#sunset photography session
tetianamep · 1 year
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wh4tth3fr3shfvck · 1 year
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exam season typa chaos
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aleblr · 2 years
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Gentle moments during stressful times
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thedalatribune · 9 months
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© Paolo Dala
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Engagement photoshoot at Laguna beach
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eranjayne · 1 month
Lindsay's Sunset Session | Tsawwasen Photographer
I love it when a family SHOWS UP for their sunset session! This was a really, really fun one!
Oh, this session was FUN. But I guess I should have expected it when you have a family of musicians and performers in front of your camera! Lindsay was the lucky winner of my sunset session giveaway, when she and her family showed up, they SHOWED UP. This crew looked adorable in perfectly complementary outfits, and were also full of stories and anecdotes and jokes and giggles and funny faces and…
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nebuladreamerrr · 4 months
Holaaa can I request another Mbappe imagine where you’re married to Kylian but somehow his family never noticed that you don’t drink. While you’re at his parent’s house and his mom offers you wine you told her no thanks. And she got a mini heart attack thinking you were announcing that you’re pregnant😂
I hope you like it, sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️
Problematic beverage| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: To commemorate you and Kylian's last night in France you decide to have a farewell dinner, but one drink will set off alarm bells among all the guests.
Warnings: English is not my first language, and I am not a doctor so some medical information might be wrong. 
As I indulged in a tranquil shower and meticulously selected my attire for the upcoming occasion, a sense of gratitude washed over me knowing that the celebration would be held at my mother-in-law's residence. While venturing out to explore new culinary delights with Kylian was a beloved pastime, today, the allure of a cozy night at home held greater appeal.
Since the morning, I had been grappling with slight abdominal discomfort, but it was the violent expulsion of my breakfast that sent alarm bells ringing. A sigh escaped my lips, a reflexive response to the familiar discomfort that had plagued me since childhood. From a young age, I had endured sporadic bouts of stomach pain, often coinciding with stressful events like ballet competitions or pivotal exams.
My mother, recognizing the pattern of discomfort over time and the occasional severity of the pain, decided to seek medical advice. It was then confirmed by the doctor that I was suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Fortunately, this diagnosis did not thwart my aspirations nor impede my plans. Nevertheless, there were limitations imposed by my condition, one of them being the prohibition of alcohol consumption.
I vividly recall the bewildered expression on my face when the doctor delivered the news that alcohol was off-limits due to its potential exacerbation of my condition. Despite having never partaken in revelry or imbibed alcohol, I comprehended its central role in youthful socialization. I anticipated feeling excluded and feared it would hinder my ability to forge friendships. However, fortune smiled upon me as I found companions who reveled in diverse activities, such as leisurely picnics punctuated by impromptu art sessions and beach outings adorned with sunset photography. While occasional forays into nightlife did occur, they were infrequent. Moreover, my aversion to alcohol transcended mere medical necessity; it stemmed from a profound apprehension regarding its transformative effects on individuals, a sentiment that prompted a steadfast commitment to abstention.
I crossed paths with Kylian at a charity gala where young French athletes, each with an inspiring tale to share, were invited to engage with children and organize activities, with the proceeds earmarked for various charitable causes. His speech resonated deeply with me, capturing both his pride and underlying sense of unease at being in the spotlight. His exact words, etched in my memory, were: "It's in these moments that I often feel out of place because, despite many of you seeking wisdom from me, it's I who must truly learn from all of you and your resilience in the face of adversity." Fortunately, I also captured his attention. When my presentation concluded, he couldn't resist approaching me, ostensibly to delve deeper into my world as we leisurely meandered through the buffet arrayed by the gala's organizers.
His heart nearly skipped a beat when I declined his offer of wine, yet my reassuring smile assuaged his concern as I disclosed my health condition, explaining the potential ramifications of alcohol consumption. Eager to learn more about me, Kylian exhibited a genuine interest in every facet of my life: from my ballet classes and training regimen to the nuances of my medication routine and anything remotely connected to me. Thus, a swift friendship blossomed between us, evolving into a profound romantic bond over the course of just a few months—a connection I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.
Four years ago, when we embarked on our relationship, we were both young and full of energy. Kylian, in particular, made the most of his free time by hanging out with friends, often leading to lively gatherings. Despite this, Kylian maintained a sense of discipline and restraint when it came to alcohol consumption. Instances of indulgence were typically reserved for national festivities or significant triumphs for his team or the national squad. However, everything changed when he met me. Suddenly, I became his top priority.
Kylian's transformation was profound. He meticulously documented all of my medications in a calendar, ensuring that I adhered to my prescribed regimen. If he couldn't be present when I needed to take my medication, he set an alarm to remind me. Additionally, he curtailed his social outings significantly, and on many occasions, he refused to attend events if I couldn't accompany him. When we did venture out together, our excursions were brief, as Kylian was adamant about not subjecting me to any discomfort.
On our wedding day, Kylian solemnly declared that his every decision would revolve around me, promising never to take any action that didn't prioritize my well-being above all else.
Thankfully, my illness never prevented me from attending any of Kylian's games. He cherished my presence, considering me his "lucky charm." It was through these matches that I had the pleasure of meeting my in-laws, whom Kylian introduced me to after one such game. As the Ligue 1 season progressed, so did my relationship with his parents, and I couldn't help but feel blessed by the bond we shared. Kylian's parents took immense pride in their son's career, and when I mentioned my occasional ballet performances, they eagerly pledged their attendance at my next show. This promise was fulfilled a few months ago when I took to the stage, greeted by the sight of my partner and his parents in the audience.
The decision to depart from France proved to be a challenging ordeal for both of us. It was a place that held significance for each of us individually; for Kylian, it was where he found trust and unwavering support, particularly during his darkest moments. Likewise, for me, it served as the backdrop for my personal and artistic growth, particularly in my beloved pursuit of ballet. However, I was acutely aware that leaving France would entail a narrowing of job prospects, given that few other nations accorded dance, especially ballet, the same level of priority.
Thus, when Kylian broached the idea of a modest gathering to mark the conclusion of a significant chapter in our lives, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Initially slated to unfold at a private restaurant in the heart of Paris, a venue Kylian frequented with his friends and where he once celebrated his maiden PSG paycheck, the plans swiftly shifted. Sensing my discomfort on the eve of the event, Kylian promptly altered course, opting instead to host the gathering at his mother's residence—a more proximate locale to our abode. Here, I could seek respite in the guest room if my discomfort intensified, shielded from any prying eyes or unwelcome scrutiny.
With a sense of urgency, I hastened to complete my preparations, summoning Kylian to assist with the delicate task of fastening the gray satin dress adorning my frame. His admiring whistle upon beholding me in the garment, accompanied by the endearing epithet "my beautiful woman," served to ignite a flutter of warmth within me, intensified by the tender kiss planted upon my collarbone.
As we stepped into my mother-in-law's abode, she greeted me with an exuberant embrace, sharing how she had procured my favorite appetizers and guiding me toward the others, while Kylian grumbled behind me, visibly "irritated" by his mother's preference for embracing me first. In response, I couldn't resist playfully sticking out my tongue.
Upon crossing the threshold onto the terrace, Kylian's friends extended warm welcomes. Kylian, ensuring my comfort and safety, opted to leave me engaged in a delightful conversation with Melissa and his mother.
"How are you, y/n? I was genuinely concerned when Kylian mentioned you weren't feeling well," Fayza remarked, her tone laden with worry.
"I've been better, but thankfully, at the moment, my discomfort is limited to stomach issues, so things are more or less manageable for now," I responded, seeking to allay their concerns.
"Well, y/n, do tell us. Have you managed to secure a place with any academy or instructor for your inaugural performance in Spain?" Melissa inquired eagerly.
"I've reached out to several, but I've had to turn down many options because they weren't the right fit for me. They seemed more interested in my relationship with Kylian than my craft. However, in recent days, I've connected with one that genuinely seemed invested in me, so let's hope this one pans out."
"Sweetheart, can I get you a glass of wine while you continue telling us about the move?" Fayza asked, retrieving a bottle from an ice bucket.
"No, it's okay. I can't have wine because of my condition," I replied with a smile, which quickly faded when I noticed everyone falling silent and Fayza dropping the bottle to the floor.
"When were you planning on telling us?" Ethan teased his brother.
"Telling us what, exactly?" Kylian asked, attempting to lock eyes with me for an explanation, but my cluelessness only heightened his concern.
"That y/n is pregnant," Fayza blurted out, barely able to overcome her shock.
"What?!" Kylian and I exclaimed, unable to shake off our bewilderment at his family's confusion.
"Yes, it all makes sense now: y/n's frequent vomiting, her occasional dizziness, her abdominal discomfort, and her abstaining from alcohol," Melissa exclaimed excitedly, envisioning her children having a cousin to play with.
"What? No, no, there's been a misunderstanding. I can't drink because of my illness, and Kylian and I... no, we're not planning for a baby right now," I explained nervously, seeking Kylian's confirmation of my statement.
"Exactly, as she said, for now, we won't know for three weeks," Kylian chimed in, attempting to lighten the mood with a joke, but his attempt fell flat when met with my glare of disapproval.
Gradually, the atmosphere returned to normal as Fayza apologized to both of us for her reaction. It wasn't that she didn't want grandchildren; she simply thought we had chosen to keep it a secret and would find out through the media when her son was abroad.
And so, we savored our final evening together, cherishing the memories to bring comfort in times of homesickness. However, Kylian couldn't help but hope that the next time we entered that house, it would be to announce a pregnancy.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 16 days
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Just on sunset a female Australasian darter looks up from preening after her final successful fishing session for the day at Lake Macquarie in NSW. These birds are so angular it is difficult to get an interesting composition. This shot captures what these birds do under water. One can imagine this is the last thing a fish sees as the long neck launches that bill, piercing it as a spear fisher would
by Colin Driscoll
2023 BirdLife Australia Photography Awards
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littlecrow-rogue · 6 months
Trough the Lens: A Mötley Crüe fanfiction - Chapter One
So the other day I made a post aboute writing a Mötley Crüe Nikki Sixx x OC fanfiction.
I did it!
I am bit nerves posting it cause english is not my first language so this was a bit hard, and even tho I asked some help from Google and transolaters to fix my grammer mistakes probobly there are still some mistakes left or wrong usage of words. But I hope it's still enjoyable.
If you read this have fun and let me know if you think and if you'd like a second chapter for it.
XoX - V
Chapter 1: "The Beginning"
The band members of Mötley Crüe sat huddled around a cluttered table in Nikki's flat, the air thick with anticipation and the remnants of their brainstorming session. Empty beer bottles mingled with scattered papers, evidence of their search for the perfect promotional plan and a testament to the chaos of their creative minds.
Tommy tapped his fingers impatiently against the table, his dark eyes darting restlessly around the room in search for inspiration. The weight of their first gig hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the task at hand.
Suddenly, Nikki's voice shattered the silence, cutting through the haze of uncertainty that had settled over them.
"Alright, guys, time to get down to business," he declared, his tone commanding attention.
Vince lounged back with a smirk, tossing out a suggestion that earned a mixture of amusement and disdain
"A little spray-painted graffiti on the side of Sunset Boulevard could drum up some serious buzz”
Nikki shook his head with a wry smile.
"As much as I appreciate the guerrilla marketing approach, we need something more polished," he said, running a hand through his tousled hair as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on his bandmates.
Mick nodded in agreement.
Nikki arched an eyebrow, his gaze locking onto Tommy’s with a curious intensity.
"Do you have any ideas, Tommy?"
A mischievous grin spread across Tommy's face as he leaned back in his chair, confidence radiating from every pore.
"Actually, I do," he declared, capturing the attention of his bandmates.
"My sister, Katie, she's a photographer. She could help us make some flyres with some killer shoots."
The mention of Tommy's sister piqued the band's interest. They had heard stories about Katie Lee, Tommy mentioned her a lot, but none of them had ever met her.
Mick, ever the pragmatist, cut to the heart of the matter with a single question.
"Is she any good?" he asked, his skepticism evident in his gravelly voice.
Tommy's response was immediate.
"She's incredible," he declared, his voice brimming with pride.
"She's been working as a photographer in downtown LA for the past two years, but she has been obsessed with photography since we were kids. Trust me, guys, she's the real deal. "
Vince grinned.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go pay Katie a visit and see if she can work her magic for us."
As their car glided to a halt in front of SutterLux Studios, the first thing that caught their eyes was the imposing sign, polished to a mirror like perfection, a testament to the studio's prestige as it boldly announced its name to the world. It stood as a beacon of elegance amidst the bustling cityscape, its modern architecture a symphony of clean lines and sleek facades that mesmerized passersbys. Every detail, from the smooth curvature of the walls to the precise symmetry of the windows, spoke of craftsmanship and artistry that left an indelible impression on all who saw it. Surrounding the entrance, a meticulously curated garden, a lush oasis of greenery, provided a tranquility to the building's exterior.
As they stepped out of their car, the band's rock and roll style clashed brilliantly with the polished surroundings. Leather jackets, ripped jeans, and a smattering of tattoos made for a striking contrast against the backdrop of elegance.
Stepping into the studio, they were greeted by a receptionist girl seated at a marble-topped desk, her workspace packed with notepads and notebooks in neat order wich spoke volumes about her attention to detail. With a shy smile playing on her lips, she chirped a warm welcome, while her eyes scaned the group of men before her.
"Welcome to SutterLux! What can I help you?” her voice was light and airy.
Tommy leaned casually against the desk, flashing his trademark grin as he addressed her.
"Hey there, we're here to see Katie Lee. Is she available?" he inquired, his voice laced with confidence.
The receptionist's bashfulness only added to her charm as she inquired about their appointment, her eyes flitting towards the calendar as she searched for any openings.
"I'm her brother, and I just want to talk to her if she's free," Tommy explained with a nonchalant shrug, his charm evident in every word.
Recognition flickerd on the receptionist's face as she realized who Tommy was
"Oh, you're Katie's brother Tommy? She's mentioned you," she remarked, her shy tone melting into a warm, friendly demeanor.
"Let me see if she's available. Please take a seat. I'll be right back."
With a graceful gesture towards the plush black sofas on the other side, she disappeared into the depths of the studio, leaving the band members alone in the lobby. The air crackled with anticipation as Vince, Mick, and Nikki exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to expect when they finally met Katie Lee.
As the receptionist girl reappeared with Katie by her side, the room seemed to brighten with her presence. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall of flames, framing her face with an aura of vibrant energy. Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous sparkle, and every step she took radiated confidence.
"Tommy!" Katie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight as she enveloped her brother in a tight hug.
"What are you doing here?"
Tommy returned the hug with equal enthusiasm, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"We came to see you, sis," he replied, pulling back to gaze at her with fondness.
"Who’s we?” she asked couriously as her gaze shifted to the other men standing behind Tommy, her smile widening at the sight of them.
"Nikki, Vince, and Mick," Tommy introduced, gesturing to each member of the band in turn. "Guys, this is my sister, Katie."
The band members exchanged greetings with Katie, their admiration for her evident in their eyes. Her easygoing demeanor and magnetic charm left an impression on each of them, drawing them in with her infectious energy.
"Do you have a little time to spare for us sis?” Tommy asked eagerly.
"I hope so.” Katie replied with a grin.
"Sam, when's my next client scheduled to arrive?" Katie turned to the receptionist girl, who quickly returned to her desk.
Sam scanned the schedule and checked the clock on the wall before responding,
"You've got about an hour and twenty minutes until your next appointment."
Katie nodded thoughtfully.
"Great. In that case, why don't we head over to that coffee shop down the street? We can grab a table and chat," she suggested, turning back to the band with a warm smile.
"Sounds like a plan," Tommy cheered, his excitement matching hers as they left the building.
As Katie and the band strolled down the bustling streets of downtown LA, the city pulsed with an electrifying vitality and amidst the vibrant chaos, they sought refuge at a quaint corner table in a cozy café, where the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them like a warm embrace.
After placing their orders, Nikki leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Katie.
"So, Katie, Tommy's been singing your praises as a kickass photographer," his voice as smooth as silk. "We're on the hunt for someone with your skills to help us make a splash with our upcoming gig."
Katie nodded, her interest piqued.
"I'm all ears," she replied, leaning back in her chair.
Tommy, unable to contain his excitement, leaned forward eagerly.
"We've headlining at the Starwood Club next month," he announced, a grin spreading across his face. "But we're not just looking to play; we want to rock the joint!"
"And to light up that stage, we need some badass posters, flyers, and all that jazz, something that draws  a lot of people in" Vince chimed in, his voice hyped.
Katie soaked up their vibe, a glint of excitement dancing in her eyes.
"Consider it done" she declared, a smirk tugging at her lips.
"But first could guys maybe show some of your music for me? Just to get a better image of Mötley Crüe.”
The band exchanged looks, a smirk playing on their lips.
"We'll crank up the amps and give you a taste," Tommy promised, a grin spreading across his face.
"You just got a backstage pass to our sonic circus," Nikki added, a playful twinkle in his eye.
"Why don't we invite you to my place? We've got a rehearsal space set up there, so you can experience what we're all about."
Katie's eyes gleamed with excitement.
"That sounds perfect," she exclaimed, a radiant smile gracing her lips.
"Then it's settled," Mick declared with a decisive nod. "We'll make our way to Nikki's place once we're done here."
With the first part of their plan solidified, the band and Katie lingered over their drinks, their conversation flowing with easy.
As the time drew near for Katie's next appointment, the group decided to escort her back to work. Upon the arrival, Katie vanished into the studio to finish her job for the day.
As the band settled into the reception hall, time seemed to stretch out before them, each minute feeling like an eternity as they waited with for Katie's return.
At long last, the door creaked open, and Katie emerged with a satisfied smile playing on her lips.
"Sorry for the wait, guys," Katie apologized, her voice carrying a note of excitement as she joined the band.
"I'm ready to roll now."
With a renewed sense of anticipation, Katie and the band made their way to Nikki's car, the excitement practically crackling in the air around them. As they headed to the Sunset Strip, Katie couldn't suppress the thrill bubbling within her, eager to delve deeper into the realm of rock 'n' roll.
Arriving at Nikki's apartment building, Katie was greeted by a surge of excitement at the thought finally getting to know the band wich her brother was part of.
As Mötley Crüe and Katie entered Nikki's flat, they were greeted by a space that perfectly encapsulated the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Posters of iconi musicans adorned the walls, while instruments were scattered haphazardly around the room. Amplifiers hummed softly in the background, hinting at the music that was created within these walls.
The furniture was a mix of vintage pieces and modern comforts, giving the space a lived-in yet stylish vibe. A plush couch sat against one wall, its cushions worn from years of use, while a sleek bar area beckoned from the corner, stocked with an impressive array of spirits.
Nikki led the group into the room with a grin, gesturing for them to make themselves at home. "Welcome to my humble abode, where the magic happens" he said, a twinkle in his eye turning to Katie
"Make yourself comfortable."
As Katie and the rest of the band settled in, Nikki made his way to the fridge, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Alright, folks, what'll it be?" he called out, opening the fridge door to reveal an assortment of beverages.
"Beer, wine, whiskey? You name it, I've got it."
The band members exchanged glances, a collective smirk crossing their faces.
"Surprise us, Nikki," Vince replied, a playful edge to his voice.
Nikki chuckled as he retrieved a selection of drinks from the fridge, passing them out to the group with a flourish. As the band settled in with their drinks, Nikki turned to Katie with a grin.
"Are you ready for your private show, Katie?" he asked, his eyes alight with anticipation.
Katie's face broke into a wide smile.
"Absolutely," she replied, excitement coursing through her veins as she leand back comfortably in the couch, drink in hand. With a casual ease, she propped her legs up on the coffee table, fixing her gaze on the band with eager anticipation.
With that the band took their place on the stage, wich was the other side of Nikki’s living room, and launched into their first song. The music was filling the room with its raw energy. Katie's eyes danced with delight as she listened, completely captivated by the electrifying performance unfolding before her.
Song after song, Mötley Crüe poured their hearts and souls into their music, each note resonating with passion and intensity. Katie couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer talent and charisma of the band, her appreciation for their music growing with each passing moment.
As the final chords faded into silence, Tommy and Nikki took their seats on either side of Katie, their faces flushed with exhilaration. Vince and Mick settled into the armchairs surrounding the coffee table, their expressions mirroring the sense of accomplishment that filled the room.
"So, Katie, what did you think?" Nikki asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Katie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she took a sip of her drink, considering her response.
"I loved it," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
"Each song had its own unique energy"
With the mood buoyed by Katie's praise, she launched into her ideas for the flyers and posters, drawing inspiration from the music she had just heard.
The band members listened intently, nodding in agreement as Katie outlined her vision for the promotional materials.
"I love it," Vince exclaimed, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.
"It sounds like you really understand our vibe and what we're all about."
Katie smiled, feeling a surge of pride at the band's reaction.
 "I'm glad you think so," she replied.
"I can't wait to get started and see what we can create together."
As the excitement of their collaboration filled the room, Katie and the band members of Mötley Crüe quickly settled on a date for the photoshoot.
"How about Saturday, two days from now?" Katie suggested, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
The band members exchanged eager nods, they couldn’t wait to see Katie's vision come to life. "Sounds good to us," Nikki replied, a grin spreading across his face.
"We'll make sure we're ready to rock and roll."
With the date set and plans in motion, the group toasted to their upcoming photoshoot, excitement buzzing in the air. As they continued to chat and laugh late into the evening, Katie couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the creative journey that lay ahead.
As the evening wore on and the excitement of their collaboration began to wind down, the band members of Mötley Crüe started to make their exit.
Vince, with a mischievous glint in his eye, rose from his seat, his voice laced with playful banter.
"Alright folks, see you on Saturday. I'm off to see my girl" he declared, his announcement met with teasing cheers from the rest of the group.
Shortly there after, Mick followed suit, offering a nod of farewell before vanishing into the nocturnal embrace of the city.
Tommy glanced at his watch, realizing it was time to pick up his new flame.
"I better get going, my date is waiting" he said, flashing a grin at the others.
"New girl?” Katie asked quirosly.
"We will see” he answered with a huge smile still plaster on his face
"But before I head out, Nikki, do you mind taking Katie home?"
 "I'd be happy to make sure she gets home safely." Nikki nodded in agreement, a warm smile on his face.
Katie smiled gratefully
"Thank you, Nikki," she said
"I appreciate it."
With goodbyes exchanged Tommy dissapiered and soon after Nikki and Katie made their way down from the flat to Nikki's car, the cool night air greating them as they stepped out side. They exchanged casual banter as they walked, their laughter echoing off the surrounding buildings.
 "So, Nikki, where did you and my brother crossed paths?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Nikki's gaze drifted to the road ahead, a nostalgic smile gracing his lips as he recounted the story.
"Well, it was after I had a falling out with my former band's singer and decided to quit London," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia.
"I was feeling pretty lost and unsure of what to do next."
He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing.
"I found myself sitting in a diner, flipping through the ads of musicians looking to join a band," he explained.
"That's when Tommy walked up to me out of the blue."
A smile tugged at the corners of Nikki's lips as he recalled the memory.
"He was this cocky guy with wild hair and an even wilder personality," he said.
 "I remember him saying he had my poster on his bedroom wall” he laughed and Katie started giggeling next to him.
"And then he just seated himself infront of me and started twireling his drum sticks and as they say the rest is histroy”
Katie glanced over at Nikki, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"It's amazing how things just seem to fall into place sometimes," she remarked, her voice filled with admiration.
"It's like the universe has a way of bringing people together when they need it."
Nikki nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Yeah, it's funny how life works out like that," he replied, his voice tinged with reflection. "Sometimes the most unexpected encounters can change the course of your life in ways you never imagined."
They fell into a comfortable rhythm of conversation, sharing stories and laughter as they made their way through the city streets. Before they knew it, they had arrived at Katie's apartment building, the glow of the streetlights casting a warm halo around them.
As Nikki pulled up to the curb, he turned to Katie with a smile.
"Well, here we are," he said, his tone lighthearted.
"Thanks for the company, Katie. I had a great time tonight."
Katie returned his smile, a sense of warmth and gratitude filling her chest.
"Thank you for the ride, Nikki," she replied, her voice sincere.
With a final wave goodbye, Katie stepped out of the car and watched as Nikki drove off into the night. As she made her way up to her apartment, a sense of contentment washed over her, grateful for the unexpected connection she had formed with Nikki and the band.
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yvetteheiser · 4 months
Yvette Heiser Texas - Mastering the Art of Maternity Photography
Maternity photography is a celebration of life—a visual symphony that harmonizes the beauty of pregnancy with the anticipation of new beginnings. Yvette Heiser, a seasoned photographer based in the heart of Texas, has perfected the art of capturing this unique chapter in a woman’s life. With her lens, she weaves stories of love, vulnerability, and the miracle of creation.
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The Essence of Maternity Photography
Maternity photography isn’t just about documenting a growing belly; it’s about celebrating the transformation of a woman into a mother. Yvette believes that every expectant mother radiates a special glow—an ethereal light that transcends the physical changes. Her goal is to capture this luminosity—the quiet strength, the joy, and the connection between mother and child. Yvette Heiser Texas - Tips for Maternity Photography
1. Location Matters
Yvette’s Texas roots influence her choice of locations. She seeks out rustic barns, sun-kissed fields, and wildflower meadows. These settings provide a canvas for the maternal glow to shine. Whether it’s the golden hues of a Texan sunset or the rugged charm of a weathered fence, Yvette ensures that the backdrop complements the expectant mother’s aura.
2. Wardrobe Selection
Expectant mothers often worry about what to wear during their maternity shoot. Yvette’s advice? Keep it simple and timeless. Flowing dresses, fitted tops, and delicate fabrics work wonders. Earthy tones and pastels harmonize beautifully with the natural surroundings. Yvette encourages her clients to embrace their changing bodies—the curves, the stretch marks—as part of their unique story.
3. Posing with Purpose
Yvette’s mastery lies in her ability to guide her subjects into authentic poses. She captures the gentle curve of a belly, the protective hand cradling it, and the soft gaze of an expectant mother. Yvette avoids overly posed shots; instead, she encourages movement—a twirl, a laugh, a whispered secret. These candid moments reveal the raw emotions that make maternity photography timeless.
4. Partners and Siblings
In Yvette’s sessions, partners and older siblings play a crucial role. Their interactions with the expectant mother create a narrative of family bonds. Yvette captures the tenderness—the way a partner’s hand rests on the belly, or how a sibling leans in for a kiss. These connections are the heartbeats of the story, and Yvette ensures they are woven seamlessly into the frames.
5. Lighting Magic
Texas sunlight is Yvette’s secret ingredient. She schedules her shoots during the golden hour—the time when the sun bathes everything in warm, flattering light. Backlit shots create a halo effect around the expectant mother, emphasizing her silhouette. Yvette also experiments with shadows, creating depth and drama. The result? Portraits that evoke emotion and leave a lasting impression.
6. Embracing Vulnerability
Pregnancy is a vulnerable time, both physically and emotionally. Yvette encourages her clients to embrace this vulnerability. Yvette Heiser - Top Wedding Photography Tips She captures the quiet moments—the hands cradling the belly, the eyes gazing into the future. These images become heirlooms, cherished by generations. Yvette’s lens transforms vulnerability into strength, celebrating the resilience of expectant mothers.
7. Beyond the Bump
Yvette’s work doesn’t end with the maternity session. She often continues the journey, documenting newborns, first smiles, and growing families. Her clients become part of her extended family, and she rejoices in their milestones. Yvette’s legacy lies not only in her photographs but in the connections, she nurtures—the bonds that transcend time and distance.
Yvette Heiser’s Texas-inspired maternity photography is more than capturing moments; it’s about weaving a tapestry of love, hope, and anticipation. Through her lens, she immortalizes the quiet magic of motherhood—one frame at a time.
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tetianamep · 1 year
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wh4tth3fr3shfvck · 1 year
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café type of day
guess what: yes, exams. always. It just never ends, does it?
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caelenath · 1 year
UsaMamo Week 2023 - Day 4: Beach
For @usamamoweek2023 day 4, my contribution is a preview of this untitled WIP that I thought would be done by now. Foiled again! 😅
Big shoutout to @random-mailbox who both inspired this piece and is helping with the pro photography tips (and is helping to run this wonderful event). 👏💖
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The whole situation was any red-blooded man's dream—nine gorgeous women in swimwear, a dreamy sunset, and a legitimate excuse to ogle them from every angle.
But he had eyes for only one...
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Even before he arrived, the gig was pretty ideal–short, paying double his normal rate, and it gave him an excuse to go to the beach. He felt a little guilty for charging the extra money since he wasn't exactly a pro, just a guy with a hand-me-down camera trying to pay his tuition. But it was the client who had insisted because she was trying to book him so last minute, and university tuition wasn't cheap.
So he accepted the job even if it meant having to get Kobayashi to cover his TA session in the evening, and he was rewarded with a high-pitched squeal of gratitude that nearly blew his eardrum over the phone. She told him to "look for the one wearing black and white", then hung up before he could ask her to be more specific.
He arrived on the beach in the late afternoon, and was greeted by a brilliant, soul-soothing cobalt blue sky. Wispy clouds in the distance along the horizon promised a dazzling sunset backdrop in a little over an hour. Fifty-six to eighty-four minutes, to be exact, depending on what color sky his client wanted. He had a disturbingly accurate internal clock when it came to the sun's movements.
Feeling the heat of the day captured in the sand, he wished he'd been able to arrive earlier to have some extra time to enjoy the getaway. He had tried, but unfortunately, his lab partner chose this day to forget the boiling chips, and instead of accepting a lower mark for the failure, they chose to stay after class to repeat the experiment. Or rather, he chose to stay after, and his partner grudgingly followed suit to avoid looking inferior by comparison to their professor. It had been a risky decision, but with a little help from another disturbing ability of his, one that controlled the heating far better than boiling chips or the isomantle, they were able to redo the work in time for him to catch the train to Atami.
The cloying smell of artificial banana finally left his nose as he inhaled deeply the briny air. He couldn't wait to chuck his shoes and dig his toes into the warm sand. He needed both hands for now to carry his kit, but once the shoot was underway, he could happily traipse barefoot wherever his client wanted to go.
The beach wasn't as crowded by this time of day, and all along the water's edge, he could see the divots and partially melted sand castles left behind by families who had already gone home. The people who remained were mostly couples making eyes and PDA.
His client had said this photoshoot was for her and her friends, a celebration of their last year of high school, but gave scant specifics besides that. None, in fact. Still, as he looked up and down the beach, he discovered he needn't ever have worried about not being able to spot them. Rather, he knew them instantly.
Fifty paces or so to his right, beneath a cluster of palm trees, nine of the most beautiful women he had ever seen were gathered together, arranging each other's hair and swimsuit straps and chatting gaily like they didn't have a care in the world. They were such a striking group that he stood rooted in place for at least a minute, slack-jawed and unable to tear his eyes away. What were the odds they were a mirage? 
After the initial shock wore off, he was intrigued by how different they looked from one another. Tall, short, light hair, dark hair, sporty suits and sexy cutouts–their individual looks ran a wide gamut.
With that unavoidable ogling out of the way, his recovering neanderthal brain finally noted something useful. The two blondes in the group were the ones wearing black and white suits while the rest of them wore mostly black ones. Some had accessories, also in black. They must have agreed on that being the theme in their photoshoot. The contrast against the sky would be stunning, like them, no matter what moment of dusk they caught.
He adjusted the strap of his kit bag on his shoulder nervously…and froze. He'd had every intention of just walking over to them a millisecond ago, but it suddenly caught up with him how intimidating it was to approach nine drop-dead gorgeous women, even if they were the ones who had hired him in the first place.
He admonished himself that this was a professional engagement and strode forward using a silly mental game that was childish, but nevertheless worked. In moments like this when he needed confidence he didn't have–and those moments increased relative to the number of people around him–he pretended he was someone important, someone who had reason to walk around with their chin held high and their shoulders square. A victorious superhero, a successful CEO, a powerful leader of a nation. 
He would die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out about his game because he was the absolute opposite of those people–a struggling college student with no family and one shot at making something of his life. He didn't see any prospects outside of academics, and that was why he'd lived and breathed his schooling since he was a child. His camera had been an unexpected gift, a castoff albeit a very nice one from his friend's little sister when she decided she wanted to upgrade.
As he neared the group, the blonde in the center turned around, and all breath left his lungs as surely as if someone had punched him. She had huge blue eyes, wide azure pools that he found himself drowning in instantly, and not quite unwillingly. She seemed similarly shocked by his appearance, though for the life of him, he couldn't imagine why. Just a moment ago, she had been talking loudly and very animatedly, but now she stood stockstill, looking back at him as if he were a ghost.
Those enormous eyes blinked at him and he mirrored the reaction reflexively. They were getting close to the time when it would be considered rude to stare at someone for that long, but he was overwhelmed by the feeling that he knew her from somewhere. It wouldn't have been so strange considering how big and populous Tokyo was. Maybe they'd passed by each other somewhere, on the metro, in a conbini, at the library. 
Except, if that were true, he would have remembered her. Aside from her breathtakingly perfect face, she had funny hair. Her almost knee-length golden locks were arranged in two pigtails that flowed from two, perfectly round odangos on top of her head. They were weird, but fitting somehow.
No, he was sure he had never seen before in his life. Yet he knew her. How was that possible??
After much too long, he was finally able to drag his eyes away from her face and look at the rest of her–which, in retrospect, was probably even less polite. But she was wearing the two colors he'd been instructed to look for. Specifically, a tiny white bikini with tiny black straps and tiny black trim. Everything about it practically begged him to look at her, from the way the pure white emphasized her creamy peach-pink skin to how the black edges formed triangular outlines that pointed at things he really shouldn't be looking at. 
Luckily she recovered first and offered him a dazzling smile. It was full of unreserved welcome, something that was foreign to him, and he wondered how much confidence that took. The only word he could use to describe the glow around her was love, but that was preposterous because they were total strangers.
He searched hard for his tongue so he could stop being such a deer in headlights and speak. "Minako?"
The bright look on her face fell, and he winced inside at having done that to her, with the very first word he ever spoke to her, no less. He'd only been hoping she was the one who had called him. If she wasn't Minako, then he owed the real Minako a great debt for having created this opportunity for them to meet. Even if he had already screwed it up.
Keep it professional, his brain scolded him again. He was here to do a job, not meet a girl.
"No, that's me!" a voice chirped to his right, and he turned to the other blonde. She was wearing a bikini with broad black and white stripes, as well as a black hat and sunglasses with thick white frames, which she slid down her nose before introducing herself. Like all her friends, she too was incredibly beautiful, but something about her look said "drama" to him. Or at least, something less innocent than the odango girl.
"I'm Minako. Thank you again so so so so much for doing this."
"It's nothing," he said, feeling a little embarrassed by her effusiveness. It took more than a little effort to ignore the glint of gold hovering in the corner of his eye. "Where should I set up? Did you have particular shots in mind?"
"Yes!" Her response was instant, but from the way she paused afterward, he guessed the real answer was no. "Sunset? Is that too generic?"
"Not at all," he lied. "Your timing couldn't be more perfect. You'll have your pick of lighting for it, assuming we can get set up fast enough." He was glad for the excuse to look out over the water again, to regain some equilibrium as he stood in the midst of any red-blooded man's dream.
"We're ready to go," Minako said, sweeping a stern look across her circle of friends like a captain surveying his battalion.
"This isn't one of your volleyball games," the tall brunette said with a roll of her eyes. "You could at least introduce him if we're going to be working together."
"Fine, all right." Minako accentuated her words with a dramatic huff, and he was gratified to know his instincts about her were right on the nose. "Everyone, this is Chiba Mamoru, who is an absolute darling for agreeing to do this at the last last minute."
The two dark haired beauties in the back of the group leaned in to confer about something together, and from the glances they threw at him, he guessed that something was him. His face warmed a little from the attention.
"I'm pleased to meet you all." 
Minako clapped her hands. "Great, now we all know each other." Someone in the group snorted, but he didn't catch who. "Let's get some gorgeous pictures taken!"
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thedalatribune · 2 years
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© Paolo Dala
Thanksgiving For God
For many years, I did not experience more joy in God through gratitude. I dutifully thanked God for his blessings, but because I did not understand thanksgiving, my gratitude did not help me see God’s glorious mercy, and so it did not increase my joy.
The problem was that I saw thanksgiving mostly as an obligation to be fulfilled. God had done something for me, so now I owed him gratitude. And once I had said, “Thank you,” my debt was paid, and I moved on to something else.
But that’s not how the Bible talks about thanksgiving. Consider, first, how the Bible often links thanksgiving with joy.
“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” (Psalm 95:2)
“Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name!” (Psalm 97:12)
“Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of his deeds in songs of joy!” (Psalm 107:22)
….when God calls us to give thanks, he’s not just calling us to thank him for what he’s done. He’s calling us to rejoice in who he is, as displayed in what he’s done. And that’s why Christian Hedonists love to thank God: thanking God leads to seeing more of God, and seeing more of God is our greatest joy.
How can we thank God in a way that increases our joy in God…
First, ask for the Spirit’s help. The goal of thanksgiving is seeing and feeling the glory of God’s mercy, and we can’t do that without the Spirit’s work. So, ask.
Second, ponder the value of God’s gifts. Consider the value of each gift. Think about health, friends, the food in front of you. Think especially about the Savior, whose death paid for your sins and purchased fullness of joy in him forever.
Third, think about the mercy of God’s gifts. Not only do we not deserve these gifts, but because of our sin, all we deserve is God’s judgment. Ask God to help you see that, so you feel more wonder at the grace and mercy displayed in this blood-bought gift.
Fourth, do this until you see and feel more of God’s glorious mercy. Keep praying for the Spirit’s Jesus-revealing work, and keep thinking about the worth and mercy of God’s gifts, until you sense more of God’s glorious mercy in Christ.
Fifth, express your thanksgiving and joyful praise to God. Thank him for his gifts, expressing the worth of each gift and the mercy of each gift. And rejoice in how each gift displays the glory of God’s grace to you in Christ.
We all need help seeing God’s glorious mercy. And gratitude, like glasses, can help. So, for the sake of your joy in God, put on the glasses of gratitude. And see.
Steve Fuller Thanksgiving Gives Us Eyes for God
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eranjayne · 1 month
Laing Family Sunset Session
Easy, breezy, beautiful sunset photo shoot for this gorgeous family!
Most of the time, sunset sessions are just as warm as the sunshine in the images suggests – but not every time! For the Laing family, it was an aesthetically beautiful evening – glowing sky, a few clouds, and a gorgeous family to photograph. But there was a bit of a breeze on the beach that made the end of the their session a little chilly especially when they decided to be brave and get in the…
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sets-in-the-city · 1 year
Couple Photoshoot in Mumbai: Capturing Everlasting Memories
A couple photoshoot is a delightful way for lovebirds to capture their affection and create everlasting memories. In the vibrant city of Mumbai, with its mesmerising landscapes and iconic landmarks, a couple photoshoot becomes an even more enchanting experience. This article delves into the beauty and charm of having a couple photoshoot in Mumbai, guiding couples on how to make the most of this special occasion.
1. The Magic of Mumbai's Backdrops
Mumbai, the city that never sleeps, boasts a plethora of picturesque backdrops for a couple photoshoots. From the iconic Marine Drive, with the Arabian Sea in the background, to the historic Gateway of India, each location adds a touch of magic to the pictures. The lively streets, graffiti-adorned walls, and charming cafes also offer excellent photo opportunities for couples.
2. Choosing the Perfect Time
Timing is crucial for a successful photoshoot. Mumbai's weather can be quite unpredictable, so it's essential to plan the session during the ideal months when the climate is pleasant. The early morning golden hours or the mesmerising sunsets provide the perfect lighting and ambiance for capturing beautiful moments.
3. Finding the Right Photographer
Selecting the right photographer is paramount to the success of a couple photoshoots. Look for a photographer with experience in capturing candid and intimate moments. Check their portfolio to ensure their style aligns with your vision, and communicate openly about your preferences and ideas.
4. Wardrobe and Style
The couple's wardrobe and style play a crucial role in the photoshoot. It's essential to coordinate outfits while reflecting each person's personality. Whether it's elegant and formal attire or casual and carefree outfits, the couple's style should complement each other and the chosen locations.
5. Embracing Candid Moments
While some poses can be planned, the real magic lies in capturing candid moments. Encourage the couple to be themselves, express their love, and enjoy the experience. Candid shots bring out genuine emotions, making the pictures truly special and unique.
6. Exploring Iconic Landmarks
Mumbai's iconic landmarks offer a majestic backdrop for couple photoshoots. Exploring the historical sites and architectural wonders, such as the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus or the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, adds a touch of grandeur to the photographs.
7. Infusing Cultural Essence
Mumbai is a melting pot of cultures, and incorporating cultural elements into the photoshoot can be a beautiful way to celebrate diversity. Be it traditional attire, dance forms, or festive props, adding cultural essence enriches the overall experience.
8. Beachside Romance
Mumbai's coastline presents an opportunity for a dreamy beachside couple photoshoot. The vast expanse of sand, the crashing waves, and the cool sea breeze create a romantic ambiance for love-struck couples.
9. Exploring Hidden Gems
Apart from the well-known locations, Mumbai hides several lesser-known spots that hold charm and allure. Embarking on an adventurous journey to discover these hidden gems can lead to unique and exclusive photographs.
10. The Essence of Street Photography
Mumbai's bustling streets provide a canvas for creative street photography. Strolling through vibrant markets and alleys can result in quirky and lively pictures that capture the essence of the city and the couple's bond.
11. Preserving Memories Through Prints
In the digital age, physical photo prints have become a rarity. However, printing and framing some of the most cherished couple photographs can add a nostalgic touch to the memories. Displaying these framed pictures at home keeps the love alive and serves as a constant reminder of the bond shared.
12. Cherishing the Experience
Beyond the photographs, a couple photoshoot in Mumbai is an opportunity to spend quality time together and strengthen the bond. It allows couples to create beautiful memories and cherish the experience for years to come.
1. How long does a couple photoshoot in Mumbai typically last?
A couple photoshoot in Mumbai usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours, allowing enough time to explore multiple locations and capture various poses.
2. Can we have multiple outfit changes during the photoshoot?
Yes, you can have multiple outfit changes during the photoshoot to add variety and express different styles.
3. Do we need to bring our props and accessories?
While the photographer may provide some props, you are welcome to bring your own props and accessories that hold significance to your relationship.
4. Can we suggest specific locations for the photoshoot?
Absolutely! If you have any specific locations in mind, feel free to discuss them with your photographer. They can guide you on the feasibility and potential of those locations.
5. How soon will we receive the edited photographs?
The turnaround time for edited photographs varies depending on the photographer. It is best to discuss this with your photographer before the shoot to manage expectations.
A couple photoshoot in Mumbai is a perfect way to capture the love, joy, and togetherness of a couple against the backdrop of this dynamic city. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, Mumbai offers a myriad of options to make the photoshoot a memorable affair. Embrace the candid moments, infuse cultural essence, and let the city's charm enhance the beauty of your love story.
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