#sun harem
goodolddumbbanana · 2 days
Saw your post about giving you a crack ship, I got nothing. Instead I propose, what if Dark Sun gathers all the known Sun's for a fun gossip session?
A real bitch fest?
Imagine all the dirty laundry?
Servant Sun "yeah.....Lord Eclipse cries himself to sleep. On some nights, he asks me to read Charlotte's Web and instead it's me crying to sleep."
Dark Sun "Charlotte's Web is an emotional journey."
Servant Sun "After that other Moon from the prophecy showed up I've walked in on my Lord doing poses and practicing talking in a deeper voice. I think he was practicing his big reveal for when Moon comes back."
Our Sun "I think Lunar is growing black mold. He's a walking biohazard. I just want to power wash him down or throw him in the washing machine."
Cringe Sun "Does your Lunar eat like wayyyyy too much Nutella? My Lunar turned into Nutella, he's this odd cannibal-animatronic-overly-processed-sugary monster now. At least he can still dance."
Dark Sun "I can't help you with the Nutella Lunar situation, I don't really understand your dimension, but maybe if you lock him in a cage for a bit? He sounds feral."
Then they all make out
My god.... It is so funny 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed so hard when reading it. Yess!!! Suns poly!!!!
Omg...I definitely give this area a try
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tojisun · 3 months
IMO Price x Reader x Ghost makes more sense.. Ghost devouring Reader and Price protecting her 🫣🫠
thats hot and all but the vision is—
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simon as the herding dog and price as the wolf just. it hits.
simon as someone who never touches you, never dares to, because he does not think he is worthy of you. he wills himself—fools himself—into thinking it is enough to just hover around you, guard you, trail over you like you have a leash on him. he thinks it is enough to have a glance; to have a moment. he thinks it is enough because he does not let anyone wander closer; does not let you stray away from his gaze. it is some sort of possession, this thing he calls protection.
but price? he knows what he’s worth. he sees you and knows that he has to have you. there’s not a moment of hesitation; he stalks close, nosing along the territorial waters of simon’s desires, and pushes ahead anyway. he taunts simon’s sin out of him; makes him present his bloodied maw because price wants a good chase. a good hunt.
but you’re not giving it to him because, well, you already desire him just as fervently—a lamb knows when it is watched; a lamb knows when it is coveted—so he finds it in simon who’s confused and angry. whose needs bloats without an outlet.
simon thinks it is price who twisted his affections for you into something carnal. price shows him that simon’s desires have always been there, but he just misconstrued them on his own because simon—
well, a herding dog still needs a master, after all.
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cryindollhouse · 2 months
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(or maybe my boy just has a thing for sad bois with snakes)
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h-didanart · 1 month
Figured now’s a great time to dump this on y’all
Lord Bloodmoon
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They would not leave my head, he stayed there in the corner, I had to draw them at some point. Here’s doodles for ya!
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Ok, ok, I have no real proof besides the vague world building you can glimpse at in these drawings, but, I would like to say that I kinda predicted Lord Bloodmoon eating something star related.
Anyways, some angsty lore for ya! Tw, character injury
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I think I have a new au to make
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rarepears · 1 year
Shen Yuan plants extra Sun and Moon Dew Flowers and uses them. It... doesn't work out quite the way he had hoped - you know, extra contingencies in case he gets killed again - because he wakes up after his death to see... himself. Not his reflection, but himself. Pointing at each other, gobsmacked.
That like spiderman meme.
Because each Sun and Moon Dew Flower did grow a perfect body for Shen Yuan to inhabit! Except now there's 3 Shen Yuan's running around with the same memory, personality, and looks.
Shen Yuan doesn't even know which one is supposedly the oldest, the OG, the real Shen Yuan! He's pretty sure he's the real Shen Yuan; but so do the other two!
What Shen Yuan does know, however, is that Cang Qiong seems to have an impression that there's a Shen Yuan library where they can check out a Shen Yuan for a couple hours! And Yue Qingyuan always goes for the Shen Yuan with the most annoyed looking expression Every Single Time...
Even though it's not the same Shen Yuan every time.
Shen Yuan prays that when Luo Binghe comes back, his little sheep isn't going to try to torture and kill all three Shen Yuans. But he's also scared AF that he might be the one Shen Yuan that gets picked out for revenge...
Luo Binghe, ready to vibrate out of his skin in excitement: Oh. My. God. Three Shizuns! HOW CAN I MARRY THEM ALL ASDFGHJKLKJ
Luo Binghe is too overwhelmed by his fantasies to remember his original goal of plotting revenge.
[More in shen yuan plants extra sun and moon dew flowers; luo binghe wants a harem of shen yuan's now au]
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howlingday · 9 months
Blake: (Pats Jaune's head)
Blake: (Pats Sun's head)
Blake: (Pats Yang's head)
Blake: I hear you three have been doing well protecting people. All three of you make me so very proud.
Jaune/Sun/Yang: (About to cry)
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lint-beetle4 · 24 days
I wonder how Wukong would react if some of his fans, or harem more like, wanted to leave society to LIVE with him. Like on the same level as his lil monkeys. I wonder how he'd act-
Sun and His Stars (Wukong x Multiple!Readers) Headcanons
The moment one of you decides you stay in the island, the rest seem to hang back
Wukong doesn't mind, in fact, he's quite happy you like him to stay with him
He gets a bit worried about you guys though, certainly you have lives outside of the Monkey King
Maybe so, maybe not, either way, you all chose to stay there, and Wukong never refuses his subjects
He makes a special party for you guys, introducing you to the monkeys while also crowning you all as nobles more or less
You all hold some amount of power in kingdom, courtesy of being in the king's harem
Wukong teaches you how to interact and care for the monkeys so that you all can get along with them
He also makes sure that you guys have houses all to yourself, a village around his waterfall where you guys can hang out while Wukong is off doing whatever
He makes sure the waterfall is open to all of you, meticulously ensuring that each other are able to pass through with little issue
While Wukong is retired, his enemies don't get that memo easily, so if there's a bit of trouble, you all can hide in the safety of the waterfall with the rest of monkeys
Wukong takes your safety seriously, he makes sure there are ramps and walkways around parts of the mountain that you traverse through
In the future, he might even bring up all of you taking a stone peach
But, that's more of a marriage in the future, rather than a move-in with me situation
(Wukong seriously wants you to live with him forever, and he will make the island a paradise as best as he can)
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 1 month
A New Lambs and Slaughters series spin off quote!
“You are a mystery, aren't you? A beautiful little mystery.”
“B-beautiful? I'm- I'm just me, sir…” Sun said quietly, his faceplate on fire at the compliment.
“Guste. Exactly. You are simple, and lovely. But stronger and braver than you seem to even realize. You are like a lekanteto. Like a little daisy in the sunlight.” The Don purred, his grin wide and almost hungry as he gazed down at the trembling attendant.
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bluemoon1331 · 4 months
Hello, hello! Welcome to my main blog, where the DCA fascination consumes! My alt blog is @sharetheartman, go check it out if you wanna see the amazing art this community has to offer!
My Ko-fi (if you're able to help a struggling writer, very much appreciated. Can request written commissions if you want): BlueMoon1331
Below is a list of all my current fics on A03 and planned AUs! Give them a read if you love fantasy and the DCA! (Updated to divide between the SFW and NSFW stories)
<<<<<First up, the SFW section!>>>>>>
Finished Works:
One Lost Star- You are a bit of a hermit, living solo off the land since the death of your grandfather. Until you draw certain godly attention, that is.
Scarlet Masquerade- The sole heir to your kingdom, you find yourself caught in the tangled web of the automaton emperor's plans. However, things are about to go from bad to worse when you catch the interest of the deadly automaton assassin sent to end you.
Cosmic Journeys- Trapped in the depths of depression, you seek an unfortunate out. The nearby land owner won't let that happen, though. Thus begins a journey of self-worth and finding hope in a world of madness and compassion, monsters, saints, and everything in between.
Come and Go- A Megamind-inspired AU with Sun as Metroman, Moon as Megamind, and Eclipse as Titan, while you are a delivery driver caught in the middle.
Unusual- An oceanographer, there is no place you'd rather be than scouring the depths of the seven seas, studying its plant life and creatures, in particular the infamous mers, beings most of your co-workers are quite wary of. They don't seem to mind you too much, though, a fact you try not to put stock in until an encounter on the beach near your house flips your entire world upside down. Strings of fate and a battle to rule the oceans with you as the key? Ridiculous. Right?
Of Metal Parts and Roadside Shenanigans- You are a trucker traveling home before unwittingly tripping headfirst into a giant mystery. (More of @deceptiveshadow's Blood Moon cause I love him and cannot help myself.)
Party Crashing 101- A piece inspired by the mafia episode from Helluva Boss. Badass, protective reader ftw XD
Blooming In Adversity- You and the princesses were great friends in your youth, until you had to move away. Years later, you return, your friendship blooming anew. However, dark plots turn in the background, and it may be up to just you to save them.
Phantom Tide- You are a siren, crushed under betrayal. Sun and Moon are brothers recovering from the throes of grief. Perhaps you may be just what each other need.
Connotations- Your duties as a druid are fairly life-consuming, but you have happily devoted yourself to them. Keeping the peace is not the easiest, but you do it all the same. Unfortunately, the arrival of contesting priests threaten your efforts, setting you on a collision course to meet three of the forest's most powerful caretakers.
Diamonds and Iron- Being a rather big-time mafia boss, of course Eclipse needs places to stash away his income. As an outdoor enthusiast, you love visiting the local motorsports arena when you can afford it. Oh, who's that standing in the middle of the track, where you can't see?
<<<<<<<<<NSFW area ahoy!>>>>>>>>>>
Finished Works:
Never Play Cat and Mouse With Vampires- Living alone is a necessity, your skills in hunting, magic, and evasion giving you all you need for contentment, or so you tell yourself. In your newest home you, unfortunately, find that your capabilities only draw the infatuation of three local creatures that are intent to finally capture you and make you theirs. Annoyingly, they may just get that chance.
Dancing In Orbit- The lunar vampire is the last of his kind, a deadly plague on the Earth that refuses to yield despite the uncountable years that have passed since the last of his kin and kind died off. You, running from your intertwined past, seek to finally put an end to that, with some help from friends old and new.
Familiar Constellations- The vampires get a bit quirky about you, especially when you egg them on. Mature. Very, very mature. Good gods they are rough, but you love it. After all, you can get a bit rough with them, too.
Embers and Ash- Ghost hunting is your profession, and you are damn good at it. Which is why you don't think twice when you're hired to cleanse an abandoned mansion of its otherworldly resident. Too bad this job is not the cake walk you thought it would be.
Burning Stars- You run your farm alone on a world teeming with aliens and humans, content with your animal family and helpful community, even if you keep the latter at arm's lengths. Until your peace is interrupted by a certain intergalactic bounty hunter, anyway.
Rosewood's Serenade- The eldest child of your kingdom, you have trained since birth to be all your home needs and more, intent to take the throne when the time comes, marriage or no. However, your parents harbor a secret, a deal struck when disaster threatened to destroy all they hold dear, and you soon find yourself meeting a most intriguing being...
Demonic- The saying of Hell is empty for all the demons are here has never been more apt. Caught smack dab in the middle of the infamous Hell-Day event, you come out with an unexpected passenger woven into your soul. Now, you secretly fight to preserve the fragile balance between mortals and the demons trapped on Earth, all while contending with the fact your new neighbors are the very ones responsible for sealing the gates, the infamous Celestial Graces. They also happen to be the mortal enemies of the one currently living in you. Fun times all around, especially with devil himself on your heels, seeking to reclaim what he lost.
Along the Akesh- Blessed with visions since your youth, you were taken and raised by the temple, becoming one of the highest-ranked priests, second to only the grand heijut himself. With an awe-inspiring festival and ritual that happens only once every five centuries under way, you are eager to meet the moon god, one of the many you have had the pleasure of conversing with throughout your prayers and oracles, in person. Things take an unexpected turn, however, when the temple must pay recompense for an accidental screw up with a gift left by an old friend. You are about to learn just how intrigued you and the moon god truly are with each other.
Bleeding Feathers- You weren't supposed to go into the exclusionary zone, but that's never been a problem for you before. This time, however, you might just get more than you bargained for. Fan piece for @deceptiveshadow's harpy au! (Not TSAMS)
Color Theory- Moving back to your late grandma's cabin, you pray for things to finally settle down. Unfortunately, her myriad of secrets seek to come back and haunt you, but hey, it might not be all bad this time. You could use the comfort of an old friend. Another fic inspired by @deceptiveshadow! Their god Blood Moon this time. (Not TSAMS)
<<<<<<<Lastly, miscellaneous potential AUs!>>>>>>>
Lich King AU- With the three realms in shambles, cut off from each other, it is up to the most powerful warriors of Earth to fend off the lich king and his Elite army, including his own brothers. You, whom offers them a secret safe haven and relaxation when they need it, cannot deny your love for Sun and Moon, nor they you, but with Eclipse hounding for any weakness he can use against his kin, is the danger really worth it? You find the answer may be coming sooner than you would like when the two go missing after a fight.
Spirited Away AU- You have moved to a more remote region in hopes of forgetting a troubled family life. Content to spend your time among the lush jungles of the land, you inadvertently stumble upon an obviously long-forgotten temple. Curiosity eats at you, and you cannot help get closer, initially unaware of the myriad of eyes watching you, until you spot...an icy blue leopard? It's a good thing you helped those snakes and that spider on your way here.
Harem AU- You saved them from certain death, and now the clan of vampire brothers serve you. For years uncountable, you have pulled the strings, quite happy to cause chaos around the world when it becomes too dull for your liking, going from hero to hero. On blood soaked ground, you are content with your helpful vampires, though can things really stay the same forever?
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glambots · 7 months
Listen I gotta say it cause we all know it's true, and you can boo me, but I'm right: the current "DCAverse" is just today's version of "the Undertale skelebro (Sans & Papyrus) harems" of 2016-17
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superiorsturgeon · 2 years
Blake’s Bodyguard:
Ghira: *looms angrily over Sun* I don’t like you, you delinquent. 😠 You stay away from my daughter!
Sun: 😨
Blake: DAD!!
Ghira: *glares at Yang* And you! Keep your troublemaking biker ways away from Blake! She deserves better!
Yang: 😥
Blake: Dad, that’s totally unfair!
Ghira: Quiet, Blake! You’re getting a chaperone/bodyguard to make sure you’re not sneaking around with those two!
Jaune: Um, hello? 😅
Ghira: Mister Arc is an honorable knight, so I know he can be trusted to keep you safe. I’ve hired him to stay with you at all times.
Blake: DAD!!! This is so unfair! I hate you! *storms out* Jaune, don’t follow me!
Jaune: Wait! Your dad says I have to stay with you all the time! *chases her out of the room*
Blake: *from outside* Get killed!!
Ghira: 😌 It’s good to know there’s still one trustworthy young man out there.
Blake: …okay, we’re here!
Jaune: Finally! *scoops up Blake and makes out with her*
Sun: Hey Jaune! Hey Blake!
Yang: Did he buy it?
Blake: Yeah, thanks to mister trustworthy here! *kisses Jaune’s cheek*
Yang: Sweet. Nice acting, Vomit Boy! *unbuttoning her top*
Sun: *opens door to hotel room* Shall we?
Jaune: *carries Blake through the door* Yeah!
Blake: *about to get absolutely DESTROYED by her muscular blondes*
Blake: *happy cat noises*
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msk29fan · 2 months
Cracky ChimeraShip headcanon
Wukong and IronBull parents sometimes argue whose child Is in whose "harem".
This is mostly joking manner...mostly.
Freenoodles are now the de facto favorite in-laws because they wouldn't even think of going there, even in a joking manner.
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antigonenikk · 4 months
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rarepears · 1 year
Don't mind me, i'm just minding my own busi-
*slips* WHoops, excuse me as i slip this into your askbox. https://www.tumblr.com/magioftheseas/703568367129362432?source=share
Did you know some plants, like Mint if i remember correctly, can do this? And pumpkin stems, but you need a special powder thingy-ma-bob for that.
Lots of plants can do it - especially ones with rhizome roots. Ginger, calla lilies, bulb flowers like tulips... Plus plants like hydrangea and tomatoes where, if you bury a section of its stem in soil, said section will sprout roots and you have a whole other plant. Then there's plants like bamboo and strawberries where roots will spread everywhere and shoot up more stems.
[More in shen yuan plants extra sun and moon dew flowers; luo binghe wants a harem of shen yuan's now au]
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trainer-sean · 1 year
Arceus: Ash Is On Vacation, SO LEAVE HIM BE, ME DAMN IT!!!
Basically Sun and Moon series, but the legendarys for some reason or another are trying to see Ash, and most are trying to let Ash have a Armageddon Free Vacation/Journey. Will include disobedient Tapus, rogue Legendarys wanting to see there Favorite trainer, and Awkward reveals of Ash's past as a trainer. Ash is also 16 at this point, and getting a trainers license is basically Emancipation.
Ash's personality changing through every journey has been him trying to figure out the true him, finding himself, his Personality through Sun and Moon and Journeys is his true Personality.
Unova was a Vacation Journey, basically him not taking it to seriously, just a basic journey, where he was hoping for nothing serious to happen.
He actively trys to keep people from looking up his Trainer page, but when he tries to setting things to private, he's given a message that due to how frequently he runs into disaster, that he has been prohibited from setting those to private for the sake of others at least having the chance to know what they are getting into while around him.
All the Champions know him, and actively wish he'd get a break from the world saving while Journeying, Cynthia actually visits Ash during his off time, and Lance is his Uncle from his Moms side, though they didn't know that for a long time, due to Delia being a run away due to getting pregnant with Ash in her late teens from the Clan and Lance believing she was dead for over a decade. Leon is actually just debating having Ash journey through Galar just to see if it'll have whatever is brewing in Galar will just show itself and everyone can get it out of the way, same with Geeta, Nemona just wants to battle him and his strongest pokemon.
Most Proper legendarys can turn into a Human form, these would be legitimate Gods, like the Lugia and legendary birds from The Power of One movie, the Sinnoh pantheon, the Legendary Fairys(Mew, Celebi, Victini, etc.)
Genders and general God look: Arceus(female, Greek), Dialga(male, Greek), Palkia(female, Greek), Giratina(Female, Greek), Darkrai(male, Casual), Creselia(female, casual), Ho-oh(female, shinto), Entei(male Shinto), Raikou(Male Shinto), Suicune(female, Shinto), Lugia(Male Shinto), Moltres(female Shinto), Articuno(female, Shinto), Zapdos(Female Shinto), G. Moltres(female Casual, malicious), G. Articuno(female Casual, Sadist and cunning), G. Zapdos(female Casual, Rude tomboy), Kyogre(Female Shinto), Groudon(male Norse), Rayquaza(Female, Greek), Mew(Female, Casual), Celebi(female, Shinto), Victini(Female, Greek), Shaymin(female, Greek), Manaphy(male, Casual, he sees Ash as a dad), Zekrom(male, only recently joined God rank, Knight), Reshiram(female, only recently joined God rank, knight), Xerneas(female, Greek), Yveltal(male, Greek), Zygarde(Squishy and Z2)(male, and Greek), Solgaleo(not Nebby, Female, Hawaiian/Greek, is Bi with Lunala), Lunala(Female, Hawaiian/Shinto, Bi with Solagaleo), Tapu koko(male, Hawaiian), Tapu Lele(female, Hawaiian), Tapu Bulu(Male, Hawaiian), Tapu Fini(Female, Hawaiian), Zeraora(female, Greek, looks like a modified Atalante Alter from fate)
A good Majority of the female legendarys are interested in Ash due to personal encounter or Reputation, Solgaleo and Lunala actually half joke about having a threesome with him, and entrusting the child of said threesome with him to the other legendarys(they plan to do it Psychicly, cause apparently thats possible for them), much to the annoyance of the other girls, Ho-oh very much wants Ash to stay a Pure and Innocent boy, despite the fact he's experienced lots of Chaos.
The Galarian Birds are particular not impressed with how all the legendarys see Ash, and are considering going to Alola just to hurt him due to being annoyed by all the talk about him, but they clearly don't understand that a legendary just can't stay mad and not like Ash 'you don't need a reason to help someone' Ketchum. G. Moltres in particular won't be able to get him out of her head.
A good few of the legendarys don't fully understand the logic and mentality of humans and normal pokemon, some do, some don't.
Most Legendary pokemon are species that only one or two at a time are truly a God level being, but not all on the rank are that level of powerful.
The legendarys that watch over Ash are just done with Rotomdex's shit, him actively treating Ash like a dumb rookie, when he hasn't even considered Logging into Ash's Trainer Page like a proper Pokedex, until one of the Mythicals, Victini probably, has enough and rips into Rotomdex out of nowhere, appearing infront of the class and scaring the shit out of everyone as she just erupts in flames, yelling at this utter insult of a pokedex for its behavior to one of the best trainers it, and nearly every legendary has ever known, just because its to ignorant and arrogant to even think about the fact that Ash has a trainer page already and isn't some new inexperienced trainer.
Also, Ultra Recon Squad shows up during the Ultra Beast arc, and are dumbfounded at the idea of God's actively not wanting their Chosen one being the one to stop Apocalypse type disasters, Zossie may have a Puppy dog crush on Ash. They are from the same world as Poipole, the nest was out in the wilds, and they lost track and couldn't find Necrozma, in this timeline they were not responsible for Necrozma's state.
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