#supply mission
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sleepy-hyperfixations · 1 year ago
Maverick: Hangman told me i had 'nfts' and then winked.
Ice: So?
Maverick: So, i asked what that meant and he said 'it means you have nice fucking tiddies captain'.
Ice, resigned: Welp......guess im making our son a widow. Shame, Baby goose really liked him.
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seriouslycalamitous · 11 months ago
Imagine: Timeloop AU, except it's just Ramón using dragon magic to continuously loop the day before qFit disappears over and over again - because he's not strong enough to stop him from leaving, not strong enough to save him completely, but if they stay right here, like this, it's almost enough. Almost perfect.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 1 year ago
*Gives them 4 aid kits*
Plz take care of yourself everyone TOT
It hurts to see you hurt!
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Horror: oh- thank you-!
Horror: and no need to worry, we've been taking it easy
Nightmare: fun fact you can send hate anons to Ink
Horror: boss
Nightmare: oh, right, send it to this blog, not the actual-
Horror: boss please
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savingthrcw · 10 months ago
@bucketofdrugs sent: kissing your lover because you believe you're going to die.
The funny thing about knowing you were about to die, while everyone around you still had no idea of what was about to happen, was that it gave you time. Or at least it made her feel like time had slowed down, and gave her time to look at Cooper, at her violent, protective, rude, funny, ghoul who had not only accompanied her far longer than he needed to, but had kept her safe - and yes, sometimes held her at night, even if they hadn't talked about that - and she knew she couldn't watch him die. It was the one thing she just would not accept in this hard but free life. She couldn't lose him here, she couldn't take him away from his own mission either. But they were out of stimpacks, their temporary comrades were also pinned down, Dane and Max upstairs, the rest of the Brotherhood was late, the others who had joined them when she has asked her to pay her back for her past help were fighting the robots, so it was up to her, the only one with high enough science skills. It was up to her to get to the console, and she was never going to see Cooper again, because running away wasn't an option to her. "Dang, this is a sticky situation," she piped up, looking at the door that would lead her to the console room. "...'Waste not', right, Coop?" Protected by the pillar they were using as a barrier from the bullets, Lucy brought a hand to his shoulder to pull him close and pressed her lips against his. Besides him being hot, it just felt like kissing a man; a man who made her feel confusing, positive but distressing things, and Lucy took the little time she had left to allow those feelings to be there, her lips moving slowly but with the hunger of someone who wasn't going to be having a second one, and her hand gently touching the rough skin of his cheek. Enough.
She pulled back, licked her lips and gave him a wide smile, eyes sparkling with affection and unshed tears. No time to think or talk more, she used all her strength and speed to fling herself towards the door, hearing people yell for her; a few bullets did hit her, but she still kept on running and stumbling until she grabbed the console and started typing it. She didn't have the passkey to disarm the security system, and that meant that before hitting enter she had what felt like a spear go through her chest, but she still managed to press the key, and reprogram all the robots, before dropping to the ground, blood pouring from her fast. But it was okay. Vault Tec had lost control of the town, her friends were alive... Cooper was going to stay relatively alive too. He'd know what to do without her, he'd be fine. She wished she had kissed him sooner.
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The worst thing is, Viconia would've fit perfectly in Shadowheart's storyline. From Viconia's (non-romanced) epilogue, we know this:
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Viconia does found a cult of Shar in Waterdeep and she is betrayed by one of her followers. She is, not Shar. Shar, in fact, admonishes Viconia for this, showing she clearly never ordered that. And Viconia does not give a damn. This is the woman who left the cult of Lolth and went to the 'lighter' option that was Shar (compared to Lolth). She already deals with agents sent by Lolth, she's not going to let Shar tell her what to do.
The nature of the betrayal Viconia was the subject of is left entirely up to the player. With Viconia and Shadowheart's backstory being what they are, Shar's plot for a Selûnite child could've been perfectly inserted as the reason for Viconia's falling out with Shar.
Viconia left Lolth because of how children were treated, how she was treated herself. She did not turn to Shar to do the same thing. She would reject Shar's plot the moment the order came, and that would be the perfect trigger for one of her follower to turn of her. Shar's cult being what it is, I don't think taking down the whole lot is overkill to avoid further backstabbing. There aren't many who will pick their priestress over their goddess, especially not with how Sharran's faith emphasizes self-effacing. Can't make a decision for yourself when you don't think for yourself.
Shar's reprimends following what Viconia did further proves this wasn't what the goddess wanted. Complete that by adding she's incensed Viconia rejected her order and slaughtered her willing clerics, and you've got the perfect connection between Viconia and Shadowheart.
In BG 3, we could've met Viconia in Baldur's Gate, rather annoyed because she's been getting an influx of Sharran agents after her, and she's tracking the source to put an end to it. A Shar-aligned Shadowheart could've the mission to purge the cloister that failed to kill her, while a Selûne-aligned Shadowheart would work with her to put and end to the cloister, to give them both some peace and quiet.
Epilogue could've them both sharing tips on 'How to best kill an agent of faith sent after you'. They both have sharp tongues and a similar past, they could've had fantastic banter.
Instead we have this mess.
#baldur's gate 2#bg 2#baldur's gate 3#bg3#baldur's gate3 critical#viconia devir#shadowheart#i like shadowheart#why did they make me hate her quest#with a shar aligned shadowheart you meet a drow informant#who's really helpful supplying information about the sharran cult of the area#supposedly she's sent by shar to assit shadowheart in her quest#and it fits because this strange drow's doing everything a sharran cleric should#so why would anyone be suspicious#at the end of the house of grief amongst the other revelations#we discover the ever so helpful informant was actually viconia devir the traitor this cloister failed to eliminate#who used shadowheart's mission as an opportunity to get rid of the sharran after her#and now she's long gone#shar shadowheart is of course angry and makes it her mission to track her down once the netherbrain situation is handled#when you meet her in the epilogue she's still on the hunt though she had close encounters with her quarry and is eager to get back to it#with selune shadowheart viconia reveal herself for who she truly is and you get more dialogue and time with her#she joins you for shadowheart's quest as a temporary companion#with her and jaheira bitching the whole way there#you get the opportunity to convince her to stay to fight the netherbrain#she's there during the epilogue mostly keeping to herself but chatting with shadowheart a bit#mainly about their respective evasion of agents of the faith be it shar or lolth#more bitching with jaheira obviously#possibly with minthara too#they would probably dislike each other#the one person a drow is least likely to trust is another drow
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cybersteal · 1 year ago
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guplia · 29 days ago
I am asking a small, small group of people this but who else finds this screen nostalgic
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It was at the beginning of Mario Kart Wii...
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thecrowslullaby · 1 year ago
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A toysoldier au has been polluting my brain for weeks so i finally drew it (and then the nutracker bibes got to me so bonus engie being strangled by a raccoon)
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lurking-loaf · 4 months ago
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Hiya Terror! And Sun and Moon... hey! You can't just barge in here like this! I'm shooing you back outside before you get your treat! Anyway... you are getting this Monty clothespin creature! A real little guy! He can hold onto your important notes or just keep a bag of chips closed. Lots of possibilities! Happy Halloween and thanks for stopping by!
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caitlynmeow · 1 year ago
Modern AU
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When a daughter turns 18, it’s customary to go to a tattoo artist and get the rose tattoo.
Bela came up with the idea. She wanted a way to always honor her mother and their bloodline, and there was no better way than to get the family crest tattooed on her body.
She wanted it to be in a spot where it can be seen, never to be hidden. It’s on her left shoulder blade, clear to see whenever she is wearing anything sleeveless.
It kind of become a tradition. Three years later, when Cassandra turned 18, she went with Bela to get a matching tattoo, right in the same spot.
Daniela loathes that she has to wait until she is old enough. Her sisters can take her to get the tattoo but both of them are being difficult about it. She doesn’t want to wait, and she believes that it’s unfair that her sisters are ignoring her while they already got theirs.
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cunty-mouse · 2 months ago
Once again shopping for clothes for my infinitely growing child and thus getting irrationally mad about
a) the gender binary
b) fabrics
c) that I can never be as cool as a 9 year old boy in dinosaur pyjamas
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wandercr · 9 months ago
❝ why do you keep looking at me like that? ❞ eliana asks, looking up from the lock she's been fiddling with for the last few minutes. janey might not be the most talkative company she's kept, but the woman's face sometimes speaks for her.
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❝ like i smell bad or something. ❞ she turns back to the lock, adjusting her screwdriver ever so slightly. despite their effectiveness working together, she can tell the other woman doesn't quite trust her.
it makes her want to know why.
or at least do a smell-check to make sure she's not worthy of those looks.
❝ if something's bothering you, you can just say it. ❞ / @savingthrcw
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jils-things · 1 year ago
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istg that nate neo champion outfit makes me weep hes so cute (makes his emo version (blake) wear it)
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suffarustuffaru · 2 years ago
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so i was inspired by @zeivira
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damez1979 · 5 months ago
Assassin's Creed Unity - Destroying Lafrenière's Gunpowder | La Halle aux Blés Mission Walkthrough
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justaz · 2 years ago
wait. wwwwwait.
allura bringing lance back from the dead by sharing her quintessence with him and changing his dna to be altean and altering his quintessence to give him similar abilities and powers to allura’s. lance who is incredibly self sacrificial and has self worth issues switching places with allura when she was trying to sacrifice herself for the universe.
lance doing it bc he was supposed to die a while ago, allura shouldn’t have brought him back and this was the universe demanding balance. he was brought back without sacrifice and this was the universe correcting itself. lance doing it bc he had nothing left to offer. what was he going to do after the war? return to life as normal? pretend like nothing was wrong and that there was no responsibility on his shoulders? turn his back on those in need or go up into space and turn his back on his family?
this way lance could save everyone and his life would have meaning, this is why he was chosen, he was a lamb raised to be slaughtered. he wasn’t made for war or fighting. his soul always yearned for home and for peace. he’s always been the one taking hits for his friends and family. he’s always been the one to take the ire of his commander instead of his little mouthy friend, to take the brunt of an explosion instead of a man he knew all of two days, to take the force of thousands of volts of electricity coursing through his body rather than his teammate. he should be the one to give his life in exchange for quadrillions of lives he’s never met but who deserve a chance to live.
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