swarmishstrangers · 2 years
You should do a cute scenario of reader kissing all over Mallek and telling him how handsome he is while he’s in his glasses to reassure him that he looks good in them
For as long as you've been on Alternia, you've been well acquainted with the harsh environment and the fact that one wrong move might make you end up as a plant's lunch. Or a drone crushing you and making some nice squishy bone snapping ASMR. Or just, um, anything can kill you here, really. Considering the planet's dangerous troll-eating plant life or the fact that you're also well acquainted with the arguably harsher and downright crueler citizens of Alternia, even if it meant getting up close and personal with the few who may have tried to kill you. But thanks to your friendship-making ass (or the fact that some may have just taken pity on how puny you were), you've managed to survive this long!
Even in that regard, that's just. Wow. That is something to truly marvel at. You should be dead by now, considering 1. You're no secretive bitch. As much as you can try, you stick out like a sore thumb. 2. You're also an alien, and if it wasn't for the fact you're already killed on sight by drones, some of the shit you've done by being an alien ignorant to the culture of Alternia should have gotten you killed.
Spoiler alert! I don't know if you could tell, but you're very much alive! You just may get the occasional small injury or big injury such as broken bones.
Speaking of more things to worry about killing you, that god-awful Alternian sun. That skin-scorching, cruel, unforgiving sun that even trolls themselves can die under is why everyone is nocturnal on this planet. Not even they, the species that has proven time and time again to be stronger than you, can withstand something as awful as the heat from that literal death ball.
Since you've only been caught in direct sunlight once, honestly, that was all it took for you to learn, and you never dared try and get caught outside for fear of being literally cooked again. Or, at least you try your best to. There are just some nights that you do end up staying up in that dangerous time of dawn beginning to peak over the horizon. What do you do in that situation? Well, you certainly couldn't rely on being able to be saved by a friendly country troll gal every single time you're in danger of being exposed in the daytime. Most trolls would definitely not take kindly to your burning sorry ass begging them to be let inside.
Which is why you deploy your secret weapon. You use your matesprit or your other friends. By that, I mean you ask one of them if you could crash for the day if you're nowhere near your hideout. You get to hang out with and catch up with your friends, and you don't die! Cool, cool!
Today just so happened to be one of those nights where you stayed out just a bit too long, and so you were sleeping over at Mallek, your matesprit's, hive to seek refuge for the day.
"you know you don't even need to ask me if you can stay over; we're matesprits; you can crash anytime you want robobud;"
He tells you, looking over at you from your place on his couch as he finishes up by pulling on the blackout curtains to cover the windows. He wasn't dressed in his usual attire, rather he was dressed in a tank top and some sweatpants to be more comfortable for the day. 
You don't want to be a bother by just coming over! What if you're busy on a project? You wouldn't want to intrude, ya know?
He gives the curtains one last look before he seems satisfied and begins making his way over back to his computers and seating himself, chair still slid out from under his desk and his body turned towards you. "nah, don't worry about that; you can stop by anytime you want for as long as you want; i like having you around;" He leans over and ruffles your hair, minding his claws while he does so. He can be heard snickering as you swat his hands away playfully.
You smooth down your hair and tell him that you enjoy his company too! You also add that you're thankful he let you stay over on such short notice. 
"like i said, no big deal; a robot alien can crash into my hive anytime-"
You're so flushed for him, you finish.
You see the blue lightly tinting his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He lets out a quick puff of air, a gentle grin settling his features and just making him look soft. "flushed for you too;" 
You both sit in quiet, not silence. It's never really silent in his hive. The sounds of his husktops running and the sounds of the city makes for a never silent atmosphere. But it's quiet, neither of you speak or look each other in the eye as you both stew in that bit of sweetness that always makes the both of you so shy to speak next. You've been matesprits for a while but that shyness around crushes is still something that's visible on both ends. Ahh such is love. And you really do love these moments even if it makes you two look incredibly stupid. 
You raise your head to acknowledge him. He turns toward you in his chair fully, his smile small and his eyes half lidded as he gives a few quiet pats to his lap. 
"sit with me;"
You don't make him wait. You swing your feet to the floor and use the couch to push off, the couch cushion sinking but never rising back up, so it just ends up leaving your hands prints. You make your way over to him with just a couple of steps before you're stood before him, tilting your head a little so you can properly see him and him doing vice versa in the opposite way. 
Your body shivers when he reaches forward and slides his hands over your abdomen before he hugs your waist, goosebumps already blossoming on your skin as you feel his cool skin mesh with your warm skin. He gently tugs you flush against him, and you can hear him sigh quietly as he buries his nose against your collarbone, his claws tracing up the skin of your back so lightly it almost tickles. With a huff of breath at the sensation you grasp his outer shoulders, holding him for a moment before you slid a hand up to the back of his neck and burying it into his rougher textured hair.
This was all just so sweet. Two people seeking comfort and warmth in one another and avoiding the danger of the outside. To take solace in knowing that there's someone, someone right here in your arms, that loves and cares for you on this planet. Actions like these may seem mundane back on Earth but here, Actions like these are all the more intimate in this planet's context and you couldn't be more aware of this in this moment in time. 
Of course, it didn't last long because your oh-so-lovely and kind matesprit yanked you up off the floor and into his lap, shattering this calm little bubble of comfort and love. The action obviously startled you, and when he snickers at your reaction, you huff and punch him in the shoulder, which just makes his hissy laughter louder. You can't pretend that you don't feel that warmth simmering in your chest when you listen to his laugh, though.
You're a jerk, you know that?
"mhm; but that = what makes me fun, right;"
You stare at him for a minute before you take your hand and just push his head into the back of his chair. His laughter is stifled in your hand.
That's when you feel something fucking cold and wet press and slide up against your hand, you let out a strangled squeal and immediately rip your hand away from his face. And there it is: that stupid, goddamn self-satisfied, smug look on his face at your shocked misfortune.
Thank God you love this nasty troll.
It was a few hours into the day. You were pretty sure it was anyway. You can't see it all too well because of those curtains. Man, people on earth would KILL to have these blackout curtains. They block every single little ray of sunlight that threatens to seep through. The only lights in this room were the very dim overhead lights and the blue light that illuminated from Mallek's husktop. 
You're still seated comfortably on your matesprit's lap, arms wrapped around his torso as your cheek presses against his shoulder. Whatever coldness you felt upon initial touches is very feint now. Your warmth overwhelms his chilliness. It's one of the reasons he loves having you sit with him while he works. He and his lusus are both cold-blooded, and you being the warm-blooded one means you're always going to have someone hanging onto you here. Not that you minded. You love warming him up, and you're happy to let his lusus curl itself around you for warmth.
You were fighting sleep right now, your eyelids heavy and your body slacking against him. You were fighting the good fight because if you fall asleep now, it means that Mallek most definitely will stay up way longer into the day now that you aren't awake to drag his ass into his recuperacoon. You must not allow this to happen again!
Quick! To keep you awake, find something to distract you from your thoughts of sleep!
Your tired eyes wander around the room, trying desperately to find something interesting to keep your eyes on, but you've been in this room, this messy fucking organized chaos wreck of a room, many times. You almost want to say you know where everything in this room is.
You almost consider getting out of his lap to walk around, but then you find something. Something reflects brightly in the corner of your eye. His glasses lens. Bingo.
Hey, Mallek?
There's no pause in his quick typing,
"what's up;" 
You've got a question for him.
Does he need the glasses- er. Gander enhancement lenses generally and he just doesn't want to wear them, or is he nearsighted and just needs them to read?
That caused him to pause his typing and become quiet as he considered your question. You're worried you may have asked something insensitive, but he soon quells your worry with an answer.
"yeah mostly; for reading i mean;"
You lean against him again. So that explains why he isn't ever seen wearing them around his hive other than at his desk. You know, he doesn't really like going outside, much to your chagrin. But what does that mean for his sight if he can't read things close to him?
He shrugs, your chin moving in sync with it,
"i can see fine; i'm not blind or anything; it = just if it != in front of my ganderbulbs i =! be able to see it clearly;"
He explains as he pushes his foot against the floor to push you both backwards so he can turn a little more towards you in the chair. He gently grasps your shoulders, pushing you back a little to look at him. And you do. You look into those black eyes that are half taken over with that bright cerulean blue. It's supposed to tell you how he's growing older and more adult. If you linger too long on that thought, you know he's going to see your expression and ask you what's wrong, so you focus on his face.
His claws clink against the metal around his glasses when he goes to take them off, holding them in between his fingers as he gazes at you.
"i hate wearing ocular plastics;"
You get that.
"and i think;" 
He holds his glasses over his eyes, not putting them on but seemingly trying to demonstrate his next point.
"i look like a fucking dork with these on;"
Hey! You happen to think he looks fucking cute with his glasses!
He quirks his brow, and you know he's about to ask.
Gander enhancement lenses, you correct. If he thinks he looks like a dork, you swipe the glasses he was holding. You hold them up to his eye level, being careful not to touch the lenses.
Then he'd be your dork.
With that, you slide his glasses back on his face, along with the soft look you tried to give him. He helped by leaning in a little to make it easier on you.
He snorts, giving you an easy grin.
"soooo sugary;"
He teases, and he can tease all he wants, but you can tell by that blue blush that your words got to him as cheesy as they were.
It's true, you tell him, wrapping your arms tight around him and knocking your cheek against his, making him grunt quietly. He's your gross gamer, "information specialist," alien dork of a matesprit. You say, rocking his whole frame with each word you listed.
He groans at how you're behaving, and he can pretend to hate it, but you see how a smile curls the corners of his lips.
You'll keep saying it till he believes it!
"okay okay;"
He says, his hands sliding to your back and bringing you in against him, just holding you. And you didn't hesitate to hug him back. A smile plays on your lips as you push your face into his chest.
Oh, by the way, Mallek.
Clean your god damn lenses, please.
He gives a hissed laugh.
Also a link to the ao3 fic too - Refuge - LimeGutz - Hiveswap [Archive of Our Own]
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leafsfromthevine · 2 months
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zukka mention on the alta insta ‼️‼️
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linseymorris · 1 year
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yuesya · 1 month
AR-26710 gasps, jerking up harshly.
Her hands fly to her chest, only to be met with a stretch of smooth skin. When that can’t be right, because the last thing she remembers is a sharp, chitinous leg tearing through her armor and goring into her midsection. Goring through her midsection, actually, and–
Glamoth Military Regulations, Article 22: Knights must give all they have to Her Majesty, the queen, including their lives.
–she’d been prepared for it. All knights of the Iron Cavalry are prepared to die, fighting in this war against the scourge descending from the stars upon Glamoth.
She’d been prepared for it.
And yet, a burst of terror had filled her all the same, when her torso had been carved open even despite the protection of her armor. Desperation, as she’d struggled to reconvene with her unit through the staggering pain of severe injury, knowing that she could not call for help through her broken communications network. That no one would see her through the burning wreckage, that she would only be one of many who fell in combat in this war against the endless Swarm.
There was glory in such a death. It should be an honor. Their creators have taught them this, again and again. AR-26710 knows this, as well as she does every groove and detail of her own armor.
… But if she’d been prepared to die, then what is this relief that she feels upon waking up again?
“You’re up.” The voice is steady and feminine, not unfeeling and robotic. It takes AR-26710 a moment to place the speaker’s identity: AR-1368. She’s the Personal Escort Model who’d been temporarily assigned command of the squad! Was she the one who–? “Take it easy. The Juvenile Sting nearly tore you apart by the time I got there. You sustained a lot of damage –the scientists almost decided to recycle you instead of properly putting you back together.”
AR-26710’s eyes widen.
AR-1368 sighs. Her lips curve into a tired smile, an attempt at reassurance. “Don’t worry. The only acceptable death for a Knight is out on the battlefield. I wasn’t going to let Her Majesty down.”
“Her… Majesty…?” AR-26710 repeats in confusion.
“How else do you think I found you?” AR-1368 arches an eyebrow. “Your communications were broken, and you were buried under tons of burning wreckage. Her Majesty guided me to recover you.”
“Her Majesty… guided you to find me?” For her? But AR-26710 has never… there are so many knights under the queen’s command. Why would Her Majesty… did she really…?
A memory flickers in her mind. Through the haze of blinding pain and darkness and the certainty of imminent death… there had been an odd sensation, briefly. The cold brush of a phantom hand against her forehead, blessedly cool and soothing, providing a single moment of clarity.
You’ll be alright.
That… had that been Her Majesty?
When AR-26710 snaps back to attention again, AR-1368 is looking at her with a knowing smile.
“Her Majesty,” AR-1368 says, “Will never forget us.”
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on-this-day-mcr · 1 year
On this day, September 21
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 43rd show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Newark, New Jersey, USA. At this show, "Planetary (GO!)" was performed for the first time since 2012, and a cover of Claude François' "My Way" was performed for the first and only time ever. Gerard Way wore a sequined pink and gold tuxedo, with a fake black eye and penciled on mustache. "The House ALWAYS WINS" was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Olivia Khiel
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"I think we underestimated the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude."
The war room was reeling. The human population had been estimated in the mere hundred billion range. They should barely have had enough of an economy to field two light cruisers, least of all the goddamn armada that was ravaging the inner worlds. After the alpha strike, the human flotilla should’ve been completely crippled. Instead the number of ships they were fielding kept growing.
Tan-Hauser was the first target struck by a human attack, and they reported seventeen craft before they lost comms. Attican was hit just three days after that, but their reports already showed numbers above ninety. Any doubts that the fleet was growing were eliminated when Outpost Batan reported 1,217 FTL pings two days before the loss of Kira.
The number reported was so big it was written off as a sensor malfunction. Twenty-five billion souls lost, all because nobody in the war room could face reality.
They were going to face it now. The Kirarian in front of them was the primary sensor engineer for the Batan outpost, a specialist with more expertise in analyzing space lanes than warships. He’d been up for at least the last two days, poring over the sensor data, and only now was ready to begin to share his findings.
From the pain in his multifaceted eyes, it was clear he was still reeling from the loss of his homeworld.
Seeing that he had the room’s attention, he began to speak. The translation units each member of the war council had implanted experienced a moment of lag as they struggled to convert the almost musical tonal humming of the Kirarian tongue to more common galactic speech.
"The simplest data that can be analyzed from an FTL ping is the distance that the ship traveled before dropping to sublight. The contracted space in front of the craft traps small particles, even light itself for a short period, compressing its wavelength and then releasing it when the field disengages."
The war room nodded along. The explanation was mildly technical, but anyone that had traveled on an FTL shuttle before knew the hazards of exiting FTL directly in front of your home destination. Blasting your home station with a wave of alpha, beta, and ultraviolet rays was hardly a warm welcome.
The engineer continued.
“The… issue with this is that we’re used to the majority of the ping being in the UV spectrum. We aren’t entirely sure what the spectrum of the signals we got from the ships were because Batan station can only detect up into the low gamma range, but that’s still what the majority of the human’s FTL pings were detected in. That’s at least ten billion times the frequency that we’re used to. Since the frequency of the burst can be roughly modeled by multiplying the mean radiation per unit distance by the length of the path, that implies one of two things: That the human ships are either traveling through areas with ten billion times the standard background flux, or that they are traveling extragalactic distances.”
The engineer paused for a few seconds at that statement. The pain of loss still shone in his gemstone eyes, but something more immediate was beginning to take center stage: Fear.
“Because the craft is essentially throwing… well, normally it would be the next three or four days worth of cosmic background radiation at you. In our case it’s more like several decades. But because it’s just giving you an advance on your normal cosmic background radiation, you can track the void in the next several days' worth of background noise to determine the ship's approach vector. The 1,217 crafts that arrived weren’t coming from the same spot. There were actually hundreds of converging vectors, but more importantly…”
He trailed off, a small 3D model of the local space appearing in the center of the holo table. A spiked ball of vectors protruded from the galactic disk, each piercing cleanly through his former homeworld.
His voice cracked a little, the hum turning into a hiss. The translator tech paused a moment too, struggling to convey the subtle emotional cues into the message.
“They’re all coming off the galactic disk. That doesn’t just mean that we’re surrounded, that doesn’t just mean that we’re outnumbered… It means that each attack that we’ve seen up to this point is from an entirely separate group. What we’ve been mistaking for fleets, I believe, are simply the beginning trickles of their exploratory forces. Each of the sites that they’ve targeted hasn’t been of significant strategic importance; they’ve just been sites with unusually strong output signals. I think they’re just using our transmission stations as makeshift beacons for their FTL jumps." He took a deep breath to steady himself before providing his final thought. "I think we underestimated the size of the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude.”
There was a heavy silence in the war room as that last sentence was processed. The engineer was already out the door before he heard the panic begin to set in.
Part of him felt a little guilty. It would’ve probably been kinder for them to go out not knowing what was about to hit them. Still, it wasn’t often you could force people with this much power to realize that they’d just lost everything.
There was a bitter satisfaction in that.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Could you make a cute alphabet for Valeria?
Hey! Sure!
Fluff Alphabet for Valeria
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
While Valeria does love going shopping with you above most things, she’d actually love nothing more than to go stargazing with you. Although she has no idea why, she actually really likes looking at the stars and knows a few stories behind some of the constellations as well. Not very many, but she can tell you a few. She isn’t even that into space, but something about looking at the endless universe and realizing its beauty just gets to her. Loves doing that with you whenever she can.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
She loves the fact that you speak your mind whenever you feel like it. Valeria doesn’t particularly like guessing games and the uncertainties that come with them, she’d much rather have all the information she can get from the get go. So you telling her what you think without sugarcoating everything is a nice change of pace since everyone else usually hides things from her to get on her good side. You’re honest, sometimes even blunt, and she can truly appreciate that.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If someone hurt you, then she’d go after them and teach them a lesson. A not very kind and gentle one, mind you. Anyone who makes you feel bad deserves to freeze in the ninth circle of hell, being chewed on by the devil himself. However, if you’re feeling sad for no apparent reason, then she’ll try to distract you by taking you on a shopping spree or getting you your favorite food. She’s not at all good at comforting people, but she tries. If you have a panic attack she’d try the same thing, except she’d speak a bit more softly with you than before.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Somewhere in a nice mansion, with a few trustworthy maids, where everything manages itself, she’d share her empire with you. On the one hand she doesn’t want you involved in the slightest in all of it, but on the other hand she sort of wants you to become as successful as she is in her business. She’d love to rule over the cartel with you, she’d love for you to be as cunning as she is. However, she knows that likely won’t ever happen, largely because she’s just that careful, but she can dream about it.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Valeria is dominance personified. Sure, you can make some suggestions and she’s more inclined to listen to you than someone else, but she wears the pants and it’s blatantly obvious in your relationship. Whatever she says goes, even if you can get into fights because of that. If she tells you to hide, you will. If she tells you to not tell a single soul about your relationship, you won’t. Although she may not always know everything, she usually knows what’s best and what she’s doing. She wants the both of you to be safe.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
I don’t think she’d forgive easily, not even you. She can be a very petty woman, even with you. While I don’t think she’ll let it out on you as much, she would definitely yell at you when she’s angry enough. Sure, she’ll try to be more on the rational side with you, but her anger gets the better of her and she’ll raise her voice at you. If you start crying then she’ll calm down a bit and forgive you more easily, in fact she might try to yell a bit less as well. However, it takes a proper apology from you for her to forgive you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
It may not seem like she’s all that grateful to have you around, but she is thankful for you. She doesn’t have a lot of time for you, she sometimes gets hurt for one reason or another and doesn’t always tell you, when she’s home she doesn’t always take care of the chores. However, she’s truly grateful for you to care for her as much as you do, she doesn’t take it for granted. She does try to spend time with you whenever she can, she tries not to worry you with her injuries when she has some, she does try to do the chores but she’s usually too tired to do them once she’s home. However, she’ll try to show her gratitude by buying you expensive things. Again, she’s not good at being affectionate.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Yes, there are plenty of things she doesn’t tell you about. She doesn’t particularly like talking about her past all that much, even if it wasn’t all that traumatic either. Unless you somehow know about her having been part of the Mexican army, she won’t mention that either, having had too many regrets there to properly enjoy talking about it. If you ask her about her past then she’ll give you a cocky grin and tell you to figure it out on your own if you want to know about it so badly. Valeria may love you, but you really don’t need to know everything about her, some things are better swept under the rug.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think Valeria may have become a somewhat more kind and patient person once she’s been with you for a while. She’s a businesswoman, so she knows how to deal with ne’er-do-wells. However, if you ask her to spare someone’s life, if you tell her to not be as mad at her people for messing up, then she might listen to you. You’d be the only reason some people are still alive at that point. Sometimes she’d remember what you said and might become a bit nicer. It doesn’t happen very often, she has a business to run, but it happens.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Valeria is a very jealous person. Someone talking to you for too long, you talking about someone in a more adoring tone than you should, someone being too friendly with you, it all pisses her off. Especially if that person makes you uncomfortable. She’ll get pissy and cranky, she’ll tell that dumb bastard to fuck off and leave you alone. She won’t claim you as hers in public, she won’t sling her arm around you or anything, but she will glare at anyone too close to you. Also not afraid of telling you how ticked off she actually is. Give her a lot of attention and she’ll calm down again.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes, Valeria is a very good kisser. Back when she was still single, women would actually flock to her just to feel her tender touch and kisses, that would leave anyone breathless. She knows what she’s doing and she does it so incredibly well, she’ll always leave you yearning for more of her. I think your first kiss was her pinning you against the wall and just going for it, after she made sure you liked her as well. She loves feeling like the bigger person and flustering you whenever she can.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It would be such an expensive, elaborate thing. You’ll be going to the most expensive restaurant, you’ll be going to see a musical or an opera and then she’ll buy you a nice gift. Basically anything to please you and court you in her own way. She has too much money anyway, so why not spend it on you when she can? Afterwards, ever so confident, she’ll tell you that she likes you in a romantic manner. While she may be a bit nervous about your reaction, she tries not to seem too anxious about it all. She can usually play it off well enough.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
On the one hand, she sort of does want to get married, on the other hand, she really doesn’t. Does she really want that sort of commitment to someone for the rest of her life? The thought scares her. Besides, she wants to keep you safe as well, so she can’t really afford to marry you as she is. Just being partners is enough for her, in all honesty. She leans towards not wanting to marry you, but her situation could change at any point in time and she might want to someday.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Cariño/a or querido/a, she really doesn’t like going for anything more fancy or romantic. She’s not a verbally affectionate person in the first place. And even then, she usually just calls you that when she’s drunk. She’s more affectionate when drunk anyway, but her Spaniglish is hard to understand for someone who doesn’t speak both languages.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
She tries courting you immediately as soon as she’s figured out she’s in love with you. Lots of gifts, tries to spend more time with you. Hell, she might just send you some money just because she can as well, especially if you need some. It’s not too obvious she’s in love, it only seems like she’s playing favorites, which she definitely is. She expresses her feelings by taking you on lots of coffee dates and just talking to you. If you’re very close then she’ll invite you to her home as well.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
She keeps your relationship a secret from the world. She’s a very dangerous woman, she could have anyone killed within days. However, she could, in turn, also be killed at any point in time. The same goes for you if anyone were to ever find out about the both of you. She really doesn’t brag about you, she doesn’t like PDA either and will actively advise you against being affectionate with her in public. All of that stuff stays behind closed doors.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
If you’re ever afraid to talk to someone, she’s got you. You want to change your order? You wanna make a new friend? You wanna compliment that stranger on their cool shirt? Valeria can easily do all of that and more for you. She talks to many people on the daily anyway, among them lots of strangers. She’s not afraid of talking to people, quite the opposite, she’s very good at talking to them. She may be blunt like barely anyone else, but she’s got a certain charm and charisma as well to her. If you’re on her good side, then chances are you’re settled for life.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
She’s not very romantic. Sure, she’ll cuddle with you on the couch when she has the time and watch a movie with you, but she won’t call you any embarrassing nicknames and dance in the rain with you. She’s far too practical for that. In fact, she doesn’t really like most romantic gestures in the first place. She’s not averse to them, but if she doesn’t have to hug you from behind then she won’t complain about it either. She loves you, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not a romantic at heart.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Valeria supports you, I can tell you that much. She has enough money to buy the world if she wanted to, so she can buy you just about anything you may want or need. You wanna learn how to drive? Here’s a Porsche. You wanna become a world renowned chef? Tell her what ingredients you need and they’ll be delivered to your door the next day. She may not have the most encouraging words for you, but she tries to help you in a way that doesn’t feel awkward to her either. She tries really hard for you, even if she may not always succeed at it.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
She doesn’t particularly need anything new all the time. Sure, sometimes she’d like to go to a new country with you, if she has the time, but she doesn’t get that urge very often. She really does prefer doing the same things with you over and over again when she can. However, that’s a rarity in and of itself since she’s not at home very often, so she doesn’t get to see you a lot either. That’s probably the reason why she prefers having a routine in the first place, she doesn’t always have one at work.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
She probably knows you very well. She’s a very observant woman, so she can tell when you’re upset, when you’re happy or when you need something from her, for example. However, she’s not an empathetic person at all. She really can’t feel what you’re feeling, but it doesn’t bother her either. Empathy would just get in her way at work, so she really prefers it that way. That way she can judge situations more objectively as well. She’s not a very emotional person, except when she’s angry.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
The relationship is pretty important to her, but I don’t think she’d want to give up her cartel for you. As mentioned before, she’s not a very romantic person. She values her status as El Sin Nombre a lot and wants to be respected by everyone. She worked hard to get where she wants to be and she really doesn’t wanna give all of that up. Sure, she values you more than many other people, but she won’t give up her job for you.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Every year she looks forward to going to a Christmas market with you. If it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t celebrate that holiday in the first place, but she does like going to a Christmas market, taking in all the colors, drinking some hot beverages and maybe going on a ferris wheel with you as well. Even if you really don’t wanna go, she’ll drag you there at least once a year. Naturally, she’ll be the one to pay for everything, but she will feel a lot of sentiment if you pay for her this time around.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She’s not a very affectionate person. She may praise you for a task well done, but she won’t be overly romantic with you. She sometimes likes kissing and cuddling, usually she doesn’t mind it, and sometimes she absolutely abhors any and all physical affection. Naturally, she’ll tell you how she feels that day. She much prefers to show her affections through spending time with you at a cafe and talking to you and giving you gifts over cuddling in bed all day. It’s truly rare for Valeria to initiate any sort of physical affection. Except when she’s drunk, she’s more inclined to cuddle then.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
She usually just calls you when she can, no need to beat around the bush too much. She doesn’t keep a picture of you on her out of fear of something happening to you, so her options are limited. Sometimes she thinks about the things she’d like to do with you once she finally gets back to you again. However, she’s usually too busy to miss you too much anyway. Tries to get back to you as soon as possible, though.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Valeria would kill and torture for you. She breaks the law on the regular anyway, but for you she’d break every law at once. If you’ve been together for a very long time, then she’ll take a literal bullet for you as well. It’s not often someone gets that sort of privilege, so you should feel really honored. She’d have some of her men killed just to make sure you get to smile again. You’re more important than them anyway. So yeah, Valeria would go to great lengths just to make you happy.
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osaka-lilac · 7 months
Asking you to kindly elaborate on the strollonso football au:
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hello raapija my beloved, i would love to elaborate <3
for those out of the loop, refer to my tags on this post!
warning: i am an american with a incredibly basic understanding of footy ("soccer"). there is a reason the actual talk of any gameplay is basic and limited
fernando is this new guy to Lawrence Stroll's footy team right. (because in every universe, lawrence has to own a Team.) i can imagine he's some draft pick from spain for a new striker or something like that. possibly some trade, maybe a mid-season exchange (they do that in american football but idk if they do that in footy) those who know specifics of positions in footy please let me know your thoughts on what position fernando would play
lance: couldn't give two shits about footy. he's seen maybe once in a blue moon on the sidelines tagging along, and he's known for being visibly bored or on his phone during matches. (he has the Pout Blast 3000 for this.)
the reputation he receives from fans is much like the perceived impressions he gets irl: some spoiled kid who shouldn't be there. he's more into hockey than any match his dad's team could ever play.
now when fernando shows up its like a fucking slap to the face. like. "holy fuck i didn't think they could be this hot" type beat.
for the first time, lance shows up to a team practice with his father, not just a match. but he's really not there for the team: he is enamored by fernando. his speed. he's a sly yet devilishly handsome fucker with this wicked grin when he knows he's tricked his opponent yet again, and lance is obsessed.
not only does he start going to way more matches. he also starts showing visible interest and gets invested. and he gets loud. the mumbles online about his "spoiled reputation" turn to joy. he becomes a meme of the team for a few weeks after a clip of him getting frustrated after a poorly-called card is given to fernando ends up going viral.
and maybe this entire time, fernando has been watching this young boy from afar. he totally believes he can't be with his literal manager's young son and jeopardize his spot on the team and a shot at glory. and maybe he believes that lance initially isn't interested. but maybe when he sees lance become more invested in the team, he figures he might have a chance. he just can't figure out why lance has become so invested in what was, quite frankly, a very short amount of time.
so maybe fernando's on the side for a while in a practice. lance is there, but he seems distant. not in the game. not really watching the drills by the other players with much enthusiasm. and fernando's a smart man. and he puts some pieces together in his brain. and makes a move.
he comes up to lance and asks to talk with him once practice is done. when all the other players are gone. in the locker room. of course lance agrees
flash forward a bit. n lance is like. hanging out by the exit outside of the locker room. he counts all the players. and when there's only one left. he goes inside. finds fernando sitting on one of the benches, still in his kit.
they get to talking. what lance does outside of being at games, (i can imagine him being a student but i don't have the will to kin assign him a major right now), what his favorite hockey team is (habs. of course) and of course, the loaded question:
"lancito, what's gotten you so interested in the team now?"
of course, lance doesn't really respond to this, kinda dances around the question. he gets flustered. he doesn't want to be found out. what if he sees right through him, what if he already knows, what if he tells his dad??
fernando leans in slightly, and slides his hand over lance's hip. he cups his chin softly, and slowly turns lance's head to look at fernando straight on.
"be honest, niñito."
and when has lance ever been anything but honest.
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hella1975 · 6 months
a post about fic updates! so the fics im currently juggling are dog teeth, tams, and of course, taob. my original plan was to start posting the second installment of the dog teeth series by sometime in april, bc it's the fic im most into atm and i already have the first chapter done, i just want to bank another one or two because once i start posting it i want to KEEP posting it with regular updates, hopefully every 2 weeks like with kaiein. HOWEVER this will put my atla fics on a back burner. april is a good writing time for me (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) bc i have the entire month off from uni to prep for may exam season, and i always want to write when im procrastinating my degree. which is. it's own thing im sure i'll graduate it's fine i'm fine. so if i focus on dog teeth, neither tams nor taob will get focus until like. june. which is par for the course with taob but im NOT happy about doing with tams.
SO my thought process was i can either be normal about this and just accept it's literally my final year at uni and im trying to graduate and it doesn't matter if updates are slow on ANY fics, or i can do my usual and implement an insane deadline that i somehow always make by the skin of my teeth. can you guess what i went with?
and thus i present unto the crowd my tentative plan: have the next taob chapter done by middle of april (im aware this is quite hand-wavey but it gives me a month to work with, so in my head this means anything between april 10th-20th), have the next tams chapter done by the end of april, and dog teeth can follow.
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papermachedragons · 1 year
You write one "drunk" kiss scene between Merlin and Gwaine and then from then on -- even a year and more later -- every time you read a fic from any fandom with a drunk kiss in it, you end up thinking about that Merwaine fic and you start to ache so desperately to return to it
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mantisgodsart · 11 months
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so very small Worm (Wildbow), Bug Fables Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Skitter | Weaver | Taylor Hebert, Post-GM, Transmigration, Spiders, Bugs & Insects, Canon-Typical Violence
Taylor Hebert wakes up in the middle of a grassy field with an aching head, a massive blank in her memory, and approximately four more limbs than she remembers having. Approximately, of course, because one of her original four limbs appeared to be gone, and she wasn't sure how to qualify an entire abdomen suddenly spawning off of her backside. Something ingrained deeply into her skull told her she should be blaming someone, but she couldn't quite remember who.
Author's Note: Bugtober, Day 19 - Mimic. We think that Taylor would be a mimic spider if we swapped her over to BF. We have no major justification for this, but we are open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea, seeing as it's been nearly three years (we think) since we've read Worm and there are likely people on this website who are not operating on three years of character drift.
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swaps55 · 1 year
Apparently, sometimes writing fanfic for a sci fi video game means you read papers titled "Applications of acoustics in insect pest management."
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yuesya · 2 months
Ember kicks at the sand beneath his feet out of sheer boredom. At the same time, a coincidental passing breeze stretches out the grainy trail of sand in a cloud of golden dust beneath the dawn-pink sky. It’s an unexpectedly pretty sight, and Ember immediately blinks, committing the scenery to memory. A common habit that most everyone in the Iron Cavalry had ended up developing, in quiet hopes that they would be able to share such experiences with their Queen through her dreams.
The Queen’s dreams, after all, were known to be drawn from the Iron Cavalry’s collective memories.
“Sorry, did I keep you waiting long?”
To the eyes of outsiders, the young girl approaching him would appear as his sister; they share the same gray-silver hair, the same blue-violet eyes. But commonality in appearance is something that’s shared through all members of the Iron Cavalry –their Queen included. Which only makes sense, seeing as they were created from slight variations of the exact same template.
AR-214, Aurora, flashes AR-53935, Ember, a small smile.
“Don’t worry about it,” he tells her, shifting his weight on the dry Sigonian sands. “It hasn’t been that long.”
“Idalia and I ran into one of the local tribes while we were resupplying earlier, and got delayed while chatting,” Aurora explains. “I know that we were originally planning to wrap things up for the Sigonia-sightseeing, but it turns out that there’s actually a local festival happening tomorrow!”
“Oh,” Ember blinks. “I take it that we’re staying, then?”
“Yup! The locals seemed pretty flattered that Idalia and I were genuinely interested in hearing about their culture, so we somehow ended up with an invitation,” Aurora laughs. One hand comes up to readjust her glasses as it becomes slightly lopsided from the motion. “So, Idalia is thinking about staying for an extra day or two, if that’s alright with you?”
Ember shrugs, “Yeah, I’m fine with it. Idalia barely leaves Glamoth to begin with, so it’s a good thing that she wants to look around and explore some more.”
“Probably because she’s a Personal Escort model,” Aurora muses. All members of the Iron Cavalry are attached to their Queen, more or less, and Personal Escort models –particularly those who’d served the Queen directly during the Swarm Disaster– definitely lean on the ‘more’ side of things. “I think… I think she wants to share festival memories with our Queen.”
Completely understandable, honestly. “Wait, what kind of festival are we dropping in on?”
“It’s the locals’ celebration of the rebirth of their god!”
“… What?”
Aurora laughs again.
“It’s called the Kakava Festival! See, the Avgins believe that everything that exists on Sigonian land is part of their god’s divine body, and every year it will perish and ascend…”
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on-this-day-mcr · 1 year
On this day, May 19
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their third show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Milton Keynes, England. This show was the only show of the tour to feature “Goodnite, Dr. Death”, which was played as a recording between the first and second encore. Gerard Way wore a bloodied white suit with the words “∞ Meta” written on a face mask, and a single tally mark was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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splinnters · 9 months
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mr-mosquitoo · 1 month
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call me Mr, Mr mosquito, mosquito, Mr mosqui or mosqui!
This is my account away from home, literally never going to tell anyone I know irl about it because I'm gonna be cringe on here :)
im fifteen and audhd ^.^
im into soooooo many fandoms but my favorites rn are
Life is Strange (specifically before the storm)
Smiling Friends
JJK tbh even though I haven't watched a lot
Same for Death Note
DNI if you're racist
a proshipper
a pedophile
just like all the bad stuff yk?
art! I am an aspiring artist! (self taught)
oc lore and possibly fics including them
(maybe) fanfics
Overall, I want this blog to be a safe space for myself and others, so if you choose to follow me, I welcome you into the swarm.
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