#currently on a mission to unlock daisy again!
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I am asking a small, small group of people this but who else finds this screen nostalgic
It was at the beginning of Mario Kart Wii...
#i cant find my wii's power supply and i havent been able to play on it for over 2 years so i used an emulator to play mkwii yesterday#man i missed this game so much#currently on a mission to unlock daisy again!#and when i manage to patch the game so that i can play online i'll drop a friend code#i never got to do that on my real wii 🥲#mario#mario kart wii#guplia rants
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Their Doll 13
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis: y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n goes on her first and only mission at HYDRA with Bucky
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, death
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
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This was the first mission I was assigned to with the Soldier. And I had a strong feeling it'd be the last. The Soldier's mind seemed less distant, clearer recently. I never complained, of course, as it meant two things: one, I actually had someone to talk to here that didn't want to either murder me or rape me and two, he was really fucking good with his dick when his mind was sharper.
We were currently holed up in a train carriage, which was stacked ceiling-high with wooden crates all marked 'stock'. Stock of what, neither of us knew. We had sneaked on, jumping onto the top of the train as it passed a hill we'd been waiting for. Once on top of the train, the soldier helped me into the back - which is where we currently are. It appeared like he'd done this a hundred times before - and one thing I did pick up on was his hesitance while scaling the side of the train. I didn't think much of it - I for one was nervous as shit when we were simply clinging to the small ladder down the end of the back carriage.
We were huddled close, the coldness seeping in from the mountains surrounding the track, the chill in my flesh making me shiver slightly and lean further into the Soldier. His arm was thrown over my shoulders, his own teeth chattered slightly but I could tell he was trying to appear unaffected by the surging weather.
I took the time to replay the briefing for the mission in my mind. Sneak in, stay discreet, use the vents to find the room with the politicians in, take them all but one out, frame the one who remained alive. God I'm happy I'm not doing this alone.
We had a plan. We would sneak in through the back entrance after sniping the two guards that were meant to be stationed there. From inside the door, just a meter to our left was easy access to the vents that we could crawl through for 50 minutes and we'd be directly above the room they were all set to gather in at 18:00. Once there, I'd use my voice to bring them into a state of unawares, from which The Soldier would shoot them all except one. I'd then use my powers to convince the left over that he was the one who did it and the Soldier would give him the gun that was used.
From there, I'd sneak down and take photos of the files they were discussing - HYDRA hadn't told us what they were but I was sure it was something that would deeply concern them - and then we'd leave the way we came.
Simple enough, really.
"You seem on edge." I commented, observing the way his eyes never remained in one place. "Something bad happen here?" I prompted when he only looked at me.
"I- I don't know." He came back with, eyes boring into mine. "You know the plan, right?" He asked, eyes still locked on mine like magnets. I nodded, humming in affirmation. "Good, I don't know if they'll fight back or not, so be ready." The soldier said, head tilting towards my waist in gesture of my belt that wrapped around the black tactical suit, holding various knives I could throw and a small, but powerful, gun.
I never liked using the gun, I always found the loud noise distracting. I preferred knives, and as my aim was particularly good whilst throwing them, I had little need for a gun unless I ran out of blades. But that seldom happened.
The temperature seemed to change, warming only slightly. A subtle thing that very few would pickup on, but as trained assassins you learn to notice the subtle things. I today, I knew this temperature change meant we'd entered the city. The pollution and bustling of people always increased the temperature, and only by a few degrees but when you were freezing your ass off, you tend to notice the discrete change.
"Time to get our asses moving." The soldier muttered before rising to his feet, offering me a hand as he did so.
"Let's get this show on the road." I murmured once on my feet, standing back as the soldier wrenched the door at the side of the carriage open.
"Roll once you land, it'll make the impact less brutal." He commented before he was diving from the train, landing with a smooth roll over the gravel, which crunched beneath him. I took a deep inhale, leaping from the carriage with nothing but hope that I'd land it rather than end up dead in the process.
My eyes sprang open as I landed, shock rolling through me as I realised that I was alright. A wide smile beckoned my lips, curling them upwards into a grin and I pushed myself from the floor and up onto my feet.
"That was the easy part." The soldier assured me as he walked towards me, my smile instantly dropping and his face falling into a hard expression. I new that face - it was his mission face. One that meant no more messing around, because shit was about to get real serious and real dangerous.
"Let's go." I said, beginning to walk towards the mass of buildings. The soldier followed quickly, directing us to slip behind the first block of apartments we came across so no one in the city would see us.
As we snuck our way to the centre, we flattened ourselves against the wall - melting into the plentiful shadows. As we approached our target, I felt the soldier's hand wrap around my bicep, pulling me back.
"Stay here. I'm going to get higher ground. When you see them drop, continue on and get into that door." He ordered gruffly, and before I could agree he was gone.
I crouched down slowly, now aware with how close we were to the two security guards that any sudden movement had the possibility of catching their attention. I leant into the side of the building, observing the two men as they blatantly ignored their surroundings. We're they trying to make this easy for us?
I felt a sneeze rise in my throat, that tangy feeling settling over my nose as I covered the lower half of my face with my hand. Try as I might, I couldn't prevent the unwanted noise, the small sound catching one of the guard's attention.
"Over there!" He hissed, tapping the other on the shoulder furiously in order to get their attention.
"What is it? I can't see anything." They dismissed, clearly trying to turn back around before the first guard yanked his attention back. I stayed as still as a statue, for once extremely glad that I was completely clad in black.
"I heard someone. Over there." The guard exclaimed, pointing almost directly at me. I held in my breath, eyes widened as I sat petrified. That's when my weight shifted, a small twig I didn't know was beneath my shoe snapping under the pressure. I stopped myself from wincing, the snapping noise echoing and completely giving away my position.
"There they are! Quickly, shoot them!" The second guard shouted, pointing at me as the first fumbled with his belt. I took the opportunity, pulling a blade from my belt as quick as I could and preparing to throw. But two pained shouted caught my attention, my gaze raving to see the two men sprawled on the floor, foreheads pierced with bullets.
My gaze drifted upwards, the soldier crouched over the top of a clearly abandoned bridge, gun in hands and still pointed towards them. A scowl was etched on his features, the lower banks of his face now covered by an ominous black mask.
I snapped from my trance, darting along the back of the building until I reached the door. Once I reached it, I cursed under my breath, realising it was locked as I tried to tug it open. I sighed in frustration, reaching into a pocket on the side of my leg and pulling out a pin.
I crouched by the door again, trying to not be caught a second time as the piece of metal wiggled around in the key hole until I heard the soft, tell-tale click that signalled the door had unlocked. I stood up, tucking the pin back into my suit and moving to open the door. As I slowly tuned the handle, edging the door open enough to check inside, the Soldier appeared beside me.
"Great job." He deadpanned, eyes cold as he glared at me.
"Hey! It wasn't my fault, blame the gardener that decided daisies were a good idea!" I retaliated in a whispered-shout.
"Just shut up and go." He demanded, brushing past me and into the building once he realised it was clear. Once I'd collected my thoughts as called him a wanker under my breath, I pushed through the door after him to be met with the sight of the soldier's muscles bulging as he tried to pry the vent door from the wall as quietly as he could.
The metal clanked gingerly as he removed the door, placing the vented slab to the side of the now-clear entrance before turning to me and gesturing for me to follow. I got to my knees, crawling through the hole in the wall and placing the vent back in place behind me to lower suspicions.
We crawled through the vents stealthily, the concentration on us apparent as we both counted the meters. I almost crashed straight into the soldier's behind when he abruptly stopped, so I assumed the vent we needed to take out the plan was in front of him. He climbed over it quickly, so we were either side of the slats in the floor.
The soldier looked at me, bringing a finger to his lips as one of the politicians went in a rant.
"It's ridiculous! They expect us to vote on this and we don't even have all the information!"
"Well maybe if you'd read the file, you'd know the answer to all these bloody questions you keep asking!"
The soldier pointed a finder towards the men below us, before moving the same fingers so it was pointed at my mouth. I gave him a curt nod.
The tune flowed from my lips freely, easily, as I began humming. I almost stopped when I saw one of the men tense through the vent, knowing we'd been caught and probably executed or something. But when his shoulders relaxed my fear dissipated, the song falling from my continuously.
I noticed the metal plugs now in the soldier's ears as he leant over the vent, which he'd now pried open and had slid toward me slightly. His gun was pointed down the space he'd created, eyes cantered in on presumably one of the targets. Then he fired, and I flinched as I heard a hollow thump as the body slipped limply to the ground.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
The man who had tended remained alive, still relaxed and eyes glazed over. The soldier motioned for me to move, pushing the vent conger completely out of his way before jumping down into the room, the expected thud as he landed never coming. Wow, this man really is light on his feet.
Maybe he should've been a ballerina, that little voice in my head sung, a smug smile drawing over my lips at the thought of the Winter Soldier in a tutu.
I snapped out of it, following him down and landing crouched, almost disappointed at the tiny thud when I landed.
I barely noticed I'd stopped singing until the burning pain in my shoulder pierced through my thoughts.
"Get down!" The soldier shouted, shoving my down my my good shoulder and taking a lethal shot to the remaining politician's throat. He fell the the floor with a garbled cough, the splatter of blood across my cheek making my wince. The soldier chucked the gun to the table, scooping up the files and pushing them desperately into one of his big pockets on the leather he wore before yanking my up via my arm. "We have to hurry." He gritted through clenched teeth, using two clasped hands under my foot before hoisting me back into the vent.
He all but jumped up after me, replacing the grate before placing two hands on my cheeks to centre me. Hot tears ran down my cheeks, my breathing fast and uneven and my eyes refusing to meet him.
"Hey, look at me," my eyes found his, "I know you're in pain, trust me." He said, a tiny smirk pulling at his lips as the words tumbled from his lips, "but right now, you're running on adrenaline and we need to take advantage of that. So you're going to turn around, and you're going to crawl to the end of this vent and get out of the building. Quietly." He instructed, and I began nodded. I went to turn around, but he used two gloved, metal fingers I redirect my head to him. "It's nothing personal." He said with a pitiful smile before whipping a few hanker chiefs from his pocket and stuffing them into my mouth. "Bite down on them if it hurts." The soldier clarified when I gave him a confused expression.
The sound of the alarm seemed to follow us and we ran, my hand clutching my shoulder as my big down aggressively at the cloth in my mouth. The soldier was behind me, making sure I didn't fall behind with my injury.
The blaring noise of the alarm stressed me out, knowing that they were probably looking for us making my pick up the pace despite the burning in my shoulder.
"There!" The soldier exclaimed, my eyes low finding the black car that we knew would be to pick us up. As we approached the end of the alley we walked down, the soldier over took me, sprinting forward to hold the door open for me.
I stumbled into the back of the car, being ushered farther in as the soldier climbed in behind me and slammed the car door shut.
The vehicle began moving, the chauffeur barely paying kind to us as my chest heaved and a scream broke through the cloth in a muffled shout.
The panicked look on the soldier's eyes is all that I could focus on, his mask off now and his lips moving but I couldn't seem to hear him. Black crept up on me, clouding the edge of my vision as it invaded my senses.
"Someone's finally awake then." The displeased chide of the General filling my ears as my eyes fluttered open.
"You have to leave her alone! It wasn't her fault!" The soldier's voice said desperately, I could hear the worried tone edging his words.
"Quiet. She's the reason you failed your mission, Soldat. I won't have it happen again." The general snapped, my vision fully in focus now.
The general was stood before me, my hands strapped to the ceiling and my toes barely touching the floor. The pain in my shoulder screamed at me, but I could no longer feel the sickening wetness of my blood dripping down my back. They must've taken me to the medic on the flight home.
"Please, don't you think she's endured enough? She was shot for god's sake!" The soldiers reasoned, and I could see him fighting against his restraints. But the general ignored him.
"I think you're memory is getting too sharp. I'll be sure to get you reset once I'm done." He dismissed, a wince finding me as three guards filed into the cell. "Make her pay." He barked, standing back.
The guards grinned sickeningly, my eyes widening as a scream of protest trying to escape the silencer as I caught sight of the bats in their hands. It felt like the air had been punched from my lungs when one of the bats made contact with y stomach, and I already knew the area would be bloody and bruised when they were done.
"And don't stop until she passes out."
#smut#image#images#captain america smut#captain america fanfiction#captain america#winter soldier smut#winter soldier#winter solider fanfiction#black widow#Tony Stark#steve rogers image#steve rogers x reader#steve x bucky#steve roger fanfic#steve rogers#steve rogers smut#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky Barnes fanfic#bucky x you#marvel fanfic#marvel smut#marvel#hydra#shield#avengers#avengers fanfic
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A Little Slappy, Makes Jay Happy
Gif credit @xofeno
Requested on wattpad
I hope you all enjoy
Happy Reading Dollies
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder
The stage you were working on was hot and ready for you. Your song hit and you strutted on with a smirk on your face.
You were currently undercover with Jay at a strip club that was selling bad coke and was prostituting out the strippers. Of course you got signed to play a stripper and Jay was a customer. But it wasn't all bad.
Jay sat front row as you came on, your daisy dukes showed off your ass and your cut off flannel was to tight. But you played your part. The music moved you as you began to strip, throwing your shirt at Jay to cover his eyes but he snatched it from his face with a growl.
The crowd was going wild, Jay was enjoying himself. You teased him showing your breast and quickly covering yourself. The music cut and the team busted in. Jay helped you down from the stage, handing you your gun.
"On the ground". Jay shouted at the club owner.
You watched him arrest the owner with awe. The muscles on him bulged through his shirt.
"Great job, you two". Voight praised the undercover mission. "You two go get changed and we'll see you tomorrow morning". Jay and you nodded, heading back to the undercover apartment that you were staying at.
You unlocked the door and walked in Jay behind you. Laying your bag on the table you heard the door lock. Turning around you saw Jay with a evil smirk on his face.
"What are you doing"? You asked scratching your head as you looked him up and down.
"Bend over". He growled sternly.
"What? No". You chuckled struggling it off and walking away.
Jay walked swiftly behind you and grabbed your neck, turning you around and adjusting his hand around your throat. Backing you up to the nearest wall.
"When I tell you to do something you do it, understood"? He got right up to your face. His breath smelt of whiskey.
"Yes, sir". You nervously spoke. Your pussy was soaked so were your panties.
"Good, now get the bedroom and strip". He ordered and you didnt hesitate. You walked to the bedroom, took off your shirt and then your pants. Jay watched at the door frame.
Standing there in just your underwear, Jay licked his lips. Coming over to you.
"You're such a good little girl, doing what daddy says". He brushed his finger over your pussy, sending shivers up your spin.
"Thank you, daddy". You bit your lip with anticipation.
Jay trailed his finger up your underwear to your waistband and snaked his hand inside. Traveling his finger to your slit.
"So wet already? I haven't even started". His husky voice made you moan out. Jay chuckled and ripped your panties off with one quick move.
He brought your panties to his nose and sniffed. "You smell delicious, I cant wait to taste you". He dropped your panties and pushed you down on the bed. You gulped as he began undressing.
"I'm going to make you scream, little one". He said as he pulled down his boxers. His cock sprung free, standing hard as a rock. It glistened pre-cum in the light.
"You want to make daddy happy"? He asked coming over to the bed side, getting into his duffel bag.
"Yes". Your breath hitched as he pulled out rope.
"You trust, daddy"?
"Yes". Jay smiled and started tying you up to the head board. Your legs to the bottom board, spreading your legs apart. Giving him full view of your pussy.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, baby". He crawled up your body, stopping at your breasts and tugging on your hardened nipples. His hand traveled down your stomach and clutched your pussy.
"This is mine". He kissed you roughly as he pumped a finger into your wet entrance. Moaning into the kiss, Jay pumped his finger faster in and out of you. His thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing it rough. The orgasm build up and exploded as you came all over Jay's fingers. It didnt take much for you to come undone by his touch.
Jay rapidly moved his fingers and brought his hand over your cheek. "I didnt give you permission to cum, now did I"? He slapped your cheek once more.
"I'm sorry, daddy". You whimpered but it quickly turned into a moan when Jay took one of your nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and sucking.
"Jay". You gasped. Jay landed a smack to your free breast. Leaving a red hand print.
"You want me to fuck you"? Jay got between your legs.
"Say it. Say what you want me to do". Jay ran his cock through your slit, getting it wet.
"I want you to fuck me, hard". You cried out as Jay plunged into your entrance.
He thrusted his hips deep and rough, one hand around your throat and one hand digging into the bed sheet.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Jay hit a certain spot that pushed you over the edge. You came in seconds. Clenching around him, you already knew what was coming. Jay abruptly stopped and flipped you over. He slapped your ass a few times and pushed back in.
Grabbing a fist full of hair, he pulled your head up to his mouth.
"Naughty girls get punished for not listening". He sneered and he thrusted deep up inside you. At first it was pain then the pleasure took over. He had this animalistic attitude right now and you were loving it.
"Fuck, fuck". You gasped out, trying to keep your third orgasm together. Jay chuckled as you struggled.
"Does daddy's girl have to cum? You're so cute when you try and hold it back". He picked up his pace. Full force fucking you. The head board bounced off the wall.
"Please, Jay. Please". You cried as you couldn't hold it much longer.
"Since you said please, you can cum". With the words like a switch you flooded the bed, Jay and the sheet as you came. Never have you came so hard.
"Damn, you soaked me". He cheerfully chuckled, his pace didnt stop. He was determined to make you cum like that again.
Your hand held on to the sheets for dear life as Jay drilled into you. Rearranging your insides but you couldn't be happier.
"Oh fuck". Jay groaned smacking your, you knew he was close and you were getting there as well.
"I'm going to cum all over you". Pounded hard into you. He gripped your ass for balance.
"Please. I need to cum". You begged. The orgasm took over and was out of nowhere with such force.
"Cum". He thrusted a few more times and the pulled out. Your pulsating pussy squirted all over the place. Jay was a wet mess. He climbed on top of you bring your mouth to his cock and stroked himself as he came all over your face and mouth. You licked him clean and licked all his cum from your lips.
"Holy shit". He panted, quietly untying your arms and legs free. He pulled back the wet covers and got in with you under his arm.
"You Alright? I didnt hurt you did I"? He asked worried.
"No, Jay. I loved it. Definitely have to do this again". You giggled weakly.
"Most definitely. I like our little sex adventures. This one is for the books for sure. I never seen you squirt before". Jay said all excited, bringing his finger to his mouth as he sucked on this. Your juices coated his fingers and his body.
"I've never have. You just bring it out of me". You laid your head on his chest. His heart beating a mile a minute.
"Wow. I'm glad I can be the only one to do so". He kissed the top of your head.
"Mmm". You hummed as sleep took over you. Jay took your hand in his, playing with the wedding band that he placed on your finger three years ago.
There's perks of working undercover, the hot and bothered sexy times.
#happys crazy queen22#jay halstead imagines#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead smut#jay halstead imagine#jay halstead#chicago pd drabble#chicago pd smut#chicago pd fic#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago pd
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great lakes and expectations snippet preview
'The drop site is compromised.'
He didn't see anyone, but they were waiting for him. Jiraiya kept an easy smile and swaggered on up the road.
'Did my contact sell me out, or is it a third party?'
Whoever it was waited until he'd stuck a key in the post box. The kunai thudded into a metal mailbox when he dodged. A postal worker inside looked up at the sound and screamed. She dropped to her knees behind the counter as the second weapon shattered through the glass that separated the boxes and the mailing area.
Jiraiya winced. “Hey, hey!” He batted a shuriken off course and clapped his hands into rat. “Be careful! It's business hours.” The illusion he'd sensed melted away, revealing a minefield of traps.
His eyebrows shot up. “Rude.”
A woman wearing the band of a Kiri traitor silently dropped off the ceiling with a jagged sword. He cursed and danced away. She rushed him with a grim look, because that was just how Kiri made their shinobi. He gripped the first kunai and wrenched it out of the mailbox with a tooth-aching screech of metal. He parried her strike almost lazily and stretched his foot out to trip her. She stabbed at it.
Movement behind.
Jiraiya leaned to the side- and the woman's comrade speared her with another kunai. She let out an indignant shout and put a hand up, too late.
“You should get that looked at,” Jiraiya said helpfully.
He could see dirt under her blunt nails when she wrapped her hand around the handle of the weapon in her shoulder. She bared her teeth at him, because of course she did.
Jiraiya pre-emptively winced on her behalf because he could see where this was going.
The kiri woman pulled the kunai out in a spray of blood. He caught it out of his peripheral vision because two more shinobi were pincering him in. The next seconds were flashes of blood and steel- mostly their steel, because he was more interested in figuring these people out than impressing them with his repertoire.
Stranger two was male, with no headband at all. Number three declared current allegiance to Sunagakure, but that was probably not true. If Suna was accepting missions to attack Konoha, their ally, they wouldn't do it with village insignia on.
'This is a motley group. Could be what it looks like, but it is rare for missing nin from different villages to band like this.'
A lot of chakra was rising behind him. The kind of chakra that required his full attention. Jiraiya stole stranger 3's sword and kicked him into the wall in one movement. He was cutting out stranger 2's throat before he'd even registered the sound of bones breaking on impact.
The woman from Kiri was mid-summon, using a lot of blood. ...The blood from the wound near her heart.
“Shit,” Jiraiya said passionately. He tossed the garbage sword aside as he lunged toward the scroll she was using, reading it as quickly as possible. Something sentient, something from a great lake -
He didn't catch any more and the first thing he thought of was a mirror seal. He smeared it over the seal with the woman's own blood, covering part of her seal and corrupting the whole thing. If he was lucky, it'd create a loop, making the seal useless by calling on the user's chakra instead of the beast she wanted.
But there was smoke, even as the missing-nin gave a strangled scream. It ended on a high, sudden note.
There was a squelch.
She couldn't sleep.
Regina dully weighed the situation yet again. Her battery was at 6% now. She could read a little while longer. Or she could lean out of bed and plug it in, but then she'd have to put the phone down and lay alone with her thoughts.
'I don't want to let my phone die,' she tried to convince herself. 'I need the alarm.'
It felt bleak as hell to even think about going to work in less than 5 hours. She needed to sleep, but she couldn't because all she could think about was things that made her miserable, so she kept her mind busy with reading, which kept her further from sleeping.
Maybe food would help.
Virtuous and bummed out about it, Regina left her phone on the floor to recover. Without turning on the light, she found her slippers on the end of her rug and stuck her feet in before she ventured out onto the hardwood.
She didn't have to step out barefoot to know that it was punishingly cold. That was all you could expect from winter here.
'I feel so weird.'
Regina rubbed at her chest, trying not to wince at just... she didn't know what, exactly. But she felt off.
Tomorrow was going to fucking suck. She should have been asleep three hours ago, but she wasn't, and she was exhausted but going to sleep was absolutely unthinkable.
She made it down the stairs with minimal creaking, which was good. But the fridge seemed utterly uninspiring.
Light caught her eye.
Regina flinched away with a frown, bringing a hand up.
'It's what, 3 in the morning? Who is up?'
She unlocked the door and pulled it open, trying to see what was going on. Someone's headlights, it had to be. But she couldn't see a car out on the road...
'It's coming from the other side of the house.'
Curious, Regina leaned out as far as she could without opening the screen door, but she couldn't see.
“I don't even think there's enough room to fit a car between the lake and the hedge.”
Did... did someone put their car in the lake or something?
...Her boots were at the front door, on the other side of the house.
She glanced down at her white slippers and the pristine glitter pompoms at the tips. She hesitated for a moment- she could shuck off her shoes and just go barefoot.
'Fuck it. It's too cold. I can replace these if I can't save them.'
Regina opened the second door and slipped out. The night wind slammed it behind her immediately, but she was already padding out to see what was going on.
The light was gone.
God. If someone was in the lake, what was she going to do? Sprint inside to grab her phone to call 911? She shuffled as fast as she could without losing her shoes. She definitely should not go in after anyone. One more person dying in Lake Superior wasn't going to help whatever drunk bastard had careened into the water.
She cleared the hedge and stopped. She could feel her brow drawing down, forming lines across her forehead and between her eyebrows.
It was eerie quiet.
Her muscles were stiff. Regina had the unsettling superstition that she needed to stay as still as possible, that if she even breathed she would draw some unwanted attention.
Ridiculous. She breathed in.
and gasped, grabbing at her chest. It was on fire! What was this, some kind of pain, a heart attack? No, it was too far up, almost to her shoulder.
She heard herself making a weird, high noise like a wounded animal. She stumbled back and fell onto the dirt. Her hand was wet. Disbelieving, she craned her neck to stare down, trying to see in the dark. But it wasn't dark anymore. The air was heavy and it stank like iron and salt and the light she'd seen before was ringing her feet, a huge spiral that dipped in and out of the water of the lake she lived too close to.
“This is some shit,” Regina said, disbelieving. The light winked out to total darkness- and then it was daylight. She bumped down onto a tile floor and suddenly had full visibility.
Regina grabbed at her shirt and pulled it away from her skin-
Her clothes were soaked with blood that had to be hers. But there was no wound in her skin. She leaned back shakily, setting her filthy palms onto the floor. And then she wondered what was under her legs. Regina leaned to the side to peer down and then would have screamed if she'd had any air. She scrambled back as fast as she could.
A dead woman grinned up at her, head lolling in a way that looked like she'd been dead when she fell and hadn't controlled her muscles at all.
Broken glass was sparkling around the floor, lit up in the sunlight and drowning in a puddle of blood. The woman was holding a big roll of paper- or her hand was on top of it, anyway.
A man was standing over both of them, and he was looking right at Regina. Her eyes went to his hands- he... he wasn't holding any weapon.
There were more bodies. Two of them.
Her mind was making an unpleasant connection between the three dead people and the very big man in the room. He did not look nonthreatening. He looked scary- he had weird clothes and wild hair and tattoos on his face.
She swallowed.
The man raised his hands, palms facing her, and he said something in a tone that was more bemused than anything else.
She felt her brow furrow. “What?”
He looked as confused as she felt, but he repeated himself. In Japanese. He was speaking Japanese, which, frankly, she wasn't that good at. She'd done one semester study abroad in undergrad. She was not prepared for this sudden test.
'I understood that he said the verb “to know” in the past tense. And he said “she.” That's it. That is not very helpful.'
She did not understand what was going on.
Well. She knew how to say that. Regina opened her mouth and let out the saddest little, “分りません. 英語できますか?”
She never did find out if he spoke English, because his expression was suddenly furious. Regina flinched back but he was spinning around, leading with his fist. It crashed into a woman's face and straight-up reversed her momentum to send her flying through the jagged remains of what had been a glass wall.
'Where did that woman come from? Why was she attacking him? Which one of them killed these people?'
Regina couldn't breathe. She kept trying, but it wasn't working and black was flashing around her eyes.
The man straightened and gave her a worried look. “すみません。大丈夫だいよう、心配しないでね。”
She disagreed. It seemed like a really good time to worry to her. She stared over at the woman he'd hit.
She was still, laying splayed on the floor where she'd fallen. By the way that blood was spreading, it was probably a good thing that Regina couldn't see the woman's face.
'That lady is not going to walk it off. She is pining for the fjords. She is pushing up daisies. She is feeding trees. She dead. Dead dead dead what the absolute fuck.'
Her whole body shuddered. She tore her eyes away to look at the only other breathing person in the room- holy shit, was this a post office? Was she having a hallucination about a post office?
The murder-punch man gave her a smile that would have been reassuring if she wasn't terrified of him. He knelt down and carefully gathered up the bloody paper in the dead woman's hands. And then he turned away from her, took two steps towards one of the bodies-
and reached up to pull open a mail box. He emptied it casually, stuffing an envelope into a bag at his hip. He closed the mail box. Turned the key. And put the key back in his pocket.
'Is this death?' Regina wondered. 'Do I deserve this?'
It seemed like some bullshit to her.
The murder-man looked up, face hardening at something in the distance. He must have heard something the way he'd heard that woman attacking him from behind, because he was suddenly urging Regina on her feet. Terrified and baffled, she let him herd her up and out and into a run past a row of quiet, dingy looking Japanese-style houses. He glanced behind them, said something that was obviously a curse, and then picked her up. Like. The way she'd pick up an empty laundry basket.
She did not protest, nor did she have time to. Suddenly, they were going really fast.
Regina watched scraggly green bushes flash away and had a sickening realization hit the bottom of her stomach.
'I'm going to be really late for work.'
Chapter 1.
She did not adjust that well.
There were some things she was proud of, in retrospect. Namely, her sense of self-preservation was pretty strong. After about a week of being tugged around by Jiraiya, Regina decided that he was no harm to her. But it had still been a good decision to deliberately not be interested at all in the papers that he'd killed those people in the post office for. He had strong feelings about his letters and she was gonna respect that.
She had continued to respect it until he had finished burning all of the papers in the fire he'd made by breathing flames at some tree limbs he'd broken with his huge, horrifyingly strong hands. Because privacy was important. No other reason.
She'd also kept a fairly even head and locked down the screaming panic to deal with at a later time. It hadn't seemed like a good idea to risk annoying Jiraiya by crying all the time.
'Now I'm pretty sure he's more likely to comfort me than get angry with me. Still not ready to try it.'
Other than that, it was a goddamn mess. Traveling with Jiraiya was disorienting as hell. It was either a monotonous trod down dirt roads or being flung over his shoulder whenever he got spooked. He was only fun when they were in a hotel or restaurant.
To be fair, he probably would have been a better travel companion if they could understand each other.
She still didn't have a straight answer about how she'd arrived. Regina had risked his annoyance by asking him twice. She understood most of the words he was using, but putting them all in context wasn't working out that great. She was, like, 70% certain that his explanation hinged on a word she could only interpret at 'the fine arts'. The fine arts. Like. Some dickhead had been inspired to paint, and that had involved her traveling...?
Her mind shied away from any way to finish that sentence.
It was insane to think that she had gone from Minnesota to Japan because of the fine arts. It was even worse that she had the creeping feeling that this couldn't possibly be Japan.
Evidence for her being in Japan was as follows :
People in the area speak Japanese. (convincing)
Some people are wearing traditional Japanese clothes (cool. Is it Kyoto?)
other people are wearing clothes she can only describe as cool and weird, which could easily be a rural Japanese fashion movement that she hadn't seen while she was studying in the city.
A lot of things look old-style Japanese, like houses and gardens and farm plots and statues
Evidence against her being in Japan:
Social norms seemed pretty different. She probably would have noticed in Kobe if people were getting into fistfights on the daily
Magic: what the fuck?
The roads weren't paved.
That’s all for that! The rest of the first chapter is up on my patreon already. I’ll be posting this full thing next week, when I will have the next chapter done or mostly done. Hopefully.
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In what kind of God-forsaken universe did your ex-boyfriend’s newly minted girlfriend invite you to their housewarming party?
It wasn’t just insulting, it was-- it was-- absolute fuckery!
Who the hell?!
To say the least, you were spitting mad, stomping around in your work shoes with such aggression that the heel of one had snapped.
Thus, you found yourself pouting at the local cobbler’s shop. He was a friend of yours: Ilhoon, a fashionista to the core with a shamelessly dorky exterior.
Fiddling with the heel of your shoe as he allowed the glue to set, he nodded along as you explained the sheer outrage of your current situation.
“So?” He said finally. “Don’t go.”
“How can I not go?” You fretted. “I know they sent me this damned invitation just to see me chicken out and bury my head in the sand. How can I let them be right?”
“Why do you care? They aren’t a significant part of your life anymore-- they’re assholes.”
“They’re assholes who’re gloating about how happy they are and I don’t really care that they’re together anymore-- I don’t-- I’m totally over him, I would never want to be in a relationship with him again. I may not be in love, but that doesn’t mean I’m not angry!” Crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back with a huff.
Way back when, you’d been very much in love with your ex-boyfriend, Shin. He was good-looking, smooth, intelligent, and-- as a result-- a very successful businessman. In other words, he was everything your mother had ever wanted you to date. But you’d come home one evening to find him in bed with a pair of long, milky, unfamiliar legs slung around his hips and the smell of sex and sweat in the air.
You had promptly slammed the door and turned on your heel, walking out of Shin’s life.
The next morning, however, you had returned to your apartment after he’d left, put his shit into a trash bag, and tossed it out onto the street. Following that, you hadn’t heard from Shin, though you had spent many nights crying into the soft cashmere of Ilhoon’s designer sweaters, his comforting hugs your only solace for the duration of your post-breakup angst.
Well, maybe not entirely.
You’d partaken in a lot of vodka too.
“Don’t you think going is just going to make you feel worse in the long run?” Ilhoon pointed out worriedly.
“No. I want them to see how well I’m doing. That I’m really enjoying life and I’m better off, you know?”
“Well, you’re at least gonna have a bangin’ pair of shoes,” He grinned.
Your phone chirped from inside your purse, prompting you to pull it out and unlock it. It was from an unknown number.
‘Hey, Y/N, this is Shin’s girlfriend. He said you blocked him on facebook so he couldn’t message you-- which is a little weird-- don’t you work together? I got your number from your LinkedIn to make sure you got our invite since I didn’t get your RSVP. Anyway, hope to see you at the party this Friday!’
Shin hadn’t even told the poor girl about your history with him? You were just the girl from work? This was too good. You were going to destroy this boy. But there was the problem of the girlfriend… She seemed sweet. At the very least, you didn’t think she knew you’d been dating Shin when he’d taken her home. No one at the office had.
“It would look bad for you to be dating me when we work together,” Shin would say. He’d tried to excuse hiding your relationship; you’d chosen not to be suspicious.
Thus, you were left with a problem: you needed to make it clear you were not happy with Shin, but you also needed to protect his girlfriend from getting her feelings hurt-- you certainly had no intention of making a scene and embarrassing her.
“You’re gonna have to buy them a housewarming gift, you know…” Ilhoon handed you your repaired high heel.
Taking the proffered shoe, you grumbled, “What’s the point? He doesn’t want reminders of me in his home with her. He’ll just throw it out.”
“Why don’t you just bring something they’ll have to throw out anyway then? Like flowers?”
Something about his suggestion struck you.
You shot to your feet, hopping around as you slid on your sensible black pump. Grinning, you waved, already heading for the door, “Ilhoon, you’re a genius!”
His head cocked to the side and he blinked owlishly, watching you stride purposefully out of his shop and down the block of local businesses. “... What did I say?”
A cursory glance up and down the row of storefronts saw your gaze alighting on a little flower shop with a fully glass storefront, the panes painted sky blue, doors wide open. Baskets of flowers hung from the overhang of the porch and pre-prepared bouquets sat in metal buckets filled with water. ‘Miss Lee’s’ read the sign over the door. It was cute and the open doors immediately drew you in.
The interior walls were unpainted red brick, and iron wrought rods of industrial lighting were strategically placed around the room to the advantage of the flowers and the natural light streaming in from the front windows. Strings of colorful blown glass bubbles floated from fishing wire fastened to the beams of the high ceilings. The shelves were filled with all sorts of succulents and quirky vases. All different shades of carnations, roses, orchids, and lilies bloomed from buckets scattered around the room. Snapdragons, daisies, tulips, and sunflowers winked brightly at you, making the room seem to smile with their happy, summery hues. The shop was gorgeous.
Nevertheless, you were here on a mission. Marching right up to the counter, where an employee had his back turned as he worked on an arrangement, you pulled a twenty from your pocket, smacked it down on the lacquered wood, and asked determinedly, “How do I passive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower?”
Startled, the employee turned around, glancing down at the twenty then up at your face. “Um…”
Well, shit. You hadn’t thought this through at all, and now you were faced with, well, the human personification of beauty.
His eyes were sweet and almond-shaped, with lashes so thick and long you might have mistook him for a girl. Except for the muscles rippling beneath the tight shirt that strained over his chest.
Hooo boy.
You did your best not to stare-- really.
But when your request finally computed with him, he threw back his head with such a full-bodied laugh, how could you not?
His thin upper lip pulled back to reveal slightly large teeth, lending him a somewhat squirrely appearance. It certainly didn’t detract from his features. If anything, you were quite charmed by it.
“I’m sorry,” his laughter began to splutter out, “but what?”
Heat crept up your neck to leave a heavy flush on your cheeks. “... I need you to make me a bouquet for someone. My ex invited me to his housewarming party with his new girlfriend and she texted me to ask why I haven’t rsvp-ed and I’ve just realized that she isn’t a fake bitch, she really has no clue that the asshole cheated on me or that we ever even dated but now I feel obligated to go and I need to bring a gift because that’s polite but I know he’s gonna toss it so I shouldn’t spend a lot of money on it or anything but I still want to kill him and make a scene but that would be so rude and Yun Jae-- the new girlfriend-- doesn’t deserve that kind of humiliation and it isn’t my business--” Your mouth snapped shut as you realized that you’d just been rambling to this total stranger.
His brows inched towards his hairline; a thoughtful hum passed his lips, “So you need a… a hate bouquet?”
“Yes! Exactly!” Relief flooded your expression. Finally! Someone understood you.
He began writing on a small legal pad next to the register, taking your twenty from the counter and putting it in the register. “All right. And when do you need it by?”
“Friday evening.”
“Perfect,” he flashed you a gleaming smile, pushing the pad of paper towards you. “Could you leave your name, number, and preferred pick-up time here?”
“Of course!” You chirped, scribbling out the requested info.
“Great. So why don’t you drop by tomorrow and I’ll show you my design for the floral arrangement?”
Minhyuk had been a little surprised when he’d turned around and saw a fierce little thing like you. He’d never gotten a request for a hate bouquet before. Chuckling to himself as you nodded and promised to come back tomorrow, he glanced down at his notes for your request. What an odd way to express displeasure… With flowers. He got the feeling that you were the type of person who had trouble being impolite even at your own expense. And this would be at your expense-- he frowned to himself, thinking of the flowers he was likely to put into the arrangement. It would definitely be more than twenty dollars.
But he recalled the bright, righteous anger in your eyes and the rosy hue your cheeks had taken on and found himself drawn in. What a curious person. His eyes fell to the name you’d left for him.
How pretty.
The next day came more quickly than he’d anticipated, but either way he was prepared with a design for you.
He was not prepared, however, for you to walk into his shop in your office clothes looking like, well, like… Well, beautiful and soft.
Your feminine figure was sheathed in a peachy pink dress that cinched at the waist with a thin, tan belt and fell to your knees, hair falling around your face in loose, romantic curls. But his eyes weren’t fixed on your gorgeous sloping hips or your dainty feet encased in nude stilettos. They had caught on the pleasant shade of pink dusting your cheeks and the gloss coating your plump lips. And when you’d ended the conversation you’d been having over the phone, putting the device into your purse and finally looking up, Minhyuk was struck by the way your eyes caught the natural light streaming in from his front windows.
“Hi! I’m back!” Your mouth perked up in a smile that made your whole face glow.
And Minhyuk was smitten.
“Hello, Y/N,” he grinned in return, feeling his cheeks warm a bit, “I have the design for your arrangement ready. Wanna take a look?”
Eager, you stepped forward and leaned over the counter to look at the collection of sketched scattered over the surface of the counter.
From the stack, Minhyuk pulled a stunning design featuring many warm bright shades of pink and orange.
“Wow,” you breathed, eyes wide as you glanced back up at him, “He doesn’t deserve something this pretty.”
“No,” Minkyuk’s gaze connected pointedly with yours, “He really didn’t.”
“Oh,” you fidget, breaking eye contact out of sheer embarrassment.
The moment having passed, Minhyuk is back to business, relaying the meanings of all the flowers he’d included in the bouquet. “Geraniums for stupidity, foxglove for insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations meaning ‘you have disappointed me,’ and orange lilies for hatred to top it all off.”
You were amazed, “Minhyuk, really, this so striking,”
“And full of loathing!” He added cheerfully.
Shaking your head with bemusement, you snorted, “I can’t believe you took my completely asinine idea and made it something so beautiful. So how much more do I owe you for this? It looks pretty expensive.”
Subtly sliding his calculations for the cost under the other drawings (the math had come out to roughly $65 but why should you have to pay extra for inspiring him?), he responded, “Actually, it balanced to exactly $20.”
Skeptical, you folded your arms over your chest, “Did it?”
“Absolutely,” He nodded, seeming very certain.
“Okay…” You weren’t quite as certain.
“You know,” Minhyuk paused, “I do have a question, actually.”
Your head tilted to the side, encouraging him to go ahead.
“Don’t you think you’d drive your point home a lot better to this douchebag if you brought a date?”
You flinched a little. “I mean, yes. But I’m not dating anyone right now, so I don’t have anyone to bring.”
Somehow this response pleased him much more than it should have. Gathering his wits, Minhyuk leaned toward you with his cute little chipmunk smile, “And what if I offered to escort you?”
Flushing, you responded promptly, “I’d say yes and we’d have the weirdest first date I’ve ever heard of.”
And so that Friday, instead of picking up your hate bouquet at the shop, Minhyuk made a special delivery, closing up his store early to pick you up instead.
And yes, your ex-boyfriend-- whatever the hell his name had been-- Shu? Shannon? Cher?--had positively withered when you’d arrived on Minhyuk’s very, very muscular arm, flowers in hand.
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#AW YISS Imagines#aw yiss!#Minhyuk#BtoB#Imagine Asking Minhyuk to Make You a Hate Bouquet#a minty bias#Florist AU
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Fly Me To The Moon | Bucky Barnes
This is my work, PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE ••••• It was currently 6:45 PM and you were putting on the finishing touches to your 1940s inspired make up. As you passed the bright red lipstick across your lips one more time, you blotted the excess color off and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your dress was a pale yellow simple dress that reached right above your knees. You had found a great 1940s simple hair-do on Pinterest and you decided to give it a try. You bounced on your sofa with anticipation for the doorbell. Bucky had said he would get to your apartment at 7:00 PM. You had met him a year and a half ago when you had gone to Central Park to read a book. He was sitting on a bench with a cap and he had his head ducked low. His face gave no emotion at all but that didn't stop you from going up to him. He didn't speak at first but after an hour of incessant talking he saw that you meant no harm and decided to give you a chance. A few hours after that, he was sitting in your living room with the new clothes you had bought him next to him. He didn't want to abuse your hospitality but you wouldn't take no for an answer so he just decided to stall a little in order to see if you forgot about the new clothes. As soon as you saw that he hadn't changed you dragged him into your bathroom and tossed the new clothes at him and slammed the door on his face. "I'm not leaving this spot until you change," you yelled from the other side of the door. He sighed and started to change. You had actually offered him your spare bedroom and he had stayed for a month but moved out once he patched things up with his old friend Steve. You didn't want to interfere with his personal life so you had let him go; it didn't stop him from meeting you at Central Park or going to visit your apartment frequently. After a few months, both of you developed feelings for each other and he decided to let those feelings grow for the first time in decades. He asked you out on a real date and you had accepted immediately. Now a year later, you were about to go celebrate your one year anniversary as a couple. It was now 7:15 PM and still no sign of Bucky. You started to get nervous and glanced at the clock one more time. Did he forget? Was there a last-minute mission he needed to go to? The doorbell rang and you stood up too quickly, making you fall back but sideways on your couch due to the dizziness. You giggled and composed yourself as you stood up, straightening your dress and touching your hair. You walked over to your door and unlocked it, revealing a rather handsome James. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a yellow tie. His brown shoes completed the ensemble and his hair-"What happened to your hair?!" You screeched. Your hand flew up to his short hair but you hesitated, knowing that he probably took long to have it styled that perfect. "I cut it for tonight, don't you like it?" His baby blues looked at you, turning sad almost instantly to your reaction towards his hair. "I love it! It was just ... unexpected," you smiled sheepishly. You had actually mentioned that he should cut his hair a few times but you were just joking around. You hadn't actually thought he would do it. "These are for you," he handed you a small bouquet of daisies. They were a small detail but that's what you loved about him: his simplicity. You smiled at it as you took it and went into your small kitchen to find a vase. He followed you inside and waited at the kitchen door as he admired you for the first time that night, "You look beautiful Y/N." You turned to him as you finished placing the daisies in a small vase and smiled shyly. Even after a year he still made you blush like a twelve year old girl. "Screw our plans for tonight doll, I just wanna be alone with you," he said as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed again as you put your arms around his neck. "I'm fine with that Buck," you said as you let go and walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Bucky followed you but instead of sitting down he pushed the couch, with you still sitting on it, back against the wall. You looked at him confused but he just turned around and walked to your vinyl record player and looked through your shelves of vinyl records. As soon as he found the record he was looking for he took it out and placed it on the player. "Dance with me doll?" He said as he turned around and held a hand out to you. Making you blush for the third time that evening, you took his hand, "Of course." 'Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring looks like on a-Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby kiss me' As soon as you had put your hand in his he had pulled you in and started swaying to the music. He knew this was your favorite song and he smiled as you laughed in his arms. 'Fill my heart with song And let me sing forevermore You are all I long for all I worship and adore In others, please be true In other words, I love you' He twirled you around the living room, and you felt like you were floating on thin air. He sang the second verse to you the second time it came around and you felt your smile grow wider, not knowing it was possible. You didn't care that his voice was slightly off key or that he wasn't Frank Sinatra. He was James Buchanan Barnes and that's all that mattered to you. As the song played the last three notes, he dipped you gently and placed a long sweet kiss on your lips. "I love you," he said as he pulled you up. "I love you too," you replied as he started to sway with you to the next song that played. ••••• My first work that I post on Tumblr lol hope y'all enjoyed it! If y'all have Wattpad follow me @buckyplumsandco
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New Post has been published on https://www.pointofgeeks.com/media-round-up-november-2017-movies-to-see/
Media Round Up – November 2017 – Movies To See
The month of November is here and the movie season is back in full swing! The next few months will rival the summer blockbuster period and most of the action begins this Friday. So get ready for our trademark preview series, known as the Monthly Media Roundup, featuring the most intriguing options coming to your local cinema in the next four weeks. Enjoy!
November 1st
A Bad Moms Christmas
Stars: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Jay Hernandez, Justin Hartley, Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon
Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore
Official Synopsis:
A Bad Moms Christmas follows our three under-appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And if creating a more perfect holiday for their families wasn’t hard enough, they have to do all of that while hosting and entertaining their own mothers.
By the end of the journey, our moms will redefine how to make the holidays special for all and discover a closer relationship with their mothers.
The first movie was an unexpected hit, however this sequel is flying well below the radar. After the success of Girl’s Trip and the end of the month release of Daddy’s Home 2, it’s curious this doesn’t have more buzz, or at least marketing. It will be interesting to see how the counter-programming against Thor: Ragnarok works out for the new release. We will find out Monday morning…
November 3rd
Thor: Ragnarok
Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, Tom Hiddleston, Jeff Goldblum, Karl Urban
Director: Taika Waititi
Official Synopsis:
In Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Ragnarok,” Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok—the destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization—at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger—the Incredible Hulk!
Judging from the early word, Thor: Ragnarok is Christmas come early for Marvel fans. The irreverent, yet relevant, third chapter of the Thor saga looks to give the franchise a makeover with eccentric filmmaker Taika Waititi at the helm. Getting to see Thor, Hulk, and even some surprise MCU characters in the same movie is like a Saturday morning cartoon dream made in reality. The entire industry will also be watching the unspoken showdown with DC Films’ Justice League which should add to intrigue of the release. This will be such fun!
Stars: Woody Harrelson, Bill Pullman, Jennifer Jason Leigh
Director: Rob Reiner
Official Synopsis:
After powerful Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson (Woody Harrelson) loses the 1960 Democratic presidential nomination to Senator John F. Kennedy (Jeffrey Donovan), he agrees to be his young rival’s running mate. But once they win the election, despite his extensive legislative experience and shrewd political instincts, Johnson finds himself sidelined in the role of vice president. That all changes on Nov. 22, 1963, when Kennedy is assassinated and Johnson, with his devoted wife Lady Bird (Jennifer Jason Leigh) by his side, is suddenly thrust into the presidency. As the nation mourns, Johnson must contend with longtime adversary Attorney General Bobby Kennedy (Michael Stahl-David) and one-time mentor Georgia Senator Richard Russell (Richard Jenkins) as he seeks to honor JFK’s legacy by championing the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2017 has taught us a lot of lessons about leadership, abuse of power, and the current state of race relations. Reiner is not a shrinking violet when it comes to his political leanings, so it will be interesting to see what his film has to say about the presidency. Woody Harrelson has long been one of my favorite actors and watching him disappear into the role of Lyndon B. Johnson is a solid dramatic ticket to balance out the whimsy of Thor: Ragnarok.
Last Flag Flying
Stars: Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, Laurence Fishburne
Director: Richard Linklater
Official Synopsis:
In 2003, 30 years after they served together in the Vietnam War, former Navy Corps medic Larry “Doc” Shepherd (Steve Carell) re-unites with ex-Marine Sal Nealon (Bryan Cranston) and Reverend Richard Mueller (Laurence Fishburne) on a different type of mission: to bury Doc’s son, a young Marine killed in the Iraq War. Doc decides to forgo burial at Arlington Cemetery and, with the help of his old buddies, takes the casket on a bittersweet trip up the East Coast to his home in suburban New Hampshire. Along the way, Doc, Sal and Mueller reminisce and come to terms with shared memories of the war that continues to shape their lives.
Linklater has been known for making nostalgic movies about growing up and capturing the feeling of historical eras. However, with his latest effort he is dealing with the inherent sadness and bonds that come from old age. The cast is beyond impressive, so it’s hard to imagine how this won’t be the perfect drama for a mellow night.
November 10th
Murder On the Orient Express
Stars: Kenneth Branagh, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Daisy Ridley, Michael Pena, Judi Dench, Tom Bateman, Josh Gad, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Leslie Odom Jr.
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Official Synopsis:
What starts out as a lavish train ride through Europe quickly unfolds into one of the most��stylish, suspenseful and thrilling mysteries ever told. From the novel by best-selling author Agatha Christie, “Murder on the Orient Express” tells the tale of thirteen strangers stranded on a train, where everyone’s a suspect. One man must race against time to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again.
It’s hard to dismiss or ignore Murder on the Orient Express’ star power and I am never too good for an old-fashioned caper flick. The first trailer left a lot to be desired, however the latest looks have shown enough of the story and action to get me all into the mystery. Let’s see if there is enough steam behind this freight train of a movie.
Daddy’s Home 2
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell, Mel Gibson, John Lithgow, John Cena
Director: Sean Anders
Official Synopsis:
In the sequel to the 2015 global smash, father and stepfather, Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) and Brad (Will Ferrell) have joined forces to provide their kids with the perfect Christmas. Their newfound partnership is put to the test when Dusty’s old-school, macho Dad (Mel Gibson) and Brad’s ultra-affectionate and emotional Dad (John Lithgow) arrive just in time to throw the holiday into complete chaos.
It’s rare when I get more enthusiastic about a comedy sequel than the original, however the casting of the Daddy’s Home 2 has me eagerly awaiting the upcoming follow-up. The trailer made me laugh out loud and watching Mel Gibson be a jerk…is well…perfect. The premise is standard 80’s fare, but it’s hard to imagine the film not being worth the price of admission.
November 17th
Justice League
Stars: Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Ciaran Hinds, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, J.K. Simmons, Amber Heard
Director: Zack Snyder (w/Joss Whedon)
Official Synopsis:
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
This is the movie that will decide the entire future of the DC Films…so how could I not be there to find out for myself opening night. I unabashedly like the ambition of the flawed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and I’m eager to see what the Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon have come up with. Behind-the-scenes it will be interesting to see if the two directors have combined their powers to create an unexpected movie. Regardless, the kid in me who watched reruns of Superfriends and the Justice League cartoon can’t wait to see the team realized on the big screen.
Roman J. Israel
Stars: Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell, Carmen Ejogo
Director: Dan Gilroy
Official Synopsis:
“Roman J. Israel, Esq.” is a dramatic thriller set in the underbelly of the overburdened Los Angeles criminal court system. Denzel Washington stars as a driven, idealistic defense attorney whose life is upended when a turbulent series of events challenge the activism that has defined his career. Colin Farrell costars as the ambitious, monied lawyer who recruits Roman to his firm.
The premise of the movie speaks to my inner social activist and Denzel is one of the best in the biz. But for some reason the trailer for this doesn’t quite do it for me. However, it’s hard to imagine a bad flick from Mr. Washington and this seems like a movie with the right thing to say for today.
November 24th
Stars: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Sofia Espinosa, Luis Valdez, Edward James Olmos, Selena Luna
Director: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina
Official Synopsis:
Despite his family’s baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel (voice of newcomer Anthony Gonzalez) dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz (voice of Benjamin Bratt). Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead following a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he meets charming trickster Hector (voice of Gael García Bernal), and together, they set off on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel’s family history.
The new upcoming flick, Coco, hasn’t all gotten a ton of advanced hype, however there is little reason for concern. Pixar rarely fails (The Good Dinosaur aside) and is probably the most reliable studio in the entire film industry. Add to the fact that it’s been a slow year for animation along with the colorful Latin flavor and this should be a solid family watch.
When you see them, let us know what you thought of November’s movies in the comment boards, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Share our stories by clicking below!
Source: ComingSoon
#A Bad Moms Christmas#blockbuster movies#Coco#Daddy's Home 2#June 2017#Justice League#LBJ#Media Round Up – November 2017#monthly preview#Murder on the Orient Express#Thor: Ragnarok#Media Round Up#Movies / TV
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A Bundle of Joy... Or two
A bath like this had never felt so good to Daisy. The water was warm, relieving the tension in the muscles of her lower back. It also helped that she had a certain blonde vampire massaging her swollen feet. A soft sigh escaped her and she found herself sinking deeper into the water.
“I have a mission tonight,”
Zach’s words broke through the fog of her mind and her eyes that had been closing snapped wide as she sat up just a little bit. That wasn’t right, Zach wasn’t supposed to be going on missions anymore, not with his bad leg. “What’s the mission?” Her left hand move to rest on her swollen stomach, feeling a strong kick from within her.
“Just recon. There’s been reported lycan activity at a den we thought was long abandoned. Three of us are going to be going to check out the area. It should only be a few hours tops.” He was being obvious in his attempt to be reassuring, but Daisy was already beginning to worry and he hadn’t even left yet. His hand move to rub at her calf, trying to get her to calm down. “I promise it will be okay. I’ll be home before you and pup realize I’m gone.”
“Pup?” Daisy asked, trying to keep from thinking about all the bad things that could happen to her mate while he was on a mission. “Isn’t that what lycan children are called?”
“Technically yes, but since we decided to not know what our baby is going to be,” He crawled up to her, pressing a kiss to her bump “I needed something to call our child. I did a bit of research and learned that baby bats are also called pups. So, pup.” Daisy rolled her eyes at his explanation as she reached to grab his chin and pull him up into a gentle kiss.
“As long as that name doesn’t stick around once they are born, I don’t care what you call them.”
Daisy knew she needed to keep calm, that stress wasn’t good for the baby. However, Zach was supposed have been back hours ago, and he hadn’t returned. She knew he shouldn’t have gone on that mission. Her mind couldn’t keep from going down that path that something happened and he was potentially dead in a ditch somewhere.
Just the thought of that made her head spin, and she tried to fight off the dizziness that threatened to overtake her. She could feel her child kicking and twisting about and it was enough to keep her grounded. Her hand moved to rest over the swell, putting a bit of pressure on her belly for a moment.
“I know you’re worried about your father too... pup.” She had to admit, the nickname did have something going for it too. “We need to have some faith in him though. He’s a lot stronger than we give him credit for.” It had become a little more often of a habit for her to talk to the child growing within her. She couldn’t help but wonder if they were beginning to recognize the sound of her voice.
While there was still the fear that she wouldn’t love her child, at least she knew she could at least try to show them the warmth a mother should. She heard the door to their room unlock and she breathed out a soft sigh, but froze when she caught the scent of a lycan coming. One hand remained on her stomach, the other reaching for the gun she kept in her bedside table.
Zach walked into the room just as Daisy raised the gun. Her eyes widened when she saw that Zach was holding a small bundle in his arms, cradling it close to his chest like a-.
“Zach?” Daisy’s voice shook as she realized that Zach was definitely holding a baby in his arms, asleep. “Zach, what’s going on?”
“The den was in ruins by the time we got there. We found the bodies of her parents and it took every bit of convincing to not let the death dealers kill her on the spot.” He moved to sit beside her on the bed, looking down at the baby in his arms. “She’s a baby, love. I couldn’t let her get hurt. There was a note written down with the name ‘Natalia’ on it by where I found her. I think that’s what her name is.” He offered to let Daisy hold her, but she shook her head, standing up.
“Zach, I can’t.” She stepped away from him, staring at the baby in his arms like she had two heads. “I can’t do this, Zach.”
“Yes you can, here, let me show you.” He went to get up to show her how to properly hold the baby but stopped when she shook her head. Tears were forming in her eyes, dripping down her cheeks. “Daisy...?”
“You don’t understand Zach. I can’t do this, any of this.” The emotions she felt earlier on in her pregnancy, the fear of the numbness towards her own child, came full force and she hid her face in her hands. “I am not meant to be a mother. How can I be when I can’t even love my own child!”
Zach set the infant in his arms in the crib they had set up for their unborn child before moving to take Daisy in his arms. He rocked her, letting her cry into his shoulders. “Shh,” He calmed her, fingers trailing up and down her back “It will all be okay. I know you may feel numb now but the moment you hold our child in your arms, I know you will love them.” Daisy wanted to ask how he could be so certain, but words weren’t coming to her. Instead she continued to cry into his shoulder and let him comfort her. “Let me try something, okay?”
He guided her back to their bed and had her lay down. He reached into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the Doppler that Michael had used to let them listen to their baby’s heartbeat back towards the beginning of her pregnancy. He watched the color drain some from her face but she still continued to watch him.
“This time, there is no one else around. This is an intimate thing between you and me.” He told her as he pressed a soft kiss to her stomach, feeling their baby move underneath his lips. “I know this probably won’t change anything about how you feel right now, but just... let me do this and listen.” She nodded and with that, he flicked on the machine and moved it around her baby bump until their child’s soft heartbeat was heard throughout their room.
Daisy’s eyes closed as she listened to the sound of her baby. She reached and took Zach’s free hand, more tears rolling down her face. She wished she felt something, anything really, towards their unborn child, but she still just felt... numb. She hated that she couldn’t feel what most women felt towards their child.
It made her feel like a failure.
As they were doing this, Daisy could feel her head start to swim. Her eyes opened, but just barely. She saw the room spinning around her and she grew to be incredibly disoriented. Zach was focused on what they were doing that he failed to notice how glazed her eyes were before they rolled back in her head and she collapsed back onto the bed.
“Daisy?” Zach kept her head from hitting the wall behind their bed. He rested his hand on her cheek, trying to see if he could rouse her, but she just seemed unresponsive. He lifted her up without a second thought and rushed towards the infirmary.
They had to be able to do something.
Zach sat next to Daisy’s bed in a silent vigil. it had been almost a full day and she hadn’t woken up. She was hooked up to all sorts of machines. One was measuring her heartbeats, one her blood pressure, and there was one hooked up to her rounded belly to keep an eye on the baby’s heartbeat and to make sure nothing went wrong. She also had an IV in her arm, keeping blood constantly pumping into her system so she didn’t starve.
In a small cot beside him was Natalia, awake but quiet. Zach couldn’t leave the baby in the bedroom alone. He was already determined to take care of her, to adopt her as part of his growing family. He knew he’d have to get Daisy to agree, but after her passing out like that, he didn’t know if he would be able to even talk to her again.
For the first time, Zach found himself angry at his unborn child for doing this to his mate.
“We’re going to have to keep her here until she delivers the baby.” Zach jumped as he heard Michael speak to him. He looked up at the hybrid with tired eyes. “There’s too much of a risk now leaving her without constant medical supervision. The baby is taking too much blood from her. Her body isn’t able to sustain itself on what she’s been taking in. Plus, any stress she’s been under has exacerbated any conditions caused by the pregnancy.” Zach nodded in response to what Michael was saying, but all he could focus on was the fact that Daisy was going to have to stay in the infirmary.
Michael left Zach alone once he let him know. Zach took Daisy’s hand and pressed a kiss to the top of her hand. “Daisy... please just open your eyes.” He quietly begged. “Please...”
There was no response from Daisy, her body still except for the rise and fall of her chest and the occasional kick from their child. Zach sighed and held her hand just a little bit tighter. He wished he could join her in the bed, but it was small, barely enough room for her as she was laying on her side with her belly protruding out. Instead, he rested his head on one of his arms with his other hand continuing to hold her hand. It was uncomfortable, but Zach had fallen asleep in worse positions.
The first thing Daisy was conscious of was the fact that she still felt dizzy, and the next was the feeling of a hand in hers. She opened her eyes to see the familiar setting of the infirmary, and Zach sleeping in the chair next to her, his hand still holding hers. She was worn down and weak, but still found herself smiling at the sight of that.
“He hasn’t left your side.” Michael’s voice was quiet as he walked up to Daisy, holding he baby lycan Zach brought home in his arms. “It took him a long time to fall asleep too. He was worried that if he slept, he’d lose you.”
“I’m a lot stronger than he thinks, even in my current state.” Daisy knew there was no way she’d be back at full strength until after this child was born. Her fingers brushed against his knuckles. A warm, caring look appeared on her face as she stared at her mate.
“You can’t blame him for being worried. You completely passed out on him, he thought you were going to die right there.” Michael sighed and moved to pass Natalia into Daisy’s arms, who seemed hesitant at first. “Daisy, you’re going to have to get used to carrying an infant eventually, so you may as well start now. Besides, you’re going to be raising her too I think. Zach didn’t seem willing to let her go.”
With a soft sigh and a reluctance to let go of Zach’s hand, Daisy finally took the infant into her arms, and after a bit of struggling because of the swell from her baby bump, finally was able to hold Natalia in her arms. The baby yawned, her eyes opening to reveal a deep brown that was full of wonder of a new world. She did something that could almost be categorized as a smile, and snuggled up to Daisy.
Daisy felt like her heart would stop right then.
She wasn’t ready to be a mother, and yet she found herself entranced with the baby in her arms, obviously no more than a few months old. She was so small, so clueless of the war going on around them, of the hatred that was supposed to exist between their species. Yet, none of that existed when she looked down at Natalia. Instead she felt a spark of... something, not quite love but not the cold indifference she normally felt about children.
She was so entranced by Natalia and confused by the strange feeling that she felt towards the infant that she failed to notice Zach. He had woken up by her moving her hand away and he was now watching her with a small smile.
See Daisy, all you needed was a little push.
About a month later, Daisy awoke in the infirmary to a feeling that something was very wrong. Warmth was pooled between her legs, and not in a way she was used too. She tugged back the blankets to see her bed stained with what seemed like some form of liquid and what looked like a little blood. Her heart-rate spiked as she felt pain spasm through her body, worst than anything she had felt before. She cried out in pain, her grasp crushing Zach’s hand.
He was awake within a moment and going to get the healers. Daisy could feel something was wrong with this. She knew labor was supposed to be painful, but this felt like something else. Something that was causing the various machines that was measuring her various vitals and her child’s vitals as well.
For a moment, she figured she blacked out because the next thing she remembered was Zach returning with Michael. Michael saying something about the baby being in distress and her labor being accelerated. None of it was making sense. The words were blurring and she was in so much pain.
She was rushed into a room with Zach by her side, holding her hand as she felt the contractions coming together at an alarming rate. She could barely hear over the pounding of her heart, catching words like ‘two hours’, ‘push soon’ and ‘baby at risk.’.
The next thing she knew, she grabbed Zach’s collar and pulled him close. “Make sure they save our baby.” She didn’t care what happened to her at that moment. “Let me die, I don’t care but our baby has to make it out of this.” Despite having struggled to love her child since discovering that they were there, she acted on instinct to make sure that their child lived even if she did not.
With that, she heard Michael tell her to start pushing, so push she did. She squeezed Zach’s hand, her body exerting a lot of force as she attempted to bring their child into the world. After a little bit, she stopped so she could catch her breath, which was harder than she thought it was.
Another push, and then another, until she started to feel really dizzy. This wasn’t normal. Something was wrong, but she had to keep pushing. She needed to keep pushing to bring life into this world. Even though she heard Michael mumble something about her hemorrhaging.
And yet, she still pushed.
Zach was scarily quiet in her eyes. He was trying to mumble encouragements to her, but he was constantly watching Michael and Nora as they worked over Daisy. He was the first to notice the color draining from her face. The way her eyes glassed over some.
They way her heartbeat slowed dramatically as he heard the piercing cry of a newborn ringing out into the room.
One of the other healers took the baby from Michael as he and Nora began to move Daisy’s bed. Zach grabbed onto it and stopped them from going.
“Where are you taking her!” He demanded, eyes ice blue and seeming on edge as his mate lay in the bed, barely breathing, her heart barely beating.
She was barely alive
“Into surgery. She’s losing too much blood. If we’re going to save her, we need to sew her up and begin replenishing the blood she’s lost. Now.” Michael forced Zach to let go of the bed as he and Nora took Daisy away from him.
It took two hours for them to finally bring Daisy out from surgery and things were not looking great for her. Michael came up to Zach and warned him that there was only a slim chance that she would wake up. She lost a lot of blood during labor, not to mention she wasn’t getting nearly enough when she was pregnant.
For Zach, this was like his world was just going to crash down upon him.
He sat besides Daisy in a vigil, watching over her like a hawk. In his arms was their newborn child, swaddled in blankets and asleep. Just by holding the baby, he knew he would do anything for them. Of course, should Daisy never wake up from this, he didn’t know how he would do anything to be a father when he was mourning his mate.
“Your mother is strong,” He would whisper to the two infants, Natalia and his yet unnamed child, after a few days, hoping that his words would ring true. “She won’t let something like this slow her down or stop her. You’ll see, she’s going to open her eyes soon and we’re going to be a family.” Of course, Zach knew that she most likely wouldn’t open her eyes. That he was going to have to raise the two children on his own.
“Daisy please, open your eyes.” He mumbled, staring at her unconscious form. “I would do anything to see you open your eyes again. I will take your patrols that I know you hate doing. I will do diaper duty on both children, and I will take more of the mornings with our children... just please open your eyes...” Everything was quiet except for the beeping of the heart monitor, and he found himself curling up a little bit in his chair.
“Is that all I’m going to get for opening my eyes?”
Zach almost leaped out of his chair had he not had a baby in his arms. He carefully moved his chair closer as he watched Daisy’s eyes open some and her give him a tired smile. “I mean, is my presence not enough for you?” He tried to sound lighthearted, but it fell flat.
“I mean, normally yes, but after that process, you’re going to owe me a lot.” She struggled to sit up, resorting to Zach having to balance their child in his arm as he helped her.
“Careful, you’ve been unconscious for two days, and had surgery to fix you up.” His voice cracked some. “I didn’t think you were going to wake up.”
“It will take a lot more than that to knock me out for good.” She said as she looked down to the bundle in his arms and it look like the breath was knocked out of her. “I-Is that..?”
“Yes that’s our baby,” Gently, he slipped their baby into her arms, and he could see her exterior melt almost immediately afterwards. “That’s our baby boy.”
For the first time, Daisy was able to hold their son, and while she didn’t feel that immediately love that she knew she should, she felt a spark of affection and a desire to protect him. She watched as he opened his eyes and a smile played at her lips when she saw that they were green, like hers and had a tuft of blonde hair sprouting from his head. “He’s... perfect.” She knew that she would do anything for her son... for both her children at that very moment. “Have you picked out a name yet?”
“It didn’t feel right naming him without you.” Zach said as he moved to sit at the edge of her bed with Natalia in his arms. She was awake and looked up at her parents with a gummy smile, or at least what could be interpreted as one. “But I do have some ideas in mind. Or rather, one in particular.”
“I’m listening,” Daisy said as she absentmindedly brushed her finger against her son’s soft skin.
“Matthias. I was thinking of maybe naming him Matthias.” Zach said, watching as Daisy pondered it for a moment before biting her lip.
“What if we made that his middle name? I was thinking maybe Adrian as a first name. Adrian Matthias?” She watched as Zach’s face lit up and he looked down at his son who was beginning to mouth at his mother’s shirt, wanting to be fed. She hesitated before calling Nora over. The young vampire, who had been standing nearby once noticing that Daisy was awake, walked over and helped get Daisy set up to nurse. It took a little bit before he finally latched and began to suckle. Nora left the family alone after that, letting them finish up their conversation.
“I like it.” Zach finally decided with a warm smile. “Adrian Matthias. Welcome to our family, Adrian.”
Daisy looked down at her son who continued to suckle from her breast and she felt a warm feeling rush through her body and she smiled. Maybe... just maybe I can actually do this.
Maybe I can be a mother after all.
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mario super sluggers wii
mario super sluggers wii
Mario Super Sluggers cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Mario Super Sluggers cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for Mario Super Sluggers.
Also Known As: Super Sluggers (Mario)
Genre: Sports, Baseball Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: August 25, 2008
Getting Wingler
If you already have Yoshi then go back where you found him. (which was in that hole) so go back there and there will be a keypad and another Yoshi. You talk to the Yoshi and there will be a quiz.
Question 1. 3Question 2. 2Question 3. 1Question 4. 4Question 5. 4
Easily Win Close Plays
Want to know how to easily win close plays even on All-Star mode? When you are in a close play, and the button appears on the screen, quickly pause the game using the Home button on the Wii remote, when you see the button on the paused screen, unpause the game and press that button quickly! And you win!
Throw A Super Fast Ball
Hold down B and A then push 2.
Characters With Special Actions For Close Plays
In the training for close plays, did you recall what Lakitu said at the end? He said that characters with special actions can press the close play button again if they mess up the first time. Here are the characters who have the power to do that.
MarioBaby MarioBowserBowser JrKoopa Troopa (Green/Red) (Without Wings)Toad (including the other colored Toads as well)ToadetteToadsworthBooKing BooMonty MoleDry BonesBlooperWiggler
Note! When these characters get into a close play, you can press both A/B buttons simultaneously, and you automatically win, but that only works when they are on the offense side (running the bases). It won’t work if they are on defense.
Close Plays
To make a close play, the runner has to be about a foot or less away from the base. Then the game will pause and it will tell you to press a certain button. Then the runner will either grow bigger and knock the ball out of the fielder’s hand or will jump over the fielder. Sometimes it might be totally different. Close plays are not always done when your runner is about to be tagged out.
Buddy Strike
To do this, you need to use DK and another character that has chemistry. When the ball gets close to DK, use the B button to make him dive for the ball. Once you’ve done that, throw the ball really hard. If you do this correctly, you should see the ball turn blue and it will be full of energy.
Have Donkey Kong to brake the second crate in Wario’s area.
Secret Shop
Go to Dk’s Jungle and use Mario to go through the pipe that is under the bridge, and you should land end up on the very bottom of the jungle and there will be a chest,(you will need Wario for this, if you don’t know how get Dk to join your team, go clear up all the for in Wario’s place then use Dk to climb up the vines that are on the building and he will join your team after you complete the scout mission!) and you use Wario’s ability to open it up and there will be Daisy”s Cruise Pass and click on the sun and it will change to night(will only happen if you have beat Bowser Jr.) and click on Daisy’s cruis ship, show the owner your pass and you can now shop there. The items aren’t very cheap but it include a couple of new items in the shop that the others don’t have!
Daisy Cruiser Pass (At Night)
To do this and get on it to change from day to night you need to go to Dk’s jungle and do everything you need to do then when you have all leaders which are: Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Dk, and Wario. Then once done go back to Dk jungle and once you have raised the bridge go under it and chose Mario to go through it and there should be a treasure chest somewhere on the very last level in the jungle and use Wario’s special move and you can go to the cruiser and you will find out that is is actually a shop at night but mini-game at day.
Opening Chests
To open the chests that you see you need to save Wario from the roof top and play Waluigi to get him. Then once you beat Waluigi he gives up and will join your team and will let you open the chest. All you have to do is point the star at the bottom and a screen will appear. Then click on the current leader then look for Wario and click on him then get close to the chest and press the A button and it will open holding items.
Baby Donky Kong And King K. Rule In Exhibition
Got Dixey kong to be your MVP
Buddy Jump
To buddy jump you need to people that are friendly with each other then press A next to that person, then press A again when coming down.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Mario Super Sluggers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Unlock Koppa In Challenge Mode
To unlock Koppa in Challenge Mode, get Peach and use her power and the Koppa will come out of the WANTED! sign. (Note: you got to clear the fog to get him.)
Unlocking The Stamps
Get all members of all teams, beat Bowser 2 times and Bowser Jr. one time and then play each team (change team leaders to play ALL teams) and once you have done all that you can have ALL the stamps.
Minigames Day And Night
To play the minigames you must beat bowser jr. and click on the sun to change to the moon and to change back just click on the sun. Now if not mistaken you can go under story mode and if you have beat Bowser Jr. and Bowser twice, then it shouldn’t matter and you can play minigames during the day. There is one thing though, once you beat Bowser Jr. go back to day and you can now play a mini game in Bowser Jr.’s playground.
Unlock All Of Bowser’s Team
You have to beat Bowser Jr. one time then after that get who you have to or want to have and play Bowser two times and after the second time you should be able to play him in exhibition and in story mode.
Donkey Kong
Get Dixie to join your team, then complete the scout mission.
Unlock Waluigi And The Error Item Fireballs
Use Yoshi on the manhole behind the crates. You’ll come up on the rooftop with a chest. Waluigi will drop down on you. Open the chest to get a new error item: Fireballs
Power Bat
Beat Bowser Jr. or buy it at the store for 50 coins.
Unlock Wario
Use DK to climb the vines to the rooftop.
Unlock Wiggler And Toy Field
Enter the password on the roller coaster controls(I remember the 1st three: 5,4,2). Wiggler will land on the flower. Complete the scout mission and he’ll join you, also giving you a pass to Toy Field.
Unlock Birdo
Beat Piranha panic in the Yoshi area.
Unlock Red And Blue Shy Guy
Exterminate the piranha plants in the Ferris wheel.
Unlock Yellow Shy Guy
Beat him at the chest with the brushin it.
Unlock Green + Black Shy Guy
Use Peach at the stumps.
Unlock Green Yoshi
Exterminate the piranha in the pipe.
Unlock Red Yoshi
Use Wario to open the chest at the edge of the map and give it to Red Yoshi.
Unlock Blue Yoshi
Get to the Roller coaster controls.
Unlock Pink, Light Blue, And Yellow Yoshi
Use Yoshi by the trees.
Unlock Baby Dasiy
Use Wario magnet on the right of the fountain to get Baby Daisy’s rattle. Then, she’ll join you when you give it to her.
Unlock Petey Piranha
Use Peach’s ability on the flower pot and Petey will jump out.
Unlock Toadette
Put the maze back together in the Peach area.
Unlock Red Toad
Beat Hammer bro. in the Peach area.
Unlock Blue Toad
Talk to him with Peach.
Unlock Yellow, Green, And Purple Toad
Use Mario on the bushes near the flower pot to be surprised by the toads.
Unlock Blooper
Use Peach’s ability in the water, on the bubbles, on the dock.
Unlock Monty Mole
Use Peach to wake Monty Mole in the sand
Red Noki
Talk to him on the clam.
Blue And Green Noki
Talk to them on the beach in the Mario area.
Blue Pinata
Get the key and unlock the shop which pinata is trapped inside.
Red Pinata
Use Yoshi to shake the tree on the bottom area in the Mario area.
Yellow Pinata
Use DK to bust the middle barrel.
Unlock Toadsworth
Put the Daisy statue on the pedestal.
How To Unlock Baby Peach In Exhibition
You need to make peach your MVP during a game.
Baby DK
To get baby DK you have to us Yoshi’s ability to get baby DK out of a tree in challenge mode.
Unlock Daisy
Get Peach. Then, go talk to Daisy. You will need to get the toad statue where the red toad is. Beat Hammer Bro. and take the stone statue and place it on the pedestal where Daisy is.
Unlock Peach
Beat Bowser Jr. in Peach’s area
Unlock Luigi’s Mansion
In challenge mode, Get the Luigi Flashlight at the store in the Mario stadium area, and beat Bowser Jr., and it should change to nighttime. Now you can play the minigame “Ghost K”. Bowser will be available to beat, but only in nighttime. Once you beat bowser, Luigi’s Mansion will be available in exhibition mode.
Unlock Critter
To unlock critter play two games in exhibition
Unlock Baby Mario
Beat Bowser Jr. in Mario’s stadium area.
Unlock Baby Peach
Get Peach to use Heart power on the toad-shaped bush and Baby Peach will pop out.
Daisy Stadium
Buy the Cruise Pass at Peach’s Ice Garden, play the minigame there, and beat Bowser.
All-Star Players
Beat Bowser, and your team players who played against Bowser are now all-star.
Get The Error Item Badge
To get this badge unlock all the error items. The items are the fireball, the mini boos, and the POW block.
Unlock Wiggler And Toy Field In 1-P Challenge Mode
To unlock Wiggler and Toy Field in 1-Player challenge mode, go to Yoshi Park. Go to where you find Blue Yoshi and type in the correct numbers on the code machine. When you are done talk to Wiggler and he will go on your team and give you the pass to Toy Field.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Mario Super Sluggers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Mario Super Sluggers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Mario Super Sluggers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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