#surf sock
dazesanddoodles · 1 year
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the original menaces to society
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lawtistic · 1 year
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i still strongly believe this and you should too
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I picked out my Barbie movie outfit (the only pink clothes I own)
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
I find it incredibly amusing that you're complaining so much about smartass gorilla and we're about to get our (surprisingly) first smartass gorilla focus ep two days from now
it’s because he’s bullying me your honor
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luglowrs · 1 year
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週明けの大寒波。考えただけで恐ろしいですね。 体調管理に気を付けましょう。 本日ご紹介するのは大人気のSTANCE SOCKS 売り切れておりましたが再入荷しました!! STANCEソックス 「 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC 2 SOCKS 」 A556D21CAL カリフォルニアベアーをデザイン。 上質のコームドコットンを使用し、通気性が良く、柔らかで滑らかな肌触りを実現。 磨耗の激しいつま先とかかと部分には、スタンス独自の優れた耐久性を持つ新素材『インフィニット』を採用。 通常のモデルより5倍の耐久性を実現しました。 クラシックなクルーソックス。 ミッドクッション。 STANCE スタンス CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC 2 SOCKS ソックス 靴下 ユニセックス A556D21CAL https://www.luglowrs.com/shopdetail/000000003495/ STANCE全商品はこちら https://www.luglowrs.com/shopbrand/sta SHOP:https://www.luglowrs.com/ LINEの友達登録はこちら 初回300円OFFクーポン付き https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40gle3450x #surf #beach #california #cali #usa #socal #la #skate #stance #stancesocks #socks #snowboard #snowsocks #sanclemente #shoping #luglowrs #サーフィン #スケートボード #スタンス #靴下 #ソックス #カリフォルニア #サンクレメンテ #冬ファッション #プレゼント #ギフト #新入荷 #新商品 #再入荷 (California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqcV14Ppbn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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avatar-state-kate · 2 years
The cramps really serve the goth to 50s rock fan pipeline and vice versa
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servicemonkey · 2 years
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141 Headcanons: On Holiday
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John Price is 100% a dad type. He likes golfing and fishing and sailing. Activities that let him unwind, sometimes make new friends in the shape of other middle-aged men at the country club or at the docks or at the lake. Rents a little cabin by the lake, where you can take a soak or sunbathe, while he goes out with his little fishing boat and try (and fail) to catch something nice for dinner.
Johnny MacTavish is an adventurous type. He likes hiking and camping, stuff that lets him stay busy, and will definitely explore some forest or national park or mountain range. But he also likes fun activities. Music festivals, for example. He'll definitely book you all-inclusive 3-day-long tickets even though there's only one or two artists/bands you want to see, just so you can have that experience and have fun together.
Kyle Garrick is a family lad. His family is big and loving and they book a little trip every year somewhere fun. It might be a new destination, or it might be somewhere they've been before, or maybe somewhere to visit family. But he loves bringing his love along, go do all the touristy things, see all the landmarks, take loads of pictures, try new restaurants and new food, and do cultural things like reading all the plaques on statues and fountains and monuments.
Simon Riley likes peace and quiet. That's the jist of it. Needs it, in fact. So, prepare to rent a little historical cottage in the Cotswold, or maybe a beach condo, or a cabin in the woods. Doesn't matter, what matters it's that it's fairly isolated, with no neighbors to really bother him. He can sleep in late, with no one to force him to do things he doesn't want to do, no schedule to uphold, no people to answer to. He'll roll out of bed at noon, make himself tea and go sit outside and feell the breeze on his skin for once.
Crack headcanons: Beach Day Episode™️
John Price tends to burn, instead of tan, surprisingly. Probably because his uniforms tend to cover him from neck to toes, leaving only his hands and face showing... And if you'd expect his face to be immune to burning, you'd be wrong. Especially because he's terrible at applying sunblock. By the time you notice, his cheeks, nose and forehead are red, and there are white lines around his muttonchops/beard where the sunblock didn't absorb... so he just looks ridiculous.
Johnny MacTavish likes to say he's not English/British... until he goes on holiday to southern Europe and he's suddenly the perfect example of the stereotypical English tourist. Football jersey, denim shorts, socks and slides/sandals, his entire skin is burned to a crisp and red, and, of course, he's wearing the most stupid-looking sunglasses you'll ever see... And then he gets to the beach, takes off his shorts and he's wearing a red speedo.
Kyle Garrick is 100% the type to disappear off his towel while you're sunbathing and, by the time you notice, he's in a completely different side of the beach playing beach paddle ball, beach volleyball or beach football with a group of other blokes or even with little kids. And he does all this while wearing his little cap (but backwards) and while absolutely covered in tanning oil. Does he need it? No. But he likes the feel of it.
Simon Riley would not be caught dead in swimming trunks or a speedo. The man needs full coverage. He's in a wet/surf suit and wearing a facekini WITH his stupid dad sunglasses and, maybe even, a visor. He gets fidgety if he has to sit in his towel for too long so he's also the type who'll go for a walk out of nowhere, down the beach, and, eventually, cross paths with an Asian grandma who's wearing the same exact outfit as him.
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
You were talking about Leo being a straight dudebro in the body of a gay man (fashion wise) and tbh thats the jumping off point for me to say that whenever I picture him in human clothes he is Always wearing the classic "green triforce shirt + khaki cutoffs pants" combo every middle school boy rocked circa late 2000s early 2010s. You just know he wears those shirts that say "eat, sleep, game, repeat" and the same basketball shorts for 5 years straight. Like, I can see Mikey, Donnie, and Raph having campy and fun fashion sense and having cool elaborate outfits but like. Its not Leo if he doesn't rock a fit that screams the fanciest place he'll eat out at is Olive Garden tbh
Leo is one of those fuckbois that spends hundreds of dollars on a pair of ugly tennis shoes and then freaks out if any dirt gets on them and walks like an idiot to avoid scuffing them.
He'd wear his pants with his ass hanging out and pop his collar. He'd wear those deep v-neck shirts and birkenstocks, probably with socks.
He'd wear puka shell necklaces and shark tooths despite living in NYC and having never been surfing. If he had hair he'd absolutely have had a frosted tips phase.
Not to mention this boy reeks of axe body spray. He's one of those guys that hasn't figured out he stinks more as a teenager and substitutes spray-downs for basic hygiene. He has a twenty-product nighttime skincare routine and then he rolls out of bed and sniffs a random shirt on the floor to determine if it's suitable for another go. At least once a week he'll show up to the breakfast table and Splinter will gag and force him to take a shower.
Meanwhile Donnie is legit prancing around in heavily coordinated outfits that he seemingly threw together effortlessly and he looks like a fashion model. April sends him pictures of her prom dress choices and takes his critique as gospel. He's always invited to Girl's Night and it took Cass several get-togethers for her to even realize the irony. He and his girlfriends do their makeup together and probably get into fights over how they apply eyeliner. Somehow he is the straighter twin.
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hellishjoel · 10 months
psycho bitch
3.2k / pairing: brat tamer!joel x f!reader
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pt. 1 pt. 2
summary: When Joel ignoring you leads to an expensive shopping spree on his credit card, punishment follows in the form of spanking and a well-deserved pounding. 
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), no outbreak, brat tamer!Joel, swearing, dirty talk, pet names (kitten, etc.), degradation, name calling (be nice lol), praise kink, dom!joel, spanking, a little ass play, unprotected p in v, overstimulation, mean joel honestly lol
A/N: it’s official, I’m naming this series psycho because I’m pretty sure that’s what Joel has reader’s name in his phone saved as. his lil psycho <3 we love psycho in this house (it’s you, you’re psycho).
“Say you’re sorry.” Joel sneered, voice low.  You paused the motion of your hips and cocked your head in an attempt to look back at him.  A dopey hm? left your lips. Mistake.  The smack of his hands cracked against your ass, the stinging sensation warming your entire body as you gasped.  “Shit-- Joel!” You whimpered as you writhed under his body, but it was pointless, he had pinned you to the couch. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” “Say you’re sorry,” He repeated. “Say you’re sorry for rackin’ up my credit card.”
If there was one thing you loved doing above all else, it was irritating the shit out of Joel. Whatever he was to you, boyfriend, fuck toy, situationship… whatever role he played, he was more fun riled up. 
You’d rather have the most psychotic, deranged, raving mad sex with Joel than be stuck in missionary for the rest of your life. 
You were at his place, lying in his bed waiting for him to come home from work. And you’d be waiting a while because according to your phone, it was barely noon. Bored, you tried calling him a few times, but he didn’t care to answer. 
To busy your mind, you started watching Clueless. What a horrible idea that was because now, you wished you had the funds to afford Cher Horowitz’s wardrobe. Hm. 
Laid in the lingerie Joel left you in this morning, you rolled onto your tummy and started surfing the different stores you loved for inspiration. You wondered what would drive Joel up a wall. A mini skirt? Knee-high socks? An expensive gold waist chain? They all sounded good. 
Add to cart. Add to cart. Add to cart. 
Your heart clenched at the total. 
“Fuck.” You murmured, tossing your phone to the side in frustration. To live a life of wanting so much, but earning so little was not a life for you. Your lips twisted in thought. 
Maybe Joel would buy the rest of your items if you threw in a new set of lingerie or two. As much as it was for you to wear, it was just as much for his enjoyment. 
You sent him a screenshot of a nice bubble gum pink lace bustier and garter set. The embellishments were gold hearts, and the snaps onto the garters were gold clasps. It was absolutely to die for, despite it being a few hundred dollars. 
cute, isn’t it? 
You sent it off to Joel and chewed on your fingernail for his response.
It made your eyes roll back into your head the way that he continued to ignore you. You decided to give him one last call, and if he didn’t pick up, you were grabbing the emergency American Express on top of the refrigerator and using it for… said emergency. 
If there was one lesson Joel needed to learn, it was that you were not someone to be ignored. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening online shopping with the Amex, giggling in excitement at the newfound cash flow. Sure, he might not be happy at first, but surely Joel would love everything you bought. It was all for him, after all.  
You had moved from his bed to the couch after eating a late lunch, laid on your tummy in just a t-shirt and thong, still scrolling through your phone.  
Your jaw clicked when the front door was kicked open so fast that it made the floorboards shake. You were used to his theatrics by now, so you continued to lay unphased. 
“The HELL do you think you’re doin’ with that?” Joel snapped as he swiped the Amex card straight from between your fingers. You smirked as you stared down at your phone, mindlessly scrolling and ignoring him. 
“Do you know how many DAMN notifications I got on my phone today? Do you know how many charges you made on the card?” He snapped, shucking off his work boots and jacket as his eyes burned into the back of your head. 
You fluttered out a sigh, finally giving him a little attention and turning your head to him. 
“You don’t like what I bought?” 
Joel was starstruck with anger, it grounded him into one standing spot in the living room with his muscular arms crossed in annoyance. 
“You crossed a line, you fuckin’-- psycho bitch.” He spat his words, venom poison dripping from his pretty lips. “Paid over a thousand dollars today and for what? Lingerie?!”
You stifled a giggle and bit on your lower lip. “And a pink silk robe. Verrrry pretty.”
He scoffed. “Very fuckin’ expensive. Waste of time, waste of money, made me damn near keel over at work today seein’ those bills rack up!” Joel said as his angry growls filled the room. 
“So you were on your phone today, just not talking to me, huh?” Your voice held annoyance, your face in a light pinched expression. 
He ignored you, rolling your eyes as you returned to your phone. 
“Should have said so before I bought everything... Tried calling you, texting you. Never answered me.” You could feel Joel’s obvious annoyance and anger without even looking. 
“I was at work, don’t have time to wait on you hand and foot.”
You lightly shrugged, back turned to him as you pouted. Still laying on your stomach, you lifted your calves and crossed your ankles, ass curving perfectly with your thong on display. You could feel him watching, staring, admiring. 
“Sounds like a you problem, Joel.” 
His scoff was indignant as he sauntered past the coffee table and moved closer to the couch. Joel’s fingertips lightly grazed up the back of your thigh, causing goosebumps in his wake. 
“Does it now?” His southern accent was slick with lust, you could feel his eyes staring at your ass. It was only confirmed when he took a big handful in his palm and squeezed. 
“Mhmmm.” You hummed, paying him no mind. “Bought all of it for you, anyway. Know how much you like seein’ me all prettied up.” Your words were sweet but dangerous, a Venus flytrap waiting to snap Joel up. 
Joel’s jaw was tight with anger, and he was taking it out through the grip of his hand on your juicy flesh.  
“Feel like no one’s ever said no to you before I came along,” Joel muttered. You felt the couch shift, a soft gasp leaving you as he mounted the tops of your thighs with one of his knees smooshed between the cushions and the other on the edge, your body laid between. 
Your lips parted at the feeling, his denim jeans grinding against the smoothness of your thighs. Your phone fell to the floor, and you paid no mind to it. 
Joel was taking all of you in, massaging your gorgeous ass in his wide, warm palms. 
You hummed at the feeling, your head dropping to lay on the arm of the couch.
His fingers lined your thong, and you purred in excitement. 
He loved this pose. He’d sit on your thighs and part his dick right between your ass cheeks, slip right in, and watch his cock disappear into your entrance, enveloped by your flesh. Sometimes his thumb would notch into your second hole, fill you up and drive you up a wall. 
You supposed you were both good at driving each other mad, just in different forms.  
You couldn’t help but try and lift your hips up off the couch, leaning into his touch and lightly grinding up into his palms. 
“Say you’re sorry.” Joel sneered, voice low. 
You paused the motion of your hips and cocked your head in an attempt to look back at him. 
A dopey hm? left your lips. Mistake. 
The smack of his hands cracked against your ass, the stinging sensation warming your entire body as you gasped. 
“Shit-- Joel!” You whimpered as you writhed under his body, but it was pointless, he had pinned you to the couch. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Say you’re sorry,” He repeated. “Say you’re sorry for rackin’ up my credit card.” His signature snarl was sending you into a fit. And now you were just being stubborn. You weren’t sorry, he should be sorry!
“N-No.” A harsh slap hit your backside once more, and a broken crying whine left your throat, your eyes clenching closed. 
This was the worst part about spanking; Joel was ruthless and unforgiving. But the hot sting was soon greeted by an aching pleasure between your thighs. You were going to give the couch a terrible wet puddle. 
A shaky breath left your mouth as you braced for more, it was heaven to get this much attention from him. 
The anxiety was lying in wait. You never knew when he was going to strike your red-soaked ass again, your breath hitched in your throat as you willed yourself to calm down in anticipation. 
“A thousand. Fucking. Dollars. Just for you to be half naked like a little slut.” 
Joel’s words didn’t hurt, they only implored you. He was so goddamn sexy when he talked like this. A soft moan left your lips, not being able to help it. 
You were a wet sopping mess below him, weakly grinding your hips either down into the couch or up into his thighs. Anything to get some sort of friction. Fucking touch me already!
His greedy hands gripped and cupped your ass, pushing it up into your tailbone. He was so fucking possessive, the motion had you moaning. 
“Yeah... I know you fuckin’ like it when I manhandle you. Lucky I even touch you after the shit you pulled today.” He pulled your panties aside and spat down over your pulsing asshole, feeling it glide down to your pussy and between your thighs.
You gulped, and the sound bounced off the walls. “Joel baby, I-” A harsh slap rang so loud, it echoed off the windowpanes. You clenched the couch in your little fists and let out the shaky, whimpery breath you were holding in. His couch would surely have nail marks in them now. 
He spanked you until you were apologetic and deduced to nothing. A writhing apology below him in the form of your cunt sopping wet and mascara tears of pain and pleasure on your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so f-fuckin’ sorry daddy, please put your hands on me again-”
“Fuck! Fuck! Right there, yes Joel, holy sh-shit, can hit me harder baby, feels so good, so so go-”
“Fuck! Fuck Joel, owww, p-please baby, lemme make you feel good, take me in any hole you want, I’m yours, I’m yours!” 
You were a whimpering, moaning, mess of a woman under him. He had smacked your ass so hard that it was numb. You hoped his hand would be tattooed on you forever. And you knew that was his point, to imprint the outline of his massive hand on your ass, branding you, announcing to everyone through the way you were going to walk tomorrow that you got bent over and spanked so hard into submission. 
More tears threatened to spill on your waterline, you kept trying to blink them away. You had a dummy fucked grin on your face, Joel could see it with the way your sweaty cheek laid against the couch arm. He raised his hand once more, but you couldn’t take it again. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so fuckin’ sorry, please, please, please..” Your voice trailed off, and his hand lowered. Suddenly, his hands were on your ass again, but now he was massaging into you again, taking away the ache and sting. Somewhat. 
You let out a groveling whimpery moan, jaw dropped as you watched his gorgeous face out of the corner of your eye. His cock was rock hard against your thigh. He had only gotten harder during the whole spanking session. 
“Know you wanna fuck me.” The notion slipped out of your mouth before you even had the chance to reclaim it. A cocky little smirk on your lips as you mustered up all the strength you had and ground your ass up into his hands. 
You felt him peel your ass apart, watching the wet thong sopping with his spit and your arousal sink down to your pussy. He hummed in appreciation, slipping his thumb under the band and brushing against your tight hole. 
“You can keep one pair of lingerie..” Your eyes twinkled in lust, a smile perking up on your lips. 
“Only ‘cause I’m ‘bout to rip these off you.” 
You gasped as your head whipped back to him, watching as he ripped the flimsy lace of your thong into nothingness. He made it look easy, effortless, his strength was nothing to contend. So fucking sexy. 
You bit down on the plush pillow of your lower lip, holding back a grin as your small hands gripped the cushion of the couch. Fuck, he was so riled up tonight. Getting under his skin was always in your best interest.  
Hot, shaky pants left your mouth as you watched him undo his belt buckle, the cool metal clasp falling onto your spanked, red ass with a hiss that had you seething through gritted teeth. 
Joel pushed his jeans and black boxers down his thick thighs, his cock springing free. 
The sight in your peripheral made you writhe your hips under his, but he was heavy weight over you, holding you down as you tried to shake your ass back into his tip. 
This made him scoff out a degrading little puff through his nose, seeing you so desperate for him like this despite being freshly punished. 
The adrenaline of it all heightened your senses, you could really smell him now. 
You liked when Joel smelled like work. His lips and cock tasted musky, fresh and old sweat mixed with the heady smell of lingering cologne he applied in the morning. His odor tickled your nose, and you couldn’t help but let your grin slip. 
“Somethin’ funny, princess?” Joel’s tone was teasing, goading even. He was looking for a fight, a reason to ram you into a speechless existence. Maybe then you’d learn to shut up. But for now… 
Your head twisted against the couch cushion, loose arousal moistening your thighs as you took a shy but brave look back to the man mounting you from behind. 
“You’ll never fuck the attitude out of me.”
Your eyes held his in a seductive staring contest. 
“Is that so?” His grated voice was teetering on no return. You could feel his heavy shaft sitting between your peeled-apart ass cheeks now, his tip lightly notching against your hole as you whimpered with need, an ache for him to fill. 
Joel held himself at his base, loosely pumping his shaft and feeling it swell fat and heavy in his hand. 
His tip was slowly enveloped by your thighs and ass, finding your cunt and slowly pushing in. Your eyes quickly rolled to the back of your head because to be filled up by Joel was an indescribable experience. 
Joel’s head fell, partly in concentration but also in awe watching his dick slip between your folds.
It was messy at first, with broken moans and whimpers leaving you as his hips pushed forward. He parted your insides, trying to accommodate his size. Usually, he didn’t give you this much time. Often you had pissed him off so much that he was bottoming out in one thrust and you were screeching his name in hot, happy pants. 
This was slow, methodical, making you feel the weight of every damn dollar of his you spent today. 
Finally, he plunged in fully to the hilt, bottoming out in one swift thrust that had you choking for air. 
Joel slowly reeled his hips back out, seeing his length glisten in your pretty slick before he slowly joined your bodies together once more. 
Your head was heavy and full, clouded and starry as he fulfilled a need you had been desperately aching for all damn day. 
No amount of clothes could fulfill the hole you needed Joel to fill. 
Joel’s balls were swollen and happy, you can tell by how they slapped against you while he picked up the pace of his thrusts. His hands are splayed around your ribcage, fucking you into the couch and making you feel as if you were sinking into the cushions. 
Your moans were a broken record of his name, feeling your head rock as he started to really pound into you. 
“Joel, Joel, Joel, J-Joh fuck!” You clenched your eyes closed, you could feel his one knee sinking deeper into the couch as he continued to rest on your upper thighs, his other foot coming down onto the floor beside the couch to keep his fill in you. 
With the added traction, he felt like he was fucking you at a million miles an hour. The squeeze on your ribcage shuffled from your sides to your hips, feeling yourself get pounded and straightened out. 
He was merciless when he was fucking you silent like this, making you listen to the echo of your disgusting moans, the only sounds Joel made being his horny growls and fuck-hungry grunts. 
You were squeezing around him perfectly, the curve of your ass and the walls of your cunt milking his length. 
His hips continued to clap your ass, feeling it bounce and reverberate against his abdomen as he started to hunch his body over you. 
You gasped as you felt his palm flatten against your cheek, face smooshing into the cushion and distorting the sounds of your moans. 
“Oooh f- ooh, Jowl, Jowl!” 
His tip tickled your cervix, feeling his cock twitch inside of you. He was close. Your clit was throbbing, begging for release, he needed to keep hitting that spot in you. 
“P-Please, wanna cuwm.” You whimpered, mouth still smooshed. 
Your jaw dropped as he used the leverage from his extended arm holding your face down, fucking into you deep and leaving your ass clapping. 
“Retunin’ all those damn clothes,” Joel grunted, leaving you whining against his palm. 
“Shut up, fuckin’-- little psycho bitch.” 
Your cunt swelled at the compliment, a loud moan leaving you as his piping hot, white cum creamed your walls. 
Please don’t stop, help me finish, so close-
Your eyes widened as Joel moved his hand from the side of your cheek to your shoulder and hoisted you up, your back now flush against his sweaty chest as you both kneeled on the couch. 
His softening length stayed nuzzled inside of you, feeling Joel reach around to circle your clit messily with his free hand as he was still reeling from his own orgasm. 
You cried out and threw your head back on the top of his shoulder, face trying to curl into his neck as he overstimulated your senses. 
Joel’s big firm hand holding you up by your shoulder moved to wrap around your throat, keeping you against him as your hands weakly gripped his wrist. 
“God- God!! Fuck! Joel!” You cried out his name while he squeezed at the sides of your windpipe, your walls clenching around his soft cock as you came desperately down his shaft. You saw stars as Joel restricted your airflow during your orgasm, a dopey grin on your face. 
He threw you back down onto the couch, your body falling into the safety of the cushions. He pulled himself from your soaking cunt, snagging his boxers and pulling them up with ease along with his jeans. All while you were laid out on the couch, fucked dumb as you laid in a heap on the couch. Fuck, that was so good. 
“Joel?” You whimpered, both of you still panting to catch your breaths. 
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can you think about letting me keep all the lingerie?”
You watched with a small smile as he rolled his eyes, trying to hide a grin. 
“You never learn, do you, psycho?” 
You shook your head slowly, pushing your hair away from your sweaty face. 
“Sometimes I need to be told twice.” 
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sweatsnervously47 · 5 months
The Untamed really be like:
WWX: *Homeless man who has been fired from every job he's ever worked at, who is couch surfing on the Mo family couch*
In comes, Lan Wanji, a man with a credit score of 850, clean house, job, adopted kids, immaculate lawn, meal plan for the next 3 years, socks always match, volunteers, so very much autism, perfect form and function, crops watered, guchin master, best swordplayer ever.
WWX: Lan Zhan is going to want to fix me. :( I am broken.
Lan Zhan: *handcrafts a pizza and gingerly places it in a box and then into a garbage can so that WWX can still have Trash Pizza whenever he wants*
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mintmatcha · 7 months
cw: implied mental illness/substance abuse references
Denki jams his tongue into his cheek as he types, folding his gum in half before popping it between his teeth. The action is repeated: squish, snap, squish, snap-- unmuted by his open mouth. The waves and all their static do nothing to cover the sound of it; the sand was abandoned long before sunset, but the ocean is never quiet.
Suddenly, Denki sits up, looking to you as if he just remembered you exist.
"Shit, you hate that sound, don't you?" He swallows hard and you know the piece of gum is gone, "My bad."
"It's okay."
"I'm just really trying to quit smoking."
"I know."
He stares at you for a long while, then sighs. He drags his finger through the sand, peeling away layers of dry to reveal the darker, wet below. Weight has filled out his cheeks and middle in ways that you know he hates, but it looks so much healthier than he's even been.
"Everyone hated when I smelled like cigarettes apparently," Denki says, trying to laugh, "It sucks that no one told me that I stunk all the time."
Everyone is code for the girl he keeps texting, one one that lights his screen up with pretty pink hearts and messages that make his eyes glimmer. She texts again, a soft yet unrelenting force.
"I liked it." The horizon is dotted with lights, blinking against the surf. They follow their own pattern, blinking arrhythmically with each other against the surf, "It just smelled like you to me."
"Do you..." Denki rubs the back of his neck, "I dunno, do you really miss all that?"
All that includes too much. The peaks, the lows. Before his medications were balanced and before he quit partying, when neither of you had any control over your lives.
"No," you say, and you mean it, "But I miss knowing things about you."
"You know me." Denki's phone buzzes again, "I'm still me."
"I know."
"I'm still your Kaminari."
"I know."
He isn't. He no longer stops for a pack of cigarettes and a row of Hi-Chew every night. He no longer responds to your texts or reaches out first. It's been months since he last passed out on your bathroom floor, months since he asked you if you were alright.
His hair is shorter than he's ever liked it.
A horn goes off in the distance: a ship rolling into port.
"I don't know what to do with you," Denki sighs, "Did you not want me to get better? Because it feels like you didn't want me to."
He waits only a second for you before sighing again.
"Why did you ask me to come here?"
Because you missed him. Because you need a friend. Because you've always come when he's called.
All you even wanted was for him to be okay.
"I just didn't think getting better would mean I'd lose you."
"You didn't-" His phone goes off again, humming and buzzing harder. He scrambles to pick it up, pushing on to his feet. "Fuck, I really gotta take this."
"It's fine."
"I'll be right back."
"It's fine."
He answers and calls her baby with all the warmth and welcome he used to have for you. She's the one he goes to when the waters are calm and life is easy. You are the port in a storm, the one holding an umbrella until the rain passes.
You leave your sneakers there and walk the shore, the lace foam clinging to your socks and salt licking at your jeans. After fifteen minutes, he calls you once. You wait for a text or second try, but it doesn't come.
When you cry, it's from the bottom of the gut, ripping up like bile. The sound is swallowed by the sea.
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Conrad fisher for the ‘’We should go swimming.’’ prompt with skinny dipping? Smut if you it
Warnings: nudity
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’We should go swimming,’’ Conrad suggested, laying down on the patio couch with his legs over your lap and a blunt between his lips.
You hummed in agreement, taking the blunt from him and taking a puff. There was nothing better than a night swim after being hot all day.
You exhaled slowly, blowing a cloud of smoke up the air so the skunk smell would not get inside the house. ‘’That sounds really nice, but I don’t have my bathing suit on.’’
Conrad shrugged, not seeing a problem. ‘’You don’t have to. Let’s go skinny dipping,’’ he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You laughed, shaking your head, assuming he was kidding.
He sat up and took back the blunt from you. ‘’I’m serious.’’ He brushed a piece of your hair, his hand going down your neck and the decolletage of your dress.
‘’You’re insane,’’ you said back, swatting his hand away before he could reach the front tie. ‘’I’m not getting naked in your family pool again. We almost got caught the last time—’’
Conrad shook his head, flicking the ash off the end. ‘’Not in the pool, the ocean.’’
Swimming naked in a private pool was one thing, but in the ocean? What if some pervert in a nearby house sees you? What if you get stung by a sea urchin? What if your clothes get blown away by the wind and you have to get home naked?
‘’I’m gonna pass.’’ You took the blunt from Conrad, but he held it away from your reach. ‘’Give it to me, Con,’’ you sighed, pouting your lips at him.
‘’No swimming, no weed.’’ A playful smile curled on his mouth. ‘’Come on. The sun is down, there’s no one at this hour. I’ll be just you and me.’’
Your heart was pounding as you and Conrad made your way down the beach, pushing away thoughts of who might be watching from the neighboring beach houses. He held your hand, leading you to a part of the beach that was darker so you would feel safer.
Once he deemed the spot secluded enough, he peeled his shirt off over his head and chucked it in the sandy ground before doing the same with his shorts, not very body shy.
You reached for the tie of your dress and pulled at the knot, the front coming loose and revealing your bra and panties. They didn’t match, but neither did Conrad’s socks.
The rest of your clothes came off in the soft moonlight, your bodies bared to the warm summer breeze. It felt strange to be naked on the beach, but Conrad was there to make you more comfortable, reassuring you with a gentle kiss and sweet nothings.
‘’Holy fuck, this is cold,’’ you hissed, feeling your nipples get hard as your feet touched the water.
Conrad rolled his eyes, water already to his knees. ‘’It’s not that bad.’’
You shifted uncomfortably, not so sure about this midnight bath anymore. ‘’I think I’m gonna back out on this…’’ You made a move to step back, but Conrad grabbed your middle and lifted you off your feet, dragged you farther in the water despite your protests. ‘’Conrad, no! Let go of me! Put me down! Conrad—’’ you pleaded, but it was too late.
A sudden wave crashed from behind, sending both of you tumbling into the cool water.
You both bursted into laughter as you emerged.
‘’That was not planned,’’ Conrad said, shaking his head and wiping his face to get the salt water out of his eyes.
You wanted to be mad at him for throwing you in the water, but the unexpected turn of events was just too funny. For someone who spends his whole summer surfing, how did he not remember to never turn your back to the ocean?
‘’Shouldn’t you know to never turn your back to the ocean?’’ you teased, looking at him across the distance the waves took you. He was so pretty in the moonlight that you couldn’t seem to stop looking. His wet hair and defined chest, the smile across his lips.
He snapped you from your staring by swimming toward you in a moment and pulling you against him, wrapping you in his arms. You relaxed against him, leaning your head back on his shoulder, enjoying the moment in Conrad's embrace.
‘’It’s nice, isn’t it?’’ he said softly, his lips right by your ear.
It was indeed very nice.
You turned in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. He tasted of salt water and the weed you shared before coming down to the beach. You hummed into his mouth, dragging your hands through his wet hair, an invisible bubble forming around you.
Conrad deepened the kiss as you pressed yourself closer to him. He felt your pebbled nipples brush against his chest and pulled away. ‘’If you play that game, I don't think I can make it back to the house in time.’’
Instead of breaking from him, you kissed him again, this time more passionately, and wrapped your legs around his waist. The feeling of your whole body against him went straight down.
For someone who didn’t want to go skinny dipping, you were very into it now.
An owl’s hoot echoed through the night, mixing with your soft breathy sounds as Conrad started trailing kisses down your jaw and neck, nipping at the delicate skin occasionally between his sweet pecks. His hands slid up your sides while yours dug into his shoulder’s tanned skin.
‘’Are you sure about this?’’ he whispered in your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. You gasped and he groaned, your midnight bath taking a more PG-16 turn.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight
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tiyoin · 4 months
Floyd would prob like watching Spongebob.
i can just imagine floyd running into it on day while internet surfing.
at first i think he’s like “…ha” kinda like a ‘oh my god this is so funny but i didn’t expect it to be’
but then time goes on and he def thinks about it, like a LOT. and of course, our poor leech falls victim to the ‘spongebob binge phase’ and just obsessively watches spongebob!!
there’s def a few times he related with some of the scenes too 😭
i can kinda see him as a patrick guy??? or maybe even a spongebob guy🤔 WAIT I THINK HED LIKE SQUIDWARD BECAUSE HE FINDS HIM RELATABLE (in bad moods) AND SCHEMES FUNNY… or maybe even plankton 😳(idk)
tell me or tell me that floyd would fuck with azul by telling him there’s this rival establishment with THEE best burgers ever.
obviously azul is confused because he’s the one and only restaurant / lounge at night raven college. only for floyd to snicker with a ‘not anymore’
and ofc azul is like: take me there!
and floyd is like: mmm no.
but now azul is on the hunt for a place called ‘the crusty crab’ and wants to know if anyone has a ‘krabby patty’ 💀
ofc azul gets laughed out of his socks by others from the sheer desperation of needing to know about this krabby patties ‘secret formula’ 😭😭
*azul slowly merges into plankton*
floyd is HOWLING with laughter as azul comes storming into the monstro, his cold blood turning his once porcelain cheeks aflame with the fires hotter than hell. so hot that it turned him into a blueberry.
floyd flops a suspicious burger onto and even more suspiciously placed plate dab smack in front of azul. he looked at azul, then to the burger before fixing him a a crooked smile. “heard you were hound’s fer one of these guys.” he pushed the plate closer to him causing a droplet to fall from a red, thin tomato slice.
“is- is that-“
“a krabby patty? yeah.” he shrugs, leaning closer onto the cabinet to watch azul’s mouth drop with disbelief.
he grabs the burger bringing it up to azul, “i managed to get the last one for the day, impressive since they sell out so fast” floyd watched azul attempt to speak, but he just bit into the burger.
he moaned on faux delight. “hmm n it’s so good too.”
“floyd!” azul gasped, attempting to lunge for the burger. on cue floyd stumbled back, fingers loosening their grip in the burgers soft, golden patty.
cinematically, the once unified burger slowly started falling apart as it raced like raindrops to the floor.
with a sad squelch, the lettuce, tomato, pickles- alotta pickles, onions the burger and the most important ingredient. the secret one. all fell to the floor.
azul could only gap in despair as the elusive ‘krabby patty’ now laid ruined on the floor. he was desperate, yes, he first and foremost- he was a gentleman.
“floyd you- you!!”
“relax ‘zul, i’ll just get you ‘nother one”
“how?? because i can’t seem to find this ‘krusty krab’ anywhere! it’s nowhere on campus, no where on sage isle, and nowhere under water!!”
floyd could only laugh. oh my god. how can someone be so smart and yet so dumb at the same time.
“don’t worry,” he sniffed “i know a guy😼”
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luglowrs · 2 years
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こんにちは!LUG Lowrsです。 冷え込みが強くなり、いよいよ秋から冬への動きを感じますね。 本日はVANSのソックスをご紹介。 スカルとビールをデザインしたポップなデザイン。 しっかりとしたリブ。 程よい厚みでクッション性のあるソール。 サイドにロゴの刺繍。 プレゼントにもおすすめのソックスです。 VANS ヴァンズ バンズ CHILLIN CREW SOCKS VN0A7PO6BLK https://www.luglowrs.com/shopdetail/000000003874/ VANS全商品はこちら https://www.luglowrs.com/shopbrand/van 商品のご購入は画像リンク またはこちらからどうぞ SHOP:https://www.luglowrs.com/ LINEの友達登録はこちら 初回300円OFFクーポン付き https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40gle3450x #surf #beach #california #cali #usa #socal #la #skate #vans #socks #snowboard #sanclemente #shoping #luglowrs #サーフィン #スケートボード #バンズ #ヴァンズ #靴下 #ソックス #カリフォルニア #秋ファッション #プレゼント #ギフト #新入荷 #新商品 (California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj4URO2v55k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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