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deepmochi · 3 years ago
Hii moon-neptune trine? (Natalchart) thx 🍯
Hello cosita💚🌺
Anyways, you Moon is emotions and Neptune intuition. This native is very intuitive; intuition is not only about seein things...its about listen to your inner world that calm voice that guides you. Something about vivid dreams, dreams with messages. Also, be careful of deception too. Pay attention to your emotions an reactions. Spiritual awakening is a process that can be triggered by a traumatic experience. They need to be careful of draining themselves. Energy vampires loves them.
Take care 💚
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#CancerMoon ♋️♋️ be like... “Possibilities don’t add up, they multiply.” — Paul Romer . Hey Truthseekers… Last month when Luna returned home to Cancer - I wrote in my #moonbelike post that I was in a bit of a sour mood. I’m happy to share that I’m feeling much better as Luna returns to Cancer this evening at 9:29 pm EDT. . Gotta give credit where credit is due - last night at 5:33 pm EDT, #Jupiter shifted into #Pisces. I’m ready to go with the flow, kick up my feet (btw, Pisces rules the feet!!!) and just give thanks for this good feeling. And you should too! . Tonight, Luna rolls out the welcome mat for Jupiter as he gets settled into his new domicile over the next month. He won’t get too comfortable though; he’ll station retrograde on June 20th at 11:06 am EDT and dip back into Aquarius to finish up his stay for roughly 4 months before entering Pisces for good on December 28th at 10:38 pm ET. . In the meantime, here are two questions to consider and reflect upon, my friends: Do you remember a time when you went out of your way to make others feel welcome? Do you recall a time when someone else went out of your way to make you feel welcome? Embrace those memories, because once Jupiter returns to Aquarius, that will be a good time to put those memories into practice once again. In the meantime, have a blissful weekend! . NEXT UP: Luna enters Leo, Monday, May 17, 2021 at 8:43 am EDT. . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #moonincancer #bookasession #bookareading #4thhouse #mothers #family #endings #ancestors #moontrinejupiter #moontrineneptune #moonconjunctmars #moonsquarechiron #moonsextilesun #moonsextileuranus #moonopposedpluto #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #paulromerquotes #soulisticwellnessPHL https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4F0NGIvfz/?igshid=1brq8lltiuuxe
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twinsights · 6 years ago
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Sidereal Daily Astrology Report Stardate Tuesday December 4th 2018 Light as a Feather... Today The Moon in Libra brings balance to Mars and Neptune with an Air Trine taking place in Libra, (ruled by Venus, sign of balance, relationships and beauty) and Aquarius (ruled by Saturn, intellectual, independent, and imaginative). This will help lift the tensions, friction and conflicts we've been experiencing all week from the squares with Mercury, Jupiter and (now just) The Sun. These squares have been lending extra firepower and amping up all communications and interactions as well as obscuring our ability to see things objectively. We can use this extra stability from within to help us see things more clearly as well as to know where to direct our energies. The Trine is supported by two sextiles to Saturn, firstly the continuing sextile between Mars and Saturn giving strength, willpower, and determination, and secondly the sextile between the Moon and Saturn assures us that the source of our strength comes from within. Saturn, being at the focal point of these aspects, has a great deal to offer and it is up to us to accept, nuture and utilize the gifts we have been given. Joules Ruth Sidereal Intuitive Soul Astrologer @joulesruth [email protected] Photo credit Nikki Gregory originally posted to EarthSky Facebook #astrology #horoscope #daily #dailyastrology #dailyhoroscope #sidereal #siderealzodiac #siderealastrology #soulastrology #intuitiveastrologer #intuitiveastrology #moon #trine #moontrinemars #moontrineneptune #moonsextilesaturn #airtrine #libra #aires #scorpio #aquarius #lightasafeather (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-IVQGhER9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14j2c77ez4a9y
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#ScorpioMoon ♏️ ♏️♏️ be like… “Change before you have to.” — Jack Welch . . Here on the East Coast, at 12:17 pm EDT, Luna just slipped into Scorpio, immediately moving into a trine aspect with Mars in Cancer. It might feel easy to take some action right now, but check in with yourself to make sure your motivations are above board. . . The question I have for you today, is this: If now is not a good time to make the changes you know you need to, then when? For the short term, we have some breathing room between now and tonight’s #ScorpioFullMoon (exact at 11:32 pm EDT) to contemplate this question and take some decisive steps in the right direction. Maybe a walk and some fresh air might do you some good (remember to mask up), to shake up in your mind, body, soul and spirit whatever stagnant material that has been stuck for a while and clogging up the pathways to a deeper understanding. . . If nothing comes up today, never fear. Pluto - the modern ruler of Scorpio - stations retrograde tomorrow, April 27th, at 3:54 pm EDT, and for the next 6 months, commit to probing a little bit deeper our fears and compulsions with the goal of learning what we can so that we can change what we need to change. We got this, Truthseekers. . . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #mooninscorpio #plutoincapricorn #fullmooninscorpio #moontrinemars #moonopposeduranus #moonopposedvenus #moonopposedmercury #moonsquaresaturn #moonsquarejupiter #moontrineneptune #moonsextilepluto #8thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #tabootopics #confrontingyourfears #sayitaintso #takenoshorts #plutoretrograde #jackwelchquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/COIu06TrAJL/?igshid=1x62glv5rfwbz
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#ScorpioMoon ♏️ be like…“Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it.” — Sarah Silverman . . Today at 3:37 pm ET, Luna tumbles yet again down the Scorpio rabbit hole, and the life and death struggle begins anew to confront and release our (unhealthy and sometimes toxic) attachments to our deepest, darkest secrets, obsessions and compulsions. The story doesn’t end here though. . . Tomorrow, while Luna journeys through the deep waters of Scorpio, gentle Venus in Pisces connects with electric Uranus in Taurus at 12:09 pm ET. Later in the evening, at 10:18 pm ET, Mars marches into Gemini. . . Along the way, you’ll find that you have your own angle of approaching your deeply personal work of sifting through what no longer works in your relationships and releasing it. No need to make a big deal about it, just go for what you know. If you’re not quite there yet, consider using this energy to give yourself permission to silence your fears and find your groove. . . #suninpisces #piscesseason #mooninscorpio #plutoincapricorn #moontrinevenus #moonopposeduranus #moonsquaresaturn #moontrinesun #moonsquaremercury #moonsquarejupiter #moontrineneptune #moonsextilepluto #marsingemini #venussextileuranus #venusinpisces #uranusintaurus #bookasession #bookareading #8thhouse #chironchronicles#wespeakourhoroscopes #sarahsilvermanquotes #tabootopics #confrontingyourfears https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7kPzcn9Yk/?igshid=fyqidwdfw3z9
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twinsights · 6 years ago
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Stardate October 29th Monday 2018 Head in the clouds.... (Mine certainly is LOL) Today the moon trines Neptune. This can cause a dreamy head. So don't be too surprised if you find yourself caught in a daydream, lost in a fantasy or just thinking about something coming up in the future that you're excited about or looking forward to. The Moon is also trining the sun right now so this makes an excellent day to feel balanced, stable and positive in your emotions. So dream big! The The Sun/Venus conjunction Uranus opposition supported by Saturn continues and will for the rest of the week creating a fantastic opportunity to rise to any challenges that may come your way. The stars have literally got your back, we all believe in you. : ) Joules Ruth your intuitive Soul astrology @earthjoules [email protected] #astrology #sidereal #siderealastrology #siderealzodiac #moontrineneptune #moontrinesun #daydream #dreamer (at Victoria, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BphkJhWnPKH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ei1li5kyhj2c
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#CancerMoon ♋️♋️ be like... “Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you, or save you.” — Natsuki Takaya . . Hey Truthseekers… I’m in a bit of a sour mood today so I’m gonna keep this brief. Luna is now back home in #Cancer (exact, 3:24 pm EDT today) and she is feeling some kind of way. How else is she supposed to feel, my friends… the last few days during her stay in Gemini, were characterized by hurtful and antagonistic words being slung around like hash!!! . . When do we take responsibility for our words? Mercury in Aries clashes with Pluto in Capricorn today at 5:49 pm EDT, and tomorrow, at 9:49 pm EDT, hooks us with the Aries Sun. Take advantage of the time and space to, deeply, and sincerely, reflect on this question. Real talk - how many hearts and souls must be sacrificed at the altar before we honestly admit that maybe our words are doing a tremendous amount of irreparable collateral damage? . . Those of us who are actively doing the work can avail ourselves of this energy to go a step further - to root out the words we use that we know will wound and hurt others, confront our reasons for using them, and to replace them with loving, uplifting, encouraging language. Speak those words of love to ourselves first until it becomes a habit�� and think twice before you endeavor to share your (unsolicited) deep penetrating insights with someone else ….get consent, and make sure you’re motivated by love, healing and restoration and not fear. . . NEXT UP - Monday, April 19, 2021: Mercury enters Taurus (6:25 am EDT); Sun enters Taurus (4:26 pm EDT) . . #suninaries #ariesseason #moonincancer #cancermoon #preservation #emotional #moody #crabby #CancerTheCrab #homeloving #securityminded #bookasession #bookareading #4thhouse #mothers #family #endings #ancestors #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonsextilevenus #moonsextileuranus #moontrineneptune #moonsquarepluto #moonsquarechiron #transitalert https://www.instagram.com/p/CNx5ATqJ5js/?igshid=1kesuh54srd5h
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#CancerMoon ♋️♋️ be like... “None of us could be happy for long, doing nothing.” — Orson Scott Card . . This morning, on the heels of yesterday’s dynamic Spring Equinox, Luna finds her way home, having entered the sensitive, nurturing and reflective sign of Cancer this morning at 8:16 am EDT. Venus finds a new home soon after, leaving Pisces for Aries at 10:10 am. And to make things more interesting, today is the 1st first quarter moon of the new astrological year, where the Aries Sun and Cancer Moon square off as well today at 10:41 am EDT!!! Ouch, ouch and more ouch!!! . . With change being the default setting these days, it's always important to know how to find your way home. Whether it’s symbolic or literal, home is where we find safety and a sense of unconditional belonging and acceptance. . . The fact though, is this: There’s no time to catch our breath and process all of the emotional material that has come up for some of us in such a short period of time. It may feel like a good time to respond by retreating and taking cover, doing and saying nothing, swallowing our grief, our anger, our disappointment, resigning ourselves to sulk and being sullen. . . I get it. But it ain’t a good look, Truthseekers. . . Instead, what if you’re being called to confront that thing directly and handle it like a warrior? What if, instead, you take that decisive action, with a cheerful, optimistic attitude, committing to push through and stopping at nothing until you’re emotionally satisfied? What if instead, this is the energetic state you want and need to attune yourself to? Some things to think about over the next couple of days, for sure. . . Will you try? Or at least think about it? . . #suninaries #ariesseason #moonincancer #cancermoon #emotional #moody #crabby #CancerTheCrab #home #security #bookasession #bookareading #4thhouse #family #moonphases #lunations #firstquartermoon #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #venussquaremoon #moonsquaresun #moontrinemercury #moonsextileuranus #moontrineneptune #moonsquarepluto https://www.instagram.com/p/CMrnnt1L__4/?igshid=8lcbv6ohbrkw
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