#sun autumn
chalkrub · 1 month
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autumnal chill....featuring the girl
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goddessofbees · 3 months
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Danny the embodiment of the winter sky, Jazz is Autumn, Dani is Spring, and Dan is Summer
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@perilusjax @starlightcat04
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minthe-drawings · 4 months
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☀️🍂autumn and sun🍂☀️
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heartnosekid · 19 days
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mistkirill on ig
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chipsy · 1 month
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uwhe-arts · 6 days
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. . . | uwhe-arts
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photographss-world · 21 days
Sevgiyi, ekmeği, kahveyi çayı ...
Bir gülüşü paylaşmadıkça
Yaşamın anlamı nedir ki..?
Paylaştıkça çoğalan, güzelleşen yüre❤klere
ᧁüꪀꪖꪗᦔıꪀ 🌞☕️🌿🌸🤍🍃🕊
Ruhunuz, gözünüz, gününüz aydın olsun🌞
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gina025 · 9 days
Autumnal sun
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margocooper · 12 days
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Воздушные осенние пушинки-семена Бодяка полевого/ Розового осота (лат. Cirsium arvense) в лучах солнца. Октябрь 24. Airy autumn fluffy seeds of thistle/Pink sow thistle (lat. Cirsium arvense) in the rays of the sun. October 24.
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skull-pun · 3 months
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Fuck that Trump pic look at Halloween Sun instead.
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halloween-sweets · 1 year
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crabsnpersimmons · 22 days
Sun! Sun! MaKe mE SpRiNg RoLlS PlEaSE
‐hungry anon-
oooh springs rolls sound yum! what kind of spring rolls are your favourite?
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ancientsstudies · 1 year
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There is a season for everything under the sun.
ig credit: meshariver.
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justaz · 20 days
BIG fan of two sides of the same coin running incredibly hot and the other running incredibly cold.
people who brush hands with merlin wincing bc holy fuck that was like touching ice and merlin just smiles and wanders off. he’s like a cat, he likes to lounge in the sun and soak up the heat. he’s always been a huge fan of summer bc it was the time when the sun was out the most and there were rarely storms or clouds to block out the heat. he like farming with him mom bc of this bc he got to spend time with her while being in the sun. he never tanned tho. for some reason. he always remained as pale as the snow.
the knights are training during a hot summer day and merlin is cleaning a blade so he’s taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves so they don’t get dirty. gwaine wanders over to grab and drink and makes conversation with merlin and nudges his arm and pauses before placing his hands on his arm. he looks up at merlin who is staring at him in confusion. gwaine asks if he’s feeling alright and merlin’s like ?? yeah?? and gwaine just keeps touching him bc fuck its hot out today and merlin is freezing cold to the touch despite sotting in the sun and it’s offering him a bit of relief. arthur ofc barks and gwaine to get back to training and he forces himself to leave. he does make a note to cuddle up to merlin when it gets too hot bc merlin can definitely make him feel better.
no one really touches arthur as he’s the crown prince and all his servants did their best to not touch him directly and if they did it was really quick and professional. gaius always had a hard time figuring when arthur would get a fever bc he always ran hot so it always felt like he had a fever. arthur loved winter bc the snow and cool temperature. his nursemaids and servants would insist on bundling him up but often times arthur would just tear it off when he was outside, he never froze or got sick from it either.
when arthur takes the knights out on an expedition during winter and they’re all bundled up and shivering while arthur is just enjoying the cool air. merlin is shivering the most tho despite being wrapped in about fifty layers of fabric so arthur sheds his cape and hands it to merlin who wraps it around himself with a slight gasp and comment about how its so warm. the knights start a bidding war about who gets to sleep next to arthur when they stop to rest. it doesn’t matter who won. they all just piled on/around arthur and steal his warmth. merlin resides in the middle though bc he’s the coldest so arthur was willing to offer all his warmth to him while the rest stole it.
after they get married, merthur cuddle all night. merlin is freezing and arthur is burning so merlin cools arthur down while arthur warms merlin up. it’s an equal exchange. they’re also touching all the time no matter the temperature. if its summer and most people think its too hot to so much as be looked at? arthur has an arm up merlin’s tunic and wrapped around his waist cooling down while merlin is stealing him warmth. in winter, merlin is the koala and is stealing arthur’s warmth which he doesn’t mind bc merlin’s touch just reminds him of his favorite season.
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