#sunshine and pinetrees
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I shouldn't be jealous but... I wish I was smart like Elise was for a tattoo.
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premetheus · 2 years
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Taken Friday February 10th 2023 at 5:41 PM. #Sunset #Sun #Sunshine #Cloud #Cloudy #Clouds #CloudCoverage #Tree #Trees #Branch #Branches #TreeBranch #TreeBranches #BlueSky #BlueSkies #PineTree #PineTrees #PineNeedle #PineNeedles #GoldenSun #GoldenSunset #Winter #WinterSunset #PureMichigan #MichiganAwesome #Michigan https://www.instagram.com/p/Coho6Rou_2n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Bathing in Sunlight... staying out of the cold #portrait #portret #reindeer #rendier #sunlight #sunshine #zonnetje #winter #pinetree #dennenboom #christmasseason #kerstseizoen #coldoutside #lovephotography #photography #photographer #fotograferen #fotografie https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRuTVxDvnx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deserteye · 1 year
CHAPTER SIX ;; A Demon with Cooking Edicate
Y/N's P.O.V.
The interruption obviously annoyed Bill, as he grumbled and floated over to the front door, hiding from the windows on either side of the door, even though they're more for looks and you can't see through them besides colors and vague shapes. He looked through the peephole and rolled his eyes, leaning back in the air and floating up.
"It's Shooting Star and Pinetree."
He said, crossing his arms and floating away from the door.
"What?! Why are they here?! How did they even find my cabin-"
I whispered-screamed, shoving him away and down the hallway behind the staircase, pulling a "Hey-!" from him.
"You stay out of sight!"
I ordered him in an anxious tone, in fight or flight over teenagers at my door.  They knocked again and Mabel called out my name.  I inhaled, taking a deep breath before walking over to the door and creaking it open.
"Um- hey, can I help you-? And how did you find my place-"
I asked anxiously, peeking around the door at the twins.
"Hey Y/N!  We just needed to ask ya a few questions if you don't mind, and the mailman told us!"
Mabel explained, smiling like a ray of sunshine and holding her hands behind her back, her brother looking around, studying my cabin with his hands in his pockets.
“Betrayal.” I whispered to myself, thinking about Remus the mailman, or as I call him, Irony, because he looks like a werewolf and he’s a mailman.
I sighed and looked back into my house where I shoved Bill, not seeing him and walking outside to stand in front of the twins.
“How can I help you?”
I asked, and they looked at each other before back at me.
“You may want to sit down.”
Dipper added before starting, causing me some worry.
It’s been about an hour, I ended up having us move to the small porch next to the kitchen, sitting down with the crows, which Mabel was very fascinated by how close they got to me.
The twins told me about something called ‘Weirdmaggedon’, and everything Bill did to them and their family, and the town, and his plans for the world.
“Y/N? Y/N are you okay-?”
Dipper asked, leaning closer to me and trying to get my attentio.  I’ll admit, I started dissociating thinking about how someone who did that was in my cabin and had threatened to kill me, how I have the same power do to those same things-
Mabel eventually screamed in my ear, scaring a few of my crows.
I yelped, and jumped back, nearly smacking Mabel but thankfully she was able to deflect my attack.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry-”
I apologized, standing up to check on Mabel.
“You’re okay!  I know I startled you and this is probably a lot-”
She reassured me, having me sit back down as she sat down as well.
“Yeah, a lot..”
My words drifted off, thinking about Bill and the situation I’ve got myself in.
“We believe it’s possible that Bill is back because our uncle, Stanley, the one who got his mind erased, had a nightmare about him.”
Dipper explained further, and I nodded.
“Got it, if I see anything on my days in town I’ll tell you, and I’d be happy to help you guys search the forest-? I probably know it better than anyone..”
I mumbled nervously while politely offering, hoping they’d decline.
“If we don’t find him in town, we’ll take you up on that offer.  Thank you Y/N.”
Dipper thanked me, and I nervously nodded.
They soon left after that, and I waved to them as they left, reentering my house through the front door, leaning on the door inside and sighing.  When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with another, yellow one.
“AGH- Jesus Bill!”
I shouted, jumping and almost hitting him, but he didn’t budge or say anything.
“Why did you offer to help them, Sphinx?”
He was more demanding than questioning, as I felt him staring through me.
“It’s Y/N, and because if I didn’t it’d be suspicious?”
I stated like it was an obvious fact, walking around him, annoyed by his attitude.  I walked into the kitchen, resting my hands on the counter and gripping my fists while my back was towards him.  A crow hopped through the open kitchen window, looking up to me in concern.
“Did you really do those things, Bill?  Invade a guys mind, turned Dipper into a living puppet, took over the town and turned everyone to stone-”
I rambled in disbelief.
“Ugh, yes, I did all that, although it’s not like that’s the worst I’ve done-”
He went off, before I cut him off.
“What the hell, Bill?!  What the fuck did I get myself wrapped into?!  If I help you are you- are you gonna do all those things again?! What, are you gonna like- take over the world and turn it into some- some- some fucked up, chaotic, living nightmare, apocalypse?! Am I helping you do that-?!”
I let myself go, turning around, tears threatening the corners of my eyes while I screamed at him.  I blinked and looked up, and suddenly he was inches from my face, looming over me.
“You, don’t speak to me like that.”
He growled under his breath, the corner of his lip raising to make a scowl.
Normally I’d melt from fear, but this time a small fire lit and burned in my chest and stomach, and instinctively I pushed his chest, and threw him into the air, as he caught himself, now floating high up in the middle of my living room, looking at me with stunned confusion.
I let my arms fall in front of me, staring at my hand before gripping my chest, feeling the small burning fire die down, but not die out.  Just relaxed.  I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself as I felt the fire move back and forth with my breath.  I sighed.
“I’m gonna head to my room. Don’t bother me.”
I demanded of him, leaving the demon stunned in my living room.
Once in my room, and once my door was closed, I fell to the floor, gripping my knees and letting myself come loose, crying into my lap and hyperventilating at the situation I was stuck in.  Either I die and this- thing- this monster, steals whatever powers of his that’re in me and he destroys everything, or I live and help him destroy everything anyways.
I was having a panic attack.  I didn’t know what was going to happen, or how to handle everything.  I didn’t know what to do.  So I did the one thing I knew how to do.
After my panic attack, I calmed down.  I picked myself, walked over to my desk, and I started writing.  I started writing a new story, based on what was happening.  The protagonist was stuck with a demon who wanted to destroy everything, and they had to pick to either help or die.  Eventually, my creativity did what it always did and made a way so, the protagonist won.
After I had finished writing this first draft, I looked at it in shock as I realized what I had just done.  I had just answered my own crisis with writing.
“God damnit, Y/N you idiot.”
I sighed, and laughed, running my hand through my H/L (hair length) hair.  I looked at the time in shock, realizing I’ve been writing from 7-8am to now 5pm.
“Fucking crist-”
I cussed myself, saving my work before standing up and returning downstairs.
I could smell something cooking, and it smelled amazing.  I let my nose drag me to my kitchen, looking inside at the same demon who was a threat to the universe, now in a cooking apron and making a sort of stir fry.
I asked, peaking around the corner of the staircase.  He turned around and made his signature maniacal smile.
“Y/N!  Feeling better?”
He asked, acting like nothing happened.
“Uh- Yeah, I guess so- What’re you making?”
I asked, my gluttony I guess plaguing my eyes as Bill laughed at my face.
“Well, it seems you were able to awaken Mrs. Sphinx!  So, the next thing to do is for you to enter your Mindscape to talk to her and start harnessing my powers!”
He explained, although that wasn’t really an answer to my question.
“What- How did I awaken the Sphinx, and what does that have to do with you cooking-?”
I asked, sitting down at one of the bar stools in my kitchen.
“Well, when you got emotion and I threatened you, it awoken her to protect you, and entering the Mindscape for a mortal can be- A lot.  So, I thought the best way for you to enter it successfully, is with a healthy full meal.”
He explained with a satisfied and proud smile. I laughed.
“I guess that makes sense,”
I smiled, wondering if my plan from my book could work, considering he’s showing quite a bit of empathy for being a demon.
A few minutes later, he handed me the large blate (bowl+plate).  It had rice, homemade udon noodles, beef, and various vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, and green onions.  I stared at the food for a minute, drooling a small amount and staring in awe at both the look and the smell.
“Well, you can’t eat with your eyes like me, dig in!”
Bill stated, cleaning his hands- Were Dipper and Mabel serious about him being a demon or is he just a demon with really good cooking edicate-?!- and walking off.
I picked up my chopsticks and grabbed a bite, eating it slowly, worried it was cursed or poisoned, before melting at the taste.
If this shit was poisoned or cursed I wouldn’t even care because this would be the best way to go out!
I started eating it quickly yet slowly to try and savor the flavor and texture of everything, it was amazing!  He even seasoned everything incredibly well!  I wouldn’t care in F/B/C (Favorite Book Character) where in my kitchen standing in front of me because this was to die for!
Once I finished, I wiped my mouth and cleaned up my dishes- He even cleaned his cooking dishes?? Fucking Christ this demon must be a fan of Gordon or something.
I cleaned my bowl before looking to find Bill, finding him in my family room, floating mid air above a small setup.
There was a mat laid on the floor, along with candles and there was a small zodiac on the mat, which seemed to be painted on with- Something.  Thankfully it was white so it probably isn't blood.
“What’s this all for?”
I asked, looking around before looking back at the floating blonde.
“What, you think entering the Mindscape is gonna be easy?”
He laughed, floating over and standing next to me.
“Well- Of course not but I wanna know what I’m getting into before I- do whatever I need to do.”
I explained, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes and sighed, floating back up over the mat.
“Well, since the Zodiac helps transfer me from different realms of reality, it should do the same for you since you have my powers.  If you fall asleep on it and I recite the Zodiac’s language, then you’ll be transferred into the Mindscape and you can find your subconscious, and find Mrs. Sphinx.  The candles are also for the Zodiac.”
He explained before opening his eyes and looking at me, as if saying ‘Good enough?’.
I nodded and walked over, lying down on the mat and sighing.
“So, what?  Do I just fall asleep or-?”
My sentence was cut off by a snap and sudden darkness.
· · ─────── ·⃤ ─────── · ·
Next Chapter | End of Archieves.
Last Chapter | CHAPTER FIVE ;; The Zodiac
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crybabycounselor · 2 years
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"ELISE! I'm so glad you're home! We've missed you so much oh gosh- oh!" David stops with his arms still out stretched for a hug and looks at Elise for a moment. "Oh my you uh... Got... Quite the change there. H-Heh..." 
Pocketing her keys, Elise dropped her bag beside her with a subtle smile, one that faded quick when David paused and looked her down.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I figured I’d get my hair done before camp started, get something fresh, yknow?”
Really, she knew that wasn’t all he was referring to. The tattoo on her left arm was probably all he could see right about now.
Her stomach twinged a bit, but she bit the bullet and came in for the hug, ushering to move the conversation along.
“How’s everyone doing? I haven’t seen you guys in forever it feels like!”
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morimatea · 2 years
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A nice relaxing and quiet place to be. . . . #nature #cool #moss #relax #peacefully #quietmind #byhand #handartwork #handpainted #gaiwan #teacups #cuppatea #pinetree #sunshine #weekendmood #relaxday #enjoyit #fresh #nice #getoutside #outsideculture #chineseculture #teaceremony #yoga #zen #meditation #practice #teajourney #teastories #morimatea https://www.instagram.com/p/CcthM4_vQti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sunny autumn day
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esztervaly · 3 years
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hayleysmuses · 5 years
Hey dumb butt. Made some toasted cheese. Tomato soup too. *hands it over* - David
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How stupid do you think I am, David?
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Just realized that we haven’t restocked the snack fridge in the cabin, so...don’t answer that.
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maplenutnook · 5 years
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Maple out on our walk
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justskythings · 5 years
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📷 4/10/19 3.15pm Australia
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... What's today?
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premetheus · 2 years
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A photo featuring my hand. .............................................................................. Taken Saturday October 22nd 2022 at 3:16 PM. .............................................................................. #Sun #Sunny #Sunshine #Sunlight #Tree #Trees #PineTree #PineNeedles #Sky #BlueSky #BlueSkies #Cloud #Cloudy #Clouds #WispyClouds #CirrusClouds #Leaf #Leaves #ColorfulLeaves #FallLeaves #AutumnLeaves #ChangingLeaves #Fall #Autumn #FallWeather #AutumnWeather #PureMichigan #MichiganAwesome #Michigan https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGek1ILF_c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Hiding from the burning sun.... #seekingshade #seekingshadows #sunshine #tropicaltemperatures☀️ #tropicalheat #brandendezon #summer #zomer #pinetree #dennenboom #nature #natuur #instanature #ignature #natureshots #lovenature #lovephotography #photographer #photography #fotografie #fotograferen https://www.instagram.com/p/Chm6SRTjF3R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whiskeygin23 · 6 years
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Sunshine Over Moraine Lake by attilapivarnyik
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crybabycounselor · 5 years
*seeing Elise running out* :D Elise? Hey where've you-... been... D: what... what's wrong? - David (sunshine-and-pinetrees)
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