#stupid knee
headpainmigraine · 1 year
My 'Voted Most Likely To Sublux' knee is always worse during/after a hot bath
Does anyone else get this? It feels less stable, but I get more pain it too.
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deathspeaker · 1 year
Knee Hyperextention
So I have an autoimmune disorder (current doctor believes its RA, but we're still doing tests) and my right knee is the biggest problem child.
For some reason is SO BADLY wants to hyperextend. I can be fine for ages and then suddenly my knee will just... bend backwards. And for the next week, two... sometimes three... I'm in a ton of pain and struggling to get around.
I currently have a compression sleeve which is rather meh, and a basic knee brace is also meh but prevents it from hyperextending again but is also bulky and uncomfortable.
Does anyone have any braces or similar aids that could help me out? I may ask my doctor to see if he can convince medicaid to pay for a proper professional brace but I'm not holding my breath on that.
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hobohobgoblim · 4 months
mental health faery is demanding a cozy café, a notebook to write in, and adult beverages followed by a crowded bar, good music, and company.
physical health orc caused me to miss work yesterday because walking hurts like a motherfucker.
I am horned by dilemma and I don't like it.
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tempo-takoyaki · 1 month
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Listen, I love the "XL helps HC to see how beautiful he is" scenario as much as the next person... But I also see it like this.
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artpepkin · 6 months
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Ok but... what if... Legend of Zorro inspired au 👀👀
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basedandlovepilled · 2 months
sexualization of female athletes is so disgusting and it makes me SO mad. a woman can never focus solely on her sport, she also has to make sure her physique looks good in skin tight spandex. and she has to constantly self-monitor to make sure she’s not accidentally flashing the crowd. and even if she’s the most skilled and talented athlete in the world, she still gets dolled up and paraded around like some kind of sexy show pony. it’s seriously ridiculous.
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opikiquu · 2 months
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fortunaestalta · 5 months
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
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turnabour earth c but its hal endlessly fucking with dirk by wearing the most ridiculous outfits he can manage to find
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matenr0u · 8 months
Very normal about this Belle/Beast parallel in particular:
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I came to fight for Belle.
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And though I am on my own, I will fight.
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I won’t leave without her.
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That’s why I’m here.
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lovleychubbygirl · 1 month
I’d love to be on my knees for an older man rn
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loverdude · 3 months
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uni cornmealius (cornknee?)
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finsterwalds · 1 year
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When some bald guy enters the fast-food you opened with your ex hum sorry I meant your hermano compadre!!!! And doesn’t eat his fried chicken so you have to kill him
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autisticamekin · 11 months
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Killing myself real quick!!!! :3
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sknkundercover · 4 days
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its all fun and games until your arch nemesis gets taller than you and starts smelling good (he began practicing basic hygiene)
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gofishygo · 3 months
ok we need an e/se asian reader in the taskforce. the first time they get offered tea from price, thinking that it’s hong cha . ends up spitting it out after they take the first sip and realise it’s fucking earl grey . who teaches them torture methods that were simply just what their parents did to them as a kid . who is generally pretty nice, but can scare the living shit out of new recruits if they have to (once again, asian parent skill) . who leans over to price and discreetly asks ‘is that just a white people thing ?” whenever ghost and soap are on their shit .
just them being silly would be funny as fuck should out to all writers who do asian!readers we love you out here
(some of tags r important, please check them)
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