see them! Have you gotten any more?”
MJ: "Nothin' since Bandit. Why, ya want one?"
Abel: “Come on, you know I’d never take one of your babies away. Just curious.” If anything, Abel was liable to get him more, be or another rat or a hamster or a gerbil.
MJ: "Ya find my hamster ya win a prize. S'a game we've been playin'." Abel was put back on his feet.
Abel: Abel’s face lit up. “The teeny little hamster I gave you that one Christmas with a million whiskers?”
MJ: "Yeah Lil Stuff's still alive. Bites me in my fuckin' sleep. Think that's why the bastard's still alive."
Abel: “Oh my god, did you accidentally ghoul your hamster?”
MJ: "He is... bigger. Yeah think so."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. He just had to.
MJ: "Go the fuck on." Abel was pushed towards the door. "Can't undo this shit now. Got the fucker for life."
Abel: The familiar was still laughing as he went through the door, absolutely tickled by the mental image of a petty little hamster biting MJ in his sleep.
“I think you need to have a chat with him. Or appease him with snacks.”
MJ: "Ya know he should be dead by now, right? Ain't no just puttin' him in a cage. He'll fuckin' turn t'dust."
Abel: "No, I know, but since you have a super ghoul hamster you can at least come to an arrangement where you let him bite you when you're not asleep. But even if you don't, he still deserves snacks."
MJ: "What d'ya give a ghoul rodent that ain't carrots?"
Abel: "Let's find out!" Abel took out his phone and began to search while also searching for the hamster at the same time.
"You could give him clover! Or apples. Or cabbage."
MJ: "Clover? Like four-leaf clover, clover?"
He leaned against the RV door, arms crossed, and waited for Abel to find his objective. He was a terrier after all.
Abel: The familiar nodded. “Yep. Remember that one scene in Bambi? Tiny woodland creatures love clover.”
Now where would a hamster hide? Somewhere it could burrow, like a blanket. It had also developed a habit of biting MJ in his sleep and since it would soon be dawn…
Why, MJ’s bed of course!
MJ: "Ain't seen Bambi, friend."
Ah yes, the bed. There was a lump on the bed. A rat sized lump that wasn't a rat at all. One that scurried at the feeling of movement on the covers and squeaked at being caught.
Same thousand and one whiskers, not at all the same face. A round, fat, bastardization of what was once a hamster.
"Yeahhh... wasn't fibbin'."
Abel: “Really, nev—oh hey, buddy!”
Abel kept one hand on the lump and used the other to fish out his prize, letting out a long, low whistle as he unearthed the hamster.
“Damn, look at you, little baby! The last time I saw you, you were the size of a lychee! Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
He cradled the hamster in both hands and got a good look at him. So this is what happened when a hamster got ghouled. “You’re still really cute.”
MJ: "Ya think he's cute?" MJ didn't know what to think. Not consistently. He was humored, horrified, and disgusted. Just one emotion was enough, and one action; he had to end it, didn't he? But it had been months of this.
"All the others are Jrs. He's the only lil fuck doin' it."
Abel: “Sure I do. He reminds me of those medieval paintings with the giant hamsters.”
Abel stroked the not-so-little guy’s head. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this when he’d found the hamster in that pet shop.
“Ever asked him why he started biting you?”
MJ: "His answers ain't so cute anymore. Ya know when a dog is left with his master's corpse for days? Like that. I was a tasty snack."
Abel: Abel nodded, looking thoughtfully at the little creature in his hands and wondering whether it was happy. Living beyond your years wasn’t something animals typically got to experience.
Perhaps it would be kinder to allow the hamster to reincarnate but speaking about that in front of it felt wrong at the moment.
“Go on and feed your babies,” he said to MJ. “It’ll be sunrise soon.”
MJ: "Yep." Their food was locked away. Just hearing the cabinet open got everyone stirring. Bandit Jr and all the other rats emerged from under the top pillow where they had been keeping warm. A variety of pellets, carrot, lettuce, and dried strawberries were placed at the foot of the bed.
Abel: Seeing all of MJ’s pets come out of their hiding spots made Abel smile. It reminded him of the maids finding bugs in Devlin’s pockets every laundry day and the shrieks that always ensued.
Chuckling to himself, he sent Xavier a text to let him know that he was bringing MJ for a visit so he could meet them at the resort.
“Wanna stay a day or am I bringing you back when the sun sets here again?”
MJ: He gestures to his rats. Certainly they could open the cabinet, and would make damn sure to eat themselves sick.
Lil Stuff was placed in his jacket pocket.
"Gotta feed the babies."
Abel: “Right, yes.” Couldn’t leave the babies unattended, or the RV for that matter. “I’ll have you back at dusk. Or Xavier will if I don’t have enough juice. Told him to come to the resort when he’s free.”
Abel beamed and held a hand out to MJ. “Ready for the beach?”
MJ: "He ain't even there?" MJ did a circle for one last look around. A pair of black and orange swim trunks were taken out of the bottom drawer of forgotten summer clothes.
"Yep." He took Abel's hand.
Abel: “He’s in Bangkok but he was going to come down in a couple days anyway.”
Abel didn’t know how long it had been since MJ had teleported with someone, so he gave his friend a little longer to brace himself than he normally would before whisking him away to the south of Thailand.
The resort Xavier had purchased wasn’t as large or well-known as other resorts in more popular tourist spots, but it was for that very reason that it could boast privacy as well as luxurious accommodations for its guests. It offered comfortable rooms, first rate dining and bars, a spa, a gym, a large pool, exquisite gardens, and service to match, but Xavier could show MJ all of that later if he wanted.
Abel’s only focus was the beach.
The sun had only just set, so activity was still plentiful and would continue long into the night. Music and conversation floated toward them on the balmy, salty breeze, as well as the scent of food and fragrant jasmine.
“Here we are,” Abel said with a happy sigh, letting go of MJ’s hand and spreading his arms wide. “Welcome to Thailand.”
MJ: The most recent had been the very subject some ten minutes ago. Granted, of every method ever put upon him, fae magic disturbed his body the least. He knew why, and had no intention to discuss it.
While demonic travel left him nauseous with sulfur, a familiar left him feeling a void in his stomach. Not so much unfulfilled as he was... hungry.
Any feelings he had toward Xavier for coming here, he'd keep to himself, especially when Abel looked so proud and at peace.
His arm went around his shoulders.
"Where we goin' first?"
Abel: “You tell me!” Abel said cheerfully, mirroring MJ’s gesture and leading him out of the secluded corner he’d teleported them to.
“Beach is that way, pool is that way. There’s a bar there if you wanna hang out. There’s a private pool in Xavier’s rooms if you don’t wanna be around people. If you do, we can head into town.”
He patted the vampire’s shoulder. “You’re on a mini holiday, choice is yours.”
MJ: "Mm, gonna be there when I scoop someone up n'take a bite?" Not that he ever, ever had in Abel's presence. Not that he had with anyone in the coterie other than Rohan. He didn't even know why he had said it except to be a nuisance.
MJ bit his lip and pulled Abel that much closer.
"Ya know what, I don't wanna make a decision right now. Pretend I'm blind," he closed his eyes. "Go on n'lead me around."
Abel: Abel snorted. “You do you if you’re hungry, dude. And maybe go for a tourist so they have a nice vacation memory.” Probably much nicer than a lot of the other things he’d seen tourists do.
“Your wish is my command!” Abel laughed, guiding MJ along a path that, unbeknownst to the vampire, led to the bar by the pool.
MJ would be able to hear the music and conversation growing louder as they approached, along with the clink of glass and the sound of splashing water. Abel spoke in Thai to the bartender, accepted something from her, and then led MJ away again.
If at any point MJ decided to peak, he’d see beers in Abel’s hand and notice that the familiar was leading them toward the beach.
MJ: Oh, he opened his eyes. He still had no idea where everything was. Not really. He didn't look beyond a few feet in front of himself at a time, in his own little world that was nothing more than static thoughts.
Abel could have led them anywhere and he would have trusted the familiar. It was the scent of whelming scent of salt water and the crash of waves that finally pulled him back.
"All them for you, huh?"
Abel: “For us!”
Abel pulled MJ down to sit on the sand with him and set two of the four beers aside. The two still in his hand were opened and one was offered.
“You don’t have to drink it, you can just hold it. I know what happens when you eat or drink anything.” He wanted MJ to have a good time and having to throw up did not make for a good time.
MJ: Projectile - well, it didn't make for a good evening, but his hands were cold enough to hold Abel's second beer like an insulating sleeve.
"Get drunk enough I might take a sample of ya."
Abel: Abel kicked off his shoes and leaned back on his elbow.
“Been needing to get your drunk on by proxy?” he asked, watching MJ closely.
MJ: He stared out at the ocean. He had no love affair with her waves and mysteries, but she was pretty just the same.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It's the holidays."
Abel: “Sure is. Doing anything special? Seeing your faerie queen again maybe? Minus the kidnapping.”
MJ: "Sure. Anytime I need t'get lost."
Abel: Something about that statement piqued Abel’s curiosity. It made him feel like something was off.
“What’s she like?”
MJ: "Woman talks... like a book. Sometimes. Gotta play the part. Just wants somethin' she can't have."
Abel: Now why did that sound familiar? Had MJ said the book thing about Xavier before? It felt like he had, although Abel had yet to figure out exactly what that meant.
But one thing at a time.
“What does she want? For you to stay with her?”
MJ: The vampire scoffed, finally mirroring Abel's stance.
"A life."
Abel: Okay, that was definitely familiar. That was essentially the reason that MJ had broken up with Rohan and had entered into his friends with benefits deal with Pete.
He nodded and took a sip of his beer. “Guessing you haven’t talked to her about it since you’re having to play a part.”
MJ: "My ear's open." He wasn't going to go into detail, no matter how much he loved Abel. He could keep his secrets when he wanted to. When throwing them away would be less entertaining.
"Ya jealous?"
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Of course not. You know I just want you to be happy. Ridiculously happy.”
He reached over to pat MJ’s leg. “All I’m gonna say is that if your faerie queen is someone that makes you happy, talking to her is worth a shot. Maybe she’d be willing to go for a relationship like the one you’ve got with Pete. And if she’s not, then at least you’ll have been clear, you know?”
MJ: "Of course not, he says."
His light expression dampened, his eyes falling to Abel's hand. So, that's what this was about. Something had felt off, but he couldn't put his finger on what until now.
"I'm the sly. Don't worry 'bout it." The familiar's hand was given its own pat. The weight of each strike dead and lingering. Leave it there.
Abel: Even though MJ wasn't saying much or elaborating on anything, but what he had said plus the fact that he was nipping Abel's line of questioning in the bud was enough for Abel to know he'd touched on a sensitive spot. Whatever was going on in his head wasn't something he was willing to share, and that was fine.
The vampire knew by now that he had a sounding board whenever he was ready, if he ever was.
"Okay." Abel drank some more beer and looked out across the ocean for a while, letting the quiet settle over them for a moment before he smiled.
"Would you believe me if I told you there was a point in my life when I didn't think I'd ever get to see this view again?"
MJ: Abel had dropped the subject, gratefully, but MJ expected with every fiber of his being it would be touched on again before their departure. He knew what he would say, when the time came.
"Why wouldn't ya? Ya can be anywhere n'everywhere."
Abel: “Anywhere but here,” Abel sighed, contemplating the beer in his hand. “Here as in Thailand, but not this beach specifically. I left when I was a teenager for my own safety.”
MJ: "Someone I get to kill?" he asked, humorless. He didn't like seeing Abel bothered.
Abel: He shook his head. “Even though they deserve to die, I wouldn’t even know which direction to point you in.”
MJ: "Got some explainin' to do."
Abel: The familiar nodded and sighed again. “Remember that time I told you that I was raised by my grandma? It’s because my parents got killed when I was a little kid. Never knew who did it, but my grandma always figured it had been hunters. Dad was a witch, mom was his familiar. Makes sense for it to have been hunters.”
MJ: Abel's confession posed more questions. Ones inappropriate, for now. It had never occurred to him to wonder how a familiar was made. Like stories of dwarves being birthed from rocks in caves. Something outrageous like a fairytale. Certainly not with a witch. Certainly not a house, a car, a life like a human. Was it at all like that? He wanted to know. It burned at his curiosity, but he wouldn't. Every ounce of tact told him to wait.
Without inquisitiveness, there was only empathy. One was an itch to scratch, and the other was a cut.
"Supposed t'hunt shit like me," he sighed.
Abel: “The nuances don’t always matter,” Abel said with a shrug. “It’s like people who are homophobic. They don’t care what flavor of gay you are, just that you’re what they consider immoral and wrong. A lot of hunters and sleepers operate the same way. They don’t care about details. You’re different, you’re not human, so you have to die according to them. Doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult.”
MJ: Sleepers. He'd heard that before, but not from Abel. Not that he could remember the name or face who had said it last. It was dismissed as quickly as it was thought.
"Idiots. Idiots everywhere," he sighed in solidarity.
Abel: “Murdering idiots.” More beer, more sighing, more gazing out at the ocean.
“This all happened in Phuket. After the funeral, grandma took me and we moved to Bangkok. Well, ran away to Bangkok is probably more accurate. Things were good for a few years but then one day when I was on my way back from getting food, got jumped.”
MJ: "She a uh... familiar, too?"
One biting question at a time. The one seemingly callous question, first, and then, "Did ya kill em?"
Abel: “Nope, witch. And no, I didn’t.” But god were there days when he wished he had.
“I was a skinny little eighteen year-old and there were three of them. They would’ve finished me off if it hadn’t been for the two uncles who heard all the racket and came to help me.”
MJ: So, she was the paternal grandmother, if he was following logic. He would swear he was paying attention, but - uncles? Literal or cultural phrase? The same as every woman in Spain being tía.
Again, dwelling on the inconsequential.
"Same hunters?"
Abel: “Never knew for sure but that it was hunters? No doubt. They didn’t take anything. Had a full wallet on me and they didn’t touch it. They didn’t even try. Maybe they were stalking me or happened upon me accidentally, I don’t know.”
MJ: "They hurt your grandma?"
Abel: Abel shook his head. “Never. While I was in the hospital she stayed with her friend and she moved again after she sent me away.”
MJ: "Kay."
What he wanted to say sat on the tip of his tongue for a moment, waiting to be bitten back or allowed to spill.
"We got that in common, leavin' em t'help em."
Abel: “I didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want me to either but she was terrified, she thought it was the only way to keep me safe. She’d been saving to send me to university and ended up giving me the money so I could get as far from here as possible instead.”
Abel leaned back on the sand and heaved a long sigh. “And that’s how I wound up in Norway.”
MJ: "A familiar goin' t'university." This was real life, apparently. Why had he not stopped to think about it? He associated with vampires, demons, faeries, the occasional witch and druid in denial; why was he stuck on this?
"Thought ya were fuckin' part Norwegian or some shit."
He took Abel's hand and brought it to his mouth to nibble.
Abel: Abel finally laughed. “It’s a lot more common than you think. Life isn’t all magic, still gotta pay for things. Well. Unless you’re Xavier.”
He smiled at MJ, trying to tickle his chin. “Nope, but you’re right in that I’m not full Thai. Dad was from Taiwan.”
MJ: "Only other familiar I know was born an animal. He don't want for shit, ya know, like an animal."
For a long time, that was exactly what he thought Abel was. Born as a dog, lived simply as a dog, and chose Xavier for his many comforts. A simple life of magic and neediness. Being born on the human side was a bit of a disappointment. Abel was right, not everything was magic, and the child in MJ wanted to turn his nose at it.
"Why'd ya pick Xavier?"
Abel: “Mhm, happens that way sometimes,” Abel said with a nod. “Magic can be and usually is a clusterfuck, no two people have the same experience. Same applies to familiars.”
He straightened just enough to finish his beer before laying back down. “Because he felt right to me. He was…appealing in a sort of visceral, magicky way. Choosing a companion is a gut thing for familiars. For all animals really.”
MJ: "Ya don't regret him?" he asked.
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Not once in all the years I’ve known him. He still feels right to me. He’s still appealing in that magicky way. Actually he’s probably more appealing now than he was then.”
MJ: "What changed him?"
Abel: "Devlin," he said simply. "There's a world of difference between who Xavier was before Devlin was born and who he is now. Having a kid didn't just suddenly make him know more magic or anything but...he opened up more. He let more of life in."
MJ: "I never knew the other guy," MJ sighed. "I'll take your word for it."
Abel/Xavier: "I think that's probably for the best. Other guy could be a real dick."
"Who's a dick?"
Abel sat up and looked behind him, grinning at Xavier who was standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets, watching them with an amused look on his face.
"Took you long enough to show up!" said the familiar. "I texted you ages ago!"
"I couldn't very well leave my car in the middle of the road." Xavier smiled at MJ. "Lovely to see you, Aquaman."
MJ: MJ tilted his head between his shoulders, staring at the demon upside down. He thought if he frowned it would show as a grin, but didn't think anyone would get the joke.
"Hey there, Sulfur Boy. Grab a beer. We got too many."
Xavier: "So I see." Xavier grabbed a beer from the pile and sat on the opposite side of MJ, stretching out with a sigh. As much as he enjoyed his new car, sitting in traffic was such a chore.
"I'm glad Abel convinced you to come, it's been too long since we've seen each other. Have you been well? Still enjoying your courier job?"
MJ: His arm wrapped around Xavier's shoulders without thinking, giving a squeeze and releasing.
"Yep. Yep." He'd just leave it at that. If the demon wanted to read his mind, there was absolutely nothing he could do. Reading it wasn't manipulating it.
"Gimmie a kiss, fucker."
Xavier: Xavier had long adhered to a personal policy of not looking into supernatural minds, particularly those that belonged to the people close to him, which MJ certainly was.  As his friend he was both safe from and to Xavier, so the affection he gave was easily accepted as well.
“You really did miss me,” the demon said with a grin, kissing MJ’s cheek. “Want a new bike for Christmas?”
MJ: "That what I get for missin' ya?" Oh, but he glanced over his shoulder, as though a bike was waiting just behind.
"I don't want one of your crotch rockets."
Xavier: “I was going to give you one anyway, you just happened to come to me before I could come to you. But if you don’t want one, tell me what you do want. Pretend I’m Santa Claus.”
MJ: "Hmm." His arm draped around Xavier's shoulders; his free hand rested on Abel's stomach.
"I wanna see ya streak across this beach."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier scoffed and sipped his beer. “Absolutely I will not, not even for you.”
“Make him wear a T-shirt,” Abel said to MJ.
MJ: "We're hidin' the chest but not the dick?"
Abel: “Nah nah nah, a T-shirt and some of those elephant pants all the tourists wear. And flip flops!”
MJ: "Ahh." He looked over at Xavier. "Nah fuck the elephant pants. I want 80s shorts."
Abel: Abel’s fit of laughter at the suggestion was not at all helped by the horrified look on Xavier’s face.
“Oh my god, yes. With the shirt tucked in. Should make him wear a visor too.”
MJ: "Let's fuckin' go, X. Merry Christmas."
Abel/Xavier: “A visor?” Xavier looked positively pained. “A little bit of mercy, please. I already lived through the 80s once.”
“Nope!” Abel said cheerfully. “Come on, Santa. Are you picking out your outfit or should we? What do you think?” he added to MJ.
MJ: "He's got a blue complexion, don't he? Blues, purples." He framed Xavier between his fingers. "Yeah, maybe some orange." Gotta throw in his favorite color.
Abel/Xavier: Abel nodded excitedly. “Day-Glo orange! Should we add a fanny pack?”
Something akin to the sound a dying animal would make came out of Xavier. He downed half his beer.
MJ: "Was that a thing in the '80s? Thought that was just retired Floridians. What ya think, X?"
Xavier: “I think the two of you are enjoying this too much. But yes, they were a thing in the 80s and they should have stayed in the 80s.”
MJ: "Nah. Ya gotta have some clothes from then. Don't ya?"
Xavier: “My clothes have all been custom made for the past 70 years. I do not partake of hideous fashion trends.”
MJ: "Nanana. I call bullshit. I wanna see them high waisted shit from way back when. Let's go invade his closet."
Xavier: “Even if I did own anything—which I never did—my house burned down, remember? All my old clothes were destroyed.”
MJ: "Allllll of em? Thought y'all demons n'vampires had safe houses everywhere."
Xavier: Xavier nodded. “All of them. Clothes, art, precious things that cannot be replaced. I didn’t have multiple homes then, otherwise I would’ve been able to save some things.”
MJ: Hmm. He wasn't going to have this dim the mood. Xavier wasn't crying.
His elbow nudged Abel.
"We really gotta do this. And a suit. Some really vintage shit."
Abel: Abel had been keeping an eye on Xavier throughout this whole exchange, ready to divert the conversation if it became too much for his demon. Thankfully it hadn’t come to that, so his smile remained easy and firmly in place.
“Hell yeah, let’s go!” He finished his beer and got to his feet. “Market’s still open, it’ll have what we need. X, we’re taking your bike.”
MJ: "We all gonna be on one fuckin' bike? What is this, India?" An empty bottle of beer was picked up and jiggled at the pair. "We ain't doin' shit 'til y'all finish this shit."
Abel/Xavier: “Dude, you can’t even imagine the crazy bike shit I’ve seen since we’ve been here. Three people on a bike doesn’t even rank. Also we’re not taking X.”
Xavier held out his hand for another beer. “Why not? Don’t I get a say in this awful outfit?”
Abel opened one for him. “You’ll veto everything we pick!”
MJ: "So wait, the fuck are we doing?" MJ laughed. This back-and-forth banter was dusting off the burdens on his shoulders.
Abel: “First we’re gonna finish these beers,” Abel said as he opened a bottle for himself. “And then you and I are gonna go to the market to buy Xavier’s outfit.”
MJ: "How long's it take t'drink four beers? Let's fuckin' go! Chug! Chug!"
Abel/Xavier: Abel immediately took MJ at his word, while Xavier merely chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re not getting anywhere near my bike after this. I’ll drive the two of you to the market.”
“You’re gonna—!”
“I’ll have some dinner while you shop.”
MJ: "We gonna find everything we need here? Really?"
Xavier: Xavier nodded as he sipped his beer. “You’d be surprised. The shorts might be difficult but everything else? Entirely plausible.”
MJ: "Bruh the shorts are gonna be difficult no matter where we are. We need a fuckin' time machine."
Xavier: “The two of you might have to settle for elephant pants. Or regular shorts, I suppose.”
MJ: "Man. We're tryin' t'recreate the '80s, not the '70s." Might have been popular here, but they had a vision, dammit.
"Oh, no - I know what t'do. I got this."
Xavier: Xavier squinted. “What do you have in that mischievous mind, Aquaman?”
MJ: "Don't worry 'bout it, Sulfur Boy. I got ya."
Abel/Xavier: “That’s what worries me.” Despite what Xavier said, he was smiling.
He hadn’t even swallowed the last of his beer before Abel was handing him the other. So much for a leisurely drink on the beach. These two were dead set on their plan.
Once all the beers were finished, Abel gathered up the empty bottles and got to his feet. “Let’s go!”
MJ: "Gonna ask the girliest shit in the world. Here it comes. Ready?"
He shaped Xavier's body with both hands.
"Tell me your measurements, baby."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier snorted and pulled out his phone. “I’ll send them to you, I don’t know them off the top of my head.” Such knowledge was his tailor’s business.
“Text and walk,” said Abel, tugging Xavier to his feet. “We taking your car?”
The demon shook his head. “No, one of the resort’s cars. Mine attracts too much attention.”
MJ: "What happened t'magic?" He was already on his feet and arguing with sand in his shoe. "That thing y'all do. Pop, pop, pop. Just pop-pop us there."
Xavier: “I thought you didn’t like teleportation,” said Xavier. “But if you’re willing, by all means. Saves the trouble of retrieving the keys.”
MJ: "Might as fuckin' well. I ain't the one drinkin'. I'd bite this one, but it'd feel like cheatin'." He pointed between familiar and demon. "Homewrecker cheatin'," he smirked.
Abel/Xavier: It was Abel’s turn to snort. “Ha! Joke’s on you, you can’t wreck a home you’re a part of. Come on.”
He took MJ’s arm and led him back over to the spot where he’d initially teleported them with Xavier not far behind. After a small pit stop to get rid of all the empty bottles, of course.
“Where should we land?” he asked Xavier.
The demon took MJ’s other arm. “Hmm…the parking lot, behind the annoying vegetable lady’s van. She always parks in the corner.”
MJ: MJ wondered if that was really true. And then he wondered if Abel and Xavier had done anything remotely sexual. He'd heard the rumors. Stories from the horse's mouth. Once upon a time, the demon had no loyalties. Stuck his dick in anything pretty. Why not his familiar.
He shouldn't be thinking anything in the presence of telepaths. Just... tilt his head gently and spill his thoughts from his ear.
"Don't mind me. M'along for the ride."
Abel/Xavier: From Abel and Xavier’s perspective, it was absolutely true. MJ was part of the demon’s coterie and therefore part of his home and his family.
And he was, of course, safe from having his thoughts read. For the best in this case, unbeknownst to demon and familiar alike.
“Damn right you are.” Abel squeezed his arm. “You know the drill.”
After giving the vampire a moment to brace himself, Abel transported them across town to the market. He and Xavier had an agreement that when possible, the familiar’s magic would be used for teleportation since it was a bit gentler than Xavier’s. It was still uncomfortable for those not accustomed, but less so.
As expected, the van was parked in a dark corner of the parking lot, safe from the prying eyes of any passersby. It would be a while yet before things quieted down.
“The two of you go shop,” said Xavier. “I’m off to eat grilled pork.”
MJ: "Ya actually gonna wear this shit? Tellin' ya now, if we buy all this legit n'ya cheat us, I might actually whip your ass."
But, with enough effort and letting concerning thoughts trickle from his ear, he could manage an authentic smile. His shoulders were far from unburdened, but it was a start.
Xavier: “Yes, Aquaman, I promise I’ll wear everything the two of you buy for me. I’ll even let you take pictures.” Xavier knew MJ was going to try to anyway, so he thought he might as well embrace it.
This was MJ’s Christmas present after all.
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kbsd · 4 months
you made me want you, and all the time you knew it
OR: buck just needed a little time
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fall-out-boytoy · 1 year
"chicago pop punk": the ataris, 504 plan, fall out boy, the academy is..., cobra starship, panic! at the disco, the cab, etc
"new jersey hardcore": thursday, midtown, my chemical romance, the used, taking back sunday, brand new, l.s. dunes, etc
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unladyboss · 4 months
This is so cute from Wrigley bricks lego
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Syd Carmy through and through
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And love family, no matter what
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So freaking adorable! This is what love is for
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Just hanging out behind the dumpsters (It's love)
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Playing ballbreaker
Always together
Like always
It's always
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markantonys · 7 months
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THE WHEEL OF TIME | 1x06 → 2x06 → 2x08
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samsincerely · 7 months
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z0mbiefrank · 2 years
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Ray Toro and Gerard Way [Sydney 1]
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mydream-synopsis · 2 months
togame would be the one guy willing to recreate romcom scenes with you because he's equally sappy about romance
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waldorph · 8 months
Snippet from my latest WIP
Castiel was sixteen when he fell in love with Dean Winchester.
Dean had joined Castiel’s sophomore year of high school seven months into the school year with a chip on his shoulder and a kind of tangible exhaustion. His fun fact about himself, when prompted by well-meaning teachers, was that this was his third school this year.
Dean wasn’t quite popular, though he should have been. He had the right energy for it—didn’t care at all. But there was something biting about him, frustrated and stifled.
Sam had it too, though Castiel didn’t usually pay any attention to the junior high kids. It was hard not to see though, when Sam got in a fight at the end of their first week while waiting for the bus.
“Oh Jesus Christ,” Dean muttered before hauling Sam off the kid he’d been beating to shit.
“Is he okay?” Castiel asked when they’d settled near him.
“‘He’’s got a name,” Sam spat furiously. “It’s Sam.”
“Fine,” Castiel had agreed. “But I wasn’t talking about you. Is the other kid okay?”
Sam had started to snarl at him, but Dean had gripped him by the back of the coat and shook him a little, and whatever venom had been on the tip of Sam’s tongue fell away into a sullen silence.
“He’ll be fine,” Dean said, looking across the courtyard at the other kid who was wiping blood away from his mouth. “Probably.”
Castiel would never know what it was about that interaction that garnered him Dean’s attention, but after that Dean sat next to him in shared classes.
Castiel, who had thought maybe he was defective as all his classmates had started to pair off as early as junior high and he had remained completely disinterested, now realized he wasn’t defective, he was just very, very gay.
Dean Winchester was the kind of beautiful you saw in magazines, with his green eyes and his light brown hair hair and the freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheekbones
Castiel looked at him and his heart rushed and his tongue felt dry and he couldn’t believe that out of everyone, Dean wanted to be his best friend.
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so-very-small · 1 year
take my hand. come with me. we can live in a giant’s walls together. when booming steps shake the floorboards we’ll close our eyes and pretend its thunder. on nights when we’re lucky, we’ll steal a whole wedge of cheese and slice of bread for dinner. on every other night, we’ll dance in the garden and i’ll twirl you in my arms. we’ll stay up til morning and drink dewdrops from the flowers. i’ll make you a coat out of flower petals. i’ll keep you safe. run away with me
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thehangeddemon · 8 months
"I didn't get ya a present, fuck face, but I can give ya a kiss. How 'bout that?" MJ opened his arms, giving Abel a shit-eating grin. "Come t'daddy."
Abel gasped dramatically and pressed a hand to his chest. "I get a kiss from the MJ Calloway for Christmas? Oh, be still my beating heart!"
He laughed, practically leaping into MJ's arms and clinging to him like a koala. " Okay I'm ready. Wait! Lemme find some sweeping romantic music so we can set the scene properly."
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evenlarksandkatydids · 3 months
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lovecolibri · 10 months
Oh I am *cackling* at the producers trying to claim the show was driven by Loki and Sylvie's relationship when she refused to lift a finger to help multiple times (while platonic bestie Mobius was living out romcom moments by the dozen with Loki), and honestly they could have not had her in the season at all and barely anything would change. Like, I don't like that ship but it's still SO deeply disrespectful to give them NOTHING on screen all season while giving all the cute classically shippy moments to Lokius, and then come out after and claim it was some grand, sweeping romance and also there was nothing intentional about giving all the shippy stuff to Lokius. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Also, as I said in some tags, the "we can't get into Loki's head" like is just....peek absurdity. My brother in Christ, YOU'RE the writers! This character has been in the MCU for like, 14 years, played by Hiddleston who is *obsessed* with Loki. Getting into Loki's head should have been a cake walk! And even if it wasn't, IT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB TO GET IN THE CHARACTER'S HEAD. Maybe this is why shows are so shitty? Instead of letting the characters drive the plot by getting into their heads and making choices from that perspective, showrunners instead twist the characters into a storyline.
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the-unconquered-queen · 5 months
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unladyboss · 29 days
I love seeing this stuff
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Shout out to Connor.
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They did ya boy dirty.
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Dry flirting with Sydney is not a crime!!!!
I don't see Sydney and Richie. Probably giggling in a corner
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mcyt-builds-contest · 6 months
I come back from crackships brackets to annonce our victory
Now that fish wives won we are here to make Pandora's Vault win the WHOLE BRACKETS
We also request food for our soldiers, in the form of making fish wives canon to the "how to stop a dreamer" AU since sally is already canon to dsmp
Thank you for your service - fish wives fans
1. Bravo for your victory over my beloved ninjaslap, I tip my hat off
2. Never in the history of ever will I be able to do that I have no idea how to write romance (i'm aroace) and I don't know enough about dsmp lore to do interpret sally
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