#sugar bell
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randomarttalent · 11 months ago
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Apple family redesigns + Family tree
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Apple "Jacqueline" Jack + Rainbow Dash
Apple "Jacqueline" Jack I've added some extra colors to her mane, as I think the design could be pushed further without making her unrecognizable. The extra features I have added are also to make her design more interesting, as well as a call back to her work at the farm. 
I wanted her design to look feminine but also masculine, as that is something I feel fits her character. 
Rainbow Dash Dash's whole color pallet has turned more dark and grey, as this is just a personal taste of mine. Her body features have turned sharp, as a way to show her speed and as a pegasus body type.
She still works for the Wonderbolts as a captain, her badge shows this. Dash is still very adventurous and bold, pushing herself further than she probably should.
Big McIntosh + Sugar "Cube" Bell
Big McIntosh I've darkened his whole pallet, as I wanted him to contras his siblings. I personally also like the fan canon that he's either trans/a drag queen, which he is here in All Love No War AU. So once all the work is done, Big Mac can let his more feminine colors out, which his wife very much supports. She gets to make him pretty and make him feel like his true self.
Sugar "Cube" Bell I've greyed her whole pallet and made her figure more long, as that's the way I draw unicorns. I've shortened her hair and let it loose, as I think it would change with time and all the kids she's had. Plus her working now at the farm and long hair would get stuck on a lot of things. Both are happily married and have been for years now. They have learned to work around their faults and love each other deeply and never would pick another.
Tender Taps + Apple Bloom
Tender Taps Taps is still a dancer but he's now become a backstage dancer. Working with ponies such as Sweetie Bellè, Coloratura "Colorful" and even Songbird Serenade. After passing his exam he was recruited by Sapphire Shores personally and has worked under her ever since.
His whole pallet has been darkened and his markings are very sharp and frame his face. His mane is pretty much the same, it's just become darker and an extra line has been added. For his cutie mark, I've added a bowtie and some sparking but I didn't add much, as I felt it already fit him. The outfit he has on is for the next show, where the theme is more rock.
Apple Bloom Bloom has grown much in height, towering over everyone except her big brother Mac. She still works at the School of Friendship, teaching biology and about cutie marks with (Scootaloo) Speedy Scoot-"aloo".
I made her whole pallet warmer and all of her accessories soft in color. So even though she is extremely tall, she still feels welcoming and like a friend. I've added more color to her mane, making a gradient from a darker red to a pinkish one. Her cutie maker is now more about her talent than just the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the heart in the middle is what ties them together. After Goldie Delicious's passing, she decided to wear her shawl, in memory of her.
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frej3318 · 1 year ago
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NG World: All Love No War Ship: Big McIntosh + Sugar "Cube" Bell
Big Sugar Big Sugar is the oldest and tallest of the family, even taller then his father. He has taken on the plowing of the farm after his father, as it takes a lot on ones body and Big Mac couldn't do it anymore after Holly's birth. Though Sugar is very strong and tall, he is still very scared of bugs and mice, finding them creepy and unpleasant. But him running away from anything almost feels like a earthquake, even framed pictures fall to the floor.  Sugar will always run to his mother for help, even though she herself doesn't like them either.
Sugar and his mother have a strong bond, as after his field work, he would help her in any of her baking. Enjoying the more peaceful feeling of it all and how much joy such small things can bring to the whole family.
Holly Harvest Holly thought she had nothing special she could help the farm with but as their wheat died mysterious. The farm all panicked as they couldn't find the reason as to why and how it happened. Holly read every book she could find on the matter, even asked for unicorns for help but it only seemed to help for a short time. One night she took a walk by the new wheat they had planted and she could see it was starting to die once more. She was devastated as she sat by one of the wheats, looking at it in her hoof she could see orange like blisters on the leaves. She decided to not just go around to find the answer, she would force it!
Holly started doing tests on a small portion of the farm, where she would try all sorts of things till she found the cure. She had to make sure its genetic resistance was stronger and to use some foliar fungicides which she had created. After curing their wheat, she knew this is what she was to do and would research all sorts of plant diseases and how to cure them. She often doesn't stay home much, as many need her professional help and with each trip, she gets smarter on what to do.
Bright Luck Luck looks very much like her grandmother Pear Butter, only difference is the horn on her head. She was a trouble child as she would use her magic and cause trouble to the mostly earthly family. However with her mothers help, Luck would learn to control her magic. Luck being the youngest, most of the farm jobs had already been taken, so she would stick to her mother and help with food and the animals.
Luck felt very connected to the farm animals and they seemed to like her very much, even the most shy of them would come out if she was near.  But wanting to be like the stories she would hear of her grandmother Pear, she thought she would be at music, butter making or even baking. None of them were her talent and even she didn't get any from caring for the animals. It was only when one of the bulls had escaped that Luck would get her cutie mark. As she would catch him with a lasso throw, her throw was perfect even without her use of magic. Luck can always be seen with a rope on her side, as she always likes to show off new tricks she has learned while feeding the chickens.
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eeveebo0w0 · 2 years ago
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the fact they still call it “starlights village” 😐
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saysomethingabout · 1 year ago
Say something good about this couple!
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rainbowlack · 2 months ago
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Commission from @falloutfurret (posted with permission of course)!
Bonus Maud:
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captainzigo · 1 year ago
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really want to make that AU where starlight leads a more successful cult. trixie’s insane ego makes her immune to cult indoctrination
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raystarkitty · 6 months ago
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Me and @seanimal were talking about pony headcanons, and I HAD to draw this idea they pitched. Enjoy a pile of poly ponies :3
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larvaecandy · 9 months ago
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sugarmac but gay
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brunettegoldie · 2 months ago
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bixbiboom · 8 months ago
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My husband
Ariks Eshteross
Official art by @agarthanguide
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zer0wlet · 6 months ago
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Don't like that Mac and Sugar's kiddo is called Big Sugar (lazy), so my headcanon is that his name is Sweetsop and Big Sugar is his nickname
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primspace · 2 days ago
Post Spire Moment
Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie decide to visit the Cookie Kingdom to see the Brave Gang. Blueberry Ice Cream Cookie comes out of her house squealing, excitedly shouting that she finished her first official historical account. She starts running towards the group of cookies. Shadow Milk congratulates her with his arms stretched out, thinking she’ll run up and hug him. Blueberry Ice Cream gets closer…
…just to run past everyone and run over to Maestro Sugar Gnome a few feet away. She gets down to his level as she shows him her work leaving Shadow Milk Cookie standing there with his arms still outstretched.
Everyone else looks away awkwardly.
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nextgenfoals · 23 days ago
Big Mac and Sugar Belle pls!
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Marmalade loves taking orders and serving ponies at her mom’s bakery, but she also secretly has dreams of being a pop star princess :) — Mod Charm 🦋
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lesbian-sunshim · 1 year ago
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support me on patreon or leave a tip!
rare pairs for your consideration - pinkie pie x sugar belle
i did two versions of this pose before ultimately deciding i liked sugar belle's expression better in the first one but i wish i had kept pinkie's mane lion-like
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captainzigo · 1 year ago
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mistigri0000 · 2 years ago
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Sugar Belle x Big McIntosh
(commission me)
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