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brushie-art · 18 hours ago
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My buffer posts are moving again!
We will get back to superheroes in about 6 posts after this one :3333
But for now, have some old slumber lily lore.
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thealterscrolls · 7 months ago
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the only proven effective way to be rid of your enemies 💖
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hoarah-babylon · 8 months ago
Let me switch it up and talk about some lore from the DLC that I really liked
Learning about Marika is the main thing that truly moved me so much. The items and atmosphere (that music!!!) in Shaman Village genuinely brought me to tears. I just wasn't expecting to get such a human perspective of Marika and her actions. Her past doesn't justify her actions during her reign at all of course, but I understand her motivations now and they're just... so human and illogical.
It really resonated with me. I know what it's like to feel loss, to feel like you don't have a home, or that you do have a home, but it will never be the same and you can never return to it. To have this idealised version of it in your mind and have this illogical need to preserve it. I know what it's like to feel guilt and try to right things even though it never can truly be fixed. It re-contextualises so much, and I loved that.
I always said I thought it was wild for her to take the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring, like how could she have ever thought that would work out? It was doomed to fail from the start. But I get it now. She wasn't doing that from any kind of logical thinking - it's all emotion, it's all trauma and grief and wanting to do whatever she could to avoid that loss ever again. Grieving a heavy loss and newly in a position of godhood... of course she made decisions that wouldn't make sense to most. Of course she removed Death as soon as she had the chance, or opportunity.
For me it completely negates any theory that Marika was working with Ranni on the dire plot - this makes The Shattering out to be something that was born completely from grief. She did everything she could, everything within her power to avoid experiencing this kind of loss ever again, and still lost her golden child in one of the most horrific ways possible. Marika started her reign on the premise of emotion and revenge, and essentially ended it for the same reasons. It's great storytelling, comes full-circle and answers a lot of questions I had from the base game! 10/10
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strangegutz · 3 months ago
hey man. you wanna know about CompanDroids?
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brainclouded · 7 months ago
Since the votes said yes, first batch of characters -w- redesigns and headcanons!!
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sapphim · 1 year ago
so I've been thinking about the politics of tranquility. I've spoken before about tranquility and the fragile illusion of chantry control.
I've been thinking about how the objection as stated to Ser Alrik's "tranquil solution" isn't that mages are being made tranquil, but that they are being made tranquil unwillingly, having passed their Harrowings. how Hawke says, "Doesn't Chantry law say that mages who pass their Harrowing can't be made Tranquil?" how tranquility is so ultimately distasteful, how its optics are so poor, that it is never meant to be meted out as a punishment, but as precaution. how an entire class of enchanters are free of its threat by law.
it is a "choice," an alternative to attempting and failing one's Harrowing. "they chose this," you are meant to be able to say, of the tranquil, "of their own free will. they felt it would be better this way. they're happier and safer now." how even Meredith rejects Alrik's proposal, despite presiding over such unlawful rites of tranquility from at least as early as Maddox, prior to 9:31.
I've been thinking about the level of responsibility that is placed on the shoulders of first enchanters like Irving or Orsino. how they can't control that templars expect to mete out punishment, but they can try to direct that punishment at certain targets to spare the others under their care. how Irving and Uldred, in cooperation with Greagoir, honeypot apprentices into taking up blood magic, to feed a steady stream of untrustworthy delinquents to the templars. how Irving plays favorites. how the first enchanter presumably has full control over the details of each apprentice's Harrowing.
I've been thinking about the apprentices who are browbeaten into believing they cannot possibly pass their Harrowings, or denied their right to one entirely.
I've been thinking about how, for poor communities, who can't demand a level of accountability from the chantry, mages taken to the circle often might as well just fall off the face of the earth. Carver says of the templars, in act 1, "So, they don't always just make you disappear, like it seems?" it's different for mages like Finn Aldebrant, or Connor Guerrin, or Emile de Launcet, whose families directly empower chantry rule and could cause a scene if they didn't like what they heard.
I've thinking about how the tranquil don't get to go home to their families, once their existence has been rendered "safe." because unpaid slave labor is an essential chantry asset, but also because the families who would still claim their mage relatives are exactly the ones who would be most likely to care about their mistreatment.
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possumcollege · 4 months ago
Hi! I love Crittertongue, and I’ve been wondering; why is one of the three sisters human? Does she have a different father?  Is she adopted? Something else?
Ooor did I miss the comic where that's explained?
Hope you have a good day! :)
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Yep, Trestle's got a different father. He hasn't been in the comics because he wasn't around for long. He's called Roy and he now lives on a canal boat with his third wife, Dale. They're nice.
The curse stems from Silo and Joist's dad, a real shitbird of a con-man with a gift for sweet talk and phony paperwork, but very little else. He bobbed around for a few years after Silo was born, and fucked off for good when it became clear that there was another child inbound and the "daughter is goat" situation wasn't going to clear up on its own.
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"I may live in an abandoned shipyard and I'm almost certainly having a second goat baby, but at least my shitty boyfriend ain't 'round no more!'
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enneamage · 4 months ago
>the manipulations from exile were kinda real too
I'm gonna eat an entire box of thumb tacs
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corsair-news-alliance · 3 months ago
To all survivors of the 30 hours war. To all surviving members of CORSAIR Mercenary Company our home may have been ripped from us, it may be soaked in the blood of our fallen comrades.... But... It's back in our hands.
The company is dead. CORSAIR Mercenary Company is gone. But... The spirit of what it means to be a CORSAIR is far from gone.
She's battered, and ripped to shreds, her guns pulled out, her streets barricaded still and her shops boarded shut. But friends.... She is ours again. Our home... OUR HOME IS OURS AGAIN.
They cannot take that from us. We can bring her back. Build our lives back, rebuild our shops, our rooms, our safety. Because the Mercenaries we were will never return.... We can still do something with our skills. We can still do good in this galaxy. I offer shelter to anyone willing to help rebuild our home... Rebuild your home. I offer a place in the new life we can build.
But before that... Everyone thank APMS-341-A from @leastinsanesscpilot for filing all the paperwork to get our home back.
Back to the core of why we're doing this... Before our home burned. Harrison Armory accused of slaughter of vicious violence against them... And we told them no. No we would not pay reparations for their crimes. That we would not give them money for the pain and suffering they caused.
Before our home burned we showed the Galaxy the crimes we committed on Three Candles Deep to expose the utter horror of the flash cloning project that Longbeard died to stop.
And as our home burned we fought for what was right, we held off the endless horror of our own friends.. of our family turning guns on us because we wouldn't follow our old leader in her madness. She burned our ties to so many....
I tried to save as many of us as I could. I failed to save Commodore. I failed to save most of the handlers. I failed to save most of us.
But we survived. Despite it all we survived.
That is the story of CORSAIR. We are survivors. We are rebels. We refused to bend under the boot of the status quo.
CORSAIR is the home of the lost
CORSAIR is the home of those seeking something more
CORSAIR was the chance for something new... If you had nothing... Or had nothing but excess.
We never did this for the money truly.... We know the old joke of three deployments. Three times boots hit the ground and you could retire. But we didn't retire.
We kept going in.
For glory.
For a purpose.
For the family we made.
So let's do something worthwhile again. Fight a fight against the status quo like Sylvia wanted all those years ago.
When I awoke from my Coma I made the choice to continue to piss off @harrison-armory-incorporated I chose to release the footage from every deployment we had with them, had against them, anything related. Because we turned on one another because they kicked our fragile foundation.... So I kicked back.
We have evidence
We have expirence
We have mechs
We have the tools to take the fight to the companies. To take the fight to every place where innocent people are hurt.
And we can do what we do best. Tell stories.
Frontline reporting. Taking care of those who can't fight. While we do everything we can to not bend to authority.
If the DoJ/HR can't be everywhere at once. And if Albatross won't show the Galaxy what's going on, then we'll do both.
We'll rebuild. I know Anna already wants to design us a fleet.... It's time to remember what it means to be a CORSAIR.
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inkwell-intermission · 7 months ago
haha hey. you should share your droog autism headcanons :]
I've previously stated that my Droog has autism and I will elaborate below. He has sensory issues and sensitivities, difficulty emoting and recognizing his feelings (alexithymia), has difficulty socializing and connecting with others, and a very monotone speech pattern. He is also DEEPLY uncute about it and reacts to difficulties by removing himself from a situation or becoming agitated or aggressive- he has very little interested in adapting or overcoming anything.
There's more to it, but overall, he has "committed to the bit" in a sense. Oh, he doesn't make eye contact? Obviously it's because he doesn't believe you're worth his time to look at or the respect it would imply. He doesn't want to talk to someone? He's too cool to have a conversation- especially about anything outside of a narrow list of interests he's interested in chatting about. Won't eat at a new restaurant? He's a loyal regular at his usual places, and nothing could be better than them, so why bother, it's not because he can't imagine trying new foods that he hasn't already decided he likes, or new people who don't already understand his particular likes and dislikes- He might have to actually explain himself instead of simply knowing he's understood. He only wears very specific clothes and adheres closely to certain fashions? That's simply the best kind of clothes to wear, nothing else!
He has a lot of texture sensitivities that come through in his clothes and the fit of them. His clothing is all tailored a specific way, possibly not even the "best" way to fit him, but the only way he can tolerate. He has very specific requirements for the clothing he wears and the fabric used and he prefers to work with a specific tailor every time who knows exactly what he wants, and has no problems with all his demands and alterations. In this case I do mean Stitch, who does usually get paid, not lavishly, but paid.
He hates bright light, although he isn't unique in this, as a good amount of Dersites find it pretty insufferable. Loud environments can also make him… itchy. There's that joke about the "insert guy doing thing here" "don't worry he's stimming", and that's kind of Droog in a nutshell but with physical violence. Break something, hit someone, destroy property, whatever it is he can do. He likes bludgeoning best in hand-to-hand combat, compared to Slick's preference for blades- although his hitcher does fine as well. Droog simply doesn't want to bother with a knife or that kind of finesse- he just wants to beat someone as badly as possible as hard as possible until he feels better, and he does.
He's pretty sensitive to certain things including dust and other particles in the air and on surfaces and takes cleaning very seriously. He's a very lazy person who doesn't buy into the idea of doing things for others much of the time, so he won't clean anything he doesn't use or touch. He has a schedule for dry cleanings, laundry, dusting, and other things, and keeps to it out of habit. He despises spontaneity and earnestly plans out his day in advance, and may take any distractions from that plan badly and violently. Although he always has time to shirk paperwork or ignore something only half-important that Slick is trying to tell him.
Droog is capable of cooking, but rarely does, because he doesn't like to cook for anyone else, and is specific enough with instructions and recipes that it gets on everyone else's nerves to watch. At least he leaves the counter surfaces clean, even if he won't do the dishes afterwards. He doesn't eat that much, to be honest, compared to what he should be, and not exactly nutritiously. Most of his meals are very heavy, and he doesn't particularly go for vegetables, although he will eat them cooked. Anything crunchy kind of makes him twitchy because the noise draws attention and he doesn't like being seen eating. Or chewing. Or enjoying food. He usually wants his food with meat involved, regardless of the other contents, and is picky about seafood, but eats it. Notably, no crustaceans. But if he gets something caught in his teeth he will literally make Slick pull over so he can step inside somewhere to get it out under penalty of property or personal damages.
He's got very specific special interests- fabrics, men's fashion- women's fashion, although he doesn't talk about it much and doesn't like talking to women particularly (although he doesn't usually talk to anyone if he can help it), he knows too much about alcohol, the process of making alcohol, cigarettes, making your own cigarettes, interior decorating, and firearms. There may be a few others, but he's essentially very into stereotypical masculine things, for the most part.
He hates explaining anything. In a perfect world, everyone around him would simply understand exactly what he wants without needing to make eye contact with him or ask him questions in any way. He's very oriented around himself- yes he is selfish, a bit vain, and somewhat self-obsessed, but those are all far less relevant details- the way he views the world is simply through a very singular lens, and he's leaned into how easy it is for him to dissociate from his empathy and compassion. He hates overwhelming feelings, and if he indulges his emotions to a certain degree they can become overwhelming, and he cannot beat his own feelings to death unfortunately. So he doesn't do that. He keeps it all inside him somewhere buried under a rock and one day he will die and that'll take care of them.
He's a customer service nightmare. If you ask him questions about what he wants its like pulling teeth. But he can ask all the questions he wants. His flat tone makes it really hard to notice when he's asking a question instead of just stating a fact, and he treats both the same way, so he's a pain in the ass to navigate around. His saving grace is that he doesn't care about the temperaments of employees. The product quality is what matters to him- although if the electric lights are too loud in the store he might leave. Or break them.
He exclusively smokes cigarettes and drinks hard liquor and is hard pressed to drink beer or anything fruity, and he's never tried any other kind of recreational or illicit substance. This is a man who has never been high. The most he's ever done is a light trip during exile thanks to accidental mushroom ingestion with the rest of the crew and he didn't like it.
He was the most miserable man alive during exile, I will be very clear. His name was Detached Derelict. He hates sand, and hates wearing wrappings, there are too many places for debris to get in. He couldn't be as lazy as he liked, felt too exposed, had inconsistent access to food and a schedule- overall, it made him very irritable and prone to violent outbursts. Killing things for food was one of the only things that helped him feel any better. If he let himself think about it, he'd probably be thankful about how accommodating the crew was to him, in dealing with his cursing, pickiness and overall downer mood. He always was very fastidious with his hygiene and grooming himself. Also, despite his propensity towards violence and relative comfort in killing other carapacians he is entirely unwilling to engage in cannibalism and would be the most likely to refuse it even as a last resort, preferring to starve, which the other three would likely cave to and partake in- and that's not really a good thing as much as it is simply a hill he would literally die on for non-moral reasons of psychological discomfort and general food preferences!
His connection with Pickle Inspector is somewhat related to both of their autism as well, and he has a really psychosexual intense fixation on PI. Both of them are reclusive, resistant to interpersonal connections have very specific interests that they prioritize over all others, think in very "singular" mindsets through the lens of their own experiences, and are both intelligent and skilled in their own ways. Droog can see that in him and little shades of himself in him. In some ways they have special interests in one another. The biggest difference is that the way Droog's autism manifests and his particular special interests are more acceptable- such as hard liquor and firearms as a man, and he feels unable to dress in a way that isn't presentable, where PI has a harder time keeping up with his own personal hygiene in a way that makes him fit the social standard a bit less. In the end both are autistic and behave in ways that ostracize them from others, outside of their professions. Last think I'll add about him is his contamination-based issues. He hates being sick more than anything and will do almost anything to avoid it. He hates insects, household pests, mold and dirt, anything like that. He's been known to walk around with disinfectant and a lighter in an effort to execute any bugs that get into the hideout or anywhere else he can find. He only tolerates spiders and cobwebs, and it's barely, because of his patron, which is one. He hates to feel dirty or scratched up and will buff scratches out of his shell within hours of getting them. If clothing he wears is sullied with someone else's blood there's a good chance he'll have Stitch make him a new suit from scratch. The blood of anyone he's close to is also tolerated, specifically the Midnight Crew and PI's, but not the Felt or the Inspector's colleagues. To be honest though Stitch is so good at getting leprechaun blood out of clothing at this point it's really hard to tell it was ever there. Overall, a very consistent man. Consistently dressed, consistently irritable and violent, consistently groomed, etc. The picture is pretty clear.
note: Deadeye Detective is also autistic, but tolerates discomfort far better and reacts with less hostility, so much of what applies to Droog applies to him, but pulled back a few notches almost universally. second note: Also it might be more than autism that he has but I only have autism so I'm not speaking outside of that much he just copes with his autism really really intensely. Could be other things too though. would not be surprised
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battlevann · 3 months ago
thinking about this prototype figure again
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hoarah-babylon · 11 months ago
sometimes i forget how much of a ranni apologist i am until i get a youtube vid pushed to me about her and all the comments are gamer bros being like “she’s the most evil character real ones know” and i’m like you’re wrong and i’m confiscating the game from you now
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skill7spark04 · 4 months ago
Halo Lore Speedrun:
a Sequel to the Halo Bible Abridged, wherein I decided to shrink it down as much as possible in a way that still rendered coherently. of course it's regular halo lore with a couple jokes, not nearly as heavily as abridged. some day I might come back and make halo games' lore abridged. who knows.
"so basically, the forunners fucked everyone over. Let me start from the top, long before any of the games, there were the precursors. They wanted to retire from godhood, so they planned to pass the mantle down to humanity. Humanities immature older brother Cain the forerunners then killed all but the primordial, whom malded and seethed alive until he was but rot. Humans never learned what happened to the precursors or even that the mantle exists, so when they find the rotten goop and it turns out their space dogs like it, they sell it as a drug for their dogs. Eventually though, this led to the flood's creation, as the rotten space goop infected every single space dog. :( humans then proceeded to fight the flood without somehow alerting the forerunners. humanity wasn't winning, but it wasn't losing either, until they attacked an infected forerunner ship, which then caused the forerunners to rewind humanity to the stone age. the didact tried to disintegrate humanity but his wife didn't like that, so she locked him in a luxury ball. *you caught the didact! * "the forerunners sucked ass at fighting the flood and got their shit wiped like an ass after taco bell. As a last ditch effort, they nuked the galaxy, and the only reason the flood still exists is the flood testing chambers found on the halo rings. so that's how the forunners fucked everyone over. multiple times. in a nutshell."
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brainclouded · 7 months ago
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Fav characters, no type at all
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sapphim · 2 years ago
I think what gets me most about the rite of tranquility is that it reveals how fragile chantry control is. It is a system of chantry control, but it couldn't survive without chantry control. The rite wasn't even developed for mages. It was pioneered by the precursors to the seekers.
The seekers still undergo the rite to this day! Every time a mage is forcibly put through the rite, all they're doing is leaving out the last step, where a spirit pulls them back out of it. Spirits are engaged in the use of magic all the time! Hell, the extant cultural practices of the Avvar or the Rivaini aside, even the Chantry approves and funds magic such as spirit healing.
The lies upon lies upon lies that are built up around tranquility. That mages are inherently dangerous, that demons are inherently dangerous, that dangerous mages must be irrevocably saved from themselves, that tranquil mages have been irrevocably saved from themselves. They annulled the entire circle of Dairsmuid for relaxing this control and allowing their mages to be trained as seers in the Rivaini tradition.
And no wonder, if one single person publicising the wrong discovery could bring the Chantry's house of cards crashing down. (And it did, actually. The Circle votes for independence on the basis of this very information, sparking the mage-templar war. And I guarantee it only got as far as it did before being brutally quashed because it had the approval of the Divine.)
And it's so simple! The PCs and their companions are exceptional people under exceptional circumstances, to be sure, but Anders comes within a hair's breadth of discovering the solution when Justice's presence temporarily relieves Karl's tranquility. Haunting!!
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night-dark-woods · 9 months ago
Mara “Beloved Eris”/“Sweet, capable Petra” Sov
But also. Does Mara know about the assassination attempts on Petra. Realistically Mara “know everything” Sov would probably know, but then I refuse to believe there wouldn’t several less paladins when she found out
ok so for That, my dear friend Jackie's opinion (& i agree) is that Mara knows but doesn't do anything about it when she gets back, for several reasons:
it happened pretty early in Petra's regency (likely after she started actually Using her authority (see Report: Taken Power) and the techeuns and paladins had to actually deal with the fact that Petra was in charge for realsies). It's old news by the time Mara gets back.
the internal politics seem to have stabilized by Forsaken (if not of their own accord, then due to necessity- Uldren & first House Kings, then the Scorn), and Petra seems to have the Reef pretty well in hand when Mara actually returns (in Hunt iirc?). dredging up a years-old political incident would do nothing but destabilize a military already fighting an endless war on several fronts, and about to fight a new one as well.
it would undermine Petra's authority. Mara returning and immediately punishing someone over a personal slight (bc that's what it would be atp) would show a lack of trust and confidence in Petra's ability to handle internal politics, strip Petra of her hard-earned respect, and relegate her to a consort or non-military role. part of the pushback against her regency was that the high-ranking members of the court/military (same difference) thought Mara chose her because they were sleeping together (i do not think there is a single other way to interpret the Vouchsafe loretab. to be quite real) and Mara doing that would all but confirm their thoughts. Vouchsafe loretab as a treat:
"...No one thought you were right for that job. We thought…" He flattens his mouth. "Well, we thought Mara was favoring you for the wrong reasons. You're young; you were still green. You certainly weren't Sjur. When Mara died, and suddenly you were Regent instead of me or Devi or whoever…"
assassination attempts would presumably have been made by extremely essential and high-ranking commanders. top of the list would be Illyn (see loretab Illyn, Pathfinder set head armor) & Kamala Rior (see Chain of Souls, Prodigal set leg armor, a Talk to Petra flavortext). i know Illyn is Distributary-born from a Pilgrimage, and i believe Rior is as well; given that Petra on chronologically-first loretab mention (Oathkeeper) is called "a child" by Mara, i don't think there are any Reef-born in command roles tbh. both Illyn and Rior are also deeply essential to both the religious/technological AND military (inasmuch as those are in any way separate) command structures for the Awoken. those are the main suspects, but the entire command structure doubts her (see Honored, below, and Vouchsafe again). Illyn also was Petra's teacher when she flunked out of Techeun training, so that's a whole nother layer to the mess lmfao.
for Illyn:
"Quickly," Illyn hisses. "Before Petra is informed." Any breach of Processes and Services triggers an alert, and while they were crafty in their intrusion, even minute body heat and motion of the air will be detected.
We need more Techeuns, Illyn. You know I'm right." Illyn shook her head. "We are not weapons for the Queen's Wrath to command…"
& then for Rior:
Variks's fingers flexed. "Petra, the Loyal," he sneered. "Perhaps the murmurs of Kamala Rior are true, yes?"
Petra glowered.
"Regent-Commander Petra Venj, if you take the Queenship, I will take my fleet and leave." —Paladin Kamala Rior
"I'm sending you a permanent detatchment of Corsairs. Petra... I'm sorry for doubting you." —Kamala Rior
Petra does not see the cynical glance that passes between Leona and Pavel, who have both served the Queen faithfully for decades.
and lastly i dont think Mara has ever been one to act on emotion like that. she has always been LASER-focused on her goals and the Big Picture, determined to get there regardless of how grieved she is by her own collateral damage. she brought her people out of heaven to DIE. ("If you have grace, then see our sorrows, but swallow back your tears. We were made to pay this price. I led us to our fate.") the closest we get to a rash emotional decision is in the Oathkeeper tab when Sjur dies, and even then all she allows herself to do is send Orin to find her killers.
"...But if we divert our attention now to vengeance against an unknown enemy…" Mara put down the coin and allowed herself a small, humorless smile. "Then let it be my diversion."
EXTREMELY long response but. i think Mara knows, and however upset she may be personally, i think she would never act to destabilize the Reef like that. imo Petra understands, but i'd imagine it also fucking sucks sometimes. that is what it is to love a god-queen though.
ALSO. this is whats sooo fun abt whenever Sjur comes back (idec if it happens in canon. its true in my heart. it says in literally every Sjur-related loretab). bc everyone tells Petra to her face that she isn't Sjur. constantly. BUT then we got that radio message in SotWish where Mara told her that she was better suited for regency than Sjur. and Sjur isn't full of herself or unable to recognize others' capabilities, and she'd be impressed by Petra as well, and also horrified at what she had to deal with. just DEEPLY fun dynamic. i <3 Petra's small dog complex and violent tendencies. highly recommend Jackie's PetraSjur fic about it also, which touches on this actually and also belongs in a museum: (link)
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