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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#gtwasthere #vitadagiornalista #realtime #interview #ilovemyjob #click #novarajazziv #novarajazz #novarajazzfestival #tasteofjazz #novara #novarajazz1617 #music #live #jazz #jazzfestival #concert #jazzfest #musician #novaround #jazzmusic #onstage #jazzvisions #livejazz #jazzlive #jazzconcert #smileandgo #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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emsartwork · 5 years ago
Sorry if i wasn't specific about the trix but i saw a clip of a 3d animated battle from the magical adventure movie (the 2nd one with the pegasus where the trix are forcefully fused with the ghosts of the ancestral witches and become the SuperTrix
Yeah! I also updated their basic witch uniforms
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The super trix forms are basically forced possession/soul convergence between the spirits of the ancestral witches and the trix, so they’re just the two looks combined and honestly looks a little weird lol
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theinsanecrayonbox · 4 years ago
I find it interesting that you've done so many superhero parodies for the FOP Superverse - Wonder Woman, Batman, Deadpool, Squirrel Girl, even Rorschach - but there's no real Joker or Harley Quinn figure. Was this a conscious decision, or did the FOP characters just not fit the scary clown aesthetic very well?
i admit, my first reaction to this was "really? huh, that's funny", but the more i thought about it...
in 2010, when the Superverse got started, there was actually a Joker!Trixie created by Ultrasponge on dA, who also had a Harley!Tootie, and having lived through the DP fandom where if you even coincidentally had a similar idea as someone else popular, you got crucified for rippoffs...i just chose to avoid using either
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(Jokesy meets SuperTrix fanart i did back then)
but if you look hard enough, you do see elements of both in places, because as the Superverse evolved, i tried to do less straight 1:1 parodies, and tried to blend ideas together for more interesting pastiches
like SilverDollar; he actually has one of the Joker origins for how he got his powers/rivalry with Cleft (the good guy forced him to accidentally fall into a vat of toxic goo which he survived)
and i did actually use Harley as a design base once, in the Super Teen Squad universe
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Splatter Shot, though still Deadpool like, was meant to take more design cues from Harley, plus the fact that she was more aligned with her sister made her more "henchman" like Harley started as too.
it also didn't help that we didn't have a Joker-like analog in the FOP canon for the longest time; Catman didn't get his in Mouse Man until 2017 in Cat N' Mouse.
ultimately though, it also boils down to the fact that i am actually more of a Marvel girl than a DC girl in general. yes i like the Bat-stable, but i prefer Deadpool over Harley, so i kinda just gravitated towards using him over her. i do the character bits that i like and just hope that y'all have fun along the ride with me (thus why SquirrelGal technically belongs to PK and i only do specials with her for her)
but who knows what the future will bring!
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isabelegrey · 10 years ago
1,2,3 1,2,3 Drink 1,2,3 1,2,3 Drink 1,2,3 1,2,3 Drink! #TheTrix #Trix #SuperTrix
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#tiraccontolaprimavera #curiosiclickincittà #Novara #igersnovara #igerspiemonte #realtime #ABC #forme e #colori #fiori e #matite #primavera #spring #giottomatite #flowersworld #instagood #instagram #instagramersgallery #instaflower #beauty #flower_beauties #flowerstagram #citystyle #citydecoration #street #decoration #tiè #smileandgo #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#uovadipasqua #uovadicioccolato #eastereggs #Opening ♡ #pasqua2017 #behappy #spring #storyportrait #piccolinovaresi #novara #igersitalia #igersitaly #igersnovara #tagsta #tagstagram #atmosphere #ig_great_shot #bestmoment #bestpicture #smileandgo #cuore #gioia #gioiellini #brotherandsister #sogni #storie #love #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #curiosa #brunetta #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
#video #relax #goodnight🌙 #Novara #Piemonte #ignovara #igpiemonte #volgonovara #volgopiemonte #volgoitalia #volgosocial #italy #instatraveling #instapassport #travelblog #travelworld #tourism #trip #travel #travelgram #exploring #travelvideo #citybestvideo #earthvideo #natgeotravelvideo #videotag_it #discoverearth #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
G, #1annoemezzoscarso, #stoppalaclip 😏 #RICARICANATURALE CONTRO LA STANCHEZZA #FORMULASEGRETA #bambinincasa #lacasadeibambini #risate #ilsuonomigliore #solletico #love #senzamotivo #lovely #baby #babylove #babyvideo #videobaby #face #instababy #instacool #instadaily #instalikeback #videoftheday #gioco #followme #social #👩 #smileandgo #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#forme e #colori #luci e #ombre #inverno...#tulipani #ottimascelta #mamma #homesweethome #cold #flowersworld #nature #instagood #instagram #instagramersgallery #instaflower #beauty #flower_beauties #flowerstagram #photooftheday #photoofday #homestyle #homedecoration #interior #interiordesign #design #decoration #flowersarefriends #tiè #smileandgo #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#bimbaseisemprefantastica #festadellamamma #ricordarlosempre #battitisinceri #picoftheday #likeme #mothersday #mom #momlife #famiglia #lavoretto #scuola #school #poetry #photo #nofilter #ilovemum #cuore #fiori #amoredimamma #iger #pic #regalo #felicità #present #flowers #lovemybaby #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#gtwasthere #Novara #Piemonte #ignovara #igpiemonte #volgonovara #volgopiemonte #volgoitalia #volgosocial #italy #italia #instatraveling #instapassport #travelblog #travelworld #LOVES_UNITED_NOVARA #tourism #travel #travelgram #traveling #exploring #travelphoto #citybestpics #bestpicture #monument #phototag_it #architecture #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Basilica of San Gaudenzio)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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Congratulazioni #dottoresse e #dottori! Quarta edizione #GraduationDay2017 #gradday2017 "Con #umiltà e #aTestaAlta studiate e viaggiate. Siate divoratori di #curiosità e protagonisti della #vita con impegno. Siate osservatori critici, aperti alla diversità". #VogliadiSviluppo #OrgoglioItaliano #ToccaaVoi #FateValereLeVostreIdee #LIstruzioneCambiaIlMondo #parità #DonneAiutateviTravoi #speech #TizianaFerrario #lacaricadeimille #villaggio #coraggio #cerimoniadeltocco #10giugno2017 #UPO #gtwasthere #novara #news #bevilalucedelsoleeaccendilestelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#LaForzaDegliAnni.  #ComunitaDiSantEgidio_Mostra degli #artisti con #disabilità_#laboratorio #arte #pontetragenerazioni #periferia #ricchezza #anziani #gtwasthere #WORKING #ilovemyjob #communication #myworld #interview #instajob #videojournalist #Novara #tv #tg #news #vitadagiornalista #followme #news #Novara #smileandgo #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#gtwasthere #Novara #Piemonte #ignovara #igpiemonte #volgonovara #volgopiemonte #volgoitalia #volgosocial #italy #italia #instatraveling #instapassport #travelblog #travelworld #tourism #loves_united_novara #travel #travelgram #traveling #exploring #travelphoto #citybestpics #bestpicture #monument #phototag_it #architecture #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#BUONADOMENICA #ricetteperpassionediqualcunaltro #tricolore #semplicemente #colorinelpiatto #italia #italy #igersitalia #italyfoodporn #italianfood #novara #everywhere #ig_novara #igerspiemonte #igersitalia #instagood #instafood #food #foodaddict #foodart #piattiitaliani #mangiareitaliano #official_italian_food #verdure #taralli #smileandgo #curiosa #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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giusytrimboli · 8 years ago
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#BUONADOMENICA #ricetteperpassionediqualcunaltro #tricolore #semplicemente #colorinelpiatto #italia #italy #igersitalia #italyfoodporn #italianfood #novara #everywhere #ig_novara #igerspiemonte #igersitalia #instagood #instafood #food #foodaddict #foodart #piattiitaliani #mangiareitaliano #official_italian_food #verdure #taralli #smileandgo #curiosa #BeviLaLuceDelSoleeAccendiLeStelle #SUPERTRIX #SECRETSTUFF (presso Novara, Italy)
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