#submitted june 7
incognitopolls · 5 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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anonpolls · 3 months
Thanks Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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The House of Representatives has voted to effectively conceal the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza.
On Thursday, lawmakers voted 269-144 on an amendment to prohibit the State Department from citing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry. The measure is part of the annual State Department appropriations bill. It was led by Democratic Reps. Jared Moskowitz, Fla., and Josh Gottheimer, N.J., and Republican Reps. Joe Wilson, S.C.; Mike Lawler, N.Y.; and Carol Miller, W.V.
In total, 62 Democrats joined 207 Republicans in supporting the amendment.Here are the 62 Democrats who joined 207 Republicans to ban giving funds to the State Department to cite the Gaza Health Ministry, undermining the organization’s death & injury figures. https://t.co/n7DveMQaPQ pic.twitter.com/Nas0Fgm4Ag
— Prem Thakker (@prem_thakker) June 27, 2024
While party leaders often push their members to vote “yes” or “no” on any range of proposals, Democratic leadership gave “no recommendation” to its members on how to vote on the amendment. After the House passes the full bill, it will head to the Senate for consideration.
Mohammed Khader, policy manager at the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, told The Intercept that the amendment is part of a trend of anti-Palestinian sentiment in Congress since the start of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. “By preventing any recognition of the number of Palestinians killed since October, this amendment is a clear example of genocide denial and is no different from what was done towards victims of genocides in Rwanda and Armenia.”
On Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., the only Palestinian member of Congress, took to the floor to make a similar argument. “This is genocide denial,” she said.
After reciting the death toll and other statistics about casualties, Tlaib said she intended to introduce the list of Palestinians killed in Gaza to the congressional record. “It is important to note this to everyone here: The list is too long that I can’t even submit it because of the text limit,” she said. “That’s how many have been killed.”
The Ministry of Health is the only official entity tracking the death toll in Gaza; its figures have been cited broadly, including by the U.S. and Israeli governments. Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.
“It’s despicable but not shocking that 62 Democrats joined Republicans to refute the Gaza death toll,” one Democratic staffer told The Intercept. “Democratic leadership should be ashamed for refusing to take a stand and call out the blatant anti-Palestinian racism and genocide denial in our party.”
Moskowitz and Gottheimer are among several Democrats who have repeatedly worked to undermine the movement for Palestinian rights and pro-Palestinian speech.
In April, the pair joined Republicans to lead a resolution condemning the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as antisemitic. In December, the duo joined Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise to lead a resolution condemning university presidents and calling for their resignations for allegedly tolerating antisemitism on campus. In November, the two Democrats joined 20 others in censuring Tlaib, for reasons that included posting a video calling for a ceasefire that contained the phrase “from the river to the sea.”
Gottheimer has gone even further, calling Democrats who don’t support Israel a “cancer” and suggesting that Muslims in America are “guilty” of Hamas’s attack on October 7. Along with Lawler, he headlined a call hosted by No Labels, in which he spoke with university trustees about how to push the FBI to take a bigger role in investigating campus protests. During that call, Lawler suggested that student protests for Palestine were the type of activity that inspired the TikTok ban.
The pair also joined 60 other Democrats in expressing their “disgust” at South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide and praising White House spokesperson John Kirby for calling it “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basic in fact whatsoever.” Not long after, the International Court of Justice concluded that Israel is plausibly committing genocide.
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yukipri · 3 months
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Head's up to any creator on Patreon who has their account marked as Adult:
Just got an email from Patreon that you have to agree to new consent requirements within the next WEEK, by June 26, 2024 or you won't be able to access funds!!
That is a VERY short notice, so I hope everyone who sees it does what they need! Like it or not, a lot of us depend on Patreon for income!
*Note, this is under the assumption that you already provided your own age verification information.
The above text are the pop ups that you get when you follow the link from your email.
EDIT: Just got this followup pop up:
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Text version of screenshots under cut:
Screenshot 1:
New Requirements for 18+ creators:
Patreon is required by Visa and Mastercard to make sure creators confirm the age and identity for anyone depicted in an Adult/18+ creation, and to collect, store, and share their consent and identity documentation.
New consent requirements have been implemented by Visa recently. To remain on Patreon, you need to review and agree to these requirements. If you do not agree within the next 7 days, you will not be able to withdraw or transfer funds until you complete this process.
Screenshot 2:
Updated Requirements for 18+ creators:
Please review our updated age verification and consent requirements:
I have verified and will continue to verify that any person depicted in my work is over the age of 18.
I consent to and have and will continue to obtain written consent from any person depicted in any of my content to their likeness being uploaded to, published on, distributed by, and downloaded from Patreon, including by the general public.
If requested, I will provide proof of age and consent documentation to Patreon. I understand I can use this form for this person (linked).
If Patreon removes any of my content due to lack of consent, I may appeal the removal. You may submit your appeal via our Help Center (linked).
Screenshot 3:
Important: Review and agree to Patreon's updated 18+ consent requirements by June 26, 2024. New consent requirements have been implemented by Visa. To avoid losing the ability to withdraw or transfer funds, please review and agree to the updated consent requirements.
Screenshot 4:
Thanks for agreeing to these requirements. You can continue using Patreon to pay out or withdraw funds. Please note that Mastercard and Visa's participant consent requirements apply only to Adult/18+ creators whose content is visual in nature (e.g. photography and videos) and feature real people.
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invisobang · 8 months
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Artist sign-ups opening soon!
For those of you who don't know, Invisobang is a collaborative event for authors and artists. Over the course of several months, authors write fanfics and artists create art for those fics!
If you want to connect with other creators in the Phandom, this is the event for you!
How does it work?
Authors begin writing as soon as they sign up. Their goal is to write a fic with 5000 words minimum, although there is no maximum. Halfway through the event, they anonymously submit a profile of their fic.
Using these profiles, artists pick the fics that interest them the most and submit a claim. Mods will pair up authors and artists based on these claims.
During the second half of the event, authors finish their stories while artists make their art.
At the end of the event, participants share their work during posting week to create a big bang of content for everyone to ooh and aah at!
When is it, and how do I sign up?
Invisobang runs from February 14 to September 7. Author and artist sign-ups are staggered, while beta sign-ups are open for the first half of the event. Each role has a Google Form that will be posted when sign-ups open.
Authors: February 14–March 15 (CLOSED)
Betas: February 14–June 15 (OPEN)
Artists: May 16–June 15 (OPENING SOON)
Anything else I need to know?
The event is hosted through the Invisobang Discord. Participants must have a Discord account and be willing to join.
Artists must be able to make visual art or music, although you can make alternative art if your author is interested.
All content must be made new for the event.
See the Invisobang info doc for information on rules, frequently asked questions, and the event schedule. If you still have questions after that, send it to the blog, or dm a mod (@kinglazrus, @bibliophilea, @strawberrycamel, and @underforeversgrace).
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radioroseweek · 4 months
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@radioroseweek begins on June 8th through June 14th ! 
How does it work? Each day of the week will come with two general prompt to give you inspiration for your work. You can follow the prompt(s) as loosely or closely, as literal or abstract, make it platonic or romantic, whatever you want! Prompts are mainly there to give you a starting point to create from, but you can completely ignore the prompts if you don’t feel particularly inspired but have your own great idea. You can also submit for as many or as few days as you’d like, and creations can be any length or size. We want to see as much new fan work in the fandom as possible, so don’t feel limited to one creation!
The schedule for this year’s celebration is as follows:
Day 1 (June 8th) - Routine | Gifts - Little habits they have or Gifts they give each other
Day 2 (June 9th) - Meeting | Dance - Shared meetings or Dancing Together
Day 3 (June 10th) - Jokes | Horror - Who doesn't love a joke or Committing horrific crimes
Day 4 (June 11th) - Roses | Smile - Roses come in all varieties or A smile can mean so much
Day 5 (June 12th) - Heal | Protect - Healing might take two or Overlords being protective
Day 6 (June 13th) - Dates | Marriage - Platonic/Romantic Dates or Marriage (For Taxes or Love)
Day 7 (June 14th) - Human AU | Partnership - Imagine them as human / not in hell or The strength of their partnership
We accept a variety of mediums, including but not limited to fanfiction, fanart, gifs, fanmixes, videos, and more. Please remember to use #radioroseweek2024 to tag your posts or to tag @radioroseweek in your post to make sure we see them. We hope the tag will be busy June 8th - 14th, and onward - we will definitely be checking the tag for late submissions!
Thank you so much for @elsa-fogen and @kame-artist for planning out the prompts, scheduling radiorose week and for the amazing graphic!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to message or send in an ask!
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mcytblraufest · 6 months
MCYTBLR AU Fest: General Rules and FAQ
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May 4: Discord opens at 0:00, Artist creation starts. May 30-31: Artists with a finished piece of Art can sign up, submitting their work for claims. May 31: Artist creation period ends at midnight. June 2-4: Writers can claim art and be assigned to Teams. June 6-7: Writers who wish to be assigned a Beta Reader can sign up (this is optional) June 9-10: Beta Writers can claim writers/art and be assigned to Teams June 29-30: Check-in #1 July 13-14: Check-in #2 July 26: Writer creation period ends at midnight. Unless you have an extension, you must be fully ready to post at this point. July 27: Posting period begins at 0:00 August 2: Extension period ends. Unless you are a pinch hitter, you must be fully ready to post at this point. August 9: Posting Period ends. All work must be completely posted by midnight.
MCYTBLR AU Fest is a mini reverse-big-bang event where artists and writers work together in teams to make stories and art inspired by MCYT and set in an Alternate Universe.
Artists must make a completed Art piece. Writers must deliver a story of at least 5k words, inspired by the art they signed up for. Dark or triggering topics or themes must be tagged for.
You must be a member of the discord, for team matching.
Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree on fandom matters
You agree to work together with your teammate(s) to make a piece of art and a fic together, and link to each other's works.
All works must be MCYT-centric and set in an AU— no canon-compliance. 
No AI-Generated content.
Discord: Here Ao3 Collection: Here
What is MCYTBLR AU Fest? MCYTBLR AU Fest is a reverse minibang-type event where writers and artists come together to create fanworks centred on MCYT and set in an alternate universe from canon.
How does it work? Artists will have a month to complete an art piece. After a month, once the art is complete, they will submit the art, with information about server, characters, relationships, and any warnings they are opting into, which will be posted anonymously for writers to view and claim, first-come-first-serve. Teams are assigned by mods, and then writers will have two months of creation time to make a pice inspired by the work (minimum 5k words).
What type of MCYT is included? We welcome creations based on any SMP, whether or not they have a canon tag on Ao3. Mianite, DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft, 3rd Life, Lifesteal, Witchcraft SMP— it’s all welcome. 
Can I join if my Art is a Game/Web Weave? We welcome all types of art— web weave, game, traditional art, original songs, videos, etc. While the list is not exhaustive, we have outlined some of the baseline expectations for an art piece below.
What are the requirements for art? It is difficult to define precise expectations for art pieces, especially given the broad realm of things that could count as art. We are primarily looking for art that is complete to a level that you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fic piece of 5k or more, containing an audio or visual component beyond the confines of the written word, that does not take more than an hour to consume. While you will have the opportunity to include your understanding of the world in things such as if the relationships depicted are romantic or not, the art piece must stand alone without explanatory text or extra worldbuilding.
The defined requirements for different forms of art are:
Digital or Traditional art: one piece, completed to whatever you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fanfic.
Web Weaves: a web weave of at least ten elements, original or properly credited.
Video/animatic: a video at least 30 seconds long.
Other Art Form: other art forms such as fan games or original songs would fall under this category. If you wanted to sign up with an Other art form, you need to contact the mod team and work out what minimum expectations would be for your art.
Is shipping allowed? Yes. Because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how Creator boundaries are to be enforced in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious one, or whether it’s permitted to ship Joel Smallishbeans) or between specific fandoms (Lifesteal approach to shipping and boundaries is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event's motivating ethos is Don't Like Don't Read, in that artists will be able to specify for themselves if a given relationship is to be interpreted as romantic or platonic, and writers will choose to opt into that, and NSFW will have to be specifically opted into on both sides.
Is NSFW allowed? Yes. NSFW works are allowed, but must be opted into, both in terms of viewing art and in terms of creating fic. No one under 18 is permitted to opt into NSFW and attempts to do so will be grounds for a ban from this event and anywhere else the mod team touches. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, and to conform with Tumblr TOS, anything with the tags Underage or Incest will not be permitted to be part of the event. 
Are major archive warnings (noncon/graphic depictions of violence/MCD) allowed? Aside from the content rules governing NSFW (no underage or incest, for the comfort of the greatest number of participants), major archive warnings are allowed. Depictions of real life horrors such as genocide and slavery are not-uncommon motifs in MCYT fics, and the mod team is not interested in legislating which types of horrors, griefs or abuses are inherently worse than others and are therefore off-limits. Because holding writing to a quality standard or saying only survivors can write atrocities is unworkable from a moderation standpoint, the three mentioned major archive warnings (MCD, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Noncon), are permitted to be included.
However, Major Archive Warnings must be explicitly opted into by the artist, and writers are free to not include Major Archive Warnings that their artist has permitted. Delivering un-asked for major archive warnings is grounds for a ban from this event. The mod team reserves the right to warn other mod teams on both the MCYT and Multi-fandom side about your bad behaviour.
What kind of an information will I provide as an Artist? How long or detailed? Artists will be able to specify
the server their art takes place on
the characters in the work
whether the relationships in the work are romantic, platonic, or could be interpreted either way
if they are okay with NSFW work
what age group of people they are okay working with
the type of AU it is
any content warnings present in the work already (i.e. gore, eyestrain, child death)
if the work is nsfw
any major archive warnings they are okay with happening in the story
common fandom themes and/or triggering content that they are okay with happening in the story.
What sort of fandom themes will I specify? While this will not be an exhaustive list of every possible triggering concept, the mods want artists to be able to specify if they are okay with dynamics that circulate in the fandom that may be triggering or people simply may have strong opinions on, and for writers to be able to sort by that. Some of the themes include domestic abuse, alcoholism, family dynamics, pregnancy, dubcon, torture, body horror, dehumanization, child death, non-consensual touching, drugging, etc.
What is a DNW?
Artists will have the opportunity to fill out a DNW, which stands for Do Not Want. This is anything that has the potential to ruin a fic for you, and is where you opt out of content that would trigger, squick, or just render the gift unreadable for you. DNWs must be phrased politely, (so no "No foster aus because they suck and you suck if you like them"), and they must be reasonable, (so no "no blood/injury" if the art depicted shows injury, and no attempting to box someone into a specific gift beyond what is depicted in the art, so no "dnw anything that isn't a modern au where scar is a theatre teacher and grian is a biology teacher and they live in a city named hermitopia and grian has a situationship with mumbo and scarian has a rivalry at a coffee shop for the half-price muffins and jellie has psychic powers she's manipulating the muffin market with" if that is not clear from the art), and they must be specific and clear, (so no “no triggering content"), but they can be as petty (disliking 1st person) or as broad-reaching (no modern aus, no specific ships not depicted, no crossovers with specific servers or fics) as you like. Deliberately breaking someone's DNW is grounds for a ban from the exchange. 
Is Dark/Violent content allowed? As long as it is something that the artist has not opted out of, yes. For many of us, the source material that originally drew us to the fandom includes major character death, torture, murder-for-hire, death games, public executions, child death and more. The fanfiction that arose from the source material follows in that trend. We will allow dark content to be part of the event, but it must be tagged for. 
We also ask that participants use best judgement in delivering commonly triggering topics un-asked for. We reserve the right to ban people at mod's discretion for delivering unrequested triggering content, under the "do not be an asshole" rule.
Moreover, if your fic is rated E for any reason, (including violence or gore) your entire team must be 18+.
How can I get involved? You can participate in this event as a:
Pinch Hitter
Beta Reader
You can even sign up for multiple roles, as long as you’re very sure you can make your deadlines!
What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. You must reach the minimum word count of 5k. . 
When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as creation starts on May 4, and if you are an artist, you must join before sign-ups close on May 31. If you are a writer, you must join the discord before claims begin on June 1st. If you are a Beta Reader, we'd ask that you join before claims begin on June 9th.
How does team assignment/claims work? We will release a document with all the art pieces linked in it, and 24 hours afterwards we will release a sign-up form. Writers will be expected to list out out a top-five of artists they want to work with, and mods will match writers with art on a first-come-first-served basis.
How does Beta Reader assignment work? Shortly after writer sign-ups end, writers who wish to sign up for Beta Readers will be able to do so. In a similar way to how writers claimed art, beta readers will be given a list of summaries and then, 24 hours later, will be able to submit a short list of fics they want to help work on. Beta readers will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
What happens if there are more artists than authors, or more authors than artists? If there are more writers, some artists will be assigned multiple writers. If there are more artists, we will put in place a question where writers can specify that they’d be willing to make multiple pieces, and a (hopefully small) number of writers would be assigned multiple teams. 
What if all the artists I list have already been assigned? If every artist you wish to opt into has already been assigned, mods will contact you and ask if you wish to be matched to people who have not yet been claimed. You will then be able to choose if you wish to claim other teams, or wait and hope that there will be more writers than artists, and multiple writers on a team will be opened up. If that happens, you can re-submit your list and be assigned as a writer to one of your original artists.
I’m in [insert time zone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open? There will be a spot to input your time zone in the discord. Mods will try to open the claims at a time that works for as many writers as possible. The art pieces will also be available for 24 hours before claims so that everyone can view them and pick out the ones that are the most interesting to them. We will aim for claims to open between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. for as many writers as possible across all time zones. If claims fall outside that zone for you, you’ll be able to contact a mod and we’ll work out an alternative method for claims for you. 
I don’t know what time zone I’m in? Go to timeanddate.com and enter the nearest major city, and it will tell you your current time zone.
What’s a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
How long should my fic be? The minimum word count is 5,000 words! There is no maximum word count, but we ask you to be mindful of how much you can actually create in these two months. 
If I wrote a multi-chapter work, do I have to have it all posted by the end of Posting Period? You must post your work in its entirety by the end of the two-week posting period.
What does AU mean in this context? AU stands for Alternate Universe and in this case means anything that would make the work not able to be tagged as canon compliant. Alternate endings, role reversals, complete setting or plot swaps, and crossovers all count. As this is a fest specifically to celebrate AUs, we ask that the AU be a significant and celebrated part of the work, not something that could be skipped if you aren’t paying attention. 
Can I create two fics for my artist? Absolutely! There is no maximum for number of fics you want to create, but again, be mindful of not biting off more than you can chew two months of creation time.  Can I post just the first chapter of a longer fic/Can I use AI to help me with my piece? All fics must be complete (no missing chapters or truncated scenes) and created specifically for this event, inspired by the art claimed at the beginning of the creation period. Writers and Artists must create their work themself. Works may not be wholly or partially created by generative text or art programs (so-called "AI") such as chatGPT or OpenArt.ai. Works may not be wholly or partially duplicated from other works, and may not contain substantial repeated material included in an effort to boost word count (such as paragraphs or comics panels that are copied with minor variations).
Can I sign up with two pieces of art? You are welcome to sign up as part of the fest with multiple art pieces. However, if you do so, we will ask that you prioritize which art piece you want to be matched on first, and you will only receive a match to your secondary art piece after everyone else has an writer. We’re going to proritize every particpant getting a team before we prioritize every art piece getting a team.
Can I sign up with a multi-piece art piece? If you want to sign up with a web weave that features multiple panels, a long video, a long comic, a series of connected art pieces, a song cycle, or any other more complex/more ornate work, you are welcome to. We just ask that you make sure you can complete your art piece during the month of artist creation time, and keep in mind that if your piece is sufficiently complex, that might restrict the writers who are able to sign up for your piece. But if you think you can pull it off, then go for it.
Can I sign up with a writing buddy— as part of a collab team? You are welcome to sign up as a collaborative team, either an art team or a writing team! We ask that you make sure you work together well, and when you sign up for an team, you must declare that you’re a duo, so people know that they’ll be getting multiple team members and not one. 
Can I submit an art piece that is part of a larger AU? All art pieces must stand alone, so you can't have it that your writer has to consider other art pieces to make a work. The art must also be made specifically for the event. We ask that you not submit an art piece that was made prior to the event, or one that is part of an au you've posted about so often that it will effectively de-anon you. Brainstorming or sketching early is fine.
Once my art piece is done, when can I post it? Art and fic should be posted together, during the Posting Period at the beginning of August. Once you have your art done, you'll have to hold onto it for another two months, while your writer is working.
What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for any artist to end up having no fic for their art, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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Submissions are CLOSED.
01CEST - 18CEST 1st of June (find the current time here)
Submissions will only be open during this specific time, then the askbox will close. (that means no questions or other things can be sent to me at that point for a while)
All required information needs to be filled in! Any submissions that lacks any of required info will instantly be deleted.
I want to showcase more non-English songs! So please specify which language the song is in. Write instrumental instead of language on instrumental songs. Also remember to add country of origin of the artist because it's more fun to hear things from all over the world, not just "the usual" bunch! (yes, english songs from north america & europe are still fine to add!)
Artist Song title Year Genre Language Country of origin
Again; all of the above needs to be specified or the message will be deleted.
Artists that have previously been featured on the blog are welcome back, of course! Just make sure to not submit songs that have already been posted!
The first 220 songs are all listed here. The songs between 221 and 230 can be found as listed in the Showdown polls. Of course it's ok to add songs being covered by other artists than the original! (final choice which goes is up to me though)
For artists on a smaller scale and/or that are very local and have basically no info to be found online, please do make sure to send along a blurb with info about them and their song. :) It doesn't have to be much, but something is better than nothing! The songs needs to be available on Youtube and/or Spotify for people to get the chance to listen and discover the full versions.
There will be a maximum of 7 SONGS PER USER, so make sure to send them all in ONE message to my askbox. Only users that already follows this blog are allowed to submit songs, obviously, lol. New and empty accounts don't count, don't be daft! 😂 Anything sent to me from a freshly created account will be deleted because you haven't even had time to discover and follow this blog yet.
Double-check all the info before sending it in, there's no rush unless you're very last minute. :'D If you send in multiple messages instead of a single one, they will be deleted.
There's still way over a thousand songs from before to go through 😅 All the old song submissions are still waiting in my askbox, so if you've already submitted them you don't have to re-submit them. 💖 So with both the old and these new songs, please have patience for them to be added. 😅💖
Example of submissions: 1- A-ha - Take On Me, 1985, synth-pop, english, norway 2- Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni, 2021, glam/punk rock, italian, italy 3- Youssou N'Dour and Neneh Cherry - 7 Seconds, 1994, ballad, wolof/english/french, senegal+sweden
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time table made here
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cotc-terminal · 4 months
Clash of the Cubes - Auditions are now Open!
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“Welcome, everyone, to the sequel to the Battle of the Blixers, the Clash of the Cubes. I, Pulse, shall be your host for this new competition.”
v Info Below v
How does it work?
“Within this competition, your Cubes will compete in challenges that requires their strength and cunning. These challenges will have a 7-Day Deadline to finish and submit, although there will be a 3-Day Extension incase anyone haven’t submitted. Each challenge can be done through either comics, art, animation, writing, etc.”
“Every challenge will also have a voting period, where the audience votes on a challenge based on the criteria given to rank them. There will be 2 votes, a Normal Vote, and a Favorite Vote. Normal votes are given via Google Forms, and are worth 1 vote, with 4 being able to be cast. Favorite Votes are given via Tumblr, and are worth 2 votes, with only 1 being able to be cast.”
“After votes are cast, points will be awarded based on the results. There will be also extra points given by me, Pulse, based on a secret criteria.”
“After 5 challenges, the Ultimate Challenge will begin, where the top 3 Cubes will compete to win the grand prize of the Dimensional Artifact. And also one million beatpoints, but since when does anyone care about those?”
How to join?
“It’s quite simple. All you have to do is make your Cube audition to be in the contest. There will be 12 slots. The slots will be decided on how good the audition is, as well as the Cube auditioning.”
“Please send auditions through either the reblogs, or through the #clash_of_the_cubes tag, while tagging @nyazhi or @nyazhis-jsablr.
“The audition deadline will be within 7 Days, although there may be a 3-Day Extension if the majority wants it.”
“Please also include in your audition the Cube’s reference sheet.”
“Corrupted Cubes (a.k.a. Cubics) are allowed, although normal Cubes are recommended.”
“By the way, former competitors from the Battle of the Blixers are going to have a much lower chance of getting in this new competition, although you can still be free to audition for this one if you want. Chances are higher depending if whether you quit or not, or made it into the finale or not.”
“So that’s it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the askbox. I’m Pulse, and this is the Clash of the Cubes. Until we meet again~”
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cadinaweek · 4 months
Announcing Cadina Week 2024!
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Welcome to Cadina Week 2024!
June 24, 2024 - June 30, 2024
June 24, Day 1 - Tutoring / Jealousy June 25, Day 2 - "Not Your Fault" / College June 26, Day 3 - Bed Sharing / Reunion June 27, Day 4 - Fluff / Head Lick (2024 end credits) June 28, Day 5 - Hurt/Comfort / Scars June 29, Day 6 - AU / Touch June 30, Day 7 - FREE DAY!
FAQs Under The Cut!
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a ship week?
A ship week is a fan event where for a week we make works about one ship! Think about it like Inktober, you get one different prompt for each day and you make something out of it, but with the same medium, or, in this case, same ship!
Is this only for fanfiction/fanart?
No! You can use whatever medium you desire for the prompts. The most common methods are fanfiction and fanart, but if you want to create a cosplay or some fake social media posts or anything else your creative heart desires, go for it!
Do I have to do both prompts each day?
No! Each day is designed to have two options, one of which is good for fanart as well as fanfic. You CAN choose to do both prompts if you want, or incorporate both prompts into a single work, but it's designed to give some options and variety!
Do we have to create each piece during its own day?
Nope! Some people like the challenge of creating something different every day, but you can totally prepare them in advance if you want to. You don’t even have to complete all of the prompts, you can do just the few you like, no pressure!
How do I participate?
Just create whatever you like with the prompts you’re given and post them under the “#CadinaWeek” and “#CadinaWeek2024” tags on Tumblr. We will also have an AO3 collection (keep reading for more info on this).
What's this about an AO3 collection?
Once our AO3 account is fully set up, we will be creating a collection for Cadina Week that you can submit your works to. We will be moderating this lightly, just to make sure that it's actually Cadina Week submissions and not spam, but we welcome all who want to participate!
Can I post NSFW?
Yes, please just make sure it is appropriately tagged on Tumblr and/or AO3!
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incognitopolls · 4 days
Anon has a male friend who insists his ex had "too many shoes", upon further questioning it was revealed that she had about 20 pairs of shoes which anon believes is below the average number of shoes for most women.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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anonpolls · 3 months
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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korrasamiweek2024 · 8 months
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Hi everyone! This December will mark the 10th anniversary of Korra and Asami walking hand in hand into the Spirit Portal and changing the animation game forever. Korrasami means so much to so many people, so let's give them the celebration they deserve💖
Here's a general idea of what to expect and when:
February 1st - April 30th: Prompt Submission. Let me know what kind of prompts you'd like to see! Send me a message here and I'll add it to the list.
May: Prompt Voting. Depending on how many prompt ideas are submitted, this could take one week or a few weeks. We'll see when we get there!
June - December 14th: Long stretch of time during which I'll be on my hands and knees begging you not to forget this event is a thing, and you can brainstorm and work on your submissions!
December 15th - December 21st: Korrasami Week!!!
Keep reading under the cut for rules and guidelines😊
Rules and Guidelines:
1. What's allowed? Pretty much anything! Artwork, fanfiction, gifsets, headcanons, analysis/meta, memes, etc. are all welcome, as long as they're your own work and are Korrasami-focused.
2. Explicit content is fine, but the characters need to be adults, and everything depicted MUST be consensual.
3. Please abide by Tumblr's guidelines about explicit content, otherwise there's a chance Tumblr might delete your submission! If you're not sure, you can always post your work to another site (AO3, twitter, etc.) and then link to it here. All explicit content posted and reblogged here will be tagged "nsft" so be sure to block that tag if you'd like to filter out such content!
4. No whitewashing, racism, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, or other bigotry of any kind.
5. When submitting visual or audio media, please include a description either in ALT text or in the body of the post itself.
6. Other characters and relationships from The Legend of Korra are welcome, but your submission should be primarily about Korrasami.
7. Be kind. No criticism ("constructive" or otherwise) of other people's work unless the creator explicitly requests it. If you don't like something, just keep scrolling!
8. Follow the prompts if you can! They're meant to be helpful, but if you get inspired by something else entirely, please feel free to submit whatever you make!
9. Tag for content warnings if you think something might be triggering.
10. Submit your fanwork either by mentioning @korrasamiweek2024 in the body of your post and using the #korrasamiweek2024 tag, or by submitting it directly to this blog. You can also add it to the Korrasami Week 2024 Collection on AO3. All submissions for each prompt will be reblogged or posted by the end of the day.
11. There's no such thing as a stupid question, so if you're unsure about something, feel free to ask!
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Do you like Submas? Do you like polls? Do you wish there was more polls to vote for train boys on?
Then boy do I have the tournament for you!
Introducing the
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Where all the Ingos compete to find the best Ingo, and all the Emmets compete to find the best Emmet- and then they duke it out!!!!!
Come explore this melting pot of different AU creations from across the website- including your own!
That’s right! You too can compete in this for fun event! Get yourself out there!
Here’s the rules and how to sign up:
1) No bl///shipping AUs or bl///shipping blogs may enter. This is a platonic only submas tourney.
2) No NSFW 18+ AUs or NSFW 18+ blogs may enter. I want this to be welcoming to younger folks to so I’m gonna have to draw a line here.
3) You can only enter your own AU. You can share this post with other submas creators, but you can only personally enter AUs that you have made content for.
4) You can only enter AUs that have content made for it. It doesn’t matter if that content is a fic, a few drawings, or a series of interconnected tumblr asks- as long as there is content you can link me to, it qualifies. 
5) You may enter up to two AUs (one for each brother). This may be lowered to one AU per user if the demand gets too high.
6) While non inc/st ships are not outright banned, AUs must be more than “canon compliant warden Ingo but he’s dating Melli”. Give us something fun to work with.
7) AUs can, and are encouraged to crossover with other content. Cretur AUs are also allowed because turning blorbos into cretur is fun.
8) Only Ingos and Emmets may be entered. We all love Elesa but this ain’t her tourney. (Fusions can be entered, but they will be placed in a fusion only bracket that will not affect the main tourney)
9) Lower your expectations. This is for fun, there is no prize, and statistically you will not win. Please do not whine and complain when you are inevitably knocked out.
10) BE NICE TO THE CONESTENTS. Holy heck don’t make me catch y'all harassing other people for ANY REASON. I will block you. Don’t make me do it.
How to enter:
Reblog this post with 
1) The name of your AU 
2) A link to your fic /tumblr tag /masterpost 
3) An image that you want to represent your AU. (If you have no image, one of my associates or I will draw a simple one- but it won’t be very good and you shouldn’t expect much)
4) The name of the preferred brother you wish to enter (preferred brother may be overruled if the brackets get too uneven)
(If you plan on entering a second AU, you must do these steps again with a second reblog. The first AU you enter will be considered the priority if we get too many entries.)
(Entries may be denied for things like: side bl///shipping accounts, pedo//ilia, harassment or other things in that same vein. They may also be denied for more benign things like, “hey I love you lots but this is just canon Ingo”)
Entries must be submitted by the first of June!! Thank you for participating and ALL ABOARD!
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Mini-Bracket: Best Marriage Proposal in a QL
So, as many of y'all may have heard, as of June 18, 2024 the marriage equality bill just got passed in Thailand, making it the first Southeast Asian country to legalize same sex marriage and also only one of three countries in all of Asia to legalize it (Taiwan legalized it 2019 and Nepal legalized it in 2024 as well). While technically it won't fully go into effect for another 120 days, I've planning to do something to celebrate it for a while so with great pleasure I introduce the first mini-bracket: Best Marriage Proposal in a QL!!!
What's a mini-bracket? Well since we are currently still in the Most Unhinged Bracket (currently in the finals and about halfway through the loser bracket) and I have a planned hiatus coming up due to traveling, what it really means is that there will be a shorter submission time, no prelims, all one-day long polls, and will be running at the same time as everything else. This is just supposed to be a little fun thing to celebrate marriage equality!
Same base rules apply (which you can read in the form and in the pinned post) EXCEPT this time I'm going to open it up to all QLs! While GLs are still in the early stages of becoming an established industry compared to BLs (and thus it still feels kinda unfair to them if I were to say that that the brackets were for all qls but would still be like 90% bl at least), it didn't feel right to not include them in this one!
Also there's some extra rules this time!
For the purposes of this poll, the proposal MUST be for a queer couple (mlm or wlw)
While this is to celebrate gay marriage being legalized in Thailand, any East Asian live action bl is eligible
It must be a legitimate marriage proposal, not just an offhand comment about wanting to get married in the future or making some other type of serious commitment as a couple that isn't marriage (like moving in together). Those are all good, but not what I'm wanting to highlight here. 
Submissions Close on June, 22 @ 7 PM GMT
Submit your favorite marriage proposals in a QL Here!
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061306 · 10 months
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␥ list of things i’ve successfully manifested !
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i discovered manifestation and the law around early 2022 and here's what i have manifested since then! this might not be much but this is to remind me that i am capable of anything and everything!
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𖥻 1. clearer skin
i used to have a terrible breakout on the right side of my face + oily skin. now my skin is much better and less oily! i do not have acne anymore.
𖥻 2. weight loss ( 14 kgs )
i went from 69 kgs to 55 kgs in around two months with minimal exercise ( walking ) & a simple diet.
𖥻 3. height increase ( 11cm )
i used to be 150cm but not anymore lol. i got better proportions too!
𖥻 4. text messages & instant replies from people.
i also manifested message from a friend i was no longer in contact with.
𖥻 5. passing exams i thought i was going to fail
accountancy was my weakest subject but i manifested passing several tests and exams. i also manifested getting better in it!
𖥻 6. getting above average % board exams
board examinations are a big deal in my country and i, unfortunately, ended in a stream i was not interested in. i manifested getting ~80% in them despite getting way lesser in school examinations.
𖥻 7. food
one single thought turned into an assumption and i am having whatever i want for dinner!
𖥻 8. storage of my phone increasing
i only have 32gb of storage in my phone lol. so sometimes i have to clear app caches to make space, but not anymore.
𖥻 9. love confession
i simply wanted a love confession and i got it. as easy as it gets.
𖥻 10. an increament in my mom’s salary & money for myself
my mom really wanted an increament and i manifested it! she got increament of 5.5k! also manifested a bonus for her. + got gift money from my parents and relatives!
𖥻 11. letting go of & detaching from several people
i used to be attached some people that hurt me but not anymore. i have let go of them and it feels so much better.
𖥻 12. books & manga ( jjk )
my mom is not the type to let me spend money on buying books ( for leisure reading ), much less a comic book. but i manifested her allowing me to buy 4 books + 1 manga volume! she even paid for them.
𖥻 13. delaying the start of my college, teachers & professors taking leaves, not getting scolded for submitting assignments late
my college was supposed to start from early june but i manifested a delay and it started from mid-july. i have manifested both school teachers and college professors taking leaves on my desired days.
𖥻 14. nice aura + compliments
i have a magnetic aura, people feel comfort around me and i get so many compliments about literally everything i do!
𖥻 15. quick deliveries of my orders
𖥻 16. winning an elocution competition
i was really worried because i only found about it a day before and some other contestants had been trained by their professors. i was full of nerves but still won the first rank! the judges said my content was unique and everything i did was perfect.
𖥻 17. kitten type beauty
manifested myself big upturned eyes with pretty lashes & a v-shaped face with smooth skin!
𖥻 18. cats loving me
call me a cat whisperer the way cats love me! i can easily befriend any cat!!! ˃ᴗ˂
𖥻 19. desired skincare products for cheap
i really wanted vitamin c serum and face cleanser and sometime later i saw an ad with an offer to get both for 1 rupee! crazy right?
𖥻 20. entering the void on several occasions.
i have entered the void several times albeit unaware. recently i've started becoming aware before snapping out of it!
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masterlist. | notes – i've also manifested getting a merch of my bias. i got it from my best friend as gift but i didn't add it on the list because i didn't want break the perfect 20. also this list is as on 04 DEC 2023.
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