#swan planter
nightmarereverie · 10 months
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Ceramic swan planter
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dozydawn · 4 months
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stimboardboy · 1 month
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vintage ceramic swan planter
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seafearing · 2 months
aw i've been feeling so low and not functioning well at all. and then a friend texted me to say that she got me a ceramic swan planter :´)
pic under cut she's a cutie
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Beautiful, huge mid-century modern 1959 brick home in St. Paul, MN. 7bds, 4ba, $800K. It's completely original, but I do have a few questions.
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The entrance hall floor is flagstone, and it has a stone planter. On the left there's a semi-transparent wall with a large matching light fixture going thru it. Very stylish. Then, there's a railing to go down the stairs to the sunken living room.
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The large living room has 2 mirrored wall inserts. The sleek modern fireplace has no hearth or mantel, it's set right into the wall.
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There are dents in the carpet from the furniture, but are those circles actually sculpted details? Looks like they left 2 cool lucite stands.
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The dining area alongside the kitchen is quite large and has a built-in banquette with shelves on the ends. There's also room for stools at the counter.
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Very big kitchen with completely original cabinetry. Look at the little door in the backsplash.
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Amazingly, all of the appliances are original too. And, look at the colorful mosaic backsplashes.
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The den is very large, has a great stone fireplace wall, and tons of built-in storage.
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Big, original bath with tile murals and a marble counter. That gold swan faucet is in again.
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These two rooms connect. The carpet in one is beautiful and the other has a flagstone floor. I don't know, maybe it's an office. It does have an outer door.
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I like the lamps in the hall. Could that be a laundry chute behind those 2 little doors?
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This is a cool bedroom. What could that little door be for?
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Love this original pink bath.
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This is the largest bedroom and it's the primary b/c it has an en-suite.
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Love the blue sink and toilet.
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And, look at the mosaic wall over that blue tub.
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Huge rec room downstairs. A nice bar would fit well beneath the lights. There are lots of built-in shelves and a stone fireplace wall.
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There's also a full original kitchen down here. I like the ceiling of light, but what is that stuff up there?
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This home is amazing. Another original fridge. Look at all the cabinetry and shelving.
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Even the laundry room is huge. And, look at the drain in the floor in case of a flood situation.
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This house just keeps on going. This is gorgeous and must count as the 7th bedroom.
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And, right outside this room is this beautiful room. This home is crazy with the huge rooms and so many built-ins.
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There's also a lovely yellow shower room down here w/an original sink and toilet. Also note the tile murals.
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There's a terrace on the main level and a covered patio on the ground level.
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Beautifully landscaped .53 acre. It doesn't have a pool, but look at how close the neighbor's pools are - Helloooo, neighbors!
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figdays · 8 months
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Vintage White Ceramic Swan Planter // MuseumofRescuedArt 
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clamsjams · 1 year
since each new group of streamers has arrived on the island in a different mode of transportation and they’ve already done the 3 most normal and common forms of transportation (train, boat, plane) heres a list of different ways i think new groups of streamers could arrive on the island in no particular order:
- a second plane (you know exactly why this one is here)
- a submarine washes up on the beach
- a spaceship crashing, with the streamers being astronauts
- another spaceship but this one is like a ufo and the streamers are either aliens or were abducted by aliens
- giant 18 wheeler truck
- circus caravan
- any kind of novelty brand vehicle like the planters peanuts nutmobile or the oscar meyer wienermobile
- those pink kids toys barbie jeeps
- a duck boat that got really really lost during its tour of boston
- a fleet of bikes like the tour de france or something
- the streamers are running a marathon
- a bunch of those swan shaped paddle boats
- a transformer, but the giant mech is never acknowledged or remarked upon, except for when they drop off the streamers and they’re like “thanks bumblebee!” and the he just fuckin leaves
- they just walk out of the sea somehow
- launched out of a trebuchet
- on horseback as cowboys herding a bunch of cattle
- the scooby doo mystery machine
- in the mouth of a whale like jonah or pinocchio
feel free to add more
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A powder room was removed to create this entrance hall. The low table is decorated with small topiary plants. A graceful swan planter, filled with the house’s surrounding greenery, is a garden in itself.
Private Palm Beach - Tropical Style, 1992
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princessmeepa · 7 months
Is it me or dose also of the gods look stupid and boring (except for Hermes who is slaying wear his outfits), I did give some of my goddesses some outfits ideas that will show off their personality and what they represent, so I am going to give my gods the same way, Here we gooo!
Apollo: he would dress more of a fancy casual outfits and he can dress more of a ballerino/Prince Siegfried, because of swans are his animal symbols.
Ares: he would dress in more of a military and war related outfits that will make him into a bada$$
Astraeus: he would dress in more of a mix gentleman and mix boy Lolita suits.
Cronus: he would dress in more of a time related outfits.
Dionysus: he would dress more of a stylish wild party boy outfits, with a leopard planters and a maze planters, because he is married to Ariadne.
Eros: he would dress in more of a Valentine’s Day related outfits, with pink, chocolate, roses, hearts and white frill shirt with white ruffles, because he is the god of love.
Hades: he would dress in more of a gothic boy Lolita outfits.
Helios: he would dress more of a sexy bad boy look with bright yellow to compare to Apollo’s Mr goodly two shoes outfits.
Hermes: he would dress in more of a stereotactic mailman, because he is the messenger of the gods and he can wear some fun sports related clothing, because he is the god of speed.
Hephaestus: he would wear plain overalls and a steampunk related clothing.
Hypnos: pajamas.
Morpheus: he would wear pajamas mix sweet boy Lolita style.
Poseidon: he would dress more like Captain Jack Sparrow and other beach/underwater style clothes
Thanatos: gothic style clothing.
Zeus: fancy rich white suits and with gold, because he is the king.
And the heroes and demi gods I am going to give them some outfits to represent their personalities.
The demi gods:
Achilles: he would dress in more of a punk rockstar to show off his wild and carefree personality and he would dress more of a surfer boy at the beach, because his mother is a sea nymph.
Asclepius: he would dress in more of a yami Kawaii boy nurse style with pills on his hair and cute snake socks.
The hero:
Odysseus: he would dress more of a bada$$ style, because he is.
What do you guys think?
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bluemoonperegrine · 11 months
It's the beginning of the end...
...of my absurdly long Werewolf By Night series "Bittersweet Symphony".
It's just shy of 165,000 words right now. 😳
Here's the start of the first chapter of "Ties That Bind," which largely was an exercise in how to work in a bunch of exposition to set up later plot stuff while keeping things entertaining. Jack being an enthusiastic, romantic sap helps a lot.
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Despite Elsa asking him not to, Jack was making a big deal over her birthday.
He’d started in earnest the day before her forty-first birthday. Sometime before dawn Jack had slipped out of bed in their small house on the Bloodstone estate in the Arizona high desert. Elsa woke up around 7:30 AM, roused by the smell of fresh coffee and other delicious aromas coming from the kitchen. As she donned a short, silk bathrobe, she tried to put her finger on an unusual herbal smell lingering in the air. It escaped her, so she shrugged and padded down the short hallway toward the kitchen.
A riot of color brought her to a halt at the archway that opened into their half-furnished living room. Dozens of daisies—yellow-eyed white ones and cheerful Black-eyed Susans—in vases and planters brightened the small room. Elsa felt a smile grow even as she blinked at the unexpected display.
“Mi vida!” Jack shouted from the kitchen. He sprinted up to her wearing only a pair of shorts and holding a spatula in one hand. After pulling her close for a kiss, he proclaimed, “Happy birthday!”
Elsa laughed and shook her head at him. “Thank you, amor. The flowers are lovely. My birthday is tomorrow, though.”
“I know,” Jack grinned. “We won’t be here for your birthday and I wanted to get you lots of daisies so I decided to do it early. Mr. Swan was very helpful.”
“I’m sure he—wait,” Elsa said now that her brain was coming online. “We won’t be here? Tomorrow’s the first night of the full moon.”
Read the rest on ao3.
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sarahscribbles · 2 years
I’m curious 👀🖤
1. Favorite book
2. A pet peeve
3. When did you start writing
Hello, lovelyyyy!! 💚💚
My favourite book!!? How could you ask me that?? 😭😭 I have so many!! The two that spring immediately to mind are The Rome Affair by Karen Swan and The Tea Planters Wife by Dinah Jefferies, but I have so many favourite books!!
Oh lord a pet peeve 😅 it’s probably universal, but slow drivers. Oh my god it activates my road rage like nothing else and it’s why I think there should be a minimum speed limit on main roads. There’s no reason for anyone to be doing 30/35mph when the limit is 60 😤😤 boils my broccoli!
I think I started writing when I was 10/11. Obviously, not anything that I ever shared but I can remember writing for Harry Potter all those years ago 😂 I don’t think I’d even want to reread the crap I came up with back then 😂😂
Send me three things you want to know about me!
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cygnusdoesthings · 2 years
January 25th: Lime (tilia x europaea), Linden Tree (tilia)
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(Takes a deep-ass breath) (Takes a long swig of my chai latte and a massive exhale) Mhmkay. Let's do this. Linden, lime. Oh, frick frack, frockin fuck, it's got Lore. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Alright.
Alright. Alright, okay. Under both air and fire, ooh, these plant thingies are under Sun and Jupiter (planetary rules), and is a plant of Taurus. Linden, in particular, is sacred to Venus (Greco-Roman), Odin Freya, Frigg (Asatro), Arianrhod (Celtic), Ostara (Germanic) and Lada (Slavic).
It's said that carrying tilia leaves in your pocket can help prevent intoxication, and that good luck charms can be carved from tilia wood.
Let's, uh, do the Lore First. There's multiple mythological stuff that goes on with this one, but we'll, uh, do only the One One because it's the one that's listed on this little piece'a paper.
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Mki. Let's do this.
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The reason that this tree is symbolic of conjugal love is the story of Philemon and Baucis. The couple lived together happily to an old age. It's ye old poor people are kind story, but I'm telling it anyway, because it's sweet.
One day, Jupiter (Zeus) and Mercury (Hermes) descended upon the land. They needed shelter and sustenance- and while all in the town refused them, there was one little hut, made by humble hands and lively love.
Philemon and Baucis were the poorest couple in that part of the country, yet they gave the gods what they wanted. The couple realised (after they fed the gods) that they were, indeed, gods. The gods then took them to a tall hill nearby- and then a flood wiped out everything except for their hut, which turned into a temple.
Jupi-Zeus then promised to grant them whatever they wanted for their kindness- but the couple refused, only wishing to serve him in his temple.
One day (sorry, had to add it), while talking near the edge of the temple grounds, Philemon observed that Baucis was gradually changing into a linden tree, and Baucis observed that Philemon was changing into an oak tree.
Not one to let strange events get in the way, they calmly continued their conversation for as long as they could still see one another, and then they said their sweet goodbyes.
As trees, they stood before the temple and were veneration objects for a long, long time.
Then there's the tale in the modern days that further supports the reasoning. ~1790, there was a pair who were profusely in love with each other, and they were engaged, soon to be married.
The bride, however, suddenly fell sick, and she died soon after. In a very Romeo and Juliet-esque situation, the groom died at the unexpected loss, from the grief.
On the very same day that they were to be married, they both died, and were buried in the one grave.
After some time had passed, over their heads grew two linden trees- from one root. The trees intertwined with each other, and grew up, and every year the fragrant blooms fall upon the lovers' graves.
Hence! Conjugal love.
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Linden trees are listed as one of the greatest aged trees, next to oak. In Wirtemberg, there's a GIANT linden tree, which has pillars supporting it's shade and branches bc it's so weighty. This one is aged at least 600 years, a lot more since the source text was cited.
Another linden tree resides in Annaberg, Saxony, in a cemetery. It's a very old tree, which's roots grow over the cemetery. The planter also left some money, which according to his will, helped the hospital greatly.
Linden Tree's fundamental meaning is conjugal love.
Other little meanings are; peace, sweetness (ironic, because of citrus sour type taste), beauty, grace, restoration, happiness, wisdom, warmth, expansion, openness, release emotional blocks. These are very easily explainable, if you've read the tales above.
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^Also, take some nutrional facts bc im too tired ot type them out and add shit.
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I have a floriography blog! @bloomsong-from-a-swans-breath! :]
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iheartvintage1 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG Mid century SWAN Ring Circular Succulent Planter Pansy Vase Green Ceramic.
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bozclothing · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Blown Art Glass Swan Bird Planter Candy Bowl.
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hamstress · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Betson Hand Painted Swan Planter.
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This 1995 castle house in Madison, FL was listed for $750K, and only a month later, sold for $$425K. I wonder why. It has 6bds & 7ba. Well, let's take a look and see.
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The entrance hall. At first I thought those things on the floor to the left were slippers, but they're a collection of swan planters.
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I guess the stairs aren't that castle-like.
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The living room is large, but it's in need of a refresh.
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I don't know where this is, but it's a water feature in the house.
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Spacious dining room. The house is going to need some work and updating. Also, the presentation is so unattractive.
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A family room with an outer door. A brown paper bag covers the window in the door.
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Kitchen's big, but I don't care for the color of the island.
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This is the hugest pantry I've ever seen.
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I'm lost and confused in this house. Here's a bar with a fridge and piano, so it must be a rec room.
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I'm beginning to see why they knocked $325K off the price. Look at the indoor pool. This house needs a lot of reno.
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And, here's a depressing pool room.
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Heading up the 2nd level. This could be a lot nicer with the proper decor.
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Must be the primary bedroom b/c it's so big. I wonder what the booth-like thing is. Maybe a small bed?
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This is a nice library.
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Not a bad bath.
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Another bedroom.
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This bedroom's a little creepy.
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Don't know where the spiral stairs go to, but it looks like a black hole.
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Here's a hot tub. The area needs a patio or something.
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The land is a very large parcel- 62.59 acres. Looks like the lawn is all brown, though. This whole property needs a lot of work both inside and out.
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