#such a bold departure from the original source material
stonedragonisnthere · 2 years
MSM Fighting Game AU (PART 1)
Okay so I'm actually gonna try to take posting seriously this one time.
So I've been busy with a project outside of Tumblr where I've made the MSM celestial monsters into fighting game characters!! I will post movesets soon but here are some designs and a rundown on the lore!!
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In this AU, almost all of the celestials are humans.
Attmoz is an angel who was a rockstar and part time super hero during the 80s-90s. Years later he retired and opened a guitar shop and tutors Glaishur on the guitar and drums
Galvana is a college student and mechanic in training at a research organization known as "Ethereal Co". But then she found the notes to create a material known as "Wubblyte", which was described as "a physical, Tangible, form of electricity" in the notes.
Vhamp is a robotic being who was discovered and reactivated by Galvana through replacing the Wubblyte core that powered them.
Loodvigg is the head scientist of a marine biology team at a rival research organization named "Prismatech". Prismatech also made Loodvigg, along with other employees at the organization into super agents. And at times they are missioned to hide their identity and steal information from Ethereal Co. At night
Plixie is a product of Prismatech's experiments, being a dead man brought back to life through means of cutting through his body and supplying an artificial blood-flow through the machines attached to them
Scaratar was a scientist-turned-biohazard arsonist after a poison related disaster happened in the labs of Prismatech. They also were an infamous villain in the 80s-90s, but has since been hiding, not trying to pull attention to themselves anymore.
Glaishur is also a college student who's taken a few hobbies while working. Galvana made the mech arms as a means to work with drilling, but in a turn of events Glashiur had to use them in defense.
In this AU it takes place after the superhero/villain events in the late 80s, two research organizations are still budding heads with each other.
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 4 months
’Holy crap! A ballad already? And such a bold departure from the original source material!’
do i just start singing "the whole 'being dead' thing" now bc i can if you want-
fuck it we ball we're singing
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fullmetaldevil-blog · 2 years
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Hollywood Takeover~
You can bet your bottom dollar I am stupidly excited about the Beetlejuice tour coming to Hollywood in July (I already got tickets). Massive kudos to both the Broadway cast and the Tour cast for their performances in bringing such a bold departure from the original source material to life.
I absolutely couldn't resist drawing BJ messing with the iconic Hollywood sign. Plus, I had to tip my hat off to the good girl and let Sandy get a free donut~ A bit crunchy but it will serve as a good chew toy for a time.
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possum-quesadilla · 1 month
Chapter 7 of Time’s Arrow, “I love everybody because I love you! // But I'm a chemical compound, You're just the gun in my mouth” is here!
Memento mori. Unus Annus. /ref
Details below! (Format is funky because I am on mobile rn. Will be fixed later!)
- The lyrics for this chapter’s title are from “Strawberry Blonde” by Mitski and “Gross” by Penelope Scott! The first part is for the majority of the chapter, as it reflects how happy and filled with love Beej is feeling. The other one is for the last scene. :)
- “I wanna remember this moment.” “Every detail. I don’t wanna forget a single one.” - this is inspired by a similar scene in “Parks and Rec”, one of my favorite shows!! Specifically the scene where Ben proposed to Leslie.
- “ “Hm?” Beetlejuice titled their head a little, then pursed their lips as the words processed in their slow, stuttering mind.” - Auditory processing disorder my beloathed. It takes a sec for the info to hit the brain!
- “ “Like, worse than ‘Spiral’.” Beetlejuice gasped, placing a hand on his chest. … “Okay. Now I gotta know. What’s worse than ‘Spiral’?” ” - “Spiral” is the worst of the Saw movies. I will die on this hill. Beetlejuice saw this as the high insult it is.
- “.. I know I’m regaining some weight, but-” - THE RETURN OF THE KING.
- “I’ll have to go back to school. No more online-only.” - Ash straight up lied to the school and said she went with her parents and sister to Massachusetts so she could do all her schooling online.
- “… wanna watch ‘Renfield’?” - “Renfield” is spectacular. Amazing. Showstopping. But someone in Beej’s particular situation should not be watching it for reasons that would be spoilers for that wonderful movie. Go watch it!!!
- The whole dinner cheek kiss thing was planned by Barbara and Adam! They made sure Beetlejuice was okay with telling others first, but he wasn’t sure how to, so they took matters into their own hands!
- “ “I always wondered about you three,” he heard Charles say. He almost thought he heard a twinge of fondness to his voice, but he was certain he must be imagining things. “Good for you all.” ” - Poly ally. He saw their slow burn romance from a million miles away and decided to let them all sort it out on their own. And yes it WAS FONDNESS. Beetlejuice just won’t accept it yet.
- Delia is trying to figure out what prescription glasses to get Beetlejuice on her own, with the help of the Internet! It’s very tough when he doesn’t cooperate.
- “We’ve read two books together now.” … “Or do I just have ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Frankenstein’ memorized?” - Beetlejuice read “Frankenstein”, like Lydia suggested! They loved it.
- Yes that is an actual passage from “The Great Gatsby”. No I am not sorry. Yes it is extremely thematically relevant.
- “They reached up to scratch at an itch on their scalp, clacking their teeth.” - they scratched it like a dog does. They always do!
- The second passage Beetlejuice quotes is from “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. It is one of his (and my own, I almost named myself Gawain) favorite old tales. He has referenced it before, and it comes up quite a few times again! Even later in this chapter. ;) (And yes it is extremely thematically relevant. Sorry not sorry I am hiding the foreshadowing and themes in other stories..)
- “ Delia grinned wide, exchanging some sort of glance with Barbara. “It’s not too much?” The demon lightly shook their head. “Splendid!” ” - I wonder what this is about?
- “I say it’s too bold of a departure, if you ask me.” - This is a reference to Beetlejuice’s first line in the musical! Also a jab at myself. LoopJuice is perhaps too bold a departure from the original source material…
- “Images of kisses pressed to their temple, their cheek, their jaw, memories of sweet words, gentle little pleads and promises flashed through their mind. Pink rose in their chest, warmth burned in their cheeks. They inevitably gave in, of course.” - EASILY WON OVER BY KISSES AND PETS. What a fool! /hj
- “They think perhaps this is the closest they’ve ever felt to being happy. Not just slightly sardonic or glibly nihilistic, but happy. Like real people do.” - Part of this is a reference to the last scene in “BoJack Horseman”, since that show influenced how I write quite a bit. And the last part is a reference to “Like Real People Do” by Hozier, which is on my Beetlands playlist!
- “No, perhaps this was normal, he decided.” - It is not. There are two reasons! 1. Beej’s permanent frostbite damage making him more susceptible to cold 2. Cyrus is straight up lurking here. He is nearby and watching him.
- “It scratched at the back of his mind like a wild hound begging to be let in the house, asking for shelter from the storm. Only to savage the home’s inhabitants. Where had it come from? What storm was it hiding from? Fuck. Where the hell is my head right now?” - Self roast. Sometimes I go too crazy with the poetic descriptions…
- “Beetlejuice briefly wondered if the cold could drive a demon mad. He thought maybe he’d read about it happening to breathers before.” - This is a real thing! He’s specifically thinking about the Donner Party.
- “Less and less of you will be left each day, slowly siphoning out until you are empty.” - sorry not sorry, another “The Fall of the House of Usher” show reference. Mike Flanagan is my bestie.
- “ “Your time.” Beetlejuice clenched their jaw as his words rippled through their mind. Darling, I only want your time. They gasped in shuddering breaths, their ears going back. Give me your time. Fuck.” - took him a while, but he finally caught the obvious loophole! Far too late, unfortunately.
- “Ah, what was that wonderful phrase from the inane little story you enjoyed so much said?” Cyrus’ grin widened impossibly. “One year hence.” - He is referencing “The Green Knight”! This is what the Green Knight says to Gawain to let him know his fate is sealed. Also, note the difference between Barbara showing interest in one of his favorite stories, while Cyrus belittles it.
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Okay time for a positive. Somehow even though (idk about yall but at least for me) it feels like "wow and such a bold departure from the original source material" every time I make a post we all write/headcanon/incorrect quote whatever all of the boys really in line with their cannon personalities with a lil sprinkle sprinkle of character development that would come with them getting older/not being with chorus/getting therapy that's still cannon compliment. Ngl I was kinda scared that durring this I'd be like "God I've been writing these guys sooooo ooc" but it's actually been very in character. Go us.
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ScorpionJuice The musical!
Pastor: In times like these, we have no words We have only each other. Today we come together to mourn the Passing of one Willow Schnee, Beloved Wife of Jacques Schnee, and Mother of Three wonderful Children. Scripture tells us, "Sorrow not, for we do not walk alone." As we take our time to grieve ...
Weiss: You're invisible when you're sad Clocks tick and phones still ring The world carries on like mad But nobody sees a thing~
Weiss: Whispering behind their hands Lost for kind words to say Nobody understands And everyone goes away
Weiss: Grown-ups wanna fix things When they can't it only fills them with shame So they just look away Is it being greedy to need somebody to see me And say my name?
Weiss: Seems when you lose your mom No one turns off the sun Folks carry on, that's that You're invisible when you're sad ...
Tyrian: Holy crap, a ballad already?
Tyrian: And such a bold departure from the original source material!
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ticklykitty216 · 2 years
(A solo fic already? And such a bold departure from the original source material! /ref)
(Yeah, the brainrot is so real I had to write this fic now while I still have motivation)
(And yes I’m still working on requests, depending on how everything goes I’ll be finishing the requests and posting ‘original’ fics with them as well)
(Also there’s a bit of Chester x Mandy stuff in this fic, you can read it as platonic or romantic but I can’t help myself, they’re so cute together, the skrunkles)
Mandy liked to think that she had relatively good patience.
Yes, she may be grumpy most of the time but there’s a difference between being grumpy and angry. Was she quick and easy to annoy? Yes. Was she quick and easy to anger? She’d say no. It took a lot to truly make Mandy angry, but with the day she’s been having she was about to blow.
Yesterday she had asked Chester to put candy back in the cases and displays so they could open up early and he simply just didn't do it. So she had to do it and that delayed opening for a good hour, and when she had finally opened the first couple had complained about the delay and were generally rude. Then she dealt with annoying customers, which was par for the course when working customer service but it seemed like today everyone was pissy. And then to add insult to injury one of the kids had accidentally broken one of their gumball machines and there were now gumballs all over the floor, and without Chester Mandy is forced to clean it up, as always.
Everyone had finally left and it was almost closing time. “Finally, where is that good for nothing clown when you need him?” Mandy grumbled as she cleaned up the glass and gumballs all over the floor, “Haven’t seen that idiot all day…” Mandy stood up and dumped the little dustpan with the glass and gumballs into the garbage and turned to put the dustpan away, “AAAGH-” Mandy cried as she managed to slip on a loose gumball and fell to the ground. “Great. Fun. Just my luck.” Mandy growled as she slowly picked herself back up and limped back to her throne behind her desk.
“Ow. Ow. Ow…” Mandy said as she hobbled behind her desk, as she made contact with her throne a loud *BANG* sounded out and she jumped back up startled “WHAT THE HELL?!” she cried out, and heard giggling behind her throne. She kneeled on the cushions of her throne and looked over to see Chester crouched down and giggling madly, “CHESTER! Where the hell were you?! I’ve been waiting for you to come in all day!” Mandy yelled and Chester looked up at her, confused “Mandy, I told you that I had matches today.” Chester said plainly and Mandy deadpanned.
Mandy didn’t remember him telling her that. “When?” she asked and Chester had a look that she couldn’t place. “When you asked me to stock I told you I couldn’t because I had to go early for some matches and that I’d be gone most of the day!” Chester said and Mandy was currently having a crisis trying to remember what Chester had said to her yesterday, had she really forgotten so quickly? She felt like she’d remember something like that… “Oh… Sorry then…” Mandy said and turned back and sat in her throne with a far away look. Chester sprung up and leaned against the throne “Soooo, how did you faire without me?~” Chester cooed and Mandy groaned “Terrible, everyone had a stick up their ass, I tell ya’.” Mandy said before she leaned forward and put her face in her arms “Everyone was so annoying today, can’t wait for it to end.” she said.
Chester gave a sympathetic look before he brightened up “Hey Mandy! Look at this!” he said and she groaned “If it’s another one of your pranks you can shove it.” she grumbled and Chester giggled “Nono! Please Mandy, I think you’ll like this!” Chester said, moving to stand in front of the girls desk. Mandy groaned before she looked up before sitting back up “What is it?” Mandy said suspiciously as she looked at the jester before her, he had his hands behind his back and rocked on the balls of his feet, the bells on his cap jingling. “Well, it sounds like you had a crappy day~” he started “Tell me about it…” Mandy mumbled “So! I had picked this up from one of my earlier matches, and I was gonna give it to you later, but I’ll give it to you now!” Chester said and held out a small present.
Mandy eyed the present and glared at Chester “You think I was born yesterday? What’s in it?” Mandy said and Chester placed it on her desk and moved it closer to her “Can’t say, would ruin the surprise!” Chester said before his face softened “I swear it’s not a prank Mandy.” Chester said and she still glared “Cross your heart?” she asked and Chester took his right hand and did a criss cross motion over his chest with one hand while the other was behind his back, “Cross my heart and hope to cry, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Chester said with a wink for emphasis. Mandy’s glare softened and she looked at the small present, she started to open the top when she looked back up at Chester who smiled and nodded his head, Mandy finally removed the top of the gift and looked in.
Mandy didn’t even get a chance to see what was in the gift because the next thing she knew there was glitter and pixie dust exploding on her face, she reeled back “AAAAAAGH!!!” she cried out and rubbed furiously at her eyes and coughed violently. Chester exploded in laughter and clutched his stomach with his right hand and revealed his left hand. His fingers were crossed, “Well, it was a little prank…” Chester reasoned. Mandy still rubbed at her eyes and glared at him with one eye “What’s wrong with you?!” Mandy yelled and her voice broke at the end and her eyes suddenly became much more watery, and it wasn’t just because there was still glitter and pixie stick dust in them. Mandy breathed heavily, trying to calm herself but the weight of today and the prank had her tipped over the edge and she didn’t know whether to scream or cry.
Chester had stopped laughing but still smiled “You like your surprise?” Chester asked but when Mandy didn’t respond and he saw her slightly shaking the smile was wiped from his face “M-Mandy?” Chester asked and leaned forward towards her. Mandy had her face covered with her hands and she felt EVERYTHING bubble up to the surface, the customers, the broken gumball machine, the pranks, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Mandy suddenly looked up with tears in the corners of her eyes and let out a banshee shriek as she lunged forward at the jester “YOU ASSHOLE!!” she screeched. Chester yelped and pulled back as she lunged and backed away out of her grasp “Mandy wait!” he said.
Mandy brushed the gift box off her desk and into the trash bin as she climbed over her desk towards her coworker “GET BACK HERE!!!” she screamed. Chester’s eyes widened and he turned tail and Mandy jumped off her desk and gave chase “LOUSY CLOWN! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I KEEP YOU AROUND!!” Mandy screamed as she kept up with the clown. Chester zigzagged between the large displays of candy “I’M SORRY!” Chester wailed “OH, YOU’RE GONNA BE SORRY WHEN I CATCH YOU!!” Mandy yelled as she turned a sharp corner and picked up some random candy and threw it at him. Chester put his arm up to block the onslaught of candy pellets “Mandy you’re overreacting! It was just a joke!” Chester said and ran between a few cases “OVERREACTING?! I had a TERRIBLE day and your solution was to explode glitter in my face?!” Mandy yelled and took chase again “I didn’t expect you to lean your face over it!!” Chester said.
Mandy grabbed one of the giant display gummies from a stand as she ran past, pulled her arm back and tossed the bear like it was a football and it nailed Chester in the back of the head. Chester lost his balance and started to stumble forward, but it had been too late, Chester tripped over himself and he tumbled into a display of various marshmallows and taffy. Mandy finally caught up to the clown and looked at him and pounced on him. “You asshat! You douchebag! You son of a bitch!” Mandy said and shook him violently “Mandy!” Chester cried out and pried at her hands. “I can’t stand you! You and your dumb pranks!” Mandy yelled and the two dissolved into a sort of slap fight, Mandy trying to grab at Chester to throttle and Chester blocking her hand “I swear to god you’re so dead!” Mandy yelled as she squeezed the jester's left side and Chester jerked away and made this strange choked giggle.
Mandy did a double take “Are you seriously laughing right now?!” Mandy growled out and gripped him again and a string of giggles came out of him “Mahahandy quihihihit it!” Chester giggled out. Mandy glared but then looked to see she was grabbing his sides and she put two and two together. She looked Chester in the eyes and gave him the most evil look she could muster and smirked down on him “You’re so dead.” was all Mandy said. “Waitwaitwait ManDYY EHEHEHEHE!!” Chester squealed.
Mandy rapidly squeezed the clown's side and he burst into the goofiest giggle Mandy has ever heard come out of a person “Mahahahandy! Mahahahahandy- NOHOHOHO!!” Chester cackled as she squeezed up and down the jesters sides, testing to see where his most ticklish spots were. She was still mad at him, and she wanted revenge against him. “Ohohoho~ How did I NOT know about this?~” Mandy teased as she spidered his sides “MAHAHAHAHANDEHEHEHEY!!” Chester cackled and shook his head, the bells on his hat jingled furiously. “MAHAHANDY IHIHIHI’M SHOHOHORRY!!” Chester cried out as he pushed against her wrists “Oh? So now you’re sorry? I don’t think you are!” Mandy said as she roughly squeezed his hips and Chester tossed his head back and shrieked “NONONOHOHOHO MAHAHAHANDY IHIHIHI REHEHEALLY AHAM SOHOHOHORRY!!!” Chester howled “LIAR!”
 Mandy yelled, but there was no anger behind it. Mandy dug her thumbs into the hollow of Chester’s hips and he flailed “NAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!!” Chester screamed and slapped Mandy's arms, “Why not? Too tickle, tickle, ticklish for you?~” Mandy teased and switched between teasing his hips to scribbling across his belly. Chester was going insane, the bells on his hat jingled like crazy as he shook his head back and forth wildly and kicked his legs behind Mandy “MAHAHAHANDY STAHAHAHAP!!” Chester wailed, pushing against her “No.~” Mandy said, her fingers traveled up to his ribs and scribbled between the spaces and Chester cackled like a hyena “AHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Chester laughed “NAHAHAT THERE PLEHEHEHEASE MAHAHANDY!!!” Chester begged “AHAHAHANYWHEHEHERE BUHUHUT THEHEHEHERE!!!” Chester squealed “Oh? Anywhere? Well, how abo-ut, HERE!” Mandy said and quickly shoved her fingers into Chester armpits and scribbled madly.
Chester clamped his arms down and his laughter went silent for a second before it came back tenfold. “NOOOOOHOHOHOHO AHAHAHA *snort* MAHAHAHAHANDY!!” Chester snorted as tears streamed down his face. “Was that a snort?!” Mandy laughed and pressed harder “Do it again!” she commanded. “NAHAHA MAHAHA- *snort* MAHAHAHANDY P-PLEHEHEHEASE!!! MEHEHEHERCY!!” Chester roared, as he kept his arms clamped down he wrapped his arms around his stomach and thrashed back and forth. Mandy continued her assault, she wasn’t ready to end this just yet, but she’d admit that his reaction was starting to worry her a bit. She moved her hands out of his armpits and just stared down at him.
Chester panted heavily and looked up at Mandy and wiped a tear from his left eye, “Ahahahare yohohou dohohohone?” Chester giggled and Mandy said nothing. She lifted up her hands and hovered them over top of his middle and wiggled her fingers slowly, “Nohohoho! Mahahandy dohohohon’t please!” Chester laughed as he eyed her fingers nervously “Where oh where will I tickle next?~” she asked as her fingers slowly descended downwards. She quickly moved them upwards towards his ribs and his arms and hands followed to try and block them “Mahahahandy!! Stohohop!” Chester giggled “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already laughing!” Mandy herself laughed at how giddy the jester beneath her was.
“Yeheheheah, and ihihihit’s gohohoing to tihihihickle..!” Chester squeaked as her hands darted downwards to his hips, but never touched them “Damn right!” Mandy said as one hand tickled his hip and the other went for his neck. Chester yelped and scrunched up his neck to try and protect it “STOHOHOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT!!” Chester squealed as he grabbed at Mandy’s wrists “IHIHIHI SAHAHAHAID IHIHI WAHAHAS SOHOHOHORRY!!” He laughed. “I don’t think you’re sorry enough~” Mandy said and Chester let out this sad little noise; a mix between a whine and a yelp, “MEHEHEHEHERCEHEHEHEHEY!!” Chester shrieked as Mandy ghosted over the sensitive flesh between his hip bones “MEHEHEHERCY! UHUHUHUHUNCLE! PLEHEHEHEASE MAHAHAHANDY IHIHIHI GEHEHEHET IHIHIHIT!!” Chester howled.
As much as Mandy would LOVE to sit here all day and tickle Chester to insanity (she might’ve already with the way he was acting) she let up. She brought her hands away from the fool and crossed her arms as she watched him finally, and properly this time, catch his breath. Mandy had to admit, she might’ve taken it a little too far, he was wheezing and clutched his sides as stray giggles still poured out of him. The black marks under his eyes were smudged from his tears and his entire face, ears and his neck was flushed. “You good clown? Had a good laugh?” Mandy asked, trying to keep her tone neutral, “Yohohohou’re ahahan ahahahasshole…” Chester mewled out and Mandy huffed “Takes one to know one, hun.” Mandy said and wiped some of the stray tears off of his face before she finally stood up off of the jester. Chester continues to lay on the ground and put his hands on his stomach as he still calmed his ragged breathing, Mandy walked over to the shop’s front door and turned their ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and locked the door before approaching Chester again.
“You gonna sleep on the floor tonight?” Mandy asked sarcastically and Chester huffed “You know, I just might, these marshmallows bags make for great pillows!” Chester said and picked up a bag of marshmallows and opened the bag and popped one in his mouth, “Stop eating the marshmallows…” Mandy said and Chester winked at her “I deserve this after the torture you put me through!” Chester said dramatically and put the back of his hand on his forehead. “I’ll do it again if you don’t get up!” Mandy threatened and wiggled her fingers at him, Chester’s face flushed and he sprung back up with the bag of marshmallows still in hand, Mandy’s face fell when she saw the bag in his hand “WELL! I think I’m going to go home now and get some rest!” Chester announced with a sort of mocking tone “You’ll be coming in tomorrow and helping me around here!” Mandy stated and Chester deflated “Sure yeah…” Chester said and began to walk past Mandy before he stopped and smirked.
Chester turned and looked “Oh and uh, by the way, I didn’t have any matches today, I just missed my alarm and didn’t come in.” Chester said with a smug look. Mandy spluttered and then growled “You son of a b- MMMMPH?!” Mandy was cut off as Chester shoved a marshmallow in her mouth and then ran away “CHEFFETER!!” Mandy mumbled out past the marshmallow and stomped her food. She walked towards her desk to grab her things “Can’t believe that idiot, he slept in?!” Mandy growled and saw something shine out of the corner of her eye. She turned and looked to see that it was coming out of the garbage can, she walked over and pulled out Chester’s gift and looked into it again.
Inside the box, at the bottom of it was a large gem; it was a magenta color, as opposed to the purple color most of the gems from the mines were, and the way it was shaped made it look like a piece of candy with a wrapper on it. Mandy picked it out of the box and moved it around, with what little light was still left in the shop it caught on the gem and shimmered and shined in the light, “Woah…” Mandy said and brought the gem down and turned it around in her hand. Shoot, now she felt bad for going after Chester, but then again he had left her to handle the shop alone, but he hadn’t lied, she had overreacted to his joke. 
Despite this, Mandy had smiled and placed the gem in her pocket and picked up her things and closed shop and walked home. She’d apologize to Chester tomorrow, that was, if he didn’t sleep in again…
(In this house, we love and respect Chester x Mandy!!!)
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aslightaddity · 2 years
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Like scarecrow this is a bold departure from original source material but I really just wanted firefly to be an androgynous and chaotic character so they got one of my favorite designs so far
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And such a bold departure from the original source material!
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humanmade2 · 1 month
HUMAN MADE® Clothing - Discover the Bold SS24 Collection
HUMAN MADE® Clothing - Discover the Bold SS24 Collection
In the ever-evolving landscape of streetwear, HUMAN MADE® stands out as a brand that consistently merges the past with the future, creating a unique aesthetic that resonates globally. Founded by the legendary Nigo, HUMAN MADE® Hoodie continues to innovate and set trends with each new season. As we explore the Spring/Summer 2024 (SS24) collection, it becomes evident that the brand remains committed to its roots while pushing the boundaries of design and fashion. This article delves into the origins of HUMAN MADE®, the creative vision behind the SS24 collection, key pieces, and the brand’s significant cultural impact.
The Origins and Evolution of HUMAN MADE®
A Legacy of Innovation
HUMAN MADE® was established in 2010 by Nigo, a name synonymous with streetwear. Before founding HUMAN MADE®, Nigo co-founded A Bathing Ape (BAPE), a brand that revolutionized the streetwear scene in the 1990s and early 2000s. His departure from BAPE marked the beginning of a new chapter, with HUMAN MADE® embodying a blend of vintage Americana and Japanese streetwear.
A Philosophy Rooted in Heritage
The brand's ethos revolves around the concept of "the future vintage," a philosophy that combines contemporary design with a timeless appeal. This vision is evident in the meticulous attention to detail, quality craftsmanship, and nostalgic designs that have come to define HUMAN MADE®. Nigo's love for vintage clothing and culture is seamlessly integrated into the brand, creating pieces that feel both modern and classic.
The Creative Vision Behind the SS24 Collection
Retro-Futurism Redefined
The SS24 collection is a testament to Nigo’s creative genius, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including mid-20th century Americana, Japanese workwear, and military apparel. The result is a vibrant tapestry of styles that reflect the brand’s eclectic influences. This season, the collection emphasizes bold graphics, playful prints, and a mix of traditional and contemporary silhouettes.
A Commitment to Quality
HUMAN MADE® is known for its use of premium materials and intricate detailing, ensuring that each piece is not only stylish but also built to last. The SS24 collection continues this tradition, offering garments that are meticulously crafted to withstand the test of time.
Key Pieces from the SS24 Collection
Graphic Tees
Graphic tees are a staple in every HUMAN MADE® Hoodie and SS24 is no exception. This season features a range of tees adorned with playful graphics and slogans that capture the brand’s whimsical spirit. Standout designs include tees with cartoonish animal motifs, retro-inspired logos, and vibrant color palettes.
Denim Jackets
Denim has always been a cornerstone of HUMAN MADE®’s offerings. The SS24 collection includes a selection of denim jackets that pay homage to classic American workwear. These jackets feature vintage washes, distressed details, and custom embroidery, making each piece unique. The jackets are versatile, perfect for layering and adding a touch of rugged charm to any outfit.
Workwear-Inspired Pieces
Workwear significantly influences HUMAN MADE®’s design language. The SS24 collection includes a variety of workwear-inspired pieces such as chore coats, utility pants, and overalls. These items are crafted from durable fabrics like duck canvas and herringbone twill, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of everyday wear.
No HUMAN MADE® collection is complete without a range of accessories. The SS24 collection features an array of caps, bags, and jewelry that complement the clothing line. Notable accessories include trucker hats with embroidered patches, canvas tote bags with bold prints, and quirky necklaces that add a touch of personality to any look.
Footwear is another highlight of the SS24 collection. HUMAN MADE® has collaborated with several renowned brands to create unique sneaker designs that merge style and functionality. The collection includes retro-inspired sneakers with vibrant colorways, as well as more understated designs that focus on quality and comfort.
The Cultural Impact of HUMAN MADE®
Collaborations: A Fusion of Creativity
One of the defining aspects of HUMAN MADE® is its collaborative spirit. Over the years, the brand has teamed up with a diverse array of partners, including Adidas, KFC, and Pharrell Williams’ Billionaire Boys Club. These collaborations have resulted in limited-edition pieces that often become highly sought-after collector’s items. The SS24 collection continues this tradition with exciting new partnerships. Each collaboration brings a fresh perspective to the brand, creating unique pieces that resonate with a broad audience.
Celebrity Endorsements: Shaping Trends
HUMAN MADE® has a strong celebrity following, with fans including Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and Drake. These endorsements have played a crucial role in elevating the brand’s profile and reaching new audiences. Celebrities are often seen sporting HUMAN MADE® pieces in their everyday lives, further cementing the brand’s status in popular culture.
Influence on Streetwear: Setting New Standards
HUMAN MADE® has had a profound impact on the streetwear scene. Its unique blend of vintage and contemporary styles has inspired countless other brands and designers. The brand’s emphasis on quality and craftsmanship has also set a new standard in the industry, encouraging consumers to value longevity and sustainability over fast fashion.
Community and Social Responsibility: Beyond Fashion
Beyond fashion, HUMAN MADE® is committed to giving back to the community. The brand has been involved in various charitable initiatives, including disaster relief efforts and environmental conservation projects. This commitment to social responsibility has endeared HUMAN MADE® to a loyal fanbase that appreciates the brand’s efforts to make a positive impact.
In-Depth Look at SS24 Collection Highlights
The Iconic HUMAN MADE® Denim
Denim pieces in the SS24 collection are a celebration of timeless fashion. The collection features various styles of denim jackets, from classic trucker designs to more modern interpretations with unique embellishments. Each piece is meticulously crafted, showcasing the brand's dedication to quality. The denim is sourced from premium mills, ensuring durability and a perfect fit. Embroidery and patchwork details add a personalized touch, making each jacket a statement piece.
Vintage Graphic Tees: A Nostalgic Touch
The SS24 collection's graphic tees are a nod to vintage Americana. Designs feature everything from retro advertisements to playful cartoon characters, all rendered in vibrant colors. The tees are made from high-quality cotton, ensuring they are both comfortable and durable. These pieces are versatile, easily paired with jeans, shorts, or layered under jackets for a complete look.
Functional Workwear: Style Meets Utility
Workwear-inspired pieces are at the heart of the SS24 collection. The collection includes chore coats, utility pants, and overalls, all designed with functionality in mind. These pieces are crafted from robust fabrics like duck canvas and herringbone twill, which are both durable and comfortable. Pockets, reinforced stitching, and other practical details ensure these items are as functional as they are fashionable.
Standout Accessories: Elevating Everyday Style
The SS24 collection's accessories are designed to complement the clothing line while adding a unique flair. Trucker hats with embroidered patches, canvas tote bags with bold prints, and quirky necklaces are just a few of the standout items. These accessories are perfect for adding a personal touch to any outfit, making them must-have items for fans of the brand.
Innovative Footwear: A Perfect Blend of Style and Comfort
Footwear in the SS24 collection includes a range of sneaker designs that merge style and functionality. HUMAN MADE® has collaborated with renowned brands to create unique sneakers that feature retro-inspired colorways and contemporary design elements. Each pair is crafted with premium materials and designed for comfort, making them perfect for everyday wear.
HUMAN MADE® in the Global Fashion Scene
A Global Phenomenon
HUMAN MADE® has transcended its roots to become a global fashion phenomenon. The brand's unique blend of Japanese craftsmanship and vintage American aesthetics has resonated with fashion enthusiasts worldwide. HUMAN MADE®'s collections are eagerly anticipated each season, with fans and collectors alike keen to get their hands on the latest releases.
The Role of Social Media
Social media has played a significant role in HUMAN MADE®'s global reach. The brand's official accounts regularly showcase new collections, behind-the-scenes content, and collaborations. Influencers and celebrities frequently share their HUMAN MADE® outfits on platforms like Instagram, further amplifying the brand's presence. This digital strategy has helped HUMAN MADE® build a strong online community and engage with fans worldwide.
Retail Experience: Bridging Online and Offline
HUMAN MADE® offers a seamless retail experience that bridges online and offline shopping. The brand's official online store provides a comprehensive selection of products, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase from the comfort of their homes. Physical stores, on the other hand, offer an immersive shopping experience where customers can see and feel the quality of the products firsthand. Special events and pop-up shops add an element of exclusivity, attracting fashion enthusiasts from around the globe.
Styling Tips for the SS24 Collection
Mix and Match for Versatility
One of the hallmarks of HUMAN MADE® is its versatility. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different pieces from the collection. Pair a graphic tee with utility pants for a casual yet stylish look, or layer a denim jacket over a printed shirt for a more rugged aesthetic. The key is to balance different elements to create a cohesive outfit.
Play with Proportions for a Modern Look
Experimenting with proportions can add a unique dimension to your outfit. Try pairing oversized tops with slim-fitting bottoms, or vice versa. This contrast can create a balanced and visually interesting look. For example, an oversized graphic tee paired with fitted jeans can create a modern silhouette that is both stylish and comfortable.
Accessorize to Personalize
Accessories are key to completing any outfit. HUMAN MADE®’s SS24 accessories are designed to complement the clothing line perfectly. A well-chosen cap or bag can elevate your look and add a touch of personality. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different accessories to find the perfect combination that suits your style.
Layering for Transitional Seasons
Layering is essential for transitional seasons like spring and summer. Use lightweight pieces like chore coats and denim jackets to create layered looks that are both stylish and practical. Layering also allows you to adapt to changing weather conditions throughout the day. For example, a layered outfit can easily be adjusted by removing a jacket or adding a scarf as needed.
Statement Pieces to Stand Out
Incorporate statement pieces from the collection to make your outfit stand out. A bold graphic tee or a uniquely embroidered jacket can serve as the focal point of your ensemble. Keep the rest of your outfit simple to let the statement piece shine. This approach ensures that your standout item gets the attention it deserves without overwhelming your overall look.
Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of HUMAN MADE®
The HUMAN MADE® SS24 collection is a masterful blend of nostalgia and modernity, reflecting the brand’s commitment to creating future classics. With its diverse range of styles and meticulous craftsmanship, the collection offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the brand or a newcomer, the SS24 collection is sure to inspire and excite.
As HUMAN MADE® continues to push the boundaries of streetwear, its influence on fashion and culture remains undeniable. The SS24 collection is a testament to Nigo’s visionary approach and the brand’s dedication to quality and innovation. In a world where trends come and go, HUMAN MADE® stands out as a beacon of timeless style and cultural significance. Each piece in the SS24 collection is not just a garment but a piece of art that tells a story, making HUMAN MADE® a brand that truly understands the essence of fashion and culture.
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humanamde · 2 months
HUMAN MADE® Clothing - Discover the Bold SS24 Collection
HUMAN MADE® Clothing - Discover the Bold SS24 Collection
In the ever-evolving landscape of streetwear, HUMAN MADE® stands out as a brand that consistently merges the past with the future, creating a unique aesthetic that resonates globally. Founded by the legendary Nigo, HUMAN MADE®  Hoodie continues to innovate and set trends with each new season. As we explore the Spring/Summer 2024 (SS24) collection, it becomes evident that the brand remains committed to its roots while pushing the boundaries of design and fashion. This article delves into the origins of HUMAN MADE®, the creative vision behind the SS24 collection, key pieces, and the brand’s significant cultural impact.
The Origins and Evolution of HUMAN MADE®
A Legacy of Innovation
HUMAN MADE® was established in 2010 by Nigo, a name synonymous with streetwear. Before founding HUMAN MADE®, Nigo co-founded A Bathing Ape (BAPE), a brand that revolutionized the streetwear scene in the 1990s and early 2000s. His departure from BAPE marked the beginning of a new chapter, with HUMAN MADE® embodying a blend of vintage Americana and Japanese streetwear.
A Philosophy Rooted in Heritage
The brand's ethos revolves around the concept of "the future vintage," a philosophy that combines contemporary design with a timeless appeal. This vision is evident in the meticulous attention to detail, quality craftsmanship, and nostalgic designs that have come to define HUMAN MADE®. Nigo's love for vintage clothing and culture is seamlessly integrated into the brand, creating pieces that feel both modern and classic.
The Creative Vision Behind the SS24 Collection
Retro-Futurism Redefined
The SS24 collection is a testament to Nigo’s creative genius, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including mid-20th century Americana, Japanese workwear, and military apparel. The result is a vibrant tapestry of styles that reflect the brand’s eclectic influences. This season, the collection emphasizes bold graphics, playful prints, and a mix of traditional and contemporary silhouettes.
A Commitment to Quality
HUMAN MADE® is known for its use of premium materials and intricate detailing, ensuring that each piece is not only stylish but also built to last. The SS24 collection continues this tradition, offering garments that are meticulously crafted to withstand the test of time.
Key Pieces from the SS24 Collection
Graphic Tees
Graphic tees are a staple in every HUMAN MADE® collection, and SS24 is no exception. This season features a range of tees adorned with playful graphics and slogans that capture the brand’s whimsical spirit. Standout designs include tees with cartoonish animal motifs, retro-inspired logos, and vibrant color palettes.
Denim Jackets
Denim has always been a cornerstone of HUMAN MADE®’s offerings. The SS24 collection includes a selection of denim jackets that pay homage to classic American workwear. These jackets feature vintage washes, distressed details, and custom embroidery, making each piece unique. The jackets are versatile, perfect for layering and adding a touch of rugged charm to any outfit.
Workwear-Inspired Pieces
Workwear significantly influences HUMAN MADE®’s design language. The SS24 collection includes a variety of workwear-inspired pieces such as chore coats, utility pants, and overalls. These items are crafted from durable fabrics like duck canvas and herringbone twill, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of everyday wear.
No HUMAN MADE® collection is complete without a range of accessories. The SS24 collection features an array of caps, bags, and jewelry that complement the clothing line. Notable accessories include trucker hats with embroidered patches, canvas tote bags with bold prints, and quirky necklaces that add a touch of personality to any look.
Footwear is another highlight of the SS24 collection. HUMAN MADE® has collaborated with several renowned brands to create unique sneaker designs that merge style and functionality. The collection includes retro-inspired sneakers with vibrant colorways, as well as more understated designs that focus on quality and comfort.
The Cultural Impact of HUMAN MADE®
Collaborations: A Fusion of Creativity
One of the defining aspects of HUMAN MADE® is its collaborative spirit. Over the years, the brand has teamed up with a diverse array of partners, including Adidas, KFC, and Pharrell Williams’ Billionaire Boys Club. These collaborations have resulted in limited-edition pieces that often become highly sought-after collector’s items. The SS24 collection continues this tradition with exciting new partnerships. Each collaboration brings a fresh perspective to the brand, creating unique pieces that resonate with a broad audience.
Celebrity Endorsements: Shaping Trends
HUMAN MADE® has a strong celebrity following, with fans including Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and Drake. These endorsements have played a crucial role in elevating the brand’s profile and reaching new audiences. Celebrities are often seen sporting HUMAN MADE®  T Shirt pieces in their everyday lives, further cementing the brand’s status in popular culture.
Influence on Streetwear: Setting New Standards
HUMAN MADE® has had a profound impact on the streetwear scene. Its unique blend of vintage and contemporary styles has inspired countless other brands and designers. The brand’s emphasis on quality and craftsmanship has also set a new standard in the industry, encouraging consumers to value longevity and sustainability over fast fashion.
Community and Social Responsibility: Beyond Fashion
Beyond fashion, HUMAN MADE® is committed to giving back to the community. The brand has been involved in various charitable initiatives, including disaster relief efforts and environmental conservation projects. This commitment to social responsibility has endeared HUMAN MADE® to a loyal fanbase that appreciates the brand’s efforts to make a positive impact.
In-Depth Look at SS24 Collection Highlights
The Iconic HUMAN MADE® Denim
Denim pieces in the SS24 collection are a celebration of timeless fashion. The collection features various styles of denim jackets, from classic trucker designs to more modern interpretations with unique embellishments. Each piece is meticulously crafted, showcasing the brand's dedication to quality. The denim is sourced from premium mills, ensuring durability and a perfect fit. Embroidery and patchwork details add a personalized touch, making each jacket a statement piece.
Vintage Graphic Tees: A Nostalgic Touch
The SS24 collection's graphic tees are a nod to vintage Americana. Designs feature everything from retro advertisements to playful cartoon characters, all rendered in vibrant colors. The tees are made from high-quality cotton, ensuring they are both comfortable and durable. These pieces are versatile, easily paired with jeans, shorts, or layered under jackets for a complete look.
Functional Workwear: Style Meets Utility
Workwear-inspired pieces are at the heart of the SS24 collection. The collection includes chore coats, utility pants, and overalls, all designed with functionality in mind. These pieces are crafted from robust fabrics like duck canvas and herringbone twill, which are both durable and comfortable. Pockets, reinforced stitching, and other practical details ensure these items are as functional as they are fashionable.
Standout Accessories: Elevating Everyday Style
The SS24 collection's accessories are designed to complement the clothing line while adding a unique flair. Trucker hats with embroidered patches, canvas tote bags with bold prints, and quirky necklaces are just a few of the standout items. These accessories are perfect for adding a personal touch to any outfit, making them must-have items for fans of the brand.
Innovative Footwear: A Perfect Blend of Style and Comfort
Footwear in the SS24 collection includes a range of sneaker designs that merge style and functionality. HUMAN MADE® has collaborated with renowned brands to create unique sneakers that feature retro-inspired colorways and contemporary design elements. Each pair is crafted with premium materials and designed for comfort, making them perfect for everyday wear.
HUMAN MADE® in the Global Fashion Scene
A Global Phenomenon
HUMAN MADE® has transcended its roots to become a global fashion phenomenon. The brand's unique blend of Japanese craftsmanship and vintage American aesthetics has resonated with fashion enthusiasts worldwide. HUMAN MADE®'s collections are eagerly anticipated each season, with fans and collectors alike keen to get their hands on the latest releases.
The Role of Social Media
Social media has played a significant role in HUMAN MADE®'s global reach. The brand's official accounts regularly showcase new collections, behind-the-scenes content, and collaborations. Influencers and celebrities frequently share their HUMAN MADE® outfits on platforms like Instagram, further amplifying the brand's presence. This digital strategy has helped HUMAN MADE® build a strong online community and engage with fans worldwide.
Retail Experience: Bridging Online and Offline
HUMAN MADE® offers a seamless retail experience that bridges online and offline shopping. The brand's official online store provides a comprehensive selection of products, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase from the comfort of their homes. Physical stores, on the other hand, offer an immersive shopping experience where customers can see and feel the quality of the products firsthand. Special events and pop-up shops add an element of exclusivity, attracting fashion enthusiasts from around the globe.
Styling Tips for the SS24 Collection
Mix and Match for Versatility
One of the hallmarks of HUMAN MADE® is its versatility. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different pieces from the collection. Pair a graphic tee with utility pants for a casual yet stylish look, or layer a denim jacket over a printed shirt for a more rugged aesthetic. The key is to balance different elements to create a cohesive outfit.
Play with Proportions for a Modern Look
Experimenting with proportions can add a unique dimension to your outfit. Try pairing oversized tops with slim-fitting bottoms, or vice versa. This contrast can create a balanced and visually interesting look. For example, an oversized graphic tee paired with fitted jeans can create a modern silhouette that is both stylish and comfortable.
Accessorize to Personalize
Accessories are key to completing any outfit. HUMAN MADE®’s SS24 accessories are designed to complement the clothing line perfectly. A well-chosen cap or bag can elevate your look and add a touch of personality. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different accessories to find the perfect combination that suits your style.
Layering for Transitional Seasons
Layering is essential for transitional seasons like spring and summer. Use lightweight pieces like chore coats and denim jackets to create layered looks that are both stylish and practical. Layering also allows you to adapt to changing weather conditions throughout the day. For example, a layered outfit can easily be adjusted by removing a jacket or adding a scarf as needed.
Statement Pieces to Stand Out
Incorporate statement pieces from the collection to make your outfit stand out. A bold graphic tee or a uniquely embroidered jacket can serve as the focal point of your ensemble. Keep the rest of your outfit simple to let the statement piece shine. This approach ensures that your standout item gets the attention it deserves without overwhelming your overall look.
Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of HUMAN MADE®
The HUMAN MADE® SS24 collection is a masterful blend of nostalgia and modernity, reflecting the brand’s commitment to creating future classics. With its diverse range of styles and meticulous craftsmanship, the collection offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the brand or a newcomer, the SS24 collection is sure to inspire and excite.
As HUMAN MADE® continues to push the boundaries of streetwear, its influence on fashion and culture remains undeniable. The SS24 collection is a testament to Nigo’s visionary approach and the brand’s dedication to quality and innovation. In a world where trends come and go, HUMAN MADE® stands out as a beacon of timeless style and cultural significance. Each piece in the SS24 collection is not just a garment but a piece of art that tells a story, making HUMAN MADE® a brand that truly understands the essence of fashion and culture.
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malevichsuprematism · 5 months
The importance of the painting “Suprematism of the Spirit" in Kazimir  Malevich works.
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Kazimir Malevich initiated the Suprematist movement in the early 20th century. It emerged as a response to the changing artistic landscape and the societal upheavals of the time. Malevich, like many avant-garde artists of his era, was searching for new ways to express the modern experience and break away from traditional artistic conventions.
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Suprematism began to take shape in Malevich's work around 1913, but it fully came into its own with the exhibition of his famous "Black Square" painting in 1915. This iconic artwork marked a radical departure from representational art and embraced pure abstraction. Malevich believed that art should transcend the material world and instead explore the realm of pure feeling and sensation.
Malevich's Suprematism was a bold attempt to redefine the nature of art and its relationship to the modern world. Through his groundbreaking work and writings, he laid the foundation for abstract art movements that would follow in the 20th century.
"Suprematism of the Spirit" is one of Kazimir Malevich's significant works within the Suprematist movement. To understand how he arrived at this painting, it's crucial to trace the evolution of his artistic ideas and style within Suprematism.
Malevich's journey in Suprematism was marked by a progression towards increasingly abstract and geometric forms, as well as a deeper exploration of the spiritual dimensions of art. "Suprematism of the Spirit" reflects this culmination of his artistic vision.
In the years following the creation of his seminal work "Black Square" in 1915, Malevich continued to refine his ideas and experiment with geometric abstraction. His Suprematist compositions became more complex, incorporating a variety of shapes, lines, and colors arranged in dynamic compositions.
By the time he painted "Suprematism of the Spirit," likely in 1919 or 1920, Malevich had fully embraced Suprematism as a means of expressing the spiritual essence of art. The title itself suggests a departure from the purely material or formal concerns of earlier Suprematist works towards a deeper exploration of metaphysical themes.
"Suprematism of the Spirit" may feature a composition dominated by geometric shapes and bold colors, typical of Malevich's Suprematist style. However, it also likely conveys a sense of transcendence and inner harmony, reflecting Malevich's belief in the ability of art to evoke spiritual truths beyond the material world.
Overall, "Suprematism of the Spirit" represents the culmination of Malevich's artistic journey within the Suprematist movement, where he sought to push the boundaries of abstraction and express the ineffable through geometric forms and color.
Note: There are 3 different versions published one at the thejewishmuseum.org which seems to be a copy of the one at the  Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (on wood panel), and the original (oil on canvas) we show here which is based on the following sources: Unovis No 1 Vitebsk 1920 Annex to the facsimile edition
Jahrbuch der jungen Kunst Klinkhardt - Biermann The article Ernst Kallai: Konstruktivismus p.375) Leipzig,1924
Презентация PowerPoint El Lissitzky/Hans Arp Die Kunstismen /Les Ismes de L’Art /The Isms of Art 1924-1914 Erlenbach Zürich München Leipzig 1925 Pp 23 (ill 45) Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde. Biographies Russian edition, pp153, volume II A.Sarabyanov, V.Rakitin Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde Online edition. Website: http://rusavangard.ru/online/
 Diplomatic World, International magazine No57, summer 2018 pp 140-141 A.Sarabyanov The Paths and Forks of the Russian Avant-Garde, Publishing house: Iskusstvo-XXI vek The World as Objectlessnes The Birth of a New Art, Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg November 5TH, 2021 — February 20TH 2022 Curators: Andrey Sarabyanov, Natalia Murray Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow October 19TH, 2022 — February 19TH 2023 Curators: Andrey Sarabyanov, Natalia Murray 
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jojoraman233 · 7 months
Contemporary Classics: The Modern Twist on Chesterfield Sofas
In the ever-evolving landscape of interior design, certain furniture pieces stand as timeless classics. Among these, the Chesterfield sofa has endured centuries of changing trends and preferences. However, in the contemporary era, designers have embraced the challenge of infusing modern flair into this traditional piece, giving rise to the modern twist on Chesterfield sofas. This article explores the evolution of Chesterfield sofas in the modern context, highlighting the unique features, design elements, and enduring charm that make them contemporary classics.
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Historical Foundations: A Glimpse into Chesterfield's Legacy
Before delving into the contemporary realm, it's essential to understand the historical foundations of Chesterfield sofas. Originating in 18th-century England, these sofas were initially commissioned by the Earl of Chesterfield, seeking a comfortable yet formal seating solution. Characterized by deep button-tufting, rolled arms, and a low back, the Chesterfield quickly became synonymous with timeless elegance.
The classic Chesterfield design has been preserved through the ages, but the challenge for modern designers lies in revitalizing this iconic piece to suit the aesthetics and demands of contemporary living.
Streamlined Silhouettes: A Modern Approach to Elegance
One of the defining features of contemporary Chesterfield sofas is the adoption of streamlined silhouettes. While traditional Chesterfields are often associated with a more robust and imposing presence, modern interpretations aim for a sleeker and more tailored look. The lines are cleaner, the proportions are more balanced, and the overall silhouette is adapted to fit seamlessly into modern living spaces.
This departure from the traditional heft of Chesterfields allows them to be more versatile in contemporary interiors. Whether placed in spacious, minimalist lofts or cozy, eclectic apartments, the modern chesterfield sofa effortlessly adapts to diverse design schemes without compromising its inherent elegance.
Material Experimentation: Beyond Classic Leather
While classic Chesterfields are often draped in rich leather, the modern twist explores a broader spectrum of materials. Designers now experiment with an array of fabrics, including plush velvets, textured linens, and even unconventional materials like vegan leather. This departure from tradition not only caters to varied aesthetic preferences but also aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical sourcing in contemporary design.
The use of diverse materials adds depth and personality to modern Chesterfields, offering homeowners the opportunity to express their individual style while maintaining a connection to the timeless Chesterfield heritage.
Color Palette Revolution: Beyond the Browns
Traditionally, Chesterfield sofas were synonymous with deep, earthy tones like brown and burgundy. In the contemporary landscape, designers have ushered in a color palette revolution. Chesterfields are now available in an expansive range of hues, from muted neutrals to bold jewel tones and even playful pastels.
This departure from the traditional color palette injects a sense of freshness and modernity into Chesterfield sofas. Homeowners can now choose a sofa that not only adheres to the classic design principles but also aligns with their personal taste and the color scheme of their living spaces.
Contrasting Stitching and Tufting Patterns: A Playful Detailing
To infuse a modern twist, designers often play with contrasting stitching and tufting patterns. While traditional Chesterfields feature uniform tufting and stitching, contemporary variations introduce asymmetry and creative detailing. This playful approach not only adds visual interest but also contributes to a more dynamic and eclectic aesthetic.
Contrasting stitching and tufting patterns serve as a nod to the traditional craftsmanship of Chesterfields while simultaneously embracing a contemporary spirit of experimentation and individuality.
Modular Adaptations: Flexibility in Contemporary Living
As the trend towards more open and flexible living spaces gains momentum, contemporary Chesterfield sofas have adapted to meet the demands of modern lifestyles. Modular adaptations, where individual sections can be rearranged to create different configurations, allow homeowners to customize their Chesterfield experience.
This modular flexibility aligns with the contemporary ethos of multifunctionality and adaptability. Homeowners can easily transform their Chesterfield from a traditional seating arrangement to a more open and casual lounging space, catering to the diverse needs of modern living.
Conclusion: Embracing Timeless Elegance in the Present
In conclusion, the modern twist on Chesterfield sofas represents a harmonious marriage of timeless elegance and contemporary sensibilities. From streamlined silhouettes to a revolution in color palettes, designers have successfully revitalized this classic piece to suit the evolving tastes and lifestyles of the present day. The infusion of creativity in materials, colors, and detailing ensures that Chesterfield sofas remain relevant and captivating in the ever-changing landscape of interior design. As we witness the continued evolution of the Chesterfield, it becomes evident that its enduring charm lies not only in its historical roots but in its ability to adapt, inspire, and remain a symbol of timeless sophistication in the contemporary world.
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kermitdafroggy · 10 months
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i know the yassifcation happens in literally every fandom but like, to quote beetlejuice the musical
"What a bold departure from the original source material!"
yeah lol
hes baby girl either way <3
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Handmade Jewelry: Where Creativity and Fashion Converge
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Handmade jewelry is a fashion trend that's both timeless and continually evolving. As consumers seek unique and personalized accessories, artisans are at the forefront of redefining how we perceive and wear jewelry.
Expression of Individuality
Handmade jewelry is a canvas for artists and crafters to express their creativity. Every piece is an opportunity to experiment with colors, textures, and materials, resulting in jewelry that is as diverse as the individuals who wear it. Whether it's a statement necklace, delicate earrings, or a bold bracelet, handmade pieces reflect the wearer's personality and style.
Breaking Away from Mass Production
Mass-produced jewelry lacks the personal touch and character that handmade pieces offer. Handmade jewelry allows wearers to stand apart from the crowd, embracing their uniqueness rather than conforming to trends dictated by large-scale production. This shift represents a desire for authenticity and a departure from cookie-cutter fashion.
Exploring Diverse Techniques
Artisans crafting handmade jewelry employ an array of techniques that encompass centuries of tradition and innovation. From intricate wire wrapping to delicate beadwork, jewelry makers constantly explore new ways to manipulate materials, resulting in designs that captivate and inspire.
Sustainability and Ethical Choices
The movement towards sustainability has influenced the world of fashion, and handmade jewelry is no exception. Many artisans prioritize eco-friendly practices, using recycled materials and minimizing waste. Additionally, the emphasis on ethical sourcing resonates with consumers who want to know the origins of their jewelry components.
Supporting Local Artisans
When purchasing handmade jewelry, buyers directly contribute to the success of local artisans and small businesses. This support fosters a sense of community and empowers artisans to continue pursuing their passion. The personal connection between creator and consumer adds depth to the jewelry-buying experience.
Handmade jewelry is more than an accessory; it's a testament to individuality, creativity, and conscious consumption. In a world where personal expression and ethical considerations hold increasing importance, handmade jewelry bridges the gap between fashion and art. By adorning ourselves with these unique pieces, we become part of a movement that values craftsmanship, authenticity, and the beauty of diversity.
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insectwine · 5 years
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betel is the personification of lydia’s anger ( aka parallels between betel & lydia . ) 
names & invisibility 
           lydia expresses her sadness in prologue : invisible by saying “ is it being greedy to want somebody to see me and say my name ? ”  she wants someone to notice her, she wants someone to see that she isn’t okay, she wants to talk about it but she is constantly shut out. not because they don’t notice, but because they don’t think they can fix it.              betel needs a living person to say his name three times. this is the only way he can effect the world of the living, it is the only way to have people notice him. he is desperate to be seen, to be noticed.              at the end of the musical when lydia and charles finally talk, she snaps at her father, “ she was my whole world, and you won’t even say her name. ”
the curse & mourning . 
          going back to invisible, “ is it greedy to want somebody to see me, and say my name ” paired with the lyric in dead mom she says “jokes don’t land and no one sees me.”   lydia is depressed, she is mourning the death of her best friend, and people expect her to move on far too quickly. she’s having  a hard time feeling anything but this sad numbness.           betel expresses that he can’t feel ( though i think it’s more he can’t feel positive emotions. ) he’s dead, he can’t feel, and is drifting in that same numbness until he is seen by lydia. this is a constant state the two share as they drift unnoticed. 
lydia’s feelings of abandonment v. betel’s abuse / abandonment . 
          lydia feels as though her parents have abandoned her, she constantly struggles with the loss of her mother, ‘saying she feels her all around her’ she expresses her pain but her father constantly denies it, he refuses to acknowledge the pain and tries to move, abandoning his grieving daughter in the process.           betel has an absent father, someone who abandoned him since birth, someone he couldn’t connect to, and at the end of the musical he says he might go to find his father ( much like lydia who went to the netherworld to find her mother. )
expressing emotion . 
          betel’s emotions show physically through his hair, he has no choice to hide his emotions, and his mother didn’t understand it. ( why is your hair purple ? )             lydia tries to express her sadness ( she even states her wearing black is part of mourning. ) but is constantly shut down by delia and charles and though their intentions aren’t to hurt her, that’s what they’re doing. delia and charles saying she needs to move on and rushing her without allowing her to cope is essentially the same thing juno does, it just isn’t as forward.  why is your hair purple ?   why are you sad ? why can’t you move on ? 
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