#it’s not an issue I swear guys
chuunai · 9 months
yeah I’m procrastinating again can you blame me though also sorry for the people I apparently gave baby fever to
I’m doing it again 0v0
no Fyodor because I have a fic in the works for him as a dad
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
A bit tired of people complaining about Sanji's principle of "not hitting women" being misogynistic when it has been clearly stated multiple times that he does not choose it and it's heavily tied to his trauma and admiration for his dad and respect for women and definitely not from seeing women as somehow weaker than him
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murk888 · 6 months
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Aro 👉👈
I DIDN'T HAVE MY TWILIGHT STAGE IN TIME, OKAY?!? Now I watch the films while dying from laughter most of the time, their faces I can't-
MICHAEL SHEEN >>>>> 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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reegis · 4 months
heya dude, you doing okay? haven’t heard from you in a while
2024 is trying to kill me but im not dead yet!
let me say first of all i am SO incredibly sorry that iv been gone for so long with no notice and for making you all worry!!!!!!!!
My health has taken a fairly serious turn for the worst these last few months, both in terms of chronic issues I was already aware of and a New Fun never ending series of lung Problems™️ I’ve been dealing with.
not to drag on forever and Woe Is Me, but as of rn I am currently unable to draw and im in no financial state to try and do anything about it unfortunately.. ig iv been trying to reject reality & pretend id suddenly get better and back to posting regularly, but that doesnt mean it was right for me to just disappear with no warning or explanation (again very very sorry, 10000% my bad!)
im working on some stuff rn that hopefully(🤞🏻) will be a step in the right direction and mean i can start posting again.. but i really cant promise anything as much as it breaks my heart
you guys are the online family iv never had and i genuinely love you all sm, thank you for thinking of me and especially to all the ppl who have reached out asking if i was alright ilysm
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fanonical · 7 months
by the way, i am very incredibly depressed at the state of this website as a trans girl, & have felt very let down with this entire website for like, the entirety of the year now. if you really do like my presence on tumblr & want to make it a little easier, consider keeping an open mind & listening next time i try and discuss my experiences with transmisogyny.
honestly, i’m usually totally willing to engage with people who are trying to learn & understand, but most of the time it’s depressing to even talk about because the only people who pay attention or listen are other trans girls it feels like.
i don’t know. just maybe try and make this website a little more hospitable to trans girls? please?
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rosakuma · 2 months
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Me right now after watching “Operation Birthday Takeback” from FOPANW and hearing some stuff from the latest episode:
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originallymarysue · 1 month
Guys I think I have a type or I just really want to be these guys
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navarice · 2 years
stanning fengqing is so useless bc 100% of their interactions are them canonically trying to off one another, but the way i need to interpret them are borderline delusional. like yes, look, they briefly glanced at each other in absolute loathing and abhorrence of each other's existence, and they do indeed strike at each other's most mortifying moments with the intention to hurt deeply. BUT if you look CLOSELY at how their gazes LINGER then you can tell that they actually very slightly in a very teeny tiny way yearn for each other in a way that transcends distance and time...no no wait come back i swear it's true—
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hana-bobo-finch · 1 month
gettin back to my regular art stuff, here is a quick yorke and alph thingy I doodled because why couldn’t we have seen any of their sibling dynamic it’s such a crime
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cleverpaws · 3 months
what is the issue w the genloss fandom and every single person thinking their take on everything is the first of its kind never-before-seen revolutionary stuff please
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gratielalovebot · 1 year
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may i present to you, dazai 'i have no such tastes in men' osamu, hitting on the nearest available man fresh out of prison (little sketches under the cut)
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bassicallymaestra · 4 months
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I was looking for reference pictures of guys in scarves for my last drawing and found this amazing picture of Lenny Kravitz in a GIANT scarf and needed to draw Sebastian in it.
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immortaltale · 8 months
hi everyone sorry for the delay but it's finally here...! i present the entire transcript (in the original spanish) of pep's book "mi gente, mi fútbol" (published in 2001).
it's essentially detailing the stories of the people most important to him, and you get quite a bit of insight into pep himself in the process, so please do consider giving it a read! if you aren't fluent in spanish, you'll have to use a translator like i did. but in the meantime, here's a short excerpt to hopefully pique your interest:
At first, they wanted it to be a book like "This is your life" and what do you want me to tell you? Who the hell would be interested in my life…? So I politely declined the proposal and forgot about it but… lo and behold, all of a sudden, Lu Martin appears and says: "Talk about them. Whoever you want. About yours". I sat down, I thought and I wrote. And I have done it for those who are there and for those who are not, but it is as if they were there. I liked remembering them because, while I was doing it, I realised how much they have given me. A lot. (translated via DeepL)
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garaks-huge-naturals · 2 months
the frustrating aromantic representation of chuck tingle's "bury your gays"
i feel like i should preface this by saying that i'm a huge chuck tingle fan and, representation aside, i greatly enjoyed his book. so this is not like, a hate take down. this will contain spoilers for bury your gays, you are warned.
the parts i have issues with will be more towards the end and are marked.
a quick synopsis: misha is a queer horror writer who is told to either kill off his gay characters after getting them together, or let them live and be straight (for the algorithm, ratings, etc). while he is reeling from this he begins being stalked by the monsters/villains of his past works. plot happens and these monsters are really nanobot contractions from his studio's fx company. misha survives these attempts on his life (and his boyfriend's and best friend's), eventually giving a heartfelt award speech about the need for a shift towards queer joy. when he comes back to work the entire studio is like decked out in pride flags and the now stereotypically gay management tells him that queer is IN! even better, it's profitable (according to the algorithm). but these nanobots are still out there. so they go to the fx studio to insert a virus that takes them down, the best friend, tara, being an unprecedented aroace that the algorithm has no information on due to a lack of content, is able to circumvent the nanobots and take them down!! happy ending!! yippee!!
i'll be going in order of the book, touching on the times where tara's identity is relevant
tara's aspecness is established almost immediately when she says "you know i don't swing that way...i don't swing any way, baby." classic aspec joke, i have no issue with this.
its first explicit mention is on page 42, "tara is aromantic and asexual, which has always made me appreciate her take on relationship advice." ok this part is so real. we are so good at that.
ok now we get into the main stuff. Tara says, "do you realize how hard it is to tell your parents you're asexual?" this part is true, and in comparison to misha coming out as gay. and i really appreciate it highlights the strange societal position aspecs are in!! it's hard to affirm an identity defined by a lack. and even harder for baby wanting parents to accept an identity that is largely incompatible with the nuclear family model. as this is in reference to like sex -> having a child, mentioning just the asexuality makes sense. but it is still weird to not mention how hard explaining aromanticism would be considering aces can more easily have straight passing relationships. let's begin a tally: ace mentions: 2, aro mentions: 1.
(!) time skip we are now towards the end. misha is giving his heartfelt speech, "i call on all of you to usher in a new era of stories where the gay, or bi, or lesbian, or asexual, or pansexual, or trans character lives happily ever after. buy those stories. make those stories profitable." we are now entering the territory here i begin to get a little angry. fandoms and drama in shows are so closely tied with romance. they are profitable. they are like, the lifeblood of ao3, etc. people also have this notion that you need a partner to be happy, and that this is a universal goal. so characters and story arcs that stray away from this tend to be, y'know, less profitable. and since this is extremely relevant to aromanticism as an identity and important to debunk, the lack of a mention of aromanticism is frankly stunning. our stories are not wanted, we have no characters to live happily ever after. because we are not profitable. we don't get that joy. so where are we? this is a nitpick but i find it strange that misha would forget to mention like, entirely half of his friend's identity. ace mentions: 3, aro mentions: 1
(!!!) this is the most egregious part to me. when i read this part i was genuinely so stunned that i started crying. ok so i've established that aros have very little representation. it is a fact that there is less aro representation than ace representation. especially in regards to non-ace aros. "there's a hero clad in pink, purple, and blue, the bi one...this continues on and on until every aspect of the community has been covered...tara steps up next to me, her eyes locked on the poster. "there' no asexual hero...they've got everyone up there besides an ace character...every fucking time." ok. so. a lack of representation for aspecs is like a Thing That We All Know. as also established, aros are not algorithm friendly, so i just see no plausible way that there is aro representation but not ace representation. and there's just this like, poetic irony to this. that aros are so forgotten, so uncared for, that the author of the fucking book forgot to even mention them. because there are three ways this shakes out here. either there is an aro in the line up and dr. tingle deprived us of the validation we need to justify our anger for a lack of representation (which effects us all but aros more). or he just straight up forgot to include us. or he's grossly conflating the two identities. there's no good option. anyway. ace mentions: 5, aro mentions: 1
here we have yet another mention of tara being ace, yet not aro, "my name's tara. i'm the asexual in the corner everyone's been ignoring." would be funny if aromanticism hadn't been grossly ignored once again. ace mentions: 6, aro mentions: 1
(!!!) time for tara to save the day (girlboss). "just pull up all the information you have on asexual and aromantic heroes...oh wait, that's gonna be pretty fucking difficult because there are almost no human asexual heroes represented in popular media, are there." like actually like the fuck. what the fuck. there are so little aro heroes that the author forgot about the one he had!! there are so little aro heroes that the author fucking forgot to mention how few there are. incredible. ace mentions: 10, aro mentions: 2 (ace mentions not quoted here but part of the rant)
so. thats the end of the book. it seems to me that dr. tingle might be a little confused. he's been a great supporter in the past of the aspec community. but there is a pattern of aro erasure in this book that frankly, pisses me off! but wait, there is more!
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dr. tingle. babygirl. bestie. what the fuck is this? op explicitly said aroace character. and what do you do? you reblog with only an ace flag. do you not remember your character's own identity? or do you not acknowledge aros outside or aces? let's look at some more quotes from this post.
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wow thanks for the solidarity dr. tingle (like, actually)!
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what is this? whoopty fucking doo! aros totally dropped after their initial mention? again! but there is simply no precedent for this!!
i'd like to end this with a quote by dr. tingle.
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glad you remembered the aces. maybe next time, remember the marginalized people you leave behind.
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conflitdecanard · 8 months
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Me, who never watched or read one piece but have a friend who tell me about it: " Zoro seems nice :D "
Also thanks to another friend who is learning french for giving me free cursed french sentences *-_-)b
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zukkaoru · 7 months
the disparity in kudos between a skk fic and a fic for literally any other bsd characters/ship :/
#like okay i get it skk is the most popular bsd ship by a longshot#but it does kinda suck that my skk fics will always end up being more popular than literally anything else i write for bsd#when i have way better fics tbh#okay i'm unleashing this from my drafts lol#like i get it kudos/hits/bookmarks counts aren't telling of how good a fic is#but out of my last five fics. my skk one has ONE HUNDRED kudos more than the next most kudos#and idk it also sucks that i know my skk is better than 90% of the fandom but. even my skk fics get significantly less kudos/etc#than big writers in the fandom who AREN'T EVEN GOOD#or are like. mid at best#i know in theory that the bsd fandom doesn't care about characterization but like. not only do they encourage bad characterization#it feels like sometimes they're actively against good characterization#even in j.jk and a.tla where there are major issues with bad characterization#more people seem to at least appreciate the good characterization. (even if they aren't good at it themselves.)#but i swear to god no one in the bsd fandom cares about anything besides whether dazai and chuuya are kissing. it begins and ends there.#it never ceases to amaze me (derogatory) how a fandom where the source media draws So Much inspiration from classic literature#can somehow have NEGATIVE media literacy skills#why don't you guys take a break from your edgy dazai x softboy chuuya fics and you fems.kk with dazai in skimpy clothes and your#beast chuuya sobbing and killing himself over dazai's death#and go read some of the books by the actual authors. and then write me an essay about the themes that has nothing to do with shipping.#and THEN you can come back to the fandom.#listen i love skk but oh my god sometimes the fandom makes me hate them.#anyway one of these days i'm going to get anon hate for complaining about the bsd fandom so much but that's fine#at least i know there are characters in the show besides dazai and chuuya. and when i do write skk AT LEAST I DO IT RIGHT.#hello grace here
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