#karut pikmin
cynthia-posting · 6 months
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Peaceful night on the planet Karut...
This drawing is currently a W.I.P, I can't wait to finish it! Oh, and the paw pads on Baguette's feet was one of my friend's ideas if anyone didn't see the sketches I did on my other blog where I stated this.
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fullmoonfireball · 8 months
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lotuspikmin · 9 months
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Oh jeez I never actually posted these here did I? Have some OC reference sketches and notes!
IMAGE DESCRIPTION AND TEXT: My OC Corso, standing in a neutral position in a tank top/sweatpants/socks, in both a front view (to show their broad, heavy build and furry cheek patches/whiskers) and a smaller side view of their torso (to show off a short cute tail). Text:
Karutians (inspo.: spotted hyena).
AFAB Karutians are taller and brawnier than AMAB Karutians.
Fur typically a couple shades darker than skin tone, but dyes are common fashion statement.
If Corso ever gets dandori'd their fur would be all blue, omg.
Fur covers back of arms, shoulders, back, hips/waist, front of legs, top of feet.
Omnivorous, strong jaws let them crunch through foods that are otherwise impossible to get to (shells, thick rinds, bones, etc.).
Other facts not written on the page:
Corso was originally hired as a records management coordinator, took the officer's training as a spur-of-the-moment thing, then when they saw the distress call from the Rescue Corps was both A) the person with the most training/qualifications and B) the one most earnestly asking what they could do to help.
Survives off of adrenaline, people-pleasing, and impostor syndrome for a good chunk of the game, at least up until Hero's Hideaway happens.
Has a younger sister named Connie, who tends to steal the limelight in their family's eyes.
Is a firstborn child, which holds specific weight and expectations on Karut: first-time Karutian parents traditionally have a higher rate of complications during pregnancy, and so a surviving firstborn is considered "lucky" and supposedly destined for big things in life.
Once modern medicine caught up to Karutian anatomy there were a lot more firstborns surviving to adulthood, and a lot more of them going through the equivalent of "gifted child burnout" as a result. Corso is among them, which is part of why they left Karut and moved to Giya in the first place.
Likes cooking, reading, and building model kits: stays rather aloof out of feeling super-intimidated at first, but gradually warms up to each of the other rescue officers and sees this whole situation as the best thing to have ever happened to them.
Is determined to get Louie's recipe for carrot soufflé after he cooked for everyone at the rescue outpost, and demands he cough it up whenever they meet from that point on.
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zombunny-06 · 11 months
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Me trying to make a pikmin oc,,,,
Her name is jj
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800db-cloud · 1 year
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hey all i got this pretty wacky pitch for a pikmin 4 au
olimar’s son is transfem :) pom/lisa is her but grown up
moved to karut to pursue education + dreams, doesn’t get to visit home often if at all but always writes to her family
trained for the rescue corps to get the chance of “being an explorer” like olimar
don’t try to take this too seriously AJDJJFG i fully understand this makes no sense at all in the actual pikmin 4 canon, this is just a for-the-fun-of-it kind of hc/au 👍
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zellie-x · 4 months
So … it took me a week to 100% Pikmin 4
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And here’s a character I made to celebrate!!
Maybe this time I’ll actually make new art of them
More facts under cut
- Named after a Fennec Fox to keep up with the dog name theme
- My favorite dog is actually the chihuahua but couldn’t come up with a name out of that
- For like half of their existence they had pink hair, but I changed it cause I love mono-color designs
- The only reason their from Karut is because that’s what’s on the in-game ID card
- Wears contacts cause when her glass fall she physically can’t put them back on her face (on account of the helmet lol)
- Really wants to wear big earrings, but similar issue, they Clank around in her helmet
- Thinks Oatchi is cute, but is allergic to dogs (hence the want for a big space cat)
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cuntyyellowpikmin · 2 months
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This is my Pikmin OC, her name is Yazmín Delarosa. Literally a self insert. It’s just a sketch but I’ll make a fully colored character sheet.
I realized i didn’t give her the other arm😭😭😭 whatever it’s just a sketch.
Home planet is Karut, though she often gets told she’s got a chronic Dandori Issue. I’ll explain more in a later post.
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mimikip4744 · 1 month
Pom Headcannons (+ art)
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These are my headcannons for this character, if you don’t agree that’s totally fine. I just felt like sharing :)
Since I’ve heard people refer to her as both Lisa and Pom, I’ve decided that her full name is Elisabeth Pomeranian, with Pom as a preferred nickname
HATES the nickname ‘Lisa.’ It reminds her of home. Yeah she doesn’t like her family that much.
Loves dogs, and was ecstatic when she found out she would constantly be working with one in the rescue corps
Was and is a beach girl. Karut has a rather hot climate with plenty of beaches. She has tan skin and freckles as a result of staying in the sun all day. She also constantly looks sunburned
Is pretty fuckin strong. Growing up around beaches has resulted in her being a really strong swimmer, and she can lift around 3 times her own body weight if she wanted to. Shepherd and Dingo were absolutely HUMBLED the first time they saw her in action, as she’s not someone who looks strong at first glance.
contrary to how Olimar and Louie appear to be some kind of Bad luck magnet, Pom is like a lucky charm. She’s not incredibly lucky, but she was lucky enough to find Shepherd almost immediately after finding Collin, among other small things like getting to shelter just moments before a storm, or finding a lucky coupon for her favorite restaurant on the street out of nowhere.
she’s one of those people who look cute and dainty but can and will kick your ass
If she had to pick a favorite Pikmin, she wouldn’t be able to, but she would tell you that she likes that the blues can swim with her
She likes to work out with dingo
her and Bernard have a sister/brother type relationship. They spend a lot of time together and often go eat together. They also act as each other’s wingman should either of them get into a relationship.
she gets pretty scary when she’s mad. Like she even freaks out those she’s not mad at. Her usual peppy tone deepens into growls, and her eyes narrow into slits.
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maybeher0 · 8 days
fuck it, Momo time
was born on Karut, as game states, but in actuality a child of Koppaite immigrants (second gen). As such, has a lot of both siblings (he's second oldest, has older brother and like 6 younger sibs of various genders) and cousins/uncles and aunties. despite that, barely keeps contact with any of them.
mid 20s, ended up enlisting in Rescue Corps by a lucky accident after several failed job searches.
trans AND autistic. wasn't diagnosed about autism until adulthood, had problems with ID change until Collin noticed and helped out with proper replacement procedure.
extremely autistic about biology (mainly zoology than botany), wanted to get xenobiologist degree but parents insisted on engineering (which he doesn't really use anyways). most of his research was done on his own in spare time.
as Koppaite, he does has frutarian preference in foodstuff, but is willing to try vegetables and meat on occasion - especially if they are sufficiently sweet.
mostly stays quiet when around people he doesn't know, speaks a lot around animals or alone. this habit is the reason Minmin's speech is much better than a regular Pikmin's, even tho they can't form proper sentences and even have troubles with pronunciation
dog lover. one time managed to befriend a family of stray dogs and brought them home begging parents to let him keep them. they've freaked out and forbade any unauthorized pets from now on, so Momo has been only feeding stray animals since then. was very afraid that captain Shepherd was going to take Oatchi away after being rescued, but after she assigned them to work together he was very relieved.
not the most creative when it comes to naming things. (nicknamed a weird mutation of a Winged Pikmin he found "Minmin" because "it's like two Pikmin in one" and Ancient Sirehound "Fluffy" because it is fluffy.)
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
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starlightswordfight · 4 months
can't wait for the garden site to update while I'm not looking and immediately debunk EVERYTHING that i'm about to write
it's (mostly) nothing you'd see that isn't already in pikmin lore somewhere but better safe than sorry
– that all said, karut is a very small planet. I don't have a lot for this one. the population just is very low!! tiny. and knowing that it's a sister planet to koppai canonically makes things a LOT more interesting
– my personal hc! is that civilization on both of those planets was initially only on karut. the climate or the living conditions on karut may have been extreme enough for most people to leave for koppai instead. were things always like that? no. dw about it
– and the resources present on koppai are so much more plentiful! and the environment is still perfect for life! and for hundreds of years they thrive there!
– until they don't
– as karut restabilizes, slowly, with those who stayed behind completely changing their tactics and becoming very heavily focused on planning now, koppai begins to deteriorate in some aspects, the most glaring issue being the rapidly impending food crisis. the people responsible for managing those resources (govt, anyone directly involved in resource management jobs) are still working off of centuries of nonrenewable practices, including a complete Lack of agriculture where it matters
– all this to say that pikmin 3 was already subtly making the case for "hey! you guys wouldn't have had to do this if you just relied on renewable methods of using the things you need for survival!!" which I was so genuinely going to do my ap research project on when I was in high school but I never did the class because I failed seminar
– basically karut is to koppai what earth is to mars and you can't run from an issue that you exclusively caused and it's gonna follow you and Boy Did It Follow
– genetically koppaites and people from karut look very similar also!! rounded ears, lightweight suits unless you're Player Character in the rescue corps, things like that. they also have similar styles and forms of expression, with minor differences!
– the h in hocotate is for hustle culture
– going to interpret hocotate as another criticism of similar environmental issues just from a different angle. I am certain that the writers were Not going for that whatsoever and I'm reaching so hard my arms are falling off but I don't care
– hocotate is already implied to be more heavily industrialized in some places, judging from the scenery we see. i don't know if it's exclusively corporate heads like the freight president that have such an intense focus on profit over all else (though in that case specifically there HAS to be because the company is in DEBT) (but also olimar sees managers as soulless but i digress), but i could easily see there being a heavy consumerism thing going on over there
– environmental studies, or careers, or the environment itself, is valued, but not considered as important as business and the advancement of civilization by the people in charge of those businesses that could actually take big steps to preserve it, and much faster. blame is, of course, put on hocotatian citizens when things start getting bad
– bringing previous hcs into this! this is why olimar is not a biologist or in a similar field despite knowing so much about it for a freight employee by the way. job outlooks are lower, or at the very least the positions are HEAVILY discouraged because they aren't as steady anymore as some others. it wouldn't be a stable source of income like the one he has now would be, and he basically got stuck. I mention this because it happens to a LOT of people here
– there are ongoing discussions and movements around it now, and around the work culture of the planet that causes predicaments like olimar's and louie's to happen so fucking much, but it was BAD before and definitely still has a long way to go. it's kind of at that point where people there are just now realizing that "oh, hey, this is like. fucked. to be honest"
– ocobo's storms, specifically, involve water-centric natural disasters. it is hurricane central in that bitch. the other florida of the pikminverse
– planet tagwa is actually near ocobo, and their orbital pathways are similar! kinda like Another sister planet deal perhaps
– both planets have several moons and let me tell you high tide gets CRAZY
– life is adapted to be more aquatic in nature; think like splatoon but not as obvious maybe (I have never played or watched someone play splatoon once in my life). marine species that the person is similar to depends on the region of the planet they live on. this applies to ocobo and tagwa
– they also have similar struggles with water quality, with slightly varied causes. tagwa's water supply is undrinkable due to the salinity levels being too high, as a result of rising global temperatures. meanwhile ocobo's constant storm problem make it incredibly difficult to regulate the water there, despite how much of it they have. this issue is worsening Also because of rising global temperatures. this is not either of their faults, it is just Happening
– pnf-404 has a big dent in the earth. just a good chunk taken right out, adventure time style
– past unsustainable human activity violated the majority of its planetary boundaries, and this led ultimately to the ending of human civilization. whether it resulted in travel somewhere else or in dying off is up in the air
– nature, as it does, regulates itself in every system. once harmful input from people on a mass scale stopped, it was able to bring itself back to working and even thriving conditions, though this took a very long time
– the new life has adapted around formerly very hostile conditions, which is the reason it's so strange and unheard of on other planets, even to those with biology interests such as olimar. things that previously could not be even dreamed of from the wildlife are now not only possible, but the norm
– many many plants adapted to gain consumer-like traits, and vice versa. the pikmin are bizarre when comparing it to real life species or to other planets in pikmin, but on pnf-404 they're actually completely ordinary
– sea urchin pikmin are real too !! sea urchin pikmin that I NEVER FUCKING POSTED expect that soon maybe
– sozor is one of the least industrialized planets, if not the least, by a long shot!! there is no major "separation" from wildlife (things like wildlife bridges/crossings and designated protected habitat areas are abundant), and its environmental protection policies are very strict.
– the culture is not a collective one. people on sozor are very individualistic, which I adopted from that one giant post that compiled the information we know about the castaways and the planets which I will link here somewhere [I CAN'T FIND IT BUT I'LL ADD IT WHEN I DO]
– ohri is either the florida or the australia of the pikminverse planets and you are just going to have to trust me when I say that
– one day the environment is going to reclaim it and they will have no one to blame but themselves
– the climate can be hard to predict. ohri is really really good at not being the expected temperature in a given season, and it just does this whenever it wants to be so honest. it gets a little hectic
– it's referenced on the garden site that ohrians tend to be tougher and I fully think that it's because of the environment. even socioculturally, a lot of facets of life like academics and work are a lot more intense or high-stakes. people on ohri on average are said to go above and beyond, setting records galaxywide, but the planet also reports very high levels of stress, right up there with hocotate
– on the opposite side of things! ooji's population is considered one of the happiest!!
– ooji gets a lot of its income through agriculture; it's what's been holding the economy up. research into other prominent fields such as environmental studies and botany have encouraged those working in agriculture to shift to more sustainable practice
– giya is a melting pot. a good deal of different people end up there at some point for one reason or another
– this is especially true for koppai! and given the abundance of koppaite text utilized by the rescue corps, which started ON giya, I Think there's a deeper correlation there but I could not for the life of me work that out for you yet
– okay so the colony canonically has? walls?? but WHY?? DOES IT HAVE WALLS????? is evil shadow skull out there waiting to get their asses or something???? climb up to the top to see what's out there and Ope, Here Comes The Lich
– if any of you have watched adventure time I'm picturing this as like an islands scenario. like a "oh, the place is mostly safe, we just uh were Not allowed to leave for a very long time though." safety vs freedom was probably historically something that got grappled with a lot while the planet was still being settled on, and while people CAN and actively do leave and come back now, the walls are still there
– also dogs are everywhere it is inevitable very awesome no escape
– why is everyone on nijo bird coded why is everyone saying this WHAT is HAPPENING around here
– summer and winter stretch out very long for that planet, and look vastly different. summer has very little dark nighttime, and in winter you will rarely see the sun
– the gravity on nijo is lighter on average than it is in other planets! this allows for less force to be needed during takeoffs for flights, however it also causes reduced friction, so pilots on nijo have to be more careful
– the reduced weight of many objects also implies that architecture and general tools are made of different material than we have, with a density that won't allow it all to just float off. these things when taken to other planets are MUCH heavier there
– temperatures on siguray are extreme in every way they can be, not unlike most deserts. when it's hot it is scorching and when it's cold it is frigid
– day and night tends to cycle like that
– wind, uh. wind would be a huge problem. sand everywhere
– due to how hectic the weather can get on such a short notice, many who do not Have to be out and about are encouraged to stay inside. alternatives to schooling, for example -- remote learning programs -- are prominent on siguray for the people's safety
– there is such a focus on material objects with people from siguray (treasure collecting, geology, archaeology) because those types of studies and businesses and the like are heavily normalized on a planet like this. there isn't far much else happening in most areas, so it's not only normal to have a sort of interest and expertise in that, but it is expected that you do
– koppai and siguray have a consistent trading relationship. certain koppaites in particular will especially trade out treasures for food items (dobbs) (dobbs in particular)
– koodgio's culture is art and expression-centric, though artistic voice has been dwindling more over the years and becoming more commercialized. art by some is viewed as product rather than passion, and this has a detrimental effect on the artists there
– ogura has a lot of water on it!! marine biomes are heavy in this world. yes I'm doing this exclusively to write for an oc do not even worry about it
– ogura also has two moons because I think that's awesome
– the brightness, in comparison to earth, would be around what it is on pluto! ogura's light is a lot gentler and dimmer due to a greater distance from their respective star. the mellow light is easy on the eyes, but also makes the planet colder on average, and everyone bundles up far more as a result. buildings got more insulation or whatever it's called
– this has the very unfortunate effect of BLINDING EVERYBODY when they go to OTHER PLANETS
– both the research task force HQ and the interstellar federation main location are on mihama
– mihama is at the closest point to the center of the galaxy. not that the other planets "orbit" it, I don't think that's possible, but the varying solar systems IN that galaxy tend to lap around and be at a point around mihama in some way
– when I picture mihama I picture it to be very dark. could not begin to tell you why. daytime is dim and short
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inkscapedoodles · 8 months
Ssssssoooooo, wanna see my Pikmin 4 OC, anyone?
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If you don't, too bad!! Here! This is Ink! Not to be confused with Me (also Ink), as I am not a tiny alien in a purple space suit!
I also did a low poly version :P
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No background/transparent version and LORE under the cut! Send Asks if you wanna know more about and interact with this silly goober!
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Ink (named for the Peruvian Inca Orchid breed of dog):
•New member of the Rescue Corps from *Karut!
•0.73 inches tall, 26 years old, and uses She/Any for pronouns
•A self-proclaimed "Pikmin-Whisperer," though their actual social skills could use some work. She keeps to herself a lot, but once you get her talking about something she's interested in, it's difficult to get her to stop. She has a wide variety of interests, too, though they can be hard to decipher at first!
•Their favorite Pikmin types are White and Purple
•*Since we don't know a lot about in-game Karut, I'm gonna be taking a lot of creative liberties with how the planet and its residents function! Basically I'll be world-building based off of vibes and things I think would fit in lol. If you have any story suggestions or headcannons, I'd love to know what others think Karut is like!
Welp, that's it for now! Sorry for the long post, I just have too many thoughts spinning in my brain lol. Again, ask away (I might end up making a sideblog/series if this goes somewhere?), and I hope you like my funny lil OC!!
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silvesary · 1 year
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another pikmin oc, a castaway from Karut named Vee! Do wish there was more eye options with the glasses, maybe even a separate customization for them! But the face with glasses is still downright cute!
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max-arioni · 1 year
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Me when Pikmin :)
This is Tobi, (short for Tobius shgsjsbs) Their home planet is, in fact, Karut. They always dreamed of being a superhero when they were little, the Rescue Corps were the next best thing-
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raintailed · 1 year
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I bought Pikmin 4 and this is my guy!! My little guy!! Toli!
They're pretty shy around people but are comfortable around animals (such as Oatchi and the Pikmin). Also they love exploring and will spend days searching an area for every last treasure
While they're rather calm during the day (even when they get ambushed), they become really antsy and nervous during night expeditions. Headcanon that Karut has some nasty nocturnal beasts so Karutians are naturally anxious and hypervigilant at night.
Tori also has trouble sleeping at night, though they are able to sleep just fine during the morning. At night they'll do chores n stuff to keep busy when they happen to be awake.
Also they love glow pikmin so much!!! They have some glow seeds with them always in case they get lonely at night!
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justsomeno1s · 1 year
Pikmin 4 Player Idea:
Only a rookie by legal definition. Took enough classes to get qualified as a field/off planet agent, but had no desire to ever go off planet. Always busy.
When on PNF-404, their first thought is "Okay! Find a person capable of doing the necessary field work, and go home. I need to get next month's report in." And upon learning that they're now the primary field agent until everything settles, they are just so, so unenthused.
Ideas related to Karut under cut:
This version of Karut has a horrible Work Life Balance problem; All work, no life, no balance. Running multiple jobs is basically required, and Not the usual "Job A at 9-5, Job B at 10-6" type of multiple jobs. I mean Delivering Cargo for one company, Writing reports for a second, and being on a business call with a third simultaneously, while also having other jobs lined up after you get out of any one of them. All in all, self destruction.
Karutians are highly resiliant to outside forces, and can go huge swaths of time without Food, Water, or Sleep- A fact they abuse to get more work time than other planets.
As a weakness, they tend to have weaker immune systems and stomachs- The equivalent to flu season can wipe out entire cities. Karutians rarely work in medical fields, often hiring off planet for them.
Highly valued workforce, but have extreme trouble with the social side of interplanetary living.
Rookie, ofc, follows this to a Tee. Talks about Dandori like their a Leafling, and runs like a white pikmin on fire. If injured and unable to do fieldwork, will spend time doing paperwork. Probably would drive the Rescue Corp insane by refusing to stay down.
("WHY- HOW ARE YOU STANDING, YOUR LEG IS BROKEN?!?" "... Wanted to finish exploring that cave? I left some treasure when I was panicking." "Just. GO, go back to your bed, please." "But I-" "Now." *Angry but defeated sigh*)
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