#suns new dream💯💯
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 3 months ago
let me cook rq…
bet this is gonna be Sun’s next dream💯💯…
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IM SORRY I MADE THIS AT LIKE 9 LAST NIGHT😭 I felt a little silly lmao
Netflix gets bullied -> gets his SOLARS goggles stolen from him -> his wife comforts him (😎😎)
I lost my braincells by looking at cursed tsbs fanart
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winonaparadise · 1 year ago
short story 💯
wrote a very quick story about a class i took in college. if you like my writing in my videos you may like this
Five years ago today I was clawing through state university. I had switched majors in an effort to come away with something more material from my college experience – but I was also trying to earn as many credits with as few courses to keep my schooling short and cheap.
I took a heavy weighted class in “media law.” A subject notoriously as intricate as it is absolutely fucking stupid. Anything you could learn, Disney will change tommorrow. The professor was an adjunct, splitting his time between the humble basement where boys with Pulp Fiction posters in their dorms fiddled with cameras and the actual law school where he was employed some miles down the road. I have never seen Pulp Fiction, but I’ve fiddled with enough cameras and enough of the boys who own them to have reviewed it twice. This is not a problem to me now.
Then I was stupid. Twenty. And basically friendless. I spent all my time trying to make something the same way the universe spent billions of years pouring hot soup into holes and hoping life would bubble out. I studied Japanese during quiet matches of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I never got a win, and I never got an “A” in Japanese.
Weeks of school went by as I skimmed textbooks, got high, and thought about talking to literally anyone. Academic words danced around the edges of my brain like sand. I wrote essays on the same autopilot I write today. Feverish. Flowing. Fantasizing about what it would be like to go out with someone instead of texting a girl who now lived in Japan and making ramen noodles while listening for footsteps in a digital warzone.
I did all my work. I submitted it on something called “canvas” that the muscle memory in my fingers still types in search bars to this day. I never checked my grades. I knew they were bad.
Classes dragged me through the week on a bungee cord. I lived a block away from the bulk of them and found myself drifting in halls of buildings I’d never attended just to keep myself from meandering back home to draw a bad comic about a girl who lived in hell. 
I knew nobody. I went nowhere. I struggled to do classwork alone on outdoor benches dreaming of someone speaking to me. I needed to live in hell instead.
My media law professor was late the weekend after our first term essays were due. I don’t know what mode of transportation he took to get from one school to the other but today the Carolina sun had drenched him sweaty. We were chilly waiting for him to begin.
“Just about every single one of you failed.” He spat and chugged coffee through the entire period. “While I first was grading I thought I was the one who failed.”
He didn’t let the moment of respite last. “But I also did something I’ve never done before.” He paced like my father did when a restaurant was closed early. “I gave out my first perfect score. Which prevents me from grading on a curve.”
He huffed, he assigned a new reading, and he rushed out like he had lit dynamite. “Do better!” “What an asshole.” The girl who sat next to me in every class spoke as if she had been holding her breath. “Fuck him and fuck whoever got that hundred.”
“I know right!” I launched in on her anger, feeling it too. Back and forth we complained. We walked off campus together. She had long blonde hair and towered over me. I had felt ugly and mousey next to her, but today I felt like her equal. It felt good to bitch.
“I got a fucking 50. What about you?”
“It wasn’t pretty.” I recalled how I stayed up the night before the assignment was due. I milked bullshit into a puree. I got a rush of adrenaline from killing someone with a shotgun through a door in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Pochinki. I was probably close to being expelled. “This class is too fucking hard,” she smoked and shook her head by a bus stop on Tate Street. “I’m not about to lose my freetime over it.”
“Right.” I imagined her at parties. Black silhouettes against colored lights and deafening music. Like The Social Network. “We should be partners for the next assignment,” she got out her phone and passed it to me for my number. I typed it in. I waved her off on the bus. We did the assignment together. We texted each other about our studies. We joked about finding the guy who got the perfect score and beating him senseless. I thought about talking to her about my art or what we were making in other classes, but never did.
Towards the end of the semester I had to plan the next. A whirlpool churned in my stomach as I clicked on “grades” on my campus’ online portal. I had an A+ in a single course. 
Media Law.
My friend from class texted me that she was dreading the final. I texted her that if we failed I would kill Mr. Perfect Score. She texted “lol.”
She passed the course. I got my degree so I assume I did too. We stopped texting.
That professor emailed me asking me to take a course at the law school down the road. He said he would let me sit in and see if I wanted to change majors a third time. I never replied.
A law degree would just make Mr. Perfect Score a hundred times more punchable.
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alyjojo · 12 days ago
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Yearly Tarot Reading 2025 🎏 - Leo Sun/Rising
Meditation: Riding on a gondola through a calm (but quite large) lake, what looks like pink daisy? blossoms were falling from the sky into your boat and everywhere else. One person was guiding the boat with an oar, the other was sitting on the other side of a boat, wearing a hooded cloak, unseen. 6 Swords energy. It wasn’t cherry blossoms, they look like this 🌸 There’s also a mix of cultures being shown, which could mean something for someone.
General: The Wheel of Fortune 🎱
Work: Temperance
Love: The Tower
Spirit’s first message is “don’t freak out,” which isn’t something anyone wants to hear 😆 The Tower is scary looking but it serves the purpose it needs to serve, which is to destroy what isn’t solid in some area of life, here it’s relationships, and you can thank a mixture of Pluto 7th and Virgo SN for that. We’re just gonna start with “the bad,” relationships, and the past. End on a positive note, that’s kind of the mentality they want you to embrace as well - with all things. Everything is meant to be. All of it, and you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be even if where that is isn’t the best place then, now, or in the future; no one is out to get you, not Spirit anyway, people will be people - there’s a purpose for it.
Last year, you underwent a powerful Transformation already, so the moans and groans I’m hearing are probably because you thought you were done and wtf. I feel you 🙏 The Nodes switch at the end of January, to Pisces/Virgo, and your 8th/2nd Houses, mostly money related, along with Pluto causing chaos and transformation in your 7th House of Partners & closest relationships. Intense is an understatement. Some of you will meet someone who blows your mind, it happens out of nowhere, you’re swept away into some amazing new relationship - Pluto 7th. Some of you will be ending major relationships that have either grown apart or something was never truly stable between you, or isn’t anymore - Pluto & Tower. Divorce and marriage are both present with the money houses being triggered. Travel could be involved in either case, relocating, taking a holiday, moving out of the shared home, however travel looks for your situation.
There, we covered the best/worst case scenarios. For the healthy & happy relationships, this Tower is shared and seems to be more about perceptions than love - on your side, it’s your reading. Some of you have Virgo placements, which makes the SN more of a challenge when these things come to you naturally and are a part of who you ARE. But…high vibe is the goal. Low vibe is the no. Virgo came out as a sign to show it’s these low vibe energies that you’ll be dealing with. Perfectionism, criticism, trying to “fix” people and things as if they’re flawed - if/when they’re not or didn’t ask, control, impossible expectations, hermit behavior or toxic independence, which…first time I’ve ever said that wut 😆 and these coming from a pessimistic, judging, complaining, or in a forceful criticism sort of way, pointing the finger outward like other people need to be fixed and you’re all roses 🌹 Both nodes really. That’s for all of us 💯
Virgo/Pisces is martyr/victim, left brain/right brain, reality/dreams, skilled trade/art, organization/creative mess - and this dynamic plays out in your money houses with the 8th being your direction. Other people’s money, inheritance, joint finances, it’s a balance of what’s mine vs. what’s ours and if not money (which will play a role somehow), then definitely in values. You and your person may have very different values, ways of spending money, financial goals, or again, you could meet the love of your life and get married - it’s no longer “mine” but “ours.” This could also play out in terms of intimacy 💋 or your/their “shadow sides” or traumas and your shared or differing values or expectations surrounding that. You could sell your solo home to move into a shared home - that goes with marriage, along with any other mine/ours investments. A positive to NN and Pluto 7th is that *if* you’re going to engage - it’s gonna be deep. DEEP. Change your whole life kind of deep ❤️ Your relationships are going to transform you in ways you couldn’t manage any other way. It doesn’t have to be just romantic either, but it IS your closest connections of any flavor. These are the relationships that hit DEEP…LY 😁 Some will inevitably end, others will come that you never expected - it’s all divinely orchestrated for your life & direction. I’m not gonna harp on Pluto for 20 years but it’s showing up as the main challenge, and it’s the first full year - I have to. I’m seeing Uranus with the lightning ⚡️ on The Tower, and this moves into Gemini July 7th in your 11th, this could be a time where you meet someone that changes your whole life. Could be through a friend or online.
There is conflicting advice for work, which is to take it easy, remain balanced and unbothered, incorporate your lessons and coast…basically. But stop doing that at home 🙃 Relationships may be jolting and work is your peace. I’m hearing “security blanket,” but I’m not really sure what that means…in this context. It’s the solid thing amid possible chaos, the thing to hold onto in a storm, the Virgo sense of “this is how things are/work/the right way” that is otherwise challenged in other areas. Coasting day to day, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, just roll with it, we’re here for a peaceful day and a paycheck - there’s enough drama to keep you busy elsewhere (potentially). Work is the area of life where you find freedom, creativity, innovation, the ability to expand out of any perceived boxes. Or to be happy in the boxes, could be that too. When it’s raining outside the box is like a sanctuary. Work fills you up where relationships may (but not necessarily) drain you.
There’s a note about something changing or being introduced, it’s new, but it’s nothing major and should be easily incorporated with whatever you do, this Temperance card has ten hands all doing different things, and they’re peaceful, like it’s easy or something. Things that were frustrating or not moving forward will begin doing so at some point, not immediately, because Temperance shows a need for patience as well as Wheel of Fortune showing divine timing, it’s gonna happen when it happens and when it does - it’s positive. Lucky 🎲 even. Same for those looking for a job, worrying isn’t going to get you anywhere faster. Those without a job may be forced to get creative with their ways of making money, and that’s something that’s positively aspected for you. If you’re confused, ask someone who knows or who has made this a success, whatever it is. You will have the support you need from coworkers, bosses, etc. Some of you may be trying to advance by way of some certification, and Real Estate is being highlighted with the nodes. Some of you are just trying to rebuild credit or investing in the things you need that will inevitably do that when you pay off xyz.
The last message in the reading is Spirit getting on your case about laziness, bad eating habits specifically, unhealthy habits across the board but more like self-indulgence with money, however that looks for you. Taurus is reversed here so that’s definitely food, and Healthy Choices shows food - some of you are going to (or need to) incorporate healthier meals into your regimen. Going to the gym if that’s your thing, walking more, whatever. There are heavy Distractions and Dreamy energy that you may call self-care but it’s actually indulgent or wasteful of something to the extent it goes. Probably money. Maybe time idk. Perception rules over these things as something you’re going to have to face due to the Virgo SN as well and finances tie in with that a lot. You can’t afford bills and Door Dash every night, some of you are going to learn how to cook or create organizational ways of cutting back financially - subscriptions, hobbies, food, cleaning services, whatever it is. Earthy things. Money 💰 Especially unhealthy things. Clean your own house and make your own xyz fo’ cheap. I’m seeing someone sew 🪡 their own clothes and that’s just cool 😎, if that’s something you do. Ultimately, Wheel of Fortune is bringing changes in the areas that aren’t that great anyway - where they aren’t, or bringing in things that are and that could be a surprise. Someone’s partner may be Jewish or Indian, that’s random but I’m seeing “kosher” and also like…heavy chicken, curry, no red meat, that kind of thing. Some sort of special diet, pick one idk.
It is all ultimately positive, or will be, and Spirit wants you to continue to have faith during the times when it may not be or something jolts you into a new perception you weren’t expecting (for most), it’s for a higher good even where you’re the problem. It’s for your own good, and it’s really not giving bad vibes, that’s just a possibility that can’t be ignored - the Perception of it may be “bad” but not always, and I’m hearing “you’ll see.” Fixed signs don’t like change and this involves change, it’s ugh, but it’s good or it will be once it all falls into place however it’s supposed to - Wheel of Fortune is a fluctuating (with luck & blessings attached - upright) period of change, all year long.
Spirit also wants me to mention Jupiter moving into Cancer and your 12th House in June, this is a very positive Spirit over your shoulder more or less. An angel that’s got your back. You’re protected from the worst of whatever you may face…the biggest message is to have faith that things are going to work out, because they will. You could have some crazy serendipitous experiences, especially if you have Scorpio placements that form a grand water trine. Some of you could start talking to your own Spirit Guides and meditating more, getting more in touch with your spiritual side. Some of you may get much closer to a maternal figure in your life, or your own children. Don’t have to, but if you do, there it is. Prophetic dreams are also possible being 12th and Pisces energy thinning the veil between what’s in front of us vs. what’s not but…still there, guiding you when/how you need it 🔮 Now you could SEE what before you only believed, or not, something like that.
Zodiac Signs: Heavy Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces & Cancer
Numbers: 71, 13, 9, 22, 56, 16, 69 & 78
666 is the only pattern, showing “The Devil” in last year’s energy carrying over to this year, it’s showing Virgo South Node traits of perfectionism and critical behavior, releasing control - and The Tower. That’s what’s being destroyed, this idea of relationships, habits, and/or how you’re perceiving them, uptight control, going by the book - it’s different for everyone. To be fair, we’re all going through this, Pluto is just amping your experience up x100. Especially those of you with Virgo placements.
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sonalirichard · 7 days ago
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🔮 🎶🏆♥️🔥 👑 🎁 ‌MR. IN🌹SR🌹JI🌹
LET"S MAKE UP & HUG 💏 🫂 ...
ABOUT 🆕️‼️🆙️
YOUR S 💋💋💋
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🌹🕉 ☯️♥️☯️ 🕉🌹
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katherinewinchester13 · 6 months ago
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At teatime, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out
"She's laughing up at us from Hell"
It's me, hi
I'm the problem, it's me
It's me, hi
I'm the problem, it's me
It's me, hi
Everybody agrees, everybody agrees
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------
Complete 💯
CROSSOVER Hannibal NBC /The Addams Family
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Mortician Addams/Gomez Addams
Hannibal Lecter isn't like most socialites, especially with his more taboo hobbies. So who exactly is this darkly dressed couple with an air of mystery that meets his own. Who is this mysterious nephew they speak of? How many new meetings will he get to have?
Will Addams-Graham's family isn't exactly like everyone else's. Especially with a motto like Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc. But who is this doctor friend they're talking about? Who becomes friends with a family like his?
A season 1 AU where Will is an Addams, including that lovely Addams's quirk.
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lilac-hecox · 1 year ago
7, 11, 12, 15, and 16 for the fic ask game.
7. 💯 A fic that makes you think #writergoals
Literally everything written by Sandrene09 they are a brilliant author and their fics have made me legitimately sad like when I am reading published original novels.
11. 🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
And I Watched A Change in You by @wispmotherr I don't read Shaymien too much but my dear friend wrote this and I am super on board for it.
12. 💘 A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
this must be my dream by @blondhecox when I first discovered it I was obsessed and stayed up way too late to keep reading the chapters to find out what happened even though I had to work the next day.
15. 📚 A fic you wish you could display on your bookshelf
Sun by unknownliterate. It is a gorgeous story and I can picture the cover would be warm and soft and a little melancholy.
16. 💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Literally, it's how I met @xxmoonch1ldxx because he messaged me to ask me about a fic he was writing and he's been the light of my life since then (even though he's SO mean to me :| )
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New high pword.50s
Bring the oil stop the rain.2012 endure.riz.abaddon. 🗡
2 witnesses my sons aka oil/rain
Tupac/biggie, voice of God scrip true anger, the sunlight strength tumors in my mouth speak themselves, even even the phillipino sun strength of my thoughts. The strength of the scitz hospitals all.
Mike burns dream *0cure* ganggrene.cvax.tisheaven.gmg.tispete.gmg.ariel.ariel.ariel...2018
All the blue in heaven/
mikefuture Gmg war. Jesus beer weed gmg. Gmg God video game. Jfk freedom of the press. T.i.s boriqua Moreno blanco reperations. Picture also it all being a dream of a power also form of a beautiful sword by the miracle ontop of miracle b.m.b reparations from blue on high, youth 21 33 aka weed rgs riz 3rd leg all a dream creating a power in the form of a sword.
You know the story I can't die Same problem as john but in the womb, my 1st miracle my head scar, as if I was wounded unto death, o death where art thou sting, ariel ariel ariel, doubled the 3rd time.
Jesus cursing.2021
Tyhomas.youth.333.144gturkbib 1 bill333,1millamerica.noahark.cromagnons.flood.battery
Also bahais 7 guardians think Digimon and the main branch of Islam the eye* allah fbi letter then connect...
Imagine lightning devil scrip plural and the Noah Chem, with Jesus the sun*. No longer bracing for impact but the bootyshot lol.
In the name of jesus.invegabud
Wife.kids.💯 God all smokeobey/bow .3wiwoe.arkc.temple.prayer.worship.spread activation of miracle.
Scitz power law mom
oilrain.ariel.blue. all things are possible with God I am jesus even the locust will obey. Remember mike burns dream formula is weed, also rememb the crime fallen etc etc jesus cursing flood weed=Virginity to the holy jesus power.
Ariel tunatiszealgmg.rev191722 chrisy5cttrump,fbtwtutube
M.o.b war. Trump loves God not money, f u p me f $, I am fb God all tunas obey same. Heaven 25c increase booster 1.50 dollar, it is the moment the holyspirit takes over like an nde or talking in tongues.
Remember the name ariel tunatiszeal.gmg was written on my cell door master of my house riz bring the oil stop the rain abaddon.
America 💥 2012 in the name of jesus be healed mom gw vision.
Command the miracleeeee aLllejuiaaaa
Power words each circling into one another connected by a key of thought when meditating, also good shivs to use in preaching military, just enter the thought and rotate the clot.
And remember all my teachings, etc etc etcs it helps
Bring da Oil/stop da rain
Ariel12 ariel21, all this pain is unto me like ariel20/20* tuna
All those who distress ariel
tis zeal
Shall be as a dream 50s power word. Gmg
And the feeble among them shall be as David and David shall be as God as the angel of the lord before them.
.. .......
With gmg think
1 cash hevcash
2fb cern barbelo
3work beer weed jesus
4videogamedream michael
Then all America's 💥
And strengthen reflect 50s
Trump Don 5cnt
Trump g boat op
Trump richie luck of the irish
Trump dre *thou shalt not kill: law of the cloud, faithful and true hell portal
Jfk Trump 5ct every chrisy gets one based on how they served.
Ariel tunatiszeal.gmg
In righteousness he makes war. That's the name of the desired will for the moment. An open door no man can shut. The cloud.
Oil rain basement
Mike burns dream eating sleeping
Jesus cursing 69
In the name of jesus stepping out the house etc etc
Ariel tuna by the door.
It's so dangerous I rarely come out of my house, de la ghetto. America 💥. Like a mime meheheh.
..... . .....
Here's a tip parfuma
9/11 blue
2012 martial law
Jfk Cia
George washington fbi
Christain rosincrutzs presidents
Black plague 1776
John 13 colonies
Jesus great Britain
Nativity Paul Ireland scitz
King Solomon locking away the knowledge keep the baddies out.
King David our DNA lineage throne.
Egypt joseph phanuel tascia sarah pyramids sentinels.
1g usa space armada
4g God and man mate kicking out the wandering stars
6g cataclysmic jesus take over the solar system and imprison fallen angels for good.
7g o.g. solar system america rebirth
10g 2 witnesses take over 50g solar systems
10-50g 400g solar system take over.
You memo that when enchanting america.
Also before america is 50s power words know to defend your house well.
Gmg bibles cash bug out
Gmg 10 man click ready to go in the crib
Gmg Brooklyn finest type door lock mechanism
Gmg ready for anything by the door cloud.
The rest of the 50s is obvious
Like basement self house destruction and get away bring the oil stop the rain, also know wine the 2 witnesses live riz always birth to passing.
Mike burns dream ready the citizenry rapture mansion
Jesus cursing strapped AK and trap door.
In Jesus name all the women and children praying.
Ariel by the door, airor open robert close.
Perfect immune system defence for meditating your body in a labyrinth of light. Perfect against the scitz. Remember your house is your riz body the metaphor of life. As the scripture states the immortal man while in the flesh always yearns for the heaven life yet stays quiet in himself. Yes we believe in the constitution and at the same time wishing to denounce our worldly ways and pursue religious liberty via a spiritual life. Once again meditate the parfuma and heal your soul.
.... ..
You liked how I stopped the rain in king of NY today mwehehehhe.
New tip, my rotations pretty good and ciggaweed great, but you must visualize
The power of lightning and the flood knowledge in Jesus cursing weather regardless, and the sun as Jesus connected to the lightning, that is Jesus cursing. Etc etc
Then combine that with oil rain amaterasu hell fire, Tumors, adamentium teeth bones, gg.c.v.stomach,3rdlegriz,rgs, I am are the freedom tuna* their of.
Also combine with in the name of jesus and the power of the scitz, and weed mom as law, power of the scitz mom and children, a prayer weed force etc etc
And ariel the gmg war rev 19 glory the name.
Also remember mike burns dream, bacteria dinos the power of blue above the dream of authority, the archangels, enoch he who is like God m.
don't forget great Britain jesus my 12 to his 21 and my 21 to his 33 and my 21 to 32* to his 21 to 33. It was the best of times it was the worse of times, where he struggled I excelled vice versa in happiness, we truly bond,also great Britain antichrist john Jesus 600 formula and then king Solomon 666 silver robert and Joseph america pyramid judas riz 2012 bring the oil stop da rain rotation meditation.
0 notes
etherealdiva · 2 years ago
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Astro Observations: Solar Returns
Source: Predictive Astrology the eagle and the lark by Bernadette Brady
Aspect Edition: 2022
☀️Neptune- ascendant: changing your personality from how you’re seen from the outside perspective. This happens usually by an unfortunate event or when traveling to escape. Ending the image that you present to the world.
-how it manifested for me: my mom passed away this year and I feel I lost my identity and am just dissolving my upbeat positive personality that everyone saw me as happy go lucky. I feel my humor is darker and I just resonate more with despair and darkness even though in general I’m still a positive person. It’s like life is whooping my ass but I’m still smiling lol.
☀️Neptune- sun: confused about your role in life, wanting to escape and travel.
- how it manifested for me: I feel absolutely lost in life because of everything I’ve lost this year (my full time job as well) and I had identified myself as that role. I’m sometimes conflicted with my role in the astrology world as well. Anything in the esoteric because I feel I’m living a life in the 3D and then another life somewhere else (online actually). I don’t feel I fit in anywhere with people but I can mesh well with others. Also, I’m dying to travel and start a new life. I wanna travel internationally.
☀️Uranus- MC: expect a sudden change in your job/career and your social status. For better or worse.
- how it manifested for me: my company laid me and 109 employees off 🙃 I guess I’m not suppose to be there 😅
☀️Saturn- Uranus: frustrated because achieving your goals is a slow progress.
- how it manifested for me: I’m so impatient cause it feels like everything is so damn slow. I have goals I wanna reach but it feels like I have to work even harder. Normally with my fitness goals I’ve had great luck and maybe it’s because I’m not as strict as I was before. I still think for the most part I look good with my body but I was at my fittest in 2019. I was also frustrated cause I worked hard and I wanted a raise and then we all got laid off so now I gotta start over.
☀️Saturn- moon: feeling of loneliness and wanting to isolate. Feeling like no one supports you.
- how it manifested for me: I moved to another state all by myself. Despite it being a busy and social city, I felt alone and wanting to isolate myself. I felt like I met people but couldn’t make connections 🥲
☀️Saturn- ascendant: being seen as more responsible and mature. Being as an authority.
- How it manifested for me: despite my Leo rising mannerisms and how I get along very well the youngins, I feel my piscean old soul def came out more. Also much more responsible especially since I lived on my own.
☀️Uranus- moon: events occurring so fast that you don’t have time to process them or react. Being free of your emotions.
- How it manifested for me: so much happened this year that I don’t think I processed my moms death, losing my job, being dumped and also moving away. I know it happened but like I think I reacted for a bit and then moved on to distract. I’m in therapy which is nice but yeah. Also could be that my moon is in Taurus in the 12th house so I feel much more emotionally stable but also repressed cause I still don’t believe it or I do but I’m like idk…it happened?? Weird?? I’m dreaming right?
☀️Uranus- sun: wanting to be free and re-classify yourself
- how it manifested for me: literally moved away because I felt trapped at home. I was more open about my love for astrology in my new city than I am in my hometown.
☀️Neptune- North Node: finding your spiritual path and a group/your “tribe” that’s in the category of the healing arts and esoteric. Diving into the metaphysical which pushes forward the person into a new life direction
- how it manifested for me: met you all in the Astro tumblr community 🥹🥺❤️ also dug deeper into astrology! I’ve studied it since 2018 but I went 💯 on it this gear. I also have a 9th house stellium in Aquarius in my SR.
☀️Pluto-Venus: intense fated connection with an intimate relationship or an emotional ending of one.
Note: Pluto represents mother figures and family members and people connected with death & dying.
- how it manifested for me: I did meet a man and he has a Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th in his natal. My SR is Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th. He impacted me greatly and how I viewed men. He was great and I’m grateful for him 💛
2021: significant events
☀️Neptune- Venus: illusions in romantic relationships. Love life could be wonderful or will leave you to deal with the harsh truth after it’s ended. Could possibly be conned.
- how it manifested for me: met a guy who is an Aquarius rising (my ascendant sign was Aquarius that year also) and when we dated I felt happy when being with him. But he ghosted (then he came back again and ghosted again) and I had to face the harsh reality of that. I’m sadly still recovering but I’ve made a lot of healing progress! I just know better now.
☀️Uranus- ascendant: changes to a persons life such as name and physical body. A huge drive for change/freedom.
- how it manifested for me: I got cosmetic surgery 😅 but I love it 🥰
I love astrology 💛 enjoy!
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🪶Being Karasuno's Manager 🪶
Manager Rejects Oikawa's Advances 😭
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Oikawa Toru featuring Karasuno and Seijoh x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing, I did Oikawa so dirty 😍
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
"Hey now, hey now, this is what dreams are made of!!"- Hilary Duff 🎶 🎵 🙌🏻
It's my time to shine ✨️ 😎
#bullyoikawa4ever is in full effect!
The sun is shining, all the stop lights are green
Actual footage of me writing for Oikawa 👇🏻
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Ok ok Tiff calm down 🤚🏻
Whew ok let's start this shit show shall we 👀
Yn, our stunning and perfect third manager
The perfect trio of Kiyoko, Yachi and YN 🤩
Honestly you can't get any better
Maybe Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi?
You know what, no it's our managers time to shine
And shine you do 🌟
Seriously, you keep Karasuno on their toes daily YN
You don't mean to but like then why are you so attractive?
Honestly YN save some for the rest of us 🙄
Karasuno is known for 2 things
1) their famous quick with Kags and Hinata
2) their managers 🥵
Please tell me you aren't a constant target for all the genders?
You are!
Straight fax no printer 💯
Unfortunately for you, that often means you get alot of unwanted attention
You are use to Tanaka and Noya daily and even the occasional stare from Yamamoto at training camp
But nothing prepares you for a high school boys volleyball tournament
95% of these guys are respectful
Sure they make comments about how stunning you look or how perfect you are 💅🏼
But like that's it
Unfortunately for you, the other 5% is Toru Oikawa 🙄
Seriously this man 👏🏻
When he sees something he wants, he will just go for it
Oikawa is use to girls (and probably guys) paying attention to him
He's never had to fight someone for attention
Like EVER 🙅
But there's always a first time for everything 🙃
And I honestly cannot think of a more deserving recipient
It starts off as a normal tournament
Yachi is handling water bottles while you and Kiyoko handle the gym
Just basic stuff like preparing the bench, notes and towels
You help the boys with their stretches and even sending a few tosses for spiking drills
Normally, everything runs smoothly
Emphasis on NORMALLY
Because today is the match against Seijoh
Arguably one of the best teams in Haikyu
They are strong, out together and flow effortlessly
Then there is Oikawa 😒 who will soon become you arch nemesis
You are getting ready to toss for Kageyama when the great king approaches
"Well hello there, don't think I've seen you around before"- Oikawa
Kags is probably growling at this point
"Well you wouldn't have, I'm a new manager"- YN handling it like a badass
Daichi, Suga and Asahi are standing away from the action but observing
Tanaka and Noya are ready but Daichi is waiting
Please Daichi would love to embarrass Oikawa 🤣
And thankfully Oikawa picked just the person to do it
"I'm sorry but if you don't have anything to say to me, I'd like to get back to my job"- you, expression of stone that would make Ushijima jealous 😐
Oikawa 👉🏻👁👄👁 uh yeah ok I'll let you do your thing then
He totally does those annoying finger guns too 😭 I can't with how awkward would be
"Shittykawa we have to run drills!"- Iwaizumi
Honestly YN go for that one
You're probably like "👀and who might that be?"
Nevertheless, Oikawa's attempts to whoo you don't stop
After the game, mans will try again
"Hey YN, good game"- Oikawa, extending his hand to shake
You just look at his hand and back to his face
"I didn't even play in the game"- YN 😐
😭😭😭 Makki and Mattsun are just watching Oikawa crash and burn
Iwaizumi is trying hard not to laugh bit failing
Kageyama is taking notes so he can reference them in the future
Suga is smirking 😏
Daichi is so proud
And Oikawa... is still not giving up 🙄
"Say YN, what would you say to me and you going out sometime?"- Oikawa
"I'd say no"- You, walking 🚶‍♂️ away
Oikawa 👉🏻🧍‍♂️ 🥲
Iwaizumi 👉🏻 YN's biggest fan
Makki and Mattsun 👉🏻 💀 ☠️
Dadchi 👉🏻 that's my YN
Kageyama 👉🏻 Team YN 4 life 😭
But still, Oikawa is not deterred
"YN-chan!! Come on!"- Oikawa now whining 😒
"Ok yes"- YN
"😱 really YN"- Oikawa, so excited
"No"- YN 😐
Oikawa 👉🏻💔🥲
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pls ✋️
"Desperate much Oikawa?"- Suga, our petty king 🤴
"YN can I shake your hand?"- Iwaizumi
YN has single handedly become a Sejoh favorite 😍
Honestly YN, you are also my favorite 😍
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jwirecs · 2 years ago
Recommended NCT Fics of July 2022💖
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of july! hopefully these beautiful stories will have more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Foreign Feelings || @yutasbellybuttonpiercing​​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ Yuta quickly becomes your best friend, but what if he's more than that? He certainly lights your private parts on fire (in a good way), but the general problems of exchange students stand grandly in the way of you daring to admit your crush to yourself and him. A series of unfortunate events of your typical friends to lovers drama.
In The Rain || @sehunniepotwrites​​💕✅💯
↳ All this time, you were looking for love in the wrong places and in the wrong people. As a serial dater, you never thought you would find it in the pouring rain and in the person you trusted the most.
Not Ur Usual Love Story || @aehyei​​💕💔✅
↳ You love stories. If anyone would ask, you’d rather live in it then wake up another day in a world where everyone’s having the love story you’ve been daydreaming about. Of course falling in love with your best friend never came across your mind so it was a bit of a mess when you realized Jisung didn’t only view you as a ‘friend’.
Sun and Moon || @cinnajun​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ your childhood best friend, donghyuck, claims he loves you. given his other friends and who he is as a person, you don’t believe him.
Touch || @yuta-nakamots​​💕✅💯
↳ As a first year student majoring in English, you would have never thought that you’d end up working for the sports news network at your university. Even more so, flirting with one of your coworkers who happens to be on the men’s volleyball team.
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Allover Lee Haechan || @sugarjaee​​ 💕💔✅
↳ haechan drove you mad, so much that when you kissed him everything made sense
Expert Adversary || @ncteez​💕💔✅
↳ Your promotion was stolen by a new hire and you’re doing everything in your power to hate him for it. After all, that promotion was rightfully yours. This task proves to be much more difficult than anticipated because the man is nothing but sweet, polite, and eager to help. His dopey ways make it far too easy for you to accept that, maybe, just maybe, you’d be okay if he kept the position.
Slippin’ || @chicksung​​💕💔✅
↳ Three days a week, two teenage hearts, one boy to tutor and several missing assignments. If there’s one thing you’ve learned since you started tutoring the one and only park jisung, it’s that it’s not just his grades that are slippin
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Can I Have a Hug? || @cinnajun​​​💕💔✅
↳ a series of routines between you and your boyfriend, renjun, shortly after moving in with each other.
Come Inside Of My Heart || @purinpeach​​​​💕✅
↳ you and jaehyun travel together for the first time ever, and visiting the shiba inu cafe has planted some thoughts into your boyfriend’s head.
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Can You Help Us? || @99ykhei​​​​💕💔✅
↳ who knew helping two little boys find their father would lead you to these events.
Traitor || @neocrackcitysworld​​💕💔✅
↳ you have been a bodyguard for the leader of Young Knives for as long as you can remember. your mafia gang has been topping the charts for crime for several decades now, but what is your leader's reaction when a new mafia gang overtakes them? does he choose to ambush them? or partner up with them? and most importantly, does it involve you?
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Anima || @eeniemeeniechannie​​ 💕🔄
↳ seven demon appearing at your dream saying they’re gonna take your soul away, without any doubt you agreed to them. everything was fine until you met them again, but not in your dreams anymore.
BMW || @aehyei​​​ 🔞✅
↳ After the party, Mark Lee decides to help your druken state and helped you climb in his BMW sedan. But after your teasing and the growing tent in his pants, let’s just say, the night turned into something none of you could ever forget.
Leave My Heart Open But It’s Still Empty For Days || @rosietaeyongswife​​💔✅💯💯
↳ yuta left his heart open but it’s still empty for days. (OH MY HEART)
Love Me Now || @peachbobbalover​ 🔞💕✅
↳ You are married to Jeong Jaehyun, one of the heir of SM family. You are husband and wife in the certificate, strangers to each other. You find pleasures in each other’s bodies but not yet in each other’s hearts. You know your sole duty is to continue his lineage and you would give him that but what Jeong Jaehyun wants is more than that. He only has eyes for you and won’t stop at anything until you finally look at him and sees him, not just for his good looks and good reputation, but for something beyond.
Smashing The Six || @yutaholic​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯💯
↳ there’s a notorious tradition at nct university - hookup with a player from each of the six athletic programs. bonus points awarded if you get any of them to fall in love with you. but don’t forget about neonet, nctu’s infamous social media app, where rumors get passed around like candy and no one is safe from having their business aired out for all to see.
Sugar and Salt: The Game of Trust || @rrxnjun​​💔✅💯
↳ in a game of trust, you and mark lee compete for 1 million dollars- just the right amount of money that could solve all of your problems. the rules of the game are simple: after completing three challenges, all carefully crafted to test your trust with your partner, the team that trusts each other completely, wins. you think you’ve got it all under your control and there’s no way you and mark aren’t the best candidates, however, you find out you’ve been wrong. because you know what they say– don’t trust everything you see. even salt looks like sugar. (that betrayal was real but lord jesus)
Summer Dream || @tensberryx​ 💕💔✅
↳ this summer was different. you reconnected with yangyang, who you’ve always had a crush on, and lucky for you, he happened to feel the same way.
Temptation (DILF Series) || @lisired​ 🔞✅
↳ Temptation is wanting something even if you shouldn’t. Wanting something even if it’s bad for you. Doing something that’s wrong yet feels so right. Temptation is bad habits and guilty pleasures, all wrapped into one. Temptation is, your best friend’s dad, your dad’s best friend, your professor, and your next door neighbor. In other words, Temptation is Johnny, Doyoung, Yuta, and Mark.
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Ghosting || @cinnajun​​​💕💔✅
↳ na jaemin is your soulmate; having known for about eight months now, you’ve been able to come to terms with the fact that you’re never, ever going to let him know it. (OR, a series of events in which you're forced to face your fate.)
You’re The One || @jaehyunnie77​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ When a mutual dislike for each other turns into something more, just how far can things get complicated?
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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moonianbbyg · 3 years ago
Oooooo your new astro observations got me thinkingg too much 🔥🔥
I dated a guy who had his sun, mercury, venus and pluto in my 5th house what do you think about this? AND I had my neptune and uranus in his 12th and I still very much dream about him still🙈 your observations are so on point (and pretty) 💯💯
thank you love 💞
before i begin explaining these synastry overlays; honestly i see the fifth house as the ‘crush house’ so whatever placements you have in someone’s 5th house i feel like they may develop some sort of romantic feelings for you one way or the other or AT LEAST fantasize about you being together once!
sun in 5H synastry: sun person here feels special and is usually so overwhelmed by the “love they receive” from the house person because the house person never fails to impress them but they see that as affection. as overwhelmed as they may seem they love it. the sun person feels welcomed when they’re around the house person and throughout time they may even want to be your ‘biggest supporter’ because they see this great potential in you. the sun person loves how dominant the house person is, wether that be in the relationship, in general, in bed, in public and etc. overall the sun person is just impressed by the house person and seeks a deeper connection as time passes by, because to the sun person this relationship feels like “a love they’ve never experienced before”.
mercury in 5H synastry: the “i love your mind” type of connection. honestly i feel like this overlay really makes individuals think alike even if their mercuries are incompatible or have bad aspects to one another. the communication and understanding here can often be on point and each other even feel like each other’s best friend. both think of each other all the time even when separated, in arguments, while taking a break from the relationship, while not speaking … the house person loves that the mercury person can understand them so well and the mercury person adores house person’s ‘powerful’ way of thinking. i think both see each other as something useful and this overlay can even be perceived as them being your partner in crime
venus in 5H synastry: automatically, the house person finds the venus person attractive and venus person probably caught feelings first. the venus person may get attached easily to the house person person because there seems to be “so much solace to love”. both fulfill each other’s personal needs and can often experience fairytale-like experiences when together. it may even be hard to let one another go and you’ll probably go back to each other constantly.
i had my neptune & uranus in his 12th house too and trust me i always dream of him and he usually tends to come around, this is because the uranus is sitting here in the 12th house and it makes it hard for both individuals to forget each other and let each other go because if they did they’d have to accept a new change they’re not capable of because this overlay indicates something karmic going on here and both have a purpose in each other’s lives ✨
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solaria222 · 4 years ago
P R E D I C T I O N (aquarius - pt 1)
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this reading is meant for the month july in 2021. it is a timed reading. this reading has your zodiacs, and then a pick a card in each zodiac. you can go find your zodiac sign there. each zodiac signs reading will consist of the general energies of the month and your advice, your manifestations of the month and things you need to focus on, then you can pick from 2 groups for a yes or no question with some detail.
(january 20 - february 18)
hi my dears :)) I think the overall energy of this month is great! you may be in love 👁 👁 you'll find a new project or something that really has you motivated. your passion for things you love may have been dying, but as soon as this project or idea the fire will ignite again brighter than ever. some of you may move to a new house or get a new job. I can see you exploring your different options and enjoying them. you'll be very satisfied with your growth this month, aquarius. you will spiritually grow too. some of you may even get a raise or a new car. your going to be a m a z i n g this month! damnn aquarius you got your shit together💅💅 you may have some issues with your mother / mother figure this month. your blessing for this month is going to be having a positive attitude, especially towards yourself. your going to ace your studies! intelligence boost 💯 and of course, you're going to be blessed with wealth (don't expect millions bro) . this month you'll manifest understanding someone better and getting to talk to someone or make new friends. you'll manifest being wise, tolerant, patient and diplomatic too. if you have an sp, they're going to be crushing asf 💯 you'll also manifest victory, passing your exams and achievement. your advice for this month is to be honest. don't be irresponsible. especially with your job. don't be reckless and avoid misunderstandings.
extras --
6, 1, cancer (can be a person or an energy you should embody, take it as it resonates), sun, mars, monday, friday, june.
no limits
never let others limit your dreams. we are born from impossible odds into an impossible world. the chance of us being here right now is basically zero. so when someone has limited views of the world, don't take it to heart. don't let their views bring yours down. dream really big. follow your vision and see where it takes you. find your passions and then chase them. do the things others aren't willing to do. Because when it comes down to it, we are only here a little while to turn the impossible into the possible. so why not go for it?
(nikki banas)
yes or no question, pac.
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(credits to the. wonderful artists who drew these 💞)
pile 1
this is a no. you still have to find out something. try switching things up.
pile 2
this is a no. if you work hard, you'll get it.
Sic itur ad astra.
-thus, you shall go to the stars.
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alyjojo · 3 months ago
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Love Reading 🦞 - October 2024 - Taurus
Who is Coming In: The Tower & 5 Cups
Regarding: Ace of Wands
Long-Term Potential: 9 Wands & 10 Swords rev
No way Jose. With Ace of Wands, I assume it’s you that’s attracted to them, you find them good looking, but I don’t think that’s going to last for much longer. This person will repel you with their shitty personality 😑 Idk exactly how it’s playing out, but I see them being someone who says shocking, possibly offensive things, and generally just being off-putting, whatever that means to you. Degrading to women in general - that’s for someone. A pervert.
This could also be someone who comes on so strongly or is so forward that it makes you feel uncomfortable or gives you the creep vibes. It’s clear what they want is all they want, long term you’re still hurt by however this exchange goes. Whatever they say, or don’t, it’s possible someone goes ghost 👻 Could be you’re so bothered by this person that you just instantly disappear and never want to think of them again. Definitely no regrets walking away, though there is a feeling of disappointment when they burst your bubble - it’s for the best 💯
- Not ready …yet.
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Scorpio & Taurus
The relationship: The Sun rev
The problem: 7 Pentacles rev
What to do about it: Ace of Swords
It looks like you’re considering whether you should just end this connection or not, I’m not even seeing their energy showing up. Just yours, and waiting around for clarity on whether this person is wasting your time or worth the effort…you’re leaning towards a waste of time - that’s the problem shown. The World at the bottom shows the end of a cycle, that seems to be what you’re seeking, an end. Or at least the end of the current cycle of issues you two have tackled, it’s left this person or you fearful of the future and the Strength of this connection entirely - or just in yourselves. Someone is having a crisis of faith about the two of you and wants to give up.
What to do about it - communicate your needs, hopes, dreams, desires for the future. Speak on your family, home, location, and what all this means to you. The Queen of Pentacles comes out to match the King, I see this as a divine pair, maybe even a Twin Flame for some. Timing shows a stunt to growth on *your* timeline, things are as they should be on Spirit’s timeline, even if it annoys you. But you should be completely honest and go from there, their response could be all the clarity you need…is that good or bad though, idk.
- I’m immature and unreliable 🤪
- Light of my Life 💡
73 Timing
If you are in the creative flow you feel everything flowing together in Divine Order.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Taurus, Pisces, Leo, Virgo & Capricorn
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lovenona · 3 years ago
HOLY FUCKING SHIT ADELE IM LIKE CRYING. Like oh my god I looked forward for so long to this reunion and you went above my expectations and then PH MY GPS LIKE I CANNOT GET OVER THIS CRUSHING WEIGHT I FEEL. The two star crossed lovers meeting again but their reunion is nothing like the myths or the legends. Just oh my god okay I don’t even know where to begin I was literally yelling the entire time I was reading this new chapter! (1/4)
The parable of the cave. CHOSO god I love him so much 🥰🥰 but okay the whole dream Sequence- geto being the moon and sukuna being the sun- god your mind!!!! At first I know for a fact 💯 that toji is suppose to be the 4th son coming to bring it all down. Or at least I thought so until we get to part 8. And god the way you write angst literally leaves me with a pit in my chest and the urge to yell at both of these characters. (2/4)
God this chapter left me spiraling. I love the way you portray the readers / tojis relationship. It feels as if it was doomed for the start- with toji thinking too big for the dreams he had had reader not thinking big enough. In a way there’s a balance but right now toji is not himself and cannot be the balance that the reader needs. Again you blew me away I can’t believe the odyssey is almost over 😔 Like this chapter left me speechless I feel as though my brain is scrambling to make sense of all the things toji has been though, the unresolved anguish the reader feels about him and the impending doom that is this new captain! I’m most definitely gonna do a little rereading to look over what I missed cause I could not put my phone down. -🥸
[SOBBING AND CRYING] THANK U 😭 i am not exaggerating when i say i am always looking forward to ur hot takes whenever i update and u never disappoint 😭 i was looking forward to writing this reunion from the moment mahito was like Hey in part 2 and GODDDDD i wish i cld keep writing it there was so much stuff i wanted to add that didn’t make it in (read: toji and mc go ‘hunting for boars’ one night, mc and toji staring longingly at each other as they walk on the beach, mc and toji at the old woman’s stall, etc. etc. etc) but i am obsessed with the vibes of their tragic past and their sort of doomed romance and whatever so what can u do (unsolicited odyssey music: the song i played 500 times (no joke) to manifest the flashbacks) 
(also CHOSO....i mf love interlude 3 but let me tell u it took me like 10 years to write it because i wrote it, hated it, went on hiatus, and then rewrote completely differently later KSGJSG....but the line in part 8 when u go onto the ship that was like ‘even sound doesn’t echo off the walls’ or whatever was a line from my shitty version of interlude 3 RIP)
as for ur delightful guesswork i cannot confirm or deny anything in the spirit of leaving u all on ur toes but i really like the big brain activity going on here !!!!! we will eventually find out the answers to most of those things tho so sit tight 😌 (i decided not to publish that ask because some of it is pretty darn close so don’t tell SKGJSGS but also i feel that some of it is quite obvious RIP) 
and god i know....i am genuinely distraught that there r only 2 big parts left...granted they will both be long as fuck but STILL i have no idea what I'm going to do with myself when it’s all done 😭 this and this r the themes for part 9 tho and let me tell u it will genuinely crush my soul to have to write down what is going to be written every day i ask my brain why we r about to do what i have planned <//3
but anyway thank u for letting me ramble and THANK U SO MUCH FOR ALL UR INPUT AND BIG BRAIN THEORIES 😭 i've been rereading these all weekend it makes my heart SO HAPPY I HOPE U HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER
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THE SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON ARRIVES November 23 AT 2:57 pm Pacific just as it’s Ruler Jupiter stations Direct in Pisces..Wow🤩🌟This is Big, and Positive which will feel great after such a turbulent Eclipse Season🌟Hurray!🌟Immense Letting Go has led us to Rebirth with Sagittarius Season now underway🌟It’s so powerful with Jupiter in Pisces, the Ancient Ruler of Sagittarius, combining with Sagittarius the modern day ruler🌟Sagittarius takes risks, dreams big, and adventures far and wide🌟Its ok to come out from under the covers now and choose to feel good🌟Feeling Good Feels Good, and that can be born out of Gratitude for the Small yet Large things like Love, Family and Friendship🌟Jupiter the Philosopher is conjunct widely to Neptune in Pisces the Spiritual Knower of Eternity🌟Epiphanies Abound as they trine the Sagittarius Sun and Moon along with Mercury and Venus also in that Sagittarius Stellium🌟This bodes so well for Personal/Family/Friends Communications,Negotiations and Reasoning Things Out🌟Sagittarius can be quite opinionated, so allow everyone their opinions, remain curious and remember it’s not personal..maybe set a timer for everyone to get things off their chests🤪🌟Mars in Gemini RX reminds us to be patient as his cycle is nearly 6 months long, whew!🌟These communications/negotiations will go out over the months ahead with Mars stationing direct in January, but not totally done debating until March🌟Sagittarius lends us joviality going into the HoliDaze, but can overdo on extravagance🌟Remember, Less is still More, And, we can be happy about not debting and feeling the freedom in spending wisely🌟Mercury and Venus trine Chiron in Aries..healing comes from heartfelt communications🌟Overall these are the most positive vibes we’ve seen from a lunation all year🌟Thank the Stars and Stay Close to Creator🌟Enjoy Feeling Good..it’s Ok, honest💯🌟DM for Readings; link in Bio🌟Beautiful Art by #stephankindermann🌟#astrology #sagittarius (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUf8AWy7zR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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26point3andbeyond · 3 years ago
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Life at Diamond Lake Bistro is a never-ending adventure of shenanigans & food follies. While making tuna melts, on @kowalskis_markets delish English Muffin bread, the girls worked on adhering some @scotch sticky squares to a stool 😶. This was after a long weekend of partying &, wait… no, cleaning the house. It was a major milestone for us; @margomuschamp & I spent several hours cleaning/working around the Bistro-House & the girls played in the playroom 😳 that’s never happened in 3 years! We celebrated w/ @scar_of_the_sea #pinotnoir - what a beaut🤩 very Santa Barbarin stylistically but w/ pale pinches of terroir complementing the fruits. Watched some geese & ducks at Bde Maka Ska, as the sun was brightening the day. Got takeout burgers from @heathers_mpls - I didn’t overhear anyone say “What’s your damage, Heather”, so I guess it’s a little more upscale than I was prepared for. And the burgers were 💯 🔥! That teal-emerald bar backsplash is something out of a dream sequence in a Disney mermaid thriller 💚💙 - speaking of thrillers, the @brackmountain #loliveto #pinotnoir was a real treat while waiting for those delicious burgers (& chocolate sea-salt cake, cookies, & pizza rolls for the littles) Speaking of Disney, someone’s ready for a role in a Disney remake of Titanic 😬 #myheartwillgoon Last 2 shots are #wineglasses - reflecting the gilded age @tradant wine tasting & flowering geranium framed in a @riedel_official stemless #burgundy glass. Maybe this is the beginning of a new chapter… or maybe an anomaly. #whatevs #everforward #diamondlkomneity #diamondlkbistro @makin_it_with_margo #diamondlkgirls #tunamelt #foodporn #bdemakaska #sota #mpls #mplsfoodie #cityoflakes #cityofflourandsawdust #riedel #diamondlkcreative #heathers (at Diamond Lake Bistro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWpMQAwsIeP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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