#supercharger dip
scr4n · 2 months
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KFC 6 piece boneless chicken with fries, gravy and supercharger dip 🐓🍟
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btsmosphere · 3 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 13: One Of Us
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Jungkook doesn’t seem to be angry for the reasons you expected.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, injuries, blood, more guilt and self-doubt, past parental death
a/n: something about jungkook skidding a 180 to stop his bike and just running into the storm.... yeah🥵
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A faint knock disturbed Jungkook.
Half-standing from where he had been sat rigid on his bed, he found himself facing Jimin. The other man peeped sheepishly around the door, head dipped apologetically.
Although Jungkook didn’t want to scare his hyung, it was impossible to shake the tension from his frame. The venomous exchange with you still ran hot through his veins. He did feel somewhat responsible for dispelling the group with his foul mood when he had returned upstairs. Maybe they had gathered up and saw fit to invite him again?
It was probably what he needed, even if he didn’t feel particularly sociable right now – so long as you weren’t there. He could do without a reminder…
“Have you seen Y/N?”
Eyes snapping back to Jimin, Jungkook’s brows twitched irritably.
“No,” he shot, incredulous.
At Jimin’s slight wince, Jungkook did feel a bit guilty and swallowed away some of his attitude.
“Okay, I didn’t think so…”
Still, Jimin hovered there biting his lip instead of leaving. He took a breath and eyed Jungkook carefully again.
“But you guys… spoke, right?” Jungkook’s brow raised. That was a generous way to put it. Jimin pressed on, “where did she go after?”
Jungkook straightened up fully.
“I don’t know…” he blinked, confused, frown rapidly clearing to be replaced with apprehension. “Why?”
Jimin’s hand curled tighter around the door. He dropped his eyes before speaking.
“We just… can’t find her right now.”
Jungkook’s face screwed up, uncomprehending.
“What do you mean you can’t find her?”
“Yah, Jimin-ah,” a call stole both men’s attention.
Stepping further into Jungkook’s room, Jimin made way for Yoongi to stride in. The older man stopped, looking to Jungkook.
“Do you know where she is?”
Yoongi breathed out steadily, then turned to Jimin. Dipping his chin, his next tone was quieter, making Jungkook strain to catch it.
“The training rooms are clear. Jin’s lab, too.”
Huffing quietly, Jimin shifted on restless feet. Suddenly looking up, he decided to keep questioning Jungkook.
“What did you guys even talk about? What did you say to her?”
Jungkook’s head was spinning. Had you seriously gone missing? Would you have left? He thought his heart dropped enough at the notion that he could have driven you out with his words-
Until the next thought crossed his mind with terrifying clarity.
Oh. Oh.
All eyes snapped to Jungkook, who stared ahead without seeing. For a moment, they held their breath with him.
Then he blinked rapidly, shutting his gaping mouth.
“She’s gone after him.”
It was Jimin and Yoongi’s turn to gape.
“What?” Jimin shook his head, blinking.
“She’s really not here?” Jungkook reiterated.
Yoongi shook his head.
Jungkook’s only response was a decisive step forwards, walking between the others, who backed out of his way, startled.
“She’s gone after Monsoon?” Jimin echoed as he passed, his voice a hollow whisper.
Equally horrified, Yoongi stared at Jungkook.
“Is she mental?”
Jungkook cocked his head but didn’t stop, only looking over his shoulder in the doorway.
“You hadn’t noticed?”
Carving a beeline through the space, Jungkook drew the eyes of the rest of the group that stood nervously around the space. Even Namjoon was there. Hobi was still looking around, as if he might find you under one of the sofa cushions if he just looked hard enough.
Scurrying after him, Jimin offered an explanation after Jungkook stayed stubbornly quiet.
“He says she’s run off to… to Monsoon.”
Namjoon’s head snapped around to Jungkook.
“She told you that?”
“You think she would tell any of us if that was her plan?” Jungkook retorted, without looking around. He was bending down to observe something below the counter.
“What-? she wouldn’t,” Jin insisted.
“Then why are there keys missing?” Jungkook straightened up.
Namjoon cursed.
“She’s walking to her death,” he then muttered, marching to the door, “we need to find her. Now.”
And so it was all action for the second time that day.
Jungkook was close behind his leader, already swinging a set of keys from his fingers. Tugging a hand roughly through his hair, his feet flew down the steps to the garage.
“And where are we meant to look?” Jin asked, rushing to catch up.
Pausing in the entrance, Namjoon locked eyes with Jungkook.
“Wherever we might find Monsoon.”
Jungkook gave a single nod.
“Alright. Hope, Jimin, with me,” Namjoon jabbed his thumb towards a car and they were off.
Jin peeled away with V and Yoongi while Jungkook forced his legs not to break into a sprint. He hot-footed it to his bike, threw a leg over and was away before any of the others.
Whizzing into the night, rain whipped about his face. Speeding through the buffeting wind forced his mind outwards, on squinting through the storm and not on you. Wherever you had got to. He prayed he wasn't right – but picturing the way you had never quit when he fought you, how you had recklessly trained even at the risk of losing control of your powers… he couldn’t see another explanation for your disappearance.
He couldn’t explain the certainty he felt about it. Didn’t want to.
So he urged his bike faster, the engine roaring below him the only comfort as it ate up the road between you.
The radio crackled through the storm, the others coordinating their destinations. Needless to say, you would be somewhere along the docks, but that didn’t narrow it down much. Jin was heading north, the others central.
Jungkook never responded, his original intentions unchanged.
At the first opportunity, he turned towards the river. He ditched his bike right at the end of the docks, where the concrete became earth banks again. Hardly caring to park it, he only left it upright by sheer luck as he took off running the moment the engine cut.
The storm was thicker here, rain slicing his vision. Blundering on, frustration knotted tighter within him at each stretch of empty paving. Dark shapes loomed, but each was just a piece of machinery, or another container dotted about between the floodlighting.
His heart jolted dangerously at a sound from the radio.
“We’re definitely on the right track,” Namjoon spoke, “the car’s here.”
Somehow that didn’t make Jungkook feel any better. An abandoned car, an abandoned dockyard… where were you?
One more look back, just in case, before he rounded the next large container, impatient eyes roving the desolate scene. It was as he stepped into the light on the other side that a rogue wave was thrown against the bank some way ahead. The slap of water and fountain of spray drew his eyes. Flecks caught the floodlight and rained back to earth in a shower of gold, before the wave was beaten back by the same wind that coaxed it up.
A gust pushed damp hair into Jungkook’s eyes. He brushed it back, eyes fixed on the same spot.
Where the river retreated, something remained.
Heart plummeting like a stone, his vision tunnelled, only seeing the path to you.
His feet moved before his thoughts. Racing towards the body slumped on the ground. No, no, no…
Then, movement. Slowly, you brought your elbows up, palms pushing you from the ground. One hand stayed there, steadying, as you clumsily got your legs below you.
Standing with trepidation, you hardly had time to look around before Jungkook was on you.
He ran to you without slowing, grabbed you, his rough hands finding your arms, wide eyes scanning you intensely. One hand held you steady, but the other shifted instantly to your face.
“Have you lost your mind?!”
Breathless, you simply stared at the man in front of you. No answer found its way to your lips even when his eyes flicked up to meet yours. They burned, but not in a way you were used to. Fear and disbelief blazed brightest in his gaze.
The fingertips at your jaw shook. His thumb hovered on your cheekbone, where blood wept from the cut, diluted in spots by the rain.
His gaze swooped back down to eye it, thumb finally making careful contact with your cold skin. Next, he found the gash above your eye. His jaw tightened, but his severe grip eased to a something gentler at your shoulder.
After the last hellish moments, it felt all too good to be held within his hands.
Meeting your eyes again, he suddenly blinked. Pulled back minutely, as if startled.
As mild mortification took over his features, his touch lightened on your arm, but didn’t disappear. His hand lifted from your face, and for a moment he stared in horror at the bloodied digits.
Then he dropped it, looking sharply back up at you.
Before he could make his last ditch effort to save face and step back completely, he felt you sag into his hand. With the shock of your most blatant injuries wearing off, he tuned into the way you shivered, out of breath, and cradled one arm closer to you.
“What the hell were you thinking-? What did he do to you?”
Jungkook’s heated tone wore off halfway through the questions.
Giving in, he stepped closer, raising a hesitant arm on your other side. Still breathing a little too fast, you latched onto it without a thought, grasping his elbow to lean on, panting.
Even through your exhaustion, cold shame permeated you. You couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I couldn’t get it back,” you admitted.
Jungkook frowned down at you incredulously, even though you didn’t see.
“And you’re insane for trying,” he muttered, already twisting to scan the area you found yourselves in.
Releasing the hand on your shoulder but keeping the arm which bore your weight, he steered you both towards the nearest shipping container.
“We’re going home, alright?”
It hardly sounded like a question.
More wobbly on your feet than you were ready to admit, you followed without protest despite your confusion. Jungkook should be throwing you to the curb! This was your second failure of the day. Your whiplash only increased when you stopped in the relative shelter of a container and Jungkook shook one arm from his jacket.
The river had chilled you, but it wasn’t only the temperature difference that burned when his hand touched yours. He eased your fingers from him for a moment, just long enough to slip off his other sleeve.
It was only then that he hesitated, glancing at the jacket in his hand, and then at you, a little shaken.
He didn’t look you in the eyes as he slung it around you at last. But his pretence at concentrating on fixing it around your shoulders was disrupted at a hiss from you.
You bit your lip, but it was too late. Jungkook pulled back, eyes zeroing in on the slash through your sodden top, hanging away from the bloody cut beneath. Then to the wrist you hurriedly shielded with your other hand.
“Hey,” he murmured, “let me see.”
Before you could convince yourself to object, tentative fingertips were gingerly sliding up your waterlogged sleeve to reveal the deep bruising there, patterned by the sole of Monsoon's boot.
Pure worry filled Jungkook's eyes and he gulped. It was too much for you to look at.
“Thank you,” you murmured, tugging at the heavenly warm jacket and ignoring the sting.
Jungkook nodded absently.
“We’ll wait here… Do you need to sit down?”
Neither of you were meeting the other’s eyes. You chewed your cheek. As much as you wished you could stand strong and prove to Jungkook that you had any respectability left, your legs were not on the same page.
You sank to the ground, grip on Jungkook slipping away. Your frozen hands retreated to the warmth inside his jacket instead.
Only letting his eyes linger on you for a moment, Jungkook forced his gaze to the churning river as he finally remembered his radio. It was hopeless really; he only got as far as lifting the device to his mouth before his eyes were back on you. You were too static, hunched into yourself. The only movement was the creeping of droplets from your hair down his jacket.
This was not what you were. Quiet and surrender were not things that went together with the girl he knew.
Had he done this?
“Hey, hyungs–” so lost in thought, he surprised himself when he spoke “–I found her.”
The response was instant.
“Thank fu-”
“Hey, you really got her?”
“Where are you guys?”
Quickly sending over the location, Jungkook eyed you again. You hadn’t reacted to anything going on around you.
“Hey, I think she needs to go back in the car,” he added quietly.
He pocketed his radio. Then instantly regretted it. Now he was at a loss for what to do with his hands, and he hesitated between staying standing or sitting beside you. Opting for the latter, he purposely tore his eyes from you to lessen the effect.
Stiffening as he lowered himself to your side, you glanced over at him. The floodlighting looked gold on his cheeks, his skin glowing with the sheen of rain coating his face. It only made you feel duller in comparison.
Unable to resist the insistent feeling of your eyes on him, Jungkook finally glanced back.
You sucked in a breath, shoulders raising. Your gaze was all too nervous, watching him warily. And though you were clearly soaked to the bone, he wasn’t sure all the water on your face was from the river and not your own eyes.
The strength of your remorse removed all words you could have used to express it.
I’m so sorry… You sounded pathetic even in your head. Was there anything you could say to Jungkook to make what you had done better?
The warmth of him beside you was already more than you deserved.
Jungkook’s hands were sandwiched between his knees, carefully leaving a space between the two of you. But the longer he looked, his limbs acted almost by themselves. He pinched his lip between his teeth, but didn’t falter. Pulling one hand free, he crossed the no-man’s land. Towards the blood he couldn’t bear to see there, where it cascaded into your eye, one drop outlining your jaw.
The back of his fingers drew closer. When they met your cheek, running steadily upwards to wipe the bleeding, you could have cried. Holding your breath, you gave in and closed your eyes. It shouldn’t feel so… intimate, but the drag of his hand was too visceral to ignore.
Light behind your eyelids made you snap them open again. And then squint.
Blaring headlights swung around, illuminating your momentary hiding spot.
Jungkook’s warmth retreated, leaving you with only the heat of your own blood spilling over your face.
Straightening up, you heard an engine cut out and doors slam. You were still struggling up from the floor when the guys reached you.
“Are you okay?” Hope was the first to ask.
Then Jimin’s hand was on your shoulder. Namjoon emerged behind them.
“Glad we found you,” he said.
Blinking uselessly at each of them gathering around you, your throat was totally uncooperative. You parted your lips, but gave up just as Jin completed your group. Looking you up and down, he tried to ease the tension with a chuckle.
“Wow, you look like you came from the river!” he joked, until his face fell a second later. “…wait- did you-?”
All you could do was stare, too distracted to answer him. What were they all doing here? After what you had done, they came after you?
You should have hated it. You were sorely ashamed, bowing your head under the weight of their concern. But somewhere deep down, you weren’t surprised. Back there in the river, you had dared to hope they would come for you, like they always did. Like you would for them.
But you felt incredibly small for having to count on them nonetheless.
Unconsciously, your feet took you a step back, closer to Jungkook. Shrinking away from the overwhelming tide of emotions you weren’t prepared to face yet.
“I think we all just want to get home,” Jimin smiled softly.
Namjoon nodded, the first to turn away, lessening the glare of the spotlight you felt on you in the centre.
“Yoongi’s going to take the other car,” he said.
Good – you had completely forgotten you had driven here at all. Everything was a blur between your consecutive fights with Jungkook and Monsoon.
Just as you were beginning to debate which one had stung more, a soft hand in yours tugged you from your mind again. Looking up, you found V quietly pulling you along towards a car. He didn’t meet your eyes. Your throat felt tight again at such a simple act guiding you when you needed it.
Blindly following your friend, you glanced back once more. Jungkook’s eyes were already on you, unreadable.
“See you back home.”
Then he dipped his head, slipping past you into the storm.
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Your tired body had clearly clocked out on the drive home, finally able to sink into yourself in the silence of the car. You had to admit you felt a bit bad for Jin, who loved to talk. Being stuck in a car with you while you were practically too ashamed to speak, and V who was always quiet, must have made it a long journey.
He got a few words out of you. Honestly, you felt obliged to answer his questions. You owed him – owed them all – some honesty.
If you had to say anything unprompted, though, you were sure all you would muster up was repeated apologies. You felt the heat of them frenetic beneath your skin. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
When you arrived, pulling in just after the other cars, only Jungkook still to follow on his bike, you realised just how drained you were. Each step felt like a balancing act as you climbed the stairs, like your legs weren’t quite attached to you.
“So you remembered Monsoon’s base just from seeing the maps way back?” Jin carried on the conversation you hardly registered having, “no wonder Kuyang had you as his secretary. Too bad, we’ve got you now!”
Those words cracked through your distracted haze. As he left you with a pat on the back, you stared after him.
Had he not seen what had happened all day? A treacherous glimmer of hope sparked in you, as if they could still want you on the team. He must be pretending.
“Any dinner requests?” Yoongi asked from the table.
“Uh, um, I don’t mind,” you spoke quietly, “anything is good… thanks.”
Stopping in front of a chair, you never sat. The lot of them filled up the house like always, thankfully not all staring at you, but the appreciation you normally felt for the buzz of people only made you feel far away right now.
Eyes darting to your feet, you noticed the water clinging to your shoes, miniature pools left in your footsteps. Everyone was damp from the rain, but you were a different story. Your clothes clung uncomfortably, and you were suddenly aware of the constricting fabric now it pressed against your skin like this.
“I’ll just… go clean up,” you muttered, finally taking the chance to flee from the people you had wronged. The people who shouldn’t have cared enough to come pick you up from a death wish of an escapade in the middle of a storm.
Falling against the bathroom door at last, you put up with the soggy clothing for a moment longer, needing a pause. Head resting back against the wood, you breathed. Closed your eyes, felt your hands shaking.
Then you pushed away. A spurt of energy had you ridding yourself of your clothes in a hurry, tugging free of the fabric weighted down with cursed water.
Hurling them into the bathtub, you grabbed a towel next and sunk into it. The soft fabric felt like a dream, from somewhere warm where you hadn’t made such a terrible mistake.
When you pulled away, it was bloodstained.
Shoulders drooping, you continued to dry yourself without looking at it. Nor did you want to look at yourself in the mirror. Somehow, you would have to attempt a fix for the wounds you had just acquired, which pulled and stung as you twisted to dry your back. Gritting your teeth, you kept at it. You didn’t really know what you should do, and were mainly counting on your powers to heal them up fast, but you weren’t about to trouble any of the others for help. They had done enough.
You turned next to a stack of dry clothes.
It was as a sweater dropped over your eyes that someone knocked.
The sound wasn’t soft. Only hesitating for a moment, you gave in and found the person on the other side just as decisive as his knock.
Jungkook stood with his arms folded. Expectant.
Your poked your head out, looked at him warily.
He had enough of your waiting and tugged his arms free, pulling the door open and marching inside.
The breath caught in your chest as you backed up, bracing yourself. He would be right to chew you out right now. He had been right earlier too, you saw that now-
“We could have lost you!”
Your eyes were fixed on him. Couldn’t look away, couldn’t even blink.
You thought you had been prepared, but the fierceness of his tone took even you off-guard. Not to mention the words it was paired with. You hadn’t expected that. But as they sunk in, they brought your heart down with them.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” your voice was quiet, but perfectly clear in the confined space.
His eyes only hardened.
“Don’t talk like that.”
While his eyes pierced you, his tone was less abrasive. If you hadn’t known better, it would almost have sounded like begging.
It even succeeded in making you shut up for a short time. But you forced your jaw to cooperate, breathed in.
“But… but I-” sighing roughly, you dropped your gaze to the side. Glared at yourself in the mirror. “I fucked up. I ruined it, I let Monsoon get what he-”
An abrupt step forwards cut you off. Startled, you looked up to find Jungkook snatching the first aid box from the side and stalking towards you.
“Sit down,” he instructed.
Struck dumb for the second time, you did.
He followed. He knelt down right in front of you, and started unpacking stuff from the medical kit as if this was completely normal. Or perhaps to avoid having to face that it wasn’t.
“I would say you should’ve known he would do a number on you-” Jungkook began, to which you sighed.
“I’m lucky I even made it out alive, I know, I know-”
“Hardly,” Jungkook scoffed, turning back to you with a small cloth in hand, “if it was luck, yours would have run out by now.”
You blinked. And then tried hard to avoid blinking, because he leaned forward to press the wipe above your eye.
You swallowed against the sting. Swallowed harder when his other hand lightly steadied your temple on the opposite side.
“You really think I’m good luck, after today?”
A self-depreciating downward tilt dragged at your lips.
Jungkook, on the other hand, chuckled. It was brief, but it was there, a joyful quirk of his mouth.
Your heart shouldn’t have sunk at his agreement.
His eyes flicked to yours, then away again as he focussed on his task. But he surprised you, and spoke again.
“I thought you were good luck before today.”
Though your mouth opened, you found all words had been robbed from you. Now, with your staring, he refused to catch your gaze again.
Resigned to not understanding him at all, you shut your mouth and sat in the silence for another minute. He changed cloths, chucking a now-red one away and moving on to swipe at the stickier blood that lingered on your cheek and jaw.
Somehow, in the peaceful bathroom, with his light touches on your skin, you could finally look over the recent whirlwind of events with clarity. Unfortunately, your embarrassment only burned brighter when you examined it through such a magnifying lens.
Looking hesitantly up at Jungkook as he worked, you cleared your throat.
“How did you find me?”
He spent a second longer, one more long swipe over your cheekbone, before sitting back.
“Because that’s what I would have done. If I wanted to make things right.”
“But I didn’t manage to.”
Jungkook just shrugged.
“That depends. What were you trying to prove?”
“I-I- nothing! I don’t know” – you fell forwards, elbows on knees – “I wanted to get the gun back... that’s what we lost. What you were mad about, before.”
Jungkook didn’t move away, even when you slumped closer. His face looked a little pinched.
“Sure,” he spoke, voice only loud enough to travel the short distance to you, and no further. “But it was also… I was afraid. Because I had started- no, I trusted you. I didn’t want you to throw it back in my face now that I care-”
The end of his sentence snapped into silence like bone china, but the silence after the break was deafening. Reeling from what was thrown. The echoes rang in your skull.
He removed his gaze, staring somewhere to the side.
When you finally recovered your voice your words were simple, quiet.
“I’m sorry.”
Another moment passed. You couldn’t even hear your own breathing. Only saw his chest rise as he inhaled.
Then he levelled you with a gaze. His eyes sharpened as you observed each other.
“What for?”
You swallowed, shoulders sagging, but forced yourself not to look away.
“I’ve broken it. Our trust.”
“You showed me how badly you didn’t want it to break,” he pointed out.
Slowly, your mouth opened, something leaping perilously in your chest. Denying it, you frowned.
“Does that make a difference? I still didn’t fix anything…”
Letting out a breath through his nose, Jungkook dropped his cloth into the first aid bag and folded his arms loosely.
“If you still need to prove it to me, you can tell me why, then. Why you fight.”
His head raised as he cocked his chin up. Face blank, save for the challenging glint of his eye.
Shocked, you straightened up without thinking. Drew your arms back to your sides. This may have been the first time he had given you the chance to explain yourself. The first time he had offered himself to listen.
It took you a moment to gather yourself. Or rather, to wait until you were sure he wasn’t joking. What you had to say was already there, waiting on your tongue.
“I was just a spare… I was in the way, and that was all he needed to dispose of me. And other people… aren’t so lucky. I was given another chance, somehow. I needed to do something with it. I wasn’t part of Bolt’s plot, but that shouldn’t mean I’m not allowed to have my own.”
“You’re right.”
You could only stare, a curious frown shifting your face imperceptibly when Jungkook responded so promptly.
“Other people aren’t so lucky,” he carried on, slower now. His eyes shone under the bathroom lights. “My dad–” his voice unexpectedly gave out on him. His eyes darted down, only for a second, tongue briefly wetting his lips “–my dad was a guard. We didn’t have much money, he didn’t have much choice. So he worked for the first guy who would pay him a steady salary. Then Bolt-”
Horror had well and truly sunk into your bones before Jungkook even had to stop for the second time, choking on the word. Your body felt far away again. All you could see was Jungkook’s face as he staunchly forced his lips into an even line.
“He left the boss alive,” something bitter edged Jungkook’s voice. “He’s in prison. Bolt got his trophy. He has the kind of power that means people will overlook the cost.
“I was thirteen.”
You were stunned. You could only stare at him, lips parted stupidly as what he just told you sunk in. All this time, he had looked at you the way he did because… because you were exactly what he and his dad never got. Not only did you survive Bolt, you then basically became him.
You weren’t Bolt, not by a long shot. Jungkook had made sure of that, all while trying to prove to himself that you were.
But even trying to imagine what he must have thought of you was making your head spin. It would have been easier on him to hate you.
You could hardly breathe, but words were tumbling from your mouth anyway.
“I’m so sorry. Fuck, Jungkook…”
Jungkook was looking at you again. His eyes glistened, yes, but on the surface he held it together, the depth of his sadness flowing beneath.
Bending your head under the weight of understanding, your eyes rested on your hands. Lifting them, you turned them over. The same lightning that ran through your palms had torn his life apart long before Bolt ever turned his sights to you.
You had lived. Why you?
“I’m sorry he never got the chance I did.” Your sentences landed far apart, sparing. What could you say? “It should have been him.”
“I’m glad you got them.”
Time slowed down as Jungkook’s words made impact. You nearly choked on them.
You stared back at him, not breathing. The gaze he returned was level, totally serious. Had you heard him right?
“You’re good, Y/N-”
He dipped his head at last, but didn’t break the eye contact for long. He eyed you as if waiting for you to laugh in his face. Like he couldn’t believe he was saying this, either.
“And you do the right thing. So when you screwed up… I know you never meant for that to happen. You know what went wrong, and you won’t do it again. I know that. So I shouldn’t have-”
Huffing, he looked roughly to one side, jamming a hand into his hair. Glowered into the counter as he kept speaking.
“But it hurt more because it was you. I want you to be with… us. The-the boys all love you a lot, okay? You’re one of us now.”
Jungkook was distracted from his determination to avoid looking at you by a sniffle. You had already pushed the back of your hand against your mouth.
Though you tried for a glare, the awe in it did weaken the effect. You shook your head.
“I hate you, Jeon Jungkook.”
The look that flashed over his face was almost comically hurt.
“I-I thought I was done,” you rambled, “all I want is to be part of this team, I thought I had blown it- and now you’ve made me cry!”
Swiping at the couple of escaped tears with one hand, you jabbed the other one accusingly towards Jungkook. But you only meant a fraction of the venom, and he knew it. His lips tightened the way they did when he tried to suppress a smile.
When he held his hands up as if in surrender, you lowered yours. A watery sigh escaped you.
“You say this now, after you made me think I had to prove it to you all over again-”
Deflating, his stance softened. Dropping his hands, one of them hovered before landing on the closed toilet lid an inch from your knee.
“I never meant that. About you needing to suffer… I know you already have.” He chewed his lip for a moment before something sparked behind his eyes. “But hey, you ran off and did exactly that! I thought your whole point was that you didn’t want to-!”
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help the grin breaking out. Shifting, your leg dislodged Jungkook’s hand. His fingertips stilled where they now found themselves grazing your leg.
“We’re both idiots,” you concluded.
“Hey, don’t tell the others!”
With a breathy laugh, you gratefully felt some weight dissolve from your shoulders. Even after the laughter wore off, you felt yourself smiling faintly at your lap and took the chance to blink back your tears.
One was knocked free, shooting down your cheek-
Only to be intercepted by a finger.
Jungkook froze, hand still on your face, and gulped. A second too late to look natural, he glanced down with a gesturing nod.
“That’ll hurt like a bitch in that cut.”
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks.”
The pad of his thumb dragged away the salty water while you tried very hard not to look too hard at anything. Or to close your eyes. Would that be worse?
Then he moved backwards again, reaching for something new. The wound on your cheek was a cleaner cut, easier to deal with. As he wiped it a few times with a fresh gauze, his hand finally placed itself steadily over your knee.
A new kind of silence settled as he pressed two strips over each gash.
“You, um…” he withdrew his hand, “you should rest. And eat. Yeah. Eat, and rest.”
You nodded.
“Yeah, I should.”
Looking over to the door, you dragged your lip between your teeth. In fairness, Jungkook had been your biggest concern. But you had still royally fucked up today. Twice. You had the rest of your group to make it up to.
Maybe braving it sooner would be easiest. As much as you didn’t have the energy for it, they could recharge you. You all gave back to each other in the end.
Sensing your reservation, Jungkook stood.
“Hey,” he called your attention back to him, “they were just worried.”
“I guess they’ll be a piece of cake now, after you,” you couldn’t help smiling, “you’re the most obstinate one, after all.”
As you finished speaking, you followed him to stand, shooting a smirk into his affronted face. It looked as though he couldn’t decide whether to be offended or amused – until all that was erased as you crossed closer to him on your way to the door.
Your expression, too, faded. Your steps fell too sluggishly, but his gravity slowed them without your meaning to. It left you locked in his eyes for too long.
With your breath trapped in your throat, you had no idea how you managed it. Your voice sounded without premeditation, low but clear with your sincerity.
“Thanks, Jungkook.”
And then you turned, leaving him trying to recover his own racing heart behind you.
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Thank you for reading!!💜💜
<prev | masterlist | next>
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tsukikonikushimi · 10 months
Avatar the Official Cookbook of Pandora (Recipe Masterlist)
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I have finally gotten my hands on the cookbook. So there are four chapters, I will start posting them, but with what should i start?
Further down there's the list of recipes, if somone wants a specific one, write it down in the comments.
Omatikaya Offerings: (11/11) -> COMPLETED
1st Recipe -> OVUMSHROOM BURGER: Here
5th Recipe -> PARADISE COCKTAIL: Here
6th Recipe -> TACO SURPRISE: Here
8th Recipe -> GREEN SHAKSHUKA: Here
9th Recipe -> BOTANIST’S LUNCH BOWL: Here
10th Recipe -> HUNTERS’ TRAIL MIX: Here
11th Recipe -> HARMONY SALAD: Here (Poll for next week) NEW!!
RDA Rations: (13/14)
1st Recipe -> FRONTIER PANCAKES: Here
2nd Recipe -> WARRIOR "WINGS": Here
4th Recipe -> RDA CORN RIBS: Here
8th Recipe -> HYBRID MAC ‘N’ CHEESE: Here
9th Recipe -> SUPERCHARGED STEAK: Here
10th Recipe -> BASE CAMP BAKED PASTA: Here
12th Recipe -> SKIPPER STEW: Here
13th Recipe -> INTERSTELLAR SOUP: Here
Metkayina Bounty: (8/14)
1st Recipe -> SMOKED TROUT ROLLS: Here
4th Recipe -> SPICY SQUID MORSELS: Here
5th Recipe -> SEA SHIMMER POKE BOWL: Here
6th Recipe -> REEF BITES: Here
7th Recipe -> SEAGRASS TOFU STACKS: Here
8th Recipe -> OCEAN ORZO: Here
Clan Feasts: (11/11) -> COMPLETED
2nd Recipe -> LUMINESCENT ICE POPS: Here
6th Recipe -> HOMETREE PLATTER: Here
7th Recipe -> PURPLE SKY COOKIES: Here
10th Recipe -> SANCTUARY STEW: Here
11th Recipe -> TOTEM DIP: Here
Omatikaya's recipes:
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By: Kathleen Stock
Published: Apr 14, 2024
It is a cliché that when the US sneezes, the world catches a cold. Thankfully, when it comes to the phenomenon of wokeness — loosely understood as a box set of holier-than-thou attitudes about race, gender identity and sexual minorities, with accompanying punishment beatings for dissenters — many now appear to be reaching for the antivirals.
A friend of mine who teaches in a famous North American liberal arts college, full of achingly cool rich kids, tells me her undergrads are “so over” pronoun rounds, eye-rolling whenever staff try to introduce them in the classroom. Taste-making East Coast broadsheets are dipping nervous toes in the water on subjects such as unfair male advantage in women’s sport and the experimental status of medicalised child transition, having avoided or spiked such stories for years. The once ubiquitous hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has fallen out of favour with many, after accusations that the founders of the namesake organisation misused donations and enriched themselves.
Meanwhile in Britain, football players taking the knee are an increasingly rare sight. Organisations such as Sports England and the Arts Council are quietly exiting Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme, and the once-ebullient charity no longer feels confident enough to advertise the list of members on its own website. Free speech societies are forming with renewed vitality in British universities; and last week even saw those bellwethers of middle-class humour, the blokes on Have I Got News For You, pluck up courage to make a tentative joke about gender identity flags in NHS hospitals.
So can the rest of us — the ones who knew all along that wokeness was a pseudo-progressive hobby for guilty rich people, role-playing as meaningful political action — relax? Unfortunately not yet. For I’m afraid the demise of woke won’t be like the end of toothbrush moustaches, indie folk music or any other temporary behaviour supercharged by the whims of the young and the hip, then dropped without consequence. Wokeness, in contrast, is a bit like a hulking great boulder launched into the middle of a calm lake: waves will be crashing on the shoreline long after the epicentre bears no trace.
The most obvious difference between wokeness and other passing fashions is that nobody working in HR ever decreed that moustache-wearers or indie folk-listeners be considered uniquely oppressed minority groups. In contrast, thanks to wild and unevidenced claims made at the height of wokemania by lobbying groups, thousands of organisations have been left with unfair, illiberal and sometimes even illegal policies that blatantly cater to the special interests of a few: rules about how social spaces can be accessed and by whom; what data can and cannot be collected; what conversations are allowed and which are not. Policies tend to dictate organisational behaviour long after those who first championed them move on ideologically; and especially when propped up by a raft of specially created career positions, whose occupants have a financial interest in maintaining the momentum.
And alongside such policies, superficially moralised gestures have become embedded in many workplaces, embraced by senior figures for no better reason than they think everyone else is doing it too and by junior figures because the boss is doing it. Students at liberal arts colleges may no longer be listing their pronouns but the head of MI6 currently has his in his Twitter/X bio. Activist-sanctioned holy weeks and days are carefully observed by blue-chip managers. Hospitals, construction sites, police stations, council buildings, banks and hotels are festooned with the visual monstrosity that is the Progress flag. None of this happened with the craze for platform shoes or Agas.
In effect, the storm-surge of wokeness throughout British institutions from 2020 onwards was what the political scientist Cass Sunstein has called a “reputational cascade”: a relatively small number of people started acting in a certain way, each for roughly independent reasons; then at a certain point, a wider group of people started observing the behaviour of the smaller group and copying them, each privately assuming their reputations would be damaged if they did not. Before long, this pattern expanded exponentially, helped by the odd bit of public witch-burning.
Here again is a difference with more benign aesthetic crazes: if you don’t keep up with the moral version, you risk losing your social circle or even your job. But the reputational cascade that was wokeness didn’t just deter dissent from those frightened to swim against the perceived tide. It also incentivised opportunists, who actively used the surging tide to swim further ahead than their competitors. Many organisations latched on to it as a positive marketing strategy, thereby creating workplace structures and habits that, from the inside, now seem very difficult to unpick.
Perhaps, though, we shouldn’t be too gloomy. For of course, the existence of a reputational cascade doesn’t require sincere belief in the rectitude or wisdom of whatever behaviours you are copying, only the sincere belief that nearly everybody else thinks such behaviours are good ones. And, while no doubt depressing as a fact about human nature, this also has an upside: it only takes widespread realisation that other people don’t actually believe what you thought they believed for a reputational cascade to collapse. As organisations start to cotton on properly to the fact the tides of fashion are turning, it will be interesting to see what happens next.
[ Via: https://archive.today/z6ilh ]
This feels like it belongs with my "decline of religion" tag.
We're going to see a lot of historical revisionism, lying, ass-covering and gaslighting as the hold of "woke" falls apart, first gradually, then very, very quickly.
The Salem Witch Trials ended almost as quickly as they began once people in charge stopped pretending that they believed the crazy little girls and their theatrics.
The fallout and damage is going to be with us for a long time to come, though.
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
Boys will be Boys
Lmao dumb thoughts go brrrr
The house is suspiciously quiet. Time narrows his eye as he shuts the front door behind him, bullshit detector already blaring. It’s too early in the evening for anyone to be asleep (except Sky, obviously) but everyone’s shoes are tucked away in the foyer closet. He can't remember the last time the house wasn't filled with the sounds of gaming or remixed club music or just outright screaming. Especially when he knows the boys are home.
He toes off his shoes and keeps his eyes peeled for their typical nonsense. Time pokes his head into the kitchen, the usual hub of activity. But there isn’t anyone there. Just a few empty plates with crumbs and the pantry doors left ajar. He closes the cabinets, eye narrowing at the faint sounds of shuffling he can hear from the other room.
His investigation takes him into the living room. Stopping in the doorway, Time blinks at the unusual scene he walks in on.
Chips and dips and other miscellaneous snacks are piled onto the coffee table. A towering stack of DVD cases leans precariously over the fireplace mantle. And all the boys are lounging about, silent as the dead. Hanging off couches, curled up on the floor, even laying on top of one another in Legend and Hyrule’s cases. All of them seemingly hyperfocused on the television.
Watching the DVD screen saver icon bounce off of the borders of the screen.
Time blinks in confusion. He turns to them. "What are you boys-?"
"Shhh!" Legend shushes him sharply, eyes glued to the screen. "Quiet...."
Confused and a little annoyed at being dismissed so harshly, Time directs his attention back to the others. None of them, not even Wild or Twilight, make any move to greet him or even acknowledge his presence. They’re all too focused on the nearly black screen.
Time looks at the television and tries to see what they are seeing. Together with all the boys, he watches the color-changing logo bounce around the edges of the 86in screen. Seconds pass as the logo moves and the boys remain stock still.
With a feeling like he’s the only one in the room left out of a joke, Time shifts his weight uneasily. He waits impatiently for something to happen but no one says or does anything. His patience is just about frayed when Time feels a sudden electricity in the air as the logo makes two quick bounces in quick succession on a corner. The boys become alive and the air gets supercharged with anticipation.
"Ohhh...!" Sky breathes in quietly.
"This is it, this is it-!" Twilight mutters.
"Sshhhh!" Legend shushes again. Over his shoulder, Hyrule squeezes the pillow in his lap tighter.
Time watches the logo approach the corner of the screen, brow furrowing in confusion. His curiosity and patience reach a breaking point and he opens his mouth to demand to know what was going on-
The logo hits the corner of the screen perfectly, dead to rights.
The boys erupt into cheers, pillows and hands thrown into the air. Twilight and Wild jump off the couch with a loud Wooooo! and Wars leans down to grab Hyrule by the shoulders and shake him in unrestrained glee while Hyrule smiles back impishly. Sky laughs at their antics and Four raises his coke into the air and cheers. Even Wind and Legend have big smiles on their faces.
Time just stares in bafflement. Twilight grins sheepishly at his reaction. The boy extradites himself from Wild's enthused hug and wanders over from the crowd of excited boys. He claps Time on the back firmly in greeting.
"Sorry about that," He gestures loosely over his shoulder at the others with a smile, "We were just trying to watch a movie earlier and couldn't decide for a while. Then the screen saver came on and then. Well, you know how it is."
No, Time does not know how it is. But he just shakes his head with a smile. The boy's cheerful bantering and calls for "Again!" soothes his frayed nerves.
Twilight's gaze flickers from the other rowdy boys to Time's briefcase, still held in hand. His brow quirks "So, did you need anything?"
"No," Time brushes off his concern with a smile. "I just wanted to let you know I was home."
Heehee DVD Logo shenanigans
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voidlightcomix · 3 months
Feast Your Eyes: Fandom Cookbook Recipe Review #4
Visiting Tstxoke’u - Avatar: The Official Cookbook of Pandora
Tonight's menu: sourced from Avatar: The Official Cookbook of Pandora
Appetizer: Totem Dip, pg 140
Main Dish: Supercharged Steak, pg 46
Side Dish: Shoreline Salad, pg 116
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Full review under the cut!
Aurum Leuci’s Log:
[Begin recording.] Hey. Aurum Leuci here. Finally, I’m somewhere I recognize. I made it to the Multiversal Culinary Research Institute’s outpost on Pandora, and finally managed to figure out what was wrong with the portal generator- the navigation crystal had a hairline fracture and would’ve exploded after a few more jumps. Thankfully, since I made it here, I’m having a new crystal shipped in from off-world. Should be here in a day or so, and once I’m sure the machine is fixed I’m going back to my usual jet-setting habit across the multiverse. In the meantime, I’m visiting an old friend, a Na’vi from the Sarentu clan, who goes by Tstxoke’u, which I think vaguely translates to “nameless”. It’ll be a nice little while to catch up with an old friend. I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you, and bring back some shell fruit if I can. Aurum Leuci out. [End log.]
Please see this post for my full review scale!
Appetizer: Totem Dip
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 5/5
Okay, so, this dip (and the freshly-made pita that was also part of the recipe) was the best part of this meal. The dip itself is delicious, it’s garlicky and creamy and the earthy flavor of the beets really balances it all out. The red makes it very visually striking, and topped with parsley and a little feta, it’s really quite a centerpiece. It was surprisingly easy to substitute in vegan ingredients for the yogurt and cheese. The only difficulty I had with this recipe is that the garlic cloves I was originally using turned into literal coal in my oven (that was on me), so I ended up substituting in quite a bit of garlic powder. Regardless, it’s a great dish, and the pita recipe included makes just enough for a small family meal (one for each of us). Definitely making it again in the future- super, super tasty. And even though you’ll definitely have leftovers, it’ll be good spread on some toast or crackers. (I’m looking forward to having some for lunch tomorrow.)
Main Dish: Supercharged Steak
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 4/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 2/5
I really, really wanted to like this dish. It’s innovative, not something I’ve seen done before, and the cookbook made it look really, really delicious. But… in terms of how it turned out, I really don’t have many good things to say about it. The roasted beans and tomatoes were good, but the cabbage steak itself… left a lot to be desired. Aside from… how it actually turned out, this recipe loses one point on “immersion” because it was, for some reason, in the “RDA rations“ section of the book. While there’s a lot of great vegetable dishes in there, this one seems the least like what Earth soldiers would eat on an alien planet! The fact that it fit in so perfectly with regular Na’vi dishes like the totem dip and shoreline salad makes it kind of a weird placement. Otherwise, this recipe was pretty easy. I think if I ever make it again I’m putting it in the oven for longer.
Side Dish: Shoreline Salad
Difficulty: 1/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 1/5
End Result: 0/5
Hooooo boy. Okay. The Shoreline Salad. It looks impressive, and it was genuinely very easy and quick to make. It sucked (none of my family liked it, and I have texture and taste issues with seaweed. I TRIED to like it, I promise) and really could’ve used more flavor. Even with the hot pepper flakes, it was kind of just… a bland, slimy mess. But wait, you’re probably saying. AJ, if it was easy and quick to make, why did you rank the “difficulty” and “time” scores so low?
Well. My dad was helping me clean up and dispose of some leftovers (mostly cabbage), and we also had a lot of the Shoreline Salad left, so he put it down the garbage disposal.
Do not do this. Seaweed, unlike cabbage, will swell up and clog your whole sink. It will take you an hour of pouring vinegar and baking soda down your drains to remove it. An hour you will never get back. An hour you will hold against seaweed for all time. We did not know this when we put it down the sink.
We did eventually get it clean, but given how bland and.. kind of gross it was? This recipe wasn’t worth it at all. Be advised, if it weren’t believably something that fish people would eat, I would rank this much, much lower. Make at your own risk.
Tune in next Wednesday (6/19/24) for another fandom cookbook review!
Thanks for tuning in the past couple weeks! Your likes and reblogs mean a lot to me. :) - AJ
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profitnesslive · 8 months
10 Tips to Supercharge Your Fitness Journey! 💪✨
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Hey FitFam! 🌈✨ Ready to take your fitness game to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just dipping your toes into the FitLife waters, these 10 tips will set you on the path to success and make your fitness journey an epic adventure! 💥
Find Your Passion: Don't force yourself into a workout routine you hate. Whether it's dancing, lifting, or hiking, discover what you love and turn it into your fitness sanctuary. The key is to make it enjoyable!
Mix it Up: Avoid workout monotony by incorporating variety into your routine. From HIIT to yoga, switch it up to keep things exciting for both your mind and body.
Set Realistic Goals: Break down your fitness goals into achievable milestones. Celebrate small victories along the way, and remember, progress, not perfection!
Fuel Your Body Right: Nutrition is the unsung hero of fitness. Nourish your body with a balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbs. Hydration is key – drink water like it's your superpower potion! 🌊💧
Listen to Your Body: Rest is just as crucial as the workout itself. Pay attention to your body's signals, and don't hesitate to take a day off when needed. Rest and recovery are essential for growth!
Create a Routine: Consistency is your fitness BFF. Whether it's morning workouts, lunchtime jogs, or evening yoga sessions, establish a routine that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.
Rock the Playlist: Craft an empowering playlist that fuels your workouts. Music has the power to elevate your mood and push you through the toughest reps. 🎶💪
Get a Workout Buddy: Everything's better with a friend! Grab a workout buddy to share the sweat, laughs, and motivation. It's a game-changer!
Invest in Quality Gear: Treat yourself to comfortable and functional workout gear. Not only does it make you feel like a fitness superhero, but it also enhances your performance.
Embrace the Mind-Body Connection: Fitness is not just about physical strength but also mental well-being. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing to find balance and reduce stress.
Remember, your fitness journey is uniquely yours. Embrace the process, celebrate your victories, and enjoy the ride! 🚀💖 Share your tips and tricks with the FitLife community – together, we're unstoppable! 🌟💃🏽
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toaarcan · 1 year
I’m gonna say it, I think we had kinda the wrong read on Neo back in V6-8.
Homegirl was living purely to kill Ruby. Then she finds a magical land where her powers are supercharged and she can make full-on copies of other living things.
The speculation back when all we had of her was the intro sequence was that she’d be living with her semblance-created duplicates of Roman and everyone else that mattered to her, in some unhealthy, tragic parody of life and that she’d try to take a swing at the heroes but fail and be brought over to their side, either based on the promise of finding something new to live for, or just refocusing her ire on Cinder and letting her float around as the Token Evil Teammate trope until a new reason to keep going naturally happened over the course of the following volumes.
In V8, the read was that she’d realise she’d been co-opted into Salem’s apocalypse cult and dip when she got the chance. It didn’t happen. The chance presented itself and she instead doubled-down and gave Cinder everything she needed.
Even when her quest for vengeance results in her falling to her apparent death, Neo responds only by continuing said quest, and trying to choke Ruby out.
I mean hell, last episode was the darkest of the entire show. Pretty much the entire runtime is Neo psychologically torturing Ruby until she decides to kill herself, using the faces of her dead friends and enemies to break her down. And, through Roman, she says that suicide isn’t enough. She doesn’t want Ruby to kill herself, she wants Ruby to break herself apart so a weird tree can remake her into something else.
None of the other villains have ever gone that dark. Even the actual main antagonist of the show has never been shown to do that. Easily the single most fucked-up thing any character has ever done in RWBY, and the show has killed off villains for doing less. And when she shuts down after succeeding, it’s not because of some realisation, or a “My god, what have I done!?” moment, it’s because she achieved everything she set out to do and immediately sank into ennui.
Yes, Neo had a sad backstory. The shit she went through as a kid is awful. But as we’ve seen from this show, that doesn’t necessarily mean a character is going to get an olive branch. Adam went through some absolutely horrific shit in his backstory, and whether that was the start of darkness for him, or he always had something wrong, he still ended up dead.
I don’t know what’s going to happen to her after this point. I don’t know if she’s going to come back from being possessed by the Cat. But I don’t think WBYJ are gonna be all that interested in saving Neo.
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f1-birb · 2 years
Slipping through my fingers- ABBA
Basically similar plot as was in Mamma mia but instead of Dona and Sophie it’s Lando and Seb and Jenson when they help him to wear a helmet before his first proper qualification in F1
Amd for dinner veggies fries with good dip
Slipping Through My Fingers
The pride welling in his chest threatens to overwhelm him, and Seb can feel the burning behind his eyelids as he blinks back the sudden build up of tears.
He's not meant to be in the McLaren garage, not really and neither is Jenson, but they're pulling the strings they can to be here. They're fifteen minutes out from the first qualifying session of the season, more importantly they're fifteen minutes out from Lando's first ever qualifying session now that he's in Formula 1.
Their son is finishing getting ready to get in the car, offering Fernando a small smile as he passes, Jon making sure he has everything, and Seb still can't believe that this is happening. Their boy - their brilliant, incredible boy - is all grown up and in their sport at only seventeen, ready to put in the work and show the world he's more than just his last name.
Seb tightens his grip on Lando's helmet, suddenly reluctant to hand it over. Jenson's fingers curl over his own, and the burning comes back with a vengeance. He knows Jenson isn't ready for this either, not for both of them to be in the sport, and not for Lando to do this. He's their pup, their baby, and while they know he's fully capable, they're his parents, they're allowed to want to cling to the last moments before they have to let him go.
He feels Jenson nose against the back of his neck, and he hears the little rumble he gives in response. Then Lando's looking at him, eyes bright and grin wide, and he's rarely ever been still, not while awake, but now it's like he's supercharged with energy.
"Kinda need my helmet, Papa, can't get in the car without it."
Seb blinks and feels Jenson shift behind him, letting him move forward. He holds the helmet up, pulling it away from Lando's hands where they reach for it. "Let me? Please?"
There must be something in his voice because the stubborn little furrow in Lando's brows smooths instantly, his head tipping forward so that Seb can help wrestle the helmet on.
When Lando steps back, he's transported back fifteen years in an instant.
He's leaning against the doorframe, just hidden, and watching as Lando picks out a helmet from the large collection. He's biting back a chuckle as Jenson helps their toddler put it on, holding him steady as he adjusts to the weight. He's crouching to catch his son as Lando propels towards him, led by the weight of the helmet, and he's standing there as Lando proudly proclaims that his Papa's is his favourite.
He's snapped out of it when Lando calls for him, and the flashes of memories - Lando's first karting race, his first championship win, his first single seater, his son's beaming face as he signs his first F1 contract - all rush past him in a blur until he's left in the present.
"Bärchen." He says softly, and Lando falls into his arms. He feels Jenson join the hug, and he rests his cheek against Lando's helmet. "I wish you wouldn't grow up so fast."
Lando laughs and it sounds a little wet. "Have to some time, Papa."
"I know."
"We're so proud of you Lanno, so proud."
"Thanks, Dad. I love you guys."
"We love you too, bärchen. Now get out there, can't miss your first qualifying." Seb pulls away first, as reluctant as he is, tapping the top of his son's head gently.
"See you for the top three photo." Lando comments cheekily, and they can see his eyes crinkle at the edges before he's ushered by Jon to get in the car.
(Seb's never been prouder than when he stands in the middle of Lewis and his son after a hectic and shocking Q3.)
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Discover 6 Stunning Benefits of Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey. Do this & Never be Sick Again...
Discover the best Manuka Honey: https://super-achiever.com/best-manuka-honey
#manukahoney #manuka #honey
Hello, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Are you ready to dive into the world of Manuka Honey and its astonishing benefits?
Yes, we're talking about the gold mine of health benefits harvested straight from the vibrant landscapes of New Zealand. So buckle up, as we explore “6 Stunning Benefits of Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey.” Don’t forget to hit subscribe to stay updated with all things supercharged and natural! 🍯✨ Oral Health Champion: Dive into how Manuka Honey fights off the bad bacteria causing plaque, gum inflammation, and tooth decay, keeping your smile bright and healthy. 🦷🌟 Master Healer: Discover Manuka Honey's incredible ability to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, and ulcers, acting as nature's own regenerative bandage. 🩹💪 Cough Suppressor: Learn how this miraculous honey can soothe your throat better than many over-the-counter remedies, making it a must-have during flu season. 🤧🍯 Gastric Ulcer Fighter: Uncover the soothing properties of Manuka Honey on stomach ulcers, reducing pain and promoting a healthier digestive system. 🤕💖 Digestive Aid: Find out how Manuka Honey could be the natural solution to combating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and other gastrointestinal issues. 🚫👾 Acne Remedy?: Delve into the debate around Manuka Honey's effectiveness in battling acne – is it a skincare superhero or just hype? We'll look at what science says. 🤔🔬 Each spoonful of Manuka Honey carries not just sweetness but a bundle of health benefits, making it a worthy addition to your wellness routine. Which benefit surprised you the most, or do you have any Manuka Honey stories to share? Drop your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! That’s all for today's honey-dipped insights.
If you're intrigued by the unique wonders of Manuka Honey, make sure you're subscribed for more deep dives into nature's marvels. See you in the next video, Achievers! 📹👋🍯
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worldgamers4 · 1 year
Discovering the Competitive Side of Fortnite Battle Royale
Chapter 4 Season 4
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When it comes to the world of gaming, few titles have captivated players quite like Fortnite Battle Royale. The game's constant evolution and seasonal updates keep players engaged and excited for what's to come. The latest buzz surrounds Chapter 4 Season 4, and we're here to dive deep into the competitive aspects that make this season a must-play for Fortnite enthusiasts.
The Evolution of Fortnite
Before we delve into the competitive scene of Chapter 4 Season 4, let's take a quick trip down memory lane. Fortnite has come a long way since its inception, evolving from a fun, casual shooter to a full-fledged competitive powerhouse. Each new chapter brings fresh content, mechanics, and challenges that keep both casual and competitive players hooked.
Season 4: A Glimpse Into the Competitive Realm
Chapter 4 Season 4 takes the competitive experience to new heights with its blend of engaging gameplay, innovative features, and challenging objectives. Here's a look at what makes this season a thrilling experience for players looking to test their skills:
Supercharged Challenges
Season 4 introduces supercharged challenges, a series of tasks that reward players with unique cosmetic items and in-game currency. These challenges provide an extra layer of competition as players race to complete them, showcasing their dedication and prowess on the battlefield.
In-Game Events
Epic Games has mastered the art of hosting in-game events that bring the Fortnite community together. From live concerts to world-shattering events, these moments not only entertain but also provide players with a sense of camaraderie and shared experience. Being part of these events is a testament to a player's commitment to the game.
Competitive Tournaments
For those with a competitive edge, Fortnite offers a range of tournaments catering to different skill levels. Whether you're a casual player looking to dip your toes into the competitive waters or a seasoned pro aiming for the top spot, there's a tournament for everyone.
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tsukikonikushimi · 4 months
Avatar the Official Cookbook of Pandora RDA R. Recipe N°8: HYBRID MAC ‘N’ CHEESE
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The winner from last poll was the HYBRID MAC ‘N’ CHEESE's recipe.
The recipe is under the poll for next week's recipe. As always, if somone wants a specific one, write it down in the comments.
This is the link with the post with all recipes (under the "keep reading" line): Here
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OO = Omatikaya Offerings / RDAR = RDA Rations / MB = Metkayina Bounty / CF = Clan Feasts
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
What would thriller bark be like in your au?
If ur talking about the 'Brook joining' aspect, it was just Robin and Brook becoming partners
If ur talking about Moria and Kuma...
Moria's a shadow demon, he's got a lot of witches and Kishin eggs working for him under curses. Brook's infamy got out to Moria and Moria wanted him because (due to that spell cast on him and his band) Brook is theorised to be immortal
So he curses Brook, and the whole gang comes to rectify this, but Moria's got a huge plot of land he and his minions take up, so they have to split up
Brook and Robin are mostly exploring until Robin finds some witch trying to force Franky to marry her and Robin destroys her while Brook just tries to stay out of her way
Franky's there when an invisible witch tries to SA his sister, Franky makes sure there's no body to be found. Then the invisible witch's widow tries to force Franky to marry her, and Robin destroys her before carrying Franky off into the sunset bridal style (its beautiful)
Zoro fights a cursed Zombie swordsman with a Zombie sword and goes genie hunter for the first time with all three of his swords (this is pretty taxing but also pretty op)
Luffy and Usopp end up kidnapped by cursed souls trying to get uncursed that have been living in the woods around Moria's house. They explain that if they fail to take down Moria he'll kill Usopp and brainwash & enslave Luffy. With some convincing from Usopp (who saw all this was true), Luffy agrees to have a spell put on him without Learning The Hard Way from a witch who's been severely magically handicapped by the curse. What none of them said was that since the witch can't do any spells other than strengthening (like, say, pain relief) Luffy undergoes about half an hour of unstoppable incomprehensible Agony while Usopp watches. Then Luffy can't talk, can't focus, and his soul is in such a seizing, panicked state that only Usopp can properly wrangle him. But it works like hell, monster Luffy's baseline is a mangled version of Witch Hunter and all his ammo gets supercharged to basically tiny nuclear bombs
Usopp is not having fun, Luffy has no idea what's going on, but they defeat Moria while Moria's possessed Giant corpse is wiped out by The Crew.
Kuma was part of Dragon's cult but is slowly losing his mind to a curse put on him by the agents of Kishin. His orders were to kill Whitebeard's only grandson, to send a message.
Zoro tries the 'take me instead' thing but it doesn't work in this context. Kuma sees all the funky stuff going on in Luffy's soul still (since he's a meister with Kishin powers), Locks up Luffy's soul and then drops him like a rag doll and says out loud 'He's gonna die in another minute without any regulation anyway' all suspicious-like and then dips because he Pretty Much completed his mission. If Only There Was A Special Meister that could Work Through his flimsy little curse. But That Couldn't Possibly Happen, That would be about as likely as a meister that could wield a weapon with a soul like that in the first place. 🤷‍♂️
Anyways so Usopp saves the day by breaking through the wet paper of a curse, and guessing what "soul regulating" is on the spot. It works, Luffy's just happy to see Usopp because he's been trapped in constant agony in his own head for like an hour now but Usopp's Here Now!
They celebrate, Luffy no longer sleeps in his own bed ever, Brook is a-OK and Luffy no longer flinches at torture (|:')
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magicaldubaitour · 2 months
Experience the Thrill: Supercharging Your Jet Ski Tour in Dubai Marina
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Picture this: the sun is shining, the water is sparkling, and the iconic Dubai skyline looms majestically in the background. Now, imagine yourself zipping across the Marina's turquoise waters on a powerful jet ski, the engine’s roar echoing your excitement. This isn't just a dream—it's a thrilling reality waiting for you in Dubai Marina.
Ready to take your jet ski tour Dubai to the next level? Here’s how you can turn an already thrilling ride into an unforgettable escapade that will leave you craving more.
Choose the Right Dubai Jet Ski Rental Company
The foundation of a thrilling Dubai jet ski tour begins with selecting the right rental company. Look for a reputable provider that offers well-maintained, high-performance jet skis. 
Companies like Sea Life Dubai known for affordable and well-maintained Jet Ski Rental in Dubai. Ensure your chosen company adheres to safety standards and provides thorough briefings before you hit the water.
Time Your Tour Perfectly
Timing is everything when it comes to maximizing the thrill of your jet ski tour in Dubai. Early morning tours offer calm waters and fewer crowds, allowing you to speed through the waves with ease. 
On the other hand, afternoon tours provide an opportunity to ride with the sun glinting off the water, creating a visually stunning experience. 
For the ultimate spectacle, opt for a sunset tour where you can witness the golden hues of the sun dipping behind the city's skyline.
Master the Basics Before You Go All Out
Before you dive into the heart-pounding excitement, make sure you’re comfortable with the basics of operating a jet ski. Take time to understand the controls, practice turns, and get a feel for the machine. 
Sea Life Dubai offer short training sessions for beginners. By mastering the basics, you’ll gain confidence, which is crucial for enjoying more advanced maneuvers.
Explore Iconic Landmarks
One of the highlights of jet ski in Dubai Marina is the opportunity to see some of the city's most iconic landmarks from a unique perspective. 
Make sure your tour route includes sights like the Burj Al Arab, Atlantis The Palm, and the towering skyscrapers of the Marina itself. The thrill of speeding past these architectural marvels adds an extra layer of excitement to your adventure.
Try Advanced Maneuvers
Once you’re comfortable with the basics, don’t be afraid to push your limits. Learning advanced maneuvers like sharp turns, wave jumping, and high-speed runs can significantly enhance your jet ski experience. 
If you're an adrenaline junkie, ask your guide to show you some tricks or techniques to try. Just remember to always prioritize safety and know your limits.
Go for a Group Tour
Adventures are always more fun when shared. Consider booking a group tour with friends or family. Racing each other, creating splash zones, and sharing the collective excitement enhances the overall experience. Sea Life Dubai offer packages for larger groups, making it a more affordable and enjoyable option.
Combine Your Jet Ski Tour with Other Water Activities
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Why limit your adventure to just jet skiing? Dubai Marina is a hub for various water sports. Consider combining your jet ski tour with activities like parasailing, flyboarding, or wakeboarding. This combination can provide a full day of thrills and spills, ensuring you make the most of your time on the water.
Follow Safety Guidelines
Nothing ruins an adventure faster than an accident. Always follow the safety guidelines provided by your rental company. Wear a life jacket, keep a safe distance from other watercraft, and adhere to speed limits in designated areas. By prioritizing safety, you ensure that your thrilling adventure remains enjoyable and injury-free.
End Your Jet Skiing Adventure With a Celebration
After an exhilarating day on the water, cap off your adventure with a celebration. Dubai Marina offers a plethora of dining and entertainment options. Whether it’s a waterfront dinner at one of the many upscale restaurants or a relaxed evening at a beachside café, reflecting on your jet ski adventure while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the Marina is the perfect way to end the day.
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lavonwolffposts · 2 months
How GorKeri Chutney Can Supercharge Your Gut Health   
Have you heard of GorKeri chutney? This is one of the popular condiments hailing from the Gujarat state. It is made with raw mangoes, jaggery, and other spices! It is power packed with nutrition and is good for gut health! It has essential probiotics and vitamins that aid in digestion and boost your immune system. Therefore, it's time that we add this delicious, sweet and tangy Gor Keri chutney to your everyday routine diet. You can enjoy Gor Keri chutney with a variety of dishes such as parathas, rice, or even as a dip for snacks. Its unique flavor profile will surely elevate your meals and leave you wanting more!    Here’s why Gorkeri Can Supercharge Your Gut Health 
Feeling sluggish, bloated, or just not quite yourself? It could all be linked to your gut health. Our gut microbiome plays a vital role in everything from digestion and immunity to mood and energy levels. That's where Gorkeri comes in! This innovative product promises to supercharge your gut health, but how exactly does it work? Let's dive in and explore the science behind Gorkeri and how it can benefit your well-being.  
1. Raw Mangoes: Rich in vitamins A and C, raw mangoes are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They contain enzymes that aid in breaking down food, making digestion more efficient. The high fiber content in raw mangoes also helps in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation. 
2. Jaggery: Unlike refined sugar, jaggery retains essential minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. It acts as a natural detoxifier, helping cleanse the liver and flushing out toxins from the body. Jaggery is also known to improve digestion and alleviate symptoms of constipation and bloating. 
3. Spices: GorKeri chutney is typically seasoned with a blend of spices such as mustard seeds, fenugreek, turmeric, and red chili powder. Each of these spices has unique benefits:      - Mustard Seeds: These seeds contain antibacterial properties that help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.      - Fenugreek: Known for its high soluble fiber content, fenugreek aids in digestion and helps prevent digestive disorders.      - Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which supports overall digestive health.      - Red Chili Powder: It stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes, which aids in better digestion and nutrient absorption.    Explore Classic Ways to Enjoy GorKeri  Gor keri chutney, also known as raw mango chutney, is a tangy and flavorful condiment that can be a great way to add a zing to your diet. Here are a few ideas on how to incorporate it: 
With Indian breads: Enjoy it with rotis, parathas, or thepla. It's a great accompaniment when you don't have anything else to pair with your rotis or parathas. 
Dal and Rice: A classic Indian comfort food combination that is both nutritious and satisfying. Dal pairs perfectly with the fluffy rice add a spoonful to your dal tadka or rice dish for a flavor boost. 
Vegetable Platter: Dip veggie sticks like carrots, cucumbers, or bell peppers into the chutney for a refreshing and flavorful snack. The combination of crunchy vegetables and tangy chutney creates a satisfying and healthy treat that is perfect for any time of day.  
Chaat Twist: Take your chaat game up a notch by drizzling some chutney over sev puri, bhel puri, or dahi vada. The sweet and tangy flavors of the chutney will add an extra layer to the dish, creating a unique and delicious twist on traditional chaat. 
  Whip up your own gor keri chutney at home which can be perfectly customized to your taste buds! Experiment with various mango, spice, and sweetener combinations to create a unique, delightful chutney that complements your favorite dishes. Savor the satisfaction of crafting a homemade condiment tailored to your individual palate.     Short on time? ADF Soul's authentic Gor Keri pickle offers a delicious shortcut. Made using traditional techniques and high-quality ingredients, this ready-made option delivers the same authentic taste without the prep work. Simply open the jar and enjoy the tangy and sweet flavors of Gor Keri pickle with any meal. 
  Conclusion    Incorporating GorKeri chutney into your diet is a delicious way to supercharge your gut health. This tangy condiment boasts a powerhouse of ingredients, each contributing to a thriving gut microbiome. From the prebiotic fiber in raw mangoes to the probiotic potential of spices, GorKeri chutney promotes healthy digestion, nutrient absorption, and a robust immune system. 
Enjoy GorKeri chutney with classic pairings like Indian breads and dals, or explore creative uses like vegetable dips, sandwich spreads, or savory crepes.  Whether you make your own chutney or opt for a high-quality store-bought option, experience the taste and health benefits of this gut-friendly condiment. Let GorKeri chutney be your secret weapon for a healthier, happier you! 
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vapehk1 · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Cookie Battery: Power Up Your Vaping Experience!
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So, you've heard about Cookie Batteries and you're curious? Well, you've come to the right place! Whether you're a vaping newbie or a seasoned pro, Cookie Batteries are making waves in the vaping community for all the right reasons. But what exactly are they, and why should you care? Buckle up, because we're about to take a delightful dive into the world of Cookie Batteries, where power meets performance in the most delicious way possible. Cookie Battery: What Are They? First things first, let's clear up any confusion. No, Cookie Batteries are not edible (sorry, sweet tooth!). These nifty devices are named for their compact, disc-like shape that resembles a cookie. They're designed to provide a reliable and long-lasting power source for your vape. Think of them as the secret ingredient in your favorite dessert—essential, but often overlooked. Cookie Batteries typically come in various capacities, which means you can find one that perfectly suits your vaping habits. Whether you're a casual puffer or a cloud-chasing aficionado, there's a Cookie Battery out there for you. And the best part? They're super easy to use. Just plug, puff, and enjoy! Why Choose a Cookie Battery? You might be wondering, "Why should I switch to a Cookie Battery?" Great question! For starters, these batteries are renowned for their longevity. Unlike traditional batteries that might leave you high and dry mid-puff, Cookie Batteries are designed to keep you vaping all day long. Imagine not having to worry about recharging every few hours. Bliss, right? Another major perk is their portability. These batteries are sleek and compact, making them perfect for on-the-go vapers. Whether you're hitting the beach, the club, or just chilling at home, your trusty Cookie Battery can easily slip into your pocket or purse. Plus, their stylish design means you can vape in style, turning heads for all the right reasons. The Sweet Science: How Do Cookie Batteries Work? Let's get a bit technical, but don't worry, we'll keep it fun! Cookie Batteries work using lithium-ion technology, which is the same stuff that powers your smartphone. This means they pack a serious punch when it comes to energy density, allowing for more puffs per charge compared to other battery types. It's like having a supercharged dessert in your vaping arsenal. The magic behind these batteries lies in their ability to deliver a consistent voltage output. This means you get a smooth, satisfying vape every time, without those annoying dips in power that can ruin your experience. Think of it as the difference between a perfectly baked cookie and one that's a little too crispy around the edges. Taking Care of Your Cookie Battery: Tips and Tricks Just like any prized possession, your Cookie Battery needs a little TLC to keep it in top shape. First off, avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures. Heat is the enemy here, so keep your battery cool and dry. Treat it like you would a fine wine or a box of chocolates—store it properly and it will serve you well. Another tip is to clean the battery terminals regularly. Over time, gunk can build up and affect performance. A quick wipe with a dry cloth can do wonders. And remember, always use the charger that comes with your battery. Mixing and matching can lead to issues, and nobody wants a faulty charge when they're craving a vape. Conclusion Cookie Batteries are revolutionizing the vaping world with their compact, disc-like design and impressive longevity, making them a reliable power source for all-day vaping. Named for their cookie-like shape, these batteries offer a consistent voltage output for a smooth vaping experience, much like a perfectly baked treat. Their portability ensures they can easily fit into your pocket or purse, allowing you to vape on the go with style. Utilizing lithium-ion technology, they pack more puffs per charge and require minimal maintenance—just keep them cool, dry, and clean the terminals regularly. If you're looking for a battery that combines style, convenience, and performance, our guide to Cookie Batteries is your recipe for vaping success. Read the full article
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