#super mario land 2 six golden coins
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lune-redd · 3 months ago
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Wasn't a fan of how Super Mario Land 2 DX handled it's colorization, so I made a mockup of my own colored version of Super Mario Land 2
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months ago
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Name: Bee Fly (again)
Debut: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
Bee Fly here is one of the cutest little patooties in the Mario series, probably! Look at it! So many aspects that, if applied to a vertebrate, would feel overdone and not very notable. But on a bug, it is just so darling, especially since it gets to keep its proboscis! It would be such a sad day, if Bee Fly were to not have a proboscis.
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Bee Fly is not only a cutie patootie, but also a sweetie badeedie, because it does not attack at ALL. It is scared of Mario, and flies away when he approaches! It is possible to kill it with a fireball, but why would you do that? Surely you must have a good reason to want to kill this harmless fly. Is it because you plan to eat it? Are you a predator who saw through its mimicry? Are you an insectivorous bird? Wow! That must be the reason. It's the only possibility that makes any sense. I'm very impressed with you for learning how to operate human technology!
Of course, Bee Fly wouldn't hurt anyone because it has no reason to. Adult bee flies are harmless, passive flower feeders! It wouldn't hurt a fly... anymore. Bee flies are typically parasitoids, feeding on other insects as larvae! Maybe these ones are even on their way to drop off their eggs into the nests of Mario Land 2's charming ant population... as modern WarioWare would attest, That's Life!
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Bee Fly has the distinct honor of appearing in both Super Mario Lands 2 AND 3, an extremely rare example of a creature encountered by both Mario and Wario independently! At least, it SEEMS so, but an official guide lists this one as the "companion" of the previous game's. Maybe they're different individuals of the same species? If you don't scare it away too quickly in this game, you could give it more screentime than Mario gets here. Awesome! It also gets new art for this game, which I don't like as much, on account of the Sonic character-like muzzle. But I can't act like it's BAD. It's still a silly creature! I just like my bugs to look more like bugs. You can and should make cartoon bugs with simple designs that don't lose the buggy features, and the original art proves this!
I'm sure the Bug Fans reading this have noticed something wrong, here. Something wrong from the beginning. This is called a bee fly, but flies only have one pair of wings, while this has four! What's the big idea? I'll tell you my theory...
My theory is... they forgot! I think it's as simple as that. Its original Japanese names reinforce that it is meant to be a fly, and the rest of it looks fly-like enough. But I do have a DIFFERENT theory, one that I love very much!
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Bee Fly's design does not make me think of bee flies, but it DOES make me think of a certain other of my compact little fuzzy dipteran friends. It makes me think of a drain fly! So I made it gray and removed one pair of wings to look even more like one. This is not based JUST on superficial design aspects, though! "Bee Fly" is found mostly in the Macro Zone, inside the massive house. The stage with the most "Bee Flies" is one where Mario travels through what appears to be the house's plumbing system, where three of them appear at the end! Suspiciously drain fly-like behavior, in a place where bee flies would make, quite frankly, no sense at all.
So until any further confirmation (which we will not get), I am going to be content with my headcanon that this creature is a drain fly, and that this is drain fly representation, which I have literally NEVER seen in media before! Actually, forget headcanon. I'm going to treat this as canon! Super Mario Land 2 has won the award for most respect shown toward drain flies in a video game! Wahoo!
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gooberto · 1 year ago
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felt like i'd done enough Girl Draws for a minute and wanted to go back to my other artistic passion: incredibly niche fanart of random-ass video game enemies
so here's some guys from mario land 2!!!!
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hellman55 · 2 months ago
Full Game - Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins (100%)
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smash-64 · 3 months ago
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2024 Game of the Year Countdown #7: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins Nintendo Gameboy, 1992
A wholesale change and improvement upon the first SML, this game chose to go for graphics that resembled Super Mario World, as well as a similar world map. There are hidden levels and secret exits, and Mario looks amazing in his larger, more detailed form. 
The music is far from bad, but perhaps a bit boring when compared to SML’s excellent score. A lot of the music fits the individual levels, like the creepy sounds of Pumpkin Zone or the spacey sounds of Star Zone, but I don’t really find myself humming the tunes or looking up remixes, with the exception of one specific remix featuring Snoop. 
We do get the first ever appearance of Wario, though! His final castle is a bit of a jump in difficulty when compared to the rest of the worlds and levels, but I was able to beat this game back when I was 6 or 7 without any guides or help from anyone, so it shouldn’t frustrate people too badly. However, Wario’s final castle will take a bit more patience than speed or skill, so keep that in mind.
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As far as graphics go, this looks amazing on the original GameBoy. It’s kind of crazy to think that only three years passed between SML and this game. Mario looks like the standard 2D cartoon Mario instead of his 8bit self we saw in SML. It really is an improvement in every way.
While I don’t have as much to say about SML2, it is a fantastic game and honestly a Top 10 GameBoy game. Heck, it was probably my Game of the Year when I was 6. With its inclusion in the NSO subscription, it should be available to tons of people!
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its-ya-girl-phoeni · 8 months ago
Shoutout to this comment on the Silvagunner Haunted House rip for being one of my favorite things ever
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pumaloafing · 8 months ago
This is only counting things that Mario transforms into, not things he wears like the propeller hat. I may have missed some (I purposefully didn't include the Wing from Super Mario Special because I was mostly trying to draw from mainline games).
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swaggerblonde · 1 year ago
Swagger Blonde Let's Plays Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins Super Game Boy Part 3 Tree Zone
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smallmariofindings · 11 months ago
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Original 1992 Japanese style guide document for Super Mario Land 2, detailing the colors of the logo and the Six Golden Coins.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: twitter.com user "gamescanner"
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the-larxist-manifesto · 5 months ago
GameGirl36 ~ Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992)
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Can we just admire this box art for a second? Mario games have a knack for the whimsical, but there are few that spark the imagination as bright as this. The fish eye lens gives you the feeling that you're peeping into the world inside your GameBoy; so small that it all fits in this one vortex of action, but so vast that every inch is covered in details to admire and wonder about. Older Mario games in particular tapped into that sense of wonder so effectively because, well... what IS any of this stuff? I've never seen that particular boxing shark before! Why is there another island-sized Mario in the background? The moon is out during the daytime?
We do take for granted how strange the Mario world is to begin with; walking mushroom people probably shouldn't feel so normal to us. But due to how standardized Mario's brand is nowadays, it throws you for a loop to see him jumping off of a bomb turtle in front of his own castle. These details just don't line up with who he's been in the latest games. No, these older Mario games showcase a cartoony, plastic version of Mario that is stretched and squashed to fit whatever mood Nintendo was in that year.
Today, we're talking about one of the masterpieces of the GameBoy. I have played it before, so this entry will be less raw and reaction-based than usual. My goal is to explain what sets this one apart from the other millions of Marios that you could be playing right now.
Take a shot every time I say "Mario" for a fun and moderate drinking game! /j
~Guided tour of Mario Land~
This game feels like playing a Saturday morning cartoon many ways, including the plot. Since the developers were forced to come up with a reason for Mario to be scuttling around in the rafters of your home wearing rabbit ears, they settled on creating a brand new world and villain for this game only. After the events of the first Super Mario Land, Mario returns home(?) to "Mario land." Here, he presumably lives in peace with the giant birds and turtles and toy robot clone of himself in his castle at the center of the island. Just... when did Mario get so bougie? His own island? His own CASTLE? Always thought of him as a more modest guy, myself.
Either way, Mario is met with a nasty surprise when everyone in Mario land turns against him upon his return. Everything he loves is taken away and twisted into a flipped-around funhouse mirror of what he remembers by his arch-rival... Wario. (Yes, this is Wario's introduction to the Mario series as a whole!)
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World map included with the game manual!
Okay, so now we have our reasoning as to why everything is so weird, and we have to set it back to normal. I like the larger plot subtext that this game implies about Mario villains—while Bowser often employs brute force with merciless fiery obstacle courses and an organized army, this escapade has Wario written all over it. The enemies feel like scrounged-together mercenaries he purchased on the cheap, and each world is some bizarre head trip; like the whole adventure is a giant prank on Mario. Wario is a truly disturbed little goblin man.
To win the day, Mario must journey to all six zones, defeat their corrupted bosses, and collect the titular six golden coins. Once they are all collected, he can once again enter his castle and beat up the man child that wrecked everything.
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UGH, as goofy as it is, I genuinely love cartoony space aesthetics in old games .-~*
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YouTube comments, everyone. They're not wrong, though
~Weird to watch, weirder to play~
This adventure does technically follow the typical formula for a Mario platformer, but with some... strange twists. Much like Mario land itself, the controls introduce and remove a lot of staples willy-nilly, in such a way that I never quite felt comfortable controlling it. To be perfectly clear, I like this disorienting and unique effect. It's one of those things that sets classic Mario games apart most from the modern entries. I'm gonna lightning-round the weird changes I'm talking about, exclusive to this one game:
Defeating 100 enemies awards an item, shown by a counter on the HUD
Press select on the file screen for easy mode
The player loses ALL golden coins upon game over
High jump by holding up on the d-pad and jumping
Spin jump by holding down on the d-pad while jumping
Spin jump can open ? blocks from above
Jump continuously by holding the jump button (only with Bunny Mario, though, for some reason)
Neither koopa shell kicks nor continuous enemy jumps award 1-ups (but stars still do!)
Not all of its uniqueness is completely random, however. As you might expect, this game does share some DNA with its direct prequel, Super Mario Land. For example, the game does not freeze when collecting a powerup, instead allowing the player to move while Mario's body stretches or squashes into its new form. The end-of-level goals split into an upper and lower part, with the upper being a skill check that awards the player a powerup minigame. Though most of the soundtrack is original, it borrows some ideas from its predecessor: the invincibility theme similarly differs from The Famous One, and SML2 recycles the unique underground theme from Super Mario Land for the haunted house level! I thought that was a very subtle but neat reference; it's an ambient theme catchy enough to deserve at least two games.
The entire soundtrack sets the golden standard for GB music; pop on this 30 minutes of merry melodies for your next walk
~Lil guys~
Next, I just want to show off some highlights from this game's art style by lining up my favorite lil guys I ran across. SML2 definitely has an all-around Hannah-Barbara type feel, with lots of down-to-earth concepts stylized to look more alive and dynamic. The moon gets moody, the distant islands frown at you, and the tiling of Mario's castle halls have teeny goomba likenesses trapped inside of them.
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I'm seriously in love with the stylistic choice of "add tiny eyeballs to otherwise unremarkable background object"
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Little witchy tongue~! :P
Now, I acknowledge that not every Mario platformer is a remarkable game. I will not be the first or last person to tell you that many entries in the series feel like rehashes of the same ol', same ol'. With all the hundreds of Mario games out there, it can be difficult to sift through and find the most unique and worthwhile ones. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins is the game you are looking for. (And if I had to provide a short list, also write down SMB3, SMWorld, NewSMB, and SMBWonder)
Do I recommend it? Yesss please play it!
100% completion of this game only took me 5 hours, so even if it is a waste of your time, at least it's a small amount of your time! ^^; (For completion, by the way, you just have to reach every level exit. There are 38 in total, including secret exits and the bonus levels that you unlock through these secrets)
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I fw with the NSO gameboy color and LCD filters
Alright, we're cooking through this row of GB games! Only two games to go... and the next one promises to be unique on a whole different level...
Thank you very much for reading.
~Lark Lyke
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year ago
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I played a few Mario games before MAR10 because I knew I wouldn't have time on my vacation to do it on the day of. I played through SMB1 and SMB2, as well as Donkey Kong and a little bit of Wrecking Crew and Mario Bros.
Well I'm just going to keep going. Today I played all of Mario 3 and Mario Land. Maybe tomorrow I'll do Super Mario World, and Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins.
I think in the future i'll just make March a whole "month of Mario" for me. Not that I need an occasion to remind me to play Mario, it is one of my favorite media franchises of all time so like, of course i'm gonna play it year round. But it could be cool to make it a tradition of playing as many games as I can in March. Though I don't mind saying i'm probably going to slack in this regard this year as i'm distracted with an art project.
Anyway, these are great games I don't need to actually say much about, other than Mario Land, which, as always, I wish more elements of Mario's off-beat games would get incorporated into contemporary games. I'd love to see Sarasaland revisited and see Tatanga again, it's great that we get Daisy in a mainline game last year after all these years but like........ Super Mario Land was a hell of a lot more than just "the game that introduced Daisy" it had so much original content that we never saw again. Even Mario 2 had a bigger impact on that franchise than Gunpei Yokoi's original Mario games and he deserves so much more respect than some radio program.
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tuliptheoshawott · 2 years ago
(All of these games were eliminated in quarterfinals! This decides 8-5th place)
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gooberto · 2 years ago
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i know this is a minor nitpick but literally what the fuck is up with this specific language Nintendo has mandated their employees use when talking about their games where they have to say “the (x) game” instead of just the title. They do it all the time in nintendo directs too and it vexes me to no end. Literally nobody on earth has ever said “I really like The Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins Game“ other than me, right now, as a joke, to illustrate how fucking absurdly unnatural it sounds. It confounds me.
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Join me my friends on my live stream adventure on Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins tonight at 7:30 PM on my YouTube channel, Alex The Super Nintendo Gamer!! 🪙
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spineshark99 · 1 year ago
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Super Mario Land 2 💰
The Six Golden Coins!
Pressed out of Sculpey and drawn on with permanent marker.
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listieshadows · 2 years ago
Every Game I've Beaten Via Nintendo Switch Online's VC
For some reason, I've been playing these more than the actual new games on the system. But anyway, below the "keeping reading" (since I know this could grow to be very long) is the list, to be updated with every new game beaten, of course.
2021-08-08: Donkey Kong Country
2021-08-09: Super Mario Bros. (All-Stars)
2022-03-10: Super Mario Bros.
2023-02-10: Kirby's Dream Land
2023-02-27: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
2023-03-03: Super Mario Bros. 2
2023-03-03: Super Mario Bros. 2 (All-Stars)
2023-03-09: The Legend Of Zelda
2023-05-18: Super Mario Bros. 3
2023-05-19: Super Mario Bros. 3 (All-Stars)
2023-05-25: Super Mario 64
2023-05-27: Kirby's Dream Land 2
2023-06-04: Sonic Spinball
2023-06-08: Super Mario World
2023-06-12: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
2023-06-13: Claymates
2023-06-17: Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
2023-06-20: Super Mario Advance
2023-06-23: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
2023-06-25: Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
2023-06-25: Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
2023-06-30: Kirby's Adventure
2023-07-02: Jelly Boy
2023-12-04: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
2023-12-16: Metroid
2023-12-31: Metroid II: Return Of Samus
2024-03-06: Yoshi's Story
2024-06-11: Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Please don't ask me why I've beaten Claymates and Jelly Boy but still haven't even popped A Hat In Time into my Switch.
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