#jouno dad fic
anti-judy · 5 months
I'm writing a jouno dad fic ans I haven't even made him scream at his son for not being good at math...or for touching the thermostat....or even saying ONE dad joke...
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judasgot-it · 7 months
Dad! Jouno headcanons...
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He just looks like a stressed as hell father here. Someone help him.
Before ->
To be totally honest, I don't think Jouno would ever plan to be a father. He would never plan to be one simply because he is completely aware of how horrible of a person he is
Why would he bring someone into the world who could be exactly like him? Or worse, he would end up being a horrible parent?
He would just avoid any topic about it.
So parenthood is 100% an accident. Also, this guy would probably try to convince his gf to get an abortion at some point, cause he probably thinks he would make a child that's just that horrible
I feel like the best chance of him becoming a parent would be him not knowing about it when he got arrested and was forced into being a hunting dog. Can't tell your gf to abort when you're in jail ig. Also now he is legally obligated to pay child support. GOTTEM!
Personal theory tho.
He probably wouldn't be jumping for joy at the thought of parenthood tbh. If anything, he is freaking out. I feel like he's in between denial and freaking out. Probably gave some weird rant about the government.
During pregnancy ->
If he's miraculously there (I think the last part is more plausible. This would be his #felonera) then he would be stressed as hell
Dude knows that it's inevitable (unless he throws her down the stairs. or smothers the baby. He probably thinks some weird shit it's Jouno sorry) so now he has to prepare for a very near future of being a father
He can't have sex for what might be the next few years. He has to learn how to take care of a baby. He's made Tecchou-like food combo's now. His life is hell.
Jouno I think would only be dramatic for a month and then get over it quickly -> he has two people relying on him now. Even past his kid being born, he will inevitably have to take care of his baby mom for a while after and will have to provide. Like a dad.
He probably loves the attention and the title it gives him. Probably starts owning it and is thinking 'yeah, actually, I'm going to be an awesome dad' because he gets brownie points for doing the bare minimum as a man
Dude would be kinda ridiculous and do lots of shit just so he can get praise. He's going to be a great dad, so yea, ofc he's going to buy weird useless shit no one would actually use. It's what good dad's do (he's not even pregnant and is suffering from baby brain I think)
Is probably terrified of touching his gf because he is more than aware that his child is in there and it unnerves him. Probably is super freakish about the most random shit, like drinking coffee or going up and down stairs since he can hear whats going on.
His normal level of anxiety goes through the roof during this time. I feel like they won't ever go back down again.
During the birth he would probably be supportive although I think the sounds and smells would be so horrific for him that he would vomit and be kicked out by nursing staff
I feel like the birth was so bad for him to hear (sensitive hearing would be terrible. and smell) that he would be crying as if he pushed a baby out of his hole
Raising that Child (early years) ->
The early years are the worst for him. He still is in a stage between "I want to be a good dad" and "I'm a horrible person I literally have fucking killed people. He doesn't know I have killed people and enjoyed it"
Would have this crisis with a literal baby btw. Probably has full on very serious conversations with his kid about morality when his kid still drinks from the tit
I don't think he'd enjoy being around his kid fully until he starts actually forming full thoughts. Obviously, he loves him, but he enjoys weird kid questions much more than a baby who shits himself
Eggs him on too, tries to make him think until his brain hurts. He thinks it's funny, making a seven-year-old wrap his head around the concept of global shipping and LLCs.
He wouldn't give his kid normal child entertainment. It's all educational and weird shit. Also is very picky about their toys, he's basically a beige mom but its about noises and smells. NEVER give his kid something like slime, he'll go insane.
I think he's 100% the 'bad cop' parent because he would have a lot of rules that a little kid wouldn't get. I feel like the other Hunting Dogs would get on his ass about it
I think Jouno probably worries a lot about giving his kid a good childhood since I doubt his was good - he was alive during the great war as a kid, he turned into a criminal, and he's an ability user. not the best circumstances.
100% has been forced to bring his kid to his job, but he doesn't actually introduce him to any of his actual duties. Torturing? He can't know about that.
Jouno lets his kid hang out with his colleagues -> probably Tachihara, who I think would play the best 'uncle' role out of all of them
Later years ->
Personally, I think Jouno would have a son, but I don't think its a curse. I think it would actually be a sort of blessing, because Jouno was probably a lot nicer of a person before whatever fucked up shit happened that made him the way he is now.
Mentioning this cause I think his son would probably be a direct reflection of who he could have been -> more happy and carefree, and less on the offensive about everything
So when his kid gets older, Jouno is probably some weird guy who tries to tell his kid everything he 'wished he knew at that age'
Probably got his son to have a sex talk from one of the hunting dogs doctors. it was a traumatic bonding experience for the both of them.
He definitely fake kidnapped his kid like 3 times in case something happened. Jouno is a super soldier, but his son is not. He needs to learn how to stab people.
Gave his son a gun/knife. Insists he brings it school, no he does not care if it's against the rules - he literally is the law. His son is also a target, so it is necessary in his eyes.
God please someone stop him he thinks someone is going to murder his son every second of every day
I'm pretty sure his son is some dweeb that Jouno is almost jealous of - like he never got the opportunity to be a dork who cries about homework. he was too busy killing people in his gang at that age
Jouno definitely drops the most insane dad lore. "I killed werewolves in Kenya once" while in the middle of a PTA meeting
Worst PTA mom btw. He WILL interrogate his sons teachers and pull up their records, he is the worst parent. He really shouldn't be allowed there actually
Is a lot nicer to his kid when his son is older.
He isn't his 'best friend' but he tries to do everything he can to be a good dad -> he lives everyday thinking that it'd be his last one with his family, so he tries not to leave with a bad impression
Jouno probably lies awake at night with the thought of what his last words could be to his family
The bitchy teen years would be the worst cause Jouno would probably have the best comebacks, so any sort of argument would be shot down immediately.
i dont think he lets arguments fly at dinner. If he's even there. He would be very busy, so I think his schedule would be erratic. Although I think his son would be the same and stay up at 3 am and get a lecture from him
The hunting dogs all try to teach his son about basic things like shooting and self-defense -> Teruko definitely shot at him once or twice so he knows how to avoid an assassination attempt.
Was actually really proud that his son graduated from school and is a relatively normal member of society. He never even killed someone, that's a high achievement!
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a-wynterwonderland · 2 years
When the Hunting Dogs were introduced I genuinely didn't know what to think of them. They just randomly showed up like "Hey we're a thing" and the more I read about them the more I began falling in love with their characters. They're all goofballs and I just love them so much. They are the most non-cis non-straight group I've ever seen in my life. I'm rotating them in my brain like chicken nuggets in the microwave at 3 in the morning on a Wednesday. I want to see them happy and healthy and I want them to get happy endings.
Seriously they better get happy endings. I want Tecchou and Jouno to get married and become cat dads. They should adopt five cats. I want to see Tachihara alive and well and absolutely thriving as a full-time mafioso rather than a double spy. I want to see Teruko smiling and showing genuine happiness like she initially did rather than seeing her so numb like in recent chapters.
I don't want to see their entire unit in shambles. I want to see them happy. I genuinely hope they all survive, because this current arc has been so unfair to them it's depressing. They deserve the world tbh.
Just. Gently holds. <3 Hunting Dogs my beloveds <3 <3
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gildeddlily · 1 year
I have no words
CHUUYA the best plot twist in the history of plot twists, all our theories were shit and yes!! we weren't delusional!! soukoku will never be over!!!
fyodor's death (I hope he'll be like chuuya- not characterized much in the manga but a lot of light novels presence!!! this is not bungover!!!!)!!!! nikolai cradling fyodor's arm!!! not even dazai daring to joke about them!!!!
BRAM IS SO he's aya's knight (dad) and he's so cunty in those boots
FUKUCHI AND HIS EX BF they're not exes anymore guys they got back together!! fukuchi died in his arms and our dad cried and wept at his death!!! all this time fukuchi just wanted come peace!!! the flashbacks
ranpo watching as his father cradle fukuchi's body? absolutely perfect
jouno's alive, and tecchou's ok!!
akutagawa is alive, and after not even two hours he's already flirting with his man like he didn't woke up sucking on atsushi's neck!!!
in a few hours I'll analyze it a lot more, and I'll probably start to hate a fwe things, but for now I'm ok with this!!! it's like some sort of fix-it fic, and I'm all in for it
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tarysu · 9 months
Mr telephone man | Tachihara x reader
woah uhm, HEYYYU GUYYSSS. My fiongers are dead ass broken from playing tekken w my dad (he's such a pro istg) but I was thinking abt making this erm uh tachi x reader fic (i'm crazy) anways enjoy!! ITS BASED OFF A SONG TOO!! tw: swearing idk bruh, some nsfw ig GRGRGGRGR (they're just kissing) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
You haven't been at the hunting dogs' station for too long, but your role isn't exactly one of the practical heroes. No, you're not out there chasing down prey or sniffing out trouble like the rest of the team. You're the paper lady. And don't let the title fool you – it's no ordinary gig.
While the hunting dogs are busy being the action-packed heroes of the society, you find yourself knee-deep in paperwork. Unfinished tasks and untouched forms are your daily companions. While they're out in the field, you're holding down the fort, making sure the administrative side of things doesn't fall apart. It's a different kind of essential, even if it doesn't involve chasing tails or catching criminals.
when you first joined the hunting dogs, you only knew Sir Fukuchi. Your initial interview with him was a chaotic introduction to the team. Walking in, you found the hunting dogs in the midst of a minor dispute. A pink-haired girl was in tears, a brunette and a silver-haired individual were engaged in a heated argument – mainly about the questionable culinary creations of the poor brunette. Meanwhile, the 5th hunting dog was reportedly deep into a mission, infiltrating the Mafia.
You thought you had a decent grasp of what you were getting into, but this side of the hunting dogs took you by surprise. What kind of situation was this? you wondered. Slowly but surely, you grew accustomed to the atmosphere surrounding the hunting dogs. However, you never mustered the courage to get too close to any of them. Jouno Saigiku, in particular, seemed unnerving to engage in conversation with. Sir Fukuchi, on the other hand, proved to be quite the comedian with his fart jokes. Teruko stood out as an odd but positively positioned vice commander, and Tetchou emerged as the only one you deemed decent enough for a conversation, at least. As for the fifth hunting dog, you didn't bother taking an interest in him – he remained a mystery, and you were content with the distance.
Well, that was until you got a call. Seated in the hunting dog meeting hall, a ring echoed from the other side of the room. You stood up, anticipating yet another paperwork fiasco you'd have to tackle. But no, this time was different.
With a curious look, you made your way to the phone and decided to pick it up. "Hello, this is the hunting dog district. Who is it?" you answered. On the other end of the call, a male voice resonated – Michizou Tachihara, the 5th hunting dog.
"It's Michizou Tachihara. Could you possibly alert the rest of the hunting dogs for my return later this winter? " he spoke in a cool, composed tone.
You took note of his youth compared to the other members and couldn't help but wonder about the weight of his workload, considering his role as a spy. Again, you were the newcomer. Tachihara, unfamiliar with your voice, had to assume you were a recent addition to the team. In his line of work, he knew the ins and outs of everyone associated with the hunting dogs – from the receptionist of the building to the janitors. Yet, your presence seemed to be a new and uncharted territory for him. "Right away sir." "Thank you."
There you ended the call with Tachihara, not particularly invested beyond the task at hand. But before you could return to the looming pile of paperwork, another call interrupted your brief respite. Just what you needed.
Letting out an annoyed sigh, you answered, "Hello, this is the hunting dog district. How may I help you-"
"You cut me off."
"Oh, you again."
Your voice carried a tone of increased annoyance. Time was ticking, and the 5th had attempted a second call. Maybe, just maybe, you could transfer him to another line and escape the ongoing interruptions.
"Sorry again, I was going to ask who were you?"
Seriously? That's what he called for. You, accustomed to speaking freely around the hunting dogs, felt a surge of frustration. Tachihara was about to get a taste of your unprofessional tone.
"Fuck around and find out."
With that, you decisively ended the call. Well, damn? That sure left Tachihara in quite a shock, and it seemed to have put him in a foul mood. The encounter had a similar effect on you, leaving you scribbling the same shit on the paperwork in an equally foul mood. . .. ... .... ..... .... ... .. .
The phone rang, and once again, you found yourself stationed in the hunting dog meeting hall. The inevitable question lingered – who was on the other side of the line this time? As it turned out, it was the 5th hunting dog, him again.
"Hello, how may I help y-" you began, holding the phone to your ear, only to be met with the same voice that had soured your mood before.
"You, the fuck was with you?" He was clearly livid. Before he could even unleash a torrent of slurs on the line, you swiftly transferred the call to the receptionist. Today was not the day for dealing with his grievances. . .. ... .... ..... .... ... .. . Today brought an increased workload, and it seemed like a substantial portion of it came directly from the 5th hunting dog. This managed to fray your nerves. It was evident that this extra load was a consequence of your previous behaviour on the line, a somewhat irritating reminder that you were expected to meticulously organise every criminal report, particularly those concerning the mafia. So, there you were, ensuring everything was neatly arranged while also dealing with your usual daily paperwork.
Seriously, that mother fucker really knew how to retaliate for something minor. And then, just to add insult to injury, the phone rang. Sighing, you stood up to answer.
"Enjoyin' the paperwork?" he snickered on the other end.
"Well, thanks a lot, fuckface." You retorted. Tachihara on the other line seemed thoroughly amused by the response you threw his way. He was well aware that he was getting under your skin, and, on top of that, he was pretty pissed off that a newbie would dare to speak to him like that. "Hey, just a little reminder of what you got yourself into. Just know that you got more paperwork comin' your way. Got that?"
Seriously? More paperwork? Considering the stacks already piling up in the meeting hall, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of chaos.
"To think the government invests so much in your surgeries."
You rolled your eyes, your fingers idly fiddling with the phone line wires. It struck you as odd that he was the only one you seemed to be talking to, and his insults were fucking creative. It got to the point where you had to start jotting down comebacks on extra sheets of paper.. Now you found yourself spending a considerable amount of time engaged in an insult battle with Tachihara, all through the medium of a phone call. It had escalated to the point where you had to pull a chair near the phone line just to continue hurling the same insults. .. It had become a regular routine between the two of you – every phone call now seemed to be a platform for exchanging a barrage of insults. Colleagues passing by the meeting hall would often catch the most foul and heinous insults streaming from your mouth. Tachihara had managed to unlock a wild side in you. Normally quiet and obedient, you'd typically stick to finishing your paperwork and barely exchange words with your other colleagues. The next day, the routine repeated itself – the same back-and-forth of curses. It got to the point where even Jouno himself had to tell you both to shut the fuck up from the other side of the building. You chuckled at Tachihara's weak comebacks, but he'd find reasons to laugh at yours too.
Oddly, the insults ceased. During work, you always anticipate a call from Tachihara. Somehow, you had come out of your shell a bit. The conversations shifted from relentless insults to discussions about work and other mundane topics.
It made you wonder, are you seriously finding enjoyment in connecting with someone so distant through a simple phone call? You'd be damned. it seemed like even the other end of the line was taking an interest in you.
. .. ... .... ..... .... ... .. . It wasn't a regular day, it was an occasional one since all the hunting dogs were present in the meeting hall. Even the 5th himself was there. Although you hadn't planned on greeting him due to the impending workload, you found yourself somewhat pulled into the meeting hall to present reports.
You had expected Tachihara to look a little different in your mind's eye, but, lord, he was a clean guy. The scent, the full attire of an expected hunting dog, two piercing studs, a sharp amber gaze, and short ginger hair—all added up to his polished appearance. Yet, you barely exchanged words even after the meeting. He got pulled over by your colleagues to discuss his reports on the mafia infiltration. Oddly enough, he didn't even know what you looked like through the phone, but he assumed it was you. After all, you were the well-spoken newbie who had joined the hunting dogs staff team.
His assumption wasn't entirely baseless. You had been staring at him from a far distance, and he, being a keen spy, noticed it.
it took a while for the swarm of people to disperse. There you were, smiling a little more lively than usual. This was the fucker you had been pissed at for dumping stacks of paperwork on your behalf. Yet, it was surprising how a simple phone call had led to this moment.
Talking to him face to face felt a bit strange, considering the shitty threats you've exchanged through call. It took another long hour to finally approach him, especially since Sir Fukuchi had called him over to the office. At times, you were close to giving up on the idea altogether.
Summoning the courage, you finally approached him. The first thing you did was hit him hard on the back. In your defense, it was to fix his posture.
Tachi froze, then turned his head with a livid expression.
"OW—THE FUCK IS WITH YOU?!" his reaction was certainly amusing to you.
"C'mon? I was just fixing your shitty posture." You offered a smug grin. Tachihara was visibly pissed, your choice for a first-time interaction had certainly caught him off guard. However, you couldn't help but laugh. In retaliation, he hit your back with the same force.
You jolted a little, acknowledging that he got you back, at least.
"You also got a shit posture too," he remarked in a sassy tone.
For the past few months, the only member of the workplace you talked to was Tachihara. Some of your colleagues were surprised by how close you two had become within months of calls. It was safe to say he had become quite entertaining. Surprisingly, you discovered that you both shared a lot of interests. He initially thought you were more of a bookworm, given your polished and well-maintained work attire, but it turned out you weren't the type to shy away from spending your free time on game consoles.
He was young, just like you. The two of you related to most things and found yourselves laughing about the dumbest shit. But sometimes, as you looked at him, you saw more than just a companion; you saw a man you were falling for. There were moments when a thick lump formed in your throat, and your heart gave an unexpected thump. Maybe, just maybe, you were perceiving him a bit differently. Some of the jokes you made evolved into heartfelt expressions. Even the smallest displays of affection had the power to set your heart ablaze. Seriously, you found yourself looking forward to calling him, especially during his missions. Although, more often than not, you anticipated him reaching out instead. Sure, you got on his nerves, but you were one of his favourite fuckers to banter with. It was a welcome break, talking to you and taking a step back from the rest of the idiots in the mix. ..Sure, he saw you as someone close, and maybe there were times when you two felt a bit more connected when alone. His hand running through your hair and the occasional secret hand-holding behind everyone's sight made those moments special. You weren't certain about being official until one call left you squealing and squirming in your pillow. . .. ... .... ..... .... ... .. . It was the two of you, messing around like usual, goofing off in the meeting hall. It was early in the morning, and you both had to keep it quiet, or Jouno would undoubtedly be on the verge of telling you guys to shut the fuck up once again. God, Tachihara looked flawless in your eyes. He was sprawled across the stacks of paper scattered on the floor, and there you were, on top of him, admiring the 5th hunting dog. Your right hand gently traced his facial features before running through his short spikes. They looked hard, but to your surprise, they were quite soft. He felt mutual about you, and just as you were lost in admiration, he interrupted your thoughts with a taste of his lips. It was a long and agonisingly good kiss, where you could even savour the distinct flavour of him.
You too savored the taste of him, pulling away with a string of saliva connecting both your lips. He looked dazed, clearly affected by the taste of you.
Just as he was about to lean in for another kiss, you sat up and placed your hand on his lips to stop him. It was the meeting hall, and as much as you wanted to savour his tongue, the two of you would make a little too much noise.
"Gettin' eager, are we?" You teased.
His cheeks still blazed with red, and he looked away from your gaze, pulling your hand down from his lips.
"Well, this fuckin' sucks." He muttered. "Well, it sucks even more 'cause we got a mess to clean up," you remarked, indicating at all the paperwork scattered around the floor. You gave him a small peck on the cheek, reassuring him.
"Another time, I'll let ya pound my ass," you declared, standing up to prepare to clean up the mess the two of you had made.
"Ya might as well be the first one to pop my cherry."
Well, that clearly set Mr Telephone Man on fire—a hot, red mess.
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chuunai · 9 months
yeah I’m procrastinating again can you blame me though also sorry for the people I apparently gave baby fever to
I’m doing it again 0v0
no Fyodor because I have a fic in the works for him as a dad
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chuuyanakaahara · 1 year
Why do you hate Act of Faith?
okay. okay, well. hate is a strong word for it, i guess, but i do have a complicated relationship to that fic.
first of all - i was never particularly excited to write it, i guess? like, it's the sequel to my sskk fic, but i felt woefully underprepared to write the skk dynamic and i still think something is missing when i try to, which is why you often see me talking about skk but rarely writing for them. it's a whole other wheelhouse, and i don't want to fuck it up.
second of all - i'm incredibly removed from it. i don't have the patience to go back and re-read all 94k that's already published, you know? the first chapter of act of faith was published november 1st, 2022. that was nine-ish months ago. this isn't necessarily the biggest chunk of time, but here's a rundown of events that have happened since i started it: my family got into this big fight, my dad died, my bio-dad left my life (good riddance! this was a good thing), i turned 18 and got autonomy in many ways, i moved houses, i made my college decision, i got into a relationship, i graduated high school.
so it's not necessarily the biggest chunk of time, but it's been an eventful one! it's been on the backburner since even the first chapter was written.
third of all - and this is just petty, don't get me wrong. i love that people are connecting with the way i write soukoku, and i'm glad it measures up for them, and i wrote it for it to be enjoyed. however. i genuinely think act of faith, being a long-fic about a popular ship, gets unreasonable praise and attention as compared to my smaller works, which is a pretentious thing to bitch about in fanon, we're all here to enjoy things, etc, so it's just a tiny thing, you know? i am so much more proud of works like apple of my eye (my jouno backstory) and taste of fear (my tanizaki role reversal au), both of which are much more interesting and consistent in my eyes.
so, like, i'm going to finish it, because i'm invested in it. but this fic has fought me every step of the way, i don't quite know how to write it, it's a relic from a different part of my life, it overshadows the other things i write, and - well, that sounds about right. my hcs have evolved, my writing style has evolved, but act of faith hasn't for consistency reasons.
when it's finally done, i'll be proud of it, don't get me wrong. but half-way through writing chapter ten (as you know, i exclusively write 10k chapters), it's somewhat like the home stretch and i want to be done with it.
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osachiyo · 1 year
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note. if you don't see some of my works on here then it's probably because they're really old and I hate them <3 you can search for em tho, they're still on my page but just not on my mlist.
🍰-smut // 🍡- fluff // 🥀 ˚。 - angst // 🍙 - crack // 🌷- thirsts/brainrots
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Multiple character fics . . .
Seething envy [dazai, chuuya, kunikida, ranpo, fyodor, nikolai x fem reader] 🍰
Ass tits or thighs? [poe, ango, lovecraft, akutagawa x fem reader] 🍰
What a tease! [dazai, chuuya, fyodor x fem reader] 🍰
Oh, darling! [dazai, chuuya, kunikida, ranpo, fyodor, nikolai x fem reader] 🍡
Baby makin' [dazai, chuuya, fyodor, sigma, fukuzawa, oda x fem reader] 🍰
Prettiest when you cry [dazai, chuuya, akutagawa, fyodor, nikolai x fem reader] 🍰
Drunk-dazed [dazai, chuuya, atsushi, ranpo, sigma, tetchou x fem reader] 🍰
bsd men with a tall reader [dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai x fem reader] 🍡🍰
bsd men with a short reader [dazai & chuuya x fem reader] 🍡🍰
bsd men x reader with thick thighs [dazai, chuuya, fyodor & nikolai x fem reader] 🍡🍰
bad timing? [dazai, chuuya, fukuzawa & fyodor x fem!reader] 🍰
using the safeword [dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai & jouno x fem!reader] 🍰 🥀 🍡
my pride and joy, my everything [dad!dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai & oda X fem!reader] 🍡
embarrassing moments during sex [dazai, chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, tetchou x fem!reader] 🍰🍡🍙
fait avec amour [dazai, chuuya & fyodor x gn reader] 🍡
who'd be the best at dirty talking 🍰🌷
eat it like you mean it [dazai, chuuya, jouno & ranpo x fem!reader] 🍰
"what'cha readin'?" [dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai x fem reader] 🍰
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Single character fics. . .
dazai ꔛ܀⊹
"wrap your legs around my waist" 🍰
soft sex with dazai 🍰🍡
fyozai 3some 🍰
dazai worshipping your pussy 🍰
skk 3some 🍰
fucking you in a club bathroom 🍰🌷
his hands 🍰🌷
gettin' messy 🍰
dazai with a choking kink 🍰
when the tables are turned 🍰
hair pulling 🍰🌷
balcony 🍰🌷
shibari 🍰🌷
sleepover 🍰🌷
jealousy 🍰🌷
dream 🍰
"too much for ya?" 🍰
chuuya ꔛ܀⊹
"open your legs for me, baby.." 🍰
brat tamer!chuuya 🍰
morning sweetness 🍰🍡
sugar daddy!chuuya 🍰
skk 3some 🍰
fucking the insecurities away 🥀 🍰
calling him bro 🍡 🍙🌷
pussydrunk!chuuya 🍰🌷
soft!chuuya 🍰🌷
goth 🍰🌷
good bitch 🍰🌷
knotting 🍰🌷
19 + 21 🍰🌷
"he's the best big brother ever !"
his first bj 🍰🌷
first time 🍰🌷🍡
'riding' on his bike 🍰🌷
fyodor ꔛ܀⊹
purity 🍡🍰
fyozai 3some 🍰 fyodor x bimbo!reader 🍰🌷
sugar daddy!fyodor 🍰
tying his hair up before going down on you 🍰🌷
taking pics of u 🍰🌷
obsessing over your thighs 🍰🌷
girl dad!fedya 🍡🌷
sub!fedya 🍰🌷
making you read something while fingering you 🍰🌷
brat tamer!fedya 🍰 🌷
fucking his cum back into you 🍰 🌷
fyodor x chubby reader 🍰 🍡
nikolai ꔛ܀⊹
special trick 🍰
biting his thighs 🍰
making you squirt 🍰
sigma ꔛ܀⊹
biting his thighs 🍰
pussydrunk!sigma 🍰🌷
bending you over his desk 🍰🌷
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sskk-ao3feed · 1 year
What's vtuber? is that some sort of app?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/lxo78tv by Kunizaitruther Cafe College sophomore student Nakajima Atsushi has never had social media- he's never had the chance to, really. When he finally manages to get his first phone due to his case worker providing him with a job, he only downloads Instagram. He doesn't know about any social media trends, any slang, or what "Streaming" even is. Ryuunosuke Akutagawa is something of a celebrity-- even if masked. He's the most popular Vtuber on the damn planet, with over 15 million Twitch followers. Rashomon- his avatar's name and personality is a heartbreaking yet oh-so-attractive person who manages to captivate the needy fans who watch his streams. Akutagawa is forced to visit a "New" cafe after the one he would visit every day is closed indefinitely. He's expecting it to be a temporary fix, especially when he finds out his ex-adoptive brother Dazai works there. this all changes when Akutagawa quite literally stumbles across the most attractive man he's ever seen in his life. Atsushi seems to make the shittily, run-down cafe shine with a radiance unmatched by any before. Rashomon knows he shouldn't get too attached, but his efforts are slowly crumbling. Words: 4403, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Miyazawa Kenji (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mori Ougai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Elise (Bungou Stray Dogs), Jouno Saigiku (Bungou Stray Dogs), Suehiro Tecchou (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou/Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin & Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Edogawa Ranpo & Fukuzawa Yukichi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo & Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fukuzawa Yukichi & Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Elise & Mori Ougai (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Kinda Café AU, vtuber au, this is very gay, Cafe AU, Not Beta Read, hi this is my first fic, fwb to lovers, slowburn kinda but also not, akutagawa is a popular vtuber named rashomon, kinda ooc? sorry oops, this is supposed to be funnny i swear, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut (Eventually), fukuzawa is a cafe owner and the ada works for him there, college au i should have added that earlier, College AU, atsushi doesnt understand technology, atsushi is still a orphan lol, dazai and akutagawa are ex siblings, fyodor and nikolai being cafe degenerates, atsushi and aku focused, sorry for so many tags idk how to tag, fwbs to lovers, ada shenanigans, mori is like elise's dad here sorry no weird shit lol, ok baiiii, oh yeah and mentions of abuse with dazai and akutagawa, dazai-typical abuse to aku, regular updates, wrote this in google docs read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/lxo78tv
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anti-judy · 5 months
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anti-judy · 6 months
chapter 10 is here hahahaaaaaaa
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anti-judy · 5 months
Doing research into single parenting on reddit for my jouno dad fic (I dont have kids and I don't know any single parents so this is my best option) but like wow. Straight guys really suck horseshit 😭
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anti-judy · 4 months
took me a bit but guess who updated <3
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judasgot-it · 5 months
rereading my own posts and how many FUCKING times have i written "feeling his hot breath on your neck" like I've written this EXACT line in like 15 different fics. what is my obsession with it im going mad (i will proceed to write it again despite my complaining)
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anti-judy · 7 months
Writing little kids is so hard for no reason like yea, i guess kids are just obsessed with pokemon and constantly care about your opinion 24/7 and will cry if you look at them in a mean way. thats what kids do.
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anti-judy · 2 months
this is my dazai ver. of my jouno dad fic. idk if im gonna fully pick it up but like i wanted to upload what i have for now, I'll probably upload chapters sporadically lmao
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