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larimar · 11 months ago
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arjunasearth · 11 months ago
It's been a week of not actively posting anything within the insta-bubble and it feels good. Feels even better to have deleted the app on my phone and not logging in via my computer anymore. It feels like coming out of the bubble in so many ways. As I am going through a breakup for several months now , this process is present at the same time and takes a lot of space in my head, my heart, my life. By cutting my ig-consumption I feel less distracted and more confronted with my heartbreak and the my healing process, which feels necessary and right (as painful as it may be..). I think using too much Social Media and getting that artificial and redundant dopamin-hit on a daily basis can be very addictive on the one hand and harmful for my mental and physical health on the other. Don't get me wrong, I am connected to many beautiful souls on IG who I know in person or (if not) inspire me so much through their art, lifestyle, mindset etc. But taking conscious breaks from this bubble actually calms me down and many of exactly these people (not only them tho!) have deeply inspired me to do so! Tumblr is like my life diary to which I can always return (and do so), where can write down my most personal thoughts. Here, i can express my most intuitive and creative way of being and it is mostly focussed on writing, my deepest passion. There is even no such possibility on IG in general (only to a certain extent). Happy Full Moon btw Loves <3! This Full Moon in Scorpio feels very intense (Full Moons in general+ Scorpio- the most intuitive, passionate sign imo) and this intensity is exactly what requires me to slow down in discretion (means no oversharing or over-consumption of social media) and write on paper. To care for myself. To speak to my actual friends who care (not only social-media contacts). This Full Moon is showing me my open wounds for several days already and I can feel its intensity deeply. it also shows me my passions and desires, my creativity , intuition and inspirations. My pain and my beauty. My privacy and my personal, safe and innate space in my heartcenter. My gratitude and what's really important in my life atm.
Wishing you all a gentle transition into this Full Moon Cycle. A blessed and healing space, where the Moon is showing us the ebbs and flows of our hearts and our souls.
Blessed Be.
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omanxl1 · 11 months ago
Taking Another Look At Things With A Fresh View / Fresh Vision (Part Eight)
Check us out as we try to move forward taking a look at things with a fresh view  / fresh vision! We’re trying to navigate smoke and mirrors plus this Mercury retrograde shadow period: it seems like shadow boxing is how we’re living! Plus thought and fashion police are shadow banning! but it’s story time! we’ll bring this Scorpio full moon recap. The cover of our story? check out how it’ll…
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ninalomando · 11 months ago
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🌬 🌕 ♏️ 💨
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alohaastro · 11 months ago
Aloha Astro Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23, 2024
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schoolofholywitchery · 2 years ago
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio | Moon Mantras | Moon Ritual Coven
‘I am aligned with the truest whispers, and primordial depths of my inner self. I fearlessly hold space for myself to transmute all which no longer serves.’
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio follows on from the Solar Eclipse we just experienced in Aries. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 5th 2023 at 17:34 UTC, which is 18:34 (6:34pm) BST, at 14 degrees 58 minutes of Scorpio, which also rounds up to that critical and intense mid-point; 15 degrees of Scorpio.
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reneenalaniartista · 9 months ago
Full Moon in Scorpio altar.
According to astrologer, Chani Nicholas, "a Full Moon in Scorpio submerges us in our unbuffered feelings and illuminates what lies in the shadows as it squares Pluto (the planet of transformation)." This full moon invited us to dive into ourselves and shed what no longer serves us.
The DEATH card in tarot often has a misleading connotation. Death doesn't literally mean death. It means letting go, letting go of the material, endings, new beginnings... Change and transformation. Death card is associated with Scorpio which is ruled by the planet Pluto. Which was why this full moon was emotionally intense... Not only that, Pluto is currently in Aquarius (a fellow "Fixed" sign like Scorpio), the sign of rebellion. So, yeah... Again, emphasizing sporadic emotions. But now...! Eclipse season is over. Mercury is no longer in "the microwave" (retrograde)-- just dealing with the aftermath.
How's everyone been feeling the last few days? Me? I've had better days, but I feel lighter. Don't let my tears fool you. I'm just emotionally purging. Been doing some self-regulating because my body had been in "fight-or-flight" for some time. Breaking routines. Telling my mind and my body, "It's OK. We don't have to rush through tasks. We can ease up a bit." Just doing what I need to do for me.
#astrology #fullmooninscorpio #canon80d #canon80dphotography #adobelightroom
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divine-mystic-princess · 11 months ago
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ameoamour · 3 years ago
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Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio with Jennifer Lopez who has the Moon in Scorpio in her natal chart ♏️🌕
"You have to remember the value of your individuality - that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can." ✨
"Sometimes you have to explore the darkness to get to the light and get back to who you are." ✨
"In the end, the truth finds a way to surface even if you don't want it to." ✨
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holly777 · 4 years ago
tomorrow night, the full moon (the pink moon) in scorpio drives us away from what is no longer working in our lives. it is a time of release and transformation. 🌝
it forms a powerful opposition with a taurus stellium. (sun, mercury, venus & uranus are all in taurus) ♉️
this makes it easier for us to make decisions that bring us in alignment with what truly brings us joy. it is a supermoon so its effects are extra powerful. invite change. practice self love. embrace your worth. 💖
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
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Monday night (ET) the moon will be it’s fullest. If you have things that need the full moon energy, the growing energy is best for building. 
The waxing energy is there for you to work with today, and until Monday at 11:31 pm ET Happy mooning, Lovelies...
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larimar · 11 months ago
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omanxl1 · 11 months ago
Deep House Summer 2024 | Refresh Yourself #20 | Carlos Grau
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue to get over the hump per this HumpDay Extravaganza! This is the Full Moon in Scorpio edition even though the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame somebody will understand a brotha… …putting it down like this; broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta but the science dropped is…
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ninalomando · 2 years ago
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alohaastro · 2 years ago
Aloha Astro Full Moon in Scorpio May 5, 2023
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piccolascintilla · 4 years ago
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Happy Super Full Moon in Scorpio my beautiful souls! ✨ It's such an intensive one and I already feel that strong full moon energy since a few days, I wasn't that emotional and restless since months.✨ So I'm just trying to be gentle with myself, letting myself to feel all the emotions, meditating a lot, doing some shadow work and went for a long walk in nature to ground myself a bit! ✨ Hope your Monday is going as good as possible and your whole week is going to be magical, joyfull and filled with positive vibrations! ✨ If you feel that full moon energy as strongly as me don't forget to be even better to yourself and do all the stuff that make you and your precious soul happy! Focus on all the things that you want to release and all the blocks that are stopping you from moving on and begin your true self! ✨ . . . #bookstagrampl #fullmoomenergy #simplethingsmadebeautiful #książkoholizm #flowersmakemehappy #pełnia #fullmooninscorpio #april2021 #witchesofig #moonchild🌙 #manifestationmonday #medytacja #poniedziałekdobrejenergii #pozytywnewibracje #fullmoonenergy #myeverydaymagic #fullmoonvibes #manifestyourdreams #shadowwork #stilllife_perfection #bookishlife #hyggelig #releasefear #księżyc #polishbookstagram #potterheads #underthefloralspell #kwiatysapiekne #creativebookstagram #superfullmoon (at Kedzierzyn, Opole, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/COJLrvOB-m4/?igshid=1xhgepf3b7pvf
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