#super hero model kits
stone-cold-groove · 1 year
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Aurora hobby kits of your favorite television shows.
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demi-shoggoth · 1 year
On Role Models
I'm a Biology teacher, and tonight is open house. Because I teach AP, so I get to do much higher level stuff than the usual freshman Bio class, I'm giving a lecture instead of the more freeform approach most teachers take. That lecture is titled "How I Hacked My DNA, and You Can Too". And I'm going to talk about how your body is a constant dialog between cells of different types, including a whole ecosystem living in your large intestines. Thinking about human life in terms of evolutionary theory can help us understand those interactions better. Homo sapiens humans are the last humans standing because they were the ones that moved into marginalized habitats and found new and creative ways to gather food. There's a reason why human cities attract "specialized generalists" like foxes, rats, crows and raccoons. It's because those animals are also good at living in the margins. And so your health, mood, and life will be better if you remember that you're an omnivore with lots of different systems that draw from your diet and your gut bacteria, so take care of them. Eat more fermented foods, eat a wider variety of foods, supplement them with small doses of targeted vitamins and minerals rather than chugging down a bottle of pills every week.
And I'm introducing this with the story of Josiah Zayner.
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If you watched "Unnatural Selection" on Netflix, Zayner is a major figure. They are a biohacker, and were experimenting with using CRISPR to modify the genes of people in vivo. Specifically, by selling DIY CRISPR kits at cost, and injecting themselves with myostatin blocking genes in order to give themselves huge muscles. And I watched "Unnatural Selection" and thought, that's a supervillain origin story. That's if the Green Goblin was a hipster.
But Zayner also recognized that they were on a dark path. Once they realized that letting untrained people possibly do permanent damage to themselves was a bad idea, and when corporations started sniffing around on how to monetize it, Zayner took a step back. And understood that their attempt to go full super serum was because they were dissatisfied with their appearance.
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This is Jo Zayner now. She/they, emphasis on the she, just like I am. And now they're working on projects to make transition and playing with gender expression safer and easier, like biochemical breast implants that degrade in 48 hours. And she's working on making vaccines that are safer and have less side effects and you don't have to go through a big corporation to get them.
Now, Jo Zayner is one of my heroes. And I'm going to share that story with a roomful of parents and students, and I wanted to share that with you.
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randomthefox · 1 month
I saw your reimagined d/OC version of Surge and Kit (Pulse and Kinetic) and I thought they were pretty cool and more interesting than what we got with IDW 😑
I wondered if you had OC/Reimagined versions of other exclusive media characters like Sally Acorn or Tangle and Whisper for example?
I did talk about how I'd completely rewrite Sally and the other Freedom Fighters to fit in with the games before, and I do have my own versions of Tangle and Whisper yes.
The short version is
Sally: turn her into Princess Morbucks from Powerpuff Girls. Daughter of a king or big business tycoon CEO or something who thinks she owns everything she wants by virtue of the fact that she wants it. She decides Sonic is her property and tries to boss him around but he just blows her off, but she tries to take credit for any heroics he accomplished because "I ordered him to do that he was just doing what I told him to do!" Everyone ignores her because she's an obviously narcissistic little spoiled brat. She'd look like Poppy from animal crossing
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Rotor: would be like a four year old who is super into engineering and inventing and looks up to Tails as a role model and idol, might get hired to be an intern for Tails at his work shops and gets to be a little helper.
Bunnie: would be, like, super into trains. Always talking about trains. Never says a single sentence that isn't mentioning trains in some forced way.
Antoine: Sonic would run past a table at a cafe and on that table would be a croissant and that croissant would have a little name tag flag in it that says Antoine on it.
Whisper: did a whole rework of the Diamond Cutters and renamed them the Ruby Cutters, they'd have been a mercenary group that Eggman hired to be enforcers during the Forces war. Lean really heavily into the Metal Gear Solid FOXHOUND elements. Infinite would have resented them and orchestrated their deaths at Sonic's hands. Whisper is the only survivor and she either stays with Eggman to act as his agent in the aftermath of the war, or she'd have realized the betrayal and started waging a one woman war against the Empire and he hailed as a hero of the Resistance but she refuses any accolades because she was originally part of the Eggman Empire and she's only fighting back against it for revenge. Is rizzed beyond belief by Tangle being a spastic retro gamer nerd.
Tangle: would be a bumbling failure bimbo who is so incapable that she can't make toast without setting her house on fire, has been fired in disgrace from every job she's ever worked at, and everyone in her home town kind of hates her because she's a walking disaster the son of all bastards. Only person who tries to be a handler for her is Jewel because they're childhood friends, when Jewel was being bullied Tangle tried to save her. Is a super retro gamer who is always playing old SEGA games like Gunstar Heroes. Finally one day a hoard of Egg Pawns attacks her town and it's like a switch is flipped and Tangle suddenly becomes hyper competent and effective and capable, going into a flow state and fighting them off, single handedly saving her town and all its inhabitants. Finds her calling in doing the hero stuff because it's literally the only thing in her entire life she's not a complete abject failure at. Also is a bunny.
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lotuspikmin · 9 months
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Oh jeez I never actually posted these here did I? Have some OC reference sketches and notes!
IMAGE DESCRIPTION AND TEXT: My OC Corso, standing in a neutral position in a tank top/sweatpants/socks, in both a front view (to show their broad, heavy build and furry cheek patches/whiskers) and a smaller side view of their torso (to show off a short cute tail). Text:
Karutians (inspo.: spotted hyena).
AFAB Karutians are taller and brawnier than AMAB Karutians.
Fur typically a couple shades darker than skin tone, but dyes are common fashion statement.
If Corso ever gets dandori'd their fur would be all blue, omg.
Fur covers back of arms, shoulders, back, hips/waist, front of legs, top of feet.
Omnivorous, strong jaws let them crunch through foods that are otherwise impossible to get to (shells, thick rinds, bones, etc.).
Other facts not written on the page:
Corso was originally hired as a records management coordinator, took the officer's training as a spur-of-the-moment thing, then when they saw the distress call from the Rescue Corps was both A) the person with the most training/qualifications and B) the one most earnestly asking what they could do to help.
Survives off of adrenaline, people-pleasing, and impostor syndrome for a good chunk of the game, at least up until Hero's Hideaway happens.
Has a younger sister named Connie, who tends to steal the limelight in their family's eyes.
Is a firstborn child, which holds specific weight and expectations on Karut: first-time Karutian parents traditionally have a higher rate of complications during pregnancy, and so a surviving firstborn is considered "lucky" and supposedly destined for big things in life.
Once modern medicine caught up to Karutian anatomy there were a lot more firstborns surviving to adulthood, and a lot more of them going through the equivalent of "gifted child burnout" as a result. Corso is among them, which is part of why they left Karut and moved to Giya in the first place.
Likes cooking, reading, and building model kits: stays rather aloof out of feeling super-intimidated at first, but gradually warms up to each of the other rescue officers and sees this whole situation as the best thing to have ever happened to them.
Is determined to get Louie's recipe for carrot soufflé after he cooked for everyone at the rescue outpost, and demands he cough it up whenever they meet from that point on.
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gasha40k · 11 months
As stated in my last post, World Eaters have occupied the vast majority of both my 40k time and my 40k energy for a number of months now. I’m even planning on joining a local league with my Khorne army, which I suppose means they’ve usurped the Thunderbearers as my “main” army, even though I love all of my tiny plastic sons equally. But regardless of the fact that they’re not exactly my primary army, the Thunderbearers are still my little men. The World Eaters may be my favorite faction, but they’re not my fully custom homebrewed little men that I’ve been collecting, customizing, and writing for years now.
I think it’s a good time to start working on my Astartes again. GW has been releasing a lot of banger kits recently, and since the turn of the edition, my drop pod strats have been more viable than ever. I’ve got some plans for the army going forwards, so I wanna talk about some of those here.
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The new Company Heroes box is one of my favorite Primaris kits ever released. Each one of these sculpts fucking rocks, but I’m particularly interested the two decked out Veterans. Even more particularly the dude with the heavy bolter. Thing is, the actual datasheet attached to the kit is kind of mid, so instead of actually using the squad, I’m gonna cannibalize the kit for bits.
The Captain and the Ancient will be used as their solo datasheets. Not sure what I’ll do with the Champion, but I’m thinking I’ll use him to build a Librarian. The two veterans, however, are both gonna get recycled into Captain models.
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Zaraf Görefried “the Red Roar” Redfale, Lord-Captain of the 2nd Company, forgotten prince of Manticore
Each Thunderbearers Company is a semi-autonomous armada, a vast independent warfleet of such concentrated force that it resembles a microcosmic Chapter in and of itself, albeit one with incredibly diminished numbers.
Due to their high levels of operational freedom, each Thunderbearers Company contains unique cultures and subtle variances of the Chapter’s doctrines. As such, those leading the Companies—the Captains, known interchangeably as Lords—are the greatest paragons of their fleet, representing most succinctly in both character and action the ideals of their individual Company.
Because of this, I’m trying to kitbash an interesting and characterful model for each Captain. Their model should tell a tale about them as an individual, but it should also be the clearest visual representation of their Company’s tactics and culture.
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Perseus Lahan, “the Thunder Hand,” Lord-Captain of the 3rd Company
So going back to the Company Heroes, the robot lad is going to get converted into Perseus Lahan, the 3rd Captain. Perseus is known as “the Thunder Hand” not only for his sick ass gilded golden arm, but for his ruthlessly efficient decision-making and his finely honed (yet seemingly endless) temper.
This model is a pretty simple conversion, but super effective as a Captain, I think. I may also replace the circular thang on his power pack with a better iron halo, but I’ll get there when I get there.
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Lazarus Sicane, “the White Wind,” Chapter-Master of the Thunderbearers and herald of the great storm
Heavy bolter guy gets better treatment than the robot arm guy though, of course. He’s gonna get converted into my Chapter-Master.
This will be Lazarus Sicane, the savior of the Chapter. He wields Exaction, an ancient, hyper-artificed bolt cannon that may or may not contain a dominated Warp entity. Lazarus is responsible for a lot of things in the Thunderbearers canon, including but not limited to reunifying the decimated Chapter after the opening of the Great Rift. He is, for all intents and purposes, the Chapter’s greatest hope, and one behind which all of its fleets rally.
I’m really excited to get this guy built because he’s kind of the quintessential Thunderbearers model. Old mark armor, lots of robes, gothic shit all over, a gargantuan ballistic cannon, and a metric fuckton of purity seals. He’ll also be super cool for narrative purposes, and definitely a bit of a centerpiece model.
Accompanying him will be a squad of Terminators, the Storm Guard, whenever I pick up a squad of those.
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2nd Company Specialist test color scheme, courtesy of a friend
Since Companies are their own autonomous things, it makes sense for them to have their own heraldry, as well. To add some visual variety to my army, I’ve decided that a few of my dudes (specifically my Gravis units) are gonna get some red coloring to denote them as members of the 2nd Company.
The 2nd Company has a large quantity of recruits sourced from the world Manticore, which is a big hostile ball of frozen red sands. The red ceramite is an homage to the red-colored armor that warriors would wear as camouflage in the sand dunes.
I’m not entirely decided upon what color scheme to run with. The red helmet and red shoulder pad are cool, I think, but a red helmet and a red weapon may also work just as well. I’ll do some coloring tests to decide on what works best, but that’s about all I’ve got regarding loreposting and planning for my Space Marines. Outside of the Company Heroes, I’m gonna grab a Gladiator Lancer at some point, as well as an Impulsor. Gotta get my armor up.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
Hey, Merms! 👋
You always do such a good job avoiding physical descriptions when writing the Y/N's, but lately I've been wondering: what kinds of clothes do you personally imagine them wearing? You once mentioned your "headcanons" for the kinds of perfume they might wear, and I thought that was super fun. Also, you always describe clothes so beautifully! The parts in something where Kenzo, Kihara, and Scribbles are going over the Hero Gala outfits are some of my favorites.
On that note, I'm especially curious about Scribbles' wardrobe, since Deku's poor fashion choices are always a point of major contention lol.
I love getting to play with clothing, in writing, because beyond just liking clothes, personally, narratively they serve such an important function in world/character-building. Clothes are so telling of a person! Which is why I find it so necessary to avoid it as much as humanly possible with a Y/N, unless there’s a narrative/meta reasoning for it (getting a new coat, scarf; being kitted out for a formal event. Indulging in high-end lingerie to showcase you do think about what you’re wearing, at least intimately, and thus giving you a reason to be judgemental of someone else’s poor tastes in fucking cargo pants). But okay, I’ll play. 👀 Putting everything under a cut, so those of our friends who don’t want the fun/fantasy of the Y/N they imagine ruined don’t have to see my subjective taste in fashion, LOL.
Let’s start off with my baby, Weedsy-woo.
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Weeds would wear a lot of natural fibres, like 100% linen pants or dresses, woollen tops for the cooler months. Weeds was raised by Granddad, so Weed’s style would be unconsciously conservative, (high necklines, for example) especially on days when Weeds is working in the shop (which is most days lmao). Granddad was a practical man, though! So even though there’d be a unintentional romanticism in Weed’s choices (a lot of flowy cuts in the dresses and skirts), they’re made knowing that Weeds has to stand or work in them, and that they need to be comfortable and be able to handle, idk, getting wet from dripping flower ends, be about to get dirty and easily washable. There’d be a lot of soft colours (beiges and pale rosy pinks, sage greens) with the occasional vibrant pop of colour (a fun print of fluro pink and yellow and orange, for example, on a top maybe; or the red coat Akane gifts Weeds for Christmas, the yellow scarf from Katsuki). Once Katsuki comes into the picture and has carved out his own permanent space, some of his jackets would start appearing slung over a shop chair, or wrapped around Weeds in the early morning hours of the freezing warehouses of the flower markets.
Okay though, let’s talk my troublemarker Scribbles.
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Scribbles is sloppy. Wide-leg men’s pants, fished out from a 200-yen bin at an op-shop. Old, well-worn band t-shirts that have given so much in slack they slip over the shoulder. A sarong from a little Bali-import store that Scribbles finds in Mum’s stuff, when Mum moves to New Zealand. Oversized mens shirts, fished out from that same op-shop, layered over crop tops and silky singlets. Scribbles would like cuts that show cleavage, because why spend good money on lingerie if you’re not going to show it off somehow?
But mostly, I don’t think Scribbles would really overthink things. Because Scribbles spends like, idk, 17 hours or something bent over a tablet/lightboard, trying to draw, the pieces Scribs wears have to be comfortable (cue the wide pants, the oversized shirts). Scribbles crawls out of bed at 8 am (after coming home at 4am), crawls into the first pair of pants that smell clean and then idk, a random top pulled from a basket, before throwing on on old painter’s overcoat, because the aircon can get kind of chilly. But because Scribbles is an artist (an artist raised by a model mother who adored fashion), Scribs has an unwitting eye for it—every piece in Scribble’s wardrobe can be mixed and matched. I’ve always, always, from day one imagined Scribbles to be the kind of Cool Girl that can make anything work, from sheer attitude alone, but I think the deck was stacked from the beginning for Scribs, too. I think it makes it doubly unfair that Scribbles is so mean about Deku’s choices LOL, because Scribbles just takes it for granted that of course people can dress well, so wtf is he doing with all those cheesy t-shirts? That kindergarten colour-blocking he has going on with the hero merch? Disgusting, pull yourself together, Deku.
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deniigi · 2 years
17 please!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Oh man. I tend to just fucking go for it and write them myself but I think I've got a handful that would be like wishlist.
Maul and Kanan competing for Ezra's master and Maul being actually good at it.
Obi-wan's name having been mispronounced by everyone his whole life.
Rex being super into his aquarium/terrarium building and hiding it from everyone he knows.
Obi-wan returning to Melida/Daan and being recognized as a hero there
Vader realizing that Luke and Leia are his kids earlier on and trying to be a dad to them while they are all actively fighting each other
Kit Fisto losing babywan on a field trip and living his life in perpetual anxiety of losing sight of him again after that.
The whole Opress family being social media stars/influencers in various areas (Maul is a model punk bad boy with music/punk/destroying obi-wan lifestyle type of account, Savage is a video game streamer, and Feral (like 15 yo here) is just chronically online, accidentally joining chat rooms with the TCW padawan crew and making friends with the family nemesis-troop.
Obi-wan, Xanatos, and Feemor being forced to do brotherly things.
Luke and Leia encountering cantankerous old man Cody who does not give a shit about them or social niceties anymore.
Cody and Gregor's complex promotion/demotion system for each other.
Mace and Qui-Gon being forced to let a baby Plo play with them and Dooku trying to make them all treat each other kindly.
Alpha-17 becoming a postman/courier post war.
Cobb and Luke being partners in crime, united against Peli
Thats probably a good selection of the ideas rolling around in my head.
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braveandsnipe · 7 months
wait geats was shida's second foray into toku????
yep! she was in the 2021 tokusatsu "girl gun lady", though she had a only has a minor role (episodes 9-10).
from what i've seen/read, the series is about a high school student who gets roped into a "deathmatch game" and must play against the students of her school. to do so, she uses a gun made from a plastic model kit. these model kits were sold in tandem with the show.
a bit of the geats cast have had previous tokusatsu roles
tsumuri's actress played alice hiromi in a GARO series
ziin's actor played shotaro ishinamori in super hero senki and my favorite role "boy saved by hino eiji" /j
girori's actor played emperor maya in wizard's magic land movie
daichi's actor played takuya endo in the den-o tribute for zi-o
kekera's actor has had a couple: shinya in ultraman nexus, makoto in amazons (2016), and yukihiro in w returns
ziit's actor played a minor character in fourze
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gamerzylo · 10 months
Do you think Java Dude would be into any specific ‘fandoms’ since he seems to be more nerdy than other pdudes?? I mostly see him being into typical nerdy things like Star Wars, super heros, video games, and maybe anime. But maybe he’s actually more just into cartoons? Or older media. I’m not sure. Maybe he likes a bit of everything lol
It would be cool if he was into making model kit airplanes and stuff like that though. I think he & Novel Dude would find it really peaceful to work on creating something together :)
I'm gonna preface this by saying that I know nothing about Gundam but he looks like the kinda guy who'd be into it. I could definitely see him being into super hero stuff, from Marvel and DC to the more niche stuff from Image Comics. Video games strike me as something more Novel would get into, both current and retro while Java is firmly on the retro side of things.
Even if not necessarily model planes then really model anything - cars, anime stuff, etc. I could see Java introducing a skeptical Novel to it, who in turn comes to enjoy it because like you said - it's peaceful and they get to work together.
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fostersffff · 1 year
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I was super excited about getting my VALIMAR, THE ASHEN KNIGHT (from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel) model kit, but was super disappointed to find out it had almost no color separation despite a ton of detail, thanks to screenshots from r/gunpla (which I use for comparison above). A couple bits were painted, like the head and some of the green energy spots, but it was largely just gray plastic. I wanted to try to give it the paint job it deserved.
Only problem is that the only kit painting I had ever done before were some details on my SD Dark Gundam kit, which turned out fine, but I really wanted to make sure I did this as nicely as I could. I went over to @gundamplanet to buy some paint, and got some tips that really helped out dramatically: primarily, to put a base coat on everything to make the paint show better, and to buy thinner to mix with the paint to help it run more smoothly.
The thing I wish I had listened to them on is to buy an airbrush. This was a beast to paint with brushes, and in addition to being much easier, all the silver (and black for the inside of the wings) would've looked infinitely more consistent. I nearly junked the whole thing after I painted the body because I was so upset with how it looked at that point, but once I snapped it all together I was pretty happy with my work.
Looking forward to getting around to all the other kits I have that won't require massive paint jobs!
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sarkos · 1 year
For the first edition Battledroids game, TCI packed in two mini-model kits, typically Nitto’s Dougram kits. Box art for the game featured artwork of the Tomahawk Destroid from Macross, repurposed to become the “Warhammer” battle mech. Several other Macross and Dougram designs were adapted to become the core battlemech designs for the game. As a result, the hero Dougram became the “Shadow Hawk” and the Soltech Round Facer became the “Griffon.” The Bigfoot, Blockhead, and Hasty became the “Battlemaster”, “Wolverine” and “Thunderbolt” mechs. Of the Macross designs, the VF-1S Super Valkyrie became the “Phoenix Hawk” and the standard VF-1S became the “Wasp.” The VF-1A became the “Stinger” and the Armored VF-1A/J became the “Crusader.” The Reguld became the “Ostoc,” or “Ostscout.” The Glaug became the “MAD-3R Marauder”. The Defender anti-aircraft Destroid became the “Rifleman,” the Destroid Spartan became the “Archer” and the Destroid Phalanx became known as the “Longbow.”. A Shoji Kawamori design from Crusher Joe, the Ostall hunter drone, grew in size to become the “Locust” light combat mech (the name being a play on the words “low cost”). The game was an immediate hit, but FASA ran into a snag as Lucasfilm claimed a trademark on the term “droid” due to its use in Star Wars. To avoid litigation, FASA changed the game’s name from Battledroids to Battletech when they published a second edition of the core rules in 1985. The second edition boxes did not include the two kits per box that the Battledroids set had featured. In place of this, TCI offered at least seven scenario expansion modules for the game, with each module containing two models (primarily 1/144 Dougram kits from Nitto or Nichimo 1/200 Macross kits) and a set of rules for a scenario that used the included kits. In addition to these modules, TCI shrink-wrapped printouts of Battletech mech stats onto the boxes of the original 1/144 Nitto Dougram kits for the designs that were incorporated into the game.
Japanese Robot Invasion! 1980s Anime Mecha Models Arrive in the US, Part II – ZIMMERIT – Anime | Manga | Garage Kits | Doujin
I’m not sure if it’s TCI or another enterprising distributor, but as a youth I picked up a Crusher Joe Minerva relabeled as a Leopard Dropship, packed with I think a Dougram and a Destroid kit at a convention
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galactic-johnny · 2 months
The Mecha Break Playtest is over so here are my mechs that I customized. I was mostly basing them off of my gunpla that sort of reminded me of them. (also some of my thoughts)
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First was Narukami (my main <3) where I went with a gundam pharact color scheme. I think this was the best one I did.
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For Alysnes I was going for a sort of GM Custom color scheme but I couldn't find a lighter seafoam color so this cyant had to do.
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Panther was the first one I did and I tried to go for a titans color scheme.
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Inferno has the cannons in each hand so I wanted to go for a Buster Gundam look, but there wasn't a good light brown like the MG version has. (Also its charged attack does a sort of Wing Zero thing where it puts its guns together)
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I think for Hurricane I just changed one thing to blue but this is how it turned out.
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My second favorite was Welkin, I went with a Stark Jegan type of thing although a Zaku would probably be more fitting with its axe and bazooka loadout.
I did have a pilot but I didn't take a screenshot and I didn't spend a lot time other than giving them a big ass anyway.
Also bonus is the overwatch 1 style global chat where people say a bunch of memes in my screenshots.
The rest is gonna be some of my thoughts but its not really comprehensive and I doubt the developers are really looking on tumblr to gauge people's interest in certain aspects.
If you want a basic idea of the game to me its like armored core 5 mixed with Overwatch (which I was very into). The current playable mechs support several playstyles, I've seen people who really like the flyers, or really love the melee mechs, and theres the turret ones, there are supports, and there are midrange mechs, so I think most people could find one that they like.
I started playing on the first day when they had twitch drop keys and I ended up with 15 hours on the game, I have some concerns with how things will be balanced later and ho they will monetize but overall the game was super fun and there will be a hole in my heart waiting to play it again.
The UI implies that there might be weapon customization which I would like, people also seem to think there will be more PvE in the full release. It a beta and the with the release date apparently looking at 2025 there's probably a handful of major parts of the game that weren't in a state they wanted to show to the public.
I've seen some people complain there's more pilot customization than mech customization, and I get it but the pilot customization is going to be more appealing to a mainstream audience that isn't already super into model kits or armored core and such. Also the 4 ass sliders are what half of the social media posts are about so it seemed to work.
I feel like the game has several factors work against it: mecha still sort of niche, and I imagine its niche for the demographic that is looking for a new hero shooter; it seems to have a very high production value which is good and bad because they're gonna really need to make good money; its a chinese indie developer so they will have to fight the allegations of being CCP spyware from a pinned comment in any reddit thread.
In spite of this the playtest had 50k players on all 3 days of the open beta and it seems to have gotten a good amount of attention on twitter and tikok (note: I do not use either of those regularly I just checked to see what normal people thought of them). It also came out at a good time with its announcement being when armored core 6 was on people's minds.
Final thoughts are I like it and good mecha action games are few and far between but I'm keeping my fingers crossed after Gundam Evolution crashed and burned (although I think everyone likes this more than gundam evolution).
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randomthefox · 26 days
Reminded me, people think Super Knux in 3K is pink cuz Japan percieves Pink differently than western society, finding pink to rep masculinity or intensity
While the color theory is true, the real reason
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They just additively pulsed white. Knux's palette in game is incorrectly pinker toned for base compared to art, so no. If he was correctly red like art, then his super form would be orange tan in between the white pulse
Mania is similarly, weirdly pink for base palette compared to art being redder again actually now that I think about it, most red things weirdly are pinkish in Mania
In SuperStars it's somewhat similar, his model's textures are pinker than standard art. Though the effect is lessoned
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Either way, flashing colors in Heroes will 100% be bitched about back then as well honestly, even though it's faithful
My assumption is they couldn't get the models to pulse colors like that in Heroes, because I mean fucking look at them
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there's no fucking way you could get these things to change colors through a flashing gradient when you're making your very first multiplat game on three completely different consoles from completely different companies with wildly divergent internal hardware. Their dev kits would have fucking exploded.
The way the models flash in Sonic Superstars is absolutely what Tails and Knuckles were "supposed" to look like in the final boss fight of Heroes, barring technical limitations.
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nerdarena2 · 2 months
The Gundam Effect: How a Sci-Fi Franchise Redefined Mecha Anime?
When it comes to iconic anime franchises, few can boast the enduring legacy and cultural impact of Gundam. Since its inception in 1979, Gundam has not only captivated audiences with its gripping narratives and complex characters but has also redefined the mecha anime genre, setting new standards and inspiring countless other works. In this article, we explore the transformative impact of the Gundam franchise on mecha anime and beyond.
The Birth of a Giant
Revolutionary Concept : The original "Mobile Suit Gundam," created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Sunrise, introduced audiences to a new kind of mecha anime. Unlike its predecessors, which often featured super robots with fantastical powers, Gundam presented a more realistic and militaristic approach to giant robots. These "mobile suits" were depicted as tools of war, piloted by soldiers within the context of a complex and morally ambiguous conflict. This shift towards realism and political intrigue was groundbreaking and set Gundam apart from other anime of the time.
Complex Characters and Themes : Gundam also broke new ground with its deep, multifaceted characters and mature themes. The protagonist, Amuro Ray, was not a traditional hero but a reluctant pilot thrust into the horrors of war. The series explored themes of war, loss, and the human condition, providing a nuanced and thought-provoking narrative that resonated with older audiences. This complexity became a hallmark of the franchise, appealing to a broader demographic and setting a new standard for character development in anime.
Expanding the Universe
Sequel Success and Spin-offs : The success of the original series paved the way for numerous sequels, spin-offs, and alternate timelines, each adding depth and variety to the Gundam universe. From the political drama of "Zeta Gundam" to the post-apocalyptic world of "Turn A Gundam," the franchise continually reinvented itself while maintaining core themes of war and humanity. This expansive universe allowed for creative storytelling and ensured that Gundam remained fresh and relevant through the decades.
Merchandising and Model Kits : One of the most significant impacts of Gundam has been its contribution to the world of anime merchandise, particularly model kits, known as Gunpla (Gundam plastic models). These kits have become a global phenomenon, allowing fans to engage with the franchise in a hands-on way. The intricate design and engineering of these models have set industry standards and have become a major part of Gundam's enduring appeal. Gunpla has not only fueled the franchise's popularity but also inspired countless model kit enthusiasts and collectors.
Gundam's Legacy
Continuing Evolution : As Gundam approaches its fifth decade, it continues to evolve and innovate. Recent series like "Gundam Build Fighters" and "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin" introduce new generations to the franchise, blending nostalgia with modern storytelling techniques. Meanwhile, the upcoming live-action adaptations and new animated projects promise to expand Gundam's reach even further.
Inspiring Future Creators
Gundam's influence extends to inspiring future generations of creators. Many contemporary anime directors, writers, and artists cite Gundam as a major inspiration. The franchise's blend of compelling narratives, intricate world-building, and realistic mecha designs has set a high bar for storytelling and creativity in the anime industry.
The Gundam franchise has undoubtedly redefined the mecha anime genre, leaving an indelible mark on both anime and global pop culture. Its realistic approach to mecha warfare, complex characters, and mature themes have inspired countless other works and set new standards for storytelling. As Gundam continues to evolve, its legacy as a pioneering and transformative force in anime remains stronger than ever. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer, the Gundam universe offers a rich and engaging experience that continues to captivate and inspire audiences worldwide. Below are prime characters you can see from the gundam series:
Prime Characters From The Gundam Series :
Below are some of the prime marvel action figures from the “Venom” series you should not miss putting in your shelf :
Shining Gundman :
Unleash the power of the Shining Gundam with Bandai Spirits' meticulously crafted action figure! This dynamic figure captures the iconic Mobile Suit from the Gundam Universe in stunning detail. Perfect for collectors and fans alike, the Shining Gundam is ready to enhance your display with its exceptional articulation and vibrant design. Embrace the legacy of Gundam and bring home the brilliance of the Shining Gundam today! If you are a true venom fan and you wish to purchase these marvel action figures then you can find them at marvel collectibles india.
Gundman Aerial :
Take flight with the Gundam Universe SXVX-016 Gundam Aerial Action Figure by Bandai Spirits! This high-flying Mobile Suit is meticulously detailed, capturing the essence of Gundam's aerial prowess. Perfect for collectors and fans, it features impressive articulation and vibrant colors, making it a standout piece in any collection. Elevate your Gundam Universe with the dynamic and visually stunning Gundam Aerial Action Figure today! If you are a true venom fan and you wish to purchase these marvel action figures then you can find them at marvel collectibles india.
Apart from the above marvel figuirines, dc action figures or dc superhero merchandies, there are many other action figures you can explore. If you are looking out for such action figures then Nerd Arena is a one-stop solution for such kinds of action figures. 
To Know More  https://nerdarena.in/blogs/artists-corner/the-gundam-effect-how-a-sci-fi-franchise-redefined-mecha-anime
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xiaoxiaopuff · 2 months
What are the categories of figures?
Figurines come in many varieties, differentiated by materials, manufacturing techniques, size, and style. They can be categorized as follows:
1. GK (Garage Kit): These are resin model kits crafted by anime enthusiasts. Typically unpainted, they require the buyer to assemble and color them. GKs are known for their limited availability, high price, and superior craftsmanship, making them suitable for advanced collectors.
2. PF (PVC Figure): These are painted finished products made primarily from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), typically produced and sold by professional companies. PFs are characterized by their wide availability, moderate price, and average craftsmanship, making them suitable for general collectors.
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3. SD (Super Deformed): These models feature characters with exaggerated proportions, usually with a much larger head compared to the body, and a cute expression. SDs vary in style and size, are affordable, and have lower production quality, appealing to collectors who favor a cute aesthetic.
4. RAH (Real Action Heroes): These are action figures scaled to 1/6 or 1/12 size that realistically replicate anime characters, often including fabric clothing and accessories. RAHs are known for their lifelike appearance, flexible articulation, high cost, and high quality, suited for collectors who appreciate realistic figures.
5. Nendoroid: Created by Good Smile Company, this series features SD-style figures with interchangeable expressions and accessories. Nendoroids are noted for their adorable design, expressive faces, reasonable pricing, and high quality, ideal for collectors who enjoy customizing their figures.
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whitj82 · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔥2 FOR $120🔥 Nano Gauntlet MARVEL 675 pcs/pzs.
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