#such an absolutely pity
aurantia-ignis · 1 year
Every now and then I see screencaps that people take of C-dramas with English subs and...... Good heavens. The translations are so bad and inaccurate and often sound awkward/unnatural... that I wonder if non-chinese viewers actually understand the writing/story they just watched....
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egophiliac · 1 year
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(incoherent bird soldier screeching)
okay, I'm ready, I'm totally ready, I --
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(even more incoherent bird soldier screeching)
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“Enjoy him” was really so cunty on multiple levels because first you’ve got Louis over here bullshitting and Lestat is openly calling him on it and saying out loud that he knows Armand ain’t no prize. And then you’ve got Armand sitting there, unable to say shit because he knows it’s true and also because Lestat’s got a blow dryer aimed right at his careful house of cards. BUT ALSO… “enjoy him” has to be one of the nastiest and most vitriolic things a person with the full knowledge of Armand’s past could say to the man who /is/ actively using him in a way. Especially knowing how Armand desires the ability to love and be loved and it’s the one goddamn thing he hasn’t figured out in his CENTURIES on this earth.
Like, do you think “enjoy him” were words Lestat drew from his memories of Marius when they drank from each other??? Because…
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naamahdarling · 2 months
I just got INCREDIBLY GOOD NEWS at the cardiologist! Unexpectedly, inexplicably, remarkably good.
"Look at this," he said, and showed me the CAT results from earlier this year, with all the beautiful blood vessels like flawless white brushstrokes. "It's perfect. Your chances of having a heart attack are about as low as they can possibly be. Your heart is incredibly healthy. You're probably going to be the healthiest person I see today."
Considering my dad's heart disease, the strange finding on the CAT, my activity level, and my diet, I was completely shocked, and this is an incredible relief. I can't even express what a relief it was. Legit started crying while I was in line at Starbucks.
First time I've ever been booted from a practice for being too healthy.
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jklpopcorn · 4 months
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god's specialest little chew toy be upon ye
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lupuslikethewolf · 5 months
in honour of being promoted to Deputy Stage Manager in my school's theatre department, top gun high school/sixth form au:
Dr Kazansky rules the drama department with an iron fist. always wearing black turtlenecks. never seen without his glasses, his coffee, and his terrifying glare (which earned him the moniker Dr Iceman). do not show up to rehearsals if you don't know your lines. death be upon the poor students who fuck around during tech and dress, because they will find out. he loves the crew tho.
Mr Call-Me-Mav Mitchell is the head of sports. you name it, he's played it, and he could absolutely give you pointers, also, do you want a protein bar with that? it's chocolate flavoured :) even the kids who Hate (capital H) sports love him. he is sunshine and adrenaline in human form. endless energy. no one knows why he is called maverick, but even the principal does it, so.
Mr Kerner is the principal. he is also the only person who can interrupt rehearsals and survive. dr kazansky loves him. inexplicably, maverick hates him. nough said.
Jake Seresin is the school's golden child, not even because he's Kazansky's nephew. he’s head boy. he’s on the school’s football/rugby team. he writes regular articles for the internal magazines. and this year, he’s playing Orpheus in the school’s production of Hadestown. everyone thinks it’s nepotism. it is and it’s not, jake just lost a bet to his Uncle Tom, and must now reap the consequences to said uncle’s delight.
Bradley Bradshaw has been stage crew since he was thirteen and an overworked runner, thank you very much. it’s his final show, he’s the DSM, and if fucking seresin ruins this for him, he will riot. dr kazansky should never let that happen. however, this is the same man who, last year, laughed when revealing that a screen on stage had turned off and bradley had to go on stage during the show to fix it. hm. maybe bradley should have re-thought his life choices. also: the turntable. the goddamn turntable.
other characters include: phoenix as eurydice, bob doing lighting, payback and fanboy as ASMs who flirt over the comms to everyones misery, cyclone as another drama teacher/stage manager,
maverick keeps turning up to rehearsals and trying to help because his favourite (cough only cough) godson and his favourite player are both interested in this stuff, so he should at least try, right? kazansky hates it until he doesn’t. kerner thinks it’s all fucking hilarious. bradley is embarrassed but its kinda endearing do NOT tell him i said that.
kazansky and maverick both bare witness to A Moment between their respective pseudo sons and decide the two simply must get together for their sakes and also so they never inflict that on another person ever.
bradley and jake both bare witness to A Moment between their respective pseudo fathers and decide the two simply must get together for their sakes and also so they never inflict that on another person ever.
kerner is cackling. Cackling.
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
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Found a strong contender for funniest bsd official art
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followthebluebell · 1 year
Do you have any undeniable proof about how in pain Scottish Fold cats are? Someone I know believes that "only bad breeders" produce cats that have pain and I just don't think that sounds right, but I don't know where to look for info.
'Undeniable proof' is a hard claim because anything can be denied if a person is shameless, stubborn, and ridiculous enough. I've had clients deny that their cats are in severe pain even when the animal is visibly limping in front of us.
With that out of the way, start by talking about osteochondrodysplasia. That's a fancy way of saying 'fucked up cartilage disease', which is the thing that gives Scottish folds the cute little folded ears. Unfortunately, it doesn't just affect the cartilage in their ears. There's no gene that says 'please just a LITTLE fucked up cartilage, thanks <3'.
It affects ALL of their cartilage, joints, and bone development. It usually presents in very early onset arthritis: hump-backed, stiff legs (especially hind legs), and kinda 'crankly' feeling bones. They often have very stiff and shortened tails as well. Since they're in pain, they don't jump, move, or play as often. They also may just be kinda cranky because, again. Pain.
This is an autosomal dominant condition, meaning a cat has to inherit just one defective gene to display the traits. It's more severe in cats that are homozygous (inherited BOTH defective genes), but even a heterozygous cat is pretty severely affected.
A 'good' Scottish fold breeder ought to be breeding just straight-eared cats (inheriting 0 genes for this condition), but in practice 'good' SF breeders just breed straight-eared cat to a folded cat in the hopes of producing heterozygous kittens.
I still remember Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) and the World Cat Federation (WCF) offering free xrays to around 300 scottish fold breeders, trying to find just ONE fold with healthy hind legs.
Not a single breeder took up the offer. As a result, both organizations refuse to recognize the breed entirely.
The fact that even 'ethical' breeders who supposedly only breed unaffected cats won't stand behind their work and PROVE it speaks volumes.
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rafumeika · 21 days
What Mahito did: Manipulate Junpei into being his friend and then killed him in front of Yuji, laughed about Yuji's desperation to save him, killed Nanami, got Nobara into a coma, destroyed one of Todo's hands
Yuji with Mahito at the end:
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What Sukuna did: Threaten to kill Yuji's friend multiple times, ripped Yuji's heart out of his chest and then tricked him into making a Binding Vow that he would have to forget in order to bring him back to life, laughed at Yuji when he desperately begged him to try and save Junpei, told him over and over again that his mere existence would bring destruction simply by being his vessel, destroyed Shibuya and killed countless of innocent people, ditched Yuji to make Megumi his new vessel, then sinked Megumi's soul as deep as he could in darkness in order to keep control of his body, killed Tsumiki, killed Gojo, killed Kashimo, killed Higuruma, killed Choso, almost killed Yuta and pushed him into using Kenjaku's CT to get into Gojo's body, kept praising literally everyone else but Yuji (while still trying to kill them), who he kept talking shit about instead, got pissed when Yuji showed pity and told him that he would kill every single person still left alive that Yuji cared about before finally killing him
Yuji with Sukuna at the end:
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 4 months
honestly critical role has never been more relatable than Caduceus/Taliesin in the Rumblecusp arc
being put in an environment where you SHOULD thrive, only to fail comically at literally any given opportunity and discovering for the first time that you have some surprising capacity for resentment for something you love that you've built your whole identity on
also I know Caduceus is dumb as rocks in an education sense but those investigation checks they kept having to make felt like they SHOULD be wisdom checks at this point (because common fucking sense would tell you to just hand your shit to someone else once you notice you lose possessions every night) so watching him spectacularly fail every single one of those felt exactly like my life feels right now. Like I should know all the ways to prevent this and yet every day I fail again at the same task right out the gate
the absolute resignation this is all met with. like even for Caduceus that was a level of nonreaction I never thought possible. not a zen unbotheredness, just complete defeat. there is so much frustration underneath the surface and yet such a complete lack of energy to try and fight it, truly only going through a pandemic and/or a real weird mental health funk can breed the vibe of "help. it's again."
also, as someone who doesn't really give a shit about sex, like Caduceus, and prides themselves on their eloquence, like Taliesin, I've never seen myself so clearly represented as i have in the character and the player's combined struggle against the horny-twelve-year-olds energy of this cast
I too have experienced the "i see you giggling over something i said that wasn't even that much of an innuendo but i'm just gonna keep talk- oh no yeah no what i've said now is just a much bigger innuendo" so many times
and then you try and choose your words more carefully. because that's like, the one thing you're good at. and discover that a) once the giggles get going, it doesn't fucking matter and b) there's now not one synonym left in your brain that's not an open invitation
and now you're somehow the least invested in the joke but the most embarrassed by it
"how much of your brain is just innuendo???" the number of times i've wanted to ask people that
the deep disappointment when Travis joined into the madness
living vicariously through the mumbled asides of "all of you. it's all of you" "it's nonstop!"
also watching your group make a TERRIBLE plan but being unable to come up with a better one, so instead of poking holes in it until all your friends hate you you just quietly watch the catastrophe happen, and pray you'll have enough restraint left by the end of it to not say "i could've told you so" out loud
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months
new ever after high headcanon: cupid is I mean cupid; she's the daughter of the god of love and she literally set up True Heart's Day and runs a podcast to help people with their love-related issues.
what i'm trying to get at is that cupid is THE person to go to if you want advice on romance or love in general yk, and my headcanon is that cupid's advice is usually great, is guaranteed to almost always work; she knows what she's talking about and you should always listen to what she's saying.
but faced with her own relationship??? i know for a FACT this girl is out here making the most atrocious puns EVER and it is only because blondie loves her to hell and back that she bears the horrible attempts at flirting.
essentially; cupid giving the best relationship advice known to man to other people but being a swagless rizzless loser in her own relationship and god knows how and why but blondie's into it so it works???
imagine like:
apple: blondie i really don't understand what you're trying to say; I'm sure cupid's flirting isn't that bad she's cupid after all!
blondie: no apple you don't understand-
cupid spawning into existence: blondie did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?
apple: ???
blondie: oh no, it's happening again.
cupid: because you're a snack!!! *finger guns away*
apple: I see what you mean now.
blondie, sobbing: the worst part is I'M INTO IT.
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delta-piscium · 2 years
When Steve and Eddie start dating Wayne pulls Steve aside and is like “I know this sounds odd but you’re gonna have to take him on walks every once in a while.”
And Steve is just like “?? Sir? He is not a dog?”
Wayne gives him a slightly haunted look, muttering “sometimes I wonder,” under his breath before clearing his throat and telling Steve to just trust him on this one. 
Steve thinks this is probably something Wayne had to do when Eddie was a child to get him out of the house but the man is a full-grown adult now, Steve is not gonna walk him.
He kind of forgets about it until one day. Eddie’s been staying at Steve’s for the week and he gets home from work only to find the kitchen absolutely wrecked. He finds Eddie in another room standing in a pile of books. He very slowly approaches him, putting his hands out and making his voice soft and as carefully as he can being like, “Hey, babe, what’s up?”
Eddie whips around, eyes big and wild, rambling almost too fast for Steve to understand. “I needed to make a cake but I didn’t have a recipe so I improvised and that did not work so I went to find a recipe and did you know there are like fifty-year-old medical books here? There are so many descriptions of gross stuff in them.” He waves one of Steve’s granddads old books around and Steve has to lean back to not get smacked by it. 
“Yeah… my granddad was a doctor,” he says all while eyeing him warily. 
His hair is frizzier than usual and he’s about to turn around to grab more books and Steve does not know what this is or what to do? Should he do something? That’s when he remembers what Wayne said about walks and the way he had looked, a bit stressed and disbelieving. It’s about how Steve is feeling right now so he might as well try, right?
So he grabs Eddie, pulling him along towards the door, making up the first excuse he can think of. “Speaking of my granddad, he built a tree-house for me in the woods behind the house, let’s go look.” 
He walks into the woods at the wrong opening, leading them kind of far in before turning around to wander and pretending to look. He finally steers them back to where the tree-house actually is, all in its tiny rotten glory, and right at the edge of the lawn.
“Guess it was closer than I remember,” he says with a shrug as if dragging Eddie around for twenty minutes insisting it was further in is in any way a believable mistake. 
Eddie gives him a look like he’s acting insane, which, okay fair but Eddie did start it. And anyways he looks better now, judgmental as all hell but better.
“Cool,” He eventually says then stomps back inside. 
Eddie spends the rest of the day making fun of Steve for getting lost in the woods where he grew up but he’s not climbing the walls anymore so Steve counts it as a win.
After that he brings Eddie on regular walks, tells him it’s because he doesn’t do sports anymore and needs to move, doesn’t always feel like running and it’s boring going alone. Eddie accepts it easily but also says it’s so weird because Wayne will also drag him along on walks, and, like, what about him attracts these people who need to go on walks all the time and can’t do it alone?
Steve and Wayne have a pact to never tell Eddie, they do not even want to imagine how that would go because Eddie is a drama queen at heart and their system is working (until years later when Steve and Eddie live together hours away and Steve goes on a trip with Robin, he comes back to Eddie on his way to turn their living room into a greenhouse)
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fatphobiabusters · 6 months
Please help me. My militant, bootlicking sister did a report on Ob*sity in this country and she is showing obvious fatphobia, and I told her about the origins of the BMI system, and she said "I don't support Eugenics, I just want people to have healthier bodies and improved lifestyles!!!"
That is LITERALLY the definition of eugenics.
How can I convince her that she did a school project on why she hates fat people?
The very first post I saw on your blog is in support of a trans person who was harassed by trolls, and yet here you are sending troll messages to another oppressed group.
Despite your troll message being both fatphobic and ableist, despite fatphobia having an immense amount of intersectionality with transphobia (you know, the group you supposedly care about), you'd rather spend your miserable life doing exactly what transphobic trolls do to trans people. It's just okay when you do it because your definition of "equality" comes with asterisks.
Get a life that actually has any sort of value or meaning. Because being a pathetic, bigoted hypocrite ain't it.
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-Mod Worthy
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waverlyyhaught · 4 months
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Fina Valero Sueños de Libertad
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Seriously, and I can’t stress this enough;
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imakemywings · 6 months
Orodreth: So how is Thingol handling being an empty-nester?
Beleg: This is Turin, his new mortal son. We're working on getting mom and sister too.
Orodreth: Gotcha.
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