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Moon in Virgo conjunct Mars in Virgo
All this mercurial energy may bring a bit of anxiety today but it will definitely put the bug in our ear that IT’S. TIME. TO. GET. ORGANIZED. Virgo energy will help you with that and give you no excuses. Breathe deep and get to work!
#sunshineheals #sunshineastrology #sunshineastroupdates #astrocommunity #mooninvirgo #marsinvirgu #moonconjunctmars #virgoenergy
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#astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets #moonconjunctmars #ariesfullmoon #Ariesmars #ariesmarsretrodrage #ariesmoon # -TripleAqua 💜🔮 Natal Chart Interpretations🪐, Tarot Readings 🔮, Holistic Healer🌿, Crystal Healer 💎 💫“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung💫 tripleaqua.tumblr.com www.facebook.com/TripleAquariusDivine www.instagram.com/tripleaquariusdivine Venmo~ TripleAqua https://www.paypal.me/tripleaquariusdivine Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2vb3EHvT3/?igshid=rip1dovf47wu
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#CancerMoon ♋️♋️ be like... “Possibilities don’t add up, they multiply.” — Paul Romer . Hey Truthseekers… Last month when Luna returned home to Cancer - I wrote in my #moonbelike post that I was in a bit of a sour mood. I’m happy to share that I’m feeling much better as Luna returns to Cancer this evening at 9:29 pm EDT. . Gotta give credit where credit is due - last night at 5:33 pm EDT, #Jupiter shifted into #Pisces. I’m ready to go with the flow, kick up my feet (btw, Pisces rules the feet!!!) and just give thanks for this good feeling. And you should too! . Tonight, Luna rolls out the welcome mat for Jupiter as he gets settled into his new domicile over the next month. He won’t get too comfortable though; he’ll station retrograde on June 20th at 11:06 am EDT and dip back into Aquarius to finish up his stay for roughly 4 months before entering Pisces for good on December 28th at 10:38 pm ET. . In the meantime, here are two questions to consider and reflect upon, my friends: Do you remember a time when you went out of your way to make others feel welcome? Do you recall a time when someone else went out of your way to make you feel welcome? Embrace those memories, because once Jupiter returns to Aquarius, that will be a good time to put those memories into practice once again. In the meantime, have a blissful weekend! . NEXT UP: Luna enters Leo, Monday, May 17, 2021 at 8:43 am EDT. . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #moonincancer #bookasession #bookareading #4thhouse #mothers #family #endings #ancestors #moontrinejupiter #moontrineneptune #moonconjunctmars #moonsquarechiron #moonsextilesun #moonsextileuranus #moonopposedpluto #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #paulromerquotes #soulisticwellnessPHL https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4F0NGIvfz/?igshid=1brq8lltiuuxe
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Stardate Thursday November 15th 2018 Seeing double or double trouble??! Today the Moon slides in to a Mars conjunction and therefore it echoes the various aspects Mars has with the other planets right now. Besides a deeply personal introspective touch to the Mars Venus Trine (balancing our dualities internal and external), the Mars Uranus sextile (powering our transformations) and the Mars Jupiter Square (that is still persisting and making everything seem like a really big deal!). The Moon conjunct Mars adds more of a personal feeling and an emotional depth to our responses and interactions today. How this could manifest might be getting especially worked up over something, feeling extremely passionate about your opinions and actions, and feeling ready to aggressively defend yourself. Use this extra energy today and search Within for the areas that are ready for change and take those step towards it. It could be as simple as spending a few minutes to organize your desk or creating a time tables for your day where you can properly respond to messages. Look for the barriers that are preventing you from your daily accomplishments and then start to remove them one by one. Just remember today while something might seem like double trouble, it could be worth twice the reward. There's a lot of energy here today, what you choose to do with it is up to you! Joules Ruth Intuitive Soul Astrologer @earthjoules [email protected] #Astrology #astrology #horoscope #daily #dailyastrology #dailyhoroscope #sidereal #siderealzodiac #siderealastrology #soulastrology #intuitiveastrologer #intuitiveastrology #moonconjunctmars #mystictriangle #seeingdouble #doubletrouble #marstrinevenus #marssquarejupiter (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqNRNTeBL8N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=154izqexm2lgw
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#GeminiMoon ♊️ be like… “That’s the power of words; twenty six little letter (sic) can paint a whole universe.” — Jay Kristoff . . On the heels of Venus’ shift into earthy Taurus yesterday at 2:16 pm EDT Luna shifts into chatty #Gemini in the early morning hours today, at 2:34 am EDT. In the meantime, the Aries Sun will make an energetic connection with Jupiter in Aquarius at 12:58 pm EDT, beckoning us to spend some (more) time in quiet and thoughtful contemplation. . . Do you believe that your words have power, and are you truly and honestly aware of the impact of your words on others in your sphere of influence? Something to think about, Truthseekers. . . NEXT UP: Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, April 16 2021 at 9:26 am EDT; Luna enters Cancer on Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 3:24 pm EDT . . #suninaries #ariesseason #mooningemini #3rdhouse #northnodeingemini #gemininorthnode #moontrinesaturn #moontrinejupiter #moonsquareneptune #moonsextilesun #moonconjunctnorthnode #moonconjunctmars #bookasession #bookareading #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes https://www.instagram.com/p/CNrT11hnbLk/?igshid=nr9wugpem1aa
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#GeminiMoon ♊️ be like…“Follow your path, and let the people talk.”— Dante Alighieri . . Sending you all positive vibes as we head into yet another astrological new year, otherwise known as the 2021 Spring Equinox, happening this Saturday, March 20th at 5:38 am EDT in the northern hemisphere. I will be writing about the chart of the moment over at truthseekerastrology.com, so be on the lookout for that. . . Meanwhile, Luna shifts into chatty #Gemini this evening at 7:46 pm EDT. The question on the table today and into the weekend is this: “Are you one of the courageous ones following your path or calling, or are you among the legions who sit back and talk smack about the people who are out there walking their talk? Or maybe you’re a little bit of both?” Inquiring minds want to know who’s who on these Internet streets. . . Let’s talk about it, Truthseekers. The comments are open. . . #suninpisces #piscesseason #saturnsquareuranus #geminimoon #mooningemini #3rdhouse #northnodeingemini #gemininorthnode #moonsquaremercury #moonconjunctmars #moonconjunctnorthnode #moontrinesaturn #moontrinejupiter #moonsquareneptune #moonsquarevenus #marstrinesaturn #bookasession #bookareading #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #talkingsmack #talkingshit https://www.instagram.com/p/CMlDsUOHoJ2/?igshid=1astlci4sipj2
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