#stupid coup
dootslayer420 · 5 months
Spoilers for The Infinite and the Divine
The Infinite and the Divine is probably one of my favorite books ever because it starts strong and never slows down in intensity. It starts with two ancient terminators fighting over a macguffin so viciously they kill a planet several times over, unintentionally start one of, if not the first, genestealer cult. Sabotage and fuck with eachother for the better part of 10,000 years, then end up fighting a god by summoning several armies like fucking pokemon because Orikan couldn't resist his e-girl. Which in turn causes Trazyn to give Orikan the mean to ALSO become a god, and then it all comes crashing down in a great big cacophany of glorius combat and explosions. 100/10 I would give up most of my remaining lifespan to have a 15 minute conversation with the both of them.
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astrocalypse · 7 months
Did this all in 2 hours 🔛🔝
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corruptedbonecharm · 1 year
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
The point of the Barbie film and all its teasers and trailers may not be to ship her with Ken...
But the two of them had me at "I'm coming with you." I do love me some Supportive Himbo💘.
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irhabiya · 6 months
egyptians are so fucking illiterate i'm gonna kill myselfffff
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especiallyhaytham · 2 years
I'm shitting myself how badly I want to see Ubisoft just make a game where they throw every single previous character in a timeline together and let the chaos unfold. Like the premise is that Abstergo stored all the memories in the same server, and they're all stuck in there in a glitchy mismosh of every single Assassin's Creed game, and more characters just keep falling in and screwing up the world until it's like pyramids and desert directly next to a snowy forest and Jerusalem is sat right in the middle. Desmond just wanders around all the clashing biomes like a mysterious trader/omnipotent god. Altair still can't swim. Shay and Arno actually have to speak to each other. Young/adult/old Ezio have split into separate individuals and are fighting for dominance (whether Fortnite Ezio is also in attendance is up for debate). Holy shit Ubisoft wake up
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airlock · 1 month
as the din of fascism continues to intensify in the US, there's a particular sort of online conversation that I keep seeing more of lately
it's the one where someone tries to jam the flow of radical thought by going "oh yeah? you think revolutions are all niceness and candy? well they're NOT, people die in them. you don't understand the scale of the violence you're pushing for". and lots of people will flock to whoever's saying this at a given time -- after all, what's a surer path to social media prestige than taking up the mantle of brave, outspoken defender of all things milquetoast and mainstream?
meanwhile, outside the comfortable confines of the imperial core, there were and are countless people backed up against the wall, forced to seriously address the question: knowing exactly how dangerous and costly revolutions are, do we have any other option right now?
there are always louts who want to push for violence at the drop of a pin; these types tend to accomplish little more than be loud. when an organized mass moves, it's full of people who have weighed their options, and seen that they're in a situation dire enough that the costs of revolting outweigh the costs of letting things stay as they are.
this thing that USamericans are doing in their conversations is like a first baby step towards radical thought more mature than disorganized rabblerousing. I'd maybe be more appreciative of seeing it, if it weren't so thoroughly laced with condenscension always. if, before opening their mouths about the nature of revolutions, the USamerican would listen to those who live in them, without dismissing those people as denizens of inherently chaotic shitholes; without ignorance of where their frustration with USamerican political apathy comes from.
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reaching-giraffes · 5 days
Man I'm just so happy Code Geass is airing again
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lurkingleighbee · 1 year
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astrocalypse · 5 months
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blizzardstarx · 3 months
old (2022) oc art dump
halfmask, blizzardstar, and gingerstar v
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eclipse and gingerstar my lesbian cats <3 v
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aura and i forgot her name the silver bengal
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and paw anatomy
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luma-az · 10 months
La légende d'Icare
Défi d’écriture 30 jours pour écrire, 20 août 
Thème : alignement/les ailes d’Icare
. .
Toutes les plumes ont été parfaitement alignées, cirées, et collées. Non, pas collées avec la cire, ça serait stupide. La cire sert à les imperméabiliser. Les plumes sont collées à la toile, qui est cousue sur les tiges de roseaux en forme d’aile. On met les bras dedans, et il n’y a plus qu’à tenir le tout pour planer. Non, le but n’est pas de battre des bras comme des andouilles en espérant s’envoler, c’est ridicule. Moi et mon père, nous avons grimpé au sommet de la plus haute tour du labyrinthe -  les gens oublient souvent que c’est un palais entier, pas seulement des couloirs – et nous nous sommes lancés. Les ailes servent à planer, pas à voler réellement. Mais c’est déjà extraordinairement grisant.
Je sais ce que les gens ont raconté de moi ensuite. Je sais que mon nom est devenu synonyme d’une ambition trop haute qui mène les gens à leur perte. Alors que ce n’est pas du tout ça qui est arrivé.
Déjà, même si je suis forcément plus jeune que mon père, je ne suis pas un gamin imbécile incapable de comprendre ce qu’il fait. Dédale a été enfermé après avoir créé le labyrinthe, au sommet de son art en tant qu’architecte, à un âge plus que mûr. Quand à moi, il me préparait pour prendre sa succession, autant dire que j’ai l’esprit carré et que j’aime les choses bien droites et bien alignées. Et j’étais largement adulte quand le roi m’a jeté dans le labyrinthe à mon tour.
Le truc qu’il ne faut pas oublier, c’est que toute la réputation de mon père reposait sur l’inviolabilité du labyrinthe. Un endroit si complexe qu’il est impossible d’en trouver la sortie. Le lieu idéal pour enfermer le monstre qu’est le Minotaure. Dédale a donc promis qu’il serait impossible d’en trouver la sortie… pour un minotaure. Qui est un monstre intelligent, mais qui n’est tout de même pas le couteau le plus aiguisé du panier, si vous me passez l’expression. Donc oui, on peut sortir du labyrinthe par la porte. Aucun palais, même le plus tortueux, ne peut suffire à vous retenir prisonnier si vous êtes un minimum dégourdi.
Mais mon père tenait absolument au truc des ailes pour sortir de là. Vous imaginez l’humiliation qu’il aurait subit s’il était tout simplement sorti par la porte ? Après toutes ses promesses au roi Minos et surtout tout l’or qu’il avait reçu pour son travail ? Parce qu’on ne peut pas nier que Minos payait ses dettes. Oui, il vous enfermait ensuite avec un monstre, mais il payait ses dettes.
Bref, Dédale et moi nous avons préparés nos ailes, nous avons grimpé la tour, et nous nous sommes jetés dans le vide. Alors pourquoi on a ensuite raconté que j’étais mort ? Si vous saviez…
On ne s’est pas enfuis tout de suite. On a d’abord testé les ailes. Il y a eu pas mal d’ajustements à faire, vous imaginez bien. C’était tout un travail de recherche et développement.
Et le Minotaure venait juste d’arriver dans le labyrinthe. Il n’était pas encore affamé et rendu fou par l’isolement. Il était si jeune, on venait de l’arracher au gynécée où il avait grandit. Il était si perdu…
Je lui ai fabriqué des ailes, à lui aussi.
Disons que ça n’a pas plu.
Et quand les flèches ont commencé à pleuvoir et que nous nous sommes écrasés en catastrophe, j’ai vu mon père qui continuait à filer loin, bien loin de ce bazar. Après tout, il m’avait répété de nombreuses fois que c’était une mauvaise idée. Il n’avait aucune envie de trainer dans le coin.
Ils ont remis le Minotaure dans son labyrinthe. Ils m’ont enfermé dans un cachot. Et ils ont raconté toute cette histoire sur moi qui serait mort. Je ne sais même pas pourquoi ils ne m’ont pas vraiment tué. Un moment de mansuétude de notre bon roi Minos, j’imagine. Il passe me voir, de temps en temps. Il me raconte le monde.
Vous êtes le premier étranger à arriver jusqu’à moi. Je veux bien vous donner mon secret pour fabriquer les ailes. Après tout, c’est ma fierté.
Mais je vous en prie, faites très, très attention où vous volez ensuite. Le danger, ce n’est vraiment pas le soleil.
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dykeseinfeld · 11 months
personally i think it is the absolute bare minimum before you declare your opinions about the nigerien coup like you know what you're talking about that you should be able to get 100% on this quiz
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
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The lengths yanks will go to to pretend that anyone mocking them or criticizing how they view the world is a clueless racist white european are honestly unreal. Like I've been seeing a lot of it these last few months (practically any post mocking Americans will have every American in the comments calling OP european or making jokes about europe), but also I just remembered that time a few years ago (I wanna say 2021-ish maybe?) when ratliker or whatever she was called got basically run off the site because she rustled some gringos' jimmies by joking about wishing everyone in the U.S. got nuked and died and the gringos getting in fights with her kept bringing up the fact that she was "Dutch" when making their "uhm actually you're being extremely racist because there are racial minorities in America" arguments and wilfully ignoring the fact that she was actually a Chilean living in the Netherlands.
Like I distinctly remember someone saying her post was fucked up because she was "a Dutch woman joking about killing millions of black and native people" and when told they were misrepresenting the situation because was Chilean they answered all disingenuous like "where am I lying? She says in her own blog that she has Dutch citizenship, it's her own words" even though anyone would be able to see how her being Chilean was a pretty big detail and omitting it WAS a significant misrepresentation of the situation.
Like, you know, "Dutch" and "Chilean with Dutch citizenship" are pretty fucking different things for the purposes of America Bad discourse, considering that the latter might personally hold some reasonable and not entirely unjustified animosity towards the U.S.A. and people living in it due to the whole United States Couping Chile and Replacing Their Government With One of The Most Brutal Right Wing Military Dictatorships in the Continent thing that happened less than 50 years ago.
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0ystercatcher · 1 year
hate the like ... "the right cannot win at the ballot box in south am so they keep trying to do coups" idea as if the right doesnt still consistently sweep in local elections + has a huge base in th country and shit like. sorry but if your country is barely managing a 50.1-51% majority for the Good Leftists only when the opponent is clownish levels of bad youre still in deep shit how is this hard to see
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