#survivor rewatch
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reigneden ¡ 1 month ago
need a survivor season to rewatch any suggestions??? im incapable of choosing !!!
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mythtakens ¡ 8 months ago
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1.05 → 4.14
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macbethz ¡ 2 months ago
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they sent my man to hell for having ocd
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fleabagdiaz ¡ 7 months ago
everything about the shooting literally only makes sense in the context that they were planning on canon buddie. the fact that it was the 133 on the call rather than the 118 so the focus could be entirely on buck and eddie. the way it was shot in the most intimate way possible. “are you hurt?”/“we’re so close eds, I just need you to hang on”/hand just-barely-not cupping the side of his face. the ringing sound when buck walks out of the hospital and sees taylor. buck (not eddie’s girlfriend, or his grandmother or aunt) telling christopher what happened, breaking down in front of him, sleeping on their couch. buck being given the choice to run after taylor (who had just kissed him) or run to eddie, and him picking eddie without a moment’s hesitation. buck taking eddie home from the hospital even though ana’s the one who’s been staying with him. taylor saying “you’re not invincible”, completely misunderstanding where buck is coming from, while eddie says “you act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong” and PROVES IT. with the will thing. like truly and completely there was never any coming back from that.
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brechtian ¡ 2 months ago
everything is gay sex except gay sex which is drifting in 2013 sci-fi/action film Pacific Rim
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puhpandas ¡ 1 month ago
me looking at all of the teaser video release dates vs the actual chapter release dates for dbd seeing they're usually around 20 days apart and that I'll have to wait a long time to get any info about it bc itll come out so late and close to official release
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spn-rewatch-ventzone ¡ 7 months ago
I love how they couldn’t trust Jensen’s acting enough, so they added the cheesiest fucking lion roaring sounds when he is huffing and yelling during Dean’s demon curing. I love this show.
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yesimtrashforit ¡ 2 months ago
I've been doing a Stranger Things rewatch and I rewatched the part of El being bullied in S4 E2 and remembered how insanely angry that scene makes me for a number of reasons, but here's the main two takeaways.
1. As someone who was bullied a lot in school and struggled with SH and depression because of it, it is honestly kind of validating to see bullies in media that are just straight-up mean, even when they know that their victim has been through something terrible, like losing a parent. Sometimes there is no empathy that can be gained. Some kids will bully others for those things. I've been bullied by people like Angela. Those girls exist and they are cruel. I'm honestly really glad that there was no redemption for Angela. She's just a mean girl, end-of-story.
2. Mike literally does the bare minimum. As much as I love him, and as much as I think he should be cut slack because of character challenges (*cough cough* internalized homophobia), he just stands there and watches it happen for the most part. He couldn't even put two and two together and make the realization that "hey, those girls aren't actually El's friends! Oh no, I have to do something." Again, as a former victim of bullying, one of the most painful things is to have your friends see your pain and do nothing about it.
The way Stranger Things portrays bullies has always been one of the reasons why I love the show because it's realistic, at least to what I've experienced! It's often not just calling people names. Kids are damn brutal sometimes.
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nekrosmos ¡ 1 month ago
I don't know if you know the youtube channel Dead Meat, but they've been the ones that nurtured my interest for horror mainly. And as it often happens they are wrestling fans too. And for the third year in a row they do this video, Horror Royal Rumble, where they use a WWE game to make a rumble with horror characters! They give them all custom entrances and music and fighting styles - it's so fun to watch (even though my knowledge of wrestling consists of what I learnt from this channel and the first one or two seasons of GLOW series on netflix)
I'll leave a link for this year's Rumble (it's on their second channel), hope it works, but big recommend to watch the first two (they already got some lorrrre) and check out both their channels (Dead Meat and Dead Meat Presents) in general. These folks have a huge passion for horror and talk about how movies are made, celebrate SFX artists, do podcasts on stuff... https://youtu.be/6ZwZ9ijU7b0?si=WgD1hG9yoEwY5saK
JUJUUUUUUUUUUU YES I LOVE THEIR CHANNEL !!! I was actually watching their rumble live yesterday LMAO. It was a great one, fucking [redacted] winning was so fucking funny and they made him look buff as hell. He even took out his nemesis like come oooooon, poetic cinema. I always love the entrances and costumes they make for it, it's sooooo funny and I always await this time of the year just for this thing LMAO
My favorite moment will forever be slow ass motherfucking Jeff's entrance from the second rumble, I just lose it everytime I watch it JHVSNUVJHNSUOVH it's so funny IT'S SO FUNNNY. (And him taking out jigsaw too LIKE COME OOOON )
So happy that you like dead meat as well !! I love love love their stuff, both kill counts and second channel stuff, definitely makes me love horror even more <3
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avirael ¡ 5 months ago
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Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Returning to the Rising Stones gave A‘viloh a strange feeling. In a way everything had returned to normal. The sultana was not truly dead and would recover fully. The Scions were acquitted of all accusations and A‘viloh and Rael were allowed to travel Ul’dah and the rest of Eorzea again without fearing capture.
But to be honest nothing felt like it had returned to normal. Not here and not at all. The Rising Stones felt foreign and empty. The place had clearly been ransacked and only a handful of people had returned. There were a few familiar faces still but everyone who had made this place a safe haven for A‘viloh was gone.
Sure, Riol and the others promised to search for the Scions, and beside the Shinobi now the Immortal Flames too had begun looking for them. But so far Yugiri hadn’t found any clues and A‘viloh worried that there weren’t any to find at all. Or worse, that what they’d find would only prove all of his worst fears true.
“If they are alive, Yugiri and the others will find them…”, Rael said and placed a hand on A’viloh’s shoulder as he stared at the empty chairs and tables around the room. But the dark expression didn’t want to leave his face. “And what if they aren’t?”
For a moment Rael stayed silent and made a face as if they wanted to tell him that everything would be fine. But Rael couldn’t know that for sure and they weren’t one to tell lies.
“…then we find out anyway. At least we will know what happened then and get some closure.”
Closure? Rael should know that A‘viloh was not good at this. He had never been, had never known how to let go and move on. His mind had never let him and if it wasn’t actively reminding him of his losses and failures, they still would frequently return to haunt him in his sleep. His demons knew no closure.
Rael scowled as the Miqo’te grimaced. “You do know, that they are MY friends too, right A‘vi? I‘m worried about them too but while they are gone - and I want to believe they will all return safely - but while they are gone we must continue doing what they want us to. We cannot do much to help the search but we can maybe prevent Ishgard‘s destruction.”
Absentmindedly A‘viloh nodded. “You‘re right. I am sorry…”
But he could not tear his eyes away from the place were their friends had so often sat down to eat or talk or just spent time together. He could still invision it so clearly. Even without the echo the memory was still so vivid in his mind, it was as if he could imagine their ghosts sitting right here this very moment.
For a short second he was presumptuous enough to wonder if this was how Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg felt…
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akuma-tenshi ¡ 9 months ago
seven crimes and punishment edit. sequel to the capriccio farce edit. created for the exact same reason as that edit (listened to an english synthv cover that had me literally fucking shaking). the problem is that due to the song's structure i would have to do the entire thing. someone either talk me out of this or enable my insanity
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fandom-hoarder ¡ 1 month ago
Spn rewatch with the kiddo tonight starts with Soul Survivor👌
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capinejghafa ¡ 7 months ago
So sorry you signed up for gifs and I keep talking about books... I'm not sorry about the read jsyk, but I have not been feeling like a gifmaker lately...
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charmallows ¡ 9 days ago
taylor nolan......ohhh my daughter my poor poor daughter........... taylor hfjone... .....
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ooksaidthelibrarian ¡ 11 months ago
Babylon 5 Rewatch S1E11: Survivors
'this is a low gravity area, please hold hands at all times'
I'm looking forward to my Thursday evening Babylon 5 episode by now, it's great
yeeeah Garibaldi, that sweet kid is gonna kick your butt
Garibaldi and Sir Samuel Vimes out there, longing for one drink and knowing they cannot have it
saved by the Narn!
well I guess a fight will do if a drink cannot be had
backstory time! ...but seriously the parallels between Garibaldi and Vimes are huge
ok but I think she should face consequences for basically killing that man
Lou Welsh, MVP of Garibaldi's team
girl, don't be daft about this
Ivanova always is so stoked when she gets to escort someone from the bridge
'Request denied. Have a nice day." I love Ivanova so much.
Garibaldi and Londo's friendship, such as it is, is so much fun
BUG!! they are getting their money's worth out of that puppet
yeah this is what you get for messing around trying to look cool
Happy Daze is a great name for a dive bar ngl
don't do it Garibaldi
OH YEAH you should check the bays?? Maybe make sure your own damn bomb is all ready to go off?
(I actually have forgotten who is behind this, but I don't like crewcut dude)
I love the design of Space Force One, of Earth ships in general
Lou Welsh, MVP indeed
I do like that talk Garibaldi and Liana have - I kinda wish they had brought her back at some point
aw that hug
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thethirdromana ¡ 10 months ago
Ooh, political intrigue!! Which we get informed about from a news broadcast that actually sounds like a real news broadcast and not an exposition dump!
And we have Garibaldi doing the "cops just beat up suspects when they get angry sometimes" thing. It makes sense in context - now we know Garibaldi is in a Bad Place - but I hate this trope.
Though it's dwarfed by the way that Kemmer literally just killed a guy and isn't under arrest?! Her defence that he was already dying is not relevant; murder doesn't magically become legal if the victim has a terminal diagnosis.
In a functioning legal system she would be locked up and this episode would be a lot shorter.
I enjoyed the ambassadors conspiring to help Garibaldi. I was kind of hoping he would do the full tour of all of them.
There is something slightly lazy about the President's ship being called Earth Force One.
Ooh, it's a countdown, are we in a Terry Nation episode?
Loved Garibaldi's end of episode chat with Sinclair. Not so sure about his end of episode chat with Kemmer, who should, as stated above, be awaiting trial for murder.
All in all a very fast-paced episode. Less political intrigue than I'd hoped for, but fun all the same.
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