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aeionastrologyandtarot · 1 month ago
Sun Enters Pisces 2025
Let's Welcome the Sun's entry into the House of Pisces(February 18)
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starprincesspisces · 2 years ago
California by Grimes,  Pisces and Capricorn Stellium
This, this music makes me cry It sounds just like my soul Oh, I'm not ready to win. Oh Lord, cause I don't wanna know what they say Cause I get carried away Commodifying all the pain The things they see in me, I cannot see myself When you get bored of me, I'll be back on the shelf And when the ocean rises up above the ground Maybe I'll drown in... [Chorus] California You only like me when you think I'm looking sad California I didn't think you'd end up treating me so bad [Verse 2] Oh (ah-ah-ah) Come Monday, it's a dream (ah-ah-ah) Broken my own heart again Chasing something beautiful Oh Lord, but I don't understand what they say Cause I get carried away Commodifying all the pain [Pre-Chorus] The things they see in me, I cannot see myself When you get bored of me, I'll be back on the shelf And when the ocean rises up above the ground Maybe I'll drown
(pisces sun, moon, mercury, north node)
(capricorn mars, saturn, uranus, neptune)
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ameoamour · 3 years ago
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The Sun is about to enter the sign of Pisces 🔆♓️
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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Hey, Truthseekers it's #PiscesSeason! ♓️ . . Today, at 5:37am ET, the Sun leaves #Aquarius ♒️and moves into the final sign of the zodiac. Over the next 30 days, we’ll connect with subtle undercurrents of human interactions and the thoughts and emotions that power them. You'll have a lot of material to work with and work through. . . It may feel at times like we’re walking through a dream world… and sometimes it won’t be readily apparent what’s real and what’s illusory and what ultimately needs to be released for good. . . Do your best to stay grounded with your feet on the ground. Before you know it, the new possibilities of Spring and #AriesSeason will be upon us again. Love and light to you all as we commence this watery journey 💙 . . #PiscesSun #PiscesMoon #PiscesRising #PiscesSZN #neptuneinpisces #jupiterinaquarius #SuninPisces #bookareading #bookasession #12thhouse #compassion #universality #renunciation #thesubconsciousmind #wisdom #understanding https://www.instagram.com/p/CLbjLYtD6vT/?igshid=1cpg97nkvv3c7
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eccemark · 6 years ago
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Medyo ang creepy na ng horoscope ko, consistent for the past few days na I’m having trouble with thinking and creativity, which means uninspired ako. Totoo! Huhu
January 7, 2019 7:04pm
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savoirpimento · 2 years ago
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With Sun in mystical pisces and moon reaching fullness in earthy Virgo, now is a time to bring the magick into your mundane. Anchor into the truth that is your own. Imagine yourself as a channel, and let grace flow through you. Beware of resistance, some things may need to dissolve with uncertainty to make room for change. Let go of control in these aspects and let your divine mind steer. But pay attention to your agitation. What is it telling you? Where is it driving you? Listen, and fight for your freedom of expression. Cut loose all that denies your full potential. As the last full moon in the astrological year you may feel a strong urge to release. Shadow aspects of obsession and hyper self criticism may be illuminated ~ come back to ground in your truth. Like mountain pose: feel the downward pull of the anchor of your truth, and allow your divine mind to lift the higher aspects of your being, pulling you up to free that channel. Let grace flow through you ✨🎶✨ . I would love to hear if any of this resonates with you ✨🌕✨ . #earthmoon #fullmooninvirgo #suninpisces #moonmagick #moonrituals #witchlife #witchesofinstagram (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpd4yLByCZ2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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houseofchirontx · 4 years ago
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Sun Enters Pisces 🧜🏾‍♀️⁠ February 18, 2021 – March 20, 2021⁠ ⁠ HAPPY SOLAR RETURN to all of you Pisces dreamers! Whimsical and magical Pisces season is finally here, and it’s a great time to utilize these mystical energies to manifest our dreams and desires. The Piscean themes become a highlighted focus, shifting our gazes towards more spiritual and transcendent powers. Pisces allows us all to connect to other realms of being by tapping into the most creative parts of ourselves. Although we will still have the heavy Aquarian energy making drastic changes throughout February, the start of March promotes a Piscean ambiance, providing some ease to us all. ⁠ ✨⁠⁠ 💬Comment below where this is impacting your chart!👇🏾⁠⁠ ✨⁠⁠ HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR FEBRUARY'S FULL MOON HEALING CIRCLE⁉️ LINK IN BIO‼️⁠⁠ ✨⁠⁠ ‼️ NEW SERVICES ON MY WEBSITE‼️⁠⁠ 💕Relationship Readings NOW AVAILABLE⁠⁠ PROMO CODE: ASTROLOVE22 FOR 22% OFF💕⁠⁠ 🪐Are you having a Saturn Return in Aquarius, I have a special reading just for you!⁠⁠ ✨⁠⁠ Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter, check out my YouTube AND join my Facebook Group! ALL LINKS IN MY BIO‼️⁠⁠ ✨⁠⁠ #geminijazz #houseofchiron #astrology #astropsych #allsigns #astrologycommunity #texasastrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astrologyforecast #energyforecast #forecast #zodiac #learnastrology #blackastrologersofinstagram #horoscope #weeklyastrology #suninpisces #piscesseason #2021astrology⁠ #pisces ⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLcMJ-bpq17/?igshid=m0rd08yc1b93
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beautiful-serenity-320 · 5 years ago
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Information Via @thepattern Picture via Pinterest . . #challenges #march #astrodaily #astrologyplusconsciousness #astrology #wtfisgoingon #watchyourself #1111 #spirit #messages #thepattern #conciousness #mooningemini #venusinaries #mercuryinpisces #suninpisces #saturnlordofkarma #karma #knowledgeofself #karmicrelationships #starseeds https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NssC_H4TT/?igshid=zori5a3ii0vi
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astrologybyolga · 5 years ago
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#mercuryretrograde #suninpisces #mercuryinpisces #astrology #dailyhoroscope #dailyastrology #astrologybyolga #astrologypost This is actually happening for a lot of the signs , you want to reach out , you want to communicate, you want to be real , but you refrain or cancel the text ( before you hit send ) ! Its like suffering in silence or believing no one cares anyway!! Can anyone relate?! https://www.instagram.com/p/B9B0CfyAVMt/?igshid=18kvk994ee2go
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crystal-wind · 5 years ago
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sitiomagico · 5 years ago
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El Sol entra en Piscis. Ha llegado el momento de "digerir" una cantidad impresionante de informaciones inéditas, ideas originales o encuentros fuera de lo común que han nacido durante las últimas semanas, bajo la influencia de Acuario. El clima general está caracterizado por la energía, los intercambios, la comunicación, la emergencia de ideas, los sueños, la imaginación, y la poesía, pero además también hay riesgo de que surja confusión, distracción o ilusiones nefastas. Cada uno de nosotros tiene que examinar el efecto de estos tránsitos para prepararse lo mejor posible para las próximas semanas. En el mejor de los casos, podemos esperar que, en general, se va a hacer un buen uso de los descubrimientos intelectuales efectuados durante este período. #solenpiscis #suninpisces #astrologia #astrology #astrología #arziade (en Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8tyZPggmSw/?igshid=11qely4ps4sqo
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#GeminiMoon ♊️ be like…“Follow your path, and let the people talk.”— Dante Alighieri . . Sending you all positive vibes as we head into yet another astrological new year, otherwise known as the 2021 Spring Equinox, happening this Saturday, March 20th at 5:38 am EDT in the northern hemisphere. I will be writing about the chart of the moment over at truthseekerastrology.com, so be on the lookout for that. . . Meanwhile, Luna shifts into chatty #Gemini this evening at 7:46 pm EDT. The question on the table today and into the weekend is this: “Are you one of the courageous ones following your path or calling, or are you among the legions who sit back and talk smack about the people who are out there walking their talk? Or maybe you’re a little bit of both?” Inquiring minds want to know who’s who on these Internet streets. . . Let’s talk about it, Truthseekers. The comments are open. . . #suninpisces #piscesseason #saturnsquareuranus #geminimoon #mooningemini #3rdhouse #northnodeingemini #gemininorthnode #moonsquaremercury #moonconjunctmars #moonconjunctnorthnode #moontrinesaturn #moontrinejupiter #moonsquareneptune #moonsquarevenus #marstrinesaturn #bookasession #bookareading #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #talkingsmack #talkingshit https://www.instagram.com/p/CMlDsUOHoJ2/?igshid=1astlci4sipj2
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stelliumastrology · 6 years ago
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P I S C E S S E A S O N V I B E S . . 🖤This post pretty much sums up how I’ve been feeling lately!🤷🏻‍♀️ . . 🖤The sun moving through Pisces can indicate a low energy time for many – myself included.😴 . . 🖤Observing the transits (I have transiting Neptune trine my Scorpio Moon) I decided to surrender to Pisces season for some much needed solitude and introspection.🧘🏽‍♀️ . . 🖤Prescribing myself some 12th house RnR, I’ve taken up residence behind the scenes to do some website maintenance🧜🏼‍♀️ . . 🖤I also happen to be working on a very exciting project which is taking up a lot of my time, so conserving all the energy I have was one of my wiser choices (such a Capricorn)👩🏻‍💻 . . 🖤I’m already feeling so much better for it! As Mars In Taurus drops anchor, let Mercury moonwalking through Pisces encourage us all to slow down, recharge, and recalibrate with our inner compass 🧭⚓️ . . #piscesseason#suninpisces#horoscope#zodiac#horoscopes#astrologersofinstagram#witchesofinstagram#wiccansofinstagram#psychologyquotes#funnymemes#energy#pagansofinstagram#mentalheath#selfcare#psychology#adultlife#reiki#mercuryretrograde#slimmingworld#swinsta#speing#space#reality#ariesseason#solitude (at 12th House) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwyE0MgGmd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19qcl0dbjtk0u
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ann-divinepriestess · 6 years ago
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#Sun 11 #Pisces 02 sesquiquadrate #TrueNode 26 #Cancer 02. Sesquis' creates a disconnect its energy is very similar to the squares energy but not as forceful; but it does create a tense energy that can be felt and depending on how it touches your chart it may be a slight tension or big deal to you. All of these challenging energies are really just little tests. Sometimes we pass, and sometimes we fail. The point is to pass but to also learn, for growth so that next time it occurs you will know what to do and wont feel overburdened by its energy. ⭐️ This tension and need for patience is occurring between Sun and True Node with Pisces and Cancer. So right away I see that emotions and feelings are involved. So this is heighten sensitivity and ego!! Sometimes we let our emotions get in the way. Instead feel the truth and act from a place of truth first!! This goes exact this evening today. This transit will shed light on your purpose. So stay aware. ⭐️ #soulastrology #lifebydesign #astrology #astros #astrolesson #learnastrology #zodiac #planets #aspects #transits #energy #challenges #testsoffaith #suninpisces #truenodeincancer #cancer #pisces #patiencerequired #lovelighton #egocheck #ego #truth #light #stars #sky #galaxy https://www.instagram.com/p/Buesvo5nm0r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=159gnx41596xm
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ilcieloastrologico · 6 years ago
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Yesterday #Sun entered #pisces♓ 😍 read now outlet article dedicated to this wonderful last sign of the #zodiac 🐠🔮❣️ Ieri il #Sole è entrato nel segno dei #Pesci 😍 Leggi ora il nostro articolo dedicato a questo splendido ultimo segno dello #Zodiaco 🐠🔮💫✨ ➡️ bit.ly/sole-pesci-2019 🔗 #astrologia #astrology #pisceszodiac #pisces #piscesastrology #suninpisces #segnozodiacalepesci #oroscopopesci #oroscopo #pisceshoroscope #horoscope #zodiacsigns #segnizodiacali #ilcieloastrologico #zodiacsign #astrologiapsicologica #astrological #astrologersofinstagram #astrologyposts (presso Il Cielo Astrologico) https://www.ilcieloastrologico.it/blog/sole-in-pesci-febbraio-2019/
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manylighthands · 8 years ago
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for March 11, 2017 The Moon is in precise Virgo all day, which will push us to want perfection in all things. However, there are quite a few irritating aspects, including a semI square to Rx Jupiter and an opposition to Neptune to deal with that try to pull us away from our center. Think carefully before making decisions that affect the long game. The Sun forms a quincunx to Rx Jupiter muddling our sense of direction and keeping our head in the clouds. Our task is to stay clear, focused and balanced in love, money and our perceptions. Over or under exaggeration of our needs or the role some people play in our lives will not help us proceed on our journey. Tarot Cards of the Day: the Two of Swords the 5 of Pentacles and the 2 of Pentacles-stay clear headed about events in the recent past and look to the future for guidance. Fear of scarcity may walk with you today but it's only because you may be rebudgeting or realigning your needs. Stay on top of goals and tasks. Chakras- third eye and throat Crystals- labradorite and turquoise Aromatherapy- lavender and lemongrass Yoga- restorative poses
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