#suegiku fanfic
jounosparticles · 11 months
Your Tears are Priceless
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Pairing: Jouno/Tetchou Genre: slight (emotional) hurt/comfort Word count: 2,115 AO3 link Thank you to @meepmeep19 for the prompt :)
It had been a hard day. Jouno and Tetchou had been matched against a strong gifted that had pushed them both to their limits. During the conflict, a couple innocent civilians were used as the enemy’s shield, leading to their deaths. Tetchou, who values protecting the innocent at all costs, was rather distraught the whole way home. Jouno didn’t seem to react much to what had happened, maintaining a straight face as the two stepped into their apartment. 
“Today’s mission was awful.” Tetchou spoke in a neutral tone, although his heartbeat depicted guilt. Though the two cared a lot for each other, discussing genuine emotions wasn’t something either was good at. A hard mission wasn’t something they’d typically discuss after it had ended.
Jouno takes a sharp inhale. “Well, we took down the enemy, that was the goal.” He spoke very collected, as if he felt nothing at all. 
“We still lost two innocent people.”
Jouno flops down onto their couch. A slight tinge of agitation breaks into his voice as he responds to his partner. “It doesn’t matter. No point in reflecting on what’s already happened.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it.” The events that took down clearly bothered Tetchou. His idealistic sense of justice was to protect the weak no matter what, and the fact that he couldn’t save them made him feel as if justice wasn’t truly accomplished. 
“Just move on, Tetchou. We have work tomorrow, let’s just eat then go to bed early.” Jouno’s voice was growing more impatient with each word. As a response, Tetchou sits next to his love. Putting an arm around his partner’s shoulder, the brunette makes one more attempt to discuss the mission.
“The people were-” he’s interrupted by a shout.
“Just shut up about the people! There’s nothing that can be done to save them. God, you’re so annoying tonight!” Jouno pushes away, opting to stand instead of being within range of Tetchou, who is a bit startled by the sudden lash out. 
“That doesn’t mean we can’t talk about the job.” There was a slight tinge of confusion as well as concern in the brunette’s voice.
“We don’t need to! I was there, I know what happened, I don’t need to go over it again. Let’s move on.” In an attempt to end the conversation, Jouno storms off to their bedroom. Tetchou remains sitting on their couch for a moment. Did I do something wrong? He wondered to himself. It wasn’t unusual for his partner to get annoyed or angry at things after a hard day, but he was acting particularly harsh tonight.
A few moments later, Tetchou brings a glass of water to his love, then proceeds to sit on the bed beside him. He tries to hand over the glass, to no reaction.
 “Sai, are you okay?” Jouno doesn’t acknowledge his presence, opting to not answer the question. He looked angry, as if he was ready to start shouting at just about anything said to him. Tetchou forces the water into his hand, and Jouno reluctantly takes a sip before setting the glass on his nightstand. 
They sit in silence for a moment, waiting for the awkward tension between them to die down a tad. The brunette takes a deep breath before asking again. “Are you okay? You haven’t been yourself since we’ve gotten home.”
Jouno scrunches his eyebrows, as if he’s thinking hard about how to answer. “I’m fine, just a little annoyed at how the mission played out.” He spoke calmly, trying to keep himself from lashing out again.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“Absolutely not. There’s no point in bringing up something that can’t be changed.” He clenched his fist, his nails slightly digging into his own palms. Despite Jouno clearly wanting to discuss just about anything else, Tetchou felt the need to push the topic a little bit more.
“Why are you so against talking about it? I know that we can’t change the past, but that doesn’t make it any less important.” 
“Because, I can’t let the death of someone get to me, I’ll just begin to overthink during every mission I’ll do, which would make me weaker.” His tone switches from calm to slightly somber.
Tetchou speaks with a tad of confusion in his voice. “So you’re going to just sit here, silently angry about what happened?” 
“Yes, part of the job as a Hunting Dog is to remain strong-willed instead of letting mishaps get to us.”
Although Tetchou was having a hard time thinking of how to reply, he was genuinely worried about the way his partner approaches his own feelings and was determined to push the subject more. “You’re still letting the feelings get to you, even if you choose to present it as anger or neutrality.”
“It’s better than allowing myself to get unnecessarily upset.”
“You are upset, though. You’re just not acting sad.” 
“Just drop it, Tetchou. It’s not that big of a deal.” He tried to divert his focus to something else to avoid listening to the words being spoken to him. He thought to himself: I can’t let a simple bad mission get to me, it’s not important. I’ll just try to change the subject if he pries again. His ideal plan was changed by the words next spoken to him. 
“You’re pushing me away, and trying to mask something that should make you sad as anger. You can be sad, that’s perfectly normal. I’m sad over it.” Jouno pauses at his partner’s words. He doesn’t intend to push Tetchou away; but the feeling of vulnerability that comes with displaying his own feelings is enough to make the white haired man shut down. He didn’t want nor did he intend to upset his partner, but his own pride didn’t allow him to easily express his true feelings. 
“Sadness is a feeling for the weak-minded. I don’t need anyone’s pity.”
“I’m not pitying you. I care about your feelings.” Tetchou’s heartbeat portrayed concern, yet regardless of that Jouno still felt pitied. It was as if he couldn’t accept that people actually care about how he feels. Thinking to himself, It’s not like Tetchou opens up about everything he feels, why am I suddenly expected to talk about things? I don’t need this. 
“Why am I supposed to listen to you? You almost never discuss your own feelings. This advice is nothing I’d see you accepting.” Tetchou glanced downwards after hearing this. He could understand the frustration Jouno felt, as he wasn’t prone to being very open either. Regardless, he wanted to change this for the both of them since he could feel how important it is to not shove personal feelings away. 
“I’ll start talking about things more. We both know it’s bad to keep things in. I want you to be comfortable enough to feel actual emotions around me.” Jouno was a bit taken aback by the honesty. 
A long pause, the two sat in complete silence. Jouno’s mind was spiraling. What should I do? He really won’t stop prying. I know he’s worried, but the last thing I need is to be someone else’s burden. He knew Tetchou wouldn’t let the topic go until he said something. He began to feel extremely anxious as he considered talking about how the mission actually bothered him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the lump he felt in his throat prevented him from continuing. It was as if he couldn’t put together a cohesive thought, but Tetchou was still waiting for an answer. He tried to talk again.
“Tetchou..” Was all he could mutter out. Considering the man is great at talking to other people, he’s awful when it comes to being direct with his own thoughts. He’s never needed to be in the vulnerable position, and has successfully shut away many negative experiences within his life. 
Tetchou could see the effort his partner was putting into trying to open up. He put his hand on Jouno’s shoulder and rubbed his arm softly. “Take all the time you need to talk, I won’t leave or get upset with you. It’s okay.” The affirmations were comforting to hear. Jouno took a deep breath, internally repeating the words his partner had said. I’m not upsetting him. I’m not a burden. I’m not asking for pity. He cares. I can talk to him. It’ll all be okay.
Jouno takes a deep breath, trying to find the correct way to word his thoughts. The lump in his throat grew bigger as he thought about the mission. After trying to ground himself, he slowly spoke. “It’s mostly my fault that the people died today. I should have paid more attention, and I could have phased my way in between the victims and the criminal before they got hurt. I basically killed..” His words trail off. He sounded beyond uncomfortable with each word he spoke, it was as if his own guilt was consuming him. He spoke with clear remorse. 
Tetchou was stunned from Jouno’s perspective of their battle that day. He knew his partner physically wouldn’t have been able to save the victims in time. He didn’t realize Jouno had put himself at blame. Tetchou pulled his love close, trying to speak as heartfelt as he could. “It’s not your fault at all, I know how hard you tried. The enemy killed the people despite our efforts. You did everything you could. I promise.” 
Jouno didn’t believe him. There surely had to be a way he could have saved the victims. “I should have done better, and now I’m here pitying myself over my own mistakes.” He takes a sharp breath. 
“Sai, being upset over a mission isn’t pitying yourself. You’re a hero, you’ve saved countless lives. Sometimes bad things happen, you have to let yourself grieve those moments as well.”
Jouno let himself think for a moment. He did truly try as hard as he could to save the people, yet those lives were still lost. He hated thinking about it, the dread was engulfing his thoughts more and more as he reflected. Talking about it brought these feelings to the front of his mind, making it infinitely harder to act as if he wasn’t bothered. Despite how much he tried to act composed, part of his mask began to fall down. His eyes watered a little while he attempted to keep his face straight. 
“It’s not a big deal, I’ll be just fine by tomorrow.” Regardless of what he claims, his voice began to crack. Tetchou pulls him in closer, rubbing his hand through Jouno’s hair.
“We aren’t talking about tomorrow, we’re talking about right now.” He stops talking as his partner sniffed a couple times.  He continues playing with Jouno’s hair, rubbing his back, and holding him while his love lets a single tear stream down his face. 
“I just want to help people. I’m so sick of seeing innocent lives be hurt in front of me.” He sniffs again. “I’ve harmed so many people in the past that I just can’t stand to see it anymore.” Jouno’s past was a touchy subject that neither person typically dared to bring up. Tetchou had no clue that his partner was still holding in so much guilt over it after all these years. 
“Sai, you’re a good person. You’ve saved so many people these past six years.”
Jouno tries to speak, but chokes on his own words. He felt his eyes water more with everything Tetchou said. It had been a long time since he let himself cry over anything, so his tears didn’t fall very often. Externalizing emotions is really hard for someone who’s spent years keeping things within. Tetchou continues to speak. “Your past does not define who you are today. You did everything in your power to try and save those people; you can’t be so hard on yourself over something that was out of your control.” 
Jouno couldn’t quite understand how he felt. He was vulnerable, but at the same time he felt safe. It was as if talking about things actually helped him realize that he really did do everything he could. He still felt awful over it, but not as alone. Another tear streamed down his face. 
After a while, he gathered a response.  “I’m sorry for getting upset with you earlier.” 
Tetchou kissed his partner’s head softly, before continuing to rub his hands across it. “It’s okay, I know today was hard. Thank you for talking to me about it.” He spoke softly.
The two lay quietly, holding each other closely. Jouno sniffed a couple more times. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
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sodascollection · 5 months
Jouno hated Tecchou. From the first time they had met.
That was it. That’s all there was. Hate mixed with a deep enamoration from the latter.
He was surpringly easy to hate as well. from his insufferable food combinations to his borderline idiotic habits, like staring at Jouno for example. Jouno absolutely loathed the way he could feel Tecchous curious stare follow his hands, or the sway of his cape, or any number of other assorted things his idiotic eyes might’ve gotten fixated on.
Jouno had no reason to be stared at, sure he had plenty to be perceived and even to be feared by criminals. If anything he made his personality fairly obvious and justifiable to stay away from, he gleefully provided plenty of reasons. But none to justifiably recieve a gaze so soft and curious as tecchous.
It burned him a little more each and every time he felt the familiar gaze crawling on his skin.
Jouno hated Tecchou.
Tecchou did not hate Jouno in return.
Jouno never understood why.
Tecchou already knew quite a bit about him, from his background to the meeting that allowed Jouno into the Hunting Dogs. Mostly things shared over drinks that Tecchou never seemed to forget.
All he provided could be used in very effective case against Jouno, and yet all he was ever met with were the feelings of lingering stares as his cape billowed about, or while small white starnds of hair brushed against his cheek in the wind.
He never understood it, perhaps he never would. Annoying..
For now he was content with hating Tecchou for as long as it took for him to hate him back.
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strayg0dss · 4 months
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“I’ll come with you”
Jouno and Tecchou based on my Suegiku fic ‘let it destroy you.’
Close-ups below
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frankenjoly · 2 months
“So… you’ve figured out where Jôno went but can’t get him back?” Tetchô asked, in clear confusion, while the tiny cat he was holding nibbled his forearm without remorse. “Man, you’re–” Teruko simply sighed. The conversation had been going on in a similar fashion for some minutes, and he had yet to put all the pieces together; something which would come off as really funny later on, given how what he had was a blind white cat with some red fur strands . “He’ll be back in a few days tops, so don’t worry. Just–” She interrupted herself, offering him a mischievous grin he didn’t quite understand either. “I mean, you can take care of little Sai-chan meanwhile.”
kitten suegiku au, aka: jôno gets turned into a kitten, and tetchô takes care of him without Realizing :3
Read here.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 2 years
if anyone would like fic recs i have:
- a lot (a l o t) of soukoku
- a l o t of dabihawks and erasermic
- shin soukoku (1) suegiku (1) fyolai (1)
- ranpoe (4)
- bsd ensemble chaos (3)
- bnha ensemble (no ship focus or multiple) (33)
- a lot of gureshin
- some daiharu
- moderate amounts of bakudeku
- surprisingly a lot of kamishin (i refuse to call it shinkami cause it just sounds like “with hams” in my language)
- kuropress (1)
- some itafushi
- less satosugu than i expected but i do have
- kagehina (2) kuroken (3) iwaoi (3) bokuaka (2)
- some lokius
- some about hunter from toh
- some 00q
- some levihan
- gerrymichael tma (1)
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96crewlove · 1 month
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my first bsd fic ⭐️ kudos comment & enjoy!
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anti-judy · 5 months
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urrghhhgggh · 8 months
To any jouno fans I recommend this work on AO3 if you like character brain analysis and want more Jouno centric.content that isn’t just Suegiku
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lesbiankordian · 1 year
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ID in alt
don't post that on any FANfiction site
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darkleysgarden · 1 year
Fill In The Colors I Cannot Gaze Upon
Bsd, Suegiku
1k Words
Fluff + Angst
Warning: referenced eye trauma
He wrapped his arms around his knees and held snug.
The wind gently moved through the trees. There were distant heartbeats, footsteps, and other signs of life.
When Jouno was young, he loved to look at the sky. He would count the stars in the sky, figure out what weather it would be the next day off of the color. He loved the skies beauty.
When he lost his sight, he lost many parts of himself. He had to gain back his ability to live properly. His senses needed to be heightened. He had to figure everything out when his vision went out fully.
A pair of footsteps approached behind him. The heaviness of the step and the pattern of which his feet fell helped him determine that it was none other than Tecchou approaching.
The man sat beside him without a word.
Tecchou shuffled beside him.
He opened his mouth to ask why Tecchou had come to sit beside him.
"The sky is beautiful tonight," Tecchou announced. "There are so many stars out."
Jouno nodded. "Yes. What color is the sky?"
"A dark blue mixing with pink."
"Good weather is coming tomorrow then."
They lapsed into silence. If only for a minute.
"Do you," Tecchou started. "Do you ever wish that you still had your sight? That you could still see the sky."
"Of course," He chuckled. "All of the time. After all, I can't see anything of beauty. I can not even see your face."
"I have light brown eyes."
"I have light brown eyes. And I have three little marks beneath my left eye. They make me look cooler, I think. My hair is dark brown. It's really fluffy. In fact, it is a mess. I try to tame it, but it just flies everywhere. And some pieces grow faster than others."
"Really? That must be a struggle."
"It was. I gave up. It just gives me a better overall appearance."
Jouno laughed at the thought.
Jouno placed his hands against the grown and rubbed gently against the grass.
"Is the grass still green?"
"Mostly. Yellow pieces are mixed in. Its starting to dry out a bit."
He smiled.
"And how tan are you?"
"Tanner than most. Yet, I wouldn't say that I am dark."
"I like to try to imagine my surroundings. It's better than seeing nothing."
"I can't imagine only seeing black all of the time."
"I don't see black," Jouno laughed. "I see nothing."
Tecchou sputtered. "Isn't that just black?"
"No, it's nothing."
Tecchou made a few confused noises.
"But.. when you close your eyes, you see black. Wouldn't you just see black?"
"No," He laughed again. "When you close your eyes, you see your eyelids. And plus, it's more dark red. I can't see my eyelids. I can't see anything."
Tecchou shook his head. "I am going to pretend like this makes sense and let it slide for now."
"It is not that confusing."
"It is."
"Okay, okay, how bright are the stars tonight?"
"Bright. Brighter than I have seen them in a long time."
Jouno hums.
"I usually do not look at the sky. You are giving me that opportunity."
"I'm glad."
Tecchou's hand rested on the grass right next to his.
"What other colors do you want to know?"
"What type of top are you wearing? And what is the color?"
"It's dark purple," Tecchou answered. "And it is a hoodie. One without a zipper."
Jouno hummed. "And your pants?"
"Black jeans," Tecchou said. "A singular rip down each knee."
Jouno felt himself smiling.
"I can imagine you a lot better now. Thank you."
"Of course. I may not understand, but that only makes me want to help more."
"I am lost on features a bit. But I have a good understanding. I'm glad you helped me."
Tecchou's hand moved to lay on top of his. He then grabbed the other and pulled them to lay on his face.
"Would this help?"
Jouno gasped.
Nobody had done this much for him. Usually people would find out that he was blind and pretend he wasn't. They would answer little questions, but then not bring it up. Either that or they'd think of themselves as some hero who was going to save him from this disability he didn't know he had.
Tecchou wasn't like either of those. He was taking his time to carefully help him. He wasn't doing it to be selfish. He just wanted to help.
Tears sprung up in his eyes, but he didn't let them shed.
He rubbed his thumbs against Tecchou's cheekbone. It was sharp. His cupids bow wasn't very prominent. His nose wasn't very big or very small.
Tecchou sat there peacefully letting Jouno trace his features.
"I-" Jouno tried. "I think I have a better idea. Thank you."
"Thank you."
Jouno felt his heartbeat beating louder.
"Is there anything else you want to know?"
Jouno let out a shaky breath.
"Are you alright?" Tecchou asked in panic.
"Yes," Jouno chuckled. "I'm perfect."
"That's good."
"Your descriptions," Jouno gulped. "You help me fill in that emptiness. There isn't anything I can see. Yet, with how you describe everything, it is almost like I can see it too."
Tecchou gasped.
"I can try and imagine the sky." He let out another shaky breath. "I can try to imagine your face. And it fills up that lack of sight. It gives me something to see again, if only in my mind."
"I'm glad that you feel that way," Tecchou breathed. "People don't understand you, Jouno. And I want to."
"I appreciate that so much. You could not imagine how much I appreciate that, Tecchou."
"I want to understand you. Every part of you."
Jouno's lips tugged into a slight smile.
"Thank you, Tecchou," He said. "Thank you so much."
"Of course," Tecchou giggled. "I am so happy that you appreciate what I am doing."
"I will always appreciate what you do for me."
Tecchou hummed quietly.
"Now. Tell me, Tecchou, is this stone gray, just like I imagine?"
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makurit · 3 months
hi chat new angst fanfic about Jōno coping over losing Tetchō by sculpting his face out every single day
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jounosparticles · 1 year
Jouno's Birthday - Suegiku
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Jouno was enjoying a day off when his work partner pays him an unexpected visit
Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1665
Today was Jouno’s day off from working. He had many long shifts recently, and was finally rewarded a well-deserved break for everything he’s done. Today also happened to be Jouno’s birthday, so he planned to take the day to enjoy himself. Getting a day to sleep in, do whatever he wishes, and get a break from dealing with his coworkers was all the man could ask for. 
Jouno started his day off by making himself a green tea, and sat outside on his porch. It was surprisingly quiet outside, not many people nearby. Jouno checked his phone, and listened to a happy birthday voicemail from Tachihara and Teruko; he must have had his phone silenced when they initially called. Jouno wasn’t the type to celebrate birthdays, too many smells and sounds makes the overall celebration rather overwhelming. He was glad to not need to deal with any of that this year.
As evening falls, Jouno changes into his pajamas, and figures he would just order dinner instead of making anything. As he went to pick up his phone, there was a knock at his door. Perplexed, Jouno shouts towards the door, “who is it?”
“It’s me,” the voice said. Jouno stopped in his tracks. “Can I come in?”
“Fine. Just a moment.” Jouno replies, with a slight tinge of annoyance. The white haired man quickly walks back into his room. Mumbling to himself, “why is Tetchou here? The one day I think I can get away from him for a bit and he shows up at my door?” Still, he gets changed into nicer clothes, and approaches the door. Even though he won’t express it, Jouno cares a lot about Tetchou’s perception of him, which is the main reason he quickly attempted to make himself more presentable for the unexpected guest. 
“What do you want?” The white haired man asks, as he moves to let Tetchou inside.
“Just came to wish you a happy birthday. I made you a small cake.” The brunette walks in and immediately makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a knife and piercing it into the cake. It was definitely small, enough for two people; Jouno couldn’t help but appreciate the gesture. He was definitely annoyed to see Tetchou of all people, but at least he wasn’t being particularly annoying. Jouno sits down at his kitchen table, grabbing the fork and plate his partner just set down. Something smells slightly off, but Jouno chooses to ignore the sense. He takes a bite.
“Tetchou. What exactly did you make this cake with?” The brunette looks at his partner, fighting back a smile.
“Oh, I was out of tupperware so I put my salt and sugar in a bin together. They look similar enough to be interchangeable.” 
Jouno spits out the food he was eating, and lets out a loud sigh. “How is someone so dumb capable of being one of the Hunting Dogs? Obviously salt and sugar are going to taste different! You’re such a dumbass.” He scowls at the man sitting across from him. Tetchou lets out a small laugh; typically, he’s a very composed man, however, he feels safe enough to let his guard down and have a little fun when only Jouno is around.
“Why are you laughing at your own stupidity? Don’t tell me you did this on purpose just to piss me off.” Tetchou doesn’t say anything back, he’s just smiling as he waits for the man across from him to talk again. 
“You did, didn’t you?! You’re such a bastard, Tetchou. Now I have to call for food.”
“Don’t worry about it. I already ordered a pizza for you before I arrived, it’ll be here soon. I just wanted to see your angry face for a second.” Tetchou throws out the extremely salty cake he had brought, and he tells Jouno to go rest until the pizza arrives. The white haired man does as he is asked, although reluctantly. Shortly after, the pizza arrives, and Tetchou goes to sit beside his work partner. To Jouno’s surprise, the pizza wasn’t covered in questionable ingredients.
 The two eat quietly for a moment, before Tetchou decides to break the silence. “Have you enjoyed your day off? You’ve been working a lot lately.” The brunette cares a lot about the wellbeing of his coworker, and was genuinely happy to see him take a day off. Jouno works himself to the limit often, and pretty much never misses a day. Admittedly, Tetchou found it strange to not see Jouno at the base, which is why he chose to pay him a visit.
“My day was going well until you showed up. Did you miss me or something? You know, I’m there every other day.” Tetchou smirks at the snarky comments, knowing Jouno isn’t actually mad. His partner has never been warm with people, but he has gotten used to reading his partner’s true emotions despite whatever he claims.
“Just figured you wouldn’t want to be completely alone today.”
“Sure, but why would I hang out with you? Of all people.” 
“Do you have anyone else?” Jouno replies with a sigh. The two spend so much time working to the point where outside social interaction has become a rarity. That’s just part of the job, not much can be done about it. Although Jouno would never admit it, the company of the person he sees most often is comforting.  
The two finish their pizza, and Tetchou begins to clean his and Jouno’s plate. Reluctantly, Jouno thanks him for everything, and follows up with a question: “Why are you being so nice to me today? You never come over, let alone buy me dinner.” Jouno was genuinely confused by this, the two saw each other so often at work that they rarely met up outside of it. 
“What’s wrong with me wanting to wish my friend a happy birthday? You have got to start letting people do nice things for you. I am having a good time with you tonight.” The white haired man was surprised by Tetchou’s words. Hearing his coworker call him a friend made him smile a bit, although not enough for anyone else to notice. 
“Well, thank you. I’ll accept it as an apology for how you scarred me with the cake.” Jouno slaps his partner in the shoulder, making him spill a little of the water he was cleaning the dishes with. Jouno goes to grab a towel to clean the mess.
The brunette stops him from cleaning. “I’ll get it, just go get into some comfy clothes and relax.” 
“You know, I am fully capable of cleaning. I don’t need you to take care of everything.”
“Just go, it’s fine.”
 Jouno sighs and heads to his room. He throws on some pajamas and goes back to sit on his couch. Something about being dressed informally makes him feel slightly vulnerable. Regardless, he sits patiently and waits as Tetchou finishes tidying and approaches him again.
“Just how long are you staying? You must really miss me when I’m not around.” Jouno listens as Tetchou’s heart beats a little faster. He doesn’t mention it, but it feels a bit strange.
“I guess I do.” The white haired man was taken aback by his partner’s honesty. He didn’t know how to respond. “I can leave if you’d really like.”
Jouno lets out an exasperated sigh, “it’s fine.” He was having a hard time coming up with a remark after what he heard. For once, he didn’t feel like snapping at his partner and was just enjoying the company. He encourages Tetchou to come sit beside him. 
Tetchou yawns and stretches a bit. His partner faces him, “long day?”
“Yeah. Lots of paperwork and negotiations. Work has been really tiring lately, I’ve barely slept all week.” 
“You’re telling me.” The two exchange a sigh, and ramble on about their cases to each other. Hours pass as they continue to talk, not even realizing how late it has become. As Tetchou checks the time, he abruptly stops their conversation. 
“It’s getting pretty late, and I still have to drive home. I’ll have to leave soon since we have a meeting in the morning.” Jouno is a little disappointed by the sudden change of topics. He was enjoying listening to Tetchou talk more casually, putting his guard down and just having a fun night. He could tell his partner felt the same way. 
“Why don’t you stay here overnight? You can have the couch.” Jouno was surprised by his own question. He just wanted the night to last forever.
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah. I have some comfier clothes you can change into, come with me.” Jouno leads Tetchou to his bedroom, and points out the drawer to his pajamas. “Wear whatever you’d like.” 
After getting changed, the two sit on Jouno’s bed and continue talking. Laughing about their old cases, arguing over the abominations Tetchou calls his lunches, and discussing future plans for the Hunting Dogs. After a while, Tetchou lets out another yawn.
“You can sleep if you’d like, Tetchou.” 
“I will soon. But, there’s something I want to do first.”
“What is it?” Jouno immediately notices the brunette's heart begins to race, and listens as his breathing becomes a bit shallow. “Is everything alright?”
Without speaking, Tetchou looks at Jouno for a second. He then brushes the side of his partner’s face, and quickly leans in to kiss him. After a second, he pulls away to see Jouno’s face, which was nearly as red as the tips of his hair. Jouno doesn’t say anything, he’s completely surprised by what just happened. He wears a confused, yet flustered look on his face.
“I’m sorry, was that too much?” Tetchou’s words carry a heavy sound of worry and embarrassment. Before he realizes, Jouno grabs him back and brings him back into a soft kiss. Pulling away, The white haired man smiles at his partner.
 “This was all I could have asked for.”
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lonely-little-yuki · 1 year
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strayg0dss · 3 months
Suegiku fic: "let it destroy you."
- DOA Jouno and HD Tecchou -
Completed: 17 chapters || 164k words
Heavy Angst, eventual fluff || Rated M
Read it here
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Shitty air conditioning hits their bare skin and they scoff, rolling their shoulders before readjusting the slashed garment. “Jouno.” Fine, then. If that’s what game Jouno wanted to play, then they’d indulge the crybaby. They'd apologize to Teruko later. Jouno smirks at them for just a moment before rushing forward, and their blades are plunged into a cycle of thrusting and parrying for a good minute.
promoting this nb4nb inverted suegiku fic from a while ago that i'm still really happy with <3
ft. swordfighting in a motel, jouno being a little brat, and tetchou being very affectionately annoyed at them
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 7 months
I finished one of my wips!
“Tecchou! Can you hear me!?” Jouno questioned as both of them stood up, limbs aching.
“uh, everything is ringing, did you say something, Jouno?”
Tecchou saves Jouno from going deaf but losses some of his own hearing in the process
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