#about to watch heros vs villains and call it a night
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reigneden · 1 month ago
need a survivor season to rewatch any suggestions??? im incapable of choosing !!!
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persistentplums · 4 months ago
i love love your venture bros posts. youre really attentive to the vibes
a character dynamic i think was underexplored but had potential was billy and gary. what do you make of it?
Omg thank you so so much!! I’m really glad you think so! my post are mostly me spitballing hoping I’m getting the vibes right!
I actually made a post about this here! I should tag my posts tbh but I always got more thoughts I just think that post is a better summary of my thoughts. But here’s some more it’s VERY long:
They agree on most things except for the core idea of their livelihood. Which is wild because out of many characters I think Billy and Gary get along VERY well. They speak the same language and love the “game”. (I call it a game but the entire cape business) I don’t think they agree though on everything outside of nerd stuff.
I have this thought in my head maybe it’s a scale or a graph or something but it’s basically Believers, Nonbelievers, middlemen when it comes to this hero stuff and Gary and Billy are definitely Believers. But I think after Gary whole journey as a henchman, now a second/arch himself I think the idea of what makes something “Heroic” very firm in scale for him vs Billy who’s still sorta new at the whole thing but flexible.
I hope this makes sense but despite appearances Gary is rigid and Billy is flexible. I think while the morpho arc was sick (def loved the entire plot unfolding) Gary definitely had a hard time being on a grey area. He is either a hero (Sphinx!) or an arch. He feels haunted by killing all his fellow arches. He’s loyal af but doesn’t like the middle ground (his relationship with shelia, being a hit man, even 21 death you can say)
Billy is “flexible” in that sense that good is no small or big act. I’m forgetting the episode but the one where they fight Cloud over the ball, Monstroso surgery, especially Pete White as a person. Billy like superman genuinely would do good, it’s an oath it doesn’t matter to who he would. That comic run where Lex Luther is dying and gets superman to help him find a cure is VERY Billy. To Billy he is so firm to that one thing (two technically, hippocratic oath?whatever ykwim) it makes him apply it to literally everyone regardless of where he is. While Gary is very set on the us vs them side, that’s why he made such a good henchman leader.
I think when they interact it’s that trope of people in a mineshaft on their carts having a great time then an abrupt turn separating them, then they meet up again. Which I think deeply defines both characters despite being incredibly similar.
If I was summoned to a universe where I was told by Doc and Jackson that I could write a VB season but only when Billy and Gary interact aside from writing a Bromance for the ages that would get avid 21/24 fans mad at me (I think Gary and Billy would become like really REALLY into each other big “oh wow how come we never hanged out before?” “Idk!” Vibes) i would like to write them fighting a little because I think their small disagreements would be very telling about who they are as characters because they are the most genuine fan part of either side.
Gary is for every person who LOVES a hater ass villain (I cheered when green goblin killed aunt May in NWH I think Gary would, but still have issues with NWH ik I did anyways!) and Billy is for someone who LOVES a good wins no matter what (voltron, power rangers, he-man etc)
To me it’s not how Billy and Gary agree that’s interesting (big 2 nerds just in a mind meld moment, they’re also too similar ik why they were written to NEVER interact now, too alike) it’s when they don’t that is fun and I think it would happen the most at their dnd nights and when they watch shows together. Which pisses off everyone else (Malcom, shelia, white) bc they can’t hear anything as an argument is happening.
Also Billy wins most of the trivia stuff they do because he’s a bit older than Gary, this is Billy rodeo. I think Gary having someone as a friend who gets him is good for him honestly, he’s a third? Sorta? To his bosses/not boss anymore and I think he needs friends that he can really nerd out with.
Other fun things they do:
Hang out at each other places so often others remember the dates they see each other due to arching schedules
Follow each other blogs/have a podcast (movies, tv, and shows of influence throughout the ages guest star Pete white is on for music. Malcom calls in also surprisingly about music) either in podcast format or blog format doesn’t matter which but they work on it together
Have a show they follow together/watch together
Try to get Dean and Hank into stuff not intentionally their energy is infectious
ESPN announcers when on the field (when it’s not about them they’re doing commentary on the arch/protag tactics or at least commentary about Rusty and Malcom)
Wave/greet each other when they aren’t “on” in an arch or enjoy it too much when they’re “on”
Small acts of arching did happen between them. Cloud felt cheated on, Pete got freaked out, Billy and Gary settled on being friends instead. Malcolm thought it was Billy flirting with Gary, (confused but that’s his boy! Who wouldn’t flirt with Gary!) and Rusty thought Billy was going through a rough patch with White again but this time he really lost Billy (Awkward 1on1 where Rusty talks about cherishing and appreciating people while White gets so freaked out he runs to Billy)
They had a vibe, I feel like they would’ve hooked up or something once maybe bc I’m gay but I want to believe that. But in general they got a vibe together!
That’s all I got for now, if you read all this again thank you for your ask and I’m gonna tag all my VB thoughts once I think of a good tag!
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duckprintspress · 2 years ago
Announcing: The Contributors to Our Next Anthology, Aether Beyond the Binary
Duck Prints Press’s next anthology, slated for crowdfunding during the fall of 2023, is Aether Beyond the Binary. This innovative and unique collection includes 20 stories featuring characters outside the binary exploring modern-ish Earth aetherpunk settings where the technology is fueled by magical aether. Stories range from fluffy to dark (but we guarantee happy endings!), in settings where aether was just discovered and those where it’s been known about for centuries. 
What is aetherpunk? Imagine a world where there’s technology not unlike what we have in the modern world, except that instead of that technology operating using the principals that we, now, would call “science,” that technology operates using magic! That’s aetherpunk—the awesome union of technology and complex magical systems in magic-suffused worlds to produce unique settings that resemble modern-day Earth but are also very, very different. With aetherpunk stories, the impossible becomes possible, and new solutions to the world’s problems become available!
We’ve been hard at work on this anthology since February, and currently the stories are being edited to polish them up. 
For this collection, we recruited 20 authors – 9 who’ve written for Duck Prints Press before and 11 who haven’t. We’re thrilled to have some folks returning from our earliest anthology Add Magic to Taste, and we also have some work-with-the-Press-but-this-is-their-first-anthology contributors. It’s a really wonderful group of people, and getting to know them all has been a lovely part of working on this collection. And – the stories are g.r.e.a.t. You’re not gonna want to miss this one.
And now for the fun part…
boneturtle (they/them) comes from the other side of the portal and is still looking for their home in this world. in the meantime they write softhearted villains and dangerous heroes making breakfast, saving the world, falling in love, and everything in between. boneturtle is not, contrary to previous assertions, an archelon. 
Links: Personal Website | Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Ellen Faye
Ellen has been a dreamer and designer of worlds all her life. She has been involved in many fandom environments over the years but most recently jumped with two feet into Supernatural, and never surfaced. She has shared many stories online (as Ellenofoz), but she’s grateful to be able to take the leap into published works with the Aether Beyond the Binary anthology. 
Ellen lives in Brisbane, Australia, and spends her days writing code. By night, she reads and writes stories, watches shows, and plays games involving magic, science, historical adventures or romance—sometimes all at the same time. She co-hosts a podcast about Supernatural fanfiction, but can also be found enjoying Star Wars, Marvel, Doctor Who and other assorted fandoms.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Twitter
Scarlett Gale
Scarlett Gale is the author of His Secret Illuminations and His Sacred Incantations. Long ago, under another name, she was the co-author of Needles and Artifice (Cooperative Press; 2012), featuring a rollicking romantic steampunk adventure novella and associated knitting patterns, of which she also designed several. She writes and produces fringe theatre plays based on B-movies, such as Bodacious Barbarian Babes vs. The Indigo Empress and Showgirls of Beast Island. She is a co-producer of the Alison-Bechdel-approved Bechdel Test Burlesque, which in 2017 was included in the Women and Gender Studies curriculum at the University of Oregon. She lives in Seattle with her wife where she gardens, knits, reads, and drinks warm beverages. Unsurprisingly, she also has cats. 
Link: Personal Website | Tumblr | Twitter
Rhosyn Goodfellow
Rhosyn Goodfellow is an author of queer romance and speculative fiction living with her spouse and two dogs in the Pacific Northwest, where she is sad to report that she has not yet mysteriously disappeared or encountered any cryptids. Her hobbies include spoiling the aforementioned dogs, drinking inadvisable amounts of coffee, and running unreasonably long distances very slowly. She’s secretly just a collection of loosely-related stories dressed up in a meat suit. 
Links: Personal Website | Instagram | Mastodon | Tumblr | Twitter
Catherine E. Green
Catherine E. Green (pronouns: xe/xem/xyr or they/them/their) is an agender person, one who’s had an on-again, off-again love affair with writing. Xe began writing when xe was a wee thing, when xyr other major pastimes were playing xyr mother’s NES and roughhousing with the boys next door. It’s only in the past few years that they have begun writing consistently and publishing their writing, fanfiction and original writing alike, leading to their first published short story titled “Of Loops and Weaves.” 
Outside of writing, xe is a collector of books and sleep debt and an avid admirer of the cosmos. Playing video games, reading a variety of fiction genres (primarily fantasy, queer romance, and manga and graphic novels of all kinds), and working on wrangling their own personal data archiving projects occupy most of their free time. Xe has also started meeting up with a local fiber arts group and is excited to be crocheting xyr first scarf.
Elior Haley
Elior has spent much of the past few years primarily writing for fanfic exchanges. Currently, he’s in the process of slowly working his way through university. When not writing or studying, he can be found binding books, drawing, ice skating, and—very occasionally—playing the violin. His story in Aether Beyond the Binary is his first published work.
Zel Howland
Zel (they/she) is a writer and artist currently living in Los Angeles with their partner. When not writing, they spend their time painting, embroidering, analyzing literature and tv shows, and playing Dungeons & Dragons. They are the author of many a fanfiction, as well as the novel The Shadow of Ophelia Walker.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Full-time fandom cryptid, Furby enthusiast, and the human embodiment of that one gif of Elmo on fire, ilgaksu was born and raised in an undisclosed location, living in several others, and now currently residing in [REDACTED]. Their interests include collecting haunted toys, using their artistic practice as an excuse to forget to do their laundry, and playing with fictional men like Bratz dolls. They have not unclenched their jaw yet today, but they do remember to drink lots of water.
Bettina Juszak
Originally from Germany, Bettina has (so far) spent time in the US, the UK, and Canada. She is particularly interested in exploring questions of music and language in imaginary worlds, aided by degrees in linguistics and literature. When not writing, she loses herself in hobbies such as archery, cross-stitch, attempting to learn yet another language, and complaining about the amount of space her book and notebook collection takes up. Her first published work appeared in the Upon a Twice Time anthology published by Air and Nothingness Press, and she is working on a second original novel – despite the first one not having seen the light of day yet.
Nicola Kapron
Nicola Kapron has previously been published by Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Rebel Mountain Press, Soteira Press, All Worlds Wayfarer, Mannison Press, and more. Nicola lives in British Columbia with a hoard of books—mostly fantasy and horror—and an extremely fluffy cat.
Links: Personal Website
Kelas Lloyd
Kelas is a disabled, trans, bi author and artist currently (unfortunately) living in Texas. They graduated from the University of Central Florida with an English degree and love cats, tea, and all things speculative fiction. A lot of their writing features magic or disability or both, and they’re often found in Star Trek, Mass Effect, Babylon 5, and Untamed spaces. You can also find them in a lot of bead and resin spaces, because they love making sparkly jewelry of all sorts. 
Previously published pieces include an article on disability in The Last Of Us, short stories in two publications by Shacklebound Books, a pair of poems about being trans, an essay on disabled life, and a whole bunch of pieces about San Diego Comic-con. They’re single, an Ernie looking for their Bert, but they have a found family that stretches around the globe and some of their birth family accepts them for who they are. 
You can find out more about them at kelaslloyd.com.
Links: Personal Website | Archive of Our Own | Twitter
Lyonel Loy
Lifelong maladaptive daydreamer, finally working up the courage to write those daydreams down. Spends time cosplaying as a Responsible Adult With A Job.
Mikki Madison
Mikki Madison has been writing stories since she was seven years old. While she is most prolific in fanfiction and has works scattered among more than a dozen fandoms, she has been making strides into original fiction. Her favorite genres to read are romance, fantasy, and cozy mysteries.
When she isn’t reading, writing, or falling headfirst into a new fandom, she can be found baking, doing puzzles, walking her foster dog, doting on her niblings, or playing Pokemon Go. She has also written under the name M.K. Mads.
Link: Tumblr
Sebastian Marie
Sebastian Marie (he/him) is an engineering student with a lot of opinions about dragons, pirates, and sword fighting. Track him down on Ao3 or Tumblr and he’ll share these opinions gladly, just be prepared for music and some excited shouting. His original works often combine fantasy and dystopia into what he calls “queer fantasy hopepunk,” something that will be explored in his future novels. He loves to write conflicting traditional and non-traditional family dynamics, especially where they intersect with queer relationships. And if he can throw werewolves and brujas into the mix? So much the better. When not writing, frantically studying, or reading, he can be found singing loudly, sewing impractical coats, and going on long rambling walks while plotting stories (and occasionally falling into rivers). 
Also, he’s also the guitarist and one of the lyricists of folk punk band Here Be Dragons, who hope to have their debut EP out near the end of Fall, 2023. 
This is his third time writing for Duck Prints Press, having previously contributed to Aim For the Heart and She Wears the Midnight Crown. This brings his grand total of published works up to three! He’s looking forward to more, as soon as he gets some sleep. 
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Alec J. Marsh
Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Flore Picard
I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Link: Instagram | Twitter
S. J. Ralston
S. J. grew up in a distinctly weird, distinctly southern hometown, then hied out West for grad school before landing in Texas, where they currently work as a planetary scientist. They’ve been writing original works and fanfiction since they could hold a pencil semi-correctly, and continue to write both whenever possible (as well as still holding a pencil only semi-correctly). In their clearly copious spare time, S. J. enjoys hiking, tabletop RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and enthusiastically crappy sci-fi. 
Link: Personal Website
Em Rowntree
Em Rowntree’s first foray into the world of writing was with a story called The Magic Land that featured a unicorn and a flying carpet the size of a country, and they’ve been chasing that high ever since. They’ve been sharing their writing online for almost seven years, and have had poems and short stories published in anthologies. They live in the UK.
Links: Twitter
Terra P. Waters
Terra is a scientist by day who lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. She has been writing fiction as long as she can remember, and has always told her partner of 17 years that if she wasn’t a scientist, she would be an author. During grad school, she discovered fanfiction and immediately began writing her own. After many years and several fandoms (including Teen Wolf, Hawaii Five-0, and Stranger Things), she returned to writing original fiction. To date, she has self-published two novellas in a 90s-nostalgia polyamory comedy series and has drafted two YA/NA sci-fi novels. When not doing science or writing, you can find Terra indulging her yarn addiction and knitting. 
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr | Twitter
Cecil Wilde
Tea enjoyer, knitter, dead language enthusiast, self-warming cat bed and future eccentric lit professor Cecil Wilde has also written and published, in various forms and guises, nearly 3 million words to date. They do not plan to stop until Death intervenes, should it dare. 
Links: Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Want to be sure you don't miss out on this awesome anthology when we formally launch our crowdfunding campaign? Make sure you keep an eye on our many social media accounts, subscribe to our newsletters, and follow our Kickstarter profile!
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 1 year ago
DC Villain Kids: *Posing dramatically atop a ledge as lightning strikes behind them*
DC Hero Kids: …
Reshma: Have they been standing there that whole time?
Jean: I’ll ask.
Aurore: Don’t-
Jean: How long have you guys been posing like that for?!
Marinette: No one answer them-
Adrien: TWO HOURS!
Marinette wears a lot of suits
As a prank, Alya puts multiple locks on the other students lockers and has them solve multiple riddles in order to figure out the combinations
Nathaniel gets noticeably more aggressive as he grows. All it takes is some gentle coaxing from Marc to get him to shrink back to his normal size
Zoé is responsible for most of them, seeing as their parents are her dad’s enemies
Like his dad, Kim loves watching BET
Adrien will sit anywhere but in his chair
The classes have “Good vs Evil Battles” after school until they’re called home
Cosette: Taste lightning, crazy! *Strikes Marinette with a bolt of lightning*
*Juleka swipes one of Zoé’s bird-a-rangs and throws it at Marc, causing his laser eyes to veer and hit a billboard, so it’s about to fall on top of unsuspecting civilians. However, Marc catches it just in time*
*Aurore summons a tidal wave to knock Kim and Ivan back. While Aurore is distracted, Rose hooks a vine around her ankle and has it drag her down the street*
Nathaniel: *Trying to catch Denise as they’re flying around him* QUIT MOVING!
Jean: Eit mih pu! *With his magic, a glowing rope ties itself around Nathaniel*
*Max deploys a swarm of miniature drones to attack Ismael, only for them to be defeated quickly by him using his ice breath*
Adrien: *Swinging his sledgehammer at Mireille* You’re not gonna win, you bunch’a hero brats!
Reshma: We will just see about that, you-
Sabine: Marinette! Come home! I need you to mend my dress!
DC Kids: …
DC: Class: …
Nino: You, uh… *Snickers* Mending mommy’s dress, Nettie?
Marinette: You- shut up! She and Papa Tom are having date night!
Nathaniel: *Laughs* She could not have done this at a worse time!
Aya: Nathaniel, you shrink back down right now, and come inside! It’s almost time for dinner.
Nathaniel: Ma! In front of them?!
Denise: This couldn’t get more embarrassing.
Dejah: Jean, sweetie! You’re gonna be late for tap class!
Jean: … Ya’ll better not say a fucking word, alright?
They’re always causing some sort of chaos in the classroom until Mme. Bustier walks out and says, “I need more coffee for this.”
Myléne knows the fears of every teacher at school
The DC Villain Kids has weekly fight clubs, just to let off a little steam from school and their daily lives
The DC Villain Kids and DC Hero Kids are well-known in this AU. It’s hard to not notice a girl wearing clown makeup, a guy with crocodile teeth, a giant redhead, a girl staying underwater for ten minutes, or a guy running the hundred-meter dash in five seconds... I mean, right? No one’s subtle at all
Adrien has an expansive mallet collection in his room. His father and Nathalie know damn well to never touch them again
There are Villain Girls Night Outs (Without Lila) and Villain Guys Night Outs where they just cause mayhem and try to rob a bank or two
The Villains’ method for conflict resolution is a little… Unorthodox. Basically, Nathaniel closes his hands around the ones fighting and keeps them in there until they work their issues out
Adrien likes to do spontaneous cartwheels around the school. No one questions it
Juleka likes to steal all sorts of jewelry for Rose
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chaotic-tired-cat · 2 years ago
AO3 is down, have a scene to fuel yourself in the meantime
summary: adult hero eldritch!Izuku vs. government sniper: FIGHT
World Walker spoilers below the cut. also tw for guns. all you need to know is that he’s baiting the hpsc for funsies and spite. uuuuh for new folks, take dimension travel and make it cosmic horror, thats Cryptid’s quirk. Cheers and i hope u enjoy!!
Takihiro really does not care much about heroes, but his best friend has a hyperfixation and therefore he must fuel it. This used to mean sending a video every time an underground hero walked down the sketchy alley his window looks over, so Shin could scream in a combination of capital letters and paragraphs. 
Takihiro may have set up his desk at the window so he'd notice passerbys for this exact reason. He may have gotten a better camera. He also may have ended up calling in enough petty robbery and assault to make him very distrustful of his neighborhood, with a side effect of attracting so many heroes to his alleyway. It's definitely a stop on their patrol routes. Now he just turns on a video call and listens to Shin experiencing serotonin like clockwork.
The infodumping he gets nightly is fantastic.
So when he sees movement, it's a habit to check for a familiar costume. He lets Shin know the nightly entertainment is happening and flips his camera. They were already on call studying anyway.
"That's Cryptid!" Shin yells in his ear, like it isn't Thursday on the Iidaten patrol route. It's either Mindblank or Cryptid, every time. Wednesday is a little more unpredictable- yesterday Zookeeper made judgmental faces at the dumpsters and swept the whole place with her cleaning quirk. It must have been a slow night.
Shin happily recites his internal Wikipedia page on Cryptid as Takihiro procrastinates finishing a paper. Outside, the hero has stopped to stare at the weirdly sterilized alley suspiciously. It's a good night.
"And that's only after the Chaos Crew merged with Iidaten," Shin is saying as Cryptid finally starts moving again. It's kind of funny. He's sticking to the shadows as if the dumpsters are about to jump him. "Since then, the core members have taken up leading positions. Uravity heads their rescue department and Mindblank heads the Undergrounds. I think Ingenium actually is their Daylight spokesperson while Cryptid is their Underground media person, so-"
A gun fires.
Cryptid stumbles.
Takihiro flinches violently back from the window, scattering pens and highlighters across his desk. He ducks and fumbles with the desk lamp until it turns off.
"Was that-"
"Yeah," Takihiro whispers, caught between retreating further into his apartment and staying to watch. He taps the record button on his laptop, grabs his phone, and is about to shuffle backwards when Cryptid reaches out and claws open the air in a wide swipe. A second later, the hero casually drops something into a small bag and seals it.
"The bullet," Shin whispers as Cryptid tucks the evidence bag into one of his regulation belt compartments.
"I was wondering," the hero calls as he searches for something amidst the tall buildings, "when they'd cross this line. Is a blood sample really worth this kind of risk?"
"Holy shit, he's about to monologue," Shin says. "Dude, go to your kitchen or something. He only does this when the villain can hear him. You don’t want to get caught up in some kind of long-range quirk."
"How does he know they're close, though?" Takihiro mutters as he switches speakers. 
"I bet he uses his portals to see. Are you safe?"
"I'm going, I'm going-"
Four more shots fire in quick succession. One visibly hits the wall behind the hero, shattering brick.
Cryptid hacks out a laugh. It's an awful sound. Tired and frustrated, like a wild animal that's bolted through a maze only to find itself cornered. Takihiro stays frozen as Cryptid bends forward with starlight bursting from the darkness around him. Limbs lengthen further, unseen wind buffets nebula-dusted hair, and the hero's spine curls. He tips his head back, straightening up again, but his posture is now decidedly unnatural. There is something wrong with his eyes.
There is something wrong with all of him, really.
"There are easier ways to buy blood," Cryptid says in a voice that physically shudders through the air. His head turns, the movement eerily smooth, and his face becomes visible.
Takihiro's breath freezes in his lungs as the most villainous hero he's ever seen stares down a sniper. Cool gold has begun to well up from the hollow places his eyes should be. Instead, there rests galaxies. Metallic light drips in a perfect line down each cheek and falls straight through the concrete below him.
Cryptid is the second-most villainous looking hero according to the HPSC’s official polls. He is only that far down because pushback against anti-mutation quirk feelings have made the poll itself unpopular, so the generation that grew up with Gang Orca vote more often.
Takihiro is now a little sure that the people who vote for Cryptid were maybe on to something.
"I am not made to die easy." Cryptid's voice has gone terribly gentle. "And neither are you. So why court a fate that does not suit you, friend?"
Brick shatters again under the force of a bullet that must've nearly clipped him. The hero didn't even flinch.
"You're afraid," Cryptid notes casually. Thick black sludge wells up between needle-sharp teeth, splattering to the ground in uneven clumps that do not match the tears. "I'm sorry if it's because of me. Hawks should have warned you - I told him not to get close if he wanted to kill me. Did your labs fail to make sense of what he took? Or is this hubris and greed the aftermath of success?"
"What the fuck," Shin says. Takihiro is a little preoccupied with the way Cryptid has begun to drool. sludge puddles outwards at his feet with twin lines of gold tears mixed in. The concentric circles ripping out are faintly hypnotic in that he is awefully aware of something alive down there that's trying to break past the pattern to get at them all.
Another bullet fires. It doesn't seem to impact anything.
"You're far too close, friend." Lips pull back to reveal sharpened teeth in a smile that dumps ice down Takihiro's spine. "The only thing you'd kill is my humanity. I'd rather not find out what the rest of me will do without that."
Cryptid pauses then.
Somehow, his expression turns unbearably sad.
"The hollow parts of me are not made of things that enjoy being controlled," he says to the rooftop. "It will linger. Go home to your plants and parents, friend. Live well in your borrowed time. And water your shiso before you both meet the earth too early."
"He did not just stop his own assassination with a bluff," Takihiro says.
He did.
Another last bullet fires, absorbed into the pattern at Cryptid’s feet.
It’s a cold night.
Pale yellow light catches the outline of the hero’s shoulders amidst shapeless blue shadows.
Cryptid stays in that alley, waiting, as he tracks movement beyond the window's sightline. He stays there until whatever he's watching has moved towards downtown.
Then he sighs.
Eerie posture reverts back into the wary stance he arrived with. The steady drop of gold and black halts, and the puddle dries up in seconds. Cryptid swipes the back of his hand over his mouth, then his other hand across his cheek. His grimace bares almost normal-sized teeth.
"I am on shift for thirty more minutes," the hero tells his smeared gloves. "Thirty minutes until I can put a dragon hatchling in Kacchan's desk, and have a different, more immediate problem to deal with."
Cryptid stares at his gloves.
"I should not do this," he says abruptly.
"You really should," Shin whispers. Cryptid's head snaps up, eyes immediately finding Takihiro's window.
He points. 
On instinct, Takihiro points back.
"Next time, don't stay by your window when there are villains around," the hero calls, still posed like some kind of Spiderman meme. Takihiro awkwardly stops mimicking Cryptid, because pointing is rude and this is a hero no matter how unhinged he may be. "Everything okay?"
Takihiro nods over the sound of Shin hyperventilating, and leans past his laptop. "Yeah, sorry about that. Hey, can I get an autograph?"
Shin squeaks.
"My friend is a fan."
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ali-annals · 2 years ago
Master Masterlist
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Fic summary format: ( if you want all the stats, head over to the most master of lists at the top of the page)
⤜♡→ Title | Word Count || ({series}) | Rating | One-Shot/Two-Shot/Series (1S, 2S, S) (| if 2S, sequel)
Ship Masterlist:
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NetteWorth (Alfred x Mari)
⤜♡→ clover blooms in the field/spring breaks loose, time is near | 0.6k | G/T | 1S |
⤜♡→ Pretty Petty Pranks | 1.5k | G | 1S |
Prompt: “Damn right I'm pretty.”/“I said petty.”
⤜♡→ maroon | 3.3k | T+/M | 2S | sequel |
Vampire King Dick meets civilian Marinette. CYOE. Inspired by a reel I saw of a reddit thread. “Can you hold my hand? My ex just walked in with her new boyfriend.” … "I see no one around besides us."
⤜♡→ Sugar and Bikes and Everything Nice | 0.4k | {MM} | G | 1S |
Biker meet car passenger…only Marinette's the biker.
⤜♡→ Pixie Reviews: Nightwing vs Red Hood | 0.5k | {MM} | T | 1S |
On patrol, Hood overhears a very interesting phone call from a very interesting woman.
⤜♡→ Enchanted | 1.2k || {IbTS} {MM} | G | 1S |
Marinette meets Jason at the royal family of Gotham's ball.
⤜♡→ I Asked for a Date, not a Spouse! | 0.7k | {MM} | G | 1S |
Marinette bemoans her dry love life to her aunt. Jason is done with dating and tells his mom if she wants a daughter-in-law to find one herself. He should've known she would take him seriously.
⤜♡→ Stars Around My Scars | 13.4k | {IbTS} | T | S | (complete)
Marinette has moved to Gotham and gained a boyfriend. Life is finally looking up for her after leaving the Liar and her cronies behind after she defeated Hawkmoth. It's still not perfect, though--her boyfriend has secrets, she misses heroing, her old class is planning their trip to her school…and not least of all, there are some weird new villains in Gotham she has to team up with the Red Hood to fight against!
⤜♡→ How You Get The Girl | 0.9k | {IbTS} | G | 1S |
“Hi, Marinette.” She laughed sharply to hide her hurt. “‘Hi, Marinette?’ Jason, it’s been six months.”
⤜♡→ you don't need to save me/ but would you run away with me? (actually you do need to save me I'm a little tied up here) | 2.5k | {MM} {BmmdI} | T | 1S |
"What if Jason is hunted/captured by someone trying to remake the Lazarus Pit" but make it meetcute.
⤜♡→ The Very First Night | 3.1k | {IbTS} | T | 1S |
Marinette and Jason's relationship inspired by the lyrics of the title song. Marinette’s phone rang, breaking her attention from her friends’ conversation. She checked the caller ID and excused herself. “MDC speaking,” she answered professionally, knowing her friends were half eavesdropping before she moved out of overhearing range. “Pixie, do you know how much I miss you?” whispered Jason. “These annoyances are driving me to do stupid things like call you in front of them just so I don’t blow us all up and alert the people we’re watching to our location!” “Aw, poor Jay,” she commiserated. “You need some reminders to keep you from eliminating your siblings?” “Please.” His exasperated tone in that one word told her volumes. “You’ll be in your family’s bad books if you do that, which means they’ll keep an even closer eye on you, which means you can’t see me without alerting them to my existence in your life.” Jason exhaled sharply. “Thank you, Pix. I shall restrain myself. Two more weeks.”
⤜♡→ Reputation 'Verse | 2k+ | {IbTS} | M | S | (hiatus)
Reputation-Inspired Alternate Universe where Jason and Marinette are soulmates. This is mostly Marinette-centric and about her healing, but there is some for my fellow Jason afficionados as well. Read TWs.
⤜♡→ All's Fair in Love and Prank Wars | 1.7k | G | 1S |
Prompt: "Damn right I'm pretty."/"I said petty."
⤜♡→ Look at those flowers that look like You | 2.6k | T | 1S |
Hanahaki AU of my Reputation AU. May make more sense once RV is completed:)
⤜♡→ Rival Mob Boss AU | 5.1k+ | {MM} {BmmdI} | G/T/M (each drabble rated individually) | S | (hiatus)
A series of one-shots and drabbles where Jason and Marinette are opposing mob bosses.
⤜♡→ high tide came and brought you in | 6.5k | T | 1S |
Little Mermaid AU where Jason is Ariel and Marinette is Eric. One-sided Daminette. Reverse Robins AU
⤜♡→ Renagerie: Enemies or Lovers? | 1.3k | T | 1S |
Everyone knows Red Hood and Menagerie hate each other...but what about Jason and Marinette?
⤜♡→ Chlamian | Jasonette Crack | 0.6k | T | 1S
ScarletImpulse requested: Chloe/Damian or Jasonette, Horror, Serial Killer in a Zombie Apocalypse
⤜♡→ long live all the magic we made | 9.5k | T | 1S |
In Gotham, Jason Todd is looking for Damian's dragonbat, Goliath, when he notices a strange thing in the sky. In Paris, Ladybug is fighting an akuma when a strange creature literally appears out of the blue. It might not be too big of a deal (they've both dealt with weirder things) if it wasn't A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE!
⤜♡→ Is this Hope just a Mystical Dream? | 5k | T+ | 2S | Part 2
Did you know that some soulmates' souls are literally connected, meaning that when one half dies, the other follows them soon after to a personalized deathscape? Marinette and Jason sure did.
⤜♡→ Jasonette Supremacy: M?GI!CW 2024 works | 14k | {ibTS} | T |
⤜♡→ it's a small world after all | 2k | G | 1S
Jason brings his fiancee home to meet his family. She gets along great with everyone! There’s just one problem… They’ve met her before.
⤜♡→ angel, don't fly so close to me (I'll bring you down eventually) | 0.4k | {MM} | T | 1S |
Jason's not the best at flirting; luckily the girl he's interested in thinks his attempts are cute.
⤜♡→ Gold Rush | 1k | {IbTS} | G | 1S |
Marinette has plans to meet her online gamer boyfriend on her class trip to Gotham, but gets distracted watching Lila flirt with their host, Tim Drake.
⤜♡→ from all the memories stored in my heart | 1.3k | G | 1S
"Don't forget who you belong to" but SFW
⤜♡→ Cracket | 0.6k | {BmmdI} | G | 1S
⤜♡→ Here, go stalk (aka the Coffee Phenomenon) | 1.8k | G | 1S |
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window. She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?” He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
⤜♡→ Chaotic Coffee Zombies | 3.6k+ | T | S | (in progress/semi-hiatus)
With Hawkmoth defeated, Marinette needs a change of pace from the City of Lights. One move to Gotham later, Mara Stone emerges from the City of Crime. Tim Drake has been trying to commission the elusive designer MDC for ages. His new friend at Gotham Academy, Mara Stone, is a fashion lover who doesn't know or care about MDC--a most discombobulating piece of information to fanboy Tim. Deciding to get to the bottom of this strange girl's life, he uncovers a whole lot more than he was expecting.
⤜♡→ Timari January 2024: Day 30- Blanket | 0.2k | G | 1S |
⤜♡→ Stupid in Love | 2.3k | T | 1S |
Tim meets a competent new companion in his fight to make Ra's al Ghul's life hell. They just might be a match made in heaven (after all, Timari heaven is Ra's hell).
⤜♡→ Ice To Meet You | 1.1k | {MM} | G | 1S |
Marinette mistakes her new partner for her coach and a meet cute (meet ugly?) ensues
⤜���→ The Terrifying Trio | 1.3k | G | 1S | DCxDPxMLB |
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn’t; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
⤜♡→ Knock knock/ Who's Th-/-Interrupting Bats | 0.7k | T+/M | 2S | sequel |
Damian was kidnapped and the Bats try to find him. Rewind: Damian wants to spend time with his girlfriend and the Bats have really bad timing.
⤜♡→ invisible string | 13k | G | S | (complete)
Marinette defeats Hawkmoth and moves to a place that's better for her mental health. She runs into her soulmate (she actually had one!) and immediately accidentally ghosts him. Damian is confused about the topic of soulmates in general, and is even more so when his soulmate (he had one?) literally runs into him. When he finds her again, he worries about how his...activities...and past will affect their relationship, but soon finds that she has just as many secrets as him, if not more. Everyone else is just confused.
⤜♡→ there was one prize I'd cheat to win | 1.2k | G | 1S |
Marinette can only be roused from her daydreams by one word: Damian. Damian will only respond to one word: Marinette. They're so cute, right? Well, there's one problem… They secretly think the other dislikes them, being rivals and all.
⤜♡→ my tears ricochet | 4.5k | T | 1S |
It was over. Everything was done. Hawkmoth and Mayura were defeated. Ladybug was dead. Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s “friends”/classmates were crying around the fresh grave. She’d been revealed as Ladybug in her death, her transformation dropping one final time. The city mourned their fallen heroine. Chat Noir gave the final Miraculous Team’s press conference, stating that Marinette was dead, attacked by Hawkmoth; though she had defeated the villain and his partner, she had succumbed soon after to irreversible injuries. He would be retiring now as well…The next day, a lone figure made its way back to Ladybug’s flower-covered grave. He was the class’s foreign-exchange student, Damian Grayson. He set a single white rose on the headstone and stepped back to pay his respects. The dirt began to move, and a hand poked through.
⤜♡→ Unexpected Visitors | 0.8k | G | 1S |
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne…
⤜♡→ Mazel Tov | 0.4k | G | 1S |
Talia attempts to arrange a marriage between her son, the Heir to the Demon, and the League of Assassins' rival order's head, the Grand Guardian. The Bats are insistent on stopping the wedding, but the couple don't seem that opposed to it…
⤜♡→ {no results found}
⤜♡→ tomorrow's a flower | 1k | G | 1S |
Mari and Cass experience the meet-cute.
⤜♡→ Outflirting an Outlaw | 0.1k | {MM} | G | 1S |
⤜♡→ Sweet Denials Make for even Sweeter Victories | 0.3k | T | 1S
Conner is back from his trip with the JL, but his girlfriend isn't welcoming him as warmly as he would like.
⤜♡→ Daffodil | Unrequited Love | 0.25k | G | S | (complete)
Angsty, open-ended RavenBug/Marirae hanahaki
⤜♡→ Three's Company | 0.4k || Finale to the RavenBug Hanahaki series | G | S
⤜♡→ Marinette "Valkyrie" Wayne | 9.6k | G | S | (complete)
Marinette is adopted by Bruce Wayne after her parents died in a car crash. She figures out her new family are the Bats, but she also has a secret. Meanwhile, Bruce is looking for Ladybug, who retired and disappeared into thin air.
⤜♡→ Ravenbug Hanahaki Series (complete)
-> Daffodil | Unrequited Love | 0.25k || Angsty, open-ended hanahaki. Marikon. | G | -> RavenBug Angst | 0.07k || The short WC is for my ao3 WC of 123,456 | T -> Three's Company | 0.4k || This was written for TTT2023. The finale to the RavenBug Hanahaki series! | G
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noodleswithsoba-blog · 1 year ago
All Might and His Son.
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This is an idea I've been kicking around for a good long while, but I absolutely ADORE All Might as a character and while this isn't an Izuku Yagi idea, it's a very different idea.
So to start, All Might has a kid. He was little when the battle with All for One happened because All for One took him, his name is Toshijiro and he heavily repressed the memory.
However, Toshinori fought the hardest he'd ever done in his life, putting all of his power into it. Getting wounded after his son landed in his arms.
Toshinori and Toshijiro are extremely close, even in looks and somewhat in personality, however Toshijiro is different in several respects. He wants his Dad to stop, he wants to take on One For All himself, so his dad doesn't have to fight anymore.
Yet, Toshinori never wanted that for his son, he wanted Toshijiro to be happy, to live a future free from the shadow of All For One. For the most part, he succeeded.
Of course, the past never stays dead in My Hero Academia, and after Kamino, Toshinori calls his son back to Japan. After his stint in America, he's happily reunited with his father and meeting who he picked to carry One For All.
His VC is Kaiji Tang, watch the Might Guy vs. All Might Death Battle to hear what he sounds like as All Might and you get the reason why I picked him.
So to start, Toshijiro is the False Might until Endeavor takes his spot. Being a bit of a similar goofball to his father, but able to suck it down and get to business.
He won't ever give up, his sunlight will pierce the darkness and leave it all revealed! He doesn't need One For All to face the nightmare of All For One!
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"I'll never yield or stop! I'll always get back up! That's the way I do things and always will! My sunlight will always be here, my fists will always be here, and my soul will shine as bright as it can! Here I am, Toshijiro Yagi, the SON OF ALL MIGHT!"-Toshijiro rallying himself to face All For One, assuring everyone that he'll give it his all.
"Aww, aren't you a little ray of sunshine?! Dad, you really picked a tough little dude, didn'tcha?"- Toshijiro meeting Izuku for the first time.
"Dad, I've been in your shadow for years... let me end this with you!"- Toshijiro and Toshinori about to open a can of Father-Son Whoopass on Akira For One.
He's very much a natural fit for a hero, and his personality mostly reflects that but he's much more serious, a Do-or-Die mindset to every fight.
He gives it his all no matter what. 100%? Pah! Make it 200! No, 300! He believes in the inherent goodness in people, and wants to guide all the villains he can back to society, be the light of hope for his generation and maybe have a long and storied career like his father.
However he has a lot of pressure and self doubt on his shoulders, barely remembering a time before his father was injured, and constantly worrying over his father's condition.
As the third strongest hero, Toshijiro has big shoes to fill and pushes himself to the limit, when All Might wins, Toshijiro loses. His hero name when not playing as his father is the Sun Hero: Helios.
His relationship with Izuku is like a big brother and little brother. He DID train him how to control his quirk better in his substitute lessons. Also how to fight without One For All in case he can't use it.
Quirk Name: Sunlight.
Quirk Type: Transformation.
Quirk Description: Toshijiro can absorb sunlight and use it as an all around body enhancement, however his strength is mostly dependent on the time of day he uses it.
Also if he uses it during the night, he might end up burning himself quite badly. It started as a very weak quirk until he found out he could absorb sunlight and stock it up.
Initially, he was quirkless until much later. About 10 years old.
Ship Ideas!
Seeing as Toshijiro is at least in his 20s and 30s I have several ships in mind for him. (These aren't definite but I'm just spitballing here.)
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Fuyumi Todoroki, or Frostlight.
This is your classic Forbidden Love trope where Toshijiro and Fuyumi met outside of knowing who their families are. Fuyumi just thought the silver haired sweetheart that helped her carry some of her shopping home was some random hero, but it didn't take her long to figure out her new friend was an All Might stand-in and got to know him.
She ended up being confessing her feelings after one tough day teaching at her school. She was so frustrated and venting to Toshijiro while he just listened and she ended up blurting out that she liked his 'Dorky hero face and all that!'
Toshijiro just smiled, nodded, and gave her a quick little peck on the lips. Of course when Enji finds out he's absolutely furious but can't do anything about it because Fuyumi is an adult and can make her own decisions.
It's karma for all the shit he put the family through, his daughter gave her heart to the son of the man he was trying to surpass. His son in law will be a constant reminder of what he failed to surpass.
In short, every time Fuyumi and Toshijiro are cute together, you can just feel the blood pressure rising in Enji.
Fuyumi worries about Toshijiro and the effects of how much he has to do as the temporary All Might.
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Miruko, or Sunbunny.
Rumi took one look at Toshijiro and challenged him to a fight. After which she asked him out. After their first date, she decided to visit the son of All Might every other week and keep his skills sharp.
Sometimes she'd win, sometimes he'd win, and after each time the winner has to buy the other lunch or dinner or whatever meal that's appropriate for the time.
Little did Toshijiro know that this is the way Rumi Usagiyama dates people. She always thought of dating someone really strong, and a guy on the same level as All Might is way too good to pass up!
She proposed to him after one last round. She won him, he lost to her, so she gets rights to propose. Also, they DO work together on missions quite often in the interim, so it's not just fighting between them.
She does care in her own Miruko-Way.
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Chitose Kizuki, or SunMine.
Chitose was chasing the story of a lifetime, a sensational hero from America taking up his father's title as Number One Hero temporarily and she gets the exclusive scoop?
She'll win big with profits for that one. But as she's interviewing him and getting to know him, there's something... warm. Something safe between them.
Like he's a gentle soul, that only wants to help his dad out. It soon goes beyond the scope of reporter and interviewee. Soon she's the one divulging her secrets, and getting someone who likes her despite her own hangups about her appearance.
It gets to the point that she doesn't publish it. In fact she turned it into a dictated Autobiography by him. On their wedding day she sent it to several publishers and got it published, this time telling the candid truth of a young hero living in the shadow of a legend.
She became a very famous author and left the PLF. Hand in hand with her husband.
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Kiruka Hasaki, or SunSlice.
The two of them met each other as villain and hero, slowly building up a relationship after Toshijiro revealed that he didn't really want to turn her in. She didn't really do anything wrong yet. She's still really strong so he offered a partnership and she took it.
And that's all so far!
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firebird7479 · 22 days ago
"Bobby Champion" Volume 4: The Heel Turn - Chapter 10 is LIVE on Wattpad!
🔥 **"Bobby Champion" Volume 4: The Heel Turn - Chapter 10 is LIVE on Wattpad!** 🔥
The stakes are higher than ever as Bobby Champion continues his meteoric rise in the world of professional wrestling. But with fame comes enemies, and Bobby’s life outside the ring is about to get complicated. From sold-out arenas to backstage brawls, this chapter delivers all the drama, action, and intrigue you’ve been waiting for!
📖 **What’s in store this chapter?** - **Bobby vs. Three Feathers**: A brutal, blood-soaked showdown that leaves the crowd roaring. - **Family Ties**: Lieutenant Robert Tyson watches his son’s career with pride, but can Bobby keep his personal life intact? - **Danger Lurks**: Jennifer faces an unsettling encounter, while Zack Thompson’s obsession grows darker. - **Behind the Curtain**: The gritty reality of life on the road, from locker room tensions to late-night phone calls home.
💥 **Why you need to read this chapter:** If you thought Bobby Champion had it all figured out, think again. The Heel Turn is heating up, and the lines between hero and villain are blurring. With jaw-dropping twists and emotional depth, this chapter will keep you on the edge of your seat!
📌 **Don’t miss out!** Dive into the latest chapter of *Bobby Champion* now on Wattpad and join the journey of wrestling’s most electrifying anti-hero.
👉 **Read it here:** https://www.wattpad.com/1509977405-bobby-champion-volume-4-the-heel-turn-chapter-10
#BobbyChampion #TheHeelTurn #WrestlingDrama #Wattpad #NewChapter #MustRead #WrestlingFiction #FamilyDrama #ActionPacked #BookSeries #WattpadReads #WattpadCommunity #FictionLovers #PageTurner
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maxineswritingcenter · 3 years ago
Heart’s Possession - MichaelxAdamxfem!reader part 5
Adam and Reader grew up together and were high school sweethearts, after his death and learning about monsters, (Y/N) tries to move on but never forgets her first love. When ten years pass, what will happen when a familiar face appears?
Michael’s training techniques was like her grandmother teaching (Y/N) how to play the piano. If you didn’t get it right the first time, you did it over and over until you did it perfect. It was fine playing piano, maybe a little annoying. But when it came to learning how to fight from an angel, it was harder than she could have ever thought of. There were better moments though, when Adam came out after training was over. 
It truly was like a rom-com that she would nag on back in the day. They spent the nights cuddled up on the couch, watching movies, eating popcorn, play-wrestling, doing the sort of things that they used to in their college apartment. (Y/N) spent hours explaining all the things that had happened when he was gone, he would listen so intently like every word she said was keeping him alive. Being with Adam was like breathing. It filled the void that had been there for years.
Then there were the nights when Michael came out after Adam had spent the day at work. She discovered that he enjoyed action movies like Immortals and Gladiator, where the hero was destined with a greater purpose. It made sense for him, since he had been created with the idea that his greater purpose was defeating his brother and pleasing his father. 
Tonight was her night to choose a movie and she chose The Phantom of the Opera because who doesn’t love Gerard Butler? Another thing about Michael was that he always had a lot of questions to ask. 
“Is this Phantom not the villain?” He asked as Christine was whisked away by the Phantom. 
“I mean, I guess he is. I would call him more of a tragic character than a villain though.” 
“He’s killed three people.” 
She hummed, “To be fair, one of them deserved it.” 
“Deserved it?” He raised his eyebrows at her. Michael had also developed a bit of sass in his time on Earth. 
“Yes. This movie is about seeing what trauma can do, how being raised in the opera house changed him, how he created the monster vs. man identity. He has always been alone, no one to love him.” She tilted her head to the side, pointing to the screen, “He is in love with the idea of Christine, but he needs to learn what love truly is. Eventually he does, but it’s not what he wants. He sees Christine and Raoul’s love and he finally understands.” He stared at her for a moment, then back to the screen where he didn’t say another word for the rest of the movie. 
Long after the movie was over, Michael had gone outside. It was something he did when he wanted to think, or he wanted to talk to Adam alone. (Y/N) was in the kitchen, washing out the popcorn bowl of butter and M&M bits when he came back in. 
Without a hi or even a hello he said: ‘I understand your love.” 
She turned off the sink, turning to look at him: “My what?” 
“You and Adam. I understand your love. Just like I understand my love with Adam.” He said. 
She paused a moment, then gasped: “Oh damn, Michael, I wasn’t comparing you to the Phantom earlier-” 
“You weren’t. But I was.” Michael said, “I saw a man who grew up with certain ideas and thoughts about life but they were perceptions he created through windows and air grates. I only understood humanity as flawed creatures who went about their lives destroying each other and getting fat.” 
“On behalf of humanity, ouch.” 
He sighed in frustration, but there was a smile that tugged at his lips, “My point is, I have changed my perception of humanity thanks to Adam and thanks to you. And perhaps… I can understand what it would be like to love. To love Adam and to… Love you.” 
It almost felt like all the air had been sucked out of her lungs, “What?” She choked out, “Love me? Michael, you hate me. You resent me. I only get in your way, that’s why you’re teaching me how to defend myself so you don’t have to.” 
Slowly and with slight hesitation, Michael took a few steps forward. When he reached her, he held a hand out, brushing his fingertips over her cheek, “I don’t resent you. I’m worried about you. At first I thought it was Adam’s emotions but then I realized they were my own.” 
“But-but when I got captured by the Winchesters you were so pissed. And those dragons too.” This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be real. Michael was an archangel and she was just a human. Adam she could understand, they spent hundreds of years together but that was nothing compared to the few short months they had known each other. A month to Michael was like a second, time wasn’t a problem for him. 
“Even when his brothers captured you, I wasn’t mad at you. I was mad at myself for not protecting you. Then it was because Adam cared so much for you. But when those dragons had you, I felt nothing but rage. Seeing those two vile creatures hurting you. I wanted to rip them apart, killing them slowly and at the same time with a snap of my fingers.” He paused, smiling, “That doesn’t matter anymore. Never would I have thought that I would ever be so captivated by one human, let alone two."
"Michael..." His name was a whisper on her lips. His face was so close to hers, closer than it had ever been before. His presence was intoxicating, the power just seemed to roll off of him. 
Out of the corner of her, movement broke the tension she felt. It was a familiar, little blue bug. 
“Oh...” Her voice shook, “Uh, looks like Luella is here.” They both looked out the window as the small woman came waddling up the driveway. The two made their way to the door and opened it to greet the woman only to watch her collapse into dust. 
“I mean... I knew she was old-”
“(Y/N).” Michael looked down at her sternly. 
“I’m sorry! But how am I supposed to react to seeing our landlord become dust in the wind?” She took a few steps out the door, watching as Luella blew across the lawn. That’s when the chaos started, down the street cars were crashing into lamp posts, people walking down the street disappeared. The fear she felt had not been around since she had been trapped in that tomb, they were jus gone, everyone was gone. She walked backwards, reaching blindly for Michael, praying that he was still behind her. When she finally felt the wool of his sweater, she gripped it tight, almost as if she were willing him to stay there. 
“(Y/N)...” He sounded so distraught, so shaken. That’s what really scared her, he was terrified. 
“Michael, what is it?” She looked back at him. He was staring up, his arms reaching out in front of him, shaking. 
“It’s Adam... He’s gone.” 
“G-gone?” It was her turn to start shaking, “What do you mean gone?” 
“He’s just... Gone.” His words took her breath away, her world falling apart once more. She didn’t realize her knees had given out until she met the cold cement of the walkway. 
The world was silent, even the car alarms had ceased to sing their song. They were gone, every single person in the area. Maybe even the world. All of that might have been tolerable, but Adam was gone, and she had been left behind... 
After dissociating for a while, she came back to reality. They were in the car, bags packed into the back, Michael with his hands gripped tightly on the wheel. 
“Michael...” She cleared her throat to keep the shakiness in her voice to a minimum, “Michael, where are we going?”
“Somewhere safe.” He said sternly.
“Who did this?” 
“You won’t like my answer.” 
She closed her eyes, sighing deeply through her nose: “It was your father, wasn’t it?” 
“Your dad sucks.” 
“My sentiments exactly.” 
“So what do we do?” She asked, “You can go toe to toe with your dad but all he’ll do is snap me away.” 
He gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white, she feared for a moment that the wheel would be crushed in his hands. 
“He’s not taking you away, not you too.” 
“Adam was your vessel and he had no problem taking him, what makes you think that it wouldn’t be just as easy, if not easier, to take me too?” 
“Because...” He glanced at her, then back to the road, “He’s never seen me pissed.” 
They arrived at Saint Michael's church in the late afternoon. (Y/N) always knew churches as quiet places, but now that there was no one else, it seemed like even their breathing echoed through the chapel.
At the end of the pews, there was a stage where a pastor would give his sermon if circumstances were different. On either side, there were pianos: an organ and one classic. Candle sticks held long, white candles. They were even still lit from that day's service.
"Michael?" She caught up to his pace, watching him slump down at the front pew.
"I think that this is where it started." He looked around, clasping his hands together on his lap, "My father saw their worship, their grand monuments, cathedrals. And he changed from a loving caretaker to... To someone who destroyed lives, families, and the world for his own entertainment. He used his children to play his little games. He used me." He sighed heavily, looking up at the cross on the wall. “And now he’s taken almost everything from me. Everything I wanted to build. For me, for Adam, for you.” He looked up at her. He was hurting, he was in pain. 
Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) held her hands out for him. He took them, letting her pull him to his feet. The thought that this all-powerful being was in the palm of her hands, that an archangel loved her, was insane. 
“You were doing what you thought was right. You didn’t know any better and that’s not your fault.” She reached up slowly, cupping both his cheeks in her hands. It was something she had done with Adam, he said it was like she was holding his burdens, letting him rest for a little while. Michael simply stared into her eyes, into her soul. 
“You have been through so much. You’ve made mistakes, just like everyone else. And you had no reason not to trust your father, we’re supposed to trust our parents. But your dad, my dad, Adam’s... They let us down.” She smiled slightly, “But at the end of the day, we have each other. And as soon as we figure out what’s going on, we’ll get Adam back too.”
“The Winchesters are on their way with the Nephilim.” Michael hesitantly put his hands on her hips. 
She blinked at him: “The what?” Her confusion seemed to lighten his mood. 
“Nephilim, the child of an angel and a human. They’re forbidden.” 
She narrowed her eyes, “If they’re forbidden why would they be possible then?”
He opened his mouth to answer, then closed it, shaking his head, “You’ll have to come back to me with that one.” She laughed, the sound making him grin for the first time. Or at least, the first time she had seen. 
“When will they be here?” 
He looked out the stained glass window, the golden glow of the sun casting over them: “In a few hours time. In the meantime... There was something I wanted to try.” Michael leaned in close, his breath ghosting over her lips. She let out a shaky breath through her nose, her eyes fluttering shut. When their lips met, it felt like there had been a spark. Before she could even react to that, his lips were fully on her; hands on either side of her face. He was being so gentle, holding her tenderly, as if one twitch would cause her to break. His lips were warm and familiar, they would be since they were Adam’s, but the way he kissed was different. He kissed like it was forbidden, like he was getting away with a crime. There was desperation, maybe from the fact that he lost someone he loved and couldn’t bear to lose another. Her body felt warm, wherever his fingers touched burned, but in a pleasurable way. Nothing like the dragons that had tried to kill her. 
“I love you.” He said breathlessly. 
“And I love you.” She whispered. Relationships like theirs had been odd, speaking from the aspect of polyamory. She could have never imagined herself in love with two people yet here she was. Standing in a church with an angel, an angel who loved her and Adam just the same. 
Later in the stormy night, Michael and (Y/N) hid as the Winchesters arrived with the Nephilim. On closer inspection, the forbidden one seemed just as ordinary as she did. He was just a child, no older than sixteen by the looks of it.
The trio made it into the heart of the church, Michael took her hand and led her towards the center to meet them. 
“So... you survived.” He called to them. The three turned to meet his eyes, they all looked extremely confused as to why she was still here. Well, join the club. 
“Michael.” Sam said, looking between the two, “(Y/N).” There was a pause, loud clapping thunder surrounding the small church.
“When the rapture first began, we took refuge here. It is St. Michael's, you may have noticed.” He said as he brought them forward. 
“What? Are you hiding out from your dad?” Dean asked, clearly wary of the angel.
“I'm sure he's aware I took your side against him. I've avoided using any powers that might attract his attention.” Clearly, he wasn’t counting those dragons he killed. 
“And Adam?” Sam asked. She closed her eyes, tightening her grip on Michael’s hand. 
“Gone. I'm sorry to say. Exterminated by my father, like everyone else.” 
Dean sighed, “Poor bastard never caught a break.” 
“How did the three of you manage?” The angel asked.
“Apparently, your old man has a sense of humor” Dean said, “He thought it would be hilarious to watch the three of us on an empty planet. What about you?” He asked her directly. Which was surprising. 
“I don’t know.” She answered innocently. 
“What, are you, uh... doing some reading?” Sam motioned to the empty bibles on the pews. They had searched the entire building for as many bibles as they could. 
“I never spent much time on Earth. I was.” Michael paused, “Curious about the perception of God and Heaven.”
“And?” Dean asked. 
“Amazingly, the believers loved him. They have for thousands of years. I guess my efforts were more effective than I'd hoped.” 
“Your efforts?” Sam raised his eyebrows. 
“When God left Heaven, I was certain of his return. So I made sure all of the angels and prophets burnished his image on Earth. The all-knowing, all-seeing, all-caring God.”
“Daddy's boy.” Michael chuckled at Dean’s words. 
“And now?” The boy, Jack asked, “After seeing what Chuck's done?”
“We reached out to you. You ignored us.” Dean glared. Michael looked down at her, a soft smile pulling at his lips. The smile fell, turning back to Adam’s oldest brother. 
“That was then. This is now.” 
She took a step forward, looking between the three, “Tell us what you need us to do.” 
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akawrites000 · 4 years ago
sunflowers, breaking clichés and faraway lovers
Hero trudges back home, her foot kicking up some mud on this lonely strip of road. She can't decide if she's happy or frustrated that nothing ever happens where she lives, not even villains, as if they don't find this place appealing enough to even visit.
She decides, after a moment, that maybe it's both. She's both happy that she doesn't have to deal with villains here, that this is the one constant place that she has in her life, and she's also a little frustrated that nothing ever happens here, and everywhere you see are familiar faces. She kind of wishes her town had the tradition to were masks like people in Jaoanese festivals do, so that it would at least bring some novelty into this place. Or she wishes that she can spot a new face somewhere, but the only face she wants to see right now is that of her partner's.
The wind blows to the left, and she turns to look. That's the path that leads to the sunflower field, one of her all time favourite places. She takes out her phone as the wind pushes her further to the field, holding the device in front of her face, trying to get a nice angle. Click. She opens villain’s chat and hits the send button, with a yellow heart emoji attached to the picture. She then sits down at the edge of the field, legs dangling, eyes taking in the spectacular view in front of her. This is probably the only place I'll never get tired of, even if it's the same ten years from now, she thinks.
Hero’s phone vibrates in her pocket, and she pulls it out to see a message from villain. She opens the chat — smiling softly.
V: This looks so beautiful!! Is this the sunflower field that you always talk about? Thank you for the picture baby💛
Hero takes a moment to swoon. She loves it when villain calls her baby, and she has a feeling that they know that too.
H: Yes it is, one of my favourite places ever! I wish I could show this to you someday.
There it is, hero thinks. This ache that mixes up with the bubbly feelings in her chest because her lover lives in an entirely different continent away from her and there's nothing either of them can do about it for now. It's this sizzling agony that's there right under her skin, keeping her awake at night sometimes.
V: That sounds lovely. I would love to see it.
And then hero’s smiling, grinning. So much that her cheeks start to hurt and those blue feelings inside her chest slowly melt away, leaving her with this happy, giddy haze. Somewhere inside, the logical part of her speaks — what is even happening ?
Hero ignores that and just stares at the wide expanse of the field in front of her, beautifully painted by the sun setting on the horizon behind. She lets her mind wander to villain, her lover whom she's never met but knows — because one doesn't have to meet to know someone right? Of course hero aches to meet them, just like all the lovers in ancient texts do. She's no different. So she tries to meet them in her imagination at least- one hand in their soft, brown hair, while the other cups their cheek, tender with that natural blush that drives her crazy; and then villain's hands are in her hair, tangling her long back strands but she can't find it in herself to care one bit —
Her phone buzzes again and hero’s pulled out of that soft world in her mind, back to the real one. Her eyes take in her surroundings once again, noticing the changes. The sky is inky blue, like deep ocean waters and the sun is nowhere to be seen . The sunflowers that were all looking at the sun like dedicated devotees, have now turned to look at their loved ones next to them instead, and settle in their arms for the night. Hero looks at her phone, her mind working in two angles — one thinking about this fact that she read about sunflowers somewhere while the other focuses on villain’s chat box.
V: You'll have to fight supervillain later this evening right?
Hero groans as she remembers her pressing duties to this city — fighting supervillains, protecting the civilians, being the symbol of justice. It's only in the short time that she spends with villain — in their chatbox, occasional phone calls, when she thinks of villain, that she feels like a normal twenty something, just living her life and falling in love with someone breathtakingly amazing.
H: You're always more updated about my schedule than I am xD But yeah, I have to.
Hero imagines villain’s mouth, unable to decide between their usual smirk or rare soft smiles. She wonders what expression they're wearing right now.
V: Of course I am. That's one thing technology is good for.
Hero chuckles, simply happy that villain even bothers to keep track of all of this.
V: Fight safely and vigilantly okay? Trust your gut feelings, they're always valid. Your feelings are always valid.
Hero clutches her phone tight in her hand, trying to bury her face into her own arms. Her heart performs this dance everytime villain does stuff like this, and she never knows how to handle it.
H: Thank you my love❤ I'm a little nervous of course, but I think I'll be okay. I can do this.
Hero knows there's no point in putting up a front or lying to villain. They always know somehow. And hero thinks that she doesn't want to lie — she's always putting up a front for the world, the people, her opponents. So she wants at least this one person in the entire world to know who she really is, in all her silly, anxious and raw glory.
V: You'll be fine baby. You're an amazing fighter and I believe in you.
Okay, that's it. Hero feels like her entire body is on fire and she forces herself to look away from the phone screen at the field in front of her so that her fingers don't start doing this embarrassing keysmash that people generally seem to do when they're embarrassed. Does she want to do that? She thinks she'd rather avoid it. Or at least try to.
That's when her mind supplies that fact about sunflowers that it was trying to remember. When the sun is not visible, the sunflowers turn towards one another, as if the sun is just a fever dream that is abandoned as soon as it dips below the horizon, and the only real things that exist in the world are the flowers themselves and their partners who exist right beside them. Hero watches as the wind gently coaxes them, one flower falling into another and vice versa, as they hold each other and dance while the first stars form constellations in the sky. Hero thinks how beautiful this is, that there is a whole universe beyond clichés, that a sunflower doesn't have to achingly wait for a sun that will never belong to it, but instead the world is for its taking as it falls in love with the flower next to it — one that will return its feelings.
And all of a sudden, hero is overwhelmed by this weird emotion in her chest. She can't name it, she's always been bad with names. But sitting here and looking at these sunflowers breaking clichés makes her heart soar for some inexplicable reason. It's like nature is telling her that nothing else matters other than feelings that are respected and returned.
She opens villain's chat and starts typing in everything that she's realised in the past minute with increased fervour, afraid that all of these thoughts would just up and disappear into a puff of nothing because nothing is really everlasting — except this one moment. And she plans to make the best of it. She types the last letter, then attaches a close-up picture of two sunflowers with tangled petals facing one another and hits send.
Villain takes a minute to reply, but it brings the brightest smiles to hero's face regardless.
V: I don't know if you even realise this, but I just love the way you fucking think ❤ The sunflowers seem like they could pass for humans themselves don't they? Because I just find this whole thing alarmingly human — the way we have our hearts on our sleeves when we know no one else is looking, for that one person.
Hero sighs happily, she didn't think feeling understood could feel this liberating. It's definitely one of those feelings that people can get high on , she thinks. Damn, she thinks she's definitely getting high on this herself.
H: Thank you love, I love the way you think too! And I do agree, the sunflowers are humans xD (plus ten heart emojis).
A few more minutes go by and hero receives another message from villain with this attached picture:
there's a hand (hero guesses it's villain’s hand) holding two violet flowers together (so they look like they're hugging) with this caption —
I had to chase away two ducks for this picture, because these flowers were apparently their evening snack. How cool is that?
And hero’s full blown laughing now, the clutching-your-stomach kind of laughing and she hopes that the laughing emoji on her phone would do this justice. Probably not.
Here's the live coverage of Hero vs Supervillain-
The newsreader reads live from the venue and villain’s eyes refuse to leave the tv screen for even a single moment. They watch as their hero holds her ground against such a powerful foe and villain’s heart fills up to the brim with a mix of fondness and pride. They don't feel the rest of the evening pass by, as they sit and watch the entire live coverage without as much as even getting up.
Hero emerges victorious, and she has a few surface injuries here and there, some nasty looking gashes but she's standing there and she's alive and she's okay and villain finally lets out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding.
That's their strong, sweet and kind hero and villain can't be happier to call her their girlfriend.
Hellooo there lovely people!! I know it's been a long while since I posted (that's because life is pretty hectic rn) but I finally found some time to write (and procrastinate, but that's the usual lol). So what's new is that I've given you all some female rep, because I just realised that I haven't really written much female mc content. So I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thank you for your support as always - means a lot<3
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zoopzopp · 4 years ago
A post for some BAMF Izuku fics <3 (more of these will be added and the list will be updated as i read them)
Fics i've read:
The Secret Ingredient is Crime- Izuku only had a whole month to further prove himself worthy of Yuuei's golden acceptance, and he was going to do whatever it took to make it in. Yuuei would never truly know what hit them until it was too late. (The secret crime AU in it entirety is fucking amazing and what wouldn't i give to read more stuff with it)
Deku the Villain Hunter: Support Hero - We all know the story: After being told he couldn't be a Hero by All Might, Midoriya Izuku still wandered over to a supervillain attack where he could save Bakugou Katsuki. But what if he had made the other turn? The answer is a butterfly effect that would lead him on a path to paving his own future. A path of revenge, finding his own moral compass, and doing the impossible. (OKAY MANY THOUGHTS. Very cool story and aspects. I binged it overnight and lost a bit of sleep the next night as well.)
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan) - The Sports Festival was supposed to be a break from stress. Shouta should have known there is no such thing as a break with his class.
making it right (for real this time) - - Izuku is a support course student at UA, and Katsuki's neighbor, best friend, and former bullying victim. After Izuku's performance at the sports festival, Katsuki realizes something. He has to make things right. -
Hero Fall (UA Civil War Exercise) - It's now the end of the first year of UA for our students. Nedzu had decided to bring back the annual Heroes vs Villain fight. The fight shall last 5 days and the villain leader is Izuku Midoriya, with the commanding officer of the hero team being Katsuki Bakugo. But, what happens when Izuku is left alone?
Hero Class Civil Warfare - Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
"I Didn't Know You Had It In You." - Midoriya goes feral rage mode in his fight against Overhaul. The beat down still happens, but with Eri no longer at his back, he gets more violent. One For All reacts in an interesting way and Midoriya commits a terrible and unheroic act - the cold blooded murder and maiming of Chisaki Kai. Shigaraki is there to watch it all unfold.
Plan C meets Plan A - Even if All Might is right and Izuku can't be a hero, Izuku refuses to be useless. So Izuku uses his analysis skills to develop Plan C: Consulting in order to help the heroes. Eraserhead is impressed by this mysterious new consultant but alarm bells in Deku's behaviour quickly have Aizawa recruiting help for Plan A: Adoption.
Q. A. B. - One month after @hawks_unofficial's initial viral post, the blog titled "Quirk Analysis Blog for the Future", otherwise known as "Q. A. B.", has gone from an average of 10 views per post to an average of 20,000 views per post. Midoriya Izuku does not know how to view the impressions analysis for his suddenly popular blog, and only notices that sometimes, people actually comment on his posts now. He does not google himself or his moniker and thus does not see the rise in online articles and speculation. He is unaware that the "kyuu-ei-bee" he begins to hear about in passing refers to his own blog. He does not have a Twitter account. At the time, Midoriya Izuku is 15 years old.
How to murder your father - It's dangerous to be a bad father when you have a life insurance. Just saying.
Negation - Passive Quirks are a bitch. Izuku is reasonably done with the situation.
Thanks For Your Support - Izuku has the talent and the intellect to be the first Quirkless pro hero, and everyone at UA knows it. Unfortunately, his desire to become a hero has long since been buried thanks to the words of his childhood friend and childhood hero.
Policed To Meet You - Izuku takes All Might's advice and becomes a cop.
Vigilante Work And Other After School Activities - Izuku is a vigilante, Aizawa likes cats and therefore kids who help cats, and sometimes breaks must be forced upon overachieving teenagers.
When the Commission Lost Total Control - The hero polls have a small part where one can suggest their own hero. This is done just because of the amount of heroes is to great to name them all. This creates a little problem for the commission because a vigilante is assumed to be a brand new hero by the public- and ranks pretty high. Because of that, this vigilante now is too popular to hide and they can't come out with their mistake either! Think of the chaos that would bring.
Izuku being Badass but like in not that grand of a way but still tearing-people-down-in-some-way kind of way
He Was Quirkless - Midoriya get's sick of discrimination against the quirkless and decides to do something about it. It leads to some interesting situations. A trilogy.
bloody, but unbowed- It's Advocacy Week for Yuuei's hero students and it gives Midoriya Izuku a lot to think about about what kind of hero he wants Deku to be.
Called Out - When Izuku is hit by a quirk that will cause him to call out the first person to be rude to him on the way to school with every mistake they've made in the affected persons presence or have otherwise effected said affected person, Aizawa is in for a rough ride. In other words, with some help from a quirk, Izuku rakes Aizawa over the hot coals until he gives out. (a great fic but i've got mixed feelings on this one because on one hand, izuku is badass but on the other its Aizawa bashing and really like him skhdskdb so yea! Read it as per your tastes!!)
The time when everyone learned that izuku respects Bakugo more than all might. - I didn't like how Bakugo was tied up during the sports festival and so izuku didn't. Badass izuku roasted all might and midnight.
Villainous Sunshine - After an innocent question, Class 1-A learns just how terrifying Izuku's analysis is. Nedzu's along for the ride.
Never understand ( and you can't ) - Midoriya is sick and tried of his classmates bias and prejudice against the quirkless community and finally breaks
Mastermind: Strategist For Hire - Izuku Midoriya never got the chance to save Bakugo from the sludge villain and impress All Might. With his dream crushed, Izuku becomes bitter and angry. It also doesn't help that he faces discrimination at every turn. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated, so when the villains are the ones to recognize his talents rather than the heroes, well, Izuku just can't resist. He might as well help those who actually want him around. Mistakes were made, and now society must face a villain of their own making: Mastermind.
Malignance - Deku is far scarier than anyone gives him credit for.
Fics in my to read list which has/probably has BAMF izuku
Young Midoriya - Izuku Midoriya couldn't help himself when he saw someone in trouble. Even at 12 years old, his instincts drive him to help those in need. So when he sees Kacchan and his goons about to ambush another student, he has to step in, right? It's not like this hasn't happened before. What is different this time though, is that he's never had an audience that consisted of the Number One Hero.
Heroics and Other Things That Don't Require Superpowers - Izuku doesn't have a quirk. That's the long and short of it. After being told his whole life he can't be a hero, General Education at UA is the best he can hope for, right? Wrong. Dead Wrong. So super wrong that his best friend from Gen Ed, all of Class 1A and a whole mess of Pro Heroes are going to prove to him how wrong he is. Izuku has the makings of a hero, and his lack of a quirk only throws those qualities into starker relief. After all, who wants to be as strong as All Might when you can be the cleverest hero in the business?
Cases of More Than - Izuku is known as Deku online. He's an analyst of quirks, sometimes even working with the local detective, Tsukauchi, on a case. He meets new friends, builds a few relationships, and slowly crushes on his best friend. But then he's thrown into the General Studies Course at U.A. It doesn't help that All for One is showing an interest in him at all.
No Regret - In this world there is no hard set villain or hero. No victim and aggressor. Everyone is at fault for something and Izuku, with his own villain group, will make everyone pay. Even the bystanders who did nothing. This is what society gets for abandoning it's people. Deku will manipulate everyone and be the greatest villain, all so the world can be a better a place. With the stakes so high there is no time for regret.
We Are a Different Kind - Mirio doesn’t think he can be a hero anymore now that he’s quirkless, Izuku calls bullshit.
Live a Hero - "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
Prodigal - After being convinced to give One for All to Mirio, Midoriya Izuku must rebuild his shattered dreams with bloody hands.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Vigilante - Izuku is orphaned at the age of four and is sent into the Japanese Foster Care System. After multiple failed attempts at finding a forever home and some unfortunate circumstance, he ends up on the streets. Eventually, the vigilante, Deku appears. Eraserhead must gain his trust to bring Deku back to the right side of the law. If he he does, however, the untrustful but pure-hearted boy may just be a bit more than Aizawa Shota can handle.
From Muddy Waters - - but the sleeve of his tracksuit was bulging, tearing and ripping and a mass of twisted flesh, nearly as big as the boy himself and nauseatingly familiar (the arm of the man that had torn a hole in his side with a grin and left him a frail shadow of himself) swung forward and slammed into the flat face of the giant robot. Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything.
Pieces are easily sacrificed when they're nameless - Nobody ever thought quirkless, weak, weird Midoriya Izuku was dangerous. This perception carried over to his first year high school class, because really despite the super strength Midoriya didn't have it in him to be dangerous. That was their first mistake. And the one that would see them fall.
Not exactly BAMF izuku but i just wanted to rec these fics <3
In the shade of a sunflower - Being biologically quirkless came more with an extra pinkie joint in the toes and a stunning lack of vestiges mutations. It came with smaller things, like extra teeth that did virtually nothing, exploding organs, and weird exposed nerves that weren't designed to feel pain.
Throat Punch - In which Aizawa attempts to teach Izuku how to use various battle tactics and it goes just about as well as you'd expect. At least Shinsou is there with his fantastic commentary. (just a fun lil thing where izuku is really stronk and trains with shinsou and aizawa)
So Be It - He could still do good. Midoriya could show them all what a hero without powers looked like. If he had to break a few rules to do it, so be it. So be it… (as stated not exactly BAMF but its a vigilante izuku so ye-)
Never Enter a Drinking Game with Bakugo or Izuku - Izuku walks in on Kirishima and Kaminari having a drinking competition (no alcohol involved). And it reminds him of an old story.
5 Times Midoriya Taught Class 1A about Memes and 1 Time they Found a Villain that Understood Them - After being diagnosed as quirkless, Midoriya gets into pre-guirk media and finds memes. He shares them with Class 1A. Aizawa doesn't get paid enough for this. (THIS FIC???? FUCKING AWESOME. LITERALLY WHAT I WANTED TO SEE)
Midoriya: JD Version - Nedzu has decided that a play should be put on so that the students can learn how to "go undercover", an idea which Aizawa thinks is utter bullshit. They're putting on Heathers and when Nedzu chooses to cast Midoriya for JD, everyone objects. Midoriya is a much better actor than they thought.
that is a lot!! I hope you have fun reading it!!!
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satan-ruler-of-hells · 4 years ago
Deku vs Izuku
So I wrote this thing and I kinda toyed who to make it about before settling on Midoriya but here we gooo
Loving a pro hero was not easy.
 More often than not it meant missed dinners and lonely anniversaries. It was cancelling reservations at the last minute because someone, somewhere needed saving and no it couldn't wait and there was no one else to call. It was a pitying look from the waitress everytime she filled your glass of wine. It was wrapping his dinner and leaving it on the stove for him to heat up whenever he eventually came home. 
It was falling asleep alone and waking up to a cold and empty bed with just the faintest smell of his shampoo on the pillow.
 It was filled with doubts and endlessly dark nights and days where you wondered why this is the life you chose. It's watching the news unable to tear your eyes away as you watched the love of your life fighting some no good villain hell bent on tearing the city apart. It's a crippling ball of lead in your stomach every time someone unexpectedly knocks on the door worried that this would be the day he didn't come home. It was stressful, worrying and lonely. 
Loving a pro hero was not easy.
Loving him however? 
The easiest thing in the world.
 It was breakfast in bed on his rare days off and cuddling on the couch watching Netflix and talking about everything you had missed in the crazy schedule you kept. It was days of shopping and walking the streets of the city at night hand in hand content to ignore the world around you as you took in the way the moonlight made him look like an angel. It was laughing until you cried and dancing in the kitchen at 3 in the morning in the light of the refrigerator. 
Loving him was as easy as breathing. It was feeling his body against yours, feeling completely and utterly loved and safe in his arms as his body rocked against yours. It was the comfort in knowing that he was safe here with you, and the monsters that lurked in the shadows outside could not touch you because being with him was like burning among the brightest of flames and shining against the brightest stars. 
Loving him was easy. 
Loving a pro hero was not. 
Loving both?
 Was tears and screaming matches in the kitchen because yes, you supported him and wanted him to be number one and to be happy and successful, but you also wanted your husband there for your wedding anniversary that he'd forgotten about as you waited for him for hours at a restaurant that he never showed to, until you eventually ran out of excuses and had to give up the table.
 It was guilt and pain and hurt but it was also love and passion and care in a never ending game of tug of war. 
But as you looked out into your living room watching the man you dedicated your life to throw your giggling green haired  toddler in the air telling her stories of the knight who protected the castle and the princess that gave him the strength to fight everyday. You knew that it was worth every tear, every restless night for worse or for better. 
It was his hands resting on the growing bump in your stomach as he stood watching your daughter play in the sand of the beach as the sun began to set. It was knowing that if you had to choose you would do it all again. 
Loving a pro hero was hard but loving Izuku? It was as easy as breathing, it made loving both worthwhile.
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sunfyress · 4 years ago
so i see a lot of people talking about how the asoiaf fandom treats it’s female characters today and i figured that i would give my two cents on it (also, it gives me a reason to procrastinate writing my history essay lmao).
first off, read this post by @maesterleia because they explained my exact thoughts better than i ever could.
female characters are treated are with a double standard compared to male character -- which, unfortunately, is very typical in all fandoms but it seems to be taken to the extreme in asoiaf, a book series that does everything possible to make it’s characters as nuanced and shaded grey as possible. and while most of the male characters are analyzed with that in mind, every female character either must be a) a perfect woman that has never done or even think a wrong thing or b) an evil, scheming seductress who’s probably going to end up a worse war criminal than tywin lannister.
forget nuance, forget complexities of the human nature, forget being human -- women are not allowed to be flawed here and if they are, they must be a villain. it’s like @maesterleia wrote in their post “Why is a female character having flaws seen as detrimental? Because this mindset is rooted in the idea that only villainous female characters are allowed to have flaws. Cersei, for example, can be dissected and analyzed critically because she’s on the villainous side of the narrative. She’s complex and sympathetic, but still largely classified as a villain (generally), and therefore, she is--according to this mindset--allowed to be flawed.” 
it’s a ridiculous ideology and the cause of so many stupid and pointless fandom wars. the idea that a hero that happens to be female must be free of any flaws or arcs where they battle with their own morality when male characters like jon snow or robb stark is judged the same way makes no sense to me. 
why isn’t jon judged for the way he called myrcella “insipid” for smiling at robb and being an eight year old girl or how he was classist and insensitive to his other night watch’s recruits in the beginning of agot the same way sansa was mean and insensitive to arya? why isn’t robb talked about descending into madness or dictatorship after he ordered the execution of rickard stark the same way daenerys is talked about after she ordered the execution of the slave masters? why is tywin admired for being ambitious but cersei or margaery or arianne is called a scheming slut for having ambitions too? why isn’t ned shamed for taking a young theon away from his home and culture and forcing him to live as a hostage the same way catelyn is shamed for not being a mother to her husband’s bastard? hell, why is jaime considered to be morally superior than cersei, who yes is a very bad and terrible person, when he tried to kill an eight year old boy and still shows no remorse, why he is the good lannister and worthy of redemption but cersei is not?
the unfair and ridiculous double standard is of no use when it comes to analyzing the female characters and the only thing it does is caused the fandom to pit women against each other. the “sansa vs daenerys” debate or the “arya vs sansa” or the “elia vs lyanna” debate, all discussion full of misogyny -- deciding which character is better by saying who hasn’t done any wrong things (all of them have done some not-so-great things and all of have them done even more great things, give it a break guys) or who’s better by who’s more feminine or who’s less feminine (ridiculous AND sexist, especially considering it’s possible to be both feminine and masculine and not just one or the other). This also goes hand in hand with the idea that there is only allowed to be One female character that can be the hero in the series and all the others must be either be their enemy or something to prop them up -- all while most of the fandom can find it in themselves to have multiple complex male characters in their heart.
the whole ideology that male characters can have flaws and make mistake and still be considered capable of redemption, or capable of learning, or still a good person while such ideas can’t be afforded to female characters is fucking toxic and a great way to make a fandom unbearable to be in.
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curiousochako · 4 years ago
Evolution on Todomomo (and how its not as a bad as alot of people in the fandom are making it out to be)
Now I’ve been meaning to make a post in defense of Todomomo because from what I see on bnha twt a lot of people just resort to calling the two of them “boring” or making claims that Momo is a lesbian and Shouto as gay (which are fine to head canon if they are a comfort for you) but in the context that most people use to hate on todomomo I see this being used as a way to dismiss the pair 
I first want to link this tumblr post that list some of the todomomo moments (whether they are subtle or moments that mean alot more then what mets the eye)
Todoroki and Momo both got in to U.A by recommendations:
I know that this dosen’t really mean alot in terms of a moment but its just something I wanted to point out in terms of a similarity. Being taken in by recommendations is a huge thing as it shows the audience that both of their skill levels have already been observed by U.A.
Importance of Todoroki praising Momo during the Final Exams:
With this topic I feel that those who tend to claim that the ship is “boring” or just wouldn’t make sense in canon fail to see the significance of that moment. I have to say that I am a bit surprised that alot of the hate comes from Shouto stans. The reason I say this is because that moment of recognition on Momo’s end wasn’t only a benefit for her character (since she finally heard someone tell her that they trust her and believe in her) but Shouto’s as well (since that moment was the first time that the audience saw Shouto taking what he learned from Midoriya at the sports festival about seeing the best in others and using that to help someone else).
For Shouto’s character something such as being able to help others is big for his character since the Final exams arc came in the second season. In specific he told her that he voted for her whenever the class was doing the class representative elections because “I thought you were good at that sort of thing.” that scene showed the audience that Shouto has some admiration for her and that he was one of the only students to analyze Momo’s self confidence issue and try and help her. Because of his honesty she was able to bounce back and find a way for the two of them to beat Aizawa during their final exams
Also going further back from the final exams arc we had a subtle todomomo indication and that was when she was picked to be on Todoroki’s calvary team (that moment showcased Shouto recognizing the strength that Yaoyorozu had hence why he picked her to be on his team) Sure he could have chosen anyone else instead of her but something small and barely much to look into detail will always be a form of foreshadowing on whats to come for later. 
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But Deku and Bakugou have more growth with Shouto:
I’ve heard this reasoning many times as well (which no one can deny the importance that Bakugou and Midoriya have in Shouto’s life). Midoriya even emphasis that Shouto is “his friend.” and this might just be me being a bit peeved but its a bit hypocritical whenever Todomomo shippers will just enjoy their moment in the final exams arc and antis will make the “but they only had one moment.” counter argument even though no one says anything when it comes to Midoriya calling Shouto a friend (which isn’t meant in a romantic sense).
Now considering that Midoriya is the main character of the series it makes a lot of sense for him to be involved in Shouto’s character arc (which is about the unveiling of his family). 
I truly wonder where the whole “Bakugou had more growth with Shouto.” argument came into play. From what we know about their bond in canon they bicker and banter (showcasing a playful bond that makes the audience smile) which is a good thing but we never really see the characters either break the others walls to learn more about them or influence each other and make each other stronger. So when I see people compare this to todomomo I kind of just sigh. Sure Todomomo might have less moments then that pair but what Shouto has done to help Momo’s self confidence has carried with her from that point onward in the story. We now see Momo creating plans and being much more confident in herself (I mean when she created the sedative to make Machia go to sleep she showed a side to herself that Shouto already saw in her).
In the case of Midoriya and Todoroki’s bond that same method of helping others has been applied to Shouto’s character during the Sports festival where he tells him that his power “is his not his fathers.” which knowing Izuku thats the kind of person that he is; as a audience we are able to see that he is kind in nature and is known for creating bonds. That moment is truly important for Shouto as a character (which i’m glad the fandom dosen’t tear apart) So my question is for those who stan Shouto is if you are able to accept Izuku’s kind nature of helping Shouto why must Shouto’s moment of helping Yaoyorozu be swept under the rug and just referred to as “boring.”
I mean if anyone truly looked at the final exams moment and only thought that it benefited Yaoyorozu then you skipped over some of the subtle hints Horikoshi has been putting into their dynamic. Yes; it helped Yaoyorozu as a character believe in herself and to trust her decision making but at the same time it showed us that Shouto is perceptive and can give good advice when needed (as well as thinking more about others instead of what he did pre sports festival). 
Kamino Ward arc:
During this arc whenever Bakugou was captured. Trust was built between the two character as Momo tells both Kirishima and Todoroki that she “trusted todoroki” hence her involvement in helping them find their friends. At first she was reluctant but agreed when the two boys asked her. 
Provisional License exams:
Small subtle moment that Hori put in their is whenever the audience saw Midoriya worried for Shouto (since he ended up failing the exams) we got to see Momo’s expression of worry as well. I know this dosen’t mean much but alot of the Todomomo moments that we do get are subtle like that. Even a small facial expression will mean something in the long run. 
Two Heroes:
Again, another small moment of Todoroki using his ice to get everyone to leave the area while he fought some of the movie villains and Momo calling out his name in worry (its a common trope to have one person stay behind while the other is hesitant on leaving them) I am aware that this movie was more Bones heavy rather then Horikoshi but I don’t believe the studio would try any subtle hints of anything unless Horikoshi might of told them something regarding the pair.
Pro Hero Arc:
Like the Two Heroes Todomomo moment we also see Momo look over to Todoroki in worry (as well as the rest of the class) but seeing almost 3 moments where she is present and worried for him whenever Todoroki is either in some emotional state or just focused on something isn’t just for show. Horkoshi could have easily left her out but he wants the audience to see that Todoroki and Momo will have more conversations in the near future. 
Joint Training:
In this arc Todoroki makes small comments during Kendo vs Yaoyorozu 
"If Kendo separated Yaoyorozu from her team out of caution, then I think she's misjudged her."
"If she actually wanted to be cautious of Yaoyorozu, she should have crushed her 4 on 1 with her entire team's power right from the outset."
With these lines he show the audience how perceptive he is about the fight and shows some interest towards it. Shouto also believes in her abilities by making that first statement on Kendo misjudging Momo. However when Yaoyorozu lost to Kendo he comments 
"...I hope she doesn't get all discouraged again." 
Again he shows worry for her as he has already seen her doubts come full circle during the Final Exams arc. It also shows the significance that arc was for his relationship with Momo. He shows concern for her and dosen’t want her to feel discouraged over her loss against Kendo (despite the improvement she has shown us since that arc Shouto still holds a level of care for her).
So to only make claims such as “todomomo only had one moment” that character defined moment wasn’t swept under the rug as we have seen Momo’s insecurities being brought up again by Shouto (who might I add is the only student to know the full extent of them).
Drama CD: Ennichi Festival:
In this drama cd we had Todoroki and Momo spend the night together at the festival that they were at and Shouto opens up about his family to her. In this drama cd he felt like he was bothering her with all this info and Momo is the one to reassure him that he isn’t and that he should be more open about his feelings. Again a moment like this is good for Shouto since he is well known for keeping his feelings to himself (for him to have that type of reassurance would allow him to be more comfortable in his own skin).
You could say in a way that their roles were reversed from how they acted in the Final Exams with this time Shouto showing a bit of insecurity and uncertainty while Momo initiates a method to help him. 
Link to the drama cd on youtube:
Link to all Todomomo moments animated so far:
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anyctophiles-bnhalibrary · 3 years ago
Hella Hello! Part 2
✨Of Aiyama Family dynamics. ✨- Hella’s personal headcannons and live realizations.
(One day Ill make a fic. And actually make some sense with this. Today is not that day.)
I wanna expand with the Aizawa and Mic relationship.
(I got so much in mind Im trying to reign them in and put in order so that it would actually make some sense.)
A little bullets of ideas. Before I tackle them i guess.
- Aizawa and Mics generation being Gen Z. You cannot convince me or anyone who knows better otherwise.
- Aizawa is Hades, Mic is Persephone. Or I guess you’d call this trope dynamic.
-Looks like could kill you, wouldn’t actually kill you (maybe). Looks like they wouldn’t kill. Is already planning your death the moment they saw you(very much likely.) Or Brooding one vs Cinnamon role. Among other stereotypes really.
- i mean if Aizawa cares for his kids, then who cares for Aizawa?
Also, I dont have much phone space but if you search for Mics face in google you cannot tell me he is how the fandom mostly say he is. Also people actually already knows how he is and we can agree he looks awesome being a villain.
- tell me? Who do believe actually has more sleep? The answer? Is nobody. That’s what. With Aizawa and his kids and night escapades. And cats. Dont forget cats. Shit how did I forget about cats!! That like more points with hades. Also what proper gen z kid actually has enough sleep this days. Certainly not anyone i know of. Not even the face looking back at me from the mirror with those big dark bags under their eyes. Pfft.
And Mic? He worries enough for Aizawa. And They share each other’s anxiety and feed of it. Also Mic has that many jobs and you’d think he gets sleep?! Hah! He’s more likely to know what a concealer is cuz he’s a spotlight hero who knows how to look good in tight leather. And who the hell is that chipper in the morning. He’s more addicted to coffee than Aizawa is I bet ya. He was the one who probably even introduced that stuff to aizawa the first place. And would drink it straight black while Aizawa has cream, speinkles and cat marshmallow floating up on it.
- which, we all agree that if Aizawa actually didn’t have work, he’s in his bright cat pajamas lounging in with his cats. Watching magical girl anime. And memorizes all cat characters in anime. From sailor moon to ghibli movies.
- mics more likely to come home and hit the couch dead to the world. While aizawa does the same but with the companion of cats in his lap and before remembering he has a good hard work ethic.
- also Mic probably cause so much trouble before when he picks a fight that aizawa knows to activate both his quirk and scarf. Its good training practice.
- also this was more likely when they were younger and everytime someone gives aizawa shit. But lately mic just ask for permission and just waits for the day aizawa actually say yes.
- aizawa is emotional thats why he’s a strictler for rules and keeps all that locked up inside. He just got resting bitch fce even if he’s heart is about to burst from absolute cuteness.
- mic… he has some control yeah. But he’s glasses doesnt just work for style and his sight. It also helps hide the absolute emotions behind his eyes that always shows when thinks your saying something absolutely stupid. He’s judgemental with yo stupidity.
(I think I should stop from here.) this isn’t bullet points. This is a rant. And Ill stop before no one would wanna read this anymore cuz like ait wouldn’t make much sense.)
(I haven’t wven written down nemuris place n the dynamic. Or the kids!!! Uggghh.)
(I have been selfish and kept all this to myself now its just bursting and now everyone suffers.)
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incorrectlumityquotes · 4 years ago
FULL REVIEWS: “Hooty’s Moving Hassle”
I’ve only seen Howl’s Moving Castle once and I thought it was just okay. The animation was amazing. The story and characters were just...okay. But we’re not here to talk about that today.
A Hooty centric episode? Count me in, hoot hoot. The hype train just keeps on going and I was so glad that I found my new favorite show. AND my niece loved it too, so that’s a huge plus. The only thing that I was sure about this episode going in way back when was that Gus and Willow were going to be in it. Let’s check it out and see if it’s still as good as I remember it, hoot hoot.
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“Cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun.”
Hot damn, Luz. The episode just started and she’s already out firing shots. But to be fair, she did grow up with smartphones and game consoles being a thing so I doubt she sees the appeal. Do kids even still play with toys anymore? Or do they all just play on tablets now? Probably why Toys R’ Us closed. 
Speaking of things that can only happen in this generation, callbacks and continuity! Eda’s curse is rearing its feathery head and like the irresponsible adult that she is, she’s out of elixir, hoot hoot.
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It’s not our full introduction to Owlbert, but at least he gets some screen time where he actually moves and stuff. I totally get where Luz and King are coming from. When a friend discovers they’re really good at a game and they want to play it all they time because they like winning but it’s super annoying and you always lose because it’s not a game you would ever play on your own, hoot hoot. Yeah. Eda is that friend. 
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People watching in a fantasy world would actually be a fun little way to do some worldbuilding, but I’m afraid some people would call it lazy. We get a bunch of set-up for the third act and then the spice of life returns, hoot hoot.
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“Who hurt my babies?”
Hyper fangirl Luz spots her babies wearing frowny faces thanks to Amity and her little group. Apparently Amity’s forced friend brigade is going to have a moonlight conjuring which is basically just a slumber party. It’s literally exactly like a slumber party. I have proof. Just check out this video and see that slumber parties are just modern witch gatherings. 
Thanks to Luz though, Willow has enough friends to have a moonlight conjuring of her own. Wow, typing out that sentences actually made me feel really sad. Willow is a sweeties and she deserves the world. Okay I feel better, hoot hoot.
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Also Penstagram? Really? Like freaking really? I hate Instagram. The feed is never in chronological order, I don’t know what “link in the bio” means and I never have enough pictures to just be on there. I mean, who freaking takes pictures for everything all the time? It’s a madhouse, I tell you. A madhouse, hoot hoot.
Like Owlbert, this is our kinda introduction to Boscha and her crew. It’s not a full introduction, but it’s not like we’re not going to see more of her later. There’s Skara again and Cat. Thank you, Owl House wikia.
Eda’s dealer suggests going to the Night Market to pick up what she needs and shoots down Luz’s moonlight conjuring idea. But Luz isn’t going to let something small like a parent’s permission stop her from helping her friends, hoot hoot. So Luz pulls the laziest plot device in all of fiction and lies. 
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Sleeping King in a baby sling and Willow saying “I’m a sneaky sneakster” hoot hoot? This episode is all kinds of cute.
Eda heads to the night market and Luz has her little slumber party. A sad thought just occurred. What if this is also Luz’s first slumber party too? Her mom did say that she didn’t have any friends. I made myself sad again, hoot hoot. 
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Luz, ever the good host, tries to accommodate her friends and they get to work on the moonlight conjuring. Luz chanting that she doesn’t know the words made me laugh. Especially because I’d do the same thing. 
Side note, but Gus insisting that Beefy Bob is a figurine is just kinda funny. All I kept thinking about was the difference between action figures, dolls, and figurines. Dolls don’t move but you play with them. Action figures do stuff and you play with them. Figurines don’t move and you don’t play with them, hoot hoot. “A real man never takes accountability” is hilarious and unfortunately true. 
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“Light as a feather; stiff as a board. Light as a feather; stiff as a board.”
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“Something ridiculous this way comes, hoot hoot.”
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And just like that, our heroes conjure the whole house. How? Why? Never mind that shit, here comes Bosha! And the set up from early in the episode, hoot hoot. 
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Meanwhile at the night market, Eda meets the recurring villain of the series. I like to call these guys jobber villains.
For those who don’t know, a “jobber” is a pro wrestling term. It’s a guy who is hired to just lose to the big name guys. I use the term “jobber villain” to describe any antagonist who isn’t the main villain who is used frequently to lose to the heroes. Think Team Rocket in Pokémon, Dr Light in Teen Titans, Ludo in Star vs the Forces of Evil, etc, you get the idea.
Tibbles hustles Eda over the Hexes Hold ‘em game and we get a bunch of funny ass jokes that I dare not ruin for you. The two plots cross for just long enough for Luz and co to get busted. 
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I have concerns, hoot hoot.
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Meanwhile, back in the other failed moonlight conjuring, the moonlight conjuring has failed. The girls do what every young girl would do in that situation and complain on social media. Amity gets a really cool shot that I don’t have and the episode ends with a hint that someone on our main trio is more powerful then they are letting on.
FINAL SCORE: 5 - Loved it.
This episode is funny as hell. That’s the main highlight for me here. There are so many good jokes especially since it’s my type of dialogue humor. 
Lots of character work. The reveal that Willow and Amity used to be friends adds depth to both characters, making the relationship a bit more complex than just bully-victim scenario.
I love it whenever Luz speaks Spanish. As a Hispanic guy myself, I’m really happy about this kind of representation. This plus Marco Diaz. 
We kinda get introductions to several characters who play bigger parts in later episodes. Bosch and Owlbert get soft intros while Tibbles takes the center stage as the episode’s main villain.
I’ve never been to a slumber party but I doubt they’re as fun as this.
I forgot what the next episode is so I don’t have a lead up line for it...hoot.
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