lotuspikmin · 9 months
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Oh jeez I never actually posted these here did I? Have some OC reference sketches and notes!
IMAGE DESCRIPTION AND TEXT: My OC Corso, standing in a neutral position in a tank top/sweatpants/socks, in both a front view (to show their broad, heavy build and furry cheek patches/whiskers) and a smaller side view of their torso (to show off a short cute tail). Text:
Karutians (inspo.: spotted hyena).
AFAB Karutians are taller and brawnier than AMAB Karutians.
Fur typically a couple shades darker than skin tone, but dyes are common fashion statement.
If Corso ever gets dandori'd their fur would be all blue, omg.
Fur covers back of arms, shoulders, back, hips/waist, front of legs, top of feet.
Omnivorous, strong jaws let them crunch through foods that are otherwise impossible to get to (shells, thick rinds, bones, etc.).
Other facts not written on the page:
Corso was originally hired as a records management coordinator, took the officer's training as a spur-of-the-moment thing, then when they saw the distress call from the Rescue Corps was both A) the person with the most training/qualifications and B) the one most earnestly asking what they could do to help.
Survives off of adrenaline, people-pleasing, and impostor syndrome for a good chunk of the game, at least up until Hero's Hideaway happens.
Has a younger sister named Connie, who tends to steal the limelight in their family's eyes.
Is a firstborn child, which holds specific weight and expectations on Karut: first-time Karutian parents traditionally have a higher rate of complications during pregnancy, and so a surviving firstborn is considered "lucky" and supposedly destined for big things in life.
Once modern medicine caught up to Karutian anatomy there were a lot more firstborns surviving to adulthood, and a lot more of them going through the equivalent of "gifted child burnout" as a result. Corso is among them, which is part of why they left Karut and moved to Giya in the first place.
Likes cooking, reading, and building model kits: stays rather aloof out of feeling super-intimidated at first, but gradually warms up to each of the other rescue officers and sees this whole situation as the best thing to have ever happened to them.
Is determined to get Louie's recipe for carrot soufflé after he cooked for everyone at the rescue outpost, and demands he cough it up whenever they meet from that point on.
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readtilyoudie · 6 months
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Ðragon bladΣ • Imaginary Tokyo • Nu Future Style • Atrantis • Invaders from the Underground • Get It • Kung-fu Man • Groove Saves the Earth
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fullmoonfireball · 8 months
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cynthia-posting · 6 months
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Peaceful night on the planet Karut...
This drawing is currently a W.I.P, I can't wait to finish it! Oh, and the paw pads on Baguette's feet was one of my friend's ideas if anyone didn't see the sketches I did on my other blog where I stated this.
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applestorms · 9 months
i am once again getting confused by the various titles/romanizations for [ mochijun’s second main series w/ the vampires & vanitas ]. with the help of this thread & my own minimal knowledge of japanese + some googling, here’s what i’ve come up with:
ヴァニタスの手記 (カルテ) : original japanese title. directly, this would be “vanitasu no karute,” though the kanji for karute (meaning patient’s chart/clinical records/or here maybe doctor’s notes, in japanese) can also be read as shuki (meaning memo).
the case study of vanitas: from what i can tell, the main english translation title, used on the covers of the english manga + anime. plays into the doctor side of things with the “case study” bit.
les mémoires de vanitas: main french translation title. pretty straightforward, “the memoirs of vanitas”.
all good so far, but then here’s the bit that’s weird to me:
vanitas no carte: from what i can tell, an attempt at romanizing the original japanese title? bit weird to me since while “carte” *is* a french word (meaning map/card/menu?? do correct me if you know more french here) it’s not quite the same as karute (or shuki) in terms of meaning, even if the pronunciation is similar enough if you squint (and ignore the silent “e” in the original french).
vanitas no karte: even weirder as a romanization option. “karte” is a german word that from what i can tell means card/postcard, seemingly closer to the french “carte” than the japanese “karute,” even though i did see a claim in that thread that karute might’ve been taken from the german originally?? (and it is spelled with katakana in the original, typical for when japanese takes foreign words.)
in both vanitas no carte / karte japanese grammar is still clearly being used though, with the “の/no” possessive particle. it’s also used that way in this next one:
vanitas no shuki: clearly just a romanization of the original japanese, but using the kanji reading of “手記” > the listed “カルテ” reading.
—so i assume most english readers around here have been treating the carte/karte/shuki titles as romanized titles.
to be clear, this is not to say that any of these titles are wrong or that people are wrong for using any of these, i just find this to be a particularly interesting case for how words translate across multiple languages. the one question i still have (for any native/fluent japanese speakers out there, maybe?) is if there’s any more context for カルテ as a word. is it actually seen as a loan word, from the french/german? was it originally a loan word that’s so imbued in the language by now that some people don’t recognize it as a loan (e.g. cafe or kindergarten in english)? something else?
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drmics · 8 months
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zombunny-06 · 11 months
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Me trying to make a pikmin oc,,,,
Her name is jj
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madlymine · 8 months
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Taiyo's duality is very amusing (and personally relatable) but it's also sad to see him get hurt easily. I'm blown away by Kitamura Takumi's acting and the complexity of his character, to the point of losing interest in everyone else ^^'
I'm almost done with ep8! Why is this only 9 episodes T-T
8 months ago
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neviayue · 2 years
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rainbow | By Nevi Ayu E.
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a light purple userbox with a pastel purple border and pastel purple text that reads “this user is dominique de sade.’ on the left is an image of dominique de sade from the case study of vanitas  . /end id]
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JAKAZiD - Listen 2 The Dope • NA7 - Onenite Love • Nizikawa - Grenade 8455 • KARUT - Shut Da Funk Up • NA7 - Get Down, Stay Down • Drumatic Sequencer - α-Type • Reaper - Backyard • Riku - I Don't Wanna Wait
Bandcamp ♪ Soundcloud
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
jdorama autumn 2022
We'll start off with the medical shows.
PICU / Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit (10.3%) Stars: Yoshizawa Ryo, Yasuda Ken
I really wanted to like this drama. Yoshizawa Ryo has improved a lot in his acting, and most of the supporting actors (Yasuda Ken, Kimura Fumino, Kikuchi Rinko) are all veterans. There are some good lessons in it - for example, the root cause analysis in the first episode, and the ethical issues of discussing treatment plans without the guardian present.
But even then, it was hard to suspend my disbelief, and it looks like people in Biei are protesting about the unrealistic portrayal of the local services. The central idea that they set up a PICU (paediatrics ICU) with ONE nurse and three doctors already threw me. Dafuq? You can't run a unit with one nurse (* not that places haven't tried), much less an 8-bedded ICU - which by definition means one on one nursing 24/7. Or even small things like doing a root cause analysis meeting immediately after a death while everyone is still upset and shaken. Yes no doubt it is important to review where things went wrong, but the most important thing (apart from checking the family is coping) is supporting your own staff's mental health, and it's not done by hounding the most junior staff until they're in tears.
Inori no Karute / The Records of Hope (6.5%) Stars: Tamamori Yuta
Like PICU, there are things I really like about this show and there are things that really threw me. Firstly, I really like how the interns were rotating between specialties. I don't know if this is a new thing in Japan, because my understanding is they used to go directly into their specialty, but I always give extra points to medical shows that make the effort to acknowledge there is more than one specialty in hospital and that in fact medical treatment isn't all surgical or crit care!
The second thing I really like is the focus on medical records (although that message seems to have gotten diluted in following episodes). Good records capture something beyond the clinical diagnosis and treatment, and it fleshes out the person -- their social supports, their way of dealing with grief and conflict, their motivations and fears. Sometimes even without the note-taker actively trying, you can glimpse these in the notes. There is value in diagnostics, there is value in good communication...but this show acknowledges there's value in historical documents that contextualises the present and gives us clues as to why someone is seeking help this time.
That said, there are lots of small things that threw me as well. Some things being disclosed when it would clearly violate privacy. Some of the interns being way too invested in the private lives of the patients (to the point it's crossing major professional boundaries). Or the fact that in the first episode, the entire friggin hospital turned up for a Code Blue. Please. You've all got work to do!
Travel Nurse (11.9) Stars: Okada Masaki, Nakai Keichi
Written by the team that brought you the 7 (or was it 9) season power fantasy Doctor X about an independent-minded anti-authoritarian doctor who did surgery for hire...comes a story about an independent-minded anti-authoritarian nurse who does...nursing for hire.
I did like: the fact that there's two main characters, and that the younger character has already made a few mistakes that gets corrected by the older one, so he's not in the "I never fail" league that Daimon Michiko is in (which gave me the shits anyway so good riddance). I have a soft spot for Okada so it's nice to see him back on TV. I also did like the introduction of nurse practitioners, which is not something you see a lot...but...
I didn't like: the idea that one nurse practitioner can do the jobs of 10 nurses is probably a little insulting to nurses. Apparently Japan doesn't recognise nurse practitioners? So the main character is legally not allowed to use his nurse practitioner skills in daily practice? So it remains to be seen why him being a nurse practitioner is relevant to the story. The scene where the older nurse was literally going to watch someone under his care suffocate until he agreed to something deemed good. Personally, this is a huge transgression. Health workers are not jury or police. Your job is to provide healing to people, not to judge their actions and decide whether they're worth saving. That's a massive slippery slope with huge ethical ramifications. Just. No.
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peony-posting · 9 months
Peony how much moneys u have rn
not enough
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junebugdunes · 1 year
Ok so I was thinking today about how Olimar & Louie are basically just space truckers, and for some reason I thought that was absolutely hilarious so take some concept art
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here's the text if my handwriting isn't readable:
Louie: "I heard there's a good burrito place on Karut!"
Olimar: "We have a tight deadline, Louie. We don't have time to stop."
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