#suguru replies
suguru-is-typing · 6 months
I am convinced all the thirst asks are just Satoru
suguru laughs quietly, shaking his head.
"maybe so. it's a funny thought, at least." he snickers.
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nishikiace · 1 year
i see u take thirsts so considere this: suguru and belly bulge.. and he has a tiny waist~
suguru overthinks too much - making him feel just how deep you are ruining him would break his mind
the thought of fucking suguru and grabbing his pretty hands and holding them down onto his tummy so he can feel each slide of your dick inside >>>
he'd be so fucking pretty with his hair untied and wide eyes and mouth gaping and moaning. he'd go insane at the sensation of you rearranging his guts like that
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karvakera · 1 year
drawing gojo every day as stupid pet memes until THE shibuya incident: day 31
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nanamiscocksleeve · 4 months
So. I have something FILTHY for your game. First off, ofc I'm playing hahah yes. And, I want the game master/lead wtv to be Shoko.
Picture this, Lil ol' me tied to a chair, blindfolded, at the absolute mercy of these much bigger, stronger people. Shoko sits in front watching as all these men encircle me. Let's just throw in a nice mix hmm yuta, chocos, nanami my fukinge husbando), gojo, toji, geto (my love my heart), god id love and adult yuuji too he'd be so enthusiastic and not even hear the timer and have to be dragged away from my body.
They can do whatever they want to me while it's their time and there's these two spinning wheels to choose. So one wheel has everyone's names and one has ejat they can do to me. And whatever it falls on that's what they have to do. There's only 2 (3) rules. No cocks in my pussy. And no making me cum. (And no anal because I hate it)
As far as time goes I think 10-15 minutes is good. A good TEASE.
And they keep going until I'm a crying and WHIMPERING mess. Unable to even form words except to just say please please please.
That's when shoko, who's been watching all this time, gets up and shoves a fat strap into my already weeping cunt. Pulling my hair back and fucking into me she'll have two guys suck and mark my throat and play with my breasts and a third play with my clit, sucking it and licking her strap at the same time etc. whoever is left behind can either jerk off on me or even use my hands to help them out. Until everyone has cum and is happy, after which shoko maneuvers me to sit on my face so I can eat her out.
Love wins! Happy pride! 🫶🏻🩷
Holy fucking god! Lawd girl you dirty! I love all of this! The wheels, the men, then the final fucking stroke, literally given by the talented Shoko!
My jaw dropped as I read this! I'm squealing in delight.
This is what I mean when I say send me thirsts. This what I mean when I say unleash your inner slut. I'm going to be thinking about this for the rest of the day.
And yes happy pride!!!! Love who you want to!!!! 🏳️‍🌈
Who else wants to play the game?
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randomprose · 9 months
Satoru: I asked Yaga what he wants for Christmas.
Shoko: And? What did he say?
Satoru: Nothing. Said he just wanted his students to be safe and happy and for Suguru and I to stop getting on his nerves.
Suguru: Damn. That's a very tall order, Masamichi.
Shoko: Can't we just get him new knitting and carving sets and call it even?
Satoru: That's what I said!
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pancake-breakfast · 11 days
I think a lot about Geto's shift as revealed to us in the Hidden Inventories/Premature Death arc. Some attribute it to Riko's death and all, but... it's always seemed like so much more than that. I love the way his change is portrayed because, as in real life, it's not instantaneous, but rather a slow progression of events that gradually shifts something core in what he already is.
Massive JJK Hidden Inventories/Premature Death Spoilers Ahead
The Seeds
The seeds of Geto's fall were already there from the beginning; these events just served to allow them to flourish. To start, one of the earlier things we learn about Geto is that one of his core beliefs is that society should protect the weak and keep the strong in check.
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Remember this, because this is the root of everything that follows about his character. This is where it begins. And we need to note that, at this point, Geto defines "the weak" as people who can't use jujutsu and "the strong" as jujutsu sorcerers. It stands to reason that he sees this ideal to apply particularly heavily to himself and Gojo, since out of all the jujutsu sorcerers, they are two of only three known special grades at that time, and thus "the strongest." Meaning they are the ones that need to be "in check" and serving society the most, since they can do the most to protect the weak.
He believes all of this so strongly that only a couple pages later, he's willing to throw hands with his BFF Gojo over it. For him, this ideal is not negotiable. This is something very core to his character, and it's why he keeps himself restrained and gives Gojo so much crap for the many (MANY) ways Gojo just... doesn't. (We're talking everything from forgetting to put up a barrier to insisting on using "ore" as his pronoun despite it being more prideful and, coming from someone as powerful as Gojo, intimidating of male pronouns.)
Geto might have a bit of a flare for the dramatic, but at this point, one of his biggest goals is basically to make sure everyone knows he's the "good guy." Like, sure, he's a special grade, but he's more disciplined than Gojo and is silently accepting the of the slow and constant line of shit he's fed (both figuratively and, if you want to take into account the taste of curses, literally) in order 1) set other jujutsu sorcerers at ease and 2) to fulfill his perceived duty as one of "the strongest" to protect the weak.
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Then Riko Dies
But Riko doesn't just die. She's killed in front of him, needlessly, because he and Satoru had already decided they'd protect her from jujutsu society itself if she didn't want to merge with Tengen, and she'd already decided that, at best, she wasn't ready to merge with Tengen and stop being herself. Her assassination was intended to prevent the merger, but at this point, the merger wasn't going to happen anyway.
On top of that, at the moment when Riko is killed, Geto has to assume Toji has already slaughtered Gojo... a fear that, moments later, Toji himself confirms (even if he proves to be mistaken later).
They were the strongest, and yet they were both taken down. For all Geto knows at this point, the only reason he's gonna be the one (the ONLY one) to live through this is due to the fluke of him being a curse manipulator since Toji refuses to kill him and release all the curses within him.
They were the strongest, and yet they failed utterly to protect the weak, either by keeping Riko alive or by allowing the merger and protecting others via Tengen.
It's literally the worst possible scenario in light of his ideal that he, as one of society's strongest, is supposed to protect the weak.
This is the moment where Geto starts to realize something Gojo doesn't learn until after Geto leaves Jujutsu high; namely, that pure strength just isn't enough.
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Gojo and Geto take different paths in light of their respective revelations here... but I'm getting ahead of myself a bit.
The events around Riko's death shook Geto's foundation to the core. Society is supposed to protect the weak. The strongest are supposed to serve society by protecting the weak. "The strongest" are jujutsu sorcerers, and of all the jujutsu sorcerers, he and Gojo are the strongest of the strong. "The weak" are those who can't wield jujutsu.
But he just watched helplessly while a human with no cursed energy (and thus who, logically, should have been the weakest of the weak) bested both Gojo and himself and turned their mission into an utter failure. And then he watched as a bunch more of these "weak" humans proceeded to celebrate the murder of Riko, a girl who's only crime was to be caught in the web of fate and, perhaps, to dream of defying it for only a few moments.
Perhaps here is where Geto first realized those he saw as weak were still capable of strength, or perhaps he never quite made that connection. But it's absolutely when he realized that there were monsters amongst those he was supposed to be protecting. And that caused him to start asking himself, "Who exactly am I supposed to be protecting?"
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Ideally, he would have been able to go to a therapist to help him work through this, but from what we've seen thus far, we have no reason to believe jujutsu society has anything resembling mental health care for the many horrible things their sorcerers have to face. So instead, maybe he could have turned to a trusted friend. But... he doesn't.
This is somewhat out of his control; over the course of the next year, both he and Gojo are being sent on more and more solo missions, and as such they have less time together. But part of it is just... Geto being Geto.
Gojo notices something's wrong, but when he tries to reach out and help, Geto pushes his hand aside.
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Maybe this is the only time Gojo reached out, or maybe he reached out several times and Geto continually didn't accept for any number of reasons (internalized standards of masculinity, wanting to still be "the strongest", not wanting to burden his friend, struggling to much with his own thoughts to find words, etc. etc.). It doesn't matter much because the end result is the same. Geto ends up isolated, his growing doubts eating at his very core, struggling to remember the why behind something he thought he'd never forget: that the strong exist to protect the weak.
Then the second major event hits...
Gojo Meets Yuki
And she proposes to him something he hadn't thought of before.
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It all seems so simple and logical. Why stand in between a danger and a victim when you can instead get to the root cause and prevent the danger from existing in the first place?
As she explains more about her theories for stopping curses from coming into being, Geto's long-simmering frustration at the events surrounding Riko's death cause him to stumble upon an option that Yuki herself has considered, but tossed out. Namely, if curses are only formed from non-sorcerers, why not kill all non-sorcerers?
It's important to note that, while he presents this idea, he's not exactly sold on it yet. It's very much born of an overflow of emotion and frustration rather than a serious consideration at this point, as he hasn't yet let go of the idea of himself as the Strong Sorcerer Protector of the Weak Non-Sorcerer Humans. As such, he's taken aback when Yuki casually mentions that it might actually be the easiest way to accomplish the goal, even if it's an absolutely insane method that has no place being considered when other methods are possible.
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But shortly after, another event occurs: Haibara's death.
I don't actually list this as among the three major events that made Geto go from the idealist who taught Gojo his best side to a mass murderer hellbent on genocide because, while this event absolutely had an impact on Geto, it only served to reinforce what he was already struggling with rather than introduce anything new. He and Gojo ended up surviving their encounter with Toji, but this time around, someone he was close to didn't. The most gentle of Geto's schoolmates lost his life standing in between a curse and its potential victims, doing his duty as a good sorcerer should, leaving Nanami a mess and rendering the class a grade below Geto, Gojo, and Shoko functionally useless in jujutsu society.
The grade below them. The students they were supposed to, to some degree, protect and look after. And again, there was nothing they could do.
Then again, maybe this was the first place where Geto started truly recognizing that sorcerers, for all their strength, could be victims who might need protecting, too.
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The final event, the one that tips him over the edge, comes narratively immediately after Haibara's death, and that's when...
Geto Finds Nanako and Mimiko
Because it's hard, if not impossible, to look at two bruised and battered children huddling together in terror in a cage and see anything other than victims.
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This is the point that fills in the cracks in Geto's foundation and rebuilds it anew. Society should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. But the society he was taught to trust in has failed the weak. It failed Haibara, and it has failed these girls. These girls may be sorcerers, but they are weak compared to the wrath and anger of the people in their village... people who continue to create curse after curse after curse... far more than two young children could mitigate even if they weren't being beaten and kept imprisoned.
If sorcerers are the ones who suffer the most due to the curses created by (and only by) normies, then maybe the normies are the ones who need to be brought in check. And the curses they create may be strong, but Geto's stronger still. So he does what he's always done: he protects the weak.
But now the roles have been switched. "The weak" are now defined as jujutsu sorcerers and "the strong" are now defined as the careless, thoughtless, simple monkeys who keep mindlessly creating the very things that are tearing apart not only the monkeys themselves, but the people who have been fighting so hard to protect them. Normal, non-jujutsu-wielding humans have NO IDEA the havoc they casually wreak, but they just keep doing it.
Geto may have strength, but he isn't a monkey. He has the intelligence to keep his curses in check, and event to use them to protect others. And so it's his duty to do something about those who are stupidly letting their strength run rampant over others. Because if he doesn't, there will just be more Nanakos and Mimikos and Haibaras and Rikos, and none, NONE of that is acceptable. Because these individuals, even if they are sorcerers, are weak and should be protected.
Geto is strong, so he will protect them. He will eradicate the source of the danger and make the world safe for those who are now suffering, and he will do so swiftly and thoroughly.
By any means necessary.
**(To go back really quickly to where Geto and Gojo differ when they realize that just being strong isn't enough.... Geto becomes obsessed with the idea of obtaining more strength through power. He takes over a cult so he can wield people and beliefs to his own ends. He gathers as many curses as he can. He tries to get Yuuta on his side so he can vicariously use Rika, queen of curses, to aid him in his goal, and when that fails, he tries to take her by force. Meanwhile, Gojo decides instead to invest in the other people around him, becoming a teacher and doing everything he can to instill his values for how to change society for the better in all of his students. It's a longer, harder, and less certain path than Geto's path of power, especially given, as Geto points out, that Gojo could succeed by taking Geto's path with relative ease. I wonder if, at the end of the story, he'll think it was worth it. I wonder if we, the readers, will think it was worth it.)
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aceinsearchofspace · 9 months
I’m going to receive a lot of hate for this, but the best interpretation of Gojo’s and Geto’s relationship is that they are best friends, not lovers.
Now, I know that people have their favorite ships, and I’m not downing anyone for that. I just think that it is so important for us as a society to normalize men having close, loving platonic bonds with other men.
It seems like anytime men are close friends in fiction they are interpreted as being gay immediately by fandoms, causing many men in real life to think they can’t have close friendships without people thinking they’re gay. More platonic relationships need to be accepted without any assumption that there is also a sexual relationship present. Our society is so individualized and sexualized that we can’t even recognize a healthy platonic relationship anymore.
I know people are going to read this post and say, “but we need more representation.” I’m just focusing on a different issue right now. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are canonically best friends and nothing else. Doesn’t it make their story so much more powerful knowing that everything tragic took place due to their platonic love? A love built on loyalty and respect? Just my thoughts
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kdjojo · 6 months
Satoru posting random ass shit.
Satoru: Whoever replies to this post gau
Satoru replying under the post: *Gay
Satoru realizing: oh shit wait.
Suguru replying: Haha dipshit your gay.
Suguru: ...
Satoru: ...
Suguru: shit.
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definitelysome1 · 6 months
I mean you don't understand the characters or what racism is. Geto hated humankind as a whole which has nothing to do with race. Gege was making a social commentary about Japan using Gojo as an example. Gojo realized he was wrong and apologized. Learning from one's mistakes is a good thing. Labeling these characters, and I suspect other people, as racist for their ignorance is harmful and doesn't allow people space to grow which in turn affects the movement negatively
My post was a joke… that’s it, nothing more. I’ve seen a bunch of people joke about the same thing(ish), so I wanted to do the same.
Character understanding is subjective, you cannot fully understand a character unless you’re the one who made the character. Personally, I feel that I understand their characters pretty well, and my post wasn’t meant a characterisation, just a shallow(idk if that’s the right word) joke.
I also think I have a good grasp on what racism is(though you can always learn more), again, it was a joke, it wasn’t meant to harm anyone who has actually experienced racism, and I apologise if that’s how it sounded
Thank you for explaining what you meant :)
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gojosbf · 10 months
One thing I find a little sad is that how Geto's death affected Shoko and Saturo's friendship a lot, you know, you feel empty when they're together, there's something missing there. you see how much geto is missed by shoko and especially gojo With geto's death do you feel a significant change in satura and shoko, what do you think? sorry for the text
You've said it yourself anon it did effect shoko and satoru. Shoko was closer to suguru (he came to meet only her after being listed as wanted sorcerer) and obviously satoru and suguru were always together before that and that's why there was something missing a vacant gap between them after suguru's death, because both of them first bonded over due to their common friendship with suguru. Both of them technically had each other and obviously no one can break their friendship but as they say there's always a duo in a trio that was their breaking deal. This panel here makes it clearer
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clearly she loved them both equally and tried to be there for both of them but satoru was so swallowed up in grief he did not notice, he was yet again ignoring his another best friend. Even though unknowingly there were bitter feelings because shoko felt left out and gojo felt like he was alone now. It's difficult to explain but i understand both of their povs you know? shoko definitely deserved better, she was there she was trying, she was grieving too but what made it worse for her was gojo never stopped to consider he could lean on her (again one of his weaknesses that i mentioned before he doesn't know how to depend on people). They're still great friends (that shoko's big smile panel to gojo's unsealing and him talking to her first after coming back) they're still close but there will always be a link missing, the one who was the reason they first bonded over.
Also unrelated but talking about this reminded me why i hated gojo's death, because during suguru's death we atleast got the aftermath and present reaction but you're telling me after gojo was cut into half there was no reaction worthy of even one panel? Shoko was there worried and watching, her another best friend dying and not even a single panel, really gege???
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suguru-is-typing · 5 months
do you go for good girls, submissive, feminine woman, or independent and bold women?
suguru thinks for a minute, before tilting his head.
"i like women who can be both, i suppose." he replies. "i don't want to have to constantly coddle and baby a spineless fawn, seeing a woman who knows what she wants and being willing to work for it is attractive." he nods, folding his arms across his chest. "though i also like when, every so often, she knows when to give in and behave and let me have my way with her."
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justrustandstardust · 7 months
I think you were missing the point anon was trying to ask, they were just asking ‘why can’t two men in media be best friends without dating’. It wasn’t some attack on stsg, they were just asking innocently why two men can’t be friends in media without being gay for each other; which is valid, as this question can apply to literally every single fandom
It’s immature of you to respond the way you have been, and downright horrendous to link a porn website to the last ask. It’s not that deep, and you’re really just giving the trolls the attention you want
I hope you get better ❤️‍🩹
i think the real question is why are you so fucking pressed about them being platonic? is your enjoyment of jjk that deeply threatened by people possessing the critical thinking skills that you so clearly lack?
glad to know you clicked on the porn 😘 i hope you enjoyed the novel experience of good taste!
i think it's hilarious that you also inboxed me on main to hasten my response to the anons (which are also you). i love that you're frothing at the mouth for my opinion, babe. means a lot.
as it seems to escape your narrow understanding, i will say for the umpteenth time that they can be queer and platonic. stop dickriding the heteropatriarchy for one fucking second and you will experience the wonderful phenomenon of critical thought.
i hope you can find the path to god <3 this might help you along the way!
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snapescupoftea · 7 months
Imagine meeting and bumping into Suguru for the first time so you got a lil pissed till you noticed who he was and thought; "Dammmnnnnn..." staring all the way down to his chest and just fixating your eyes on them till he goes, "My eyes are up here, princess." while smirking AAAAA AHFJSHAKSHAKSHAKSBAKSB
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 months
You literally make my heart doki doki
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Ok srs. Srs.
Would you rather, Nanami and higuruma go crazy with your body but only using their fingers and mouth?
Satosugu threesome no holds barred but you have to put up with gojo making bad jokes occasionally. (You laugh at some and geto and u both roll your eyes at some)
That's not really a choice. It would be HiguNana for the win each time.
I'd fuck Suguru like a whore but not with Gojo.
Ask me stuff!
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crimsonrosee · 1 year
whats the big deal abt shipping gojo and geto?
*cracks knuckles* well ive been shipping them since the hidden inventory arc of manga. i started reading the manga after season 1 & heres the tea (contains spoilers) i got so far 🤍🖤 theres no big deal lmao its just their relationship is getting more explicit from every content we get from jjk manga or anime (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
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yin yang pain angst
loves each other even from miles apart
one cannot exist w/o the other
LN trauma
why gege man... just why man
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and yeah i can definitely tell what those words are. its what makes everyone leave appalled when you hear those words 🥲
Bonus: MAPPA Studios
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Satoru in the thumbnail of OP & Suguru in the thumbnail of ED.... bye guys 🫠🌋
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gojonanami · 7 months
thank you all for the lovely comments, tags, and asks about prof geto (4) — you guys are truly wonderful and I feel very lucky 😭💕
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